Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 17, 1908, Image 9

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100 -Circus Champions and Celebrities -IQQ
32 fuuvu Xqueatriaiia
1 Oaring Awrtallete
10 Rokf Rough Rldorm
7 Ruaaian Cossacks
-1 mm
100 New and Novel Features 100
days she mourned. Of course dear
Roderick knew nothing about the affair
. and only left Morrtstown because his
leave of absence hnd expired or be
cause he was angry at the residents or
-but, whatever hi reason. Miss Imo-
' trene was sure It was a good otie.
However that might be. from Mr.
' Fltzgeorge's point of view It was an
Imperative one.
"t With the lapse of time and with the
advent of other ohjets d'u(Tection as
tier Cornelius Van tier Awe. for In-
Inatance this love passage was dropped
from Miss Chlttendon's memory, espe
cially as she had never heard from the
recreant Roderick until he was brought '
rudely to her recollection ly the re-
celpt that morning of a fateful letter.
In this document Mr. Roderick Fits-
george advised her briefly that, owing
' to several unhappy circumstances, be
' was forced to leave for the far west
: and, being lightly supplied with funds,
would be grateful if she could spare
bcr devoted lover a hundred dollars
for the Journey.
In case she found It Inconvenient be
still hnd In his possession a dozen let
ters which would not look well If '
printed in the newspapers. In ense she
did find It convenient to make the
loan, which, knowing her geuerous ua
ture, her correspondent did not doubt,
he was first to tie a piece of white
string on the left post of the Uen
wycks' front gate as a signal of as
aent, then oien the library window at
3 o'clock on Friday night, when Mr.
Fitzgeorge would enter, exchange her
letters for the sum above mentioned
ec.1 bid her an eternal farewell. If
Miss Chlttendou played bim false of
which perish the thought a friend had
fms of said correspondence which
would immediately le published, to-i
gether with the garbled details of the
former rouinnoe. a condition undesira
ble for a lady so widely known iu the
eoclal world. The letter ended with
the hope that Miss Chitteudon was en
Joying good health and spirit and
that she might 'persuade herself to
meet him on Friday, as requested.
To say that Miss tniogetie was terri
fied would be putting it mildly. Her
resulting condition bordered upon
complete collapse, mental and phys
ical "Oh, Harriet, Harriet!" she sobbed
"Whatever shall I do?"
"My dear," returned her friend as
he bathed the sufferer's temples wltb
cologne, "It is perfectly simple. You
need gtve yourself no' uneasiness. Fa
ther will quietly put the matter In the
hands of the police. We will then tie
tbe white string on the gatopoft. am'
wben this wretch enters the library
window he will find himself in the
arms of our officers, and we will not
only have the letters, but the man."
(To Be Continued)
Celoniet Rates.
At haa been the custom for several
ears past the Railroads leading to
tbe coast have agreed on a; colonist
11 Arabian Tumblers
23 Merry Mirthful Clownm
9 Sonaational Equilibrists
20 Astonishing Acrobats
A Compiot Japan Clrou
Superb jCarland Sntraa
Scores of Trained Wild Beasts
A I ATS U r-i 1. X.
Herd of Performing Elephant
Camels, Llamas and Bos Indicus
Educated Seals and Sea Lions
Highest Jumping Horses
Thundering Roman Chariot Races
Train' iMDtrtta Irihin Slallitnt
.'yk Only Lady Japanese Artists in America
Cake Walking Horses
Marvelous Picards
celebrated stirk (10) Family
- Le Flour Troup a
10 Le(y L4 st riyllkn Fhm in ClaitM PeMt
Oreal at f.lel
Pretty Edna Maretta
TlwOal l4v Mt IIn BMtra WrM wm threw tUMCItaAULI
t Meat Rata M a-miy KnM)f rverte
Grand Street Parade
rata, a little higher that In years
past, but still a very attractive rate,
and it ought to have the 'effect of
bringing a large number of immi
grants to Oregon this spring. The
rate ia effective from March 1st to
April 30th and is substantially as fol
lows: from Chicago (88; from Mis
souri river oommon points. Council
Bluffs to Kansas City inclusive, St.
Paul, Minneapolis, Denver, etc, t30;
l St. Louis, $35. 60. Usual stopover
privileges will be given on these
tickets. 1-24 tf
Bed-ridden Sufferer Completely
Cured bv Use of D. D. D.
External Wash.
One ot the moft remarkable Eczema
cores recently credited to tbe well
known D. D. D. Prescription has just
btten recorded in Chicago.
Mrs. E. Hegg, 150 West Madison
street, under date of Deo. 9, 1907,
writes as follows:
"I suffered three years with Weep
ing Eczeinn. It started with a little
spot on my knees and spread fast over
my whole body. I spent hundreds of
dollars and went to every good doctor I
heard of, but kept getting worse.
Nothing would stop the awful itch
and burning.
"I had to stay in bed from the mid
dle of May to the middle of Joly.
Then I tried D. D. D. Prec'rirtion.
This is the 9th of December and I am
eutirely free from the terrible disease.
D. D. D. saved my life.
When I began this treatment, people
were afrtid of me I looked so terri
ble. My husband was tbe only one
who would take care of me. D. D.
D. stopped the itch at once so I could
sleep, which I had not done before.
Tbeu I b' gan to get Better fast and
now my skin is clear and white, not
a spot anywhere."
Just a few drops cf D. D. D. Pre
scription applied to the skin bring
relief nothing to swallow or drink
We vouch for D. D D. Prescription,
also the clennsii D. D. D. Soap
Clemens sells drugs. Get a bottle
today if yon have any akin disease.
Begin your core at once. 4-3 St
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are prompt and thorough and will in
a short time strengthen Weakened
kidneys and allays troubles arising
from inflammation of the bladder.
Sold by Model Drug Store. 4-8 18t
Qaarta Mask at the Caarisc ofica.
Bound Over to Court.
Police Judge Ho I man' attention
ai occupied Monday morning with
tbe hearing of Geo. Cox, a .young man
charged with aaault with .a danger,
one weapon opou tlie person of D. B
Winkle, an old man near Merlin Son
day. It seems the two mm got into
an altercation over some trivial mat
ter when Cox ia allegd to have atrook
Winkle in the chest with a large dab,
canning the latter to spit blood. Win
kle was brought ti tbe connty home
and constable Colby of Merlin ar
rrsted Coz and brought Mm to Grants
Paas. Cox waived examination Monday
morning wliereapon Judge Holman
boond him over to the next term of
the circuit ooort in the earn of f20O.
Cox furnished the required bond
and wab released pending his trial at
the next term of ooort.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 18T8.
Ron.borg. Ore., Februry 26 , 1908.
Notice ia hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of tbe act
of Congress of Jane 8. 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the Statins of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pubilo Land
States by act of August 4. 192,
of Vancouver, County of Clarke, State
of Washington, has this day filed in
this nfflr her sworn statement No,
8896, for the purchase of the NEW. of
Section No. 80 in Township No. 84
Sooth, Rauge No. 6 West, W M., ana
will offer nroof to hw that the lansj
ought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agriooltoral por posts,
ant to establish her claim to said
land before Ketiirter and Receiver of
the Laud offloa at Roseburg, Oregon
on Friday, the 26th day ot Jane, 1908.
He names as witnesses : Wesley B.
Sherman, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
H. Slover. of Grants Pass,
Ore., Roy Roote, of Merlin, Oregon,
Susan Teresa Traynor, of Vancouver,
Anv'and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
i eq nested to file their claims iu this of
fice.: on or before said 26th day of
Jui.e, 1908.
Notioe is hereby given to whom it
mav concern: that I, the under
signed administrator of tbe estate of
Emily Carter deceasd, have this day
filed in the County Court of Jose
phine County, Oregon, my final ao
count in tbe matter of the admiois
tration of said estate with vouchers
atached and, that hon. Stephen
Jewell. Judge of said Court haa act
down Monday. April 20th, 1908, at 10
o'clock a. m. for hearing objections to
aid account.
Therefore, all persons having oh
jections to said account or any item
thereof, will file their onectlons mere
to in said Court on or before 'aid
date. S. A. CARTER,
Timber Lund, Aot June 3, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., March 25, 1008.
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of tho
aot of Congrefs of June 8, 1S78, en-
titl'd"Anct for tie sale of timber
Isnds in the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada and Washington Tit
ritorv," as extended to all the Public
Lnd States bv act of August 4, 13.i3
of Burt, county of Kosiuth, State of
Iowa, did on September 6. 1907, file
in this oftice his sworn statement No.
9220 for tbe purchase of the NE M of
ection No 82 in Town-hip ro. 3.i S,
Range No. 4 West, and will offer
proof to si'ow that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said ' land
befoie Joseph Moss U. S. Comiuls
sioner at Orants Pas. Ore . on Fri
dav. the 26th day of June. 1!)H. He
names as witnesses: Albion WSilshy
of Grants Pass. Josephiue county,
Oreton. Francis J. Spalding, of
Grants Pass. Josephine county. Ore,
Benjamin R Spalding, of Grants Pa a
Josephine ooonty, Ore., Willlsm
Spalding, of Grauts Pass, Josephine
Co.. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
reoueeto to me ttieir claims in run
office on or before said 2tuh day of
Jane, 1908.
In the Connty Court of the State of
Oregon lor Josephine (Joun'.v.
In the matter of the Es-"l
tate of Lewis Hayes,
D ceased J
Petition to fee real estate of the
heirs of Lewis Hayes, deceased having
been filed, and pursuant to an order
of the above eutitled Court, dated
Jane IStb. 1907.
Notice is hereby given that Frank
M. Haves, the duly qnalinea admin
i sirs tor of the Estate of Lewis Hayes
deceased, will at privite sale, a'l tl
following described real estate, to-wit
Tbe West half of the Southeast
quarter, the Southeast qaaiter of th
Southhwest Quarter and the bootliw
quarter of the Northeast quarter of
Sctlon 18. in township 87 south of
range 5 west of W. M , in Jospehine
County. Oregon.
The said sale to be made at the
premises above-described on May 16,
at 10 o'clock on said day. The ad
ministrator reserves the right to reject
or accept any bids that may be made
for the said land. Tbe terms of the
said sale to be cash. Tbe sale ia to be
made subject to the confirmation of
the court.
Dated at Grants Pass, Ore., this
4th day of April. 1908.
Administrator of Lewis Hayes, De
ceased. 4-10 fit
at inert' blaaka at tae Coartcr ofl&ca
-Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore, March 25. 1908
Notice ia hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of Jane 8, 1878, en
titled "An act for the tale of timber
lands in tbe Statss of California.
regon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory. " as extended to all the Publio
Land Stat by act of August 4, 1893,
of Grant Pass, connty of Josephine,
State of Orrgon, did on August SJ3,
1907, file la this office) his sworn state-
not No. 9216, tor the purchase of tbe
64 of the NEW, and the NWW of the
and the nk, ot tnenw.'joi
eotiou No. 12 in Towo&hp Ko. an
Sooth, Rauge No 8 West, and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
stone than lor agricultural par-
poses, and to eotablsh his claim to sata
land before Joseph Moss, U S. com
missioner, at his office at Giants
Pais, Oregou, on Thursday, the 25th
dav of Jane, 1908.
He names as witnesses: Joseph
Wolke, of Grants Pass. Josephine
county, Oregon, John T Woolfolk, of
Urants Pass Josephine Jo., ore.,
Leonard L. Cotton, of Grants Pass.
Josephine Co., Oregon, William P
Wright, ot Grants Pass, Josephine
Co., Ore.
Any and all person" claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
office on or before said 25th day of
June, 1908.
Timber Lao, Aot Juue 8, 1878
Roseburg, Ore., March 25, 1908.
Notioe is hereby Riven that in com
plianoe with the provisons of the aot
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entilted
An aot for toe sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada nnd Washington Territory,"
extended to all the Publio Land
States by ant of August 4, 1892,
of Olympia, County of Thurston,
Slate of Washington, did on August
23, 1907, file in this office her sworn
statement No. 9218, for the purchase
ofiheNEof NW and the N of
the NEi and SEW of NKJ4 of Section
ho. Hi in iownmup JNO. BU boum,
Ran age No. 6 West, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
snore valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
atablisn her claim to said land be
fore Joseph Moss, U. S. Commis
sioner at bis ofefie at Grants Pass,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 24th day
of June, 1908. '
She names as witnesses: Joseph
E Verdiu, of Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Ore., Martin A Conger, of
Grauts Pass, Josephine Co., Ore.,
John R Hyde, of Grants Pass, Jose
phine Uo., Uro William 1 rornuam.
of Grants Pass, Josephiue Co., Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tbe above described lands are
requested to file their claima in this
offioe on or before said 24tn day of
June, 1908.
Notice is herehy given that George
Hansen and Ui)irie Hansen. t"e duly
appointed, qualified, and aoting ad
ministrators ot the estate ol ruler
tluusen, deceased, have been duly
licensed and comminsioued by order of
the County Court of Jospehine oonnty,
Oregon, dated March 3, 1908, to sell all
right, title and in'erest of said estate
in aud to the real property hi reiu-
after dscrihvd, aud that pursuant to
said older we will after the 17th dny cf
April, 1908, sell at private sale for
cash in hand, subject to the confir
mation of said court, all tbs rtsht,
title and interest of the estate of Peter
Hanen, deoeai-ed, in and to tbe fol
lowing described real property, to-wlt:
following described real property, to-
wit :
The 8 of the N V.M aud the N of
the S Ei and Lot 4 of Sec 9, Twp
:ill S. R 8 W, in Josephine Couuty,
Oregon., Also all of Lot 8 and one
half of Lot 7 ot Block 7 in the town
site Napo'eon, commonly called Kerby,
in Josephiue County, State of Oregon,
excetping four and fifty-nine hun
dredths (4.59) acres, to Anna M.
Adams aud recorded in Vol. on page
2m. Book of Deeds in the County
Clerk's office for the County of Jose
phine, SUt of Oregon. Also, except
ing a parcel or mna 10 ioi 4, seo v,
Two. 39 S. R 8 W., Josephine county,
Oregon, lying sooth of Holtou Creek
aud East of the publio highway lead
ing sooth from Kerbyville where said
liue iutersects Holtou Creek at a stone
set uear tbe Sootb bank thereof:
thetioe South parallel to the East lioe of
said highway 209 feet, thence, easterly,
at a right angle 4th feet, thence north-
erly at a right angle, 209 feet. 1 hence
westerly louowing ine meanuers 01
said Holton Creek to tho place of be
ginning containing two acres more or
Also,all of that portion of the James
Kerbi D ination Land claim designatde
as Claim No 87, which lies between
the main street and public road leading
through the town of Kerbv and the
Illinois River, in Seo 9, Twp 89 S. R
8 W., in Josphiue County, Oregon con
taining about 60 acres except a tract
of 17 acres of tbe South aide of said
tract bertofore sold to Mrs. Lilly
Ala, all of the Black Bear group
of placer mining claims, coosiating of
160 acres, all of tbe Alza placer mining
claim, coositing of 20 acres; all of the
Henry Heiman placer mioiug claim
consisting of 20 acres; all of the Flint
Lock plaoer mining claim, consisting
of.20 acros. Together with tbe water
rights, ditches, pipes, giants, and im
provements belonging to said mining
claim, all situat-d on Josephine Creek,
Josephine county. State of Oregon.
Also 1500 shares of the capital stock
of the Kerbyville Irrigating and Mill
ir.g Company' ditch on the Illinois
Hirer in Josei bine Connty, Oregon.
Administrator 01 toe estate 01 rettri
Haneen, deceased.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg Ore., February 18. 1908.
Notice is hereby givm that in
compliance with the rrovisions of
the Aot of Coorgess of Jnue 8, 1878,
entitled "An Act for the sale of tim
brland in the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada, nod Washington
Teintery," as extended to all Publio
Land Statxt by act of Aotu-t 4, 1893,
of E 15th 8s Killingswoith streets.
Portlaad, County of MoltuOmah, State
of Oregon, filed in this office on Feb
ruary 9, 1907, her sworn statement
No. 8843 for t e purchase of the North
West quarter of S ctiou No. 20 iu
Township No. 85 Sooth of Kange No.
S West W M., Oregon, and will offer
proof to how that the land suuvhl ia
more valuable for its timber or s one
thau for agricnltnral pnrpo-es, and to
tsUblisb her claim to said land betore
the Register and Receiver of this of
fice, at Rikeburg, Urrgn, oo Xneaday
the 16th day ot June 190k
She names as witnews: Raymond
H. Shearman, of Poitlaud. Ore,, and
Mttt Morrison, George Morri, aud
John T. Wyman, all of Grauts Pass,
Auy and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described land are
requested to file their claims iu this
ofofia on or before said 16 day f
Juue, 1908.
Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, February 19, 1908.
Notioe is hereby given that in com
pliance with tbe provisions ot the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"Ao aot for the sale of timber lands
in the Staets of California. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Publio Land
States by act of August 4. 1892,
of Matlock, contv of Mason, State of
Washington, haa this day filed In this
offioe hier swore statemeut No. 8851,
for the purchase of the N'n' NW4,
SWkNW and NW 8W V. of Heo
tion No. 22. in Township No. 86 S,
Range No. 7 W WM., and will offer
proof to show that the laud sought is
more valuable for its timber ors tone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before
Register and Keoeiver at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 17th day
of June, 1908.
She names as witnesses: M. A
Conger, of Grant Pass, Oregon, T.
R. Everitt, of Grants "Pass, Ore., J.
E. Verdiu of Grants Pass, Ore., E.
R. Cooger, of Wilder ville, Ore.
Any and all ' perons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
req ousted to file their claims in this
of tioe on or before said 17th day of
Jnue, 1908.
- Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878,
Roseburg. Ore.. March 21, 1908.
Notioe is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Cousress of June 8. 1878, entitled
"Au aot for the sale ot timber lauds
in the States 'of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,
as extended to all tbe Puhlia Lund
States by act of August 4. 1893,
of Olympia, County of Thurston,
State of Washington,. ild on August 20,
1907. file in this office his sworn state
ment No. U13i, for the purchase of the
SEW, of Section No. 23 in Township
No. S3 Sootb, Kange No. 4 west, ami
will offer proof to show tint the land
sougth is more valuable for its timber
or stone thau for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his olaim to
said land before Joseph Moss, U. S.
Commissioner at his office at Grants
Pas3. Oregon, nu Monday, the lfith
1st of Juue. 1908.
He names as witne'HS: Joseph ft
Verdin, of Grauts Pass. Josephine
county, Oregon, Frank W. Cap), of
Grauts faas, Josephine county, ore.
Martin A. Conger, Grauts Pass, Jose.
nhiue County. Ore.. William X
I aruham, of Grants Pass, Josephine
County. Oregon,
Any and all person claiming ad
versely the above described lands
are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said lfith day
of June, 1908
- !- n ; HaSJTjfol "-tflM-r
Roseburg. Ore., April 8, 1908
A safflcient contest affidavit bav
ing been fild in this of floe by
Anntuatant. nnaiDst homestead entry
No. II61I, made June 2. 1903. Tfor the
SWW NWJi of Section 4. Township
S9 S. Range 8 W, by John G. Bagley
iVwiteatee. in which i alleged the
aaid John G. Bagley hat not resided
or hncn on the place since 1904 and
that snob alleged absence was not Que
tn amnlovmeot in the military
naval service of the Unltr-o. titans in
tlnm nf war.
Said parties are hereby notmea to
appear, respona, ana oner eviaeuce
t.ncliinu-said allegation at 10 o'clock
" . .am
a m. on May 28. 190S. before Joseri
Mm.. U. S. Commissioner, at hi
efflm in urant Pa. Oregon and that
final hearins will be held at 11 o'olook
a. m. on J one 11, iuo ueiurv m
Resister and Receiver at tt.e united
Office in Roseburg. Ore,
Th aaid contestant having, in
a nrnoer affidavit, filed April 8, 1908
set forth facta which show that after
dua dtllaenna personal service or till
notice can not be made, it is hereby
ordered and directed that snch notice
be given by due and proper publica
It la a Wonder.
Chamberlain's Liniment ia one of ilia most
remarksble preparation yet produced for
the relief of rheumatic pains, and for lame
back, sprains and bruise. The quick relief
from fctin which it afi'onls in case of rlieo-
matisro is alone worth many times it cost,
price, 25 cents; large site bQ cent. For
tale by M. Clemens.
Timber Land, Aot Jnne 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, March 21, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 8, 1878, en
titled "Ao act for the .'sale of timber
lauds in the States of California, Ore
goo, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory" aa extended to all the Publio
Land SUtes by -act of August 4. 1893,
of Jeffersoo County of Marion, State
of Oregon, did on July 16, 1907. file
in this or nee her sworn statement No.
9120. for the porchaie of the NWU of
N W, being lot 2 and SW.V, of NEW
and the SKW of NW of Section No.
2, in Township No. 41 South. Rings
No. 9 West, and will ottVr pi oof to
how that the land sought ia more
valuable tor it timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish her olaim to said laud before
os-ph Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at
his office iu Grants vPas, Oregon, on
Monday, the lfith day of June' 1908.
She names as wilne-ses: Leonard
G. Brown, of Eugene, Lane County,
regon, Williams R. Whlnnle. of
Grauts Pass, Jofephine County, Ore.,
Henrv A. Whipple, of Grants Pass.
oseuhiue Conntr. ()r . Kr.ra M A I.
bright, of Waldo, Josephine County.
Any aud all persons olalmins ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their olaims i n this
of ooe on or before said 15th day of
Juue, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Rostburg, Ore., Feb. 12. 1901
Notice it hereby given. That in
compliance with the provisions of the
Actor Congress of Joue 8. 1878. en
titled "Ao Act for the sale of timber
lauds Iu the State ot California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," aa extended to all Publio
Land States bv act of Angnst 4. 1893.
of 1200 Esther St., Vancouver, County
ot Clarke. State of Washington filed
in this offioe on March 9, 1907, her
sworo statement No. 8795 for the
purchase of the W NE'.NWt NEW
of Section No. 18 in Township No.
37 South of Range No. 4 west. W.
M,, Ore., and will offer nroof to
show that the land sought is more
altiable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish her claim to said land before
oseph Moss, U. 8. Commissioner at
Grauts Pasa, Ore., on Monday, the
11th day of May, 1908.
Hue names as witnesses : Weslev B.
Sherman, of Grants IPasa, Ore.,
George H. Slover of Grants Pass, Ore.,
norma m. crown or vanoouver.
Washington, . Phillip Robluson of
Wood villa, Ore.
Any and all persons claiiulog are
verat!, the above described lauds and
requested to file their olaims in this
offioe on or before said 11th day of
May, 1908. v
Timber Land, Aot Jon 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., March 30, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 8. 1878. en-
tie "An aot for the 'sale of timber
lands in the States of California, Ore
gou, Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory," as extended to all the publio
Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Harrison county of Kootenai, State
of Idaho, did 00 June 17, 1907 file in
this office hit sworn statement No.
9097, for the purchase of the SWW
NK'i. SEW NW W and N 8 WW
NW4' and NX NW 8E,W, and 8W 5
NWW, SEW of section No. 26, in
Township No. 35 8, Range No. 6 W,
and will offer proof to show that the
laud Bought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agriculture
purposes, aud to establish his claim to
id land before Joseph Moss. U. S.
Commissioner, at his office at Grand
Fans, Oregon on Thursday, the 11th
day of Juue, 1908
He names as witnesses : Martin A.
Conger, of Grant Pass, Ore., Joseph
h. Verdin, of Grant Pas, Ore.,
Allen MoCalley, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
Fred Everitt, of Grauts Pans. Ore..
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said lull day ot
June, 1908.
Timber Laud Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Deo. 13, 1907.
Notice it hereby given that in com
pliance with the act of Congress of
Jube 8, 1878, entitled " Au act for the
sale of timlier lands In the Stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory.' as extended
to all the Puhlia Laud States by aot
of August 4, 1892,
of Roseburg, county of Douglas, State
of Oregon, ba this day tiled iu this
office his sworn statement No. 8736.
for the purchase of the N Wj.4 of Seo
tion No. 84. in Township No. 84
South, Range No. 8 weat, and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for sgrioolutral pur
poses, and to establish his claim to
said land before Register and Receiver
at Roseburg. Oregon, ou Tuesday, the
12tb day ot May, 1908.
He. name as witnesses : R, W.
Medley ot Roseburg, Ore., F. L. Kin
ney, or Koiebnrg, ore., u. . Shipley
of Roseburg, Ore., Ralph Bennett, of
Grant Pas, Ore., Auy and all per
sons claiming adversely the above
described lauds are requested to file
their claim tn this office on or be
fore said 12th day of May, 1908.
Job work at Portlaad price at toe
Kndnl Por In8etioo.
aw W Raiieves sour stomach,
palpitation of th heart. Digests what you eat,