Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 01, 1908, Image 4

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GRANTS PASS, orjsoon.
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Ratasi
On Year, in advance,
HI i Months,
Three Months,
Single Copies, -
Advertising Rates
For.ilnhed on application at the office, or
by null.
Obituarim and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
eard of thanks BOo.
Entered at the pout office at (irsnts Pan
Oregon, at second-class mail matter.
FRIDAY MAY 1, 1908.
Apropos of the Falton resolution
the Portland Journal says:
"The house has panned the Fulton
resolution authorizing the govern
meat to proceed against the Southern
Pacific railroad for the purpose of
forfeiting its land grant io Oregon,
the terms of which grant that corpo
ration has notoriously violated daring
the pant third of century. All
efforts to amend the resolution so as to
nullify its purpose failed and unless
therels some unpercelved Joker in it,
the attornxy-gennral oan .now proceed
injthe attempt to wrest these lands
from this corporation, that has so long
and so "Insolently defied the law,
and pnt an iuoubus upon large frac
tion of Orngon's territory .
"This does not mean that the laud
will be forfeited ; it only means that
the government may now legally pro
ceed In the attempt to have thorn for
faited, bnt that. the government can
succeed is far from certain If it does
succeed, it will be only after many
months, probably several years, of
litigation The battle In the courts
will be a prolonged and notable one.
and the outcome cannot be safely
predicted, although everybody knows
that as a matter of plain fact the lands
owner forfeited many years ago. But a
big railroad corporation cats a different
figure from a poor, humble squatter
' or homesteader in court. The laws
may be construed and Interpreted
quite differently in the two oases.
"This foundation for beginning is,
however, gratifying, and so is the In
fluential action of Oregon's members
of congress, or at least three of them,
in this matter. Doth Senators Falton
and Bourne have labored to effeot this
result, and Representative Hawley
has been vigilant in behalf of the
resolution. Mr. Ellis voted for it."
The saloon must go. The blood of
tlio myriads it has slain cries out from
the esrtb for its overthrow. The
groans and tears of heart . broken
parouta, the agonies of worse than
widowed wives, the shame and de
gradation of a onunilesa host of
children, go up to heaven tn one
mighty accusation ' against it. Are
our eyes bliuded, that we Ioannot"ses
the malignaut curse it works npou our
fellows? Are our ears loaded, that
we cannot hear the mighty cry of
agony that goes np continually from
iu vioiimir Are we so selnsli, so
oareluss of the welfare of those of onr
brethren, that wo shall not arise iu
the interest of eternal right and exter
minate these plague sjiots of modern
clvilixttiog, stop up these breeding
holes of hull, shut 'forever those gates
of tlt'Mth throiign v hose portals there
goes down to damnation an army of
75,000 of our fellow men every year?
The S i loon Is the key to the enemy's
position It us capture it and break
bis defensive line With the saloon
swept away, the strength of the foe
will lisve departed, as did that of
Samsou when lie wiis shoru of his
iu the mutter or municipal Im
provement the Indie of the town
have, nearly everywhere, boon ex
celhlit boosters Wherever you find
a town with nn active woman's club
yon will also discover tint that
woman's duh'hus hud nn important
part in securing desired cliHiig.-s and
Improvements aKnit the town. The
ladies aie, usually, nothing if not
peMlmiit, and this persistence is
essential in establishing and inaiu-
Stratus CSSK
sltrd dinim
t'- two I,,,,. Mw-rt
i t.ind WWw,s
,., -.WTJr-
taioing parks, securing teats for the
ame, securing public .drioklng foon
tains, and nomeroos other conven
iences. It Is needless therefore, to
suggest that Grants Pass slioold bate
a good, lire woman's club. The
cooperation of snch a olnb, with the
commercial club, would resBlt In
many improvements kthroagbout the
city within ;the next year, "joot bow
dreamed of. Scarcely town of any
size, in the Rogue River valley is
wlbtout a woman's clob, and all
theke organizations are busy doiug
things for the town and country.
While Grants Pass has more natural
advantages lu the way of topography,
scenic sarouodings and all that yet
we will, In the langoage of the steeta,
"have to go some" this year to keep
pace with other towns io the Rogue
River valley much less fotuoately
situated. Let every citizen throw
away his little hammer if be has not
already done so, and be an enthusias
tic boosteY. Do not miss an oppor
tunly to tell yonr eastern friends
what a beautifol and successful
county this Jospehine is.
Governor Chamberlain fired the first
gun in mi present, campaign tor
United States senator Tuesday night
at St. Johns. The governor Is, un
equivocally, a Statement No. 1 man
andurges support of those legislative
candidates who subscribe io statement
No. 1 regardless of whatever other
political views may be held by such
legislative candidates. Though
Governor Chsmberlaln Is a strong man
he oan scarcely hope to win against
H. M. Cake, the republican candi-
date, at this time.
In view of the great number of
people in Josephine county who have
lived in the vicinity since the early
fifties, the organisation of an Old
Settlers asocition would be eminently
proper. Suppose all these people got
together sometime in June here in
Grants Pass and organised and had
rousing old ptonio for a day or
two; it would be a pleasant eveot
for the older folks and good thing
for the town.
Mndford has st her pins for a popu
latlon of 85,000 inhabitants within the
next five years As one of the means
of interesting the people In Med ford
and vioinlty ia moving exhibit oar
containing the various products of
Jackson county will be sent east in
charge of a lecturer who will tell the
easterners of prosperous Oregon
and particularly of the Roguer Rive
When Sixth street aud its interseo
tloos are pavel this .summer, Grants
Pass will be the most attractive
town In the Rogue River valley.
Out of 212 cases on the circuit
oourt docket for Oregon City for the
April term, only 150 were suWs foi
Ihe sweet girl graduate
have her final say.
rill soon
HAMMOND Ssnday night, April 86,
WW. to Mr. snd Mrs. U. D. Ham
mond of Woodville, a pair of twins,
boy and glrL
HALL Thursday, April lflth. 1908, to
air and airs J. n. Hall, or Wonder,
a son
-nth. 1908. at tho Lay ton hotel,
Wnt, IU Black and Susau h. Auder
sou, both of Wolf Creek, County
Judge Jewell officiating.
9i, liwa, at the M. ;e. Uiurch par
sonsge iu this city, Wiii, Dear in in
and Cleuieutlue Oilheus.
The bridal couple were iu charge of
the snake show in town the fore purl
of the week.
ipervUor Anc'erson Conducts
Forest Reserve Reserve
Supervisor M. J. Anderson of the
forest resi'rve tor this district, with
headquarters in the Couklm building,
assisted by Deputy It. M. Guthrie aud
Asistant N. K. Macduff, conducted
a civil serviee examination lu Hall's
hall last Thursday and r riday for Uie
foiest ranite service.
There were '.'l lu the olase, a major
ity of w hm were outside of Grant
t'ass. in speaking of the examination
Supervisor Anderson ws that the ap
plicants manifested a more intense
earuratnes than any.class he bad ever
After the written eiaiuiuati.n tlu se
w'uo wished to he rangers went tol.m
colu "Park Friday where they were
iven tho Held t xaniinalion iu mime
packing and the use of tlu rciupiiM.
The various pa; ere ef these who take '
emiiBtii!!s are usually foraarded to
tho department al Va-'.,!uci.ii fliu (,(m!
review and passage, but in consonance
with the fact that Mr. Anderson de
sired to fill three vacanoies in the
rangers' service he wired the appoint
ment of Earl Yonog, the young min
ing engineer of Giants Psss: Roy
Hill is of Wsst Fork and W. J. Jones,
immediately upon the cIom of the ex
amination. These appointments were
likewise confirmed by wire and the
appointees have entered upon their
There is perhaps, no more enthusi
astic or conecieutirns official in the
forest reserve service than Supervisor
Anderson, and he has accomplished
a great deal for the state o' Orenoo
and especially the southern part of the
state. His efficiency could be no
more emphatically, attested thao by
his summons to appear at the depart
ment at Washington June 1st. Mr.
Anderson announces another exami
nation in this city May 20th and 31st
when examination for scaler and lorn
berman will be conducted. This will
be the first time a similar examination
has ben held in the state of Oregon,
notwithstanding the wonderful timber
wealth of the state. And in conse-
quince these places have been awarded
to those Is outside of the state. Mr
Anderson Is strongly of the opinion
that there are msnv amply competent
men In Oregon to fill these positious
and is especially auxiona that they
should take the examination this
The position of scaler pays $1400
per year and expenses and lumberman
draws a salary of 11800 per year and
expenses, and Mr. Anderson is of the
opinion that there are not a few in
Josphine countr competent to fill the
places. Moreover there is always a
splendid opportunity for promotion
for those who are efficient.
Supervisor Anderson was advsied by
wire Wednesday that his assistant
MacD' ff was also wanted at Washing
ton, and hence the latter will accom
pany Mr. Anderson to the national
New Jvry EmpansUd to Heexr
Minor Criminal Cases-Court
Adjourned Today.
Pursuant to ajdournment last Satur
day Cirouit Judge Hauna reconvened
oourt Monday afternoon. At the jury
had been di charged Saturday a panel
of eighteen new men. was drawn to
weigh the evidenoe in another crimi
nal case which had been docketed.
Following are the oases disposed ot
during this week's session.
Susan E Anderson vs Noah W
Leabo. Divorce. Decree grant d by
default. This was an unusual.csse.
Leabo was Mrs. Anderson's first hus
band and they separated, and she sap
posing niui oesu, marrlea a man
named Kleimhammer who died. She
afterwards married Anderson, snd
Leabo showed np. He tailed to ap
pear against her and the decree was
granted by default.
Nellie Wade vs Warren N Wade.
Divorce. Decree granted by default
A J Reynolds vs R P George. This
was au appeal case from the justice
court of Kerby and .was tried by jury.
The case was to settle the ownership
of a steer, said steer now being dead,
and th defendant was dtclared the
W B Shenuau vs Voluey Colvig.
Dismissed. Neither rarty to re
cover costs nor disbursements from
the other.
W H Flauigan vs Ed Jones. Order.
Contiuued to July term.
Ellen Masters vs IVter II Masters.
Lilvoroe. Decree granted ou account
of default aud custody ot uiiuor child
given to plaiutitT.
Ella A Murtha vs James Murthu.
Decree. Haiutiff's complaint dii
nilssed aud defendant's answer snd
couiplit.nt dismissed aud ordered that
neithei party have judgment or d. cri e
aitanist the other, .xr, i t that iudire-
men t he entered aptiust the I Uiutift
for defendant's costs and rii-hurse-ments.
In. the nutter of the estate of James
I.yttle, deceased - claim cf E M Al-
briitbt and K U Yoiiiik. a ,t,,.,.,.
Judgment rendered in favor of the
estate against the claimants.
Kinney A Truax vs J D Drake
Judgment hy default aud ordered
that certain property be sold.
Abbie Hunt vs Arthur W liont.
Decree. Divorce, plaiutifl getting
care of minor child.
Khea Wood rs Stsiirou Siiusot
MiniiiK' ud Development Co. Plain
tiff to recover from the defendant the
sum of f -.O .principal. lt!.S3 iuleust
and attorney 'fees and ether costs
and disbursement..
Three 1'iues Lumlier Co. vs W V
Wilson. J Smith. S F Cheshire as
vo.m.j ierk and ev efruio Comity
Km euler for Josehiue County.
IViuurvrs overruled.
1 iii;a Klnora Kind art vs Auitne
Kii;el-rt ued Kuuua IHaiu. Dttault.
W C Hale appointed referee in the
case and to take testimony and deter
mine if property in question is capa
ble of partition in kind and if not to
sell the property and divide the pro
ceeds among the parties in the es
tate John Robertson vs F N Mitchell
and J O Mattison. Order. Dan L
Green as Receiver allowed $3.50 a day
for 264 days of snch services and the
som of f!60 made a first lien on oer
tain mining property.
L B Hall vs Jefferson D Cook, Hen
rietta Cook, Hydraulic Mining Co.
and the Three Pines Mining Co. De
fault. Decree. Judgment given for
11025.48. .
W J Riley vs Rose Riley. Decree.
Divorce granted to plaintiff.
First National Bank of Southern
Oregon vs Old Chsnnel Mining Co
and C B Beardsley. Default and ae
cree. Plaintiff's mortgage foreclosed
and property ordered sold.
E H White vs O S Brown. Con
firmation 'ot sale. State of Oregon
vs R E Reed, Sam Reed and Roy
Reed. The defendants in this case
were arrested the latter part of last
week on a bench warrant issued by
Judge Hanna on the charge of ma
licious mischief to personal property.
It seems that on the lath of last Feb
ruary at Merlin the defendants in this
case desrtoyed glasses, bottles, phono
graph records, etc in the saloon of
Geo. Light and C E Wiseman. A
special jury was impaneled to try the
esse but when the defendants were
srrainged Tuesday morning they plead
guilty and were each fined 130, whicli
they paid.
Court adjourned Wednesday.
The attention of Josephine County
Stockmen's Association ia directed to
Article 8 of the constitution regard
ing payment ef annnal dues. Dues
may be sent to Dick George, presi
dent, or Will Leenard, secretary, at
Kerby. Ore. -8 21
Of Grants Pass, Candidate
On Socialist ticket
If elected to this important position I
shall give my entire attention
tile du
ties of the office snd I shall enforce the
laws to the fullest extent with special
favors or immunity to no interests, and I
would not make unnecessary expense to
the taxpayers nor allow work that prop
erly should be done by the sheriff to be
done hv the constables to makt an added
eipense on the county. I frankly state
that I should enforce the law as required
of a slieriil, and if the county votes the
saloons out at the June elec tion that 1
would suppress "blind pigs" and all other
illeeal trafnc in liuuor. and if the saloons
sre to Imj retained I will attend to it that
tbev obev the law and not keep open Sun
days nor allow gambling and other forms
oi-vtce on tueir premises
Of Grants Pass
Regular Democratic Nominee for
Of Grants Pass
Hegular Republican Nominee for
Of Grants Pass
Democratic Nominee for
Of Grant's Pass
Republican Nominee for
Grants pass.
Regular iVmoeratic Nominee
For State unit No. 1
of Grants Pass
Democratic Nominee. for
Wiudow glas at Hair-Kiddle's.
OR SALK A 'light runalwut hack
or prlug wsgtm, noiii (,.r two seats'
will carry .'.it) pounds. the thing1
fon atnping trij. 1'i.K. mid thills go j
with hack. Also a No. 4 hydraulic
mm. will lift three nuar'ers of a
stream rf wa-er 12 feet, with fonrl
leet fall. A cheap vay to get water
for wiiuvti. in a small" sr am U.ith
attiel.s in ed no r. pairing. Caliou'
or address ti. O. (..niiu. Urauts Puss, i
5-1 It
My Wife and I Propra.
COFFEES lilce vour motliers usec t0 drink, Kd grades
at popular prices. "
yrrs that please the apatite-
Breakfasts foods, Canned goods, Spices, Baiting powders,
and the popular Buckeye extracts,
give us a call. PHONE 421.
. Use the
&Sfor Tn
Our Bottled Goods Appeal
to you and every other lover of fine
flavored breverages because of the
purity of their ingredients and ,the
skill, expertness and cleanliness of
their making. Have you ever
tasted our ginger ale, sarsaparilla,
lemon or creatn soda, root beer or
our mineral waters? No? Missed
something good.
Grants Pass Bottling Works
Cor. mil iiud L sst.
WANT to hear from owner having a
farm for sale. lftO or more acres,
lianning water, psrt bottom laad,
improved or unimproved, within
Ave miles of R. K. station. O. E.
Kranse, R. K. D. No 2, Everett,
Wash. S-l It
CARNATION plants at ?1.60 per
dozen. Knotcuttins at 60 cents per
dozen. KiiiKwrll's Greenhouse, Iowa
street, Phono 1031. 6-1 tf
HAY and grain for sale cheap for
cash by bilu or ton or carload lots.
The Grants Pas Livery Stable. 611t
LAND BARGAIN SO acres of rich
river bottom soil with plenty of ir
rigating wnter. Good for alfalfa
or frnit. price 124110. See W. O.
Long on west Main Street, or ad
dress Box 1)7. 4-24 4t
FOR SALE A hark, with thill and
ile, a'ao single hsrness. Price fW
rash. See W J. McDow, Maio and
Piues streets. 4-24 2t
ONR SPAN good wotk horses, one
driving or saddle horse for sale
cash or en terms Wilson Mercan
tile Co.. Leland . 4 24 tf
ANGORA Goats at a bargain, 425
head, all high gra1e and healthy.
Call on or address Charles Meserve,
Grants Pass.
FOR SALE The fine residue
rrop rtvof H A. ROTERMUND,
two Mocks from Masonic Hall. Eu
qnire at I'acldiK-k'B Marble Works
310 tf
FOR SALK 40 a'-r. s of choice red
land. W'll a-tntti'd to frnit and
grape culture all under fence, house
and hum and growing crop on part
of it. Also 4i head of Augora
goats, rnn horse, cow and calf.
Located on Bull creek, fonr miles
soothea-t of Wildorvillt. Address
M. D. Boii'tnan, Wilderville, Ore.,
or call at ranch, no agfnt. 818tf
FOR SALE 4' acres laud on Rogue
River two ratio from Grants Pass,
alout 15 acrfs rich bottom lcam,
cleared, some good timber on bal
unre. Terms t'2.)0 down, f20 a
nionth ithiiot interest on b lance.
A!o Ji.l arrei grape laud one mile
from Grants Pass on Rogne River.
Low price and easy terms. Address
P. . Box 571, Medford. Ore
214 lOt
Sincle Comb Rhode Island Reds ei-eln-ivoly.
I'm the- pioneer Red
i r. enir or rsmtuern ureon. i won
prize f ti.
i porous
inr best pi o at last show.
took, tine livers. Eggs
v- per s.'ttinir. Cockerel fi.r ealt.
M K. Mooro, Box, 57 L 2-14 tf 1
31U I
jr. - -A-
1 1
High Grade
Everything For
the Hunter and
Joe Wharton
Sixth Street
Get the Habit
And bring us your soiled garments
both fancy and plain,
That' seems - wholly ruined from
soiles and stains.
We take them and make them look
like new. .
We have clenned for others,
, Let us clean for you. ;
Royal Cleaning Work
419 F St.
, 1
FOR SALE Jersey Heifer Calvsi V
Thoroughbred Stock $5 each Art ;
of R Scott, The Dairyman. 1-17 tf
IF YOU bsve a house or cow yon
want to sell, or if you waut a cow p '
or a horse or a bnrro, try a Courier
Want Ad. Inexpensive, potent and i
profitable. s Try one. Five centi K
the line. v, f
WITL rent voo a good farm, seveo
.miles of citry. Best terms given. -Write
Bos 25, or see me, residroot
corner Oak and Park streets. J. M.
Adams. 3-28 tl
INFORMATION is wanted of tht
whereabouts of the heirs of Daniel V
F. Sellers, and particolarly of ths
danghter of tlie said Sellers, wbo (
sopiios d to have married auianbT"
the name of Brose, Rrats or Brass, j
Address information to H. D. Sot- I
ton, attorney at law, Grants P.
Oregon. 4-17 It
TEAM WANTED Anyone having
workable team, who wants it kept
through winter months for ligat
work, apply to Chan. Meserve for
particulars. 12-20 if
STRAYED There-vear-old brown anJ
white heifer, no car marks, branded
n'nln H on left hip. last see" nesr
Miller rsmh lst Soptcmbt-r. Rs
waid for Tfcovery. Hayden Closf.
Wildervillej Ore. 3-13 tf
ESTRAY One red cow with wkits
markings, left ear tinned and slit
Has h- en in my posfessinn for some
months.' Owner can have same by I
proving property and paving (
charges. P. H Jewell,
m. rp an s, k b w.
4 10
F. A. PIERCE Registered Angoras,
Flock headed Ly one of the fauinni
bocks of the "King Arthur" lw
other bucks of ditlereut strains of
breeding. Does ofthe noted strain".
Bucks for sale, Merlin, Ore. 3-2T tf
FOR EXCHANGE Elegant new
room house with all modern ecu
veniences. fully improved popular
cross town street. Near Oakland
and S F. car and ferry lines.
40x135 feet lot. Small house in rear
renting for $10 per month. Total
renting value about 45 per month.
Waut Southern Oregon Agricultural
oi timber lauds of $4500 valoe or
cash difference; trade cash fcasis.
Address owner, 1623 Ash by Ave.,
Berkeley, Cal. 4 3 tf
FRANK BURNETT Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
I Em
r, C