L T CANDIDATES CARDS fl, N. MITCHELL of Grants Pasa Republican Candidate Nominee for County Treasurer for L. L. JEWELL of Grants Pass ReDublican Candidate for a Nominee for STATE SENATOR for Josephine County S. F. CHESHIRE Of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY CLERK O. S. GOODNOW Of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee FOR STATE SENATOR From Josephine County "I stand by statement No. 1" I further state to the people of Oregon a well as to the people of my legislative dis trict that during my term of oltice 1 will always vote for that candidate for United States Senator in Congress who has re ceived the highest number of the people's votes for that position at the general elec tion next preceding the electiou of a sena tor in congress, without regard to my indi vidual preference. O. 8. UOODNOW. ECLUS POLLOCK of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for ASSESSOR GUS NEWBURY of Jacksonville Republican Candidate for Nominee for DISTRICT ATTORNEY W. J. RUSSELL of Grants Pass 1(.1UVA.1 dill, wauuiuuii. w . . for SHERIFF E. E. DUNBAR of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY CLERK W. II. FALLIN of Grants Pass Republican Candidate lor .Nominee for SHERIFF 'J. T. TAYLOR of Grants Pass Democratic Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY TREASURER J. C. RANDLE Of Grants Pass Justict District Republican Candidate for Nominee for CONSTABLE GEO. W. COLVIG k of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee ior STATE SENATOR I leave the matter with the Republican oters at the Primary .Election to say if Uey want me for their candidate. DR. J. C. SMITH of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE for Josephine County. B. F. MULKEY of Ashland Republican Candidate for Nominee for DISTRICT ATTORNEY Comprising Josephine and Jackson Connties JAMES HULMAN Of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Grants Pass Justice District FRED MENSCU of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY SURVEYOR GEO. H. DURHAM Of Grants Pass Republican Candidate fur Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE for Josephine County OLIVER S. BROWN of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Grants Pass Justice District G. A. BRYAN of Grants Pass Democratic Candidate for Nominee for CONSTABLE D. E. DOTSON Republican Candidate for Nominee for ASSESSOR Four years experience as deputy WM. L. BABCOCK of Althouse Precinct Republican Candidate for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE of Josephine County luiioiHnir that Htatement No. 1 is a step in the foreward movement to secure to the Lnnl. their rieht to elect United Mates hv their direct vote I shall, it j - - tha people s cnoice tor senator, aw uij "i In iL icirialRture will he for all rutanures thai are for the best interests oi me people nH the unlmildinir of the slate, hut at-amst such measures as have in the past put a burden upon the taxpayers wuu no ki quale return. II. L. DeARMOND ofGrants Pass Democratic Candidate for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE of Josephine County I stand squarely upon Statement No f....p . wTUFUBER Md- - m.m ' of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for CONSTABLE Grants Pass Justice District NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. T un. i at Ruieborff. Ore.. Jan. 24. ltX8 Notice is hereby given that I.OTTI3 C. SIVERS. Father aud only heir at law of Isaac s.v.rs. deceased, of Wiiner, Jackson n ii.4ia.ni. ii&ii niea notice ui m intention to mate filial five year proof i.. .nnfinrt nt nis Claim. via. stead Entry No. 10.341 made Nov. 28, im tor th. - - I lUWlin'-IK - ' ... . . that aaid proof will ne mau ue fore Joseph moss, u. o. uvm.. sioner, at Grants raes. wirKuU, Thursday. March 26, 1908. He names tne io towm Drove his oontinooos reeidenoe upon, j ni.!.tinn of. the land, vis: Joserh Schoonover. of W imer. Jack son 'Co., Oregon, Stephen H. Beers. I of Wiiner, Jackson Co., Ore., Albert Davie, of Wimer. Jackson Co., Ore., James Neathammer. of Wimer. Jack scnOregoo . j Register ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. MARCH TheStoryotaledidne. Its name-" Golden Medical Discoverr wa suggested by one of its most Import ant and valuable Ingredients Golden Seal root Nearly forty yean ago, Dr. Pierce dis covered that he could, by the use of pure, trlple-roflned glycerine, aided by a cer tain degree of constantly maintained heat and with the aid of apparatus and appliances designed for that purpose, ex tract from our most valuable native me dicinal roots their curative nromrtlea much better than by the use of alcohol. so generally employed. So the now world famed "Golden Medical Discovery," for the cure of weak stomach. indlrnsUnn or dyspepsia, torpid liver, or biliousness and kindred derangements was first made, as It ever slnse has bW without a particle of alcohol Ih Its mal-up. A glance BjatheJu fist of Its Ingredl-en,r?- .Printed TJnTyefv bottle-wrapper, will show that It Is hiads from the most valuable medicinal rofttsfound growing; ii uur American toresiskj am inese in- vTy- v-Y ,' ft"1 w"j- oAt..r77a " fl? re.-nmm.iiut lhpm .s ihp nich rv a advfsriT dorsemenu oai a nine cook of these endorsemen Deen compiled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, ol Buffalo, N. Y., and will be mailed free to any one asking same by postal card, or letter addresscdvto the Doctor as above. From these endorsements, eonied from standard medical books of all the differ ent schools of practice. It will be found that the Ingredients composing the"Gold en Medical Discovery " are advised not only for the cure of the above mentioned diseases, but also for the cur of all ca tarrhal, bronchial and throat affections. accom pained with catarrhal discharges, hoarseness, sore throat, lingering, or hang-on-coughs, and all those wasting affections which. If not uromntly and properly treated are liable to terminate in consumption. Take Dr. Fierce s Dis covery in time and persevere In Its use until you give It a fair trial and it is not likely to disappoint. Too much must not be expected of it. It will not perform miracles. It will not cure consumption in Its advanced stages. No medicine will. It will cum the affections that lead up to consumption, if taken in time. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". Timber Land, Act Jane 8, 1878. Roseburg, Ore., March 80, 1908. Notice is hereby given tbat in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jane 8, 1878, en title "Ad act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Ore goo, Nevada, and Wastrngtoo Terri tory," as extended to all the public Land States by act of August 4, 1893. JAMES KNAGGS, of Harrison county of Kootenai, State of Idaho, did on June 17, 1907 file in this office his sworn statement No. 9097, for the purchase of the SW NE. SEW NW X and NW SW BWM and Sift JMW$ SEi and BW yA NVVW SEW of section No. 26, In Township No. 86 S, Range No. 5 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agrioultnra purposes, aud to establish his claim to said land before Joteph Mors, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at Grants Pass, Oregoo on Thursday, the 11th day of Jnue, 1908 He names as witnesses : Martin A. Conger, of Giauts Cass, Ore., Joseph Verdiu, ot Grants rsss, tire.. Allen McCaUey, ot Grants Pass, Ore., red uveritt, or urants ran, ure.. Any and all persous claiming ad versely the above described laDds are requested to die their claims iu this office on or before said llth day of une, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EUD I , Register. Afghanistan. Afghanistan may some day be one Of the world's great mining districts. It is known to have mines of rubles, topaz, lapis lazuli, marble and other stones; Iron, lend, copper, unllmony and other metallic ores; sulphur and several of the earthly alkaline and metallic salts. Coal Is uluo found and Is believed to be extensive near the Iron nilues. Writers' Cramp. Holding the pen between the first writers' and second fingers cures cramp Invariably. GRANTS PASS POISON FACTORIES You Will be Surprised to Learn How Many There Are, Did yon ever feel stopid and dull after eating a hearty dinner? Wheo food is retained too long in the stomach, because of stomscli weakness, the poison factory workt overtime and there is giddiness, con fusion . of thought, f'espoodeucy. heartburn, sleepleasuf as, nervous trouble and other forms of indigestion. The general use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets puts within ths reach of everv one a reliable aud positive core for all stouiscb weaku8s. Mi-o-na quickly cures the worst case of iodi gestion, and the pain and distress which is often felt after meals will toon disappear, such is the wonderlnl curative power of this little tablet. Mi-o-na acts opon entirely differ ent Drinciclee from any of the other remedies that have been used in stomach trooble. It is taken before meals, and has specif! o strengthening action opon the mo soles of the stomach, increasing the flow of diges tive jaioes and making the stomacl get; to work and digest easily and natorslly the food which is eaten. Cemaray"h as seen so many cores msde by'Mi-o-na that be igivee a guarantee with every 60 cent bos that the remedy cost nothing an less it cures. Job work at Portlaad price at the Cotritr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Laud Act Jons 8, 1878. Roseborg. Ore.. Dm. IS. 1807. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the act of Congress of Jnue 8, 1878, entitled "Ad act for the sal- of timber lands in ti.e Staid of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wahingtun Teiritory," as extended to all the Pnhlio Land States by act of August 4, 1893, EDWARD P. TYNAN, of Kosebarg, county of Douglas, State of Oregon, bas this day filed in this of Bee his sworn statement No. 8785, for the porchae of the SWJ of Sec tion No 84. in Township No. 34 S mth. Raoge No. 0 wet, aud will offr proof to sli w thxt the lana sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for sgrioolntral par poses, and to establish bis claim to sa d land before Register and Receivet at Roseburg. Oregon, ou Tuesday, the 12th day of May, 1908. He uatn-g as witnesses: R. "W. Medley of Roseburg, Ore.. F. L. Kin nev, of Roseburg, Ore., L. S. Shipley of Roseborg, Ore., Ralph Bennett, of Grants Paes, Ore., Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above described lauds are requested to file i heir claims In this of nee on or bo- fore said 13th day of May, 19n9. BENJAMIN ii. EUUX. Regi.ter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Id the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Josephine County. Iu the matter of the the"! estate of J acne Dunn, deceased. To the creditors ot James R. Dunn, deceased: Notice is hereby given that on the 13 th day of March, 1908, Martha H. Mitchell, of Grants Pass, Ore., was duly appointd by the County Jadgs of Josebpine County. Ore., adminis tratrix of the estate of James R.Dunu, decased, and that all persons having olaims agaiust said estate shall pre sent said claims with proper vouchers therefor to said admiuistratrix in Grants Pass, Josephine Countv, Ore (ton, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Grants Pass, Oregoo, March 13, 1908. MARTHA K. MHCMELL. Administratrix. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby glveo to whom it may concern: xnat i, tne onaer- signed aominisrritor oi ini estate oi Emily Carter deceasd, have this day filed in the County Court of Jose phine County, Oregon, my final ao oount in the matter of the adminis tration of said estate with vouchers atached and, that hn. Stephen Jewell, Jodge of said Court has set down Monday. April 30th, 1908,t 10 o'clock a. m. for hearing obj otioos to aid account. Therefore, all pertons having ob jections to said account or any item thereof, will file their obections there to in said Court on or bernre raid date. ' S. A. CARTER, Administrator. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notioe is hereby given that George Hansen and Charles Hsnsen, the duly SDPointed. Qualified, and acting ad ministrators of the estate of Peter Hansen, deceased, have been doly licensed and commissioned by order of the Countv Court of Joeiiehine county Oregon, dated Maroh 3, 1908, to sell all right, title and interest of said estate in and to ths real properly herein after described, and that pursuant to said order we will after the 17th day cf April. 1908, sell at private naje for cash in hand, subject to ths con fir niation of said court, all the right. titls and interest of the estate of Peter Hansen, deonaed, in and to the fol lowing desnribed real property, to-wit: following described real property, to wit: The 8J of thN E' and the NW of the S E'-i and Lot 4 of Sec 9. Twp 89 a R 8 W, iu Josephine Couoty, Oregon. Also all of Lot 8 and one half of Lot 7 of Block 5 in the towu site Napo'eon. commonly called Kerby, in Josephiue County, State of Oregoo, excetping four and fifty-nine hun dredths (4.69) acros, to Anna M. A'lains aud recorded in Vol. oo page 388, Book ot Deeds io the Couoty Clerk's of flee for the County of Jose pliiue. State of Oregon. Also, except ing a parcel of land io Lot 4. Sec 9, Twp. 39 8. R 8 W., Josephine oonnty, Oregon, lying south or lioltou ureek and East of the public highway load ing sooth from Kerbyville where said line intersects iloitou ureex at a stone set near the Sooth bank thereof: thence South parallel to the East Hoe of said highway 309 feet, theoce.easterly. at a riuht angle 418 feet, thence north erly at a right angle. 209 feet, thence westei iv following tne meandors or said Holton Crock to the place of be ginning containing two acres more.or less. Also. all of tbat portion of the James Kerb- Donation Land claim designatde as Olaim No. 87, which lies between the main street and public road leadiag through the town of Kerbv and the Illinois River, in Seo 9, Twp 39 8, R 8 W., in Josphiue Coonty, Oregon con taioing about 80 acres except a tract of 17 acres of ths South side of said tract bertofore sold to Mrs. Lilly White. Also, all or the Black Bear groups of placer mining claims, consisting of 1R0 acres, all of the Alza placer mining claim, rousiting of 20 acres; all of the Henrv Heiman Dlacer mining claim consisting of 30 seres; all of the Flint! Lock placer mining claim, consisting I of 20 acros. Together with the water rights, ditches, pipes, giants, and im- provements belonging to said mining claim, all situated on Josephine Creek, Josephine oonnty. State of Oregon. Also 1500 shares of the capital stock of the Kerbyville Irrigating and Mill-, ing Company's ditch on the Illinois1 River in Josephine Oonnty, Oregon. GEORGE HANSEN, I CHALBES HANSEN, Administrators of the estate of Peter Hansen, deceased. 27, 1908. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I Timber Land. Act Joue T18T5T f Roseborg, th-e .. Nov. 28. 1907 Notice is hereby given thai in com pliance with the provision of th act oi Congress of June 8, 1878, en'itled "Ao act for the tale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregoo, Nevada aud Washington Territory," as extended to ail the Pnbl o Land States by a.it of August 4, 1893, MARY J DoBOId of Vancouver, County of Clarke, State of Washington, has this day filed to ih's of Hoe her sworn statement No. 8700, for tiie purchase of the S -v of Section No. 80 iu Township No. 84 South, Range No. 0 W.W M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or s oue than tor aurioultornl por poses, and to establish her claim to said land before Register and Re ceiver at their oftue at Ros burg, Ore., on Wednesday, ths 15tli day ot April, 1908. She names as witnesses Wesley B. Surrmsn, of Grants Pass, Ore , George H. Slover of Grams Pass, Ore., Hoy Garoutteof Mrrliu, Oreuou, Ella Albright, of Vancouver, Washing ton. Any and all persons claiming adver sely the ab"ve de-oribed lands are re quested to file tholr olaims in this of fice on or before said 16th day of April, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Hevister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act Jane 8, 1878. Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 85, 1907. No' ice is hereby given that io compliance with the provisions of the act of Congiess for June 8, 1878, entitled "Aa aot lor the sale of timber lands Id the States of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as extended to all the pnhlio Land States by aot of August 4, 1893, ELLA ALBRIGHT of Vancouver, County ot Clarke, State of Washington has this dy filed in this office her sworn statement No. 8697, for the porchase of the E) of E of Section No. 24 in Township No. 84 South. Raoge No. 7 W.W M., and will offer proof to show thai the land sought ia more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establiih her claim to said land before Register aud Re ceiver at their of floe at Roseburg. Ore., on Tuesday, the 14th day of April, 1908: She names as witnesses: Wes'ey B Sherman, of Grants Pass, Ore.. George II Slover, of Grants Pass, Oregon, Roy Garoutte of Merlin, O re., Mtry J. DoBois, of Vancouver, Washington. Aoy and all persons olaiming ad versely the above described land are requested to file their olaims in this of floe oo or before said 14th day of April, 1908. BENJAMIN It. EDDY, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Coonty Court of the Stats of Oregon, for the County of Josephine Iu the matter of the Es-1 tateof William V Helms, deoessed. J Notioe is hereby given to whom it may oonoero, tbat the undersigned has been appointed Executrix of the last will and testament of William Helms, deceased, which said api.oiot ment has been on firmed bv ao order of the County Court fur Josephine Oonnty. Oregoo dated January 87, 1908. All persous having claims against the estate of said deoendent will present the same duly verified to said Exrootrix at the office of Marcus W. Robbins, attorney at law, Grants Pass, Oregoo ou or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notioe, which date of said first publication is February 14, 1908 LERONA HELMS. Exeoutrlx NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878. Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 38, 1907, Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of ths act of Congress of June 8, 1878, en titled "An aot for the sale of limber lands in the State of California, Ore sou, Nevada and Washington Terri tor y, "as extended to all the Poblio Land State by act of August 4, 1893, ELLEN LJMJH of Vancouver, Coonty of Clarke, Slate or Washington, has this day died In this oltice her sworn statement No, 8V1U8. for the puroi.ase of the SEJ of Section No. 80 in Township No. 84 Sooth. IRaoge No. 0 W. W. M. and will oner proof to show tbat the land sought is more valoable for its timber or stone than for agricultural por poses, and to establish her claim to said land before Register and Receiver st their office at Roseburg, Ore., on inesday, the Htli day of April, 1901 Hhs namss ss witnesses: Wesley Ii Sherman of Grants Pass, Ore., George H. Slover of Grants Pass. Ore.. Hoy Garoutte of Merlin. Ore., Florence M. Snodgrass of Vancouver, Wash. Any aud all persons claiming ad versely ths abovs described lands are requested to tile his claims in this ofloe on or before said 14th d'y of April, 190& BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Conrt of the State of Oregou, for the Coonty of Josephine. in tne matter or me l Estate of Alexander M Jess, deorased. J Notioe Is hereby given to whom it may coooera that the undersigned hi been appointed administratrix of ths estate of Alexander M. Jess, ds i .Vl fT ' n' ST. ?!d'Jy!J P0. u?,r, fth". State of Oregon for the County of Josephine and that all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same doly verified to said administratrix at th office of Oliver . Brown. Grants Psss. Ore goo, oo or before six months from the dsts of first publication of this notioe, which date of said first publication Is Friday, rsbrnary 21. 1908. MARTHA JESS, Administratrix. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ' Timbr Land, Act June 8, 1878. Roeeborg, Ore, No 9o. 19 'T Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the ct ot Congress ot Jone 8, 1878, entitled "An act lor tns tale of timber Hurts io the States of CallfornU, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territm v. ' as extended to all the Pub in Lund Stales b ct of Augosst 4. 1893, FLORENCE M. 8NODGRASS of Vanooover, County of Clarke. State of Washington, has this day filed in this office her sworu elite ment No 86W, for the purchase of the NWW of Semi no No. 80 in Townshio No. 84 Soutn, Range No. 6 W W M. aud will offer proof to show thu t e laud sought is more valoable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish her i lulm to said land b fore Register and K oeiver at their otfioe at Roseborg, Ore, on Tuesday, the 14tb da of April! 1908 . She oam-s as witnesses: Wtsley H. She man. of Grauts Pass. Ureaou, George IL Slover, of Grants Pass, Ore., Rov Garoutte of Merlin. Ore., Ellen Lvuch of Vanconver, Wa h. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands ars requested to tile their claims in this O'fice on or before said 14tb day of April, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Iuterior. Land Olfioe at Roseburg, Ore , Jan. 24, 1908. Notice is hereby given that HARRY M. BROWN of Eerby, Oregoo, has fllea notice ot his inteution to niaxe final five year roof in support of hte claim, vis: omestead Entry No. 18.088 made Fehruarv 15, 1908 for the NENWtf, NWME, Beotion, 8 Township 40 Sootn, ange 8 W W M.; and that sa d proof will be made be I ore Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner at Grants Pasa, Oregon oo Wednesday, Maroh 35, 1908. He names the following witnesses to piove his continuous residenoe npon, and cultivation of, the land, vis: Milton C. Bogae, of Kerby, Josephine Co., Ore., Silvester A. Carter, of Kerby, Josephine Co., Ore., Joseph Kerren. of Kerby, Jose phine Co., Ore., (juinoy Woodoook, of Kerby, Jo'enhln Co., Ore. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE OF SALE ON EXECU TION. By virtue of an exeoation issued out of the Crooil Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine Oonnty opon a judgment rendered la said Couit, on the 17th day of April, A. D.. 1908 iu favor of ths Plaintiff, Sadie M. Hyde and against the defendant. George H. Hyde for the sum of 80 per month, commencing March 1, 1906, and payable monthly nnti 1 other wise ordered: by the conrt with in terest on eaob installment at six per oent per annum, I have levied on and will sell at .poblio aootion to the highest bidder, tor cash, on the 24th dav of February, A. D., 1908 at 10 o'clock, a. m., at the Ifront door of the Court house at Grants Pass in Josephine County, Oregon, the follow ing described property, to-wit: All the right, title and interest of the defeudaut, George H. Hyde and par ticularly nis undivided two-ihirds interest io and to Lot Fonr 14 1 of Judsou & Ohanselor's subdivision of Block of J. Bourne's First Addition to the town of Grauts Pass in Jose phine Couuty, Oregoo. Dated at Urania Pass. Orstwi. this 30th day of Jauuary. A. D.. 1908. W. J. RUSSELL, Sheriff of Josephine Co. 'NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., Jao. 31, 1908. Notice is hereby given 'hat DAVID L. WEBB. of Deering, Oregon, bas filed notioe of his Intention to make final live year proof io support of his claim, vis: Hoomestead Entry No 10,419 made Jan. 80, 1901, for the KWSWl, NWi BEJi seo 11. and NEW NWJ Section 14, Township 41 Soutn, Range 9WWM., and that said proof will be made before Joseph Most. U. H. Commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore gon, Friday, March 87,1903. He names the following witnesses to rove hs oontiooous residenoe upon, and cultivation of, the laud. vizi Eddy W. Koykendall. ol Wolf Creek, Ore., Clark T. Webb, of Peering, Ore, Fred Ahlberg. of Deering, Ore, Thomas Gilligan, of Deering, Ore. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. Roseburg, Ore., Feb. 12, 1908. Notice is hereby given. That In compliance with the JirovWions of the Aot of Uongress of Joue 8. 1H7H. en titled "Au Act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregou, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all Publio Laud Htat.es by aot of Aognst 4. lh'Jll. MATTIE R. LEAVITT. of 1300 Esther St., Vsnoouter, Countv of Clarke, State of Washington tiled io this office oo March 9, 1907, her sworo statement No. 87W.1 for the purchase of the EW, NEW.NWt NE of Section No. 18 in 'fownsiilD No. am u . L . ' . - oi nuuiu ui nange no. 4 west. W. M., Ore , and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber or stone thsn for agricultural parposes, and to es tablish ber olaira to said land hefnra Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner at Grants Psss, Ore., on Mondav. the llth day of May, 1908. She names as witnesses : Wesley B. Sherman, of Grants ;Pas, Ore., George H. Slover of Grants Pass, Ore., Bertha M. Brown of Vanconver. Washington, Phillip Robinson of Woodvills, Ore. Anv and all persons claiming ar varsely th abovs described lamia and requested to file their olaims in this offloeon or before said llth day of May, 1908. BENJAMIN L EDDY. Register.