Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 07, 1908, Image 7

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By Temple Bailey.
Copyrighted, 1107, by Homer Bprago.
Luttrell, coming down the steps of
the elevated station, saw ahead of blm
, girl with cherries In her hat
The cherries and the dark blue rib
on were really about all that he could
ee of her, for he looked down on the
op of her bead, but as she turned the
:orner going down be caught a glimpse
f wavy brown hair and of a trim
K-hite collar that came up to meet it
When he reached the door of exit he
lound the girl with the cherries there.
Seen thus at close range she proved to
e about as high as Luttrell's heart
Her gown was of dark blue like the
'lbbons of her hat and she carried a
look In her hand.
She was gazing anxiously Into the
itreet It was raining hard, and the
fctreet lamps, lighted early, cast gl Is
suing reflections across the wet pave-
The girl with the cherries had no
fcmbrella. As Luttrell passed her she
infolded an Infinitesimal square of
if handkerchief aud laid It carefully over
I I the big front bow of her hat It left
jthe cherries out In the rain, but with
t a quick glance around she sped up
Jthe sidewalk.
., " Luttrell, tuklng long steps, reached
r ber without effort
; i "If you will let me," he said, "I will
: hold my umbrella over the cherries."
jj She looked up, startled. In the gloom
;he could not see his face, but there
iwas no hint of disrespect In his voice,
land her nat was new.
"Oh, If you will" she said In a
prim little way, and for a few minutes
jthey walked on in silence.
"We might talk", Luttrell suggested,
'about the weather. It's a good con
ventional subject and won't commit
tyou to anything In the way of ac
Ejualntance." The girl laughed at that "I am not
julte sure how to treat the situation.
You see. It's a little unusual to let a
) Jinan you don't know walk home with
'Suppose we act as if we had known
ach other all our lives and say the
things we would soy under those cir
cumstances. '
Under .those circumstances," said
the little clear voice In the dark, "I
should say, 'Goodness, what on awful
night." "
And I should say," was Luttrell s
grave response, " 'Little friend, why
are you out so late alone?'"
Oh," came flutteringly, "I went to
the library, and when I came out It
was almost dark and, to cap the cli
max, it rained."
And your hat would have been ruin
ed If fate had not kept me downtown
late too, And It's such a pretty hat,"
he added reflectively.
"Ohr said the clear little voice
again, and then there was another si
JM Far up the street under a corner
'illamp they could just discern a big
man plodding along, weighted down
by two umbrellas.
"It's my big brother," said the little
clear voice, and then timidly: "Would
you mind going on alone? You see, he
might not understand my letting you
but my hat Is new and"
"I nn (pitand perfectly," Luttrell
told her. "But big brothers are some
times dense. I have a little sister my
self, and I like to look after her pretty
closely, and that's why I looked aftpr
He had gone Into the darkness be
fore she could thank him. But from
the shadows he watched her fly along
the Intervening space and come up to
her big brother. And he heard her say
in that clear little voice: "It was so
good of you to come after me. Bob."
And then they went along together
through the driving storm, and Luttrell
was left alone.
After that on his way borne from
office be found himself looking for the
girl with the cherry hat But girls
cam and girl went but never the
rlghtone, and so the months passed
and the winter came, and there were
no cherries on any of "the hats, and
Luttrell gave up his toest In despair.
Bat always he held In his heart the
memory of the clear Mttle voice that
had talked to him so confidingly la tin
darkness of the rainy autumn night
One night he dropped Into a fashion
able downtown restaurant for dinner,
and at the next table were a big man
and a girl In a drooping hat of pale
blue. Her gown was of the same col
or, and around her neck she wore a col
lar of pearls.
She was a vision of exqulslteness,
and there was about ber a haunting
quality that made Luttrell look at ber
more than once. Where had he seen
And even as be questioned the vision
said in a clear little voice: "Bob, I do
believe It Is raining. If we go out we
will have to have a cab."
It was the girl with the cherry hat
No other bad such a voice, and there
was the wavy brown hair. And In the
brilliant light he beheld clearly for the
first time the gray eyes and the deli
cate pink and white of the oval face
Why, the little girl was a beauty!
"You shall have two cabs if you
wish," he heard the big man say genial
ly. "We wouldn't want to christen that
stunulng gown with rain."
At the sound of that big, booming
voice Luttrell stared, and then he
bridged the distance between the two
tables aud dropped his hand on the
other man's shoulder.
"Bob Raymond," he said, "I thought
I couldn't be mistaken In the voice.
But you've grown some, Bobble, since
I used to pitch you off of the campus
Raymond wrung bis hand, beaming.
"Sis," be Bald to the vision In blue,
"It's Mark Luttrell. You've heard me
tell about our college pranks. Mark,
this Is my kid sister."
She smiled up at Luttrell from un
der the brim of the broad hat "Bob
forgets that I am grown up," she said,
and Luttrell saw that as yet she had
not recognized htm as the man of the
umbrella episode.
"I remember your picture stood on
Bob's chiffonier," be told ber. "You
wore your hair In pigtails, but you
were awfully pretty, and I fell In love
with you."
"Oh!" she said, blushing beautifully.
"Sit down and have dinner with us,"
Raymond Insisted. "Felicia and I have
the evening before us. It's raining, so
we might as well stay here for
lie turned to give an order to the
waiter, and Luttrell leaned toward Fe
"If you will let me,H he said, "I
will hold my umbrella over the cher
ries." There was dead silence for a mo
ment and then she whispered nervous
ly: "Oh, you are the man! Ob, what
did you think of me?"
"I wished that I might hold an um
brella over you for the rest of my life,"
be said fervently.
Her dimples came out In full force.
"I am afraid you would get awfully
tired," she said, but ber eyes drooped
before his glance.
"Come up and see as," Bob said that
night as they parted.
"On one condition," said Luttrell as
he held the fur lined wrap for the vi
sion In blue, "that you let me fall in
love with your sister."
"Felicia?" Raymond scoffed. "She's
nothing but a kid."
"I am old enough to know my own
mind. Bob," said Felicia with spirit
"And what Is your mind?" Luttrell
asked as they went down the ball to
Her eyelashes swept her cheeks and
hid ber eyes. "I don't know," she said
demurely. 'Terhaps perhaps you had
better come and find out."
Why the Will Cost Mors.
Fire years ago a certain man made
a will. Last week he made another
one. The same lawyer drew up both
documents. For writing the second
will the lawyer charged twice as much
as for writing the first one. .
"Why this difference?" asked the ell
eut. "Iluve you uttalned such prom!
uenee lu the legal profession in the
last five years that you are Justified
lu doubling your fees?"
"Not at all," said the lawyer. "There
was twice as much work ou this will
ss on your old one. You Bee, at that
time you were a married man and
your will was short, for with the ex
ception of a few minor bequests ev
erythlng was left to your wife.
Chunges In your domestic relations
have made another will necessary,
You are now a bachelor or a bachelor's
eoulvaleut a childless widower. It la
much harder to write a will for a man
of that type than for a married man.
The man with a family usually gives
away everything he possesses in three
or four clauses, but the bachelor di
vides bis property among so many
relatives, friends and dependents and
consumes so much time in doing It
that the lawyer Is Justified in charging
him double the usual fee. "-New lork
"i Hairs.
-i I., . ii i i fv.ii snld young Mr.
Knilow. "lint I no longer a mere
vo'itli imw tlmt I've got a little hair
ou inv lip."
"Yes." said Miss IVrt, "and I sup
pose In a month or so youll have an
other one. Exchange.
There Are Plenty Lilt Him.
l wonder what has kept Jones poor?
Re's alwsvs made a good salary.
"I know he's well paid, but he's one
of the fellows who spend ail their uon
ty trying to get something for nothings-Detroit
Free Press.
A Lazy Liver
May be only a tired liver, or a tarred
liver. It would be a stupid as wall as
savage thing to beat a weary or starved
man because he lagged In his work. So
to treating the lagging, torpid liver It Is
a great mistake to lash it with strong
drastic drugs. A torpid liver Is but an
Indication of an ill-nourished, enfeebled
body whose organs are weary with over
work, start wltn the Stomach and allied
organs of digestion and nutrition. Put
them in working order and see ' how
quickly your liver will become active.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
has mad many marvelous cures of "liver
trouble by its wonderful control of the
organs of digestion and nutrition. It re
stores the normal activity of the stomach.
Increases the secretions of the blood-making
glands, cleanses the system from poi
sonous accumulations, and so relieves the
liver of the burdens Imposed upon It by
the defection of other organs.
It you bare bitter or bad tail In to mora
les', poor oriCarisble appetite, coated tongue.
foul breath, coastlpated or Irregular bowels,
teel weak, easlli tired. Despondent, frequent
headaches, pain or dlstreaVtii "small of back."
entwine or distressed fjerDg In stomach,
psrhaps nuMtNJriJtSor "rllngs" In
throat after eating, and klnJkjV symptoms
of weak stomach and torpid llrtjfc no medi
cine win reneee you more prorormy
on nr Hnrany Doctor PkrccJ
in Medical DlsroTery. Perhaps only
a pari of lliu above wiupioms will be present
at one time and yet point to torpid llreror
biliousness and weak stomach. Avoid all
bot bread and biscuits, griddle cakes and
other Indigestible food and take the "Golden
Medical Discovery " regularly and stick to Its
us until you are vigorous and strong.
The " Discovery Is non-secret, non-aleo-
nolle Is a glyceric extract ot native medici
nal roots with a full list of It Ingredient
printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested
under oath. Its Ingredients are endorsed
and extolled by the most eminent medical
writers of the age and are recommended to
cure the diseases for which It la advised.
Don't accept a substitute of unknown
composition for this non-secret aiKDlciKB
Demaray'i Confirm
on Hyomel, Cure for Catarrh.
Tbe question having been raised aa
to whether or not Demaray will re
fund tbe money if a Hyomel outfit
doss not do all that is claimed for it
in curing catarrh, he want to state
positively that this guarantee is an
absolute faot.
A guarantee like this is the best
proof that can be offered as to the
onrative powers of Hy-o mei in all
catarrhal troubles. Yon do not risk
cent in testing its healing virtues.
Dsmaray takes all the risk.
If yon have catarrh, try this won
derful medicated air of Hyomel. It
does not drug or derange tbe atomaoh,
bnt is breathed through a neat pocket
inhaler that comes with every outfit,
so that its medication react) es me
most remote air calls in tbe nose,
throat and lnngs, where any catarrhal
germs may be lurking, it quickly
destroys them, heals and soothes the
irritated mucons membrane and vital
Izes the tissues so that catarrh is uo
long r possible. You can lose noth
log by giving Hyomel a trial, noth
ing bnt the catarrh and that is good
The price of the complete outfit is
botjl; nothing if it fails to cure.
Get an outfit from Demaray today
and begin its us at once. 1-81 2t
Department of the Ioterior
Land Office at Roaeburg. Ore ,
Jan 24, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Eerby, Oregon, has lilea notice of
his intention to rnase final five year
proof In support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 13,936 made
February 15, 1906 for the NKjjNWJj',
NWkMEi. Section, 8 Township 40
Sontn, Kange 8 W WM., and that sa'd
proof will fee maae Dei or joiepn
Moss, U. S. Commissioner at Grants
Pass, Oregon on Wednesday. March
25, 1908.
He names tbe following witnesses
to piove his continuous rtsidenre
upon, and cultivation of, the land.
vis: Milton U. Uogoe, ot KerDy,
Josephine Co., Ore.. Silvester A.
Carter, of Kerby, Josephine Co.,
Ore., Joseph Ferren.- of Kerby, Jose
rihine Co.. Ore.. Qulnoy Woodcock,
of Kerby, Jo'ephine Co., Ore.
BfcJNJ Li. tUUI,
TIT- (RETRegister.
Department of tbe In'erior.
Laud office at Roseborg. Ore.,
Jan. 21, 1008.
2 Notice is hereby gien that
Father and only heir at law of Isaac
Sivers, deceased, of Winter, Jackson
Co., OiegJn, lias filed notice of hi
intvntioo to make nual nve yer prool
in support ot his claim, vis: Home
stead Enty No. 10,841 mad Nov. 28,
KHja, for the NWV4' 8E Section 84,
Township 31 South, Range S WWM.,
and that said proof will be made be
fore Joseph Moss, U. S. Commis
sioner, at Grants Pass. Oregon, on
Thnndav. March 26, 1908.
He names tbe following witnesses to
prove his continnoaa residence upon,
and cultivation of. the land, via:
Joseph Scheonbver, of Wlmr, Jack
son 'Co.. Oregon. Stephen H. Beers,
of Wimer, Jackson Co.. Or., Albert
Davie, of Wimsr, Jackson Co., Ore.,
James Nesthammer, of Wimer, Jack
son Co., Oregon
The Woman's Home Missionary
Society of the Newman Methodist
Choroli will give a Cooked Food Sale
at T. B. Cornell store, Saturday,
February 8. 1-81 It
Department of th Interior,
Land Office at Rotebaig, Ore..
Jan. at, 1908.
Notice is hereby giv-n 'hat
of Dee t inn, Oregon, lias filed notice
ot his intent ion to make final five
ear pr-'of in support ot i claim,
ris: Hooiealai Entry No 10,419
made Jan. 80. 1901, for the tVSWW,
NWW HEX seo 11. and KEVi NWt;
Sectiou 14, Township 41 Soutn, Rang
W WM., and that said proor win
be made belore Jopli Moss U. S.
Commiss oner, at Grants Pass, Ore
gon, Friday. March 27,11(08.
Ue names tne following witnrse
to ; rum Ira oontiuoous, residence
upon, and oul'ivailon of, tbe land,
vis: Eddy W. Koykendatl, ot Wolf
Creek. Ore., Claik T Webb, of
Pe ring, Ore, rred Ahitwrg, oi
Deeritig, Or, Tbomss Gilligsn, of
Deeriug, Ore.
am lis u. cuux,
In the County Court of The State of
Oregon for the County tat Josephine.
In the Matter of the
Estate of Pi'tir
Haum-n, Deceased. J
To Louis Tat. Elln Brown, Em
ma Glynn, Ri'eka Taylor, Mrs. w.
A. L-onard, Miry Anderson. Mrs.
Hrnniug Detlefxen. Oliarles Hansen,
George Hxuseu, Mrs. Charles Han
sen, greeting:
lu lie name of the State of Oregon,
yon are hereby cited aud required to
appear in the uounty uooit oi iue
State of i regoa for tne county oi
Josephiue, at ti e Court Room there
of, at Grants Pass, in said county,
ou Saturday, the 9th day of March,
1908, at 1 o'clock in ths afternoon oi
that day, then aud there to snow
crtus', ir any exist, wnv an oraer
should not be made anthorizing and
ititeoiine Gorse Hansen and Charles
Hanseu, executors or tne ernste oi
Peter Hansen, deceased, to Bell at
either publio ' or private sale the fol
lowing described property, to-wu:
The 8k of the NEW snd the NW of
the bE and Lot 4 of Seo 9, Twp. 89
S R 8 W . in Josephine County, Ore
gon. Also all of Lot 8 and one-balf
of Lot 7 of Block 7 in the lownsite
Napoleon, commonly called Krby, ia
Jesephine County, State ot Oregon,
axoeptlng four and i fifty-nine hun
dredth. (4.69) acres, deeded to
Anna M. Adams and recorded in
Vol. on Dags 288. Book ot Deeds in
ie Ooooty Clerk's offioe for the
Conntv of Josephine. Stat of Oregon
Also, excepting a parcel of land in
Lot 4. Sec. 9 Two. 89 S. R 8 W.. Jose
phineoonty, Oregon, lying south of
Holton Creek and East of the public
highway leading south from Kerby
ville where said line intersects Holton
Creek at a stone est near the Soatb
bank thereof; thence Sooth parallel
to the East line of said highway 209
feet, thanre, easterly, at a right angle
418 feet thneoe northerly at a right
angle. 209 feet, thence westerly lol
lowing the menaders of said Holton
Creek to the place of beginning, con
taming two acres, more or lea.
Also, all of that portion of the
James Kerby Donation Land claim
designated as Claim No. 87, whioh
lies between tus main street and pob
lio road leading tbrooh the town of
Kerbv and the Illinois River. In Seo,
9. Twp. 39 S, R 8 W., in Josephin
County, Oregon coataining about AO
aores except a tract of 17 acres of the
South side of said tract heretofore
sold to Mrs. Lilly White '
Also, all ot the Black Bear gronpe
of placer mining claims, consisting of
1BU acres, ail el tne Aiza piacer min
ing claim consisting of 20 seres; all of
the rieurr Heiiuan placer mining
claim consisting of 20 acres; all of the
Flint Look plHcer sulning claim, oon
sisting of 20 acres. Together with
tne water rights, ditches, pipes,
giants, and improvements belonging
to said mioiug claim, all situated on
Josephine Creek, Josephine comity,
State of Oregoo.
Also 1500 shares of tne Capital Sloes
of the Kerbyvill Irrigating and
Milling Company's ditch on the 111!
nois Kiver in josepmo tjoamy
Witnets. the Hon. Stephen Jewell,
J ml ire of the County Court of th
State . of Oregon for the County of
Jorenhiue. with the seal of said
Oonrt affixed this 3d day of February,
Atteat S. V. CHE.SHIKK,
Connty (Jleri
Firt publication berexif is tebrnary
7, I DOS, and ths last is Maroh 6, 1908,.
j. a. ausiu,
Att'y for Estate
Timber Lmd, Aot June 3, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 25, 1907
Notice is lierebv given thst in oom
nliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 8, 1878, en
titled "An a t for the sale of timber
lands in the State of California, Ore
uon. Nevada and Washington Terrl
torv. as eitouiii'd to an tne mono
Land State by act of August 4, 1892,
r.f Vancouver, County of Clarke, State
of Masbinetou. has Ibis day nisd in
tliii olfice ber sworu statement no,
8fD8. for the of the fcib'i of
Suction No. U0 in Township No. 84
South, Range No. W. W. M. and
will offer proof to show that thland
songht Is mote valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish ber claim to
said laud before Register and Receiver
st their office at Rosebnrg, Ore., on
Iuesdsy, the 14th day of April, 1908.
She names as witnesses: We lev B.
Sherman of Grants Pass, Ore., George
H. Slover of Grsnts Pass, Ore., Roy
Garootte of Merlin, Ore., Florence
M. Snodgraes of Vancouver, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands
are requested to file bis claims in this
oflce od or before said I4tn dy of
April, 1908.
Fine wedding stationery at the
Conner ofhee.
No sensational or questionable mat
ter allowed ia the Coavier.
Timber Land. Aot Jon 3, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore.. No. 25, 1907
Notice I hereby given that in com
pliance with the provision! of the art
ol Goniirees ef June J, 1878, en'itled
"Aa act for th sale pf timber lauds
In lb Stat of California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
aa extended to all the Pnbl o Land
State by a of Aegust 4, 1892,
of Vancouver, County of Clarke, State
of Wa-hington, has thia day filed in
this offioa her sworn statement No.
8700, forth purchase of the SAW of
Section No. 30 la Township No. 84
South, Range No. 6 W.W M and
ill offer proof to show. that the land
sought is more valoable for it timber
or si one than fur agricnltaral pur
poses, and to establish her claim to
said laud before Register and Re
ceiver at their office at Rost-burg,
Ore., on Wednesday, the 15th day of
April, 1908.
She names as witnesses Wesley B.
Sliermso, of Grants Pass, Ore,
George H. Slover of Grants Pass,
Ore., Rov Garoutte of Merliu, Oresou,
Ella Albright, of Vancouver, Washing
Any aud all persona claiming adver
sely tbe above de-oribed landt are re
quested to file their claims in this of
fice on or before said 16th day of
April, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 25, 1907.
NoMce I hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of
the act of (Jon gi ess for jnue s, lWia,
entitled "Aa aot for the sale of
timber lands in the States of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the
pnblio Land States by act of August 4,
of Vancouver, County of Clarke, State
or Washington has tins any men in
this office her sworn statement No.
8697, for tbe purchase of the K) of
E ef Seotion No. 24 in Towuship
No. 84 Soath. Range No. 7 W.W M.,
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish ber claim
tn said land before Register aud Re
ceiver at their office at Roseburg.
Ore., on Tnesday, the 14th day of
Arril. 1908:
She names as witnesses: wes'sy a
Sherman, of Otanti Pass, Ore.,
George II Slover, 01 Grants rass,
Oregon, Rov Garootte of Merlin,
O re., Mtry J. DoBois, of Vancouver,
Aay and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described laud are
reonaated to fil their claims in this
office, on or before said 14th day of
April, 1908.
rJKrl JAMIjM Li.
In the Connty Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Josephiue.
In the matter of tbe Es
tate of John G. Sohi
horn, deoeased.
Notioe is hereby given to whom it
may concern that the undersigned has
been appointed administratrix of the
estate of John G. Schallhoro, da
ceased, by the County Court of th
State of Oregon for he County of
Jesephine and ttiat all persons having
claims against said estate are notified
to present ths same duly verified to
aid administratrix at th office of
Marcos W. Bobbins, attorney at law.
Grants Pass, Oregon, ou or before six
months from the date of first publioa
tinu of this notice, which date of said
first publication i Friday, Jauuary 24,
' Administratrix.
Bv virtue of an exeoation issued out
of th O.rcoil' Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephine County upon a
judgment rendered in said Gomt, on
the 17th day of April, A. D., 1906
in favor of ths Pialutiff, Sadie M.
Hyde aud asaiost the defendant,
George H. Hyde for the sum of :S
per month, commencing Murch 1,
1906, and payable monthly until other
wise ordered by the court with in
tereat on each installment at six per
cent per annum, I have levied on and
will sell at "public auction to the
highest bidder, tor cash, on the 24th
dav of February. A. D., 1008 at 10
o'clock, a. m., at the : front door of
the Court bouse at Grants Pass in
Josephine County, Oregon, the follow
ing described property, to-wit: All
ths right, title and interest ef the
defendant, George H. Hyde and par
ticularly hi undivided two-thirds
interest In and to Lot Four (4) of
Jndsou & Chauselor'B subdivision of
Block of J. Bourne's First Addition
to the town of Grants Par in Jose
ulilu Couutv. Oregou.
Dated at Grant Pass, Oregon, this
20th day of January. A. D.. 1U0M.
Sheriff of Josephine Co.
Department of th Interior.
Laud Offlc at Roseburg, Oregon.
Jan. 23, 1908.
Notice is hereby giveo that
of Grants Pass. Oregon, has filed
notioe of bis intention to make final
five year proof in support of his
olaim. via: Homestead Entry No.
12.160 made October 23d. 1902, for
th SKSE W Section 14, Township
86 South, Range 6 W W M.. and that
said proof will be made before
Joseph Moea, U. 8. Commissioner, at
Grauts Pais, Oregon, on Monday
March S3. 1908.
He name ths following witnesses
to prov hi continuous residence up
on, and cultivation of, the laud, viz:
Joseph Hill, of Grants Pass, Ore ,
Nalun D. Young of Grant Pas, Or.,
Frd Miller, of Grant pass, Or., Sid
nay Woolfolk, of Grant Pass, Or.
Quick delivery T Wsekty
Timber Laod, Aot Jnn 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., December 19th, 1907.
Notice I hereby given that in oom-
pliance with tbe provisions of the aot
of Congress of Jun S, 1878 entitled
'Aa aot for the sale of timber landa
in tbe Slates of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory"
as extended to all the Pablio Land
Statss by act or Angost 4 1892
of Vancouver connty ot Clark State
or Territory of Washington has thia
day filed in this offioa her sworn state
meut No. 8777 for the purchase or tha
Kracfl WX SW and 8Wtf NW
of Sfction to. 18 in Township No 87
S. Rauge No 4 W WM and will offer
proof to show that the land sought la
more valuahle for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, aud
to establish her olaim to said land
before Joseph Moss, U. S. Commis
sioner at Grants Pass, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 7th da? of March, 1908.
He names as wituesses: Wesley
B. Shermau, of Grsnts Pass, Ore.,
George 1 11 Slover, of Grants Pass,
Ore., Roy Garoutte of Merlin, Ore.,
William Btiley of Davidson, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tlu above-described lands are
requested to filetlieir claims in this
office on or before said 7th dav of
Maroh, 1008.
Timber Land, Act June 8,1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 15, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance w th the provisions of the Aot
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
'An Aot for the sale of timber Lands
in the State of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory,'
as extended to all Publio Laud State
by aot of August 4, 1892,
of Harrison, County of Kootual, State
of Idaho, filed in this offioa ber sworn
statemi nt No. 8687 for the purchase of
tne sw li or tne jnwx, w s or llie
SW4 aud lot, 1 of Seotion No. 13, in
Township No. 37 South of Range No. 7
West, W. u., and will offer proof to .
show that the land sought Is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agriuulttlral purposes, and to es-
ibllsh her claim to said land before
the Joseph Moss, United State
Commissioner, at bis effios in Grants
Pas, Oregon, on Monday, the 17th
day of February, 1908.
He names aa witnesses : Martin
. Conger, of Grsnts Pass, Ore.,
Emniett R. Conger, of Wilder ville,
Oregon William Bull of Grauts Pass,
Ore., Clarence A- Packer, of Harri
son, Idaho.
Any and all person claiming ad
versely the abov described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 17th day ot
February. 1908.
I Register.
In the Circuit Court of Tbe State of
Oregon, for Josephiue Connty.
Walter Tallmadge,
plaintiff, 1
vs Suit for Dlvoroe.
Maud Tallmadge, I
defendant. J
To Maud Tallmadge. th defendant
above named :
lu the name of the State of Ore
gon, yoa are Hereby summoned to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against yon in the above eutitled
Court and Cause on or before sis
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication ot this summons, whioh first
date of publication is Friday, Janu
ary 8, 1908, and tbe last day of pulili-
cation ot said snmmuns, aud the lust
day for your appearance as foresaid ii
f rinay, tbe Htb day or February,
1U08, and you are hereby notified, that
if you fail to appear and answer the
complaiut within the time aforesaid,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for t'ie relief prayed rur in his com
plaint to-wit for a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing
between the plaintiff aud defendant.
and that the plaintiff be awarded the
care and custody of the minor
childron, Chester, aged 8, Lester aged
6 and Cleo, aged 8, and for such
other and further relief as to the court
may seem equitable. This summons
is pahlished by order of Hon. Stephen
Jewell, Judge or tbe uounty iJourt of
Josephine County, State of Oregon,
made January 2, 1908, ordering the
publication of this summons lor a
period of six soncenive week.
Attorney for the plaintiff.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore.. Nov 25, 1007
Notioe la hereby given that in com
pliance with tbe provisions of tbe act
of Congress of June 8, 187S, entitled
An act for the tale of timber lauds
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Territory.''
aa extended to all the Publio Land
States by act of Angosst 4, 1HII2,
of Vancouver, Couuty of Clarke.
State of Wsshiugton, has this dsy
filed in this of Hoe her sworn state
ment No. 8ol9, for the purchase of the
NWiof Section No. 30 in Township
No. 84 South. Range No. . 8 WWM.
aud will offer proof to show that the
laod sought is more valuable
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes and to establish her claim to
said land before Register and Re
ceiver at their office at Roaeborg, Ore,
on xuesuay, in inn aa or April, '
Sh name as witnesses: Wesley B.
She-man, or Grants Pass, Oregon,
George H. Slover, of Grants Pass,
Ore., Roy Garoutte of Merlin, Ore.,
Ellen Lynch of Vancouver, Wah.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before said 14th day of
April, 1908.
Fruitgrowers of Rora River VUx
find th Courier of special faster.