ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON, FEBRUARY 21. 1908 J-A.F0L0ERei Golden Gate Coffee SOLD ON MERIT J. A. FOLGER & CO. EttalKihH 18S0 .BREEDERS Grants Pass Poultry 8. 0. WHITE LEGHORNS: Geo. P. Cramer. First prize at re cent Poultry Show on cock. Oook (cored 83 points" and pallet aer aged 98 Eggs, 15 for $1. On cockerel for (1.50. S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS: Mrs. H. M. Parham. Weit Main street at Citr limit. Firit premium at Pool try Show, winning on highest scoring oock with 93 points and highest scoring pallet with U points. Cockerel with 92Jtf points and pollute one with 93 and other 93. Eggs guaranteed of best laying strain, 15 for tl. Premiums oock for tale. BUFF ORPINGTONS: O. E. Palmer, box 490. Grants Pass. The largest of the cltan-legped rarieties and one of the beat layers aud chicks the hardiest. At reoeat Poultry Show I got first and second premiums on cockerels and first, second and third on pallets. Eggs for sale. S. C. BROWN LEGHORNS: Theo. P. Cramer, with Cramer Bros., or at residence Fourth and A streets. The pun exhibited took one first and one second prize. Good laying strain. Eggs for sale. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS R. L Newman, North Sixth street, one mile beyond City limits. R. F. D. .No. 1. At recent Poultry Show pen won first premium and oock first price and ben third. Eggs now ready for hatching. 15 for $1.60. A few pallet for sale at $1 each. BLACK LANGSHANS Jacob Meier, law street. Wo first premiac? at recent Poultry Show. A few cockerel and pallet for sale. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROOKS : Three Cedar Poultry Yard. John Summers, Prep., Northh Sixth St. My chickens are thor oaghhred and are money anera especially bred for good layer. Eg for ale. Older now taken for one day old chicks for future delirery. Order early. STOP THAT COUGH! - By Using Our cold and grip cure. There' nothing better. It does the work every time. Don't delay, but come and get the rem edy today and save yourself a possible sick spell The Model Dru$ Store Front Street. This is the only school in the Northwest which prepares young men and young women for Private Secretary Positions We have ceased trying to fill all positions which are brought to our attention. Only the best are selected and for the best we musi nave inc ucsi yuuiig jupic. Write us today and ask us aboutlthis Private secretary bourse Holmes Business voiiege PORTLAND. OR.E. IWWWWWWWWMMWWW 1 BUY, SEL, L or EXCHANGE Household Goods and my stock is quite complete.. .If you have anything to sell or exchange come and see me, or if you need anything in my line see my goods and get prices. fO-SACKS, COPPER, RUBBER and METAL WANTED M. E. MOCRE Courier and California Sunshine in every tin of Folg'er's SAN F&ANOSCO DIRECTORY Keepers Association Opposite Depot NEW and SECOND HAND - GOODS .' Oxonian 2$ : D0INQS AT THE T Items of Interest to the Taxpayer of Josephine County From the Various County Cupid ie on a Strike. Evidently there is lull in the matrimonii! market At least County Clerk Cheshire, the obliging official who is yer ready to fill rrdcri for Don Cupid is finding that there are no requests for the important document, these days. It has been a long time since there has been such a quiet spell of this kind. He thinks that possibly the financial flurry may have something to do with it. Tbsre has not been a single license iisued for the past two weeks. Voter Still Registering-. Interest in the approaching pri maries seem to be somewhat on the increase and voters of all parties are finding their way into the office of the county clfrk, where they are hav ing their names entered in the regis tnr. The Oonrlei- reoorter took a glanoe over the books, with a view to aicertaining how the voters were entering their party affiliations, with the result that he found the republi cans lining up in fine shape. For the flmt Mven weeks' retiitration there were 228 republican. 64 democrats, 22 socialists. 15 non-partisans and six prohibitionists. Proprrtv Changing Hands Real estate transfers have been placed on record the past week as follows : Harvey Moore, et a!., lo Alex C Brown, lot 6. block 1, Central Add to Grants Pass, $700. Alfred Bartlett et m to Fred G and Clara L Mclntjre, lot 8, block J or Grants Pass. $50. Edgar J Helms et ax lo D U Hefley, 120 acres in seo J, tp 63 , r 6 11000. H B Miller et al to J B- Donnelly, 483.14 acre in seo 4, tp 86 , r 6. f 1. Ca.-ollue Simpkin to Ben D Simp- kin, part seo 8, tp 35 s, r 6, $10. Joseph Pollock to Anna H uougias, lot ..block B, J Bourne 't orst aua to Grants Pass, $375. U O Guild to J G Rig. l0aores in sso 33. tp.85 , r , $1 Minnls Caldwell et al to.W C Long, 2 acres in seo 18. Ip 86s, r 6, l00. Emma Moore et mar to wnis Eallio, part lot 4, block L, J Bourns' add to Grant Pass. $400. Harvey O Murray to O W MoCall- ister, one-half interest in 8 acres in seo 25, tp 6 s, r 7, $46. Peter P Payne et al as exeontor of the will of James Lyttle, deoeasca, to George Elder part seo 14, tp 40 I, r 8. $400. Win A Ourrie et ux to Edwin T Spafford, one-third interest in 492.4 acres, In seo'l, tp 85 S, r R, $1. Oregoa State Land Board to Wm A Currie, all of above property, $616.56 Wm A Currie at ux to E J Lander & Co, one-third interest in .above property, $1. Geo H Nichols et nx to O M Cole man, lota 7 and 8. block 8, O T S of Grants Pass. if400. ChristoDber C English et ux to Charles Poster, 55.45 acrss in seo 19, tp 36 s, r 5 $1350. R A Lindsay et nx to Bsnj.F Bull Jr, part seo 18, tp 7 s, r 6, $1. J R Kreer et ux to H W Warring ton, 100 acres in at 8. tp 7, s, r 6. $2750. Teachers Try for Certificates Lait week Connty Superintendent Suvage conducted the examination of Jesephine con lit y teachers who tried for the vsrioss certificates. The fol lowing applicants attempted to run the gauntldt: First Grade Ruth Scoville and Raymond Scorille. Second Grade Eva Thompioa and Daisy Cole. Third Grase Margartt Ougisr and Esther Hallaway. Four aspirants wrote on the state pacoi. as follows: Mrs Alice Bacon, Miss Clara Terrill, Mies Rnth Pwin ney and Mica Martina Theile. They found the arrangement of the state Board to not plsce any limit as to the time for writing on the examination for the firt aud second days, when the work wat light, while the lart day j all tue large amount oi won nan to ce completed between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m., was sot right, as it worked a hardship on the applicants. It was estimated that there were at least three solid hours of writ iug, alone on the last da. The results' cf thene examinations will not be announced until about Friday, March 2. Various Minor Matters County Surveyor H. C. Perkins is laid up with an attack of . the grip and his good wife is also enjoy ing ( r) the treat T P Ju'lson is harrying work on the tax rcll aud soou tliey will be extend ed and will then be placed iu the bauds of Sheriff Rcseell for collection. COURT HOUSE ! UfticieUs Deputy Clerk E S Veatcn is again on deck, .after having a hard tussle witii La Grippe, iu which lie almost came out second best. He looks some what the worse for the enooonter. Jodgrt Stephen Jewell tells the the Courier reporter that new bids on ti'e proposed Dig county bridge over Rogue Rivt-r, here in the city, oou tinue to oo.ue in right along, although the bids will not be opened and psssed upon until March 16, the date set by the couuty conrt for taking action upon this matter. ' Two inmates 'are aow "lodging at Hotel de Ron 11, Messrs. Blaine Clark who made away with an overcoat whiob he raa across at the Laytoo hotel and for which act be was bound over to the circuit court by Justice Helmao. Than Wm. Fehley, . the morphine fiend who is being held on the charge of having furnished the dope that was 'thought to have been the cause of the death of the late Earl Dotson. County Clsrk Cheshire' fees for th muoth of Jannary amounted to much more than for 'the month pre vious, being $273.86 for January and $220.95 for Deoember. The various candidates for county offices are bustling for signature to their respective petitions, which will enable them to have their Dame placed on the ballot for the primary election, and they find the voter willing to oblige them one and all. Beware of Frequent Colds. A succession of colds or a protracted cold is almost certain to end in chronic catarrh, from which few persona ever wholly recover. Give every cold the attention itdeaerveaand you may avoid this disagreeable dittctir-e. How can you cure a cold? Why not try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy T It ia highly recommended. Mrs. M. White, of Butler. Tenn.,saya: "Several yean ago I waa bother ed with my throat ana lungs. Someone tolti me oi Chamberlain s (Jough Kemedy. J le- gan using it and it relieved me stone. Now my throat and lungs are sound and well." for sale by M. Clemens. Proper Treatment Far Burns. In case of burns-death may be due, first, to asphyxia; second, to shock, and, third, to aeptlcsemia. The medical man seldom (eta to the cms in time to treat the first condi tion, th second 1 essentially a gen eral condition, whHe the whole success In preventing the third depends upon the immediate local treatment It Is therefore the laat condition which must be considered here. Among the public it is a generally accepted Idea that the thing to do In the case of a burn is to duet flour over It or to sorer It with oil, and, Indeed, even In some compar atively late text books on surgery a mixture known as "Carron oil" I ad vocated. The use of such application cannot be too strongly deprecated, and, Indeed, If the lay mind could be taught that the best thing to put on a burn before the doctor la called Is a hot compress, which should contain some boraclc acid If there ia any In the house. It Is probable that the majority of deaths due to septicaemia after burns would be prevented. For the whole aim and object of the local treatment Is to preveut sepals. Flour and olive oil may be soothing and may allay the pain, but there Is no antlHeptlc property lu them; rather they are excellent culture media for bacteria. Louden Hospital. .YAL Baking The only Baking Powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar made from granes Insures healthful and delicious food for home every Safeguards your alum and phosphate of lime Ballet Shoes. Ballet shoes fit like a stocking. They are of leather, with a thin leather sole about an inch wide and with the un- pers sewed so that they come under the foot The ballet dancer wants no robber heK Instep arch supports nor any other of the foot supporting or reforming devices which are common ly used by ordinary mortals. The toe dancer desires a hard box toe on her ballet shoes, but the ordinary dancer Reeks only shoes that will give perfect freedom of movement of the Joints and muscles of the foot It Is a rule of good dnncers. a shoe man of experi ence sny.i, to wear shoes that will al low for space between the toes. It Is a point of pood fit that all persons should heed, he says. High heels are put ou to Rtnire shoes for effect, not to promote good dancing. Many stage shoes are made with short fore parts and high htnMs to make the feet look Rmaller sml thp person taller. Boston uiobe. INVITE A TEST Demaray Aaks Catarrh Sufferera to try Hyomei on Hla Guarantee Demaray invite all who suffer from any form of catarrhal troubles to get a Hyomei outfit from them with the absolute guarantee that if it doe not give perfect satisfaction, the money ill be refunded upon request. ' There is no other treatment for datarrh that in any way resembles Hyomei, none that iilves such quick coratlv result and laatiug satisfac tion, no medicine that can tali its place, none that can be sold on a guarantee like this, to refund the money'unlnss it cur . Catarrh is a germ dlsesse and can be oured only by breathing Hyomei, so that the most remote air cells in the nose, throat and lungs are'reaobed by it antiseptic healing powers. In this way all catarrhal germ are killed, the irritated mucous mem brane is healed and catarrh 1 driven from th system. This wondsrful medicated air treatment does not drug and derange th stomach, bat is breathed through a little pocket in haler that gee with every dollar out fit Th usual way In which Demaray ell Hyomei attest hi oonfldeno In the remedy. $-14 n TEA The way to buy tea is in packages ; somebody is responsible for it Year (racer ntwae fear aar If yea deal Kke IckUUas's Bate: we sav aiaw Bow to Cairb Billboard Raiatme. "Tax the billboards out of existence" Is the slogan of the American Civic as sociation, says Leslie' Weekly. Clin ton Rogers Woodruff, the secretary of the association, even goes so far as to declare In favor of a boycott of all firm who nse thst style of advertising believing It the most effective method yet proiKMed, and a Tacoma Improve ment club has slready taken step to secure such action on the part of Its members. This Is a more drastic meas ure of reform than that which merely proposes s tax upon blllboarda, for Its general adoption would result in rating every one of then advertising eye sores. Fine commercial printing at the Courier, office. Powder every day food against First National Bank Of Southern Oregon GRANTS PASS. OREGON Some of the Services that a Bank Renders! the Public DEPOSITS The simplest and safest- keeping your money is by deposit- idk it in a Keiiabie Hank. This Bank rtceives Deposits SuhTect tn Check, or on Demanrl of Deposit or on Time Certificates oi jjeposits. On Time Deposits we pay 4 per cent interest. DRAFTS The Best and Cheapest way to Transfer Money is by ' Bank Draft. We sell Drafts payable in allpart of the country. LOANS One of the most important func tions of the Bank. W wideavor to supply all reasonable needr of our ustosaers. Capital sxnd Surp ua $75,000 Stockholder' Additional Responsibility $50,000 OFFICERS L. 8. Hall. President 3. C. Campbell, Vlo-Preldent H. L, Gilket, Caah'.ei R, JC. HaCewtt, Asst. Cashier Racyc!es?andTypewriters general-Repairing" M. MclJiTIHFS Phon 633 rwi BICYCLE AND ACnNESH0p"" Bontb 6th at. Grants Paa. Ore. S. V. MOODY Wood yard Cor. H & 3d tts. Phone 434 1 Load Blocks $3.00 Htove "Wood 1 TierManzanita $2.75 1 Tier Oak $3.00 1 Tier Fir $2.50 1 Tier Pine $2.25 Chunk Wood 1 Tier Oak $2 75 1 Tier Fir $2.25 ITier Pine '. $2.00 1 Load Sawdust $1.00 1 Load Kindling $1.00 E. A. WADE Dry Goods, Uuderwcur, .Notions, Etc. Front Street west of Palace hotel GRANTS PASS. OREGON. Ck-atki 4 GKRANIS PASS Commercial C!ob ) Will furnish information of Josephine J county free of charge. Correspondence so licited. L. B. Hall President i II. L. ANDUtws.. ..Secretary ft V v w w w Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. iVest of flour mill, near R. R. track Inrriin. Scroll Work. HtairWork, Bsnrt BarinK.('ainet Work, Wol Pulley. Haw KiIiiiksikI guiuuiinK. KepsmiiK allkinUa. Ini ri;lit. Tb old rallable Th Weekly