Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 17, 1908, Image 7

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; Items of Personal ;
Interest. o
I Elmer Dunbar went to Eugene Sat
; urday.
..' J. C. Doerr of Medford was in the
. city Monday.
$ Mrs. J. H. Jay of Eugene was In
Grants Pass Monday. -
W. O. Miller of Ashland was regis-
terd at the Layton Monday.
J. O. Watson and J. A. Buchanan
of Roseborg were in the city Monday.
: Miss Hazel Hodkinsoo came op
; from v Eugene Sunday to ' visit witb
. her parents and friends.
! Joshna Neatharamer, one of the
'leading ranobers and local politicians,
was in from Evans Creek last Mon
day. Mrs. D. Tnttle arrived Sunday
from Fort Jones to spend several
weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. S. A.
' Oreen.
Dorlon Tryon, an old pioneer who
served through the Rogoe River In
dian war, died at Astoria Sunday,
aged 83 years.
Henry Zimmerman, who owns
a mining property on Grave Creek, re-
turned Tuesday from Portland, where
he bas been spending the winter.
Messrs. R. A. Jones, F. O. Mo
Oregor, E. B. Stewart and J. W
Setevenson, all of Glendale, were
registered at the Josephine Monday.
Mrs. Helen Thomson of St Johns
bnrg, Vt., who has spent the past five
weeks in Grants Pass at the home of
her brother, H. O. Kinney, left Mon-
dav for Pasadena. Cal.. to visit ber
nephew. She will also stop at Kansas
City before retnrning home.
W. B. Sherman, the Tokay grape
man, left'Monday -afertnooo for Rose
bnrg and other points in that vicinity
to look after his timber interests.
His rrtD Includes a horseback ride of
some miles into the hills now inac
cessible by any other means of trans
J. F. Bashor, formerly of Grants
Pass and at one time mayor of this
citv. is. witb his wife and four
children, visiting old friends here.
Mr. Bashor bas jnst quit the Southern
Pacific, after 11 years service, over
sli years of this time while at Grants
Pass, to engage in the real estate and
insurance buisness at Amity,, with R.
O. Jones.
Edgar Thompson cam in Wednes
day morning from DeArmond Bros.'
saw mill west of town, where be bas
a oontraot for cutting timber for the
mill this . season.. He is clearing a
strip three quarters of a'mile wide
by a mile long and expects to fioish
about the 1st of October. Mr. Thomp
son says that within 10 years this land
w 11 all be in frnit.
Wall Paper at Hails. Latest designs
direst from factory. Prices right,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Black ar
rived in the city last Saturday from
Falleo. Nev.. where Mr. Black has
been publishing the Churchill Stand
ard for the past fonr years, anrT which
he recently sold. After spending
Sunday and Monday here they left
Monday for Riverside. Cal., where
thev expect to locate. Mr. Black was
formerly a resident of Grants Pass,
and at one time was employed in the
Courier composing room.
Z J. R. McKnlght and Mrs. Mc
Knight arrived in the city Monday
morning from Portland. Mr. Mo
Kniglit will have charge of Claus
Schmidt's trocery store this summer
while Mr. and Mrs. Sohmidt are
visiting relatives and friends in Ham
burg, Germany. They .expect to be
absent about three months. Mr.
MeKnight is by no means a stranger
in Grants Pass, ashefoimerly operated
the business of the Grants Pass
Grooery Co., where he became aniver
sally popular with the people here.
W. D. George of Kerby was in
town Sunday.
John Ritter was over from Ft.
Klamath Sunday.
Harry Silver of Ashland was reg
istered at the Josephine Wednesday.
H. S. and C. W. Woodcock of Kerby,
were in the county s-at last Saturday.
A. B. Cornell went to Medford yes
terday morning to lock after business.
Councilman Coburn was in Leland
Tuesday looking alter business mat
ters. Special claim agent Fred Day of
Portland spent Tuesday in Grants
Sheriff Russell started out Wednesday
to summon jurors for the next term of
the circuit oourt.
Dolpl) Wimer landlord of the En
terprise hotel at Selma was in
Grants Pass Tuesday.
A. M. Shannon of Portland, the
bitlmlitio Bidewalk contractor, was in
Grants Pass Wednesday.
Will George left for Resort, Idaho
Tuesday night, where he is interested
in a mining proposition.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burke and Mrs.
Jas. Hogue of Kerby were registered
at the Palaoe Wednesday.
Chas. Byrum, from Jump-off-Joe
left Monday for an extended trip in
Illinois and other eastern states.
Mrs. H. C. Perkins returned home
Tuesday from Eugene where she bad
been spending a couple of weeks
with relatives.
R. K. Montgomery, local agent for
the Southern Pacific, made a busi
ness trip to Portland Saturday, re
turning home Monday.
Mrs. D. B Kewkirk arrived in the
city from Log Angeles, Wednesday and
left today for Holland, where her hus
band is engaged in mining.
E. B. Duffy, of Portland, traveling
passenger agent for the Denver & Rio
Grande Western road, was in Grants
Pass last Monday looking after busi
ness. Geo. MoCormiok of Hugo, one of the
old pioneers of the Rogue River
Valley, who recently sold bis farm
near Hugo, was in Grants Pass Toes
day. Mr. MoCormick is thinking
some of mov Ing away.
John Olson was down from Takilira
Monday where be has just been set
ting up a small saw mill whioh'wlll
start op in about 10 days to saw tim
bers to be nsed in the smelter and in
the mines.
Fred Lundqnlst and wife and Willis
Bibaagh of Washington were among
the new arrivla at Grants Pass San
dav. Thev are registered at the
Palace hotal and are here witb a view
to remanent location upon fruit
Mrs. W. S. Wood of North Bend,
who owns the Palaoe hotel, is here
looking after her property interests
and will spend a couple of months
with her son, J. R. Hyde, one of the
lessees of the Palace. Mr. and Mrs.
Wood also operate the leading hotel
at North Beud.
H. B. Olson, who lives five miles
southwest of Grants Pass came near
losing li is life duriDg the storm sev
eral weeks ago. He was driving
with a lumber wagon in the dusk
when a falling tree fell dlrertlv aomss
the wagon, cutting it in two, just
back of the seat. So close did it come
that it struck his umbrella and broke
i A Brief Record of
5 Local Events. J
R. G. Smith went to Medford Taes
day. A. H. Carson went to Portland
Saturday night to attend a meeting of
the board of horticultural commis
sioners. Me lit a Commandery No 8, Knights
Templar will hold special services at
3 o'clock next Sunday afternoon in
observance of Easter Snnday. - '
Earle Young, the voung mining
engineer, went up to Ahland this ! cUed t0
morning to look after hnsiuets mat
ters and to spend a couple of days
witb bis grandmother.
L. B. Hall bas just put in a full
assortment of Wall Paper direct from
the factory. Come and see them.
"'Billy'' Taylor, formerly of Grants
Pass, but for two years or more S. P.
agent at McCoy, is now ttationed at
Amity, taking the place formerly
held by J. F. Bishor.
F. G. Gullette, the "Sunny Mon
day" man finished his work here
this week and it is safe to say that
Grants Pass will be a claan town for
he placed over a car load of the Fair
banks soap in Grants Pass.
Tbe entertainment given by Baxter
Perry, the blind musician and lec
turer, at the opera house Tuesday
evening, was exceptionally good
and merited a muoh larger attendance.
Mr. Perry certainly possesses wonder
ful talent
J. H. Colby has sold his home plaoe
on North Sixth street, the five acres
with improvements going to Albert
Smith of Cbico, Cal., at $32(10. and
the other five acres to Mr. Duncan at
11200.' Mr. Colby has lived in Grants
Pass for ovei 14 years. He has not
yet decided where be will make his
W. M. Knox, who operates a hotel
near Spaulding Bros.' sawmill in the
Swede Basin district and also does
the freighting for tbe mill company,
came down to Grants Pass Tuesday for
supplies Mr Knox reports snow four
and five feet deep on the way down
this side of the basin. Tbe Spaulding
mill has a capacity of 40,000 feet of
lumber per day and is now employ
ing about 60 men.
C. V. Logerstrom of Anaconda,
Mont, arrived in Grants Pass Satur
day evening and expects to locate here
provided he can secure employment
Mr. Logerstrom is a carpenter by
trade and also a . musioian. He will
probably become a member of the
band. For the past three years be
has been in the employ of the Amal
gamated Copper Co.
Samuel Buell and family who re
cently came here from Salina, Kan.,
are delighted with the Rogue River
oountry and her unexcelled climate
and have decided to locate perma
nently. Mr. Buell has just purchased
the "Smythe Quality shop" on G
street. He will increase the present
stock and continue the business at tbe
present location. Mr. Knell's father
is president of the Oak Consolidated
Mining and Milling) Co. on Jump-off
A fine line of 1908 LAWN MOWERS
at Hair-Riddle's.
As a result of the rain the first of
te week. Rogue River is said to have
raised a foot In a single day
R. E. Pierce and family of Provolt,
left Wednesday for Holton, Kansas,
where they will visit with Mr.
Pierce's parents.
DrMO Findley will leave on Tues
day, April 28 for Europe, to take a
course of study in bis specialties -the
eye, ear, nose and throat
Russell Drake is now employed in
Calhoun's clothing store in the ab
sence of O. A. Thomas, who was
Spokane by tbe illness of a
Miss Helen Loveridge left this
morn lug fur her home at Eugene.
Miss Loverig-le has conducted a photo
reraph studio here for the past two
years, during which time he built up
a prosperous business and madu many
warm friends.
A force of laborers began excavating
Tuesday morning for an addition 1 9x30 j
feet at the rear end. of the pit t' fflee.
The government baa a lease on this
property for 10 years. The completion
of this addition will greatly facilitate
the handling of the mails.
Excellent music will be a feature of
tbe Easter Service at Bethauy Pres
byterian churoh Sunday. T'.'.e choir
have been putting in good work on
some of their best anthems and all
who attend the servioe will be well
A. Aubery returned Monday night
from the Illinois river where he
had been in search of the body of
Archie Johnson, the Santa Monica,
Cal.. merchant who drowned some
weeks ago. His efforts were unavail
ing, however, and it is thooght'by
some that the body has piobably
floated into Rogue River and possibly
to the Ooean by this time,
Much interest is being manifested
by the. members and friends of Beth
any Presbyterian church in the oouv
ing Experience social and the means
of earning money for tbat event are
varied. One lady is doing washing.
another is ready to shampoo the hair,
another to sew buttons or make but
too holes, while any job that will
afford honest employment is not let
pass by. The ladies society is to fur
nish a new carpet for the chercb and
they employ this as one of the means
for raising the money. Tbe men folks
are also expected to assist in this
Dr. Henry Klopper of Kerby was in
Grants Pass Monday. Dr. Klopper
enjoys the distinction of bing the
onlv Dbvtiolan in the Illinois river
valley. Like many other profess
ional men in Southern Oregon the doo
tor bas been giving some attention
to fruit onltore and now has 0 aores
of apple" and pears which are just
coming into bearing. He expeots to
pick and pack this year's crop of pears
with especial care for " ibiprutnt
New York. He is also putting out
several acres of young trees and thinks
by the time these come 'into bearing
there will be a railroad in the Illinoi
valley affording the orchard if ts in the
valley the same facilities enjoyed by
Grants Pass and Ithe other towns on
the railroad.
News Notee From the Business
Men to Handera.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Goto Oonm for Plnmhlng
J. E. Peterson, Pioneer Insoranoe Man.
M. Clement, fraacription Drugii
A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron'f
Now is the time to have your
spring Photos made at Branch's Photo
Studio. 4-10 St
Japanese Walnuts, Black Walnuts
and Peach Trees at 13 V cents tach.
H. Robinson, RFD No. 3, Grants
fPass. . 8-10 3t.
You will find Sammon's Vegetable
Wondsr Soap at Altred Snyder's res
taurant on G stieet. 4-17 tf
Cash paid for Green and Dry Hides,
Furs and Wool, J. H. Ahlf. at City
List Your Timber
Heriinger A Mitchell.
DeWitt's CarboliieO
Salve. It is especially good for plh-s
Sold by Model Drug Store. 4-8 13.
If vou hear anyone speak ill of
the Little Wonder Store, you will be
safe in betting that the onery ouas
been trusted when he had no
money, and now ttiat he naa eaten up
and worn out the goods, he does not
want to pay for them."
Give Coles cough and consumption
core a trial . It cures when all others
fall. For sale at the National drug
store, Grants Pass, Ore. 8-27 4t
Laugh With Vs.
Wednesday evening, April 23, Mrs.
Jarley't Wax Works Exhibition given
by 20 young 'ladies and young men at
Hall's hall. . Admission, adults, 25
oents. children. 16o. 4-17 It
2 28 tf
Lands With
13-20 tf
Witch Hazel
Louis Sohmitt, who recently un
derwent an operation for appendioltis,
is able to be out of the hospital.
J W Harmon has bought the A V
Schmitt stock of goods at Selma,
and now bas possession of tbe store.
Wbile at work the other day under
an engine at the ground bouse, Harry
Oondit was severely scalded about tbe
side and neck as the result of (the
blowing out of a steam oook.
Mrs. M. W. Wheeler of Medford
. a -i sn a
oame down to uranis rasa iuwmj
evening to spend few days with
relatives. She was accompanied by
Miss Katherine "GllflUan, who had
been visiting ber at Medford. ,
Dorenoe Dodson, republican oandl
date for assessor, returned borne
Wednesday from Selma, where he had
been looking after business matters,
connected with a stock of merchandise
for which be was receotly appointed
receiver. t
Notwithstanding that there are
three creameries in Jospehloe oounty,
it is said their oombined produot does
not snpply the local demand and that
the aserchaota are compelled to ship
in butter from Portland and else
where. However there is muoh room
for development of the dairy indus
try in this section. In fact this line
offers flattering inducements to the
practical dairyman.
April 17, Debate at Lebanon, Grants
Pass High School team vs. Lebanon
team at Lebanon.
April la Saturday Dim ick Grange
meets at 8 p. m. at Dimick school
April 10, Sunday Easter.
April 20, Monday Circuit Court con
veoes. April 21, Tuesday Registration books
April 21, Tuesday Presbytery of
Southern Oregon meets in Grants
April 23, Wednesday, ' Mrs. "jarley's
Wax Works Exhibition at Hall's
Hall.' ; "4 . 4-17 It
April 23 and 24 Civil Iservice exainl
nation for the forest range servioe.
April 24 and 28 Declamatory con
tests at High School assembly'
room.' Evenings. ,
April 24, Friday Dance at Savage
Crefk hall. Tickets, Including sup
per and horse feed, f 1.6a 4-10 2t
April 23, Saturdav Womans Home
Missionary Distrlot Convention at
the Newman M. E Church.
April 35, Saturday Froitdale Grange
meets at p. m. at Fruitdale school
May 6, Tuerdav Grants Pass Poultry
Keepers Association meets at 8 p.
m. at Guild Hall.
May I.Friday afternoon Parents' day
at ouy sanoois. cxmoit or work.
May 8, Friday "Experience" social
at Bethauv Presbyterian church parlors.
Mat 15, Friday Registration books
close for election. v
Juue 1, Monday,- General election.
D H Stovall, who is local agent for
the Winton Automobile, received two
80-horse power touring oars this
morning. One of these be will keep
for bis own use while the other bas
been purchased by Dr Walker There
was one other smaller maohiue in the
car which went to Medford, and thus
Grants Pass keeps abreast with auto
mobile trend in the west.
Prof Ralph Berry, the aeronaut, ar
rived here Tuesday night from Port
land after his balloon and to spend a
week or 10 days with friends. Mr
Berry has just oompletad arrange- -ments
for a week's engagement at the
Oaks, Portland's moat popular Burn
er amusement presort His last asoen.
sioo for last season was made lis re
and so bis balloon was left here Mr
Berry was formerly a resident of
Grants Pass
Complete line of Kodaks
Films, Plates, Papers,
Chemicals, Mounts, etc,
now on hand.
"If It Isn't an Eastman
It Isn't Kodak"
a piece off the back of the seat.
S. A. Randall who has been con
ducting a small restaurant on North
G street for the past few months, left
Wednesday for Chinook, Mont., to
look after his mining interests. Mr.
Randall is one of the Incorporators of
the Copper Gulch Mining Co., owning
a Rroup of 10 properties carrying
gold, copper and silver in excellent
quantities. One of the claims now
being developed, Mr. Randall says,
runs 23 per cent copper, while the
gold will pay the cost of mining and
handling the ore.
Vi V'. 1l
nrrrr 1 rT-I r 'iMWi
jt ; t rev
,.-Oft! ' 1
. VV
jjj IP?)
Science has developed something Infinitely
better than the old-style wrap or clamp.
This is the modern method of construction. Years of life are
added through the elimination of serious fence defects.
m u,n, ..i , crirt. ihr p jlvan!:lne and allows the water to attack the bare wire. A small
A WRAP holds mourere.crackitn 8V??Ue8i io-.u pporT" REINFORCES THE PRO.
EctwnTc t the electrically Welded joint, m joint.
STAYS CftKKOT SLIP. They are alwrn it wjiere they were put. Stay ard .trwd wire,
ttcom on j!t!-c wksn the union b made. The Uoce is hke a solid ht of ptrfor.d ;l.
Evory Hod is Guaranteed Perfect.
Don't allow yn,r prejudice la favor of the raoMy-deHning and oow antiquated method, you hsvs
heretofore known, to warp your good judgment ,
thousand of dollars worth ol standard material ia daily welded by eleclriaty.
The hoop on the average sugar barrel la the Isolated country grocery store Is an electrically wslitd
vr fl..Ja Im m 1 1 rcrm frrv. it tirci were welded by electricity.
U VOUr wjynn wai iiiau ua m ' ' , v sk.m
f,r na washine machines, on nuny tuw ana cutM.i. -
. - . J...:..THCV'ELD
"PITTSBURGH PERFECT" tence are maae oy um muoc ui r r
MR. FARMER l LISTEN, NOW. Every agent handling PITTSBURGH PERFECT" fence. is. uthor-
bed to guarantee this t
That wi l"lurl the JolnU. .
Thai the lenc. la perfMliy adluatabta to unn.n grouna.
Thai lh au will no! Mparat trm h atranaa.
That the tone la all risht In awry partloular.
Could you iik any more definite protection ? Your complete sitisf action b absolutely
You will find electrically welded hoops on Ice cream I
'!IUSE & SAlNTJOItN, Importers, Boston.
Cramer Bros.
T"V HZ", ZZZ -L. 1. -P 4- ! C
.U ' 1 h :h i
I 1 -' "''i t-rs?
t 1
j II Ml ITl'n