Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 21, 1908, Image 2

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Grants Pass Opera House
X ' . . 2 and cat. Bo
One Xight,
Feb. 22
i . . , .
I By via nn amnn
Sopcrb Sank Production
A Royal
By Clsrsnce
Author of
Th Holy City
A Story of the days "When
Knighthood Was in Flower"
in Old Mexico.
prices i ic. rn- oc-
Never Vary l, 19b, UUv, 331
W have h.ard of Tjroareesive 1 for a Brood spirit Bat its the part
euohre. In onr school dayi wa had , 0f tlie truest wisdom. Uur auon.
some acqoafnUnce with progreMion in jiife begun in protest against araft
. a . i it ; . . u - mm Kin? Georffe.
matnemaucs. oai prusreMio jiwh- ins arcu hibih - -
tica is a modern ptodaction. A Oar George led tle anti-grafters iu a
Uuited Slates Senator once said that campaign 'for justice and liberty tin
tii At., -1 1 Ti ik.TLH .L. -.i.... nwoi wjm slad to .cry
npiT.nHr ldh iiiiiunii nuio yui iuo u 11 u ulijei " n- -
thecal. The Instinct oi lnto a It doss
.nd the memory or oia www " . -
Ws. .nough fortieth .on not .dif, - o.tru "
and cat. But coming orr.- , - filled with
t J mnaat I M m TIM III I D LtHK1 w-
: - ! Mntnarn muu uji -
oW To con,,., an error and re-1 persona, refiection. a wroor step is not an easy 1
on Its contem-
Commandments had any place in quits,
politics. When confronted with the
tale of his corruption Tweed con
temptuously asked " What are you go
Idk to do about it?" But these seoti-
uients seem to belong to Ancient His
tory. All is fair in love, war and
do I it id no longer finds complaisance
These meditations are indued by the
fact that throe prominent candidates
for the Presidential of flee are taking
Now our rh-odore is leading
airaiost graft in mgn
places which has grown iosoleut and
deBaot in its financial strength and
security. But tins are multiplying
! thkt the walls of oor modern Jericho
W'll soon iau list.
The quickening of the natianal con
nit-nce however, is the only snre con
ditiim of
neoile we hate been too prone
Look oatnre throngh-tis neat grada
tion all
By what minute degrees her scale
Each middle nature joined at each
To that abowe it joined-to that be
nealh Parts into parts reciprocally shot,
Abhor diworce What love of union
Here dormant matter waits a call to
Half life, half death Join there here
lite and sense
The Popular Barber Shop
Oct your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath Room in connection
Furniture and 1'lano
high moral ground not alone in their f W(.iMh good aud evil by their proceeds
personal premutation of their claims j dollars and cents, we most come
but alio in their relations to others. back ti the sloiran of the fathers No
The manly governor of the Groat Era- taxation without representation,
pire State rsfaaes to prostitute his which applied to modern conditions
office for selfish or partisan ends, means a just and equal balance be
He makes It plain that whether eover- tween public privilege aud public
uor or president, be accepts office as urJty. We cry Special privileges to
a publio trust the do les of which are nnne. We need to join to that de
to be performed In the Interest of the Wsnd another Excuses from duty by
whole people. He has steadfastly re- D0 one, if duty is measured by op
fused to dispense patronage for pollt- portonity. the millionaire has greater
ical ends. And if he gets the nomi-1 doUes .than the man with the hoe.
nation it will be a splendid example j Let na COme back to first principles,
of the office seeking the man. The .
permanent resutts. apnfn froro rea8on steal.
ham nflen iuu u uuo .
A Full Car Load
Write to us for
Catalogue and
Prices : : : :
Clvle Hofarwr Sara rilthr Hlb.
war lacllcata Impar citUasa.
At the third of a series of civic re
vival meetings recently held In 8t
Matthew's Lutheran church In Read
ing, Pa., Professor Churlea Zeuulln
spoke ou "The Making or a City."
Public streets In must cities came In
for couMlderahle criticism, snys the
PhlhlilRlphiil I'ulilic Ledger, lie snld:
"The Mtit n tlnril of pulillc innrdllty l
iil In the home, tin church or the
si'lmol. tr the NlrnctH urc liii'!; u:i.l
rmil .ti iuu tin' ini;.ln. Vim cuu't h.ue
i:in- heili-H iiii i i!i;'i.v m i. ',' y...
oleriitc ri::i,v iitii'i" vdii i'e 11 T 1 1 1
" Mlilti It I 1 1 ' I in -! c-1 :'. i i'.c I
l.iIU o' t av pt;" i.' i .' ior I ;' c i.v.
vl:-f.. ! .. ! ..'
"I '.i. r .v ' ' ....
. i i.. . ...
secretary of war instructs his fol
lowers and friends not to divide a
state delegation In his Interest but to
allow a free and full expression of the
oboloeof the State for its favorite
son. Such action on the part of Secre
tary Taft stamps him as a man whose
big heart is in harmonious propor
tiuas to his body. William J. Bryan
has also taken high moral ground in
endorsing and commending the mes
sage of President Roosevelt and in
urging the democrats 1" congress to
support his policies. Such instances
of onielflshnens and patriotio impulse
on the part of each of the most promi
nent candidates for president are
ohearing and refreshing. The oonntry
Is safe In suoli hands. Whether it
shall be President Hughes, President
Taft or President Bryan, the moral
tone of oor government will be of
high standard.
The prodigal son came back.
Who has not heard of the Scone
stone. The Scottish Kings for gener
ations back were crowned upou it. In
order to cement the union of the
Sootoh and the English the stone was
removed to London and placed in toe
coronation ,'chair ia Westmiuster Ab
bey where It is today.
Here is a problem for lovers of
oooondrnms: "I am twice as old as
yoo.were wbeo I was as old as yon are
now. When yoa are as old as I am
onr combined ages will be 64."
An Arab ownsd 17 camels. He had
three sons and willed to his first son
one-half of his estate, to his second
son, one third and to his third son,
ene ninth. They were puzzled to
make the division without killing a
eaael when a neighbor kindly gave
them his camel. After making the
division they bad the neighbors camel
thanks for his generosity.
fflinimerine rav
Reason shines out in man Bat how
The chain unbroken opward to the
real ns of Incorporeal life,
Grant a make half mortal, half immortal-
Grant the sonl of man immortal or
in man the series ends,
Wide yawns the gap connection is
no more,
Checked reajton halts her next step
wants support,
Striving to climb she tumbles from
her scheme,
A scheme analogy, pronounced so
Analogy Mans surest guide below.
Hair Riddle Hardw. 0
j Wholesole Distributors for Josephine County
Lot the poor Indian whose un
taught mind
Sees God in clouds or hears him in the
Whose soul proud science never
taught to stray
Beyond the solar walk or milky way
Yet simple nature to his hope has
Beyond the cloud topped hills some
humble heaven,
Some safer world in depths of wood
Some happier island in the watery
And thinks admitted to yon equal sky,
His faithful dog shall bear him com
Lee Sill, Stock Inspector for Jose
left so they gave it back to him with phine County, can be fonnd at
Colonial Hotel, Phone 93, Grants Pass.
What Did He Meanf
vtiua Moinnpi'i wife was an Invalid,
and the tloctor had been doing all
sorts of thins for her, changing the
mo.iinino mn often that'DOor Mike's In
come would scarcely reach and-make
both ends meet, and at last tne aocior
sald that Ills wife must go to a warm
er climate.
mivo itntonptl to that advice Tor sev
eral months, and finally when October
came the doctor told Mike one esnrur-
day evening after all of his weens
wages had been spent that his wife
positively must be sent "to a warmer
climate without delay."
Mike left the room for a few min
utes, and when , he returned he was
wiping his eyes with his left hand,
while with his right hand he brought
an ax. which he gave to the physician,
"I hate to do It, doc. You please
do It for me."-Kansas City Independent
It Is a Wonder.
Chamberlain's Liniment is one of the most
remarkable preparations yet produced for
the relief of rheumatic pains, and for lame
back, sprains mid bruises. The quick relief
from pain which it afibrds in case of rheu
matism is alone worth many times its cost.
Price, 2-r cents; -large size 60 cents. For
sale by M. Clemens.
Eyeryone in Grarvta Pass Has i
Right to His Own Opinion,
While everyone has a right to hi
own opinion, yet it is wise to alwsti
consider what others think and profit
by their experience.
Nothing makes life 60 miserable,
or interferes so widely with thi
niefclness ot the average Americas,
as indigestion, and it is well for 11
to give fair consideration to whit
others thiuk abont tins remarkatli
Dcmarav la nositive that in Mimti
stomach tablets be has an absolute.
cure for Indigestion and the manj
disagreeable stmptcms that follow
this disease, such as distress after
eating, coated tongne, bad taste in tit
month, dizziness, flatulence, net
vonsnsss and debility. Ibeir action
in selling Mi-o-na on a guarantee U
refund the money unless it oim,
shown nlainlv their belief in the valst
of this remedy he takes all the risk,
and there will be no oharge whatevar
tnr Vl.n.ns nnlMfl vnn ara nati)ifil
that it has relieved yon of indtges-
No sensational or questionable mat
ter allowed in the Courier.
Advance Styles-Hew Spring Goods
Now Opening' in all Departments of
Rare values in Choice Merchandies now on Display for
Early Buyers.
LOT NO. 527 Ladies' white lnwn waist, tino tucked frout V shaped
val. lneo trimmed, all inHoames foiled no raw odjjea 98C
LOT NO. XI) Ladies' white lawn allover embroidery front, rein
forced taper waist, all seams felled no raw edges. $1.19
LOT NO. 495 Ladies' white lawn embroidery waist, fine tucked
front, all felled seams no raw edges $1,48
LOT NO. 502 Ladies' fine white lawn waist, new full front, allover
embroidery, tuoked and val. lace front. $1.98
LOT NO. 519 Ladies' tine bared mull waist, fine val. lace trimed,
felled seams, tucked front and back 2 50
One Lot Fine French Cord Ginghams
Blue and white checks and stripes, pink stripes and checks, brown and
white Persian stripes...
One Lot Extra Fine French Val. Lace
Values up to 25c per yard. We are showing over 50 different patters with
3 width of edge and band to match each pattern Qq
One Lot Fine Swiss Embroidery
8 to 5 inches wide, this is a splendid assortment of over 1000 yards, values
up to 2oc any quantity of and price in the lot J q