Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 28, 1908, Image 3

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A Full Car Load
Write to us for
Catalogue and
Prices : : : :
Hair Riddle Harrw. c-
Wholesole Distri&utors for Joseph ne County
Grants Pass Poultry Keepers Association
S. O. WHITE LEGHORNS: Geo. P. Cramer. First prize at re
ceot Poultry Show on cock. Cock moored 93 point and pullets ever
aied 93)j Eggs, IS for 1. One cockerel for $1.60.
S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS: Mrs. H. M. Parbaro, Wett Main
street at City limitf. First premiums at Poultry Show, winning
on highest scoring cock with 93 poiuts and highest scoring pallet
with 94 pointi. Cockerel with 92 points and Tullsts one with
93) and other 93). Eggs gaaranteed of best laying strain, 15 for
$1. Premiums cock for eale.
BUFF ORPINGTONS: O. E. Palmar, box 490, Grants Pass.
The largest of the oltan-legied rarieties aud one of the best layers
and chicks the hardiest At reoeat Poultry Show I got first and
second premiums en cockerels and first, second and third on pullets.
Eggs for sal.
S. C. BROWN LEGHORNS: Theo. P. Cramer, with Cramer
Bros., or at residence Fourth and A streets. The pen exhibited'
took one first and one seoood prise. Good laying strain. Eggs for
sale. f
BARRED PLYMOUTH ROOKS R. L Newman, North 8ixth
street, one mil beyond City limits. R. F. D. No 1. At recent
Poultry Show pen won first premium and cock first prise and ben
third. Eggs now ready for hatching. 15 for $1.60. A few pullets
for sale at $1 each.
BLACK LANGSHANS Jaoob Meier, Iowa street. Woa first
premioB at recent Poultry Show. A few cockerels and pullets lor
B ARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS : Three Cedars Poultry Yards,
John Summers. Prp., Northh Sixth St. My chickens are thor
oughbred and are money -aners especially bred for good layers.
Eggs for sale. Orders now taken for one day old chick for future
feliverv. Order early.
. By Using
Our cold and grip cure. There's no'.hing
better. It does the work every time.
Don't delay, but come and get the rem
edy today and save yourself a possible
Bick spell
The Model Dfus: Store
Front Street. Opposite Depot
Items of Interest to the Taxpayer of
from the Various Countv Off.clnla
Some Probate Proceedings
Matters in the Probate court have
been acted upon, as follows:
Roy K. Hackett has been appointed
administrator of the estate of Marga
ret Everitt, deceased, who died at
Naps, Cal., December SO, 1907, atthe
age of 67 years and leaving worldly
possession! to the Value of $25. The
administrator is required , to give
bonds in the sum of $500.
Martha Jexs has been appointed
administratrix of the estate of bar
late husbaud, ' Alexander M. Jess, de
ceased, who died February 4, 1907 in
Josephine county, leaving property
to the value of $3650. The court re
quired the administratrix to give a
bond in the gem of $300.
Florence Lind has been daly ap
pointed administratrix of the estate
of Nancy J. Those, deceased who
died February 6, 108, leaving per
sonal property of the valae of $3000
and yearly rentals amounting to $100.
She had to give a bond for $200. Ap
praiser of the estate weie named as
James Holman, W. H. Fallin and
Joha M Thames.
Cupid Finally Gels Start.
After taking a rather lengthy vaca
tion, Cupid seems to have at last
again gotten "into the running," and
as a remit he seut in one order to
County Clerk Cheshire. But there
was somewhat of a bitch about the
affair, before the coveted document
was finally procared. The happy
couple hailed from Kerby, Lester L
Sohleigh, aged 19 years, a native of
Anderson, Cal, and Hattie V Wimer,
aged 18, a native of Applegate, Jose
phine roaoty. The young man.
brought along the written oonsent of
his parents, bat when It came to
finding some on to identify the young
lady, as the law requires, there was
another hitch. Bat at length the dis
appointed con pie returned home,
where the necessary papers were made
out and forwarded to Clerk Cheshire,
who at once sent tbesa the desired
Tax Money Now Rolling In
Owing to some misunderstanding
the printer failed to have the tax re
ceipts ready and so, when Mr. Jndson
turned la the rolls, last Thursday
there waa "nothing doing" in the
office of Sheriff Russell, who is ex
officio tax collector. Bat the neces
sary blanks were In readiness by
Tuesday of this week and now the
people all over the county are turning
their annual stipends into the county's
Deputy Walt Smith informed the
Courier that the taxpayers were com
ing to hand very promptly and that be
thought that this year's collections
would be probably nearly as good as
thosn of last season, in spite of the
dull timet,
Josephine County
Same to same, lot 1, block 67, O T S
of Grant Pass, $43.
W H Hemeuway et ux to Gnstav
Payei et ux 40 acres in sea 80, tp 36 s.
r 5, $320.
James Lytt'e, by executors, to Geo
Elder, part seo 14 tp 40 s. r 8, $400.
L C Hudson et ux to Henry W Hud
son, one-half int 200 aorea in seo 15,
tp 38 , r 8. $5.
Q A Cobb et ox to Eveline Mmt,
three quarters acre in c 13, 18, 19
aud 24. tp 36 s, r 5, $65.
Martha Mining Co.. to Emily How
ard, 240 acres in seo 29, tp 83 s, r fi,$ 1
F M Miner et bx to Emma Moore,
westerly two-thirds of lot 4, block L,
of Bourne's add to Grants Pass. $450.
Mary Wolooit et mar to Alice Bacon,
lot 4, block 6, Railroad add to Grant
Pass, $10.
Anna C Smith to H W Dickey,
NE4 of SE sec 16, tp 36 a, r 0,
Saloonltle In Litigation
As the June contest at the ballot in
approaches, interest in anything that
pertains to the saloons is of more than
pasting importance.
Out Merlin way the people who
want the saloons banished are watoh
iiig the proceedings which have been
oommenoed in the Cirouit Court to
review the action of the County Court
in granting a license to Garoutte &
Eusted. The writ of review has been
sceored and will be beard at the next
term of Circuit Court, April 20.
Another bit of saloon litigation was
entered this week, wheu two warring
factions cam into the Cirouit Court,
G W Light and E E Wiseman, who
recently purchased the Leland salooa
of R E and Samuel Reed allege that
the latter men broke into the sa'oon
on tbe 11th inst., and demolished
property to tbe value of $500. It Is
aid that back of this action are some
sensational developments that will
be brought to light when the ease
comes op formally in court.
and has become an habitaal druukard
aud she says is unfit to have tbe cus
tody of their child. . So she wants the
daughter and her liborty. The re
creant husband was last heard from at
Alameda, Cal.
About the Office
The of 6c 8 were closed Saturday
afternoon, in honor of the return of
the birthday of the "Father of H s
Country," but Old Glory was not
swung to tbe breezes, as there was
some trouble in getting the flag staff
rope to work properly.
Governor Chamberlain hs duly ap
pointed as notaries public tbe follow
ing Josephine county persons: Jno.
E Peterson and Ieaao Best of Grants
Pas and P W Lewwer, of Wolf Creek.
Wednesday, March 4, the next term
of the county court wilt be held aud
Monday, April 2o the next term of
the Circuit Court will oonveue.
Superintendent Savage is busily en
gaged making preparations fur the
approaching Local Teacher,' Institute,
which is to be held at M rlin, Satur
day, March 7, and for hth gather
ing an interesting program is being
J A Rusk aud other taxpayer will
petition the County Court, at its next
term for a divisioa of school distriat
number 20, requesting that a new
distriot be formed aa follows: Be
ginning at the northeast corner of
lot 6, seo 14, tp 88(, r 7 , at Rogue
River, running thence south to ceuter
of northeast quarter of aeq 23, thence
west to western boundary line of said
distriat No. 20.
Dr. Irving Mathews, an optomertist
has filed his certificate from tbe State
Examining Board.
Not 1 in 1000 who buy
Schilling's Best wants the
Your grocer rtri year Boats If ? seal
Uka ScUUiac'a Beat; par kirn.
Trouple That Keep Half the
Grant Pas Doctor
Half of the prescriptions the Grants
Pass doctors write are for trouble
that result directly from a weakened
stomach. Strengthen the stomach
muscles, increase the secretions of
gastric Juices, and yon will find that
common affliction indigestion, with
its head aches, dlssiness, depression
of spirit, spots before the eyes, ner
vousness, sleepleseuess and general
debility have been overcome.
From now 'on build up the strength
and health of the stomach with Mi-o-na
tablets. Ton wi 1 soon find
y out self strong and nete'r know the
meaning of IndigeHiou.
If Mi-o-na did not have an unusu
ally curative effect in stomach dis
orders, it could not be sold on the
guarantee given by Denmray to refund
the money nnless it ooe all that is
o'aimed for It. Ha siv a an absolute,
unqualified guarantee with every 50
cent box of Mi-o-na that th money
will be refonded nnless the medicine
oures. He takes the whole risk, and
you certainly can afford to get Miona
from them on this plan. 2-28 2t
Hunter Taking License
Josephine county hunter are' taking
This is the only school in the Northwest which
prepares young men and young women ior
Private Secretary
We have ceased trying to fill all positions which are brought to
are selected and lor the best we
our aueuiiuu. vm --
must have the best young people.
. Write us today and ask usaboutlthis rrlvule Sc. '. ry Course
Holmes Business College
a)vv w vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvw-- ' "
Household Goods and my stock is quite compktc.If you
have anything to sell or exchange come and see me, or if
you need anything in my line see my goods and get prices.
. nrvll ki A MTCH
- GOODS "'
Courier and Oregonian $2
out lioensee with Clerk Cheshire
right along, the following having Just
secured the .desired document: John
Banflsld, Edward Clantou, Jared C.
Mclrviu, F R Shaw, Mark Hull, John
Oirden, Vincent, Fred Gumpert and
Melrin M Barry, all of Josephine
David Adams, Samuel Brooks, J A
Tnliu. Ira A Robie. F A Ellis and
Frank Fetsch of Grants Pans.
J E Howard of Kerby; Joseph j
Johnson, of Takiluia O W Miller, or l
Jackson county and B Crrautz, or
Dirt is Changing Hand
Real estate is moving along nicely
and deeds were filed with the county
clerk, as follows:
D Eisuiann et nx to H Wood, 65. SI
acres in sees 18 and 17, tp 86 , r 6,
Emma Wheeler et al to O Noroott et
al, 20 a-rcs in tec !5, tp SR. s, r 5, 11.
J B Donnelly et ux to Florence L
Lind, 820 acre in sto 4, tp 36 s, r ,
E A Holme et ux to John Sum
mere, one-half interest in fart of seo
8, tp 30 s, r 5, tioO.
Ferd Geyer et ux to Ora E Hemen
way. 110 acres in sec 80, tp 80 s, r 5,
Beu Simpkins to John E Bland, one
third int- in part of seo 8, tp 85 I, r 6,
J B Benson et nx to J W Lucas, 100
acres in sto 28, tp 36 s, r 8, 1460.
John M Moss et nx to Minnie W
Bakei, 1J4 acTes in seo 8, tp 86 s, r 5,
Golden Rule Lodge No. 87,1 O O F,
to Nancy J Those, lot 8, block A, IO
! O F cemetery, S3. ; p
Allen Doffla nx to Harry Henry
part sec 24, tp 84 s, r 5, 1750.
State Land Board to Col J Olmsted,
120 acres lnc 16, tp S, s, r 8, ,150.
T Y ;Dean, an insolvent debtrr,
by trustee, to D ;Lindsay, Jr., part lot
cn L street, Grants Pass, tin.
West Bound Colonial Rsxte.
From . Maroh 1st to April 80th the
foil jwing rates will be in effect from
Eastern points to Grants' Pata by way
of Portland. These tioket are second
class, but allow stop overs under cer
tain conditions, and tickets may be
purchased at the Grant Pass offioe
and sent to parties east contemplating
a trip to th west. Rate to other
point, not qneted will be furnished
on application. These rate do not
apply eastward:
Atlanta, Ga., $M.5; Detroit,
$43.50 St Louis, 38.W Council
Bluff, $30; Boston, Mas., $54.45;
Iodianapolls. $40.15; Springfield, IlL,
$36; Chicago, $38; Memphis, $39.66
Washington. $58.35; Omaha, $30;
Cleveland, O., $44.75; New York, $56
ansa City. $30 St. Paul, $30 ; Colum
bus. $48.60 Oklahoma, $33.45 St. Joe,
30 Sioux City, $30; Peoria, $36.00
Atchison, $30
3 28 4t Agent.
It la a Wonder.
Chamberlain's Liniment ia one of the mfcst
remarkable preparations yet produced for
the relief of rheumatic pains, and for lame
back, sprains snd bruises. The quirk relief
from pain which It allonls in cane or rheu
matisin is alone worth many times its coat.
1'rice, 25 cent! ; large u 50 cents. For
sale by M. Clemens. '
Fine commercial orintins at the
aa dw"i n - 1 p
tracted the habit of drunkennei Courier oflice.
' Some New Co. Filed
Some new litigation ha been com
meooed la the Cirouit Court, a fol
Kinney A Truax have brought an
notion against A V Sohmitt, of Belms,
olaiming that they fornished defend
ant good and merchandise between the
date of January 1, 1000 and Feb 1,
1408 to the valae of $878.24, which
remain nnpaid. An attachment ha
been placed en SW of SE W of
NEJ andlJE of NWJ of eo 11, tp
33 s, r 8, and also on all of block A
and B in the town of Selma.
Charles Haberman seeks to be re
leased from tbe- matrimonial bonds
binding him to Rose Eabermtn.
They ware married at Fort Collins,
Larimie county, Colorado, April 13,
1005, bat she deserted him, without
just oaose, July 26, 1006 and they
have lived separate and apart ever
sin:e. They have no children.
Abbie Hunt has sued Arthur W
Hunt for a divorce, aliening that
they were intermarried at Duloth,
Minn., October 14, 1001 and have one
daughter, Ellenor, aged 5 years. But
the hashand. during the year 1003
Ih Food
and strictly prohibits
h me saie in amm
U baking powder
M So does France
So does Germany
The tale of alum foods
has been made illegal in Washington and the District of Colum- (
bia, and alum baking powders are everywtiere recognized as
.njunous. jQ y0ursef aga jmt aum .
when ordering Dafcung powder,
Say plainly-
and be very sure you get RoyaL
Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Crape
Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and. whole-
National Bank
Southfrn Oregon
Grants Pass, Oregon
Some of the Service that a Bank
Benders the Publlo
The safest and simplest
way of keeping - your
money is by depositing
it in a Reliable Bank.
This Hank receives De
posits subject to Check,
or on demand Certificates
of depoeit or on time
' Certificates of Deposits.
On time deposits we say , '
The best and cheapest
way to transfer money
i by Bank Draft. W
sell Drafts payable in all
' parts of th country.
One of tbe most impor
tant functions of the
Hank. . W endeavor to
supply all reasonable
needs of our customers.
Capital and Surplus.....! 7 J ,000
Stockhelders' Additional
Responsibility $50,000
L. B. Hall, President
J. 0. C'AirBi,L, Vioe-i'res.
H L. GiLKir, Cashier
K. K. Hackett, Asst. Cashier
Racycles and Typewriters
t aw n rn a t n 1 t
I Phone 623
South Atb at. Grants Pass. Ore.
Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434
1 Load Blocks $3.00
Ktovo WuuU
1 Tier Manzntrita 2.50
ITier Oak $2.75
1 Tier Fir $2.50
ITier Tiue $2.25
Chunk Wood
1 Tier Oak $2.50
1 Tier Fir,.. $2.25
ITier Pine $2.00
1 Load Sawdust $1.00
1 Load Kindling $1.00
Dry Goods, Undcr.wear,
Notions, Etc.
Front Street
west of Palace hotel