Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 28, 1908, Image 7

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    jumsnt farmer, ordering blm to pre-'
,tat nls c'a,m t0 tne rton Motor
company, but llrsfof all. to atop talk
lug. He suggested sending a carriage
Md a doctor from New Rocbelle. but
here the lady motorist, who bad been
m Interested spectator, descended from
. . w a
j(r fir ana graciously uuereu iu cou
TeT the two gentlemen back to New
This offer was gratefully accepted,
Blcbard and the patrolmau helping the
Englishman Into the tonneau. The
farmer wished to accompany them, but
vis promptly suppressed by divers
threats of the law for blocking public
"Mr. Wilson," briskly remarked the
young lady, who had given her name
,s Miss Sempton, "1 think your em
ployer would be more comfortable If
jou propped his lujured limb on the
teat You would better ride with me."
Richard flushed, but obeyed. To be
thought a chauffeur by the patrolman
was one thing, but the occupation was
ot so attractive lu the eyes of a dash
ing young aristocrat In a leather cloak
and cap.
"What address, Mr. Williams?' she
I "The nearest hospital. If you please,"
.nan-apojl t ha on rl wlnclnir na tha ma.
chlue started.
To Richard the ride was not very
pleasant. Miss Sempton talked to blm
politely, It Is true, but much In the
same manner as she might have con
mlted her groom with regard to the
condition of her horses. With the earl
the was on different terms, being
charmingly solicitous for his comfort
and ezpressiug deep regret at his mis
fortune. "How are you getting on, Mr. Wil
liams?" she asked, turning her bead
with a sympathetic smile.
"Jolly," said the earl, though beads
of perspiration were glistening on his
brow. He nursed bis drooping shoul
der and drew what comfort he could
from bis glimpses of a wind flushed
cheek and a pair of sparkling eyes
that were turned upon blm ever and
They stopped at the entrance of St
Luke's hospital, on Cathedral heights,
where the bogus Williams, with pro
fuse thanks to bis good Samaritan,
was borne away by two attendants.
The real Richard Williams raised bis
hat and thanked her also. He was
about to follow his friend wtfen Miss
Sempton detained him.
"One moment Mr. Wilson. That
Layton motor you are driving Is It a
pretty fair machine?'
"Delightful," said Richard, who for
the first time in his life bad received
his baptism of fire and gasoline.
"Cheerful as a child, gentle as a wom
an and guaranteed for speed and"
"la it a water cooler?'
"Water cooler?' exclaimed the young
man In undisguised astonishment
"Well, no; I never beard It called that
or a temper cooler either. No Ice about
that machine."
Miss Slmpton regarded him critical
ly through ber drooping eyelashes.
"Where is the Ignition coll located?'
"Why why under the tank," said
Blcbard as a wild guess. The young
woman flung back ber head and
"Did you learn to drive a motor In
a hansom cab, sir?"
"On a broncho, ma'am." returned
Richard, cheerfully seeing the game
was up.
"There," she said as she held out her
band to blm, "I knew you were not a
chauffeur: Oue thing more. Tour
friend Mr. Williams Is an Englishman,
fcn't he?'
"No," answered the young man sol
emnly; "he's a Turk."
RICHARD, greatly annoyed by
tbe turn or affairs and smart
ing because of bis easy fall
Into Miss Sempton's clever
trap, was forced, to cool his heels in the
wnltiug room while the seriously dam-'
aged Englishman was being patched
up temporarily by the doctors and put
to bed In e private room. After a long
time the uniformed uurae entered
briskly and uceosted the impatient
"Are you the chauffeur?'
-fc " - -ves '"urse,"
stammered Richard In wrathful con
fusion. "Very well. then. Mr. Williams
wants to see you at once. This way.
She spoke curtly, as if she had little
use for chauffeurs In general and none
at nil for this particular specimen.
s Richard, however, rose obedlently-be
' could do nothing elKe-Wtit bis cheeks
were flaming hotly nt his false aud
humiliating piwitlou. Croyland was
carrying bis Joke a little too far.
"Thank you." he answered grimly,
to tbe great surprise of the nurse. "I'm
particularly anxious to see the gentle
man myself."
He was led to the door of a bare but
unny room, spotlessly clean, where
the woman left him. lie eutered and
imoH tha lMir shurolv tehlud blm
UjDiid then turned to face the bandaged
enrl reposing eiicefully lu bed.
"Look here. Croyland! What do you
menu by giving my uame lu place of
your own?"
The earl smiled up at blm and wink
ed craftily.
-Now. dou't be a silly ass. old chap
Sit down. You can't smoke here, but
1 dare say you won't mind."
Richard seated himself somewhat ir
rttably and awaited the answer to his
Question. For a moment tne tngnao
man lay with closed eyes, then opened
them and drawled out Irrelevantly:
"Ripping girl, that Miss Sempton, eh-:
Don't let me forget her address S32
Madison avenue. I shall send flowers
"To thunder with your flowers:"
napped Richard, a red spot appearing
on either check. "Why did you give
my name?'
"Now. don't be In a hurry. Dickie;
I'm coming to that" returned the Eng
lishman, with maddening complacency.
"You see. dear boy. It Is this way: I'm
here In New York on a most delicate
affair In the Interests of a foreign gov
ernment and 1 can't afford to be writ
ten up In the newspapers s having
been knocked out in an accident Real
ly, you know. It might lead to Interna
tlonal complications. and all that sort
of thing. By Jove, you can't Imagine!"
"But" began bis friend, when the
Englishman checked blm with bis un
wounded band.
"It Is simply out of the question, old
chap. I'd have a lot of fellows after
me, and all that Your newspaper
chaps are such silly asses they'd get
my business out of me and ruin ev
erything. And. then, another thing
there'U be trouble about that motor
and possibly a lawsuit by that ldJot of
a farmer. I couldn't have that you
know. . It would be most annoying
beastly!" "Oh. I see." said Richard, with In
finite scorn In his tone; "It will be far
easier for you to lie snug here and be
petted and coddled by good looking
nurses, while I'm saddled with tribu
lation and a live wire."
"Infinitely.'.' agreed the Earl of Croy
land. with beaming good nature. "You
can see that yourself."
"No, I can't," said Richard, "and.
what's more, I won't!"
"You are a private citizen and can
do what you please, you know. I'm
a public person and cawn't."
"I won't do it. I say!" persisted the
other stubbornly.
"Oh. yes. you will, old chap," the
Englishman asserted with infectious
assurance. "I'd do the same for you.
and It won't be long either. By the
way, I won't be able to go to the
Renwycks at Irvlngton tomorrow."
Richard brightened visibly. The
proposition afforded some points of
advantage after all.
"You see," the earl went on. "I'll
be laid up here for perhaps two weeks,
"you are a private citizen and can do
what you please."
and I don't want our ambassador to
know it. My right arm Is out of com
mission, and I cawn't write my ex
cuses to Mr. Renwyck. I want you to
see him personally and explain the
matter to blm quietly. Ask blm If he'll
be good enough to bold my luggage un
til I can get out of this place and send
for It My man will arrive there with
my boxes tomorrow from Washington.
Now, won't you do this for me, old
"Well, yes. I suppose so, so long as
I am In for It" said Richard, striving
to conceal his joy. "Anything else?"
Tbe earl nodded.
"I'd be glad If you would dismiss my
man as soon as be arrives. Bills Is bis
name. Woolsey Bills."
"Yes, I remember him now. Lord,
what a name!" said Richard, who had
seen the man at San Antonio with
Croyland for a dny or so l-efore his
iWi.b'.p started for the ranch, sending
his man back to New York.
"Yes, isn't it? So suggestive, you
know, to have him always aroutid-spe-clally
on the first of the month, you
(To Be Continued)
L'ei'artnimt of tbe Interior.
Land office ac Roeborg. Ore.,
Jan. 24, 198.
Noice is hereby given that
Father and only heir at law of Isaac
Si vera, deceased, or wimer, jacKson
f! , Otegoo, has filed notice of hit
intention to me final five year proor
in support ' hi claim, vis: Hom--tead
Entrv No. 10 841 md Nov, 28,
I'.mio. for the NW Ht4 section .-,
TownliiD 34 South, Range
and that said proof
will be made be-
lorn Joseph Moss,
U. S. Oommis-
timer, at urants
Oregon, on
Thursday. March 2 1908.
ne names me iu
prove his continuous residence opon,
and cnltivaticn of, the lana, viz:
Joseph SchnonoTer, of Wimer, Jack
son "Co., Oregon, Stephen H. Beers,
of Wimer, Jackson Co., Ore., Albert
Davie, of Wimr. Jackson Co., Ore.,
James Neathammer, of Wimer. Jack
son Co., Oregon
That ear American rorests abound ra
plants which possess the most valuable
medicinal virtues Is abundantly attested
by scores of the most eminent medical
writers aad teachers. Even the untu
tored Indians hod discovered the useful
ness of many native plants before the
advent of ihe wliilo race. This Informa
tion, Imparted freely to the whites, led
the latter to continue Investigations until
to-day we have a rich assortment of most
valuable American medicinal roots,
2. -O
Dr. Pierce believes that oar American tor
sets ilspd in most valuable medicinal roott
foltbe corejf inost obstinate and fatal dis
eases. It w&wuMJproperlr Investigate tbeml
and ui)hM&ri4rtei of this conviction, be
PolnWwItb prldKA nlmret msrrelnns,
curat r,y r,.. hi-!,,-.! ni.
CQTtrT." which has Pmipn Itolf in he th.
mit, ..ffl.-in... if.mrfh tnnlp Iver lnvlg..r-
V"ri Ht"rt ,f""c t"a regulator, and hlm-d
cleanser known to medical
science. Dyspeir
sis. or UiiiiveiloiT toroiJ
IiverT functional
and even valvular and other affections of
the heart rleld to Ita curative action. The
reason why It cures these and many other
affections. Is clearly shown In a tittle book
of extracts from the standard medical works
which Is mailed res to any address by Dr. R.
y. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. Y., to all scndiD
request for tbe same.
Not less marvelous. In tbe unparalleled
Cure It Is constantly maklnf of woman's
many peculiar affections, weaknesses and
dlstisslnr derltKements. Is Dr. Pierce's
FaTOritel'rescripUoftKM is amply attested
by tbout atrds oNuMicuMjestlmonlals con
tributed bjVfcrlef ul paTTnm who have bee n
Cured by It of rat.rrhtl nflrlr 37? P1"T
p rio'js. InTgularilleprolapsus .and oTIef
rii-inlg'-grnnt . rui'hy iHVnps ulcor
atlyn of, meruit anandreTfalfTluiisolten
after many other advertised medicines, and
physicians bad failed.
-c 2-
Both the above mentioned medicines are
wholly made up from the rjyeertc extracts ol
native, medicinal roots. The processes em
ployed In their manufacture were original
with Dr. Pierce, and they are carried on by
skilled chemists and pharmacists with the
aid of aupaiatus and appliance specially
dwl(ml and built for this purpose. Both
medicines are entirely free from alcohol and
all other harmful, habit -fonnuis drugs. A
full list of tu!r Ingredients Is printed OB
each bottle-wrapper.
In tbe County Court of the State of
Oregon, for tbe County of Josephine,
In the matter of the "1
Estate of Alexander
M Jess, deceased. J
Notice Is hereby given to whom it
may conoera that the undersigned has
been appointed administratrix of the
estate .of Alexander M. Jess, de
ceased, by the Count; Court of the
8tat8 of Oregon for the County of
Josephine and that all persona having
claims againat said estate are notified
to present the same duly verified to
said administratrix at the office of
Oliver a Brown, Grants Pass. Ore
gon, on or before six months from the
dsts of first publication of this notice,
which date of said first publication
is Friday, February 21, 1908.
Timber Land Act Jans 8. 1878
Roseburg, Ore., Deo. 18. 1907.
Notice is hereby given thst in com
pliance with the act of Congress of
Juoe S, 1878, entitled "An act for the
sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada atnd
Washington Territory," aa extended
to all the Puhlio Land States by act
of August 4, 1892,
of Koseburg. county of Douglas, State
of Oregon, bai this day tiler) in this
office bis sworn statement No. 8735,
for the purchase of Ihe NW of Sta
tion No. 84. in Township No. 84
South, Range No. 5 west, aud will
offer proof to show that the laun
sought is more valuable for ita tim
ber or stone than for agricolutral pur
poses, and to establish bis claim to
sad land before Kegitter aud Receiver
at Roeeburg Oregon, ou Tuesday, the
12th day of May, 1908.
He nam a4 witnessed: B. W.
Medley of Roseburg, Ote.. F. L. Kin.
ne, of Roseburg, Ore., L. 8. Shipley
of Roseborg, Ore., Ralph Bennett, of
Grants Pass, Ore., Auy aud all per
sons claiming adversely the above
described lauds ate reqoehted to file
their claims in this ofttcn on or be
fore said 12lh dav of May, 1908.
Itching. Burning Skin Dieee,ie
Flouted Without Use of
Injurious Drugs.
Great investors often have been
praised for surrendering the secrets of
their discoveries Practically the
same thing happened iu the medical
world 'n the case of Dr. Decator D.
Dennis, thn emiaent skin specialtis of
Dr. Dennis, in his own office prac
tice, discovered that pure vegetable
oil of winWrgreeu, properly mixed
with other simple remedies whs
pratically a sure 'sprciflo for Ecxems,
psoriasis, barber's itch, salt rheum
aori other itching skin diseases. But
the oil of wintergretn alone was
found ineffective. It required other
mild ingredients such aa glvoerine
M thvmol comnoonded with the
- - .
intergreen to produce tbe real ec
zema cure.
This compoonfled D. D. D. Pre
scription pos'tielytakes away the itch
at once the instant it is applied to
. th .v ! This vegetable liquid does
I sw wi,h deleterioni drnas so long
. ... , tn AnI.tnr Hia
eeu i" ""i" ---
DIOOO, wriereas niuueru ri "- -termined
that eczema is first and all
the time a skin disease.
If you want to know more about the
merits of D. D. D.
at our store. We vouch for this
I ramedv. Clemens sells drags. 2-21 8t
lu the County Coort of Th S ae of
Ore won for tbe County of Jo phine.
In the Matter of the)
Estate of Pet r
Haustn, Deceased. J
To Louise Tat-. Ellen Bro. Rai
ma Ulynn, Rheka Taylor, Mr- vv.
A. Leonard, Miry Ande's- n. Mrs.
Henning Detlef-en. Cliwnes Hansen,
George Hansen, Mrs. Cbail Hta
sen, H reeling:
In he name of the State of Or iron,
you are heteby cited and require i to
appear in the County Coo t f te
State of legoo for the count of
Josephine, at ti e Court R n there-
or, at urauts fans, in saia tonuiy,
on Saturday, the Dtli day l M o,
1908. at 1 o'clock in the tc. tmxin or
that day, then and tbrt- to n ow
exus , if any exist, wnv an ora r
choald not be made authorizing and
riiieoiing George Hansen mid i hull -Hiuteo.
exi'cutois of the e-t te of
Peier Haneo, deovai'ed, to a l ai
either public or private ale the fol-
owing described prop-ny, io-wn :
The Sf6 of ihe NEW and th N, of
the &EV4 and Lot 4 of Sen U. 11' 89
8 R 8 W , in Joehine Countv, Oie
gon. Also a'l of Lot 8 and on--iilf
of Lot 7 of Block 7 in the ions te
Nitpoleou, commonly called K rbv, in
Jese;hiue County, State, ol Oi'gn,
excepting four and fifty-nine bun-
dredini 14. ou) acres, a e at to
Anna M. Adams and reccrned in
Vol. on pg 28$, Book tit D eds in
ti e Coontv .Clrk's office for the
County of Josephine, State of On gon.
Also, excepting parcel of land in
Lot 4, Heo. V Twp. 89 S, rl -Ofe-
pbin OBn, uregon, lying soma m
Holton Creek and Eait of ti e i nblio
highway leading soaih from Ke'b?
ville where raid line intersects Holton
Creek at atone set near tbe South
bank thereof; tbeuoe Sooth paiallel
to the East line of said highway 209
feet, thenre, easterly, at a right angle
418 feet thnece northerly at a right
angle, 209 feet, thence westerly fol
lowing the menaders of sail Hulton
Creek to the place of beginning, 000
toininir two acres, more or lees.
Also, all of that portion of tbe
James Ketby Don -tt ion Land olxim
designated as Claim No. 87, which
lies hetween the main street and pob
Ho road leading tbrouh the town of
Kerbv and the Illinois River, in Seo.
fl Ten. Sft S. R 8 W.. io Josephine.
County, Oregon containing about 0
acres except a tract of 17 acres of the
South side of said tract heretofore
sold to Mrs. Lillv While.
Also, all of the Black Bear gronpe
of placer mining claims, consist lug or
I B0 acres, all of the Alia placer min
ing claim consisting of 20 acres; all of
the lienry neiman piacer uimiug
olaim consisting of 20 acres; all of the
Flint Lock placer mining claim, con
sisting of 20 acres. Together with
the 'water rights, ditohes, pipes,
giants, and improvements belouging
to aaid mluing olaini, all situated on
Josephine Creek, Josephine county,
State of Oregon.
Also 1500 shares of the capital stock
of the Kerby ville Irrigating and
Milling Company's ditch 00 ihe Illi
nois River in Josephine Coanty,
Oregon. . .
Witness, the Hon. Stephen Jewell,
Judge of the Ooonty Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Josephine, with the seal of said
Coort affixed this 8d day of Febroary,
A. D. 1908.
Attest S. F. CHESHIRE.
Connty Clerk.
First poblicati"n hereof is lebrnary
7, 1908. and the last is March R. 1908,.
Att'y for Estate.
Department of the Interior
Land Office at Kofeburg. Ore ,
Jau 24, 1908.
Notioe is hereby given that
of Kerby, Oregon, has tilno notice of
s inteution to tnase nnai ne year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homeslead Entrv No. 18.9fl made
Februarv 15, 1906 for the e.JNW,
NWWNEU. Section. 8 Township 40
Soot'i.ange 8 W W M., and that sa'd
proof will be maan neiore jonepii
Moss, U. S. Commissioner at Grants
Pass, Oregon on Wednesday, March
25, 1908.
H names tbe following witnesses
to piove hi conriuuous residence
noon, and cultivation of, the laod,
viz: Milton U. uogae, or rverDv,
Josephine Co.. Ore., Silvester A.
Carter, of Kerhv, Josephine Co.,
Ore., Joseph Ferren. of Kerby, Josh-
phine Co., Ore., ymuoy wooaooca,
Kerb, jo--ennine 00., um.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore , Feb. 12. 1908.
Noti.e is hereby given, That iu
O'iniplianca with the provhfonsof the
Act of Congress or jaue a, inio, eu
titled "An Act for the sale of timber
Uods lu the States or laiifornia.
rireonn Nevada. and VYMsningioo
Territory," aa extended to an rubric
Land Biates bv aot or iiagnsi . inu.
of 1200 Esther St., Vanconser, County
of Clarke. State of Washington oiea
in rhis offioe 00 March , ivi7, ner
sworn ststemeni J"o. oa tor 1110
purchase of the E NEW.NWK NEJ
of 8ection .No. 18 in Township Nr.
87 South ot Range JNo. west. w.
M., Ore , aud will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for ita timber or stone than
for aeTicoltural porposes. and to es
tablish ber claim to said land before
Joseph Moss. U. 8. Commissioner at
Grants r ats, ure., on jionusy, me
11th Am ot Mav. 1908.
Kh names as witnesses: Wesley B.
Sherman, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
George H. 81over of Grants Pass, Ore.,
Rertha M. Brown of Vancouver,
Wahine-ton. Phillip Robinson
WnnviTle. Ore.
Am and all rjersons claiming ad
1 . 1 L. , .. -1 k. I ml . r
veiseiy vu
office on or
May, 1908.
before said 11th day of
28. 18.
Timber Land. Act Jone 8, 1878.
I Koeebom, Ore.. Nov. 25, 1907
' Notice i hereby given thai in com-
plianoe with the provisions of the srt
0 Ounsress of June S, 1878, en'ltled
act inr we aie 01 umoer laoas
in 'be States of California, Oregon,
Nevtda and Wa-blngtoo Territory,"
aa extended in ail the Puhl 0 Land
Ma es by an f August 4, 1892,
of Vancouver, County of Clarke, State
of W hingtnu, has this dy filed in
th of tice her sworn statement No.
8.00, for t'e parcliase of the S A. of
Section N . 30 in Township No. 84
itonth, Range No. 6 W.W M., and
nl oiTr ptoof to show that the lsnd
sought is more valuable forits timber
ir a one lbo lor agrirultornl par
poses, and 10 establish her o aim to
said land before Register and ie
c iver Ht th r office at Rostbnrg,
Ore., on Wednesdav, the IStli day of
A (nil, 1903.
She nm s as witnesses Wesley B.
Srnin, of Ci rants Pass, Ore,
G-orne H. Hover of Oranis Pass,
Or-., Kov Garoutte of Merlin, Oreuou,
Ella Albiigbt, of Vancouver, Washing
Any and all persons claiming adver
se ly the ab ve de-oribed lands are re
quest' d to lit- their claims in this of
fice on or before said loth day of
April, 19(18.
K- k iter.
Timber Land, Act Jon 8, 1878.
Roseburg. Oregon. Not. 25, 1907.
No ice is hereby given that iu
oomnliauce with the rrovisions of
the act of Congiem for June 3, 1878,
eutitled "Au aot for the sale of
timber lands in tha States of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory." as extended to all the
puhlio Land States by act of August 4,
of Vancouver, Connty of Clarke, State
of Washington has this d'y filed in
this offioe her sworn statement No.
8097, for tbe porohasn of the K of
E of Section No. 24 in Township
No. 84 8oBtli. Range No. 7 W.W M.,
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for ita
timber or stone than for agricultural
Dorpoaes, and to establi'h tier claim
to said land before Rrgieier aud Re
ceiver at their olfice at Roseburg.
Ore., on Tuesday, the 14th day of
Airil. 1908:
She oames as witnesses: Wes'ey B
Sherman, of Gtaoti Pass, Ore..
George II Slover, of Grants Pass,
Oregou, Rot Garoutte of Merlin,
O re., M ry J. DoBois, of Vancouver,
Aot and. all oersona olaiming ad
versely the above described laud are
reanested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 14th day of
April, 1908.
In the County Coort of the.State of
Oregon, for the Connty of Josephine.
In tbe matter of the En-1
tte of John G. 80 hall-
born, deceased. I
Notice l: hereby gUen to whom it
' ,.
may concern that the onflerslgoed has
been aDnointed administratrix of the
estate of John G. Schallhoro, de-
ceased, by the Connty Uonrt of the
State of Oregon for 'he Coonty of
Josephine and fiat all persons ha vie g
eUitns against said estate are notified
to present the same doly verified to
said administratrix at the office of
Matntis W. Robbins. attorney at law.
Grants Pass. Oregon, ou or before six
months from Ihe date of first publica
tion of this notice, which date of said
first publication is Fridy, Jaunary 24,
In the County Conrt of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Josephine
Io the matter of the KsO
. tateof William
Helms, deceased. I
" Notice is herebv given to whom it
mav concern, that the undersigned
has been appointed Executrix of the
last will and testament of William
Helms, deceased, which sai'l appoint
ment lias been confirmed bv an order
of the County Court for Josephine
Countv. Oreiroo dated January 87,
1908. All persous haviug claims
eiruinut the estate of said deoendent
will present the same duly verified to
said Executrix at the office of Marcus
W. Robbins, attorney at law, Grants
Pass. Oregon on or before six months
from the date of the first publication
.'notioe. whch Sf id awl Jo.pbin, County. Oregon, the follow
oatlon is February 14, 1908 described property, to-vrit : Ali
v p-RrvA HELMS the right, title and interest ef tbe
of thi
. nr.i.,1 1 IIP. IfQ
Timber Ltnd. Act June 8, 1878.
Koseburg, Ore.. Nov. 25, 1907.
Notice is herebv itiven that io com
pliance with tbe provisions of the
act or uongren or jone o. into. '
..,1o 111. ant tnr the axle of timber
lauds in the State of California, Ore-
onn. Nevada and Washington Terri
tory. "as extended to all the Poblio
Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Vancouver, Coonty of Clarke, State
of Wash natoo. baa tbis day maa in
this otflce her eworo statement No.
fWUH. for the nurohase of the SEW of
Section No. 80 in Township No. 84
Hnth. "Ranne No. 6 W. W. M. and
will offer Droof to show that tbe laod
1 sought is more valuable for ita timber
I or stone than for agricultural por-
pones, and to establish her claim to
1 Mjd iaor oer ore itegiater ana receiver
' st their office at Roseburg. Ore., on
ITnnadav. the 14th dav of April. 1908.
she names as witnesses: WesleT B.
I Sherman of Grants Paes, Ore., George
; h. Slover of Grants Pass. Ore., Koy
ofiiiarootte of Merlin. Ore.. Florence
Im Snudvrasa of Vancouver. Wash.
- ', An and all Dersons claiming art-
. L. .1 r i Ka.1 1 Till
vereeij lu". " V" . ?"t',. , JTui.
ouoe po or
before eald 14th day of
April, 1908.
Timber Laud, Aot June 8. 1878.
Roseborg, Ore., December 10th, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the aot
of Congress of Jane 8, 1878 entitled
'Aa aot for tha sale, of timber lands
In the Stares of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory"
as extended to all the Poblio Land
States by act of Angnst 4 1892
of Vancouver connty ol Clarke State
or Territory or Washington has this
dy filed in this offioa her aworn state
ment No. 8777 for the purohaiie of the
Kraot'l WM SWW and SWW NWU
of Section No. 18 in Township No 87
S. Range No 4 W W M and will offer
proof to snow that the land sought Is
more valuable tor its timber or stone
tl an for agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to said land
before Joseph Moes, U. S. Commie
sioner at Grants Pass, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 7tli dav of March, 1908.
He names as witnesses: Wesley
B Shermau, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
George H Slover, of Grauts Pass,
Ore., Roy Garoutte of Merlin, Ore.,
William Btilev of Davidson, Oregon.
Auy and all persons claiming ad
versely tli J above described lands are
requested to tilejtlieir claims in this
of tice 011 or before slid 7th day of
Mar.h. 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Not 25, 1907
Notice is hereby given that in com
plianoe with the provisions of tbe aot
ot Congress of Jone 3, 1878, entitled
"An aot for the tale of timber lauds
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
aa extended to all the Puhlio Land
States by set ot Angosst 4, 1892,
of Vanooover, County of Clarke,
State of Washington, has this day
filed in this of nee her a worn state
ment No. 8699, for the purchase of the
NWW of Seotion No. 80 in Township
No. 84 South, Range No. fl W W M.
aud will offer proof to show that the
land aought ia more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
Dur noses atid to establish her claim to
said land before Register and Re
ceiver at their office at Roseborg, Ore,
on Tuesday, the 14th day of April,
Sh names as witnesses : Wesley B.
She 'man. of Grants Pass, ' Oregon,
George EL Slover, of Grants Pass,
Ore., Roy Garoutte ot Merlin, Ore.,
Ellen Lvnch nt Vancouver, W ali.
Any and all persons' olaiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their ulaims in this
olfice on or before said 14th day ot
April. 1908. ,
Department of the Interior.
Laud Offioe at Roseborg, Oregon.
Jan. 23, 1908.
Notioe is hereby given that
Grants Pass, Oregon, baa filed
notice of his inteution to make final
in year proof in support of hie
olaim, viz: Homestead Entry No.
12.1(10 made October 23d, 1902, for
the SSE hi Section 14, Tovraship
86 South, Range 8 W W M., and that
said proof will lis made before
Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at
Grants Pass, Oregon, on Mouday,
March 23, 1908.
He names tbe following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on, ana cultivation or, tne lauu, viz:
Joseph Hill, of Grants Pass, Ore ,
Nalnn D. Young ot Grants Pas, Or.,
Fred Miller, of Grants Pass, Or., Sid
ney Woolfolk, of Grants Pass, Ore.
By virtue of au eieoation issued out
of tbe O.rooit Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephine County upon a
judgment rendered in said Court, on
the 17th day ol April, A. u., 1 '.
(o favor of the Plaintiff, Sadie M.
Hyde and against the- defendant,
George H. Hyde for the sum of $35
per month, commencing Moron 1,
1900, and payable mommy until other
wise ordered by Ihe oourt with in
terest on each Installment at six per
cent por annum, I have levied on and
will sen at 'paunn auction 10 me
highest bidder, for cash, on the 24th
dav of February. A. D., 1908 at 10
o'clock, a. m., at the T front door st
the Coort house at Grants Pass in
defendant, George H. Hvde and par
ticularly bis undivided two tnirds
interest in and to Lot Four (4) of
JutlHon & Chauselor's subdivision of
Block of J. Bourne's First Addition
to the town of Grauts Pass iu Jose
phine Couuty, Oregou.
uatea at urants rails, uregnn, sms
20th day of January. A. D.. 1908.
I v " """.". . ,
Sheriff ot Joeephiue Co.
Department of the Interior,
Land Offioe at Roseburg, Ore.,
Jan. 24, 1908.
Notice is hereby given hat
of Deering, Oregon, has filed notioe
of his Intention to make final five
year proof io support ot his claim,
I viz: iinomesiean r-uirj mi. iu,n
made Jan. 80, 1901. for the ESW,,
NWWSEW seo 11. and NWW
Section 14, Township 41 South, Range
9 WWM., and that said proor win
be made before Joseph Moss, U. a.
Commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore
gon, Friday, March 27,1908.
tie names tne following whuiwoi
I to rrova ti's oontinoous residence
upon, and cultivation of, tne land.
viz: Eddy W. Hoykendail, oi vyou
Creek. Ore.. Clark T. Webb, of
. 1
I rrl 0 Wrl Ahllwrs-. of
Deering. Ore, Tbomss GiUigan, of
Deering, ore.
UKNJAMiri U. bud I,