Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 14, 1908, Image 5

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    Vmnt, weigh and meanrt nvytkini you
my American Grocer.
White House
Yes we have them, a ship
ment just arrived from the
grower direct.
Malta Bloods and fancy
Navals, 25c 30c and 35c
per dozen.
BleachedGelery 5410c
Black orWhite Figs
in bulk 10c
Home grown Saur Kraut
10c per quart.
Ripe Olives in bulk.
Heinzes Sweet and Saur
Pickels.' Have you tried
Remember we have
Fresb Bread Dailey
Home made Fancy Cakes
Tuesday and Saturday.
White House
The Tea and Coffee House
gooooooocoooooooooosceocco 1
X Items of Personal jj t
I Interest.' h X
J.F. Klein, the tailor was made glad
the past week, by the arrival of hit
wife and, boo, from Osage, Iowa. '
Mrs. a 0. Neas left Monday for a
three weeks' visit io Portland and
othre points in the northwest.
D A Harmon spent Monday and
Tuesday, look! g after some business
interests at Ashland and Medford.
Master Arthur Banzau left for Port
land, Tuesday, to join his mother,
who is now resident of that oity.
Mis Mary Spalding returned this
week from prolonged stay in Med
ford and JacksonTille, where she has
been doing some canva-aing.
Deputy County Clerk E S Yeatch
has been wrestl'ng with a severe at
taok of La Grippe, the past week and
he almost oame out second best in the
interesting bout. s
Mrs. W. L. Ireland has issued in
vitations for an "at home," Saturday
afternoon, wheu the teaohers of the
Grants Pass public schools will be ber
Councilman T. P. Cramer has been
laid up this week, with an attack of:
pleurisy, bat his many friends will be
pleased to know that be is now
much better. .
Work on the substantial, new ce
ment walks which the Southern
Pacific has been laying in this city, Is
nearing completion and the oitizens of
this berg are delighted with the great
Mrs. Judge Axtell, of Vanoouver,
Wash., who baa been risking with
her daughter, Mrs. Stella MoPbaden,
ofSuisun, Oil., spent a part of this
week with old-time friends in this
Lee Wimberly, editor and proprietor
of the Review of Roseburg. was in
Grants Pass, Thursday, looking after
some business matters. He reports
the TJmpqua Valley metropolis as
fairly booming and states that the
residents of that oity are very en
thusiastio over the matter of paving
the main streets of the place, which
he thinks will now be done.
Henry Pernoll, the well known
baseball player was in from Apple
gate, this week, greeting his many
county seat t'riendi. He informed the
Courier reporter thai be would leave
on the 28th Inst., with the Port and
baseball team for Tucson, Arizona,
where tbey will go into training for
next season's games. He pot in five
months on the diamond last year and
reports having greatly ' enjoyed the
It is announced from the General
Land Office in Washington that de
cisions in perhaps a dosen or mors
similar cases have been rendered by
that office, holding that a person
could take bat one assignment of land
from claimants. This is a reversal of
prior decisions tbat a person oould
take auy number of assignments, not
exceedlag 120 acres. The former
regulations, it is said, opened up the
way for frauds, but under the present
decisions, it is bnliveed that this will
be prevented, and that it also will
tend to better administration of the
McDONALD Io Grants Pas. Ore.,
Tuesday, February 11, 19U8. to Mr.
and Mrs. D C McDonald, daughter.
MoMICHAEL In Grants Pass, Ore.,
Sunday, February 9, 1908, to Mr.
aod Mrs. William McMichael, a son.
LEWIS On Jones Creek, Josephine
county. Ore., Mondav, February 3,
1908, to Mr. and Mrs. Jumes T.
Lewis, twin sons.
HUSSEY Near Wilderville, Ore.,
Friday, February 7, 1908, to Mr. and
Mrs. A. I. Hasaey, a son.
McARTHUR In Grants Pans, Ore.,
Saturday. February 8, 1908, to Mr.
and Mrs. John McArthur, a son.
TRIMBY At Waldo, Ore.. Monday.
Febroary 10, 1U08, Joseph Trimby,
aged 86 years, of
Tiie deceased was a nt live of Swit
zerland, having come to Oregon io
18.18 and for years he was engaged in
mining, in the Althouse dntrict.
For some time as he made his home
at the residence of Mrs. R W Yeatch,
of Waldo. The funeral occurred Tues
day, February 11, with interment at
the Waldo cemetery.
McMICHAEL At Grants Piss, Ore.,
Monday, February 10, 1908, tbe in
fant eon of Mr. and Mrs. William
THOSS At the home place, Old
Homestead on Rogue River, Jose
phine coonty, Ore., Wednesday,
February 5. 1908, Mrs. Nancy Jane
Thoss, widow of the late "Nick"
Tboss, aged 53 years, 5 months
and 29 day.
The deceased and her late linsband
lived on this home place for the paet
35 years. She came across the
plains io the early days, from Linn
county, Mo., where she was born.
The interment was at the I. O. O.
F. cemetery.
By Old Man SmliK
When old man Smith was iu knee
breeches he used to watch the mower
with scythe in hand cutting his
swath. What a deft swing it was
that Drought down the tall grass in
windrows by his side. Aod always
with a stoning cot. No rlrlit md.
stroke would answer bis purpose.
And there are more things than cut
ting grass in which it is wise to give
the stoping cut. We are meeting
with all sorts of men, must have busi
ness dealings with them and more or
lens must admit them into our so
ciety. Sometimes we find it a tatk
to accommodate ourselves to their
idiosyncrasies, bear with their rude
ness or excuse their follies. And we
accomplish nothing by meeting them
at right angles. In our address we
need to study the art of being agree
able under provocation. Sometimes
we may have to administer rebuke
hot we should remember to give the
stoping cut. Washington's birthday
being so near, it Is appropriate to re
member the sage advioe he gave to
one of his officers who complained of
the insabordlnacy of his men.
"When you have charge of men," said
Washington, "it Is just like having to
place a lot of crooked sticks. Yon
cannot make them as you would wish
so you must make the best of them as
they are." Some men like to boast of
their prowess in saying just what
they think. It is a merit with them
to offend. Tbey are plainspoken.
Bat it is at least a doubtful virtue to
use offensive language even in the
cause of truth. No good cause should
be injured by injudicious handling.
No man should be unnecessarily hurt
in speaking the truth. Always give
the stoping out.
A lady was admiring the fine large
roosters at the poultry show. She said
she hated to put so much money into
a fowl for it might die and then all
ber money was gone. Whioh re
minded the old man of the little girl
who was weeping bitterly. She said
when she grew np she might get
married and she might bare baby
and the baby migbt die.
One of tbe speakers at the horticul
tural meeting spoke of the ravages of
the pear blight. He said it thrived
on culture. The old man looked
down his nose and'said don't onltivate
your pear trees and you won't have so
much blight. Don't plant so many
trees and 50U will have less, plant
none at all and yon have killed the
blight forever.
Why are twioe ten like twice eleven?
Because twice eleven are twenty-two,
and twioe ten are twenty too.
Tbe northwest German tribes were
known to jthe Romana as the free
neoked men and the weaponed men.
Like tbe Indians they boasted of their
freedom while each carried, bis
weapon by his side which was called
the Sarx. We have preserved the dis
tinction la the names Frank 'and
Judge Hargis who rated Breathitt
Coonty, Kentucky with an iron and
bloody hand got his desert at tbe
hand of a drunken son who shot him
dead. Whoso sheddeth man's blood
by man shall bis blood be shed.
Neighbor Clark was heard the other
aay to swear at his boy on the least
provocation and tliat boy is the model
nf thA Yiii irhhnrhrwl fni Inrinafrv
fidelity and truth. Our neighbor
must be sadly lacking in his moral
The optimistic tone of the anti
saloon people is encouraging. Their
spirit Is contagious. Tbey are san
guine of carrying Jackson, Josephine
aod Klamath for prohibition onder
the local option law next June.
Tbe B. Y.P. U. of the First Baptist
church held their monthly business
and social meeting Tuesday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Drake. Some very interesting and
helpful reports were pres-nted by the
several committees,. The society has
pledged its If to the amount of 830 to
maintain a mission helper, also t) un
dertake the study of Dr. Grizzles book
"The Young Christian and His Work.
The latter fart of
given over to the
the evening was
locial committee
under the able leadership of Miss Mil
lie Drake. The young people played
"Buzz" and told humorods incidents
in early childhood. Much amusement
was derived In punctuating the fol
lowing sentence : "That that is is
that tbat is not is not is not that it
it is." The punctuation accepted as
correct is as follows: "That that is,
is; that that is not is not. Is not tbat
it? It is.
Mrs. W. E. Willis
with Mt dford friend.
I A Brief Record of
w r 1 r v
V mm cilia, o
1 8ccoccxxxxeoccoooooooococ
This week Joe Wharton moved into
his new quarters, on Sixth street,
where he now haa a very attractive
An interesting meeting of the
Grants Pass Y. W. C. T. U. was
held at the Newman M. E. church,
Friday evening.
Lewis Rothe, tbe artist with the
Sunset magazine, spent a part of this
week in Grants Pass, taking some fins
views of the scenery hereabouts for
that popular publication.
With the large number of hoboes
who are passing through the city,
tbe officers are finding plenty to
keep them busy and are succeeding
admirably in thwarting tbe designs
of the undesirable gentry.
Blaine Clarke, one of the Knights
of the Road purloined an overooat
from the Layton hotel and Menday
Justice Holman, found that he most
take ap his lodgings at hotel de Rus
sell and await the pleasure of tbe
circuit court.
In some unaccountable manner the
Courier types last week had O S
Good now aspiring to tbe office of
secretary of state, whereas, as a mat
ter of faot he is making an aggressive
campaign for tbe position of state
senator from Josephine county, with
excellent prospects of landing the
Today is "Valentine Day," and
many a "sweet" missive is reported
to be passing through the malls and
the scholars at the publio schools
have been having appropriate exer
cises and most of tbe rooms had a
"Valeotine Mail Box.," which was
greatly enjoyed.
Word oomes from Rev. G O. Beck
man, tbe popular pastor of the New
man Methodist church, who was com
pelled to go to Southern California for
his health, whioh indioates that his
condition is none toogood and that he
will soon go to Arizona. In hopes of
Improving his health.
M. T. Utley, of Grants Pass, who
superintended the carpenter work on
the Rhodes Farlow block, and is
likewise engaged at pretest on tbe
Monterey Hotel Improvements, was
over at "The Cove," on tbe Dead In
dian road, recently, and reports
several Inches of snow, with a hard
road to travel in that violnity. He
went to Cottage Grove this week to
take bold of some large contracts.
At San Francisco, on February !d,
la tbe United States Circuit Court of
Appeals Charles Nickel of Medford
appeared as plaintiff In error
against tbe United States of America.
Nickell was jointly convicted with
Harry Miller and Frank Kincart for
subornation of perjury in timber and
frauds two years ago. Miller and
Kincart served their terms at Mo
Neils Island. Nickell was sentenced
to serve J3 months bat appealed from
the decision of the lower court,
which has now been oonfirmed.
The oity of Corvallis Is jubilant
over the first year's results in manag
ing its own water plant, the rental
receipts for the calendar year 1907.
amounting to 110,243. The annual
report of the Oity Recorder of Ash
land just compiled shows that rental
receipt s of the water system in this
city for the year 1907 amounted to the
sum of flO, 185.68, and after interest
charges amounting to 1 10155 and nearly
(4000 spent in extensions besides op-
' eratiog expenses.
had been deducted.
mere remainea a naiance or i a is. so
In the water lund at the cloe or the
The formal opening of the new
Bijou Theatre occurred last evening,
the attendance being very large and
an excellent program was rendered.
The new quarters on Front street,
betwsen Sixth and Seventn are
elegant and right np-to date, the
building being entirely remodeled,
and fitted up in fine style. Under the
j progressive management or Messrs.
, Sears & Combs, the new playhousn
promises to be a succeis in every par
ticular. Mr. Cob bib Is to have person-
J al supervision of the local theatre and
he assures the Courier that the shows
J provided will be folly equal to any of
the beet to be found anywhere on the
Pacific coast.
Attorney Gas Newbury of Jack
sonville has bean mingling with
his many friends in this oity
1 this week. Mr. Newbury has
shied bis castor into the political
arena and is out for the republican
nomination for Prosecuting Attorney
of this District. Ha has been a resi
dent of Jackson cocnty for the past
37 years and has practiced law in tbat
contity for the past six years. He has
also served that coonty two terms as
superintendent of schools and two
terms as coonty clerk. Two rears
. ago he ran for the office to which he
1 now aspires against A. E. Reames
pent Tuesday and was only 41 votes behind the suc
' cesdful candidate.
14, 1908.
News Notes From the Business
Mart to Readers.
Dr. Flanagan,
Phyaloian and Dentist.
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
M. Clement Prescription Druggist.
Bean Spray Pumps at Cramer Bros.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges atComn't
Mens Caps IS cents to 87 cents at
Gardner & Co. 8-14 It
Garland Stoves, the best stoves
made in all styles at Cramer Bros.
China Nest Eggs, 3 for lOo; S5o per
dozen. HafrRiddle hdw. Co. 1-51 it
If yon need paint, give a trial to
Pattona Sun Proof Paint sold by
Cramer Bros.
Laces aod all-overs at cost. Ladies'
dress skirt to be olosed out at 76
cents to $4 at Gardener & Co. 3-14 It
Will anyone who is a member of the
Ralston Health Club please call at
Baoon A Eubanks harness shop?
8 u-at
Lee Sill, Stock Inspector for Jose
phine County, can be found at
Colonial Hotel, Phone 93, Grants Pass.
Wanted One or two men with
some experience to prune apple trees.
Martin Angel, Western Hotel, 9-14 It
Otto J. Knlpa of Grants Pass, so
cialist candidate for nominee for con
stable, Grants Pass precinct. 3 14 tt
New Spring Sample Just arrived,
all latest weaves and patterns.
Grants Pass Tailoring Co. . 1-24 8t
Tbe Dorcas Society will give a
cooked food sale Saturday, February
23d. at Mrs. Gamble's Quality Shod.
Front Street 4-14 It
Speoial Sales of Millinery at Greatly
Reduoed Prices 0 per oent discount,
by Mrs. WaughtaL daring the month
of January. 1-10 tf
List Yonr Timber Lands With
Herzinger A Mitchell. 13-30 tf
Spray Pumps, Spray Hoss, Nozzles
aod fittings. Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co.
1-81 4t
St. Patrick's Day. Tbe Bethany
Band will hold a sale and sociable at
the PresbyUirian church parlors. Re
member tbe day. 3-14 St
Feb. 21, Friday-At
Opera House,
third number ' of
Feb. 81, Friday Dance at Savage
1 Creek hall. Tickets with supper and
horse feed. 81.60. 8-14 It
April 7, Tuesday Registration books
closed for primary election.
April 17, Friday Primary election.
April 31, Tuesday Registration book
May IS. Friday Registration books
close for election.
June 1, Monday, General election,
A Baff Orpington hen owned by
G G Shoemaker of York, Pa., was
sold to A J Cheek of Henderson, N C,
for 1400 The fowl took the first prize
at Madison Square Garden and Is con
sidered one of the mcst perfect of her
kind In the world. The hen weighs
four pounds, so she cost the purchaser
8100 a pound.
Remember I
When von wish an easy shave,
As good as barbers ever gave,
Call at Tbe Josephine Tonsorial Par
lor j
We out and dress the hair with grace,
To suit the contour of the face.
The place is nat, the towels are olean,
The scissors sharp, the razor keen
And everything, I think you'll find
To ssuit tbe taste and please the
Ladies' and Gent's Shoe tttiinlriv.
110 tf AW SCOTT. Prtpr.
List ,Your Timber
Herzinger & Mitchell.
Lands With
13-20 tf
Reduction Sale of FURNITURE
Beginning Monday, Jan. 27,
I will Bell Furniture and house Furnishing
goods at a largo reduction in price for cash
to reduce stock and make room for spring
stock. "I mean business." Wlieu you re
member that this store ALWAYS sell Fur
niture the lowest, this reduction means mon
ey for the buyer.
Wall paper at 2j to 50 reduction.
White Sewing Machines also at cut price.
Keep Your Eye
on the
Which is due To come
off on Saturday, Feb. 15.
You can see the chicks
hatching. Remember
that early chicks are tha
best fall and winter lay
ers and the profit ok
chickens is largely i
eggs. Increase your
profits by using a petal
uma. For sale only bj
Cramer Bros,
Chicken supplys Poultry Nettiaf
Special Rats From Grsxnia Pa
On account of the 5th annual oosW
vention Western Retail Lumbermen's
Association at Taooma. February
37th, 28th and 29th. Tickets will
be sold at Grants Pass on ths certifi
cate plan, to Taooma. antitlia
holders to return at ene-thlrd fej
from Taooma, haying paid full fare
going. Farther particular at tbe de
1-24 tf .. ,.
To the Public
Pnrsunat to the solicitation) of '
Urge number of Republicans of
Josephine and Jackson Counties I
bave decided to become a oaadt-
date fer the of floe of Diatriot Attor
ney for the First Prosecuting Atter-
ney'i Distrlot, First . Judiolal District
of Oregon, subject to ths aotlosj ot
the Republloan voters at ths coming
primary election.
My petition as such nominee wM
in dus time be filed with the Secre
tary of stats and along with it a brief
statement of principles whioh will be
made pablio.
Very respectfully,
Jacksonville, Oregon, February 8, IMS.
Notice is hereby given that bids
will be received by the direotora of
the "North Side Applegate River
Ditch Co.', nntil Monday, March S.
1908, at 11 o'clock a. m., to enlarge
said water ditch from? a point where
said ditch crosses the west line of J
W York's farm to the flame acme
Oscar Creek, the ditch to be four feet
wide at bottom, 5 feet wide at tas,
and 20 inches in depth. Contract te
be let iu sections each stockholder's
liabilities ceasing where the difak
leaves his premises. Work to be oosar
pleted by April IS, 1908k Thecbjw
Is reserved to reject any or all bids.
Morphy, Ore., Feb. 11, 190&
W. L. HAYES, Directors.
J. T. BLEVINS, Sec'y.