Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 17, 1908, Image 5

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We are offering special bargains jast now on all lines of SPRING CLOTHING,
UNDERWARE and SHOES. U It will therefore pay you to call at our Btore if
you want anything in this line. We're also triving a specisll discount on Raincoats
and Overcoats
Ask to see our bargain counter, closing one line of men's shoes at 33$ discount.
Fine line of Tailoring in charse of J. A. Larson
We will from this time on buy
Poultry and. pay the highest
market price in cash
AUFN Vflll FAT Youof course wil1 anticiPate the best there is
If M Lll TUU Lril and we are prepared to supply you with everything
in this line, and at the same time save you money on your bill of goods. TIn fact.
We Carry the Largest Stock of Groceries in Grants Pass
' For cooking you wint Hint
t hat u, above all things, clean
Ii refined in the cleanest.
mott sanitary refinery in the
world. AtCTeryitepofthc
way our process would de-
light the daintiest housewife
him m a
Alivayi mil jour Grtetr for J
Engineer F. E. Hobson, with the!
aidofSupt. o( Streets MoLane, wii
engaged Monday aud Tuesday in mak
ing prelimiary surrey of Sixth street
and the intersections, which are to be
paved this summer, for the purpose of
making plana and specifications, pre
paratory to letting the contract for the
Ernest Enos, former resident of
Grants Pass, but who has been in
Arizona for some time, stopped off
here last Saturday to spend a day
with friends. Be Is on his way to
DeWitt's' Little Early Risers, the
famous little liver pills. Sold by
Model Drag Store. 4-8 13s
m rs -m n V
' Av .A. . ' m 1 M n
- - - xkf
National Bank
Southern Oregon
Grants Pass, Oregon
Some of the Service that a Bank
BenderB the Public
The safest and simplest
way of keeping your
money is by depositing
it in a Reliable Bank.
This Hank receives De
posits subjert lo ("heck,
or on demand Certiorates
of deponit or on time
Certihiates of Deposits.
On time deposits we pay
Tbe best and cheapest
wav to transfer money
is bv Hank Draft. We
Bell Drafts payable in all
parts of the country.
One of the most impor
tant functions of tbe
ank. We endeavor to
supply all reasonable
needs of our customers.
Capital and Surplus $75,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility $50,000
, B. Hall, President
.Campbell, ice-rres.
L. uii-KiT, t asnier
K. K. Hackett, Asst. Cashier
. C.
n i.-"'st n
Ederhcimer, Stein Sc Co. - Makers
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
vVest of flour mill, near R. R. track
Inrnine. Scroll Work. Blair Work, Band
r-awing.Cabinet Work, Wood Pulleys, baw
filing and fruniniing, Kepainnft all kinds.
Frees right.
EVER get confused or undecided
when you read about the many
kinds of boys' clothes? Just cling
to this fact. In XIHD you al
ways get top notch values based
on sheer merit. If you want to
practice economy and not sacrifice
one bit of quality or style, call for
XTRAGOOD. No need to shop
around. Come straight here.
Norfolis and Doublt-Brtasted suits for
toys 7 It 17. Also a compltt lint of Rus
sian and Sailor Bloust suits for agts 3 to 10.
P. II. Ilarth & Son
Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434
1 Load Blocks ....$3.00
Stove Wood
1 Tier Manzanita $2 50
ITier Oak $2 75
1 Tier Fir..;. $2.50
ITier Pine ......$2.25
, Chunk Wood
1 Tier Oak $2 50
1 Tier Fir ....$2.25
ITier Piue ..$2.00
1 Load Sawdust $100
I Load Kindhng.......$100
Hew to Remedy Mdch of thm Suf
fering In Grant Psvse.
Them is hardly a family io Grant
Pass where there are not one or more
members who sitter at times from the
effects of a weak stomach.
It may be that this occurs only after
eating food that does not agree, or
because of a supper late at night; or
it may be that the stomach is so weak
that scaroely any food can be eaten
without nain and distress.
The only way to treat conditions of
this kind successfully is with Mio-na.
It removes the caose of ludigestion.
weekueesof the muscles of the stomach
and bowels, and restores the whole
digestive; system to health and
strength so that it takes care of all
the food that is eaten.
Get well and strong by using
Mio-na tablets. Taks the remedy at
the first symptoms of indigestion,
wbsn yon can be cured easily with a
few doses. However, no ease oi
stomach trouble is too severe or
chronio for Mi-o-na to overcome.
Demsrays sell it ander an absolute
guarantee to refund the money unless
it cures. A 50-cent bos lasts for a
nnnnUof weeks, and Wtll'dO MOrS
real good than a dosen boxes or tne
ordinary dlasstlve tablets 4-10 Sit
Ilany Ilining IIaUers
H. A. Corliss was in from the
Plaoer mines on lower Graves Greek
tbe first of the week.
G. A. Baker, superintendent of the
Consolidated mine at Jump-off-Joe
was in the city , the forepart of tbe
week. The Consolidated shut down
Saturday night for. repairs.
The Opp mine near Jacksonville,
now running 20 stamps Is preparing
to start op tbe other 10 stamps within
the next few weeks.
The Oilman Bed Rock Mining Co.
has just finished a model of its newly
natented machine for mining river
bnds and this model can now be seen
at Hrrxingnr Mitchell's real estate
office. Anyone interested Is invited
to come and judge of its merits. Mr.
Gilmsn, the iuveutor of the machine,
will be glad tojexplsin the principle
of machanlstn and ;the manner or
operation. This new macMne gives
every promise of ravolntloolzing river
bed mining and the officers and stock
holders of the company are highly en
thusiastic in their anticipation of re
sults. It is expected that one or the
plants will be in operation on the
Rogue river just below Grants Pass
by July or Angost.
M. F. Leith, secretary of the
Oak Consolidated Mining and Milling
Co., returned to Kansas City Monday.
He was accompanied by the general
manager of the company's properties,'
Chae. Birum. They will also tisit
Chicago and New York City on busi
ness. The Blue Ledge mine cn Ibe bead
of Applegate, which haslbetn t-mploy-ing
about 75 men all winttrhasre-
for the purpose of clearing up aud j
making repairs. Tbe owners of the
mine are making preparations to erect
a 600-ton smelter this 'year and after
this has been installed it is expected
that a force of more than 100 men will
be put into the mine.
Why isn't everything:
Everything isn't cood
Tht frocsr rttsrai jnr siomt If tea seat
gas icaUllai's fcit; w ft aia.
"For the reason that the average to
bacco chewer u ualij misses the cus
pidor, and it Is impossible to keep
the floor in gnod condition .where
ouspidors are used," the use of thee
receptacles. Bus uteu aisoouuuuen at
Grants Pass and other points along
the line of the Southern Paoifio in
Josephine County, according to the
report of Gem-rat Manager J. P.
O'Brien, to the railroad Commission.
The above is an exoerpt from an
item which appeared in last week's
issue of the Ashland Tidings. It
would be important if true. But as a
matter of fact there are few men io
Grants Pass who exercise their
molars upon the filthy weed, and the
girls chew gum. When the sporting
editor of the Courier called t'e atten
tion of a fuw of the old pastaiasters to
the item, there was consternation in
the oamp, and the sidewalks along the
fenoe bounding railroad park ou the
west was oited as a field where the old
timers on the fence had painted the
center of the walk such a dark ma-
bogony that the city marshal moved
the mark over into the street. No
Sir e 1 the Grants Pass fellows who
obew the southern leaf deny the sett
impeachment, and have authorised the
Courier to advise the doughty Ash-
lauditea that they know more about
the specific gravity of Bootjack, Star,
Horseshoe, Battle Axe and other
brands, than tbe Ashland chewers ever
dreamed about, and they were never
Known to miss a spittoon.
Iteware of Frequent Colds.
A succenaion of coUs or a protracted rolt
is ahnoiit certain to end in chronio caUirrh.
from which few persons everwhollv recover
uire every cold the attention ildi'servesuni'
vim may avoid this dmairreeshle Uiwuro
I low can you cure a cold? Why not In
i.'hainberlain's Couth Remedy " It la liirl:!'
recommended. Mrs. M. White, of Untie:
Ttnn.,says: "Sereral years ago I wsabntlin
ii with my throat and lungs. Someone t.
me of Chamberlain's Couch Remedr. I l
gnn tuing it and it relieved ma at once. Nv
my throat and lungs are sound and well.'
for sale by M. Clemens.
Convention Rates.
' On the following occasions tickets
will be sold on tbe certificate plan at
Grants Pass for one and one-third
tare for the round, trip :
W. T. O. A. State Con rent ion at
Eugene, April 8, '4, aud 0.
Weodment of the World.Log Rolling
Contest, Roseburg, April 14tu.
Woodmen of the World, Log Rolling
Contest, Medford, April ISth.
Grand Encampment, Rebekah As
sembly and Grand Lodge I. O. O. F.
at Salem May 19th to May Hist.
Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M., and
Grand Chapter R A Masons of Oregon,
Portland, June 8th to June 13th.
Fleet Celebration at San Franoisoo,
straight round trip tickets sold Msy 3,
and May 4, only for $18. 10 good to re
torn within St days from date of sale.
No stopovers given on above tickets.
For tbe conventions tickets may bs
purchased three days prior to or on the
opening day. and are good to return
any time within two days after meet
ings olosn. For further , information
call at the depot.
' Agent.
The Christian church ts experienc
ing a fine growth in its Sunday
sohool. Next Sunday is to be one of
its banner days. The morning sermon "The Christ Triumphant."
The evening service will be occupied
by the Jonior vthibh wil give a very
instructive program. Everyooe is in
vited to attend these services. Spend
your Easter with us.
The last district quarterly meeting
for Grants Pass distriot this confer
ence year will be held D. V. at tbe
Free Mthodist Church, cor er of
Pine and Mill streets, commencing
Thursday night, April 1(1 th and hold
ing over Sunday. District Elders W.
E. Goods will (have charge, evening
services to commence at 7:30. All
are cordially invited to attend.
- Pastor.
Special preparations have been made
for tbe suitable observance of the day.
At 11 :00 a. m. the pastor will preach
on the topio "A Look Beyond the
Grave." 11:45 is the hour for tbe
Bible School The Juuior society
meets a: b p,. m. and the Senior
Young People at 7 o'clock. "Sunday,
our weekly Easter and bow to observe
it" is the subject and Milored
Churchill the loader. Kindly, note
the change of the evening hours. Tbe
last service Is .at Bp.' m. At this
meeting the topio will be "Peter's
Easter" and the ordinance of baptism
will be administered. You are oor-
d tally invited to attend these servioes.
Rev. J. E. Day pastor of the Pres
byterian church at Woodville, was in
the city Monday. He came down to
secure posters announcing an enter
tainment to be given tonight at his
church. ' Rev. Day was accompanied
by Rev. T. P. Howard of Medford.
missionary of the ' Southern Oregon
Presbytery, . who is looking over the
field with a view to asoeralnlng where
his services are most needed. '
2 0. U. Newell of Centralla, Wash.,
arrived in the city lst Sunday and
baa been looking after, businsss mat
ters here. Mr. : Newell was formerly
engaged In business here, running the
racket store on Sixth street. : He left
here four years ago and went to Call-'
fornla and subsequently , to Centralis.
He:, returned to Washington last
night but expects to be back here la
September to locate permanently.
The children of the Salvation Army
give an entertainment st the Salvation
army hall Saturday evening to be
followed by ice warn and ctke 10
cents pays the bill.
Messrs. Stephen Carta, Hit mil ton
Wicks and Walter Westfall, represent
ing the Western Pacific View Co.
ot San Francisco, arrived iu the oity
last Sunday night and spent Monday,
Tneday and Wednesday here taking
photographs of the busit ess houses,
residences end churohe of tbe city,
for tbe purpose of issuing a souvenir
pamphlet of Grants Puss to contain
some 8'.'0 pag and to be issued about
May loth.
Bakina Powder
The only Baking Powder made pjSjgSjjj
with Koyal drape Cream ol lartar
made from granes
Insures healthful and
delicious food for every
home every day
Safeguards roar food against
atom and phosphate of lime
(W AXtitr4 oaf; JlO) 0)ptM