ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS. OREGON JANUARY 31 1908 Hew Goods for the Hew year THE QUALITY SHOP) MRS. C, J, GAMBLE The best Baking Powder Coffees Spices . Teas None better Try them 412 Front st. Is the Place to Buy Come, and Try Phone 431 Luxury Marmalades Preserve Jellies Jams None better Tly them SEE H. B HENDRICKS IFOR 400 ACRES OF RED LA11DSI at $4,50 per ncro Living water, fine wood land and goat .and dairy ranch, 9 miles from railroad, good wagon road. Also small 160 acre stock ranoh improved at $1000, buildings, water and water right and Orchard. . ,4 Office oppo, Post Office, Grants Pass, Ore, DOINQS AT THE COURT HOUSE Items of Interest to the Taxpayer of Josephine County From the Various County Officials " : : Candidacies are Looming up This ( some of the would be pnblio servant! made known their in teutiona, by filing with County Clerk Cheshire their first formal notice, informing the people that they would "be in line." for the respective places mentioned. These who litre signified their intentions of running for office were as follows : George W Colylg, who wants to be the next state senator from Josephine'oouuty ; W H Fallis, the present rssetaor, who thtuks he oonld step into Sheriff Rev sell's shoes and who makes "known his intentions of soring to the im portant office of Sheriff; F S Cheshire, who has been so faithfully ano acceptably ervingthe people Jn the capaoitr of countylerk, is will ing to continae to look after the work in that office, if the rotors so wish it; E E. Dunbar, st present book keeper for the Willlms Bros Door & Lumber Co , thinks be could fill the office of county clerk ahd so shies his castor into the political ring. All of these are pronounced republicans. There are (aid to he several " Inde pendents," who are only waiting to see the publicans get in a "muis," and then they will tyiter the arena. They realize that politic ally speaking Josephine county is "mighty close," and that the voters prefer the man rather than the party, when it comes to filling these county offices and they will not stand any thing that savers of the "ring" or any wire paling. c o OR SHORT U G A LONG U G Cured by a few doses of our White Pine and Tar CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS CO H! H! This is the onlv school in the Northwest which prepares young men and young women for Private Secretary Positions We have ceased trying to fill all positions which are brought to our attention. Only the best are selected and for the best we must have the best young people. ' Write us today and ask us aboutjthis Private Secretary Course Holmes Business College PORTLAND. OR.E. 1 BUY, SELIi or EXCHANGE Household Goods and my stock is quite complete... If you have anything to sell or exchange come and see me, or if you need anything in my line see my goods and get prices. fitrSACKS, COPPER, RUBBER and METAL WANTED M. E. MOCRE NEW and SECOND HAND goods rr Have you ever seen a Sunset? A UattBiuUy illustrated monthly magazine of the wide awake West with fascinating short stories, picturesque personal point-of-view description of the inteiesrine development of the West, and the romance and his tory o' the wonderland of the earth. Ask your local newsdealer for current issue or send $1.50 foryeas subscription. The book, "Road of a Thousand Wonders. 120 beautiful Western views a four colors will be included SUBSET KAGAZTIB FLOOD 10HDWO saartAiicuco - - cauroaau Hit Qualifications. I an raiU44. safe a wester, ef the little boy whe sprnX for i Job it i quire's boom, where be eealf earn 6 shUUnn a week by makta- atasetf generally neel. quire Can yoe tleaa stiver! Boy Yes, sir. Tnn you cook and light flrvs and sing and dust old china and make bedsr "Oh, yea. air." "Can you clean bicycles and repair punctured tin and tune pianos?" "Certainly, sir." "Can you mend electric bells and do plumbing and gas fitting, teach mod ern and ancient languages, geography and the use of the globes?" "I can, and also do anything else that is required." "Then I thluk you will do." Boy Thauk you. sir. By the way, U your house built on a clay soil? Squire Well, it happens that It la. But what has that to do with It? "Well. I thought you would like roe to fill up mv spare tiitw by making bricks." lie was not encaged fbr his Inso lence.-LcaOoti Auinn. Probate Proceeding J H Ahlf, Clans Schmidt aod' Joseph Fetzner have been appointed as ap- Drai;ers of the estate of John G Sohallhora, deceased. . The court has named Win Wimer, Samuel Egger and A) Adams as ap praisers of the estate of Charlotte Marie Decker, deceased. Joha Deveny, the son and only beir of James Deveny, deceased has been formally appointed administrator of his father's estate aof the court has sranted bim a monthly allowance of $36, as living expenses and has al lowed hiss to loan to John Frier, the sum of 225 for one year at eight per cent intertat per annum. '.The will of William Halms, de ceased, has been filed for probate- It was eieooted in Dickinson rounty, Iowa, July 23, 1887. bequeathing to his widow, Lerona Helm, all bis realty property, during his natural life and at her decease the same is to go to his sobs and daughters. The widow has been appointed executrix, witboot bonds. Io the estate of Arthur r Lincoln, a minor Geo Mast, H Horlbert and J Christie have been selected to place a valuation upon the belongings of the estate and the court has ordered thit the parties interested appear and show whv the application of 'Albert G Lincoln, as guardian, to sell 15 acres, belonging to the estate anil located in sec. 16, tp 86 s, r 6, be granted to appear in court and contest the same. fteeJ Estate Changes Hands Real estate changed hands the past week as lollows. as the deed filed for record, indicates: G W Burnett to M E Moore, lot 8, block G. , of J Bonroe'B First add to Grants Pass, 1550. W B Sherman, unmarried, to The W B Sherman Realty Co., part of lots 11 and 13. block 32. $1 (grantee to assume $2500 mortgage.) Z The W B f Sherman Realty Co., to Isaao Best and W A Fuller, same as above, $4500. " James Pattys to W T S Patten, lots 11 aud 12, sec 4, tp 86 s, r 6, $1. K L Case, Bankrupt, to J R Tucker, 60 acres in sec 5, tp 37 s, r 6, t2.0. O C Preley "et ci to SJ JBraui, lets and C. block I, Ireland aud Meade's add to Grants Pate, $160. Alva H Gnnnrll to Laura Tbenoas Gunnell, his wife, lots, 1 and $, block F, .Lincoln Park add ; lots S aad , M L Mullin to Frank 8 Dukes, part sec 17, tp 36 . r 5, $125 Isadora A. Wells et mar, to D C Hefley. 60 acres in see 28, tp 86, s, r 6, $10. J F Garlick et nx to Edward S Van Dyke and W W Walker. 63 acrw In sao 9, tp 86 r 5, $'50. R A Boeth et ox to J O Bcoth, undivided half interest in lots 17, 18, block 41 O, T S of Grants Pa, $00. P P Pierce et ox lo Edward 8 Van Dyke and A S Barnee, 110 acres in eo 24, tp 86 s, r fi, $1. Many Went New Bridge Contract At the meeting ef the County Conrt, next Wednesday, one ef the uiott Im portant things to be considered in the letting of the contract for the pro possed new bridge across Rogne River, here at the county seat Judge Jowell informs the Courier that he is being fairly deluged with bids and that they come all the way from San Francisco to Minneapolis and from as far east as New York. Several contractors have oome here. In person, to examine the specifica tions and make personal inquiry re garding the matter. Tbna far there have been' in the neighborhood of 40 bids, with others to be heard from, as the bids will be received np to the date of the next board meeting.' Anent County School Matter Tomorrow the Josephine County's Kighth Grade Examining Board will met and pais npon the papers of the examination which was held la't week here at the oountv seat There were applicants from Merlin, Selina, Pro volt, Kerby and, two fm Units Pass. Superintendent Savage states that there was some little complaint about a few of thefquestions, but be thought that they were not wU grounded, as the questions were uniformly very fair and the State, Board of Edooa tion gave no extra bard ones. One that some scholars thought "a "stickler," had to do with ciphering out the number of tons . of hay In mow of certain dimensions. Another was to give the qualifications of the U. S. Senators and Representatives, terms of office, salary and the like. Superintendent Savage informs the Courier that there will be the cus tomiry three-days coonty teachers' exmination, beginning with Febroary 12. for county and state paper. A formal . announcement of these ex ml nations will be found eUewbere in today's Courier. Onoe more tie county jail is empty. For a period of six weeks the baiile had occupauts, but they were sum marily dealt with by Judge Hauna aud are now, ' safely .housed at tlie state "pen," with the exoeption of those who were dismissed. There are nine Inmates of (he new County Home," and they are finding the new Institution very comfortable and convenient. This week Judge Jewell has been using his pen quite freely, in pass ing upon and approving the bonds or the supervisors appointed in the various road districts. T P Judson's ailment, a canoer, was bothering bim quite a bit the first of the week and Monday he was dnable to continne his work on the 1908 tax rolls. Hunter's liceoses were issued the past week to Perry Matson and E Banfield of Grants Pass; J C K Mo Caon, C G Lipp and W E McBride, of Wildervllle aud Wm. Kosa of Ta- kllma. Uupid has been rather derelict In his duties, for there has been no mar riage license issued for over a week. Can it ,be posiible that the "finan cial flurry" has anything to do with the cessation of his activities? RHEUMATIC FOLKS pfst National Batik Of Southern Oregon GRTtKTS PaSS, OREGON Some of the Services that a Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The simplest and safest way of keeping your money is by deposit ing it in a Reliable Bank. This Bank receives Deposits Subject to Check, or on Demand Certificates of Deposit or on Time Certificates of Deposits. On Time Deposits we pay 4 per cent interest. IDR.AFTS The Best and Cheapest way to Transfer Money is by Bank Draft We sell Drafts payable in allBparts of the country. LOANS One of the most important func tions of the Bank. We endeavor to supply all reoaoraMe need? of our fjustoaters. Are You Sure Your Kidneys Well? are Soma Miscellaneous Msvttere County Treasurer J T Taylor has is sued another call for out-taodlng oounty warrants, covering the period from July 5, 100-1 to September 15, of the same year. This Is a good show ing, as it has only been about six weeks since he made bis lat call. Josephine oounty taxpayers are com ing up nicely with their cash. Deputies Smith and Cheshire are bokily engaged In fixing np the delin quent tax rolls, in the Sheriff's of fice, ;f or making a report 'at the next meeting of the commissioners. Many rheumatic attacks are due to urio aoid la the blood. But the duty of the kidneys is to remove all nrio acid from the blood. Its presence there shows the kidneys are inactive. Don't dally with "urio acid sol vents." You might go on till dooms day with them, but until you cure the kidneys you will never get well. Doan's Kidney Pills, not only re move urio aoid, bat cure the kidneys aad then all danger from urio aoid is ended. Here is Grants Pass testimony to prove it : Mr. A. Lempe. F Street, Grants Pass. Ore., says: "For some time I suffered severely from rbeumatlo pains and at times was so stiff and lame that I oon Id eoarely get around At night my rest was greatly broken on ao ouunt of these pains and as a oonse- qusnoe, I would larise . in me morning feeliog so stiff and lame that It was a hard thing for me to perform my household duties. I tried many remedies and liniments without te osiving the slightest relief. Hearing about Doan's Kidney' Plus being highly reoosnmended for suoh troubles, I started taking them, procuring box at Clemens' drug store. I was helped from the beginning and before I knew it, I was almost free from the trouble. Occasionally have a slight pain in my back, but a few doses of Doan s Kidney Pills never fall to re lieve me, I have told others bow mnch good I have receive from Doan's Kid Ley Pills and would not be without them in the house." For sale by all dealers. Price BO cent. Foster-Mil-burn Co. , Buffalo, New York, Sole ageots for the United States. Rem ember the name Doans' and take iio other. . Petalnma Incubators and Poultry Supplies at Cramer Bros. Gsneral repairing and all kinds of tinkering at Cramer Bros Repair Shop. Capital svnd Surp urn $73,000 Stockholders' Additional Responsibility VT! $50,000 T, Bourne's 17 and fi, First add aad lets block 5, O T 8 of tiittnis 1'bb, l. Priueville Land & Livestock Co., to Oscar Frlcke, sera 16 and 36, tp 34 r ", 12S0 acres in all, $10. Mary J Parker to Joeee Mash, lot 6, block F, H B Miller & Co's add to , Hranta Pass, 75U. 'Helen Ruth Loveridge to Kdward S Van Dyke, 8.57 acres in sec 6, tp 3s, r 5, $180. E B Ingles et mar, to D C Hfley, 3fi0 acre in sec SR. tp 85 s, r 6, $1. H V Meade et ox to Ellen A Frace, lots 9 and 10, ' block 1, Ireland and Meade's add to Grants Pass, $''00. M C Ament et ux to R Shaffer, 110 acres in sec 2, tp 86 s, r 5, $00. Jee Mah et i ux to Herbert B Alverson, 10 aeies iu sec 24, tp 36 s, r 6 $1. " a j the most healthful ftfOM of fruits, comes the flrKg g chief ingredient of P' MiWJ uZAlLi povjDEn Wr The only baking powder fig Ygf5- -T made from Rtal VJ'i Grape Cream . JR7 of Tartar j mn-J'LmAfm rut BiSiiSM CotU a liltle more than the injuriom alum or ptxMphtte of lame powders, but wild Royal you are sure ol pure, healthful food. .ea 'A I M orncER.s L. B. Hall. President J. C. Campbell, Vice-President H. L. GtLKlY, Cashiei R. K. HACiwrrT. Asst. Cashier RE-BUILT TYPEWRITERS ALT, MAKES For Sale or Rent Repairing a Spcciclty AJU. MTYRE'S BICYCLE AND MACHINE SHOP Sooth 6th si. Grants Pass. Ore. S. V. MOODY WOOD YARD Cor. H At 3d sts. Phone 434 1 Load Blocks $3.00 Htovo Wood 1 TierManzanita (3.00 ITier Oak $3.00 1 Tier Fir $2.50 ITier Pine $2.25 Cilia II 1 Wood 1 Tier Oak $2.75 1 Tier Fir $2.25 ITier Pine $2.00 1 Load Sawdust 50 1 Load Kindling .75 PIONEER ASSAYING AND REFINING COMPANY Capital fiJU.uou, enauiiHiiuu n years. Gold. Bae Bullion. Cyanides, Blob Orr. etc, bought, Spot caati on assay valne. All work by expetts. 1)1 Fifth Street Near V. S. Mint SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. I Hani I ness I Euba ride Ilar Uacon & phone G81 SCIENCE SIFTINGS. M. Metchulkoff for longevity advlat- sour milk and an absence of worry, In Spruce canyiu, near Cliff palace. Colorado, Professor E. L. Hewitt Das rles high, one of the finest example' of the cliff dwelling ever found. An Englishman has Just patented a composition which is said to have some or all of the properties of vulca nite or ebonite and which can be pro duced much cheaper than those mate rials. Professor Bams of Brown university recommends as a motive power fur sky ships soui form of high explosive, particularly that which can be work ed up Into wicks and ribbons. He pro poses obtaining a continuity of pownr values from nitrogen expletives ry using cold storage.