Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 20, 1908, Image 7

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Maybe you need some, wall Paper? Beginning Monday morninr March 23, we will place on sale
200 Bundles of Wall Paper. This lot of paper is part of a purchase made by Mr. Coe last week.
These papers are all new and fresh, no broken lots; In the new Mission Gray, Jade Green, and
Afgan Red effects.
LOT t. Suitable for Kitchen and Pantry, , 12 cents per roll.
LOT 2. Includes some pretty fancies for Bed mom ft 1 K Aonto nnr mil
LOT 3.
LOT 4.
We will also put on sale to close out about 500 odd rolls of paper, good designs in paper worth from
10 cents to 50 cents. These papers would be suitable to cover pantry, storerooms, closets, lofts
etc. High grade paper, 4c roll, seven rolls for 25c. "
Continued from first page
at tbe top. I have a draining board
the same width as tbe vat, with cleats
running diagonally 'to the center to
that the "dip".' will rnn back into tbe
Tat, as it drains off of the goat. Two
persons are required to work at dip
ping to an advantage, one at each end
of the goat. In using any of the
poison dips (which I believe to be the
most efflctlve), the utmost care mast
be taken to prevent any of tbe fluid
from entering tbe month or nostrils
in order to prevent this, place one
hand over tbe month and with the
thomb and index fingers of the same
hand, hold the nostrils of the goat.
Follow the directions on the package
of idp, oarefolly. Almost any of the
standard dips are all right,
I always have J tbe water
lukewarm, and it does more efffce
live work. As to sheds, almost any
thing that ia warm and dry will suf
fice; but think it pays to build good
sheds. Of coune the size of your
sheds would be governed by the size of
your flock. If I were to build agaio
I think I would arrange to have a
driveway throogh the center' of the
barn, or perhaps to drive into tbe
center of tbe barn and have sheds on
three sides; have a loft for my hay
and trap door to force down into box
racks placed in tbe center of the
sheds. In this way, there is very lit
tle waste and tbe feeding can be done
in half the time. Feed any kind of
hay hot timothy. I make my racks of
1x4 stuff with a 14 inch board a t the
lower part and posts of 2x4. The
apace between the lower board and the
14 strip above should be seven inches.
There is very little waste In feeding
in this rack. Tour driveway could
be utilized as a kindding pen by cut
ting it Jap with "hurdles." J pre'er
to have the sheds floored and well op
off the ground.
Much depends on Ithe arrangement
of jour pastures. If possible divide
them ; and then subdivide. Do not
keep thein too long In one pasture.
Keep one pasture fresh for their
winter ranges; as that (is the trying
tinis for an Angora. Goats like
brush ; but they are also very partial
to grass. If you haveu't the grass,
sow some forage plant for tlieui. In
the valley we sow clover and the
dwarf essex rape. They are very foud
of this and get in good ooudition on It
in a very short time. I am wintering
76 head, on live acres of rape, that
was sown July 1. but did not come
up until along in September. 1 teed
them just a little hay to balance the
rations. This feed will last until
about May 1, when I will take them
off and allow the rape to iced. I
think that alfalfa would be good feed
for them.
Coyotes, no doubt, will cause you
more or less trouble. The depart
ment has recommended poisoning aud
gives explicit directions as to how to
drag the bait in radiating liues from a
given center and how to prepare a
ort of mnsk to sprinkle over the bait
and around in tbe vicinity of it aud
teils how yoo must use new gloves
with which to handle the bait and
that you must drag a beef hide and
wheuever you alight from your horse,
alight on the beef hide. Now all
this sounds very nice and seems y.-ry
plausible, but the coyote is too cute
to be taken in with any such a propo
sition. They are always on the
move and while Mr. MervJ or Mr.
Harmon are putting out poison here
iu tbe vicinity of Grants Pas, the
coyote that has been doing all the
mischief is iu all pnbabuiiy killng
guats for D.n roeller over on Tril
Creek, back of Menford.' Mark
Twain says that it is not nncommou
for a coyote to travel 50 miles before
breakfast. I hive tried to poison
them and lo trap them, but without
success. I find that the only practi
cal method to "eliiuiaate them, is to
get good blooaed hounds, in each
loality and have regular -liont days
end everyone turn 'out and do business
with tbe coyotes. Have an under
standing with the people over tbe
neigboring creeks, that in case your
dogs shoald ron ooyote over there
Several designs in Afgan Red, suitable
A number of rich effects in Green and
that they would endeavor to kill it
and bring the dogs home and in case
their dogs comejyour way do the same.
Coyotes, as yon know like deer,
have certain "stands," which they
pass when the dogs are running them.
Place men on these stand, one man
in a place, who are "stayer" and
"shooters" and places them before
you start your dogs. If yoar dogs are
all right, you will be surprised at
success in killing your coyotes.
Don't take any brass baud along aud
don't have more than one man on each
stand aud let them keep well secreted.
They are even more on tbe alert and
like the proverbial war horse sent
sreut the battle afar off. bat unlike
the horse, to scent the battle afar
off is to skiddoo stillfarther off.
I find that renegade dogs are about
as bad enemies of goats as the ooyotes.
I ofed to be troubled very much with
dogs and hesitated to ihoot them,
even when I caught them iu the very
act of chasing aud catching the goats.
When I would tell the owners about
it they would be very indignant over
it and say tbat their dogs never went
away from home. I have adopted
the plan of keeping two guns at my
goat barn a "iliot gun and rifle. If
dogs simply pass through tbe place I,
do not molest them; bot if they chase
the Angoras I plug them. Of course
they don't belong to the parties to
whom I have goue to before about it,
beoause their dogs never go away from
A very important matter in hand
ling goats is the care of their feet. I
do not think, however, that you will
be troubled so much here with their
feet, as we are, in the Willamette
valley. I find that the most effectve
method to deal with footrot, or sore
feet in goats is to pare the foot with a
saharp 'knife until it is like a deer's
foot, then dip thefoot into a solution
of Blue vitrol, white arseuio and
warm water. To .one gallon of hot
water and one pound blue vitrol and
two tablespoonsfol of white arsenio.
Keep this dip in a wooden backet as
it will very soon eat through a tin
vessel. Foot rot 1b .caused by a mi
croscopic parasite, which gets between
the goat's toes and eats into tbe fool.
Wheu once established on a range yoo
will be bothered more or less with it.
If you are just gutting .a bunch 'fit
goats I would suggest that you go
through them and .dip their feet with
the above mixture. It may seem like
a good deal of work, bat will pay vou
well in the long run. While many
cares or losses in Angorat hocks is
due to insufficient feed and shelter,
lack of dipping, eto.,.they are not all l
due to these causes. Did you ever j manifestations ' impure blood,
have yoar goats get weak, commence j
to scour, get pale around the gills, j In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en
eyes dull and watery, hair stand on , Urged glands, open eating ulcers, or old
eud begin to lag behind the band. Ret I the "Golden Med ical Wscovery" has
. I performed the most marvelous cures. In
down and die in from three to six j of oM mns or opon ealln(t ulwT
days, and all the while they were on ; )t , well to Bppy to the opcn goTm r,
good feed? I have; aud I lost about, Pierce's All-Healing Salve, which pos
100 goats before I found Jwhat was Besses wonderful healing potency when
the matter. The cause was intestiuai
parasites and I lo-t about 20 mora
noiti before I bit on a remedy. I feed
this vermifuge regularly .to my goats,
pottiug it in their "alt and have not
hud the least recurrence of the
I am often asked wlieu is the ro
per time to breed? That, of course,
depends. Have you a emU f'ock
and plenty of shed room and some
ureen feed cumiug cu? Then torn in
your buck October 1, so the kids will
ounimence coming March 1. If you
have a large flock.' turn your bock in
with the does about November 1, so
that the kids will commence coming
April 1
We almost always have good
weather iu May, but it always seemed
to me that a May kid was lacking in
vitajity. I would prefer to have them
come earlier in the season. I have
breeding pens 8x8. that will accom
modate four does with their babies.
I also have hurdles, so that I can cut
off a corner of one of these pens for
doe due to kid or one witb a very
young one. When a doe kids, take
band shears and shear ber belly
and cut the mohair well .out of her
flank and see tbat the little fellow
nurses and thsre is no.more troohle te
it-" I lt tbe suckling does twt every
for Hall, Office or Business rooms 20 cents per roll.
Gold. Green and Maroon. Ked an.. Gold. 25c roll.
day on tbe green feed unless it storms,
keeping the kids in tbe pens until
they are about a month old. It very
young kid is badly chilled which is
frequently the care wheu they come in
stormy weather, take a bucket of
water just as hot as you can well bold
your hand in it and put him in, all
but his nose, and keep him stirring
around in it. After he begins to re
vive take him out and dry him with
warm cloths aud put him in a box
near the stnve and in an hour he is
ready to go back to tbe due. Use the
best bucks on your flocks you can get ;
the best are none too good. .If your
does are coarse and straight haired
use a very fine haired buck rather of
the fluffy type rather than the rins-
i - -
I lets'. If your does are of the fluffy
type use bucks that are a little on the
strong erder of f leeoe and carry ring
lets. Do not be deoeived by flowery ad
vertisements which indirectly promise
yon bucks that will cause your
flocks to average 10 pounds of mo
hair per head or others that hold out
the idea that they will eend you goats
whose fleeces are worth $ to $6 per
pound. Ton will be banded a gold
buck just as a certain purchaser lo
cated near me and the man in Arizo
na, mention of whom was made in
the last Oregon Agriculturist As I
have said, use tbe best 'rams to be
had. Yon have gold growing on the
bashes as well as in the soil; but you
must use Angora rams Instead of hy
drdaulio rams to secure it.
Deal with reliable breeders (there
are plenty of them) and have them
guarantee the goats to be as repre
sented and if not take them back.
It Is a 'Wonder.
Cliamherluin's Liniment is one of the most
remurkuble preparations yet produced for
the relief of rheumatic pains, and for lame
buck, sprains and bruises. The quick relief
irom pain wnicb it anords in case of rheu
matism is alone worth many times its cost
Price, 25 cents ; large size 60 cents. For
sale by M. Clemens.
The Blood is 'lho Dfo.w
Science, has never gone beyond the
above simple statement of scripture. But
It has illuminated that statement and
given it a meaning ever broadening with
the increasing breadth of knowledge.
When the blood Is "bad" or impure It
Is not alone the body which suffers
through The brain Is also
clouded, She, mind and judgement are
cted, aniTlaiiny an evil deed or Impure
thoXghtNJLjJy--krectly traced to tbe
ImpuvAy uf the ETtxtdj) Foul.lmynireMpodi
ran be pure hv iw- of it
Pierce's .Golden Medical Discovery i,
rn ri-ha uiwl miritif.s thrt lilnnH 1 ti.trAliw
I curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions and
other cutaneous affections, as eczema;-
. salt-rheum. hives and other
7 .7.1.' "
junction with the use of "Golden Medical
Discovery" as a blood cleansing consti
tutional treatment. If your druggist
don't happen to have the "All-Healing
Salve" In stock, you can easily procure It
by Inclosing fifty-four cents in postage
stamps to Dr. It. V. Pierce, 003 Main St,
ItulTalo, N. Y., and It will come to you by
return post Most druggist keep It as
well aa the "Golden Medical Discovery."
Q 9
You can't afford to accept any medicine
of vvknnwn cmpoxtr("i as a substitute
for "Golden Medical Discovery," which Is
a medlcino op knows couhonition,
bavins a complete list 01 ingredients In
claln English on Its bottle-wrapper, the
tame being attested as correct under oath.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
Notice is hereby given to whom it
may coacern: That I, tbe under
sisned administrator of the estate of
Emily Carter deceaad, have 'his day
filed in tbe County Court of Jose
phine County, Oregon, my final ac
count in tbe matter of the adminis
tration of said estate with vouchers
atached and, that boo.
Jewell, Jodge of said Court has set
down Monday, April 20th. 1908, at 10
o'clock a. m. for bearing objection! to
said aooouot.
Therefore, all persons having ob
jections to said account or any item
thereof, will file tbelr obectioas there
to in said Court 00 or before said
date. S. A. CARTER,
Timber Land Act June 3, 1878
Roeeburg. Ore., Deo. 13. 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
plianoe with the act of Congress of
June S, 1878, entitled " An act fur tbe
sal of timber lands in ti e Stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extendi
to all the Public Land States by act
oi August 4, :mw,
of Kofeburg, couuty of Douglas, State
of Uregou, bas this day filwd in this
office his sworn statement No. 8735,
for the purchase of the NWJj of Sec
tion No. 84. in Township No. 34
South, Range No. 0 wist, aud will
offtr proof to sht w tht the lauq.
sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agrioolutral pur
poses, aud to establish bis olaiiu to
sa d laud before Register and Receiver
at Roseburg. Oregon, on Tuesday, the
13th day of May, 1908.
He names as witnesses: R. W.
Medley of Roeeburg, Ore.. F. L. Kin
ney, of Roseburg, Ore., L. S. Shipley
of Roseburg, Ore., Ralph Bennett, uf
Grants Pats, Ore., Any and all per
sons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or be
fore said 12th day of May, 19o8.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Roseburg, Ore ,
, Jan 24, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Eerby, Oregon, has illeo notice of
his inteution to maae final five year
proof in support of his olaim, viz:
Homestead Kutry No. 13,936 matte
February 15, 1900 for the NEiNWi.
NWV4NEJ4, Section, 8 Township 40
Sootn, range 8 W W M., and that M'd
proof will be made be tore Joseph
Moss, U. S. Commissioner at Grants
Pass, Oregon on Wednesday, March
25, 1908.
He names tbe following witnesses
to piove hit continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, the laud,
viz: Milton C. Bogue, of Kerby,
Josephine Co., Ore., Silvester A.
Carter, of Kerby, Josephine Co.,
Ore., Joseph Ferren. of Kerby, Jose
phine Co., Ore., Qnincy Woodcock,
of Kerby, Jo-enhine Co., Ore.
t. Register.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, in and for Josephine County.
In the matter cf the
estate of Jame
Dunn, deceased
To the creditors of James R. Donn,
deceased :
Notice is hereby given tbat on the
12 tli dny of March, 1908, Martha .
Aiitcneii, or uranis .fass, ure. . was
duly apK)iutd by tbe Ci uuty Jadge
of Josuhpine Couuty, Ore., adminis
tratrix of the em ate of James R.Dunn,
derased, and tliut all persons having
claims against said estate slull pre
sent said claims with proper vouchers
therefor to said almiuistratrix in
Grants Pass, Josephine Count, Ore
ton, within six months from the date
ot this notice.
Dated at Grants Pass, Oregoo,
March 12, 1908.
Department of the Interior.
Land olfice at Rneburg, Ore.,
Jan. 31, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
Father aud only heir at law of Isaac
Ml fern, deceased, or wimer, Jackson
C, Oieg.iu, has filed notice of lilt
intention to make final five.yeur proof
in 8uport ol his claim, viz: Home
stead Entry No. 10 841 made Nov. 28,
1900. lor the NW 8E)$ Sectioo 84,
Towniliip34 South, Range 8WWM.,
and that said proof will be made be
fore Joseph Moss, U. 8. Commit-
siener. at Grams Pass. Oreeon. on
i Thursday. March 2fi, 1908.
He names tbe to lowing witnesses to
: prove nit coutmooas residence upon
! and cultivation of, tbe land, viz:
Joseph Schoooover, of Wimer, Jack
son Co., Oregon, .Stephen H. Beers,
of Wimer, Jackson Co., Ore., Albert
Davie, of Wimer, Jackson Co., Ore.,
James Neathamiuer, of Wimer, Jack
son Co., Oregoo
Notice is .hereby given that on Sat
nrday, March 21, 1908 at 10 o'clock a
m. in the Court House in OranU
1 Pass, Oregon, tiers will be held
Mass Convention of the Socialist of
Josephine County, for the purpose of
Doajiuaiiug a itouniy ucjeer. and socn
other business aa may oome before it
au socialists are requested to be
2-28 St County Chairman.
0arts biaaka at the Ceteris 01
Timber Land. Act Jane 8, 1878.
Roeebarv, re.. Nov. 85 190?
Notioe it herfby given that in corn
plianoe with the provisions of t avt
01 Congress of Jane (, 1878, entitled
"Au act for th- fide of timber lauds
in ibe StMtes of California, Or-gon,
Nevda and Wa-himgioo Territory,"
as extended to ail P Pnbl 0 Land
States by an of August 4, 1892,
of Vancouver, Ononty of Clarke, State
or vYa-hingtou, lots yis day filel to
h'S office her sworn rtatment No.
8100, for the pnrohase of tbe S of
Section No, 80 in Township No. 34
South, Range No. 6 W.W M., and
nl otTcr proof to show that f'e lnd
sought is more valuable for it timber
r s oue than lor agrinultortl pur
poses, and to establish her 0 aim to
said laud before Register and He
c ier at their ofnie at Ro burg.
Ore., on Wednesday, the IStli day of
Apiil, 1908.
She names aa witnesses Wetley B.
S'lertOKO, of Grants Pass, Ore ,
O orge H. Slover of Grants Pass,
Or., Koy Oaroutteof Merlin, Oregon,
Ella Albiight, of Vancouver, Washing
ton. Any aud all persons claiming adver
sely the abi ve de-onbed landt are re
quest, d to file thoir claims in this of
fice on or before said 16th day of
April, 1908.
R timer.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878,
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 25, 1907,
No'ioe is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of
the act of Congiesa far June 3, 1878,
eutitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the
pn hi 10 Land States by act of August 4,
of Vancouver, County of Clarke, State
of Washington has this dy filed in
this office her swore statement No.
8H97, for the po rebate of the EM of
E of Section No. 24 in Township
No. 84 Soath. Range No. 7 W.W M..
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought ia more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish ber claim
to said land before Register aud Re
ceiver at . their offloe at Roseburg.
Ore., on Tuesday, the 14th day of
Airil. 1908:
She names as witnesses: Wes'ey B
Sherman, of Grant Pats. Ore.,
George II Slover, of Grants Puss,
Oregon, Roy Garoutta of Merlin,
O re.. Miry J. DoBoia, of Vancouver,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described laud are
requested to file their claims in this
office 00 or before said 14th day of
April, 1908.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Josephine
iti me matter or tne cs
late of William
Helms, deoeased.
Notice is hereby given to whom it
may concern, that the undersigned
has been appointed Execatrix of the
last will and testament of William
Helms, deceased, which said appoint
nient has been on firmed bv an order
of the County Court fur Josephine
unuuty, Oregon dated January 87,
1908. . AH persona having claims
against the estate of said deoeudent
will present the same duly verified to
said Executrix at the office of Maroui
W. Robbint, attorney at law, Grants
Pas, Oregon 00 or before six months
from the date of the first publication
of this nntioe, which date of said first
publication is February 14, 1908
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Rosebnrg, Ore., Nov. 25, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tbe provisions of the
act of Congress of Jane 8, 1878, eu
titled "An at for the sale of timber
lands in the State of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Terri
tor y, "as ei tended to all the Pahlio
Land State" by act of August 4, 1892,
of Vancouver, County of Clarke, State
01 Washington, nas this day died In
this office her sworn statement No.
8R9H, for the purohase of the SE' of
Section No. 30 in Township No. 84
South, IRange No. 6 W. W. M. and
will offer proof to show that the laod
sought is more valuable for Its timber
or. stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and .to establish her olalm to
said laud before Register and Receiver
at their offloe at Roseburg, Ore., on
Iuesday, the 14th day of April, 190S.
She names as witnesses: Wesley B.
Sherman of Grants Pass, Ore., George
H. Slover of Grants Pass, Ore., Hoy
Garoutte of Merlin, Ore., Florence
M. Snodgrass of Vancouver, Wash.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands
are requested to file bis claims In this
ofioe on or before said 14th dy of
April, juu&
In the County Court of the State of
Oregou, for the Coooty of Josephine.
In tbe matter of the
Estate of Alexander
M. Jest, deceased. J
Notioe Is hereby given to whom it
may concern that the undersigned has
been appointed administratrix of tbe
estate of Alexander M. Jest, de
ceased, by the Count Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Josephine and that all persons having
claims against said estate are notified
to present tbe same duly verified to
said administratrix at the office of
Oliver 8. Brown, Grants Pass, Ore
goo, on or before six months from the
date of first publication of thia notice.
which date of said first publication
is rriday, rsuruary 21, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Nov 85, 1907
Notioe is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of tbe act
ot Congress of Jane 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the rale of timber lauds
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevad and Washington Territory,-'
as extended to all the Pubti" Laud
States by ct of Angoast 4. 1892,
of Vancouver, County of Clarke,
State of Washington, has this day
filed In lhi office her sworn state
ment No 8099, for the purchase of the
NWtfof Seotloa No. 80 in Township
No. 84 South, Range No. 6 W W M.
and will offer proof to show tht the
laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes and to establish her i laim to
said land b-fore Register and Re.
ceiver at their 01 flee at Roseburg, Ore-,
on Tuesday, the Ml da Pf April,
She names as witnesses : W-sVy B.
She man, of Grautt Pass, Orexon,
George H. Slover, of Grants Pass,
Ore., Roy Garoutte of Merlin, Ore.,
Ellen Lvuch of Vancouver, Wa h.
Any and all lersons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
nueated to tile their claims iu this
oe on or before said 14th day of
April 1908.
Department of the Interior.
Land Of Hue at Roseburg, Oregon.
Jan. 23, 1U08.
Notice it hereby given that
of Grants Pass, Oregou, has filed
notice of his inteution to make final
five year proof in support of his
olaim, viz: Homestead Entry No.
12,1)10 made October 23d, 1903, for
the SS,SE YK Section 14, Towuship
3ti South, Range S W W M., and that
said proof will be made before
Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at
Grauta Pas, Oregon, on Mouday.
March 23, 1908.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his oontinnons residence up
on, and cultivation or, the land, vizr
Joseph HiU, of Grants Pass, Ore,
Nalun D. Youug of Grants Pass, Or.,
Fred Miller, of Grants Pass. Or.. Sid
ney Woolfolk. of Grants Pass, Ore.
By virtue of au execution issued out
of the O.rooit Court of the Bute of
Oregon for Josephine County upon
judgment rendered iu said Court, on
the lith dsy of April, A. D., l'.IOS
in favor of the Plalutifl. Sadie M.
Hyde and agaiust tbe delendant,
George H. Hyde for (he sum of $35
per month, commencing Murch 1,
1906, and payable monthly nntll other
wise ordered by the oonrt with in
terest on each installment at six per
cent per aunurn, I have levied on and
win sell at public aootioo to the
highest bidder, lor cash, on the 84tii
dav of February. A. D., 1908 at 10
o'clock, a. m., at the 'front door et
the Court house at Grants Pass Id
Josephiue Couuty, Oregon, the follow
ing described property, to-wit: Ml
the right, title and interest or the
defendaut, George II. Hyde and par
tioularly his undivided two-thirds
interest in and to Lot Fonr (4) of
Judsou & Chnnselor's subdivision of
Block of J. Bourne's First Addition
to the town of Grants Pass in Jose
phine Couuty, Oregoo.
Datd at Grants Pass, Oregon, thla
20th day of January. A. D., 1908.
Zl Sheriff ot Josephiue Co.
Department of the Interior,
Land Of lice at Roseburg, Ore.,
Jau. 24, 1908.
Notice is hereby given 'hat
of Deering, Oregon, has filed notioe
ot his Intention lo nuike final five
year proof in support of hi claim,
viz: Uootneslead Entry No 10,419
made Jan. 30, 1901, for the KUSWW,
NWSE seo 11, and NE NW
Section 14, Township 41 Soutn, Range
tfWWM., and that said proof will
be made before Joseph Moat, U. S.
Commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore
gon, Friday, March 27,1908.
He names the following witnesses
to 1 rove bis continuous residence
upon, and cul'lvation of, the land,
viz: Eddy W. Kuykendall, ot Wolf
Creek, Ore., Clark T. Webb, of
I Wing, Ore, Kred Ahlberg, of
Deeriug, Ore, Thomas Gilligan, of
Deeriiig, Ore.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore , Feb. 12, 190a
Notice is hereby given, That in
compliance with the provisions of tho
Act of Congress of Jaue 8, 1878, en
titled "An Act for the sale of timber
lands in the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada, aud Washington
Territory," as extended to all Public
Land States hy am of Augnst 4. 1H92,
of 1200 Esther St., Vancouver, County
of Clarke, State of Washington filed
in this office ou March 9, 1V07, her
sworn statement No. 8795 for the
purchase of the K NE.NWW NEW
of Section No. 18 in TownshiD No.
37 South of Range No. 4 west. W.
M., Ore., aud will offer woof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for iU timber or stone than
for aarioaltural purposes, and to es
tablish ber claim to said land hnfnro
Joseph Moss, U. S. Oommiasiooer at
Grants Pass, Ore., on Monday, the
11th day of May, 1908.
bhe names aa witnesses: Wiula Tt
Sherman, of Grants !Pass. Ore..
George H. Slover of Grants paat.Ore.,
Bertha M. , Brown of VanooiiTer
Washington, Phillip Robinson of
Woodvili. Ore.
Anv and all person claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 11th day of
May, 1908. '
I Register.