ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON APRIL 10. 1908. PROFESSIONAL CABDS FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to EYE FAR, NOfE and THROAT. Glasses fitted and furnished. Office hours to 12; 2 to 6; and on ap pointment. Telephones 261 and 77. ats Pass, Oasooa g LOUGHRIDGE. M. D. fHVBICIAN AND BURGEON Res. phone 714 Olts or country caUa attended night or da? t'ixvh and H, Tuff's building. Otlios Phone 261. Gkamtb Pass . OaEQOn. J)R. C A. CAMPBELL ObTKoPATHlO PUYBlCIAN Graduate American School of Osteopathy, Kirkiiriiie, mo. Cfcronic" Diseases and Diseases of .Women and Children a specialty CONSULTATION Kit EE Hooins 1. 2. 8, Klrnt National Bank Mdg. I'bonea: OMoe.771, Kes.7U3 Obat Pass Oasaos l D. NORTON, ATTORNEYAT-LAW, Practice Id all State and Federal CourU, Office In Opora House Building'. Ghakts Pahs. Obeoon A. C. HOUGH, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, ."radioes In all Htateand Federal Courti Oflloe over Hair Kiddle Hard ware (Jo Giunts Pahs. - Obeoon QLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER. Office over Dixons Store Chants Pass. Oregon Q. S. BLANCHARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all State and Federal courts. Banking and Trust Company's Building. Qbants Pahs, . Oeioom. H. B. HENDRICKS COUNSELLOIlft-AT-LAW Civil and criminal inaiiers attended to In all the oonrta. Real estate and Insurance. Oflloe, Bth street, opoalU Poetoffloe. yiLLIAM P WRIGHT, U. H. DEPUTY SURVEYOR MININO ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN 6tb St., north of Joeephlne Hotel. Usumt Pass, Oasaox. The Popular Barber Shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKIN Oa Sixth Stieet Three chairs Hath Room In oonnootlon N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and Piano Moving GRANTS PASS. OREGON. E. A. WADE Dry (Joods, Underwear, Notion, Etc. Front Street west of Palace hotel GRANTS PASS. OREGON. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Machines SoM on EASY TERMS 17 FaU-eet UrauU Pas, Or 1 4 GR.RANTS PASS Commercial Club Will furnish information of 3 Josephine county free of charge. Correspondence so licited. 4 L. B. Hall President H. L Andeiws.. .. Secretary J CANDIDATES CARDS S. F. CHESHIRE Of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY CLERK O. S. GOODNOW Of GranU Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee FOR STATE SENATOR From Josephine County "I stand by statement No. 1" I further tate to the people of Oregon an well a to the people of my legiHlative dis- trict that during my term of otlice I will always vote for thai candidate for United btaies Henator In Congress who hat re ceired the burliest number of the people'! votes for that position at tlie general elec tion next nrwedirir '.lie electiou of a sens lor in congress, without regard lo my imii- vidual preference slerence U.S. EClUS POLLOCK ' oi Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for ASSESSOR GUS NEWBURY of Jacksonville A Republican Candidate for Nominee ior DISTRICT ATTORNEY W. J. RUSSELL of Grants Pass Democratic Candidate for Nominee for SHERIFF E. E. DUNBAR of Grants Pass 4 Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY CLERK W. II. FALLIN of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for SHERIFF J. T. TAYLOR of Grants Pass Democratic Candidate for Nominee of COUNTY TREASURER J. C RANDLE Of Grants Pass Justict District Republican Candidate for Nominee for CONSTABLE GEO. W.COLVIG of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee lor STATE SENATOR I leave the manor with the Kepulilica oters at tlie l'riiuarv hleciion t tf luey want uia for their candidate. DR. J. C SMITH of Grants Pass,' Republican Candidate for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE for Josephine County. H. F. MULKEY of Ashland Republican Can-'idate for Nomiuee for DISTRICT ATTORNEY Comprising Josephine and Jackso Connties JAMES H'JLMAN Of Grams Pass Republican Candidate (or Nominee for CJUST1CE OF THK PEACE Grants Pass Justice District FRED MENSC1I of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY SURVEYOR GEO. H. DURHAM Of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE for Josephine County OLIVER S. BROWN of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Grants Pass Justice District G. A. BRYAN of Grauts Pass Democratic Candidate for Nominee for CONSTABLE ' D. E. DOTSON Republican Candidate for Nominee for ASSESSOR Four years experience as deputy WM. L. BABCOCK of Althouse Precinct Republican Candidate for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE of Josephine County Believing that Statement No. 1 is a step In tlie fureward movement to secure to tlie people their right to elect United Mates senators by their direct vote I shall, if elected to the legislature, support the ale's choice for senator. And ray vote e legislature will be for all mtaaures that are for the hent interest of the people and the upbuilding of the state, but against such measures as have in the past put a burden upon the taxpayers with no ade quate return. H. L. DeARMOND o fGrants Pass Democratic Candidate for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE of Josephine County I stand squarely upon Statement No. 1 LOUIE A. STREUBER of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for CONSTABLE Grants Pass Justice District L. L. JEWELL of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for STATE SENATOR for Josephine County II. N. MITCHELL of (Jrants PasB Republican Candidate Nominee for County Treasurer for THOS. LE1TH of Murphy Republican Candidate Nominee for Cor nty Com mission ek for T. Y. DEAN of Grants Pass Democratic Candidate Nominee for ASSESSOR for Josephine County for N. REYNOLDS of (Jrants Pass, Candidate for SHERIFF ou Socialist ticket If elected to this imnortant nnsitinn I 'hall (.it my entire attention to the duties of the nitlee and I xhall enforce the laws to the fullest eiieut with special favors or im- uniiiity to no interests, and I would nut ! wake unnecessary expense to the taivr- era uor allow work that properly should l , iloti hT the Sheriff Ui h don nv thai run. : siaoies to mate an aoaed expense on the county. I frankly stale that I should en force the law as required of a shentf, and if the county to lea the saloons oat at the Jane Klection that 1 would suppress "blind uur ana su otner illegal iramc in ihiuor. and If the saloons are to be retained I wiU attend lo it that they obey the law and not keep noen Sundays' nor ailow (rambling and other forms oil vice on their premise. COUNTY COURT PAYS CURRENT BILLS Court met April 1, 1908, there being presen. Stephen Jewell, jodge; MA Wertz. commissioner; nesniie, clsrk; W J Russell, sherin. me following' proceedings were bad, to-wit: In the matter" of the petition of J O Hill et al for a connty road In seo 84, tp 84 a i 6 west, .fbe above petitiou coming on to be beard at this time after coutioustion of sid matter at the Februarv, 1908 term and it ap pearing to the ccutt that said pe tition has in all thiniis complied wiih the law and that the connty board of road theieou. all that ruoulng viewer report favorably It is therefore ordered that part of said proposed road wi-st along the soath line of section 34 an northerly along the a r railroad to the town of Hugo be and the same is allowed a' d declared to Le a county road. Petition of T T Hill for liqnor li cense in Placer Precinct, beard and petition allowed and license ordered to issue for a period of three months from April 5. 1908 to July 5. 1908. Bills allowed: Geurnt Weitz, 6 days rroising tinibt-r lands $ 20 00 Wm Light, 17 davs sop dist No 7 42 50 O H Eismann, work on rds.... 871 85 Ranch and Cook, blacksmith for rds ..... 12 00 P P Proctor, snp for crt house 80 00 S F Cheshire, cash paid for stamps, eipeuso.eto 68 70 W C f rye, 24 days sap aist no s ow uu W J Russell, stamps, tele grams, etc 11 tO Tom Robertson, work on roads 61 25 Chan Johnson, wrk rds 83 25 Dan Wiltrout, wrk on rds 7 15 A H Hamilton, wm on rds.... 20 00 Jobn Wiltrout, wrk rds 7ft 15 John Jobuson, wrk rds 85 25 Fritz Oebers, wrk on rds 23 7 Ueo Gebes, wrk on rds 71 75 H N Parker, wrk on rds .... . 3 00 al T Bates, wrk on res . 16 00 O McCallistor, wrk on rds 23 25 James Wertz, wrk on rds 74 50 James LeCiair, wrk on rds.... 28 75 Loo Health, wrk ou rds 74 60 Ed Moore, wrk on rds 64 60 Harvey Moore, wrk on rds.... 46 00 Nelson Cole, wrk on rds 71 60 C F Geotner. wrk on rds 41 25 J Schertz, wrk on rds 2 00 J H Robertson, wrk on rds 12 00 R MoAfee.wrk on rds 11 00 H Darneille, wrk on rds 15 00 John Brock ley, wrk on rds 27 00 E UcCraoken, wrk on rds 22 00 H P Burleson, wrk on rds 82 00 V Daniels, wrk on rds 22 00 W Messinger, wrk on rds...... 62 00 H L Ked, wrk on -rds 46 00 A Buuch, wrk on rds 44 00 Cbas Swinden, wrk on rds..,. 60 00 L L RuRsell, wrk on rs 93 00 CI U Gillette, udse poor farm.. 21 80 (Huns Schmidt, mdse poof farm 6 80 W J Utt, one steel plow share for ids W J Utt, indue for rig B' all and Co, mdse for rds... 8 25 15 80 43 00 Glass & Prudhouinie, election snp 70 10 Hair-Kiddle Hdw Co mdse rds o 60 W I Sweotlaud, meat for Co hospital 9 25 Gibsons Cufh Grocery, mdse Co hospital 54 45 S V Moody, wood for paupers . 2 90 M I McGowau & Co., mdse for pauper, 1 7 75 W J KuKsell, trans prisoners... 27 60 W J KoHsell, board of prisoners 49 64 Junius Elliott, wrk on rds 84 00 HukIi Elliott, wrk on r.1s 84 00 T B Elliott, wrk on rds 20 60 Douglxg County abstract Co, lit timber lnudu 9 0 Mrs E R Colo, milk (or Co hoepilal 6 95 G W ColviK, drawing bridge contract 10 00 R H (iilalliD, cement kwrk for rd 282 48 J N Elking, wrk on rds 12 9S H R Faubiou, wrs on rag 12 95 J P Handle, wrk on ids l'J U5 Geo Snow, wrk ou rda 6 47 Ed Chiles, wrk on idg 6 4". J Dean, wrk.on rds 8 47 G W Douueil, stamps and en- tilopee for sherin .. . 42 43 Ranch and C ok, blacksmith rds Wilson Mer Co, oids pauprs . Henry Simmon, trausp of in sane person 1 oo I 75 60 1 6 00 8 65 40 24 D A Hirmou, chickens for poor farm Hair-R ddle hdw Co, mdse rds Pacific States lei & Tel eervieo 10 UO (la.g A I'radhnnime gup 6 78 rtoge Kivor water tJo, wnter for ort house 6 36 C W Smith, traout officer school dist No 20 4 00 D P Lure, mtutne ex 5 00 T A Topping, wrk ou rds 45 00 K E Hmdricks, wrk on county hospital 12 60 W L .lewell, wrk on connty hospital 12 60 Oliver Ward, wrk on rds 40 05 Grams Pass Feed Co, mdse poor farm 8 15 C K Kirk, board of pauper... 13 00 Rogue Hirer Electric Co lights Co hos 7 90 Rogue RiTer Electrio ' Co, lights court house . . 7 15 J H Steward, wrk on rds 6 75 Geo Lewis, wrk on rds 81 60 J J Brown, wrk on rds 6 75 Ira Mav, wrk on T'1s 6 75 ! J J Brown, wrk on rds 25 00 Wtu Holland, wrk on rds 23 25 Witness fees circuit court bi 20 I C Lowden. wrk on rds 58 00 K O Lewis, work on rds 15 75 1 oiewart, wra oo rds 75 O Sbattnck. wrk on rds 30 36 T A Hollard.wrk on rds 18 00 Phil Brown, wrk on rds 91) 00 Bert May, wrk oa rds. 9 75 D v. r , Kc? "? tXk. blacksmith tor rda S3 80 Chas Ldd, justice Stat vs ) Williamson 4 75 ANCHOR Your Investments In the cheapest, safest, most desirable fruit soils in Jackson County, at Woodville, on Evans Creek, the "EMERALD VALLEY." 4A sol'd ract aPPle- P"' Pch and cbe"y xar W imtl s79 jand -(,0 per acre 135 acres in town $75 per acre. . 40 acres, 1 vineyard location aud soil $15 per acre. Rogue River frontage $20 per acrer SEE ME RIGHT NOW Ben A. L WOODVILLE, ORE. High Grade Use the .BRISK vSafe and I BRISTOL" la the Man with a good Bank Account. By systematically depositing his earnings each week, be has Something for a rainy day and? is prepared for any emergency that may arise. Are you one of the fortunatee? We invito you to pen an account with us. Be it small or great, you will always receive courteous treatment Interest on time deposits If you have some surplus cash, why not have it earning you some interest? We pay interest on time deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes tor Rent in which you can store your valuable papers and treasures. You may have need for just such an accom modation. Letjus serve yon, G. P. Banking & Trust Co. aster and Booklets at CLEMENS R W Colby, constable State vs Williamson 6 90 E Jones, witn. ss justice crt 1 00 Ed VauDoro, wit jus crt 1 00 V Maasin.wit jus coert . . ... 100 r D VVilhauisou.wit jus crt 100 James Neeley, jnr fees jus crt 1 00 M Reynolds, jur fees jns crt.... 1 00 Loo Martin, jur fees jns crt 1 00 A J Crow, jar fees jus crt 100 B r Lathrop, jur fees jus crt.. 1 00 Marion Hnssey. wrk on rds ... 86 00 D Myers, wrk on Hogoe R trail 73 00 A McLeod, wrk Rogue K trail 87 00 Ed Friday, wrk Rogue R trail 75 00 Uraots Pass Delivery Co, De livering goods Co hos 2 00 Sam Hogue, raonina- ferry across Kogne R 2000 raahion stables, team hire paupers 7 00 J C Handle, constable State rs Clarke . 18 65 J U Handle, constable State vs John Doe ... 6 OS James Holman. jas feet State vs John Doe 4 90 H V fcumann, per diem as Co ins 50 00 J O Booth, board of insane.... 3 60 M A Werti, com per diem 86 40 J C Randle, constable State vs Ueoderson 45 Cramer Brwa, mdee rds 164 40 C F Dixon, mdse Co boa n 75 T Y Dean, jnr cor lnq 1 00 J L MoColm, jar cor inq oo H S Wynant, jarCjasoor lnq.. 100 Lowell REELS, LINES, FLIES AND TACKLE OF ALL KINDS, GUNS, RIFLES PISTOLS, AMMUNI TION AND HUNTERS' OUTFITS, CUTLERY AND COMPASSES : : Everything For the Hunter and Fisherman Joe Wharton 'Sixth Street Secure I - Sells Drugs Ben Havilnd, jnr cor ina 1 J W York, jor cor inn... 1 1 EM C orkreline. jur cor inq. . . . ieo Ni Walter, wit cor inq. .. . ina 1 John beberz, wit cor ina 1 nwi imi, wit cor inq I) . v 1 - v ictor Daniels, witc or iuq 1 Dora Schnrz, wit cor inq' . . .... 1 Mrs Wm Messing. r, wit oor inq 1 S Longhridge, wit cor inq.... 1 ostals r u btricker, coroner fees, Messinger inq 24 SO Resignation of JE Lewis, supervisor of Road Dist. No 15, accepted and E F Tyoar appointed to serve for year 1908. Local option petition filed, con sidered by the court and found suf ficient and the tame was granted, Jane I. 1908, fixed as date of voting 00 the same for the whole of Jospehine county. Sheriff ordered to make correction in deed to land owned by S. F. Duke in Section 17. township 36 S, R S west, in which original sheriff deed tne de scription is errooeoos. Contract (or oonstrnotion of steel bridge across Rogoe River duly signed by members of the Court and by the BaroellB ridge A Construction Com pany, bond approved. Court adjourns til April IS, 1908. 00 no 00 60 60 60 60 60 50 60