ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON APRIL 17, 1908. The Modesty of Women Naturally make thorn shrink from tbs Indelicate questions, the obnoxious ex amlnatioiw, and unpleasant local treat merits, which lomo phyalclans consider esentlal In the treatment of diseases of women. Yet, If help can be had. It U bettor to aubmit to this ordeal than let the disease grow and spread. The trouble Ix that so often the woman undergoes all the annoyance and shame for nothing. TbonsqndaNj women who have been cured lx Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescrip tion write. In Weclatlon of the cure which diapWIi'aSmh the examinations and local trtmeniOTheri s 1)0 Other E MISSOJJ K I FLAT J 1 1 W. C. T. U. NOTES women is "Kiivnio Hrejcriiitwri, It cure dubiliUUnif drain. irregularity and female weakness. It always helps. It almost always euros. It Is strictly non alcoholic, non secret, all Its Ingredients being printed mi Its botllo-wrapper; con tains no deleterious or " hablt-formlng droits, and every native medicinal root entering Into ita composition tim the full endorsement of those, most eminent In the several schools of medical practice. Some of these numerous and strongest of pro fessional endorsement' "f !M Ingredients, will le found in a pr.njiililet wrapped around the bottle. i:!o In a booklet mailed j free on request, by Ir. R. V. Pierce, of Iluffalo, N. Y. TIicmi professional en dorsements uliould livo (ur more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay, or non-prousitioiiiil testimonials. The most Intelligent women now-a-dayg itntlut on knowing what they take as med icine lnt ; I o! opening their mouths like a lot of nuur birds and gulping down whatever la olFepwl tliem. "Favorite Pre scription " IS of KNOWN COMPOSITION. It makes weak women strong and sick Women well. Dr. Pierce a Medical Adviser Is nmtfree on receipt of ktamps to par expense of mailing only, hend to Dr. II. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., "I one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or .'U sumps for cloth-hound. If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge by letter. All auch communications are he'd sacredly rnnlldentlal. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet InvignraU and regulate sumach, liver and bowels. Merlin. Mrs. W. A. Maasie, one of the oldest and most respected residents of Merlin, was tendered a reoeption at her home Monday afternoon. Mr. Manila is recovering frnm long, dangerous illness aud the 'event was to Jointly 'celebrate her restortion to health aqd her 4Uh birthday. Some S3 or 80 friends called during the afternoon and were received br Mrs. Mamie's daughters, Mrs. Cert Curtis ami Mrs. Walter . Ayer. Delicious punch was served by Miss Graoe Short, Miss Winnie Smith Fin lay and M Ism Helen Worrell of Medford. The Misses Short and Worrel also reudored 'feral vooal selections. 0. Colby, one of the old residents of Grants Pass, has sold his 10-acre lra;t on upper Sixth street for which I rewired 14000, and expects to move to Idaho. Crowded out last week. Wood Jeter has jost completed bis contract with the N. S. A. R. Ditch Oo. - J. W. York and son made a busi ness visit to Grants Pass one day last week. Bartie Davidson will soon be with ns again as he has Just employed Mr. Ike Vincent of tbis place to move bis house hold goods from foots Creek where he lias melded daring the lst winter. K. J. Knbli, one of oar merchants visited the Pass, on buslneess last week. Willie Farris is now employed by C. M. Rexford of upper Mis-ouri Flat. W. B. York, Tom Vermillion and W. Jeter, all enterprising men of this place were visitors of the Pass one day iat week. John Mees and Willie Farris. two prominent young men of this plaoe, left for Woodville to work in the saw mill this summer for C. V. Ileukje. Oar school is progrssing very nicely with M. & Reel for teacher. Heury Knotzen, farmer of upper Missouri Flat rlsietd the Pass on business last week. Heury Wooldrldge and Mr. McGrew of GraiiU Pas were oat transacting busings on the Flat Sunday. Mrs. H. L. Reed held services at the Missouri Flat school bouse Sun day aud also will hold servics again April the 19th. Geo. W. Meek will soon be through with his oootractiug for the North Sido River Ditch ooiupany. John Meek attended the dauca held at Murphy Saturday night and said it wssall right. O. M. Ilex ford made Grant Pass a business visit Saturday and re turned Sanday. We understand that there will be a dance at Kubli hall April 10th. S. A. Berry and wife made Grants Pass a visit Tuesday of last week. Our R. F. D. man is riding bi cycle. I wonder if he thinks that he can bring a rain storm every time he rides wheel? W. S. Bailey, one of Missouri Flat's prominent merchants, made Grants Pass a business visit one day last week. ULAO. The W. O. T. U. meeting held last Friday at Mrs. Weidman's was oue of the busiest sessions in the history of tbe anion. Aggressive work was planned and tbe women are at work. The next meeting will be at tbe home of Mrs. Nellie Spaulding on Ntrrh Fourth street. A medal contest will be given at Murphy In the near future. Mrs. TJoruh spoke at Murphy April 9th to a fall boose. Her let-tore was full of convincing arguments for the cause of temperance. The No Licen'e giin in Mag'sc'iusetts spring flection is 35.000 votes and practically all the towns within 13 miles of V ore-enter are dry. Mn are tired of the liquor tralifc and are vot ing it oat in other plnres. Oregon men will do the same and wj trust the in u of our county to make Jose phine one of the white places on the map of the future. Many who want prohibition and are going to vote for it are drinkers who want the curse put so far awy that they may never see it or smell it again. A LESSON IN CONTRAST. Two years ago, when Atlanta was full of saloons and dives, negro crimi nals thronged the jails and their whiskey produced crimes caused the most horrible race riot of this decade. For the first time in 40 years there is not a negro in prison in the city of Atlanta. There are over 60 saloous in Wilmington. Io the county jail there are over 200 prisoners await ing trial for all sorts of crimes The contrast between the empty At lanta Jail, where state prohibition prevails aod the crowded Wilmington jail, wbero three score saloons are wide open is argument enough for prohibition. "Missouri claims the honor of hav ing more judges of pronounced tem perance principles than any other stats. Both judge and jury are go ing for prohibition nowadays in old Missouri." PRESS COR. Mali TKlsj Up at Your Home. What will appear very interesting to many people here is the article taken from a New York daily paper, giving a simple prescription, as for mulated by a Jnoted authority, who claims th t he ha found a positive remedy to cure almost any case of backache or kidney or bladder de rangement, in the following simple p:escrptiion, If taken before the stage of Bright's disease: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-hair ounce,' L-ompouna Kargoo, one ounce; Compound Svrup Saraparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal aud again at bedtime. A well-known druggist here at home, when asked regarding this prescription, stated that the ingredients are all harmless, and can be obtained at small cost from any good prescription pharmacy, or the mixture would to put up if aeked to do sc. He further , stated that while this prescription is often pretcrbed in rheumatic afflictions with splendid results, he could see no reason why it wouldnet be a splendid remedy for kidutfl and uri nary troubles and backache, as it has a peculiar action upon the kidneys structure, cleansing these most im portant organs aud helping them to sift and filter from the blood the foul aci Is and waste matter which cause sickness and suffering. Those of our readers who S'iffer can make no mis take In giving it a trla 1. 4-10 H COFFEE Schilling's Best is a business-like name; you know what it means; and it means what you want. Ton trocar rahirat roar n t U yos scat Dm It. ir turn. ANO-0O1R Your Investments In the cheapest, safest, most desirable fruit soils in Jackson County, at Woodville, on Evans Creek, the "EMERALD VALLEY." , (f a solid tract. aPPle p6"' P"01 and chen-y L-9 !9 jand 60 per acre, 135 acres in town $75 per acre. 40 acres. 1 vineyard location aud soil 15 per acre. Rogue River frontage $20 per acrer SEE ME RIGHT NOW Ben A. Lowell WOODVILLE, ORE. At the conclusidn of the speech by United States Senator Fulton at Salem Saturday night, in which the senator denounced, former Representative Smith for the latter' charge that Fulton had sought lo Influence Smith's conduct in behalf of John H. Mitchell daring the so-called' 'hold up" legislatre in 1897, the senator was served with ' papers in 15000 slander suit instituted by Smith. Considerable attention was recently paid by an eastern weekly paper to the affidavit alleged to have ben made bv Smith in which the charge was made referred to above. Saturday night Fulton, daring hi speech, declared false the portion of the affidavit which challege that he (Fulton)" had anything to do with the transaction. Fulton's denials made the basis of Smith's sut, Smith alleging that Fulton has accused him High Grade Use the unmcTi 1 011.3 A' iff.1 T vh art 3L" UAft: avtjsu: rv v K: ) i REELS, LINES, FLIES AND TACKLE OF ALL KINDS, GUNS, RIFLES PISTOLS, AMMUNI TION AND HUNTERS' OUTFITS, CUTLERY AND COMPASSES : : Everything For the Hunter and Fisherman Joe Wharton 'Sixth Street of perjury and thus injured Smith's reputation. When asked Saturday night to matte a statement concerning the suit Fulton laughingly replied, "It is nonsense, sheerest nonsense " Quartz Blanks i at the Courier office-1 mm IMF For one Week - Begins Mon day, April 20 Special bargains in Ladies' Misses' and Coildren's Hose, regular 15c hoes for 10c uo nose at, 10c, me oest aoc nose in tne market for 20c. These are goods just received from the factory and we want you to see them, they will not be sold for this low price after Week Ending' April 25 Ladies sximmer vests, regular 15o goods, now 10c Ladies summer vests, regular 20c goods, now 15c A Big reduction in Ladies' Undermuslin Heatherbloom skirts the best in market from $2.50 to $6.50, sale price $1.50 to $4.50 Mens best work Shirts at 45c. Men's Underwear, 50c values now 45c All Ladies and Gents' shoes left over from the E. C. Dixon stock, at this sale will oe soia at 60c on the dollar Kennedv's Laxative Cough Syrup aoti proiupily yet gently on the bowels, through which the cold is forced out of the (system, and at the same time It allays inflammation. Sold bv Model Drug Store. 4-8 18t