Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 17, 1908, Image 3

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    ftOGtJE fclVfifc CottkiM. 6RAiir pASs, 6kdON. april 1?, 190s
Talk about summer time and sun
shine. How does this strike yon?
And say I . did yoa ever ee more
beautiful starlight nights? Once,
moore the flowers are with os and the
air is buzzing with humming birds
and bees. The flens have ceased to
hibernate and mankind once more
feels their omnipresenoe. The po
litical wind slinger once more has the
field, what more ran there be to make
Oregon life complete?
"XYZ" makes a noise like one who
loves the community in which he
lives. He is the kind of "ink
. thrower" that is a credit to bis
country and makes a home paper
worth reading. How we with we had
' more like him.
Fruit trees, vines and plants, never
lookeed finer inElk Valley tnan now,
and everything bids fair fur a good
crop, although the industry Is yonng
here. We bate not a large valley
like the Applegate and only have a
few settlers as the most of the sgri
cultural land has been gobbled ap by
the timber crooks.
. D. L. Webb returned from Grants
Pass the fint of April and was a very
sick man. Keverthlesa he had to re
turn to your city In answer to a sub
poenae of Uncle Sams' on the 3d and
Tommle Oilligan has been very sick
with the "grip" the past week. It
seems there is a kind of epidemic
going the rounds, as Mrs. L. R.
Webb and two little sons, Teddy aud
Verne, and Mrs. D. L. Webb and
.children, George, Mae and Henry, are
very ill with apparently the same
Miss Julia O'Brien of Waldo has
been staying with Mrs. E. M. Albright
for a time back while Mr. Albright
was away to your city on official
Alfred Peterson is very busy putting
in his crop. In addition to bis own
place he will farm the ranch of Swan
Haglund. Mr. Peterson has faith in
Elk Valley soil and expects good
returns therefrom this fall.
Grandma Webb has slightly im
proved in health and can now get
about the house part of the day. Mies
Angie Webb is staying with her and
is "maid of all work." In over two
years we have never bad to report so
much bickness as now. A doctor
has never been called here bat once
to our knowledge
Unole Ebe came 1 to Oregon with
only (SO oeuts in his iiocket and now
lie has 'nothing left but bis appetite
and pott offioe addrets, but is very
optimistio in regard to - the future
just the same. Every cloud has the
sun behind it. At any rate we carry
a clear conscience and have never re
gretted the day we comm need to
breathe the life giving ozone of the
Wm. Turnham of Grauts Pass and
some nnknown parties were in oui
valley last week crusiug timber on
some homstead entries here. Seems
as though most of the homesteaders
take the land simply for the timber
and s? sure are they of acquiring the
land they send in buyers before they
acquire title to it This may be riibt
according to some people's way of
Tea, primary election is almost up
on us.
' Clark Webb, Jr., came out from the
Smith river country where he has
been taking care of bis father's camp,
a very sick boy More grip.
All thee parties who were in your
city from this place are back except
E. M. Albright.
O. W. Fulton's senatorial race is
making a noise like a snail Guess
H. M.'s Cake won't be dough this trip.
Chester K. Chiooine of British Van
couver is looking over the country
here along with D. L. Webb.
Dare Doctor Foolton. Aye yuse to
ba rapublikin de vorst vay Aye took
two doses of your great "fleeceemtoa
fareyouwell" remidy and ef aye don't
have a relapse aye tank aye wilCb"
curd ba election time Forever yours
(aye don't tink) Yon Yonson.
J W. Mock had bntiness in Waldo
this week. Mr. Mock is making a
good deal of improvement in the ol
Evans place.
We learo that the government has
notified T. D. Uollett, and H. A. and
Jees Freeman to suspend work on the
hnmnataatl talrAfl hr thftTTl ljllt fall. 1
Someone baa been knocking and it
is a downright shame These gentle
men want homes and hare taken this
land in good faith and ought to bave
them. It seems that the fake timber
locators want the land left vacant as
they can locate some poor sucker on
it for timber and we want to say
right here if this land is not agricul
tural land then it is worthless to all
earthly purposes. Why it was only a
abort tima ago one of lyour Grants
'. II
Copyright iqo8 by Hart Schaffner & Marx
Hart Schaflner & Marie Clothes For You
YOU may as well understand at the beginning, that if you want good clothes, you must
go where they are for sale.. You'll have no trouble finding a lot of clothes you don't
want; the trouble with them is, you may think you want them until you begin to wear them;
then you're sorry for yourself.
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
That means as high a standard of quality as we know how to set; it means all-wool
quality in clothes, realiability in service, fine tailoring, perfect style.' These clothes are
made for us; the fabrics are exclusive for this store; you won't find any like them anywhere
You ought to see the new models in the Varsity sack suit browns, tans, grays, fine
stripes. We'll show you the finest line of good clothes ever made; or ever offered in this
tOWn. Hart Schaffner & Marx better suits $18, $20, $22.50, $25 and $30. It. S. & It. good suits $10, $12.50, $15 and $16.
You want our kinds of clothes; and here they are for you, with plenty of other good
things to wear hats, shirts, underwear, gloves, neckwear. We'll put the right things be
fore you, at right prices.
"Outfitters To Boy and Man"
Pass sharks located a lady on poor
old bald Lone mountain right here iu
our valley where there is not timber
enough to make a box ot matches. Its
all right to suppress or destroy the
saloons and places of ill-fame. But
here is an evil almoit as bad going on
all the time aud nothing done aud
little said about it Local ers are in
big bneines to rope a poor womnn in
for a fee of $30 and make her lose her
rights to take land and alto the money
she pays to get the land, when the
chances ire she has earned the money
teaching school or eveo in the wash
tub. But these bloodsuckers would
rob their own grandmother and blow
In the results for booze. We would
like to see the Courier take up this
matter and give it a good public air
ing. It would not only be a Chris
tian act to defend the innoceut par-
chaser but would open the war for
more homesteader! and settlers This
land taken by Messrs Freeman and
Collett is in the Rough and Heady
bot'omi and is as good fruit laud
as one could wish. Every rancher
in the ooonty ought to stand by
thm and help them obtain their
rights EBEN
There is nothiug better than Kodol
for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour
stomach, belching of gas and nervous
headache. It digests what yoa eat.
Sold by Model Drug Store. 4-3 13t
Their Uiiceasirtg Work Keeps Us
Strong and He&lthy.
All the blood in the body pastes
throogh the kidneys onoe every three
miontes. The kidneys filter the blood.
They work night and day. When
healthy they remove about 600 grains
of impure matter daily, when un
healthy some part of this Impure
matter is left in the blood. , TMs
brings on many diseases and symptoms
pain in the bak, headache, ner
vousness, hot, dry skin, rheumatism,
gout, gravel, disorders of th eyesight
and hearing, dizziness, ' irregular
heart, debility, drowsiness, dropsy,
deposits in the urine, etc. But if yoa
keep the Alters right yon will have
no trouble with your kidneys.
Mrs. R. M. Ender, Fifth 8t., cor
Evelyn St., Gran to Pass, Ore., says:
"My daugher was suffering from a
slight attack of kidney trouble and
her health was beooming run
down. Hearing of Doan's Kidney
Pills, I procured a bos from Clemens
drug store and upon giving them to
her, I noticed immediate relief. She
is still taking them and front all la
dications, it will only be a short tim
until she is entirely free from tb
trouble. I gladly recommend Doa's
Kidney Pills to mothers who huts
children afflicted Jn the same man
For sale by all dealers. Prioe SO
cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
States. Remember tke name Doan's
and take bo other. 4-10 3t
"E. O. DeWltt A Co., Chicago. Ill
Gentlemen In 1897 I bad disease
of the stomach and bowels. In the
spring oi i Dougnt a .pome or
Kodol and the benefit I reoeived all
the gold in Georgia could oot buy.
May you life long and prosper.
Yours very truly, C. N. Cornell Rod
tng. Ua., Ang. 87, 1006." Bold by
Model Drug Stoie. . -8 18t
Placer blanks at the Courier office.