kOQUS RIVER COPRlfiB. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, APRIL17.1908. II: (:' it. EXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL "Puautv Tmk Bkst Pkicc Tmc Liast." Establish co 1 889. kx fPriceSale CORSETS liseount Sale 1 Ladies' Dress Skirt s .QUALITY 100 All Wool Voiles, Chiffon Panamas, Silk Taffetas, Serges Elegantly Tailored. All of the new La Vogue styles advertised in the late magazines" $5.00 to...$ 1250 ! ' in ria-rra rmlTr O.n nor nant rHcormnt. n " . . : ... ..... 35 Dozen regular 50c, 75c and $1.00 White and Drab Corsets, all styles and sizes. Entire lot will be placed on sale at Half Price 25c, 37c, 50c. Bought of large EaVern Manufacturer at just half price or at 50 cents on the Dollar, so here are the goods. R. L. Coe has just returned from the Eastern markets, where he attended some of the Biggest Sales of Mer chandise ever held in this country. Jobbers and man ufacturers who started out the first of the year 1908. with their usual stock soon found that they were heavily over-stocked and those who were fortunate enough to strike the market late bought at their own figures. NEW SPRING JACKETS 20 discount Just received another late shipment of the LA VOGUE Spring Jackets. Some ex treme novelties in this make for Easter. Trices $5.00 to $15.00 less 20 per cent, dis count. This entire stock of Jackets will be closed out. Come early and Bocure choice of those elegant new spring designs. I SPRING SHIRT WAISTS iWhile in the. East our buyer bought a largo I6t "of Shirt Waist NpvoltioB procured at a groat bar gain. ' Long and ' Whort sloeves, open in back and front, in Silk, Lice, Organdie, Mule, India Linen, These are groat bargains and wo have plucod them at prices to clean them up quickly. ' 69o to $5.98 J Remnants at Half Price AVhilo East our buyer picked up a lot of Remnants of Press Goods, Lawns, Ginhame, Percales, Silks and jWhito 066(1h and Waistings, that we shall place on Salo at about J their regular price value. The Pingree Made Shoe I For ladies and men, overy pair warranted genuine, I hand turn and hand welts. Do you know the difference in wear and comfort between a McKay or machine niado Shoe and a hand welt or turned Shoo? If not, conio in and wo will be glad to show you. Ono Lot Ladies $ 100 Martha Washington Cor set Waints; whilo they last 40C urers early in March saw must Sacrifice Profits. As a rule the "Early Bird gets the Worm." But as there is always an exception to every rule. This spring has caught the early buyers loaded to the neck with top notched priced goods while the late buyer found the market broken and demoral ized Jobbers and manufact that in order to unload they We own thousands of dollars worth of Merchandise that was bought at from 25 to 50 per cent discoun. and while we cannot begin to enumerate all of the many lines or articles, we extend a most cordial invitation to old as well as new friends t call and participate in the feast of good things we have to offer. Remember these Special Sale goods can't be duplicated at these figures so early buyers will fair much better than late ones. All mail orders filled promptly and samples sent when desired. !Big Shoe Sale Over 1000 P&irs Ladies' Men's Boys' and Children's Shoes bought at the biggest sacrifice sale of Shoes ever held in the United States. This entire lot will be plac ed on sale at from 25 to 35 per cent under regular price. Now is the time to shoe up. MEN'S w 4-J turn BOYS' j HATS. at 6 i "t HALF PRICE While in the East our buyer secured a rare bargain in Men's and Boy's Hats. Mn nnd Boys who wear Hats will be able to get a good Hat at a saving of half the regular price. Don't Miss Th's Opportunity. MEN and BOYS' CLOTHING Special Sale of Men's High Art Suits, ele- gantly tailored, warranted all wool J 2u5J Men's 3 Piece Wool Suits $6.98, $8.98, $9.98. Latest Style, good material, nicely and well tailored. 10 Dozen Men's $2.00 Pants Entire lot placed on sale p 1 4o 36 Dozen Men's 50c Brown Ribbed Medium Weight Underwear. 37c 3000 Yds. HOUSE LINING 20 Cent Heavy Linen Canvas Duck. Absolutely wind and water proof. 20 times heavier than tho ordinary house lining. We own the goods cheap and ' ' place it on sale at about one-fourth price 6I2c Big Job in New Wall Paper, 9c, 12c, 19c, 25c. 25 Pieces, Full width Corset Cover Embroidery . 25c 25 Dozen Fine Hemstitched Embroideried Handkerchiefs, 10c or 3 for -25C 50 Dozen Extra Heavy 10c Clear Pearl Buttons ' ' while they last '.....fiC- 25 Dozen Good Brass Pins only .......2c 2500 Yards Extra Heavy 36 inch 7c Unbleached Sheeting Remnants .C 500 Yards Best Calico Remnants 5c 500 Yards 5c Embroidery Remnants 2V2C Ono Lot Best Apron and Dress Gingham Remnants.. ..7c One great big Job Lot Ribbons, No. 60, 80 and 100; worth from 25o to 60c, while they &Bt......21C One Lot Ladies $2.50 Gloria Silk Tape Edge ' Umbrellas, Special Sale Price..... $l4o One Lot extra fine 25c India Linen 36 inch Remnants ILC One Lot men's 75c and $1 Shirts, heavy Khaki, fine colored Chambrio Madras.white Pongee and Cambric. A bargain that can't be matched JjfC R. COE CO., - THE BIG STORE