weigh and meanrt tttrythinf you buy American Grocer, the White House Grocery A Merrv Time in Canned Goods There Seems to be a strong desire to introduce Grants Fass Canned Red Plums at a price, hence we will fall in line by offering them at, 5 Cans for 25c While, they last 1 gal. can Tomatoes 1 can Ashland Pears 1 can Grants Pass Squash ,30 .20 .10 ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON, MARCH 27. 1908. CHASE SANBORN'S COFFEES bylhe msmi . Remember we have Fresh Bread Dailey ;! Items of Personal! ABHefRecrd "fvwvwvvw per Fresh Smoked Salmon pound 20 cents Smoked Halibut per lb. 22c 3 pound can (Cream Tarter) Baking powder $1 Pure White Sage Honey. Van Camps Pork and Beans 15c or 2 for 25c, 3 Cans Alaska Salmon 25c B. E. Beaofery was over from Ga lice last SaturHay. E. M. Albright of Deering is in town en business tbis week. J. L. Hansen of Applegate was in the city last Saturday. Mrs." A- F. Mclntyre arrived Tues day from Pokegama, and will yisit with Mrs. H. O. Perkins. H. N. Mitohell has just purchased a commodious residence on North Eighth street Miss Maud Cochrane of Central Point, arrived Monday evening for risit with MissLola Snow. Miss Agnes George and Hattie Beckley left Friday morning for a short risit with Medford and Ashland friends. Fred Pininger, proprietor of the Gold Hill stables, and Dr. Chison, were down from Gold Hill Monday. E. T. Furness, the Leland mer chant, and postmaster, was in town Monday on business. A. Jones, of Merlin, came np Mon day morning to spend a few daysin Josehpine coanty's capitol. Mies Ethel Johnson returned last week from a two weeks visit at Port land, Astoria and'Seaside. E. G. Brutt of Glendlve, Mont., is among the newcomers to Grants Pats, who arrived this week. E. C. Cbenowetb and family of Redding. Cal., have arrived here and Mr. Chenoweth is improving bis poultry farm near the city. Clatyon Rickman, formerly Grants Pass machinist for the S. P. Co., but now at the Portland shops, is visiting friends in Grants Pass. B F Mulkey of Jacksonville, repub lican candidate for distriot attorney, was in the city the fore part of the week. " -" Chas. Oowan returned to Seattle Monday night, after having spent several days on Williams Creek to be present at the settling up of the estate of R. Btgelow, deceased O. A. Thomas on Monday received the sad news that his sister was very ill and could not live long. He left in the evening for Spokane to be with C C Russell returned Snndty from Coos Bay where he has been for several days. Mr. Russell expects to tetnrn to the Coos in a month to en gage in gardening. Means. H. Q. Llchty and A. W. Guthie of .Wa,natchee, Wash., have been in Gants Pass the past week with a view of making It their terma- nent borne. Mrs. John O'Bryan, of Sparta, Wis., wbobas been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. W. Kaykendall at Wolf Creek, and ber "father nd brothers at Deer ing, returned to her home in Wiscon sin tnis woes. Loais Sivers of Wlmer came in Tho rsdav to make final proof before Commissioner Moss on his homestead. He was accompanied by Joseph Schoonover, aa witness, who will also make application for flual proof on his homestead. D. W. Jordan and bis mother, Mrs. M. P. Jordan, and L. D. Cole of Danville, Va., arrived here this week with the expectation of purchasing fruit land and making Grants Pass their future borne. Wm. Stale came in from Williams Monday with a team of driving horses which he shipped by freight to his Attorney John Baker rec-ntly from Wenatchee, has accepted a position in the law office of Attorney Hough. The Grants Pa&s Box Co. is sow taking np the labor notes Issued Feb ruary 1. David L. Webb of Deering was in town Friday to prove np on bis home stead. He was accompanied by Fred Ahlberg, 0. T. Webb, who acted as his witnesses. The Grants Pass Canning Company Shipped 10 barrels of Samoson's fruit tree spray Monday morning, all bat one barrel of which went to Medford. Soon the- worshipers at Wilder ville will be summoued to churoh ser vices by a sweet toned bell, the bell, having arrived by freight last week, billed to Rev. B. Pepper, pastor of the M. E. churoh at Wilder ville. Among the new improvements is a skating rink being erected on G street by O. Phelpt. The struct ore is to be 60x80 feet. Mr. Phelpa expecti to have his building up by Saturday night aud ready for business some time next week. The "Cow Ponober" aa presented at tlie opera house last Monday night was greeted by a fair house and well received. One of the strougesi feat ures of the play was pirts played by J. M. Leaverton, as Carlos Mendosa, a Mexican stage robber, and Lochia Cordova, his sweetheart, impersonated by Alzora Yerton. The Redmen hall was tilled to over flowing last Friday night ' and stand ing room was at a premium at the medal contest held under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. There were seven contestants foe tbe silver medal and all the selections were along the line of temperance. Miss Arline Sweet land was awarded the medal by the three judges while Miss Mildred Churchill was awarded seoond place. Each of the contestants rendered the selections in a very pleasing manner and with a degree of exoellenoe which brought forth enthnsiastio applause. Supt. A. U. Hoofer of the Mt. Pitt mining Co. came down from tbe mines Thursday of last week with a 6-poand gold brick, valued at about 11800. Mr. Hoofer left Saturday for Portland, tbe headaoarters of bis company, to ooLfer with the other officers. The Mt. Pitt people bave 12 claims, and while the capitalization is 1250.000, the stork is all held by Oregoo people. Uncsoal aotivity is being planned for the present summer on tbeir various developed claims. Thos. Leith of Murphy has made aunoonoement of bis candidacy for nomination for county commissioner on the Republican ticket. Mr. Leith has been resident of Josephine oonnty for a great number of years and feels that he knows the require ments of the oounty as well as any mau in the oonnty. The people of the Ablegate aud Williams valleys think It is abont time for them to have a repre sentative in the court, as it has been about 14 years since one from their district has been on the board. L. L. Jewell has made hit an nouncement as candidate for uominee for State Senator for Josephine oounty. Up to this year, Josephine county had to share her senator with Lane county and it resulted in the Ascuit Goettache returned last week from Portland, where he bad taken the 8. P. examination, and is now an engineer. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sampson en tertained last Wednesday night at Five Hundred. Mrs. Parley Proctor won first prise and Mrs. L- G. Gillette the consolation. The business department of tbe high school now has a teacher, in tbe per son of H. E. Mielke, of Aberdeen, 8. D, who arrived and took up his duties Monday. Tbe Dunbar Male Quartette and bell ringers will appear in Grants Pass Toeiday evening April 7th and will present the last number of tbe enter tainment course for the season of 1907-8. The Dnnbars are most favor ably known across the continent and are worthy of liberal patronage. A little skiff of aoow came along Wednesday night just to remind na that tbis was tbe month of March. However it had vanished before 10 o'clock Thursday morning anal the flowers that have been in bloom on the mountain sides for the past month, inolnding what are oommonly known as lamb tongues, bluebells, grass widows, buttercups and many others, smiled again, entirely unhurt L. B Ring, for more than 20 years proprietor of the Neillsville, (Wis.) Times, bas joined the ranks of ex newspaper nun who will invest in Josephine ooanty real estate. Mr. King was at one time a resident of China, serving as deputy marsball for tws years, and bas mads si trip around the world. The Beta Gamma gave a pleasant society party last Friday night at Hall's hall. There were aboot 75 in attendanoe who were entertained dur ing the early pait of the evening by the playing of various games, and this session, was followed by an im promptu bop, after which the assembly enjoyed a lap spread. A. T. Lewis, the photograher op posite the court bouse, and inventor of two piece ventilated concrete build ing block has. made arrangements for the making of blocks in Grants Pass. W. T. Perry has taken the general agency or tbe block for Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho, Montana and Wyom ing, and has ordered Helm power press equipped with fittings for tbe manufacture of the Lewis block, and s soon as the machine arrives he will build a realdenoe on Fourth street Tbe Helm sement block machine Is conceded to be the best power ma china on the market and the Helm company writes Mr. Lewis that his patent is all that is needed to make their machine the best seller on tbe market. Mr. Lewis has also patented a cement paint whloh baa phenome nal sticking qualities and renders wood work fire proof. Taesday forenoon firs destroyed the Lewis Hayes bouse, one of the old land marks of Murphy. The fire was oaosed by a spark from the chimney lodging on the roof, and fauned by the strong wind then blowing eoon envoi oped the whole building in flam, s Will and Gene Hayes, who have jost purcba-ed the interest of tho other heirs of the property, were at work at the barn, and on thecal of a nle.ee, who was working at tbe house, they rushed to the house and attempted to pot out tbe fire, bot without u oe. Neighbors quickly gathered, having been notified by telephone by Fnt.ttnast er Gilmore, sav log some of the household fcoods, Toe house was a 2-ttnry, SOME BARGAIN POINTERS Now Notes From tho Business Men to Holders. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Dentist Goto Corun for Plumbing. M. Clement. Prescription Druggist. A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron'i List Yonr Timber Lands With Hersinger & Mitchell. 13-30 tf ' Mrs. Rehkepf'a millinery opening is now in progress Do not fail to call Saturday to see the latest creatious In ladies bead coverings 8-271 1 The ladies of the Christian Churoh will give a Pezsle sooial at Hall's Hall on Wednesday, April 1. The pro gram will be free, but refreshments will be served to those who desire at a nominal sum. 8-87 It Nlllnery Opening. A beautiful line of Pattern Hats and Novelties on display Thursday, April 12, at Mrs. M. P. Anderson, over Gompert'a. Wait until you see onr line, as the hats are very reasonable, CALIFORNIA MERCHANT DROWNED IN ILLINOIS PLANET Jr. TOOLS This day ? is, the saving devices, and more so than the we A meagre telephone message was received here last Monday of the drowning In the Illinois river of A. F. Johnson, a prominent merchant of Santa Monica, CaL, and owner of the Virgin mines. F'om the brief details that oan be learned up to this morning, it seems that Mr. Jobnton and two other men attempted to cross the river in a small row boat and as the river is very high and the current swift at this season of tbe year, the boat capeised when they had reached the center of the atream. Mr. Johnson, it appears, was not a physically strong man and soon suoonmbed to the'oold shook and was carried down by the raging oar rent. His two companion, however, succeeded In reaching opposite shores, bot after diligent search were unable to find Mr. Johnson's body, whloh has not yet been recovered. COMING EVENTS. March 28, Saturday Newest styles in Millinery at Mrs Rehkopfs. 8-2711 April 7 Tbe Dunbar Comptny male quartette and bell ringers, last nam 2 ber of the Entertainment oonrse. April 7. Tuesday Registration books closed for primary election. April 14 Edward Baxter Perry, blind pianist, opera house, under dieotion of Miss Ethel Palmer. April 21, Taesday Presbytery of Southern Oregon meets in Grants Pass. labor- ne are- known- PLANET JR. line. Our new stock is now in and we have-on hand Planet Jr. No. 4 Drill No. 25 " No. 1 " Planet Jr. Double Wheel Hoe. N Planet Jr. Hoe. Planet Jr. Hoe. . Planet Jr. firefly Plow. You will save the , price of any of the tools in one year. THOS. LEITH of Murphy Republican Candidate Nominee for County Commissioner for Bid Wented. Notice is hereby given furnish School Distriot No. and they sooceeded in , September olortinn nf n Tjinfl county man to reD ......... , .4. u-MU frame building and the Mr.Mewell was a member of the last abontl200, with 1800 Insnrance. legislator lie sncceeuea in securing a Rovcroftrr Visile Coivet whole seuator for this oounty despite 0,, Mnhht. ,,n of brother, Chas. M., who bas purchased jDe opposition of prominent members I Hubbardi tll8 turnout lecturer and a 45-acre fruit and garden farm of the. ; of that body and tbe fact that this.... . t. phll.tin. i in M.d- famous beaver oam iana. county did not nave tne that bids to 7 of Jose' chine County, Ore., with 135 cords of twofoot wood, half fir and half oak to be delivered to the several school houses in Grants Pass on or before 1. 1908 in whatever ' nnnntilUa airl riMinflrt Inns, aa thiall lU(ii ItlDi HMa JJ v'ia !'" r w a be deUtrmlnnd upon by the board of O room arlnrntinn nf anlil HUtrlnt will hn rn Single Wheel No. 19 WheelN Cramer Bros. Chicken supplies Poultry Netting BOSH. JORDAN At Dotoher Creek, near Wildervllle, Wednesday, March 18,. 1008. to Mr. and Mrs. Walter H.. sJordan, a daoghter. BARNES-Saturday. March 21. IS to Mr. an Mrs. "Bert" Barnes. girl. MARMOT. STEVENS HEARN At the borne of the .bride s mother, Oak Urovsr Farm, near Grants Paas, Oregon, Tuesday, March 17, 1908, Robert William Stevens and Miss Lela. Vivian Hearn, both of Portland, Rev. Mr. Jaoquemin officiating. The groom is a young man in tbe- employ of Woodard, Clarke A Co., of Portland and the bride is a yonug tody , of talent, having host of friends. After the oeremooy the young couple took the train for Portland and will be at home to their friends after April -1st. WISEMAN MALONKY Wednesday, . March 18, Elizah E. Wiseman and Alice M. Malonev, both of Leland. County Judge Jewell adjosted the nuptial tie. REHKOPF YORK Saturday, Mar. 21, Harry a Retikopf and Ida York, by Coouty Judge Jewell. DIED. ALLEY Friday, March 20. 1008, of" dropsy, N. D. Alley, aged 85 years Interment at Granite liiU oemetery editor of county did not have tne neoesary . . . . . w,,h the Marshall C. E. ;McLane, who is also ; population to entitle her to a senator. 1 Tjew of ltHTliog m braneh of thtl Koy. ei-offlclo street superintendent, was , Mr. Jewell also did .onie other ' good j croftetg theI(l Bnd engaging in the out early last Monday morning with a work in the legislature, especially in baioeM of makiof( fine ; d fncy force of men and gave the gutters eeenring favorable legislation in re-, (uroiturei ,ayi tne Trlbone. Th- Roy along Sixth and other streets a needed . gar to the fishing industry which ; rrt)ftergi Mr .; Hubbard and bs fol cleanlnB ; fleets thi8 coua,T rT NRterially. ; ,0WBrl) cbU th(.m8eiTe!l re a c -opera- . L T .. . ,i and he feels Mat ne is entitlea to a Ed Lister of the Josephine hotel reDOblicaa ticket. ... a i. sn,lc from i F. V. Metts of the BlaKc 11UO 1 riui ii'-'i iiviuu j . j... . r-,nt C.itv. where Co., locat-d on 'i'""' v ". 1 n ,i. flt V, 1, . lout will be ; ceived by said hoard on or before the Ttb day of April, 1008 at tbe oftJce of the clerk; said board ef educa-j tion at that time receiving the right mi. - 1 to reject any and all bid therefore. EinerTi 1 v. u,.i.,.i i, No. 7. EDWARD S. VAN DYKE. Clerk. Duted at Grants Pass Oregon, March 4, 1M)8. 8-20 2t COME and SEE The largest line of Guitars, Mandolins, Uanjos. Violins. Violin Cases, Bows,8trings, Comets, Trombones, Etc, ever brought to this City, Outfits from$5to$250 HOWELL'S MUSIC STORE northwest mines Silver Cr-ek, was In White Clover Seed Lawn Grass Kentucky Blue Grass Garden Seeds of all kind lute Ho os liW grocery Tea and GotTee House he has been assisting congestion of mails occasioned by the heavy snows on the snmmit. Miss Alice Smith left Tuesday for San Diego, to visit friends fene win then take an aoto trip with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dixon to WatHonville, where she will also yisit for some . time. ! Wm. Freund is among the new ar rivals in Grnts Pass tnis wees, ne came from Missoula, Mont , and Has decided to locate here. He will prob ably engage in fruit culture, aod now has varioos tracts under considera tion. J. C. Brown and family of Colfax. Wash., who have been spending the week here, have decied to make their permanent home in Grants Pass. Mr. Brown is a hotel man, havinglowoed and operated the principal hotel at Colfax for some.years. tire industrial organization whose i aim is to express art in their manual products and to revive the al'inmr ob solete art of turning cut hun'lmade ' articles remarkable for thei- benuty cotupnied by his son. The mine is gna excellence ratber than for their located on Silver Creek aboot 40 miles , cneapnes. Practically ev tything from Grants Pas, the last 18 miles ' mafo by the Roycrofters is something ! J being trail, and it is 10 miles to the which has been a product of love and ! I nearest boose, as they come teward gjjM rather than tbe machine made ' ' town. At preseut there are nine 1 people at themiue aud they will soon start up active work continuing the tunnel which will open up tbe Silver ! creek basin. The tunnel is already ' 600 feet long and there is a distance of l.)0feet lyet ;to dig bnt it is com paratively easy as they have now reached the dirt bank, while the pre vious work has beenthrooeh stone and slide. The completion of this tunnel will give a vertical damp of 20 feet aud will drain two and one-balf miles of virgin placer ground. Work on this tunnel has been in progress for the pt four years but not continu ously. The company has a saw mill, gcoi houses, Ijunk house and barns. produets of the modern workshop. Yonng Mr. Hubbard is vtry moch pleased with Medford and thn sur rounding country, and If th" native materials in lufflicent quanti'y justify the establishment of a Roycroft colony, undoubtedly its establishment will fol low and Medford become the western i borne for those who have restored the lost arts. Y W. C. A. Rel. March 31. April '., 2d and 31 tickets nmv n nnrntiBHttd at Grant Ham to Eugene on the oeritflcate plan, en-' i titling the holder to return at one third fare. This for the State Con vention Y. W. O. A. at Eugene, April 8d, 4th and 6th. Full particu lars at tbe depot. 8-27 It A. U. BANNARD At his big Furniture Store on North (th street is now receiving new spring goods. Linoleums print ed and inlaid. Rugs, Royal Wilton, Axumster, Brussels, new weaves in several designs. 1'ortiers finest ever shown in Grants Pass. Couch Covers, Lace Curtains in great variety, and the largest as ortment of Frniture to be found in Southern Ore. all at prices below corajjetitiou for cash or on the ins; ailment plan. J A few White Seming Machines at about half price to close N. B. The new fabric Matting. A. U. BANNARD, Wld5 .