Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 14, 1908, Image 7

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    oom eiyb coumiBt, oeants pass, orjcgon. February 14, im
1 1 i
By Addlsoa Howard Gibson.
Ooprrlchted, WOT, b;M.l(, Cunningham. T
Us th pony picked lta way Dp th
Mid, rock bordered canyon Ivy Norris
iok In areat breaths of the oxone of
ie Arizona foothills.
"This Is Mvlng!" she cried, throwing
bt her arms. "The folks back home
ionld not know me. feese three
Ionths spent In this wonderful ell
ate have made me strong and young
bain. And this weather! Back In
few Hampshire they are having snow,
fhlle oat here It Is golden sunshine all
fcy long. My heart Is full of the day
Thanksgiving! When I write back
lome that I spent my Thanksgiving
kit u the foothills all alone the folks
lon't believe me. They'll simply say
in learning western ways fast to
kanufactnre some big ones to boom
be country."
The last of August Ivy Norris, pale.
bin and thirty, had arrived from the
list to teach the Lone Mesa school.
he cowboys on Mr. Tower's ranch.
bere she boarded and lodged, treated
lie coming of the cultivated little wo
ban as a great Joke. Her short skirts.
fce boots and the handsome little re-
olver and cartridge belt furnished
Biem material for comment for weeks.
Even Warde nughes, the foreman, was
I mused at her first attempts to mount
nd ride Pilot, the gentlest pony on the
tench, bat he equally enjoyed the pluck
L'lth which she persisted In learning
ride and the use of the little revolver
mat looked so comically dangerous In
ker small white band.
On this Thanksgiving morning the
andsome foreman had reined In his
f ow pony behind a thicket of mesqulte
trees and was watclftng faithful old
ftiot carefully bear his fair rider up
the trail of Little Springs canyon. All
t once he became aware of the fact
that a few months had wrought a
Jpeat transformation In the school
teacher of Lone Mesa. The thin form
ft ad rounded out into graceful curves,
jhe pale face bad become plump and
f-osy, and her awkwardness in the sad
dle had given place to an easy manner
jthat could no longer be ascribed to a
"She's like a girl of twenty," he so
liloquized. "By Jove, she's the neat-
WAITMHl, IVY HIIKK Hll nillB , f T Ma
struck these foothills. I wonder If she
knows where she Is going. She's a
.good ten miles from the ranch house
now and atlll going on. Well, she's a
pretty Interesting stray, and I'm going
to see that she doesn't get entirely
With this thought Warde Hughes en
tered another trail, then cautiously
made a detour, coming back to the
canyon Just above Little Springs. Still
concealed back of some manzanlta
bushes, he watched Ivy Norris come
on up the rugged trail. She was sing
ing a stanza of an old school song that
he remembered, and the notes floated
up to him on the n arm November air
sweet and clear as au angel's song.
Suddenly she ceased, and Bhe glanced
quickly up the slope. Then, catching
up her revolver, she sent a shot whlz
ting off Into the chaparral. A tawny
form dropped out of sight down the
"Ah," exclaimed the foreman ad
miringly, "she made Mr. Coyote hit
the dirt as well as a soldier could have
done it"
Guiding the pony to the springs. Ivy
dismounted. While Fllot drank In
long, satisfying quaffs from one of the
little springs the young woman looked
about her, noting the steep granite
walls that surrounded her, the deep
azure of the sky and the golden glow
of the sunshine enveloping everything
like a loving mother keeping a winter's
chill at bay. Then she saw Warde
Uugbes approaching from an opposite
"May I Join you. Miss Norris V he
"Certainly, Mr. Hughes," she an
swered. "It Is noon, isn't ltr giving
an odd little squint at the sun as if aba
were already enough of a plalnswoman
to estimate the time by Its elevation.
"It to about 1230," said Hughes, with
the old timer's accuracy.
Then It is time for my lunch, and
I'm as hungry as that wretched coyote
I shot at It to Thanksgiving day, Mr.
Hughes. 1 have beef sandwiches,
olives, cheese, crackers and some fig
wafers in my saddlebags. With New
England hospitality I ask you to help
me eat them."
"While it is not the custom of us cat
tlemen to take a lunch at noon." he re
turned, looking into the bright eyes of
me iirae woman before him, "I am
giaa to break the custom on this occa
sion by accepting your invitation."
Under a live oak they spread the pa
per napkins which Ivy had brought
ana arranged the lunch upon them.
Hughes soon caught the happy spirit
of his companion, and. throwing his
mask of conscious restraint aside, he
talked and laughed with her with the
pleasure of a boy.
"The sprfug must furnish us tea,"
she said, handing Hughes her pretty
silver folding cup. He quickly filled it
rrom the spring near by. Then he
passed the cup to her. "I did not think
of having company," she said apolo
getically, touching the rim daintily
w ith her pretty lips. "I wish I had an
other." Tui you haven't," protested
Ilushrs heartily. "I like this one best,"
taking tlic cup from her hands and
For a minute ivy made no reply.
Then she looked at the man sitting op
posite her as If In doubt of bis mean
ing. The next Instant she smiled frank
ly and said.
"Well, I think I do too."
The half serious simplicity of her
speech amused nughes, and, throwing
back his head, be laughed In real en
joyment "I'm sure we'll get on all right," he
said, still laughing.
Hughes declared there never was
such a lunch. The greatest Thanks
giving feast in the land was nothing
compared with this. The cold, pure
water which they sipped In such good
comradeship from the one cup he was
sure outrivaled the nectar of all the
All too soon it was finished, and they
sat back under the live oak silent, but
happy. Suddenly Ivy realised it was
mldafternoon and she had twelve miles
to ride back to the ranch. Tomorrow
there would be school and the old rou
tine of duties. Today held sunshine,
laughter, Joy; the next would be filled
with the dally grind and bard tasks.
Watching her from under the wide
rim of his hat, Warde Hughes saw the
weary expression begin to settle over
Ivy Norris' face, and be understood.
Left an orphan after finishing school,
his loneliness had driven him west.
Here temperate habits and sterling
principles had won him success. Now
a woman, loving the freedom of his
hills as he loved It, had entered his
life. Suddenly be beheld a vtolon a
vision of liberty for both. Immediate
ly he felt an Intuition that the loneli
ness of both was at an end. The new
life of sunshine, the sunshine of a
wonderful love, was glowing for them.
He yearned to tell her, to lift the shad
ows from the patient face, but the
moment of realization was too blissful
for speech.
"Come," he said at last springing
up to meet the new life and claim It
for them. Gently he took her hand
and lifted her to ber feet. Then, look
ing Into her beautiful eyes, he said
engerly, "Little woman, I want you to
let me make every day of your life a
Thanksgiving like today."
A soft flush stole Into ber face, but
she did not leave the strong arms
which held ber.
Eyeryone in Grants Pats Haa a
Right to Hia Own Opinion,
While "everyone has a right to hia
own opinion, yet it is wite to alwavi
consider what others think and proht
by their experience.
Nothing makes life so miserable,
or interferes 10 widely with the
oef"luett ot the average American,
at indigestion, and it is well for m
to give fair consideration to what
others thiuk about this remarkable
Uumaray is positive that in Miona
stomach tablets be hits an absolute
oore for indigestion aud the many
disagreeable s nipt ins that follow
tins diseate, eucu as aisirssi after
eating, coataii tongue, bad las e in the
.uouin, dizziness, flatul-nua, nor
vousoeis and debility, iheir action
i'i telling Mi-o-oa on a guarantee to
refund the money unless it cares,
giiows plainly their belief in the value
j( tins remedy he takes all the ritk,
and tnera will be no charge whatever
f r kii-o-ne unless you are satisfied
that it has relieved yuu of iudiges-
tiou. 2 14 at
Awed Into Humility.
Man for man, if not woman for
woman, the humility and terror of
Americans iu the presence of Eng
lish people of their own class or
above It is. with whatever care dis
guised, a pathetic thing. London Out
look. But Hard to Toll.
"What Is the real, essential differ
ence between mushrooms and toad
stools r
"Exactly the difference between a
feast and a funeraf-Baltlmort Amer
ican. A blithe heart makes a blooming vto-age.-lrUh
Cores Woman's Weaknesses.
W refer to that boon to weak, nervous,
suffering women known as Dr. Plena's
Favorite Prescription.
Dr. John Fyfe one of the Editorial Staff
of Thb Eclectic Medical Review says
of Unicorn root (LfeJonio Dioica) which
Is one of the chief Ingredients ot the "Fa
vorlu Prescription :
A remedy which Invariably act as eater
In luvlgurator make tut normal ac
tivity of the entire reproductive syttesa.
Be continues "In Helonlas we hive a medica
ment which mure fully answer the abor
purpose than any other drug vttli chici I am
acquatnUd. In the treatment ot diseases pe
culiar to women It Is seldom that a case Is
teen which does not present some indication
for this remedial went." Dr. Fyfe further
says: "The following are among- the leading
Indications for Helonlas (Unicorn rout). Pala
or acblns In the back, with leurorrbora I
atonic (weak) condltloftaof the reproducing
organs of Itotnen. mental depression and Ir
ritability, sksoclated wittfchronlc diseases of
the reproduV-tlTe organs ot women; constant
sensation ft heat In the region of the kid
neys; mennThaglt (flooding), due to a weak
ened conulon of It he reproductive system)
amenonruo-slyirAretsed or absent monthly
rxrlud.ya&inrum or accompanying an
Sbnopwl condition of the digestive organs
and Afternic ( thin blood hahlti dragging
sensfjlons in the extreme lower part of the
f more or lew or the above symptoms
are L'P'-.-nt. lv Invalid wmp cla Tn
potter "than take Dr. Fierce Favorite
PterribliolijTiliffoiniW Wading Ingredi
ents ol wr.ii.Ti Is Unicorn root, or Ilelonlas,
and the medical properties of which It
most faithfully represents.
Of Golden Seal root, another prominent
Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription,"
Prof. Ftnley Ellingwood, M. D., of Ben
nett Medical College, Chicago, says:
"It is an Important remedy In disorders of
the womb. In all catarrhal conditions
and general enfeeblement, it Is useful."
Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D late of
Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root :
In relation to Its general effect on the
system, thtrt U no medietas in use about wWA
thsrt tuch arneml unanimity of opinion. It
Is universally regarded as Vie tonic useful in
alldebllltated slates."
Prof. R. Hartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson
Medical College, says of Golden Seal :
"Valuable In uterine hemorrhage, monor
rhagia (flooding) and conreettv dyamenor
rhva Coainful menstruation)."
I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription faith
fully represents all the above named In
gredients and cures the diseases for which
they are recommended.
In the Coanty Court of the State of
Tvjjoguii, iur we iounty oi tiosepniue.'
n the matter of the Es-1
tateof William
Helms, deceased. J
Notioe is hereby given to whom it
may concern, that the undersigned
has been appointed Executrix of the
last will and testament of William
Helms, deceased, which said appoint
ment has been confirmed by an order
of the County Court fur Josephine
uouuty. Oregon dated January 87,
1908. All persona havina claims
against the estate of said deoendent
win present the same duly yenned to
said Executrix at the office of Marons
W. Robbine. attorney at law. Grants
Pass, Oregon on or before six months
from the date of the first publication
of this notioe, which dale of said first
publication is February 14, 1908.
Department of the Ioterior.
Land Office at Roeeburg. Ore ,
Jao 24 1908.
Notioe is hereby given that
of Eerby, Oregon, has fllea notice of
his intention to male final five year
proof In support of his claim, vis:
Homestead Entry No. 13,936 made
reoruary 10, oo ror the
NWWNEli. Section. 8 Township 40
South, Haniie 8 W W M., and that ta'd
proof will be made before Joseph
Moss, U. S. Commissioner at Grants
Pass, Oregon on Wednesday, March
35, 1908.
He names the following witnesses
to piove hit continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, the land,
viz: Milton C. Bogae, of Kerby,
Josephine Co., Ore., Silvester A.
Carter, or Kerbr, Josephine Co.,
Ore., Joseph Fnrrei). of Kerby. Jose
phine Co., Ore., Quincy Woodcock,
of Kerby, Josephine Co., Ore.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at Roeeburg, Ore.,"
Jao. 24, 190S.
Notice is hereby given 'hat
of Desrinc. Oreton. has filed notice
of his Intention to make final five
year proof io support of bis claim.
vis: unomestean Kntry no iu,iv
made Jan. 80, 1W01, for the ESWt
NWSE sec 11. and VEH NW4"
Section 14, Township 41 Soutn, Range
UWWM., aod thai said proof will
be made before Josepti Moss, U. S.
Commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore
gon, Friday, March 97,1908.
tie names tne following witnesses
to prove bis continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, tbe land,
vis: Eddy W. Koykendall, ot Wolf
Creek. Ore.. Clark T. Webb, of
Peering, Ore, Fred Ahlberg, of
DeerlDg, Ore, Thomas Uilligan, of
Deeriog, Ure.
rjHJAMl Li. r.uux,
Practical Help For Deafnese.
I have proved that this is really prac
tical. Get a common pasteboard mailing
tube such as pictures or music is mail
ed in and bold It to the ear closely.
Tbe result is wonderful. A very denf
person can hear distinctly everything
that Is said by any one sitting on the
other side of tbe room. At first thought
one is Inclined to ridicule so simple s
method. I bought a good long one.
large enough to fit over the ear, for
10 cents. One can get them at any
business stationer's. I tried It on
grandmother, who Is very desf. She
could hear well and, what was more
remarkable, could also bear with ber
very deaf ear, with which she has not
beard a sound for seven years. Try It!
That's all I have to say. Harper's
Old Hairbrushes.
Old hairbrushes which have become
soft may be made quite firm and stiff
again by dipping the bristles Into
strong alum water. Dissolve tbe alum
In hot water, but do not use It till It Is
cold. ....
Department of the Interior.
Land office at Roeebore. Ore..
Jan. 4, 1908,
Notioe is hereby glveo that
Father and only heir at law of Isaao
aivers, deceased, or wimer, jacaeoa
Co., Oiegoo, has filed notioe of bis
intention to make final five year proof
in support ot his claim, vis: Home
stead Entry No. 10.841 made Nov. 28,
190, for the NW SE.l, Section 84,
Township 8t Sooth, Range 8 Wk.,
and that said proof will be made be
fore Joseph Moss, U. 8. Commis
sioner, at Grants Pars, Oregon, on
Tbnrsday, March 26, 190&
He names the fo lowing witnesses to
prove his cont moons residence opon.
and cultivation of. the land, via:
Joseph Schooover, of wimer, Jack
soo Co., Oregon. Stephen H. Beers,
of Wimer, Jackson Co., Ore., Albert
Davie, of Wimer. Jack too Co.. Ure.,
Jams Neathammer, of Wimer, Jack
son Co., Oregon
Io the County Court of The State of
Orevon for the Coonty of Josephine.
In the Matter of the
Estate of Peter
Hansen, Deceased.
To Louies Tat". Ellen Brown, Em
ma Glynn, Rheka Taylor, Mrs. W.
A. Leonard. Miry Anderson. Mrs.
Henniog Detlefsen. Charles Hansen,
George Hansen, Mrs. Charles Haa-
sen, greeting :
Io the name of the Slate of Oregon,
yon are hereby cited aod required to
appear in the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the county of
Josephine, at tre Court Koom there
of, at Grants Pass, in said ooanty,
on Saturday, tbe 9th day of March,
1908, at 1 o clock In the afternoon of
that day. then and there to show
cause, if any ezist, why an order
should not be made authorizing and
directing George Hansen and Charles
Hansen, executors of the estate of
Peter Hansen, deceased, to aell at
either poblio or private sale the fol
lowing described property, to-wil :
The an oi the aim and the m x or
the bEi and Lot 4 of Seo. 9, Twp. 89
a K 8 w , in Josephine County, ure
goo. Also all of Lot 8 and one-balf
of Lot 7 of Block 7 in the lownsite
Napoleon, commonly called Kerby, ia
Jeeephine County, Slate ot Oregon,
excepting four and fifty-nine hun
dredth (4.69) sores, deeded to
A no a M. Adams and recorded in
VoL on page 288, Book of Deeds io
the Coonty Clerk's office for the
County of Josephine, State of Oregon.
Also, excepting a parcel of land in
Lot 4, Seo. 9 Twp. 89 S, R 8 W., Jose
phine oonty, Oregon, lying south of
Helton Creek and East of thepubllo
highway leading south from Kerby-
vllle where said line intersects Holton
Creek at a iteoe set Dear the Soeth
baak thereof ; theooe Sooth parallel
to the East line of said highway 209
feet, thence, easterly, at a right aagla
418 feet, thneoe northerly at a right
angle, 209 feet, theoce westerly fol
lowing the menaders of said Holton
Creek to tbe plaoe of beginning, con
taining two acres, more or less.
Also, au or that portion or tbe
Jesses Kerby Donation Land claim
designated as Claim No. 87, which
lies between the main street and pob
lio read leading throoh the town of
Kerbv and the Illinois Kiver, In Sea
9, Twp. 89 8, R 8 W., in Josephion
Coonty, Oregon costaining about 60
acres except a tract of 17 acres ot the
South side of ssid trsct heretofore
sold to Mrs. Lilly White.
Also, all of the Black Bear groupe
of placer mining claims, consisting of
leu acre, all or the Alza placer min
ing claim consisting of 20 acres; all of
the henry Heiinan placer miuing
claim contistiug of 20 acres; all of the
Flint Look placer lining claim, con
sisting of 20 acres. Together with
the water rights, ditches, pipes,
giants, and improvements belouging
to said mining olaim, all situated on
Josephine Creek, Joseuliise 'county,
Stale of Oreguu.
Also 1000 shares or the capital stook
of tbe Kerby v ills Irrigating and
Milling Company's ditch on the Illi
nois River in Josephine Coanty,
Witoets. the Hoa. Stephen Jewell,
Judge of the Ooanty Court of the
Stat of Oregon for the County of
Jotephloe, with the seal of said
Uoort eruxed this Sd day or rebroary,
A. D. 1908.
Atlett S. F. CHESHIRE.
Coonty Clerk.
First peblioatin hereof is tebraary
7, 1903. and ths last is Maroli 6, 1908,.
Att'y for Estate.
Timber Lend, Act June 8, 1878.
Roeeburg, Ore.. Nov. 25, 1907.
Notice ia hereby given that io com
pliance with the provisions of the
a:t of Congress of Jane 8, loio, en
titled "An ant for the sale of timber
landa in the State of California, Ore
sou, Nevada aad Washington Terrl
tiry,"aa eiteuded to all the Poblio
Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Vancouver, Coonty of Clarke, State
of Washington, has this day Died in
this office her sworu statement No.
8598. for the pnroliate of the BE of
Section No. 80 in Township No. 84
South. Range 'No. 6 W. W. M. and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valoable for ita timber
or stone than for agricoltoral por
poses, and ta establish bur claim to
said land before Register and Receiver
at their office at Roseburg. Ore., on
I needs t. tbe 14tli day of April. 190H
She names as witnesses: Wesley B.
Phennan of Grants Pas, Ore., George
H. Slover of Grants Pass, Ore.. Roy
Oarontte of Merlin, Ore., Florence
M. Snodgrass of Vancouver, Wash.
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely the above described landa
are requested to file bis claims In this
ofloe oo or before said 14th day of
April, 1908.
No sensational or questionable mat-
ter allowed ia tha Coarief.
Timber Land. Act Jaae 8. 1878.
Rosebarf, Ore.. Nov. 23, 1907
Notioe is hereby given that in com
pliance with the proriaione of ths act
of Oangrese ef Juae 8, 1878, entitled
"Aa act tar the sale ot timber lands
in tbe States of California, Oregon,
Nevada aad Waahiagtoo Territory,"
aa axieaded to all the Pool o Land
States by a at Aagast 4, 18V2,
of Vancouver, Coonty of Clarke, State
ot Waehingtao, has this day filed ia
this of floe ber sworn statement No.
8700, for tbe parches oftheS V4of
8ectton No. 80 ia Towoship No. 84
South, Range No. 6 W.W &.. and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is mora valuable for its timber
or sioae Ihsn for agricultural par
poses, and to establish her claim to
said land before Register and Re
ceiver at their office at Roseburg,
Ore., on Wednesday, the loth day of
April, 1W8.
She names as witnesses Wesley B.
Sherman, of Grants Pass, Ore,
George H. Slover of Grants Pass,
Ore., Roy Garoutteot Merlin, Qreuou,
Ella Albright, of Vancouver, Washing
ton. Aoy aod all oersoos olaimine adver
sely the absve-detoribed lands are re
quested io file their claims in this of
fice on ar before said 16th day of
April, 1908.
Timber Land, Act Jane S, 1878.
Roseburg. Oregon. Nov. 25. 1907.
Notice is hereby glveo that in
compliaaoe with the provisions of
tbe act or Congiess tor Juue 3, 1878,
entitled "Aa aot for the sale of
timber lands In the States of Caiifor
nia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington
Territory." as extended io all the
pnblio Land States by aot of August 4,
of Vancouver, County of Clarke, State
of Washington has this dsy filed in
tnis ernoe her swora statement SHo.
8697, for the porohase of the E ot
E ef Section No. 24 in Towoship
No. 84 Soath, Range No. 7 W.W M.,
and will effer proof to show that the
iana sougnt is more veioanie ror its
timber ar stooe than for agricultural
purposes, and to sstabliin bar claim
ta said land before Register aud Re
ceiver at their office at Roseburg.
Ore., on Tuesday, the 14th day of
April, 1008:
She names as witnssses : Wes'ey B
Sherman, of Granti Pats, Ore.,
George II Slaver, of Grants Pass,
Oregon, Roy Garootte of Merlin,
O re., Mtry J. DoBois, of Vauconyer,
Any aod all persons claiming ad
versely l be above described laod are
requested to file their claims In this
office oa or before said 14th day ot
April, 1908.
In the Coanty lOourt; ofth estate of
Uregon, for tbe (.'oonty oi Josephine,
In the matter of the Es
tate of John G. Sohall
horn, deoeaeed.
Notioe is hereby given to whom it
msy concern that the anderslgned has
been appointed administratrix of the
estate of John G. Schallhorn, de
ceased, by tbe County Court of the
State of Oregen for the Coonty ot
Jesephioe and that all persons having
claims against said estate are notified
to present the tame doly verified to
said administratrix at the office of
Marcos W. Robblns, attorney at law,.
Grants Pass, Oregon, on or before six
months from ths date of first publica
tion of this notioe, which date of said
first publication Is Friday, Jauuary 24,
By virtue of an eseoation issued out
of the O.rooil Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephine County opon a
judgment rendered la said Court,' on
the 17th dsy of April. A. D., 1906
lo favor of ths Plaintiff, Madle M
Hyde and against ths defendant
George H. Hyde for the sum of $35
per month, commencing March 1,
1906, and payable monthly nntil other
wise ordered by tbe court witn In
terest on eaoh installment at six per
oent per aonum, I have levied on and
will sell at ;publlo auction to the
highest bidder, lor cash, ou the iHth
dav of February, A. D.. 1908 at 10
o'clock, a. m., at the '.front door of
the Court house at Grants Pass in
Josephine County, Oregon, the follow
Ing described property, to-wit: All
tbe tight, title and interest ef the
defendant. George 11. Hyde and par
tioularly his undivided two-thirds
interest in and to Lot Four (4) of
Jndaon & Obanselur's subdivision of
Block of J. Bourne's First Addition
to the town of Grants Pass in Jose
pliine Couuty, Oregon.
Dated at Grauts Pass, Oregnu, this
20th day of January, A. I).. 1908.
Sheriff ot Josephine Co
Department of the Interior.
Laud Offioe at Roseburg, Oregon.
lXan.,23, 1908.
Notioe is hereby given that
of Grants Pass, Oregon, haa filed
notice of bis lnteution to make final
five year proof in support of his
claim, viz: Homestead Entry No
12.160 made October 23d. 1902, for
the S'SE H Section 14, Township
86 Sooth, Range 0 W W M., and that
said proof will be made before
Joseph Moss, U. 8. Gomoiiasiooer, at
urauts raas, uregon, on aaoouay,
March 28. 1908.
He names the following witnesses
to prove bis continuous residence up
on. and cultivation oi, ine laua, vu
Joseph Hi 11. of Grants Psss, Ore.,
Nalua D. Yonng of Grants Pass, Or.,
Fred Miller, of Grants Paea. (Jr., raid
nsy Woolfolk, of Grants Pass, Or.
Quick 0Uvrr-TB Weekly Oresroaaaa.
Timber Land, Aot Jane 8. 1878.
Roseborg. Ore., December 19th, 1907.
Notioe is hereby given that in com
pliauoe with tbe provisions of the aot
of Congress of June t, 1878 entitled
aw avt iur uie saie or tinner lands
in the Stales of California Oregon
Nevada and Waahiogtoa Territory"
as extended lo all iba Poblio Land
States by act of August 4 1893
of Vancouver county ot Clarke State
Or Territory of Waahlmrtnn ! thia
day filed ia this office her sworn state
ment No. 8777 for the cerohaee of the
Fract'l BWW and SVU NVU
Of Section t0. 18 in Tnwnahm No M
S, Range No. 4 W W M and will nAVr
proof to show that the land sought ia
more valuable for its timber or stone
tliao for agricultural Dnrnoaea. anil
to establish ber olaim to aaid land
before Joseph Moss. U. S. Commis
sioner at Grants Pass. Oregon, on
Saturday, the 7th day of March, 1908.
tie names as witnesses: Wenley
B Sherman, of Grant P n
George H Slower, nf 1v.f.
Ore,, Roy Garoutte of Merlin. Ore.!
William Biiley of Davidson, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tli j a)m.ri flinri KaH IsanHn ova.
requested to nlejtheir claims in this
uiuuauii or oerore said 7tri dav or
March, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
Roeeburg, Ore., Nov. 15, 1907.
Notioe ia hereby given that in oom
lianoa w th the nroviaiona nf th at
of Congreis of Jnne 8. 1878. entitled
An Aot for the sale nf timtur T
In the Htataa nf n.
. .... u H , -lITfUU
Nevada and Washington Territory,'
aa exienaea to an rublio Lamd States
by aot of August 4, 1893,
of Harrisoo, County of Kootoal, 8tate
of Idaho, filed in this office her sworn
statement No. RAI7 fnr tiia mimhu
the SWi of the NWW. WUoftha
HW4 and lot, 1 of Section No. 12, in
Towoship No. 87 South of Rangs No. 7
West. W. M.. and Will offer nrnn In
how that the laod sought ia mora
valuable for lta tiinher or atnna
for agricultural porposee, and to es
tablish her olaim ta said Isnd before
the Joseph Moss, United States
Commissioner, at his affioa in Grants
Pass, Oregon, on Monday, the 17th
ay or February, 1908.
He names aa witnesses: Martin
L. Conaer. of Grants Paaa Dm
Emmett R. Oonaer. of WiMrIIU.
Oregon William Bull of Grauts Pass,
Ore., Clarence A. Paoker, of Harri
son. Idaho.
Any and all Darenna nlalmlnv a1.
versely the above described lands are
rannAMtAft an Ala thai nl.lm. in kl
- j I ) mil
offioe ou or before said 17th y of
Febraary, 1908.
In tbe Circuit Court of The State of .
Oregon, for Josephine Coanty.
Walter Tallmadge, "
vs y Salt for Divorce.
Maud Tallmadge,
defendant. .
To Mand Tallmadge, the defendant
abovs named :
Io the name of the State of Ore
gon, yon are hereby summoned ia
appear and answsr tbe complaint filed
against you io the above eatllled
Court and Cause on or before six
weeks from the date, of the first oob-
lication of this summons, which first
date of publication is Friday, Janu
ary 8, 1908, aud the lasi day of publi
cation of aaid summons, and the last
day for your appearance as foresaid is
rrinay, ,ine 14th day of February.
11)08, and you are hereby notified, that
if you fail to appear and answer ths
complaiut with n the time aforesaid,
tb plaintiff will apply to the Coort
for the relitf prayed for in his com
plaint, to-wit for a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now ezistlug
between me piaintm aud defendant.
nd that the plaintiff be awarded tha
care and ouatody of tha minor
children, Chester, aged 8, Lester aged
8 aud Cleo, aged 8, and for such
other and further relief as to tbe oourt
may seem equitable. This summons
is published by order of Hon. Stephen
Jewell, Judge of the County Oourt of
Josephine County, Slate ot Oregon,
made January 2, 1908. ordering the
publication of this summons lor a
period of .six soconiaiva weeks.
Attorney for the plaintiff.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Nov 25, 190T
Notioe Is hereby given that In com-
pllanoe with the provisions of the act
of Congress ot Jnne 8, 1878, entitled
"An aot for tha tale of timber lauds
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,'
as exteuded to all the Public Land
States by act or Auganst 4. 18IUJ,
of Vancouver, Couuty ot Clarke,
State of Washington, has this day
filed in this office her sworn state
ment No. 8099, for the porohase of the
NW of Section No. 80 in Township
No. B4 South. Range No. 0 W W M.
aod will offer proof ta show that tha
laod sought is more valuable
timber or atone than for agricultural
DUrnosos and to establish her claim ta
said laud before Register and Re
ceiver at weir ornce at Roseburg, Ore.
on Tuesday, tbe 14th day of AprlL
She names as witnesses : Wesley B.
She-man, of Grants Pass, Oregon,
ueorge u.. mover, or Grants Pass,
Ore., Roy Garoutte ot Merlin, Ore.,
alien ijyoca oi vauconyer, warn.
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely the above described lands ar
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before aaid 14th day of
April, ivuo.
Fruitgrowers 4 ! BJvr Valla
find th Courier of special kasaraat.