ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON FEBRUARY 28, 1908. PIIO VOLT R. F. Lewman made a business trip to the connty seat, this week. O. W. Meek m over from David on, Sundsy. He report everything looking Rood in bii part of the county, with splendid Indication for fine crops of grain and fruit and be predict that there will be many iab taotial improvement oat that way, tbi coming spring. Mrs. M. E. ',Losob wa oot from Grant Pa tbi week, Timing with ber parents, Mr. and Mr. J. A. Lew man and greeting her many rrleud bore. She'.fras accompanied by ber two daugh tiara. Marlln Pernoll.of the Applsgatewas at ProTolt, Sunday, looking after tome Lusiuess matters. Bert Cloot of Aahlaud baa rented tbe J. McDanlels place and I moving: bi family here. We wish blm abund ant success as farmer. The ihow, at Rose' Hall, Friday evening, a decided sueceea. Bo fore .the -t performance began, B. F. Mulkey, candidate for prosecuting attorney made a abort address, which was well reoelved by tbe many voter present. There will be another show and social dance at William, Satorday evening. Quite a goodly number from bere attended the danoe at Savage Creek Friday evening and they one and all report baring bad a delightful time. We've had some fine weather al ready, although winter still prevail over oar fertile valley. Bat soon spring will be bere and arleady the peach trees are almost In bloom, while the almonds are showing thsir white heals, and the buds of cherries and pears are far ahead of what they uoaly ar this tlms of yesr. And tbe wild flowers are already very much in evidence. It's no wonder that tbe homeseekers are heading for ine Kogue uiver Valley, where we have suoh fins climate aud all other things to match. The Baby quarts olaint is now in operation under the new management of a Mr. Cheedla, of . Grants Pass. Tbe property makes a On showing of gold bearing rock, all ready for the milling and as soon as the water is turned into the opper ditch by the J. T. Layton estate the work will progress nloely. The Little Pocket qoarta olalm on Democrat bill has been steadily de veloping ouder tbe management of a Mr. Johnson, who has been runuiug 100 foot tunael In order to strike the ledge al depth of 400 feet. Mr. a. it. jonnson is insi now erecting son. new buildings on the uilulug prop erty. There are uo other mines In active operatlou hereabout, excepting tbe placer mine of J. T. Layton estate, where a crew of men are bnny, get ting ready for the season's cleanup. UNOLK FULLER. X WILLIAMS I The snow, which fell to the depth of eight inuhes ddring the late storm, ha all nudted from the foot hills, aud delightful weather now previals, notwithstanding "ground hog' day" wa unfavorable, Mr. D. & Riitgel, reonutly from Iowa, who bought the .Leroy Loveless place i bn lid log- fence and clearing laud and otherwise improving the property, lie thak thl mild Oregon winter Is flue ootupared with Iowa winters. .Several families have beea vUllsd by La Grippa lately on the opper creek, including Sparliu, Moffltt, Rlegol, .Hayes, Warner aud Mr. and Mrs. Dixon of the Williams poatoffloe. All are eonvitleaceut al present. We are pleased to note that our ol.l friend aud neighbor, J. O, Oibson is going into the grocery business in the Pa. Jim Is all right aud we wish blot abundant suooeat in hi uew veu tura. liberie MoOae, ouof the late J. U Mo(lee Juf WilllainsTraTid3!iueli an old time resident of Wllllatun val ly died recently in BrltUh Colum bia. I understand the reiusius wul bebroaght here for iutermeut In the It makes no differenco whether you aro a lawyer or a real estato man, dentist or doctor, whether you own a grocery utore or butcher shop, whether you run a wood yard or work in a box factory, cr what you do, you cep tainly wear shoes. If they hurt your feet you can't do good work. Pingree Shoes arc easy on the feet, keep their shape. If I sold you a pair you would be satisfied and I would be satisfied. I sell lotn of Pingree Shoes. LLOYD Williams cemetery where bis parents ars boried. Mr. McGee bad many ' friend here who will regret to bear of bis sudden dealb. Mis brother. Oliver McUee bas gone to British Columbia to bring him back. BALTIMORE. I D E E 11 1 X G i Some one bas said that "Uncle Ebe, " olaiius Deering is at large as New York city. This is not to. New York ba os tkiuned to the tone of 780 the most population and " Un cle Ebe" i not tbe kind to lie about such a small matter J. W. Mock, Tommle Oilligan, R. aud O. W. .Webb, made s.trlp to Waldo Monday, where tbey did some trading aud also registered for the coming primaries. Mies Mae Webb is staying with ber grandmother, who at this writing is very sick. One of our county papers is trying to excuse itself. Bays Sen. Faltoo was caught at one time in bad com' pany and that it has not always sp proved of what he did, but thinki we bad better elect him" again for fear we might do worse If some one else was elected. Will someone please fan as while someone else gels the camphor bottle? E. M. Albright made a trip to your burg last Thursday on business. We oalled last nighf at tbe borne of Tommle Gilligan, where we en countered adjectives of all kinds flying through tbe air. The walls and floor were ooversd with them. Tommle was "bad sick " Bays he baa these sick spells once a year regu lar but that he would not care so tuoob bat they always attack him just when lie la not feeling very well. D. L. and L. R. Webb .bare pre pared for a big congar bunt and will strike out for tbe Siskiyou country tomorrow morning. They have sever al M pound traps and two of the best varmint dugs in tbe ooontry. Of oourse they will bring home what txar tbey find. Jess Freemn has his boose finished and baa moved into it. Mr. and Mr. Frank Stiwalt were visitors at the borne of E. M. Al bright Sanday. C. T. Webb will set out 200 2-year old apple tree thl spring. Elk Val ley is getting to jbs "somspoinpklo" In the fruit line. EBEN M U II T II Y WWW WW WW WW WWW WW WW WWW WW WW www Nloe weather, "don't it?" Wheeler Osborn and Arch Bunch are dolug some grubbing at Gilmores, Tbe mumps have about oompleted their ravage. Shorty" did you see those digger squirrels this week. Thsts a sigu of spring. Daddy Uentner is doing tome splen did work on the 'granite road betweeu bere aud town. Use I Don't that Sampson spray stink? No wouder it kills the scale. These Murphy orchardlst believe in using lota of it H. 8. Wyuaut mid a $0000 farm last week to Mr. Roan of Washlugton and Mr. Park of (loldfleld, N'ev. Mlis Gertrude Cahill finished her inters' school at Laurel Orove.Frl- dar giving an eutort itiiui-nt at night. We with Miss Gertrude, many suooest- ful terms and as many of them as possible in our vioiuity. The Murphy Litorary last Saturday night was a howling success. The red letter numbers being a recitation "The Polish Boy" by Mr. C. L. Swiuduu, the literary paper "The Hillside 8iuedunk" by L. W. Car son, .vooal muMo by Douamie aud Reynolds aud the Kaugaroo 'trial of L. M. Mitchell, lu which hs fouuvl guilty of calling Mi Auua Habermsu a liar "aud ntenced to 90 day hard labor on tbe Rck pile be side paying Miss Aun the neat aunt of $35,000 for damage to her charac ter. ;fr. Mituhell was ably d'tfeuded by A. P. Knox but the proseoatiug attorney, Mr. Robinson, with Ms spleudid oratory and sober-faced witnesses easily won ths case. Miss Annabella Leith Is homo'rroin bar school at L dUtrict Shs re- port a pleasant term with pupils and patrons and a big .urpnie dinner on the last day. . Tne Knox and Angel mill will blow the wbintle in earnest about April ISth. Mr. Knox aud Chas. Robsrts passed Murphy Tuesday on their way to tbe mill where thsy will be ysrd iug lpgs till starting tims. Say, "Eben," we've got a raspberry cane that grew 18 feet in Josephine oil last year. How would a wisp of them do for broom to commence on tbat clearing you advised me of? XYZ MLSSU0KI FLAT Willie Fitrrl ha sold hia residence to C. M. Rexford and be intends to move it and join it to his home. John Meek and Willie Farris are going to cut some wood for Ed Swin den. I wonder what has become of "Red Cloud?" Mr. Cari was a visitor of Granti Pas one day laet week. L. O. Basey ha, been visiting Mr. Vincent of Missouri Flat. Ivan York, 1 while at play, bnrt himself pretty badly. W. York was a visitor at Grant Pax one day last weak. Victor Bailey went to the city a day or so ago. Pat MoFadden ha been ploughing lor W. a. Bailey the past few days. Ml Edna Doney 'is visiting old frirnds of Missouri Flat. There will be a dance at Fred Mil ler' place February; 28. Everybody cordially Invited. Married February 21, Mr. Staub and Mi Minnie Buhl. We wish them mnch joy, LILAC. RESIDENT TAKES ISSUE WITH UNIVERSITY IDEA Kditor Courier: I aotlce tbat oae of the IS measures, to be submitted to the people at ths ooming election I the appropriation of 1135,000 an nually, to the state uairenity. I wonder if the voters will atop to think about our public schools In ths country, whsn thsy ars casting their vote In reference to thl large amount of money that tue legislature want to appropriate to one institution, when there are so many school districts in thl state that have not enough meney to have a six month school. It is in "the public schools thst the foundation of our children's education is laid. If they suooeed in setting a thorough publio achool education, tbey oan manage to take a state uni versity oourse if they wish it. Oar children mat have a common school education to enable then to get along at all. in this day and age of tbe world. If we can afford anch 'appropria tions, I say, hare tbetn, bat can we, whuu the state can only afford to give each of our home districts the pitiable sum of A0 per yesr and for the rest, we have to depeud on gettinhy the uumber'of children in the district You may be rayiag more taxes thau any other man in the county, but if you happen to live in a district where there are only a few children, yonr child will bare to be sent awav from home to ne educated at the very time wheu he needs the parents' watchful care to train him lu Jhe paths of right Of oourse it will spesk well for the state to bave an up-to-date university But how will it affect ths Eaittern people, when they oouio her to settle, to lara that a large majority ot the publio school oistriota har not enough sohool to give their children a start in educttlon. Don't you tbiuk that will oonnt mors against ths state than that iti uoiveriity is not quite a commodioa as one would wish? When thsy realise that thsy bave to seud their child from Koine in order to get the rudiuieuts of so education do you think ths man oouiiog to this far famed west will want t settle where, perhaps, hia ohild will ouly be able to have the short term of foar month ot school, per year? tto, he will not, aud I say, first give as enough money to have a nins mouth school in each district and then aa we can, build up our nnivertity. ALIDA D. SWINDKS, Murphy, Oregon" WITH THE CHURCHES M. E. CHURCH SOUTH. Interest and attendance are on the increase both In the Sanday slicool and at preaching service. Last San day night the Paitor babtiaed two yoang ladies aud received them into the church. Services will be of special interest next Sanday. Our presiding elder, Rev. C. L. McCaeal and, will be bere and preach at both aervice. Rev. McCaogland is a deep thinker and an excellent preacher, and 70a will certainly be benefitted if you hear him. The Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed at the morning sutvlce. You are invited to worship with ns and a warm welcome will be extended to you. SALVATION ARMYS' BIG TIME The members of the local Salvation Army corps are 00 the qui vive over the aDDroacbine visit of Brigadier W. F. Jenkins, of Scat tin, theProviuuiul officer in charge of tbe work in the state of Washington, Oregon', Idaho, Montana aud Wyoming. He will be here Tue'day, March 10th at tbe opera house to conduct special services in the nature of a etereoptlcon lecture and will be ably mi if ted by Adjatant A, Purcell Stcrey, Provincial Young People's Secretary. These men are both eloquent speaker and their coming to Grants Pass will be a note worthy eveut in tbe good work that is being accomplished by this noble band of Christian worker. Every. Doay win ne welcome and no one should miss bearing these diatiu guished risitors. NEW MAN AT BETHANY Next Sondsy Rer. W. G. Smith will occupy the pulpit of Bethany Presbyterian obnrcb. Mr. Smith i known to be an earnest and eloquent speaker and his sermons morning and evening are sure to edify and help all who are fortunate enough to bear him. While be i not an aspirant for the vacant paatoiate, yet he will probably fill the place during the month of March, at the argent request of the officers of the church. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Mr. Cro-s, Souday School special ist ipoka instead of the pastor last Sunday morning. The sermon defer red then will be delivered at the morning service at 10:30 "Bread" is the tojc, the third in tbe aeriei 00 "The -Pattern Prayer. The Right Hand of Fellowship will be extended to new members and tbe Lord's supper observed at 11 :30. "The Bible School meets at 11:45. At :30 oocors the Young Peoples meeting. The Devo tional committee will bn in charge. "How God leads man" is tbe aubjeot. At 7 :30 the ordinance of baptism will be adminiitered and the pastor will preach on "The Faith of Jttus." A cordial invitation is extended to yon to all these services. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. i'lan Church invite you Ut the tallowing services next Sondty, March 1st : Service number 1. Sun day bbhool at 10 a. m. O, you say von never go to Sunday School. Well! Whats the matter? "Dou't get np in time!" "Not by 10 o'clock?" (Much laughter.) Sttrvioe uuuiber 2, Preaohing and Communion at 11a. m. Surely yon will be uo bv this time." "Un? Course I'm np! You've got the hnaduche" That' too bad. Do you have it regularly on Saudiy morn ings?" (Sratchs head) "No didn't hnve it lat Sanday, I remember, for we were up early to take a drive." O. that why. Oversleep alway causes headache. Great applauie from gallery. Well, get up at 7 next Saa day, breathe the trash air, Uke three ounoca of "determination, " eat a good breakfast and coin a to'nhnrob aud hearth teruiou ou "Lid sitters and Lid lifters." Service No. 3. Juuior at 3 p. m. "Well, what i Juuior?" "Never heard of tbat when yoa were a boy?" "No, I reckon it' one of them new faogled tbiugs." "Yes, it i quite a new organisation. It teackes the boys and girl about the Bible and prepare them to be aseful Christian iu the i charch later on. Why in oor Junior! w have several boys and girls wbo at ' 8 and 12 can pray better than their patent at 40 and 80." "I that so?! Land a-livin', I'm gain'. I never ' heard the like." "Ye, do come. The ' children always like to bave visitor." ! Service Number 4. This is Eu-' deavor at 6:30 p. in., "Yes, I know what that is. Its that society started by Franci E. Clark. No organise- i tion of the church ha helped more than thu one. It ha answered the question " What shall we do with oarYoong People?" "Well, my boy goes and be likes it, and he's no dan ger ot stoppiug. " Namber 5. Evsning service at 7 iBiX Sabject "Tbe Ideal Yoang Man. or the Fator Husband." Thiawill bs dlcnasdfrtMn:iheoungdia'sUnd , point. Several young ladies bave given theif opinions on tbi subject and these will be need. The subject will be discussed frankly and without any harsh critioisms. "Thauk yon, I'm glad yon have in vited me to these aervice and I shall come. ' ' - ww wwvvww ww ww www www ww ww I ASHLAXD 0RMAL l WW WW WW WWW WWW WW WW w www The Y. W. O. A. met last Wednes day and elected the, following of Boers for one year: Nita Greneger, presi dent Nina Kame, vice-president Myrtle Farnham, secretary; Joie Chamberlain, treasurer. Mist Grene ger being enable to accept (he posi tion of president, reslgaed. Henceforth, on Tuesday and Thurs day, a special soug service will be held in chapel. Mis Silsby and Mr, Neil will bave charge of this exercise, The oratorical club, which is com' posed of the young men interested in this sort of work, met last Thursday for the purpose of electing officers and planning the years' work. Thsy in tend to make a study of the oratory of the legislature, the pulpit, the platform and the bar. Clere Peebler returned to bi former home in Louisiana last week. At a meeting of the Senior class last Thursday, a committee was ap pointed to make plans for commence ment. There are about 30 who ex pect to graduate this year. Tbe Normal boys are enjoying cross country ran each night This is preparatory for the Junior r. school meet. The mosio department pf the Nor mal will give an entertainment at tb Opera House, March 14, after tbis tbey will make a trip to Central Point, Gold Hili and Grants Fas. The students and the faculty were delighted with an interesting talk ou "A Trip Across the Alp, " given by Miss Case in obapel Tuesday morning. Of the 20 persons wbo applied for state papers at tbe examinations held at Jacksonville recently, 18 are either graduates of the normal or are at tending it at the present time. In the Y. M. O. A. meeting held last Wednesday, the subset "The Cost of Christian Life," was dis cussed with Professor A. O. J leader, H. L. Wbited has offered a silver medal to th stodent, wbe with the approval of the faculty, succeed in gaining tbe highest honor in the Oratory department. The advanced elocution class, re cently organized, will gire a rsoltal in the chapel, February 28. Of the students attending the Aca demlo department of the different state normala. the. Ann trior a rWMn Normal has ths econd largest num- We heard the other day of a poor fellow who has cancelled his order mam Copyright 1907 by Htrt SchaKner & Man w Let us show good things" we the Spring Trade. GEO . CALHOUN "imiuers PI Try' us for Groceries? All we ask is an opportunity to show you our line and acquaint you with the high quality of our goods. It takes but one trial to prove in a most conclusive, manner that we are the people to buy from whenever in ueed of something good to eat. We'll soon have a nice line of choice Seed Potatoes. See us for poultry Supplies.. T PARDPP The C.rocer Us rnlllijlj FRONT 8TKEKT ber enrolled at the present time. Weston ranks first in numbers. Hon. C. B. Watson gave an inter esting talk on "Psychology" in ohapel Friday morning. Besides tbi a tribute, was paid to the memory of George Washington, by placing bia picture, draped with tbe national flag, upon the rostrum. A joint meeting of tbe congressional and Athena literary societies wag beld last Friday evening and tbe following program was rendered : America Society Reading Myrn Bailey Vocal solo Bessy Fairolo Oration Harvey DeArmond Mandolin solo Robert Wilcox Male quartet Debate: "Resolved, That the Ini tiative and Referendum aa in nee in the state of Oregon is inimical to pro gress and should be repealed. " Affirmative Leonard Smith, Lulu Wright, Stanley Wood. Negative O. B. Newton, Emma Sherwood, Harry Saylea. Athena news Florence Benson Tbia was one of tbe best programs tbat has been given by the societies this year. St. Patrick's. Day. The Bethany Band will hold a sale and sociable at the Presbyterian church parlors. Re member the day. 2-H 6t G. H. Chapman bas returned from Seattle, where he has been perfecting arrangements to go in with other parties in fitting out 'three boats for tb purpose of going into Siberia, to engage in the handling of furs 00 an extensive scale. The first boat ba already been equipped and sent out and the other will soon be started. 1 for a flying machine and will be obliged to crawl around like any ordinary citizen this year. Like wise there may not be quite so many big red auto mobiles, but do not lose sight of this fact-that Hart SCHAFFNFR & MiRX clothes will sell just as fast as ever. The people of this part of the good country of ours have plenty of money for the necessaries, the real comforts, and, as Robert Louis Stevenson has put it, "The world is so full of a number of things, Tm sure ivt should all be as happy as Rings" you some of the are receiving for CO. Boy and Man