Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 14, 1908, Image 8

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Nineteen Measures will Be Pre
ented the Voters for Their
Decision In July. ,
Tbs votsrs of Oregon will be aeked
to Tots upon 19 measures at the Jon
lection. Briefly stated, the meaauret
are a follows":
Submitted by the Legislature
Ajaerjdmeel iDcreMiog ormpena
tloa of members of the legislature to
$400 for 1 regular session audi 10 a
da forapecial sencaion.
Amendment permitting the location
oS institution away from the capital
Amendment Increasing the number
of Supreme judge to Ore and extend
to I the jurindictlon of circuit coorti
tu probate work ; alto requiring pro
visions d; law for district attorney!,
scanty courts, eto.
Amendment changing the time of
aoldiug general elections from June to
Legislative acts aabmitted under
the referendum
Act giving theriff custody of pris
oners. Act requiring granting of free
railroad pasaes to certain officials.
Act appropriating $100,000 for armor
lea. Act Increasing the University of
Oregon's appropriation to 1135,000 per
Submitted by initiative petition
Equal soffrage amendment.
Ant fot protection of salmon on the
Lower Columbia.
Amendment giving cities, exclusive
octroi , of liquor selling, gambling,
Amendment exempting dwelling
houses, factories, tools, furniture,
ete., from taxation.
Amendment giving voters th power
to recall publio offloers.
Aot instroctlnf member of legisla
tors to vote for people's choice fur
Amendment providing for propor
sional representation.
Aot limiting expenditures for polltl
sal campaign purposes.
Aot to proteot salmon on the Upper
Amendment limiting the power of
alstriot attorney to file indlotnieats.
Aot for creation of Hood River
0 P Williams, in the Paolfio Home
stead, has this to say, regarding the
eoHut meeting of Josephine County
Angora Breeders:
"The Angora lout breeders of the
southern part of Oregon met at Orants
Pass Oregon, last Friday, Jauuary 81,
for the purpose of effecting an or
ganisation of the breeder! of Angora
goats of Josephiue aud surroandlng
euuutiss. The object of the aasooia
lioa Is to oo-oporate in shipping mo
bair In carload lots direct to the fac
tory, catting out the wlddle-tuau's
prolts,and to co-operate in the buying
and selliug of breeding auiuals. It
is also their object to hold several ex
hibit! duriug the year, at various
points throughout Southern Oregon,
thai bringing together the best stock
and creating an Interest in the breed
tug of pure bred Angoras.
"That the asioolatiou will be an en
ttrs suooess one could not question
after having attended their interesting
Meeting, which, although the fir t,
was of mueh beuoflt to all present.
"Varices questions were brought up
and discussed thoroughly, and the
great amount of good that will tie de
sired from such an association was
very evldai.t- The Inexperleuoed
breeder will get .much good from
those iparlnuoed la the business.
The small breeder will recslvs much
better rrioe for his mohair by placing
it with those whose mohair ruui up
into carload lota. Thoee who ship
with the asoclallnu, while they may
axt liars as flue stock and conse
quently not as good a grade of mo
hair, will get the benefit of the high
prioe obtained by the breeders of pore
breds. The good results that are to
be obtained by saoh an association
tbtsands of workers
Levi Strauss & Co's
I iJ fl
i i -in
are many, lne one greas pum. w...
be tu stir ap that enthusiasm in tns
goat Industry that will bring many
floe Angora to ths Eegne tuver
coon try, and the statement wr. a.
Pleroe. very successful ano ezper-
Unroil Aurora breeder. 'What
want la the best: Poor ones
cooDt', will be realized.
"In the Rogue River Vslley at tsis
tims there are about 60 Angora goats
in flocks ranging in nambers from 60
to 600 head. Angoras do sxtremely
well in Southern Or- goo, the climate
being ideal both for the goat and also
for the growth of the finest mohair
shipped in the United Siat-a. Mi.
Pierce has a letter on file stating facts
to the above effect, which was writ
ten to h!m by an expert on mohair.
It is not to be doubted that, in a
very few years, Bogue Biver Valley
will be one of the most famous die
triou on account of the quantity and
quality of mohair ubipped.
"It is desired by the charter mem
bers of the association that every
Angora goat breeder of Southern Ore
gon become a member of the associa
tion and thereby support the Angora
industry of Rogue River valley. Not
only the breeders but those interested
in the growth and development of the
ioduitry are invited to become mem
bers and in every war aesut. Anyone
can become a member by paying tl
membership fee and receiving the
vote of a majority.
"The charter members of the asao
elation and number of goats owued
by each are as follows: O E Har
mon. 400: R C Churchill. 400; O
Phillips, 600; M Jess, 61; J Kinkle,
60 : W W Wilson, 66; F Pierce. 260;
L Bill, A O Brown and Che Meserve,
none at present."
Bring your broken umbrella to the
repair man at Cramer Bros.
The Joint Debate which occurred at
the opera bouse Wednesday evening
was big suocees in every particular,
The atteudanoe was fine and an excel
lent literary and musloal program was
rendered. The musical numbers
brought forth hearty applause, en
oores being called for in each in
stanoe. Messrs. S. F. Cheshire and
J. A. Wharton's cornet and clarinet
duet wss exceptionally well rendered,
The Young Ladies' Chorus, given by
the Misses Lydla White, Julia Gal-
braith, Helen Clarke, Irma Standish,
Dessis Cole and Lola Rehkoof elicited
much applause. The Bethany Choir's
vocal numbers called forth unstinted
praise. Misees Palmer and Wolke's
piano duet was prouoonoed most ex
cedent, while Mrs. W. L. Irelaud's
rendition of the piece won her much
Prof. R. R. Turner ably presided
over the deliberations of the evening
and introduced the ..debaters with s
few. appropriate remarks. The
speakers were at their best aud held
the large audience in rapt atten
tion, as they logically dealt with the
various phases of the intereftitig sub'
jeol: "Resolved, That the Right of
Trial by Jury should tie Abolished "
Their sddresses were replete with
food for thought and 'at times ths
big audience vociferously applauded
their oratorical efforts.
The judges were Revs. F. O. Lovett,
K. P. Hughe, and C. H. Cleaves, who
aftar deliberating, brought in their
deciaion whiuh was unnuimouslv in
favor of the affirmative.
The following was the program of
the evening's pleasure :
Clarinet and Cornet Duet. .......
. . 8 F Cheshire and J A Wharton
Ladles' Chorus. Misses l.ydia White,
Julia Ualbraith, Helen Clarke, Irma
Standiah, Dessie Cole, Lola Kehkopf
Affirmative. .. Attorney's S VanDyke
Negative Attorney H p Norton
Affirmative.. Attorney O a Bl'auohard
Negative Attorney O H Clameuts
Negative Rebuttal
. Attorney H D Norton
Affirmative Rebuttal
Attorney O S Warn-hard
Chorus Bothtnv Choir
Piano Duet. Miss Wolke Mias'Talmer
Vocal Solo Mrs W L Irelaud
lice iii on of Juilges.
Financially, as well as iu every
othsr way, the affair was a decided
success, the Bethany Fraternal Club!
daring nearly $,W, oyer and abovs 1
all expenses, which will be csed in !
the matter of securing apparatus for '
the new gymnasium, which the meiu-1
hers hope to soon hare. They desir
to heartily thank all the
, , '
eerjone wno in any
manner contributed to ths splendid
success which crowned tbelr efforts.
in the Treasury to
reentered prior to
There are funds
pay all warrants
September l. 1SHM.
oeaae from this date.
January SO, UKV
Iuterest will
Co. Treasurer.
COURIER. GKAXiio rn., -
Clinton. Iowa, Jao. 8. 1008.
Mr. Editor: I n much Interested
Id Mr. Warner's communication, es
pecially in regard to the renewed
working of the "Cohen Ledge." as I
have often wondersd why that was
r,t itumniil. with modern method
of treatment of Ibe ore.
I well remember when the mine
was opened and mill erected In the
earlv '60's by Cohen and his relative,
heiimao. I was In tns tunaei ana
- - .. i
was present when the mill frame wa
erected and saw tns macninery pa
thrnoirh Waldo, on Us way to ths
mines, and supposed the proprietors
had "sure thing," is regard to a
profitable result.
I think that all ore in that eariy
period wai thought to be 'Tree ruin
ing," and ly that process the asay
value of the same would be obtained,
no account being taken of sulphuntes.
or other "rerraccory component,
aud preaume this was the reason why
the owners were disappointed.
My personal knowledge of mines and
mining from '65 to '66, was at "Sailor
Diggings," Waldo, and we verj sel
dom found quartz by itself, or the
gold attached, and I still have the
only specimen I ever obtained, about
the size of a hickory nut, roes color
and half gold. 1 alto still have the
largest nugget, s far as I know,
found In the camp, three ounces,
almost round and smooth as glass,
from friction among ths gravel whence
It was taken in "Scotch Gulch,"
where our oosrsest gold was found,
although "Allen Ouloh" produced the
I send you, herewith a copy of a
view In "Allen's Ouloh," taken in
'60, myself in the foreground, my
cabin, male, etc. The main flume is
not very distinot. but extended down
ths Illinois rivsr. The bank was nins
or teo feet, and a portion having been
"ground sluiced" off. We were clean
ing up beat rock," water ooming from
ditch just back of cabin and here
was another higher up the hill, where
water was tsken aferwards, for hy
draulic mining lower down the gulch,
and In "Scotech Gulch," also.
Though million were fouad in Fry,
Bocber, Shelly, Sailor, Allen and
Scotch Gulches, all leading to the
river, no gold was to be obtained
from its bed in that vicinity.
About the only familiar name no
ticed in the 'Courier, is Judge H. K.
Hanua "Tom" we used to call him,
who was one of our moit intelligent
citizens, and was a jostloe of the
peaoe when left there in '66.
Respectfully Tonrs,
J. C. Weston
All kinds of
Cramer Bros.
Chicken supplies at
There is a widespread movement,
which has to do with procuring the
home place of Abraham Lfncolu and
converting it into a "Lincoln Farm
Memorial." The idea has met with a
very ready response, each interested
citizen contributing 11 for this pur-
pone. Already 50,000 members have
been secured and this has enabled the
"Lincoln Farm Association," which
has the matter in hand, to proceed to
have plans made for a beautiful Mem
orial Hall and other necessary build
ings, besides grading, parking, fenc
ing and putting under proper cultiva
tion, the entire Lincoln Birthplace
Farm, at Hodgeuville, Kentucky.
It is proposed to have this great
plsa carefully carried out and to for
mally dedicate the same, on the ceo
teuary anniyerssry of Lincoln's birth,
Febroary 13. 1908. Preiident Roose
velt aud many prominent men of the
nation are taking a lively interest in
the matter.
Every G. A. R. Post throughout the
country is taking a hand in the mat
ter aud the members of General John
A. Lo-an Post, here at Grauts Psas
are already taking a very lively iu
tsrest in the uistUr. A committee,
consisting of Mesers. John Patrick,
J A Hour and S A Sauford has beeu
appointed to take the matter in hand
and urge citizens to show their pa
triotism and help along In this most
worthy cause.
iu following la another li.t n(
j auryiyors or the civil war,
living in
Oregon, who hare been re
membered by the peniion department
of the United States government;
P C Cunningham, Ashland, 0 psr
mouth; Alex. Sobiaaler. Woodville,
IU; Albert Calkins, JRosebnrg. f.0
J II Peno. Taouina. V1 k-. i,.,..
Klamath Falls. $12; A H Applegate,
Orauts Pass. $15; John Dahaok, Eagle
Point, $15; Heury Humphrey Med-
ford, $15 Johu C Smith, Medford, $30
Thomas Ginder. Applegste, $13 B S
Kaker. Dryden. $13 John K Phillips,
Jaoksonvills,;i Join Patrick. Greot
Ps. $U.
. cc noFfinU FEBRUARY 14.
At the list meeting of the Josephine
County Court, the Joilowing mlaute
were entered by Clerk Cheshire:
Bills allowed:
ur t Dnaull. i -juvenile ert
.$ 10 60
W J Russell, conveyance m
prisoner circuit oonrt....
A T Cart, wrk on road
Chas Smith, wrk on ras
Cail Lmd.wrk on roads
I C Lowden, wrk on rds
Oscar Shaituck, wrk on rd ...
E O Lewi, wrk on id
Phil Brown, wrk on roads
J H Steward, work on roads ..
Wm Steward, wrk ou road. . . .
J J Browo, wrk on roa
J J Brown, wrk on road
M- rlin Mer Co, mdse pauper. . .
W J Russell, exp conveyance
of prisoners
R C Churchill, mdse for pauper
W L Jewell, work at poor farm
Sam Egger, wor ou road . . .
ui t unuii hnard and trans
5 00
44 60
10 60
41 60
45 00
31 60
23 60
43 60
11 00
20 25
83 76
21 00
43 47
45 66
6 40
16 00
69 00
portation of prisoner 19 J
.T M Smock, mdse lor rosas
3 70
George Ciebers, wrk on road. . .
Olau'i Schmidt, mdse for pauper
R Reed, wrk on road
James Dsrueille, wrk on road
Nat Drug Store, md-e pauper..
A Richards, work at poor farm.
R SpringBtead, work on roads.
K G Sowsll, wrk on poor farm
Job White, wrk on poor farm..
Jas Sowell, wrk at poor farm . .
Ed Lister, brd of jury state vs
J R Yetter, brd of paubers....
E R Ools, milk for poor farm
F O Burns, services supt poor
farm . :
25 00
10 00
3 30
8 20
4 80
1 00
4 00
7 60
7 00
6 00
6 60
25 66
8 16
50 40
8 20
13 70
E Gilmore, wrk on rosds
C F Guntner, work on roads. . .
Kinney and Truax, mdse for
M E Moore mdse for pauper. . .
Oranta Pass Track Co.drayas-e
44 90
24 42
noor farm 1 60
nrntji Pass Hdw Co. nidie for
poor farm 10 80
(irants f ass naw vjo, mase lor
Day aud Fitzgerald, wrk on
Co hospital
Day and Fitzgerald, wrk on
Co hospital
F O Wilcox, dravage for poor
J O Booth, cash paid for pauper
Grants Pass Hdw Co, mdie for
Club Livery Stables, convey
ance of paupers....
Alice Smith, 8th grade ex....
H L Lewis, sup ci.t No 6. ...
Geo D Baunard and Co, hand
cuff for aheriff
W H Birr, board of pauper
E W Kuykendall appointed as
of election board for Wolf
83 10
67 70
151 10
8 60
1 76
22 85
6 00
3 00
68 75
15 00
10 00
Precinct In place of Honry Grass, a
per petiltoa on file.
H D Eumann, ex Fruit iosp. .
Tousy Murrato, sign board,
county hospital
Z N Agee. traurenpt State vs
G W Hoxie, transportation of
47 85
4 60
3 25
pauper 11 80
a w tteviioias, wooa ior ires
office 4 60
H O Perkins, view and survey
Hill Road 25 00
N B Meade, 4 days viewer Hill
road 16 00
J M Jones, 4 days viewer Hill
road 16 00
William Smith and Co, livery
bite, Hill road 18 00
Earl Higgini, 4 days chain
man, Hill road
J 0 Joues, 8 days chainman,
Hill road ... ...
J O Jones, Horse feed Hill road
W W Wilson, 8 days ax mau,
Hill road
W J Albright 8, days Flagman,
Hill road
Peter Pirzer, 8 day axrxan,
Hill road
Kinney & Truax, mdse poor
10 00
7 50
6 00
7 60
7 50
' 7 60
18 25
8 60
3 00
2 00
3 00
J W Johnson, wood for poor
J E Horigdou, drawing jury list
R H Kobintion, draw jury list
W A Leonard, draw jury list..
J G Hintt.27 day sup road diet
ao 14 , 67 50
H O Pei kin i, view aud survey
of Evertoo road ,
N B Meade, 3 days viewing
15 00
8 00
8 00
5 00
Evertou road
J M Joues. 3 days viewing
Evertou road
M T Husfey, 3 days on Ever
ton road
J E Higgins, 3 days on Ever-
ton road 5 00
T J Etortou, 2 days axmao
Everton road ft no
T J Hussey. 8 days Flagman
Lverton road
5 00
2 00
8 00
30 45
6 90
T J Husasy. feeding team.
Evertou road
Williams Smith and Co, livery
Glass &
Pruilhoiuiue, sup
plies ,
Rogue River Water Co, water
for court bonne
Williams Bros Door and Lum
ber Co, lum for Co hos-
Pital.... sis 75
KOgue Kiver Electric Co, lights
Grauts Pass Truck Co, drayage
crt house
Rogue River Electrio Co, wir
16 00
3 75
363 SO
ing uo hospital
Daniel Watson, house rent for
ro ruper 83
W I bwestland, meat for Co
hospital . 7 j)
li d nan, coinn Tor pauper..
J G Dotson. washiug machine
Co hospital
E F Msissoer justice State vs'
Elmer Page, witness justice crt
Otis Smith, wit justice, crt. . . .
Gen Campbell wit us crt...
Edgar Phillips, wit fees jus crt
J O Booth, office rent
14 75
7 00
12 25
3 00
3 00
3 00
1 3 00
36 00
unserve, preparing tax
als list 18 25
" " r-ismann, exp fruit insp.
J M Jones, board of paupers
Nat Dray Co. dravMi
15 00
18 00
1 50
untuts Fass Hdw Co, hdw
for poor farm 119 10
IPmmmM-. mi a jr
l til ifviJV if a cf nro wh Ara 4V..
1 Vk J .Vr-V ISKn 'VMl
ficient in but one thing and trust that is price.
Our prices are certainly considerably below what
they should be when you take into consideration
the high quality of our goods, glance over these
figures. Oranges, Lemons, Comb Honey, FreshFruits and
Vegetables. We carry a full supply of Poultry Goods.
J. Pardee, Sfte Grocer
Front Street
A U Bannard, furniture for Co
hospital "
Grant Pass Steam Laundry,
laundry for jail 10
Karuer' Meat market, meat
for nauner . B0
J Pardee, ludse lor poor farm. .. 8 66
Wilson Mer Co, mdse ror roaa 0 o
Appropriation or fauo to me in
digent soldier fond made ana cierx
directtd to issue county warrants "
John Patrick, commander 01 uen
Logan Post No, 89, Grant Pass, Ore.,
he having tiled bis bond in the penal
sum of ?l)00 a by law slireoted, which
bond is approved.
Bid for furnishing 100 tier of wood
for court house opened and examined
and the court finds that Frankktng and
J L McColm have made the lowest bid
therefor and both being for the sum
of $2 per tier, therefore it is ordered
that each of said bidder shall have a
contract for furnishing 30 tier of 16
laoli oak wood and 10 tiers of pine
and 10 tiers of fir wood at $3 per tier
as per bid.
M A Wertz, commissioners per
diem and anlg
W L Jewell, wrk on poor farm
R E Hendricks, wrk on poor
16 80
20 00
20 00
533 40
25 00
26 05
Coton Hdw and Plumbing Co,
hdw Co hospital
D P Love, mad attendance,
quarantine case
Or Mining Journal, print. . .
W J Russell, transportation of
Drisoner ,
6 60
G O Uinm, privilege of setting tele
phone poles in County road down
Rogue River from Grants Pass.
Ed S VanDyke, telegram 1
County warrant in the sum of $50
be drawn by the County Clerk on
1st day of each month hereafter,
favor of F G Burns in payment
hi services as superintendent of
poor farm.
Nolle to Public.
I have given my son, Charles F.
Parker, aged 19 year, bis time and
make no claim 00 bi earning, and
will not be responsible for any debts
contracted by him, after this date,
January 31, 1908.
1-31 St GEU. H. f AnKEK,
We wish to express our heartfelt
thanks to the many friend who as
sisted auring the illness and death of
my mother.
Mrs. Geo. Liod and family.
Just Now
maybe an extra pair of trousers of the
right kind would help things along, it
happens so often that the trousers, get
ting the hardest wear, give out before
the. coat and vest
A good pair of trousers now will give
you a new suit effect, and you can get
it for very little money. These Ilart
Schaffner & Marx trousers are especially
good, they make up short lengths of
suit fabrics not enough for a suit into
extra trousers. Very fine goods, all
wool, made in the perfect Hart Schaffner
& Marx way.
We can show you something that will
go well with your cat and vest. Trou
sers $4, $4.40, $4.80. Other trousers $1,
$1.20. $1.60, $2, and $2.40, Special prices
on Wool Underwear, Flannel Shirth and
Wool LMankets.
4,0utfitters to Boy and Man"
To buy your
assortment is com
plete, and the qual
ity the rest, you
should purchase
here. We are di-
Grants Pass
Some one asked a woman bowl)
was be kept her youth go wonder
fully. Her hair wa snowy WDite,
she was 80 year old and her energy
wa waning, but she never imprests
one with the idea of age, for h
heart wa atill young in sympathy
and interest.
And this was her answer : "I knew
how to ferget disagreeable things. I
tried to master the art of saying plei
ant things. I did not expect too
much of my friends. I kept mj
nerves well in hand, and did not tl.
low them to bore other people, I
tried to find any work that came
hand congenial." Woman.
Come and see our line of net
spring samples which have jast ar
rived, Orants Pas Tailoring Co.,
Suits, $20 up. 1-24 1
Colonist Rates.
A has besa the custom for serertl
years past the Railroads leadings
the coast have agreed on a oolonist
rate, a little higher than in yetti
past, bnt still a very attractive nts,
and it ought to have the effect of
bringing a large number of immi
grants to Oregon this spring. Tin
rate is effective from March 1st to
April 90th and is substantially at fol
lows: from Chicago $38; from Mil
souri rivsr oommoo point, Council
Bluff te Kansas City inolusive, 8l
Paul, Minneapolis, Denver, etc., $30;
St. Louis, $85.60. Usual stopover
privilege will he given on tbea
ticket. i-24tf
Applications for Crazing Permits,
NOTICE ia hereby given that tl
applications for permits to graze cat
tle, horses acd sheep within the SIS'
KIYOU, ASHLAND and that portloi
north of summit ol (Siskiyou Moun
tains, during the season of 1908, moil
be filed in my office et Grants Put.
Oregon, on or before March 10, 1906.
(No grazing petmits on original Ash
land Fore;t. )
Full information in regard to the
grazing fees to be charged, and blank
forms to be nied in making applica
tion, will be furnished npon requeit
Milton J.Anderson, Supervisor. 1-31-0