ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, oEOQWJTOUAV 14. 190& rilOFESSlONAL CARDS C- FINDLEV. U. D. Practice limited to EYE EAR, ObE and THROAT. Glasses fitted and furnUbed. ffloa hours V to 12; 2 to 6; and oa ap psLntmeuL Telephones 261 and 77. tiiABH Pass, Obmo LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bes. Phone 714 Otf or oouotry cal attended night rday tkunod U, Tuff'i building. Office thrum 2U1. GrakW Pass ' . Oskoom. J)R. C. A. CAMPBELL ObTKuPATHIO rUYUlCIAN Oraduate American Hchool of Osteopathy, Kirksville. Mo. Chroule.IHsea'ies and Diseases of,Woinen and Children a ei:ialty CONWULTATION FRLK Rooms 1. 2, 8, First National ISank Bldg. I'hones; OMce.771, Hen. 7U3 OttiTi Pass Oasoos , D. NORTON, ATTORNEYAT-LaW, Practloa In all SUteand Federal Court. ..Office lu.Opera IIoiste'Hulldlng. OnANTS.l'AHS, -i.ORKOOII C. HOUGH, ATTOBN E Y-AT-LA W, Practices In all State and Federal Court! Offloe over Hair Riddle Hardware Co. Gbamti Pais, - Osseo OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER. Dffice over Dixons Store CJi ants' Pass, Okbcon. .0. S..BLANCHARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all State and Federal courts. Banking and Trust Company's Building. tiaiim.PAiM, , Obmoji. II. B. HENDRICKS C0CHBELLOR8-AT-LAW OItII and orirainai matters attended to la all the oourta. Real eatate and Iaiuraaoe. Offloe, 6th street, oppoelte PostofOoe, TILLIAM P WRIGHT, V. 8. DEPUTY SURVEYOR MININU K.NUINF.ER AND UKAUUHTSalAN Bth St., north of Josephine Hotel. VIbakts Pau, - . Obioon, Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. vVct of flour mill, near R.'R. track 1 amine. Hero 1 1 Work, Htair Work, Hand Kawini.rablimt Work, Wood lulleye, baw rtliniand auiuuini, Henainng all aludi Priors right. Tae Popular Barber Shop Get your tonsorlal work done at IRA TOMPKIN On Sixth Street Three chairs Hath Room In oonnectlon N. E. McGKIiW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and llano MOTlOf GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Have you ever seen a Sunset? A beautifully illustrated monthly magaxias of tbe wide awake Wt witk fascinating short stories, pictursjque penostai point-of-view dWriptioa of the Kiterssting development of tk West, snd the romaaco aad his tory of the woadeiUnd of tbe sssrth. Ask your loam! SMrwvdaaW cvrreat issue or scad $1.50 rofyear'isaberriprioa. The book, "Road of a Thousand Woadesa." 120 beautiful Westers) views h tout colors will be included SMS. iUISXT MlOAZm wees) leuaao ss) rt-ABCBce . m ty it j WfttiH, Au uu t2s af www ww www wwwwwwww ee'TV wwwwy l WITH THE CHURCHES BETHANY PRESBYTEUIAN. "The Apostle of Indifference" will be the theme of Eaa P. Hughes at tbe Bethany Cbaroti next Sunday morning, February 1A, 1908. In tbe evening, 7:30 o'clock, be will delive" he third address in Uie aerie on "Borne Facte of the Christian Reli gion." The ipecial aspect of tbe aabject that will be'disotused on the ooming Sunday" evening ia"Are Christians Narrow?" 10 arss.Bible School superintended by H-lC-'Kip-niy. 8:00 p. m. Jr. C. ET""in church parlori. 6:80 p. m. ..Devotional Hoar of tbe Y.P. 8. cTeTojU tbeae gatherings everyone IsJ2very oordially invited. BAPTIST CHURCH. tMorning worhlp, Sunday, Fehrnary lfith, ia at 10:30. Tbe paator will preach on tbe topic "Heaven on Earth," the second sermon in tbe serifs "The Pattern PrayerTMJ"Tne Bible School meets at 11 :45 under tTe direction of Roy Hackett. "Minieter log to the strangers and the sick" will be tbe subject of the Young Peoples meeting at 6:90 Service iu charge of tbe Flower Committee. The even ing sermon will ba on the subject "The Family of Jeans." Yon will be cordially weloomed. The Young Peoples Society at its lail business meeting voted to assume tbe support of a native Bible woman In some missionary fluid. They have jnstyompleted payment for the Pack aid organ at the chnroh. Tbey alio voted to follow the Culture Courts of about three months "The Young Christian and his Work." The in oreaaed membership of the Society shenld Insure a more enthusiastic stndy than that of last Fall on the "Uplift of China" aud that was the best o'aaa to date. w CHRISTIAN CHURCH. There are now aomuthiug over 30 people enrolled In the Teachers Train ing olass at tbe Christian Church. The olass meets each Thursday even ing at the regular prayer meeting bonr. This ia one of the beat move ments In recant years as it will answer the call for effluleot Sunday Suhool teachers. The Christian 8ooday School la mak'ng a steady and last ing growth. Mrs. Batman, the ef ficient supsriutendunt and each one of the earnest teachers are putting forth every effort to make the Sunday School an ideal one. A content be tween Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass is being planned and this will also be very helpful. The eonteat will lust six mouths. The ladies of the Dorcas society wilt soon begin a "Pare Food Sale" each 8atarday. The society will soo"u take the initial steps in filvtnir the inside of the church building a neat auad atraotive appearance.' The fol lowing will be the ordtir of services attbe Christian church next Sunday. Bible School 10 a. in. Preaching ser vice 11 a. in. Subject "The Gospel of Doing Good." Every Christian ahould hear this theme. Junior S u m. Senior Endeavor 6:30 p. in. Even ing srvicos at 7:80. Subject "The Arrest aud Surrender of an honeet In fldel," There are but few people who believe there are anv lioueot iufidels. But there are. Come and hear about this oue. All invited to all services at the Christian church. IAUSTIN J. HOLLINOS WORTH. Miuiiter. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH. Next Suuday morning at 11 o'clock me piuiior, j n Cleaves, will nse as . his subject: "Playing Even." At! the close of thit service a brief chsroh j Confereuoe will be held. The Kn- worth League lessoiia are vary helpful : and inatructlve. We are atadviuira1 series of lessons sn "The Example of Jeans in Pmer. " The subject of the Suuday night discourse will be: "Myself and the other Fellow." We extaud to you a cordial inviutlou to all of onr services. ELOQUENT DIVINE AT NEWMAN. Suudy the members of the New man ..Methodist church will have tue pleaaure .of hearing Kev. yt. C. Reutor, the eloquent pastor of the ffklford chircb. Mr Heuter ill have as ' his moruing theme : "tlvis-l . pl Dyua.uiU, and .iu the Javening : Jibe Tweuiieth Century Samson's Kiddle. " COFFEE Your grocer must sell poor coffee; we can't all be o-mfoitalilc; but he net'dn't st 11 it to you. v Quarts blanks at the Cosrrier office Fine commercial printing at the Courier office. t.oilK THAT COUNTS IMPROVEMENTS IN A JERSEY TOWN INSIDE AND OUT. Ctrl ATin t Meat- UIwBt.r atreel. B.-ev.l f C.,b,.-Impr,T, Ms Serried ..w... r.r ca..-.. Much work Is being done in cities and towns which does not receive a proper amount of credit This Is be cause of the unobtrusive way In which It is done In many Instances. Tbe true vslue of such work would beat te recognized If it were suddenly to come to s stop, says Margaret Me net In Municipal News. Work of this nature is being done by the Town Improvement association of Montclatr, N. J., a pluco to make one draw a deep breath of satisfaction J la contemplating It as a residence. This association, organized In 1894, is wonting siong uie hubs mm . beginning except In what Is being done for children, the latter being regarded as an Important advance step. Other work has to do with matters which make life comfortable In a small town. And this Is the work the benefit of which would best be seen were It sud- denly to stop. It Is like that prosaic matter of geiflng three meals a day for the members of one's household. No ono thinks of talking much Bl)0,,t It, yet havoc would ensue if It were overlooked twenty-four hours. The ordinance providing for prompt removsl of snow rrom sidewaiKs was drafted and pushed through by the ef forts of tbe Montclalr Town Improve ment association, a work the good of which will not be denied by city folk who go anywhere In the country to spend Sunday and who have to innke an early train back Mouday morning regardless of a bllr.iunl overnight Street signs guiding the stranger to hia destination were secured by this same agency after efforts extending over four years. Through the work of tbe assorlatiou, assisted by Robert M. Doyd, assemblyman, tbe amended law providing for the collection of garbage and ashes in towns under certain con ditions was approved by the legisla ture. This Is a good measure, but Is one that needs still further attention, some difficulty having arisen tu the disposal of garbage. As tbe town is allowed to contract for only one year at a time, It Is a difficult matter to find any one willing to equip himself with horses and wsgous without a guaran tee for the work for a longer period thun twelve mouths. From the beginning the association has worked for Improvements in rail road service. Trains have been added from time to time and the schedule altered to suit the convenience of the public. The surroundings of the sta tion, too, hsve been Improved. Where once were heus of ashes and old lumber one now sees flower beds and grass. Instead of a plaza, dusty In summer and muddy In winter, there ore now good pavements. Another line of work pursued by the association Is the movement by the health inspector to place In tenement houses distinct rules, printed In Italian and Kngllsh, to assist tenants In living In a sanitary uianer. A sewing achoo! Is held every Saturday In the old II hrary building from 0:30 to 11:30. This ork was undertaken three years ago and has become ijulte systematized to day. From sixty to sixty-five children attend these classes. They commence wl,h ,,,e simplest patch, and last year the older girls made shirt waist suits for themselves. Last summer the school board assisted this work In a fluauolal way. Cooking classes have been Introduced and met with success. In order to make this work thorough ly practical only the plainest kind of cooking la taught. Following up this work of teaching the children to carry usefulness Into their own homes, the sasoclatlou later gave seed to tbe pupils of the Chest uut street school snd offered a prize for the best homo garden. In many caaet tbe children not only supplied their own families with vegetables, but baa Bitlliu ti ..It TV. ... i m one tnr I. vuuiiiib, 11(1 I UK I'.in ui Knuimi in wnion to nlaut her seed, she miwed It In an old dish pan which she kept on tup of a wood pile. An effort Is also proceeding to hsve the town authorities approve the New Jersey luw permitting the ap pointment of a tree plaiilliitf commis sion and thus to place all the trees of Moutclalr under central control. I The Ancient Races. j The Cro-Magnon type, which forms large proportion of the people of I Aqultslne, Is said to be the modern representative of the old stone age I people of Gaul. Neither this type nor : the broadheads of Auvergue and Brlt tsn. the true "Celts- of Caesar, have been discovered in the British uim .t I all ' Vagatarian. Vegetarians have, as a rule, clearer complexions than people who est ant rtikl food. Bicyclaa In War. The French used tbe bicvcl. in ihti during tbe siege of Belfort for carry-1 lug dispatches. The wheel adopted at ' that time was of course the "ordl-1 oary." Pr high wheel. This was the 1 earliest Introduction of the erele In I the army. . I W. C. T. U. NOTES i "Double the saloon lioense and you rivet anew the chains of the most aD(j onscrupulous monopoly of tmM ( ,norellad we may I Mjnred MMaM bnrden win ftgt ,oDg on thfl liqoor dealers. Jt .. . b their vea nd way- ward vietims, paid from me scanty wage of weary women, paid from the earnings of Bin and shame, paid from the pittance that should go to give to innocent childhood a chance to live and a right to thrive." "As a fiical proposition, the ssloon elands condemned. The volume of money is not increed by passing it through the till of the dram shop. Laying aside the immorality of rais ing revenue from the vices of the peo wajving for tie moment the lack of C0D(,titatj0Dai wsrrant Tor statutes snd ordinal)ce, Hanging a nuisance, , we houW b(J frauk en0Q(l to iay th,t a reTeIjne prodncer the fystem is a fainre y ,,The e9ol of bighir license would ( gtiU forther t0 intrench the traffic, ;cBaM the aTerage taxpayer to view it ( wUh incre8ed tohrance, double the ; lnL.entive to snek for new business and ; the time when it can be ! bolished. " From a' bushel of corn the distiller get fonr gguon, 0f whiskey, which ntha Bt tl6 80i Tie farmer gets 45 cants for bis corn ; the government gets $4.40; the transportation com pany gets 80 cents, the owners of the whiskey factory gets $4; the drayman gets 15 cents; the ssloon owner gets $7 the consumer gets drunk; bis wife gets hungry his children get ragged ; the politician gets office and the man who votes high license gets tbe fines of poisoned victims to nse in re ducing taxes on his property. With the exception of the consumer every one who bat auythiog to do with the making and selling of the stuff does so for profit. The consumer drinks the adulterated dope because he is ignor ant of its real nature and effects. Let workingmen be wise enough to cut it out that they may have clear brains with which to abolish the whole profit system with its adulterated foods and adulterated drinks. Press Correspondent. Now Is Best Time to Tlkke. A well-kuown authority on Rheuma tism gives the readers of a large New York daily paper the following valu able, yet simpls and harmless pre scription, which anyoue oan easily prepare at home: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce ; Componnd Eargon, one ounce ; Compound Syrup Ssrtparllla. three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and taks a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. Hs states that the ingredients oan be obtained from any good prescription pharmaoy at small cost, and, being of vegetable extraction, are haruilets to take. This pleasant mixture, if taken regularly for a few days is said to overcome almost any case of Rheuma tism. The pin,aud swelling, if any, diminishes with eaoh dose, antil per manent results are obtained, and without iujuriug the Btomach. While there are many so-callsd Rheu matism remedies, patent medicines, etc., soma of which do give relief, fewreally give poimaneut results, and the above will no doubt, be greatly appreciated by many sufferers here at this time. Inquiry at the drug ttores of thit neighborhood elicits the information tTTat these drugs are harmless and can be bought separately, or the druggists here will mix the prescrip tion for our readers if asked to. 2-14 It A Little Too Far. There Is such a thing as overdoing your part," declared a man of the law who now has the knowledge gained by mucii experience. "Shortly after I begun practice lu the west I wns called upon to defend a man who had drawn a revolver on another and threatened to kill him. The accused did not have a character ibove reproach, but the prosecuting witness was ulso sluuly iu reputation, and I made the most of this fact. I pictured him as a desperado of the most dangerous type, a man that was a constant menace to the community and one who would recognize no other law than that of force. Such men as he. I Insisted, made necessary the or ganization of vigilance committees and Injured the fair name of the wpst nn iv'iiiiuuuiiit'a vi vue couutry. The Jury returned a verdict of guil ty aud ir.y man was sentenced to a year's Imprisonment. As soon as court luijoonie.i foreman of the Jury i came to ::,. end said: 'Younis feller. you spread It 0:1 Pm thick. After that there rl; mi vtlii' speech of yourn w e couldn't : no:h!:r e'.i e "aa What w e doue.' "'1 doti'r ut:derta'.:.l yov.. r'.:.' "'Von ' jv 't W'jr. vt tci:: th durned tt' -o' !r-!'t- V-v !-. ('.Id-:': AMEfllCAN WI..E FEUGIN6 A l ull Car Load Write to us for Catalogue and Prices : : ; : Hair-Riddle Hahdw. 0 Wholesole Distributors for Josephine County BREEDERS Grants Pass Poultry S. O. WHITE LEGHORNS: Geo. P. Cramer, First prize at re cent Poultry Show on cock. Cock scored 92 points and pullets aver aged W Eggs, 16 for 1. One oockersl for $1.00. S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS : Mrs. H. M. Parham. West Main street at City limits. First premiums at Poultry Show, winning on highest scoring oock with 93 points and highest scoring pullet with 94 points. Cockerel with 92) points and pallets one with 93) and other 83). Eggs guaranteed of best laying strain, IS for SI. Premiums cock for tale. BUFF ORPINGTONS: O. E. Palmer, box 490, Grants Pass. The largest of the olsan-legged varieties and one of tbe best layers aud ohioks the hardiest. At recent Poultry Show I got first and second premiums en cockerels and first, second and third on pallets. Eggs for sale. S. C. BROWN LEGHORNS: Theo. P. Cramer, with Cramer Bros., or at residence Fourth and A streets. The pen exhibited took one first and one second prize. Good laying strain. Eggs for aale. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS R. L Newman, North Sixth street, one mile beyond City limits. R. F. D. No. 1. At recent Poultry Show pen won first premium and oock first prize and ben third. Eggs now ready for hatching, 15 for 1.60. A few pallets for sale at f 1 each. BLACK LANGSHANS Jacob Meier, Iowa street. Won first premioc? at recent Poultry Show. A few oockerels and pallets for sals. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROOKS: Three Cedars Poultry Yards, John Summers, Prwp., Northh Sixth St. My chickens are thor oughbred and are money skers especially bred for good layers. Eggs for tale. Or den now taken for one day old cbicks for future delivery. Order early. Tea, to (joldenCate f Tea The choice of flavor f is. matter of taste prOOt CartOnS. J. A. Folger Q. Co. San Francisco Importers of Pure Teas MSfltlSfgOllE TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON . i-. -iniainoNa. LU B., Principal' Educate, for success in a short time and at small .xpense, and sends each tf Qent to a position as soon as comwimi nu... : . i. . , r " """"J wur mono, ana reputauon ioi borough work brings u. over 100 call, per month for office help. Individual in Struction Insures ranM mv,. tit- . l .. . . . . . . r r voucher and other modern methol. r .. , ... .reiiiBg. uiaruer Is our snortnana: y pid, legibte. Beautiful catalogue, businea, form, and penmp wnte todav. Reference: nw . , . "v . ' Courier and DIRECTORY Keepers Association be Good, should be free from artificial coloring it should be pure. Folger's Golden Gate Teas are pure healthful re freshing. Six flavors Japan Entflian BreaKfast Gunpowder Ceylon Oolong BlacK OX Green Packed flavor-tight in dust- imuj me loose leal, the card Index, th i li : '.. . ' . ""7 sny newspaper in Portland. Oregonian $2