ASHLAM) 0KMAL Y. W. C. A. was ld Wednesday by Mlw Joile Chamberlain. lb new popili who entered the training department tblf week were Myron, Hugh and Gladys Saylos, Jese Olllver nd Hugh Randall. Charles Plom of Igerna, Cal., tn tered the Normal this week. A very pleasant reception was given by the Seniors last Friday night in honor of President aud Mn Pay e. Tbe glrls'iln tbe Sophomore class bare organised basket UU team. The progem for next aeuiosUir la being made out Tbe credential committee la busy examining aobool records. The change in the Chapel period from 8:80 to 10:80 has proved Tery satisfactory. From the numerous Faculty meet ings being held, something of impor tance ii likely to be announced soon. Win Oaae gare an intertilling talk in Chapol last Thursday about tho im migrant! on Ellis Liland. I MISSUOUI FLAT Mr. and Mrs. Vinoent bate retnrntd from a vUit to their daughter, Mrs. L. O. fiasye of Jump-off Joe. John Bohl Is at work this winter for Ifred Miller In the Placer mine. L G. Roberta was visitor of Grauta Pass Wednesday. H. A. Horry made trip to the oity one day of last week. Mrs. Fred Miller and eon, Joaquin made trip to Grant Pass Wednes day. Homer York-was oat from Grants Pass one day last week, rlsltlog bome folks. W. 8. Bailey was at the city Friday. Mr. MoKeil made trip to Grants Pass Saturday. Geo. W. Mesk lias been doing some Improving on bis aloe farm on the Applegats River, (he it week. Mrs. Henry Knotcen was a visitor of Grants Paaa Saturday and Sunday of hut wek. John Hlsgle bas been alok tbe past few days. Mrs. Henry York was called to Grants Pais one day of .last week on the account of sickness of her grandson. Andy Grimes baa been hauling some balled hay from the York place on Applagate. Pat MoKaddsn bas been building so 'us new fence the past week. Thia la Beat Country on Earth. Murphy. Ore., Jan. 18, l'JOH. Dear Editor: Would you allow me space in your valuable paper for a few words about Josephine County aud some of her products and mild oliuiatef First 1 will speak of her climate, which is second to none even now, the Iftlh day of January, is to warm that a person needs no wraps and the sun Is as bright as if it were the lftth of May. It has been rightly named wheu It was uauied the "ItalyTT America "for it haa beeu proteu that lemons aud flgs will grow here aud apples -why we are second to uoue fur flaest otios, aud jHitatoee that weigh five and six potiuda are tiuita eouimon. Peaohoa are the tliieit that eau be grown, cabbage that weighs 16 and 80 pounds, ouioue weighing two and throe pound are all just common sites. Urapea with bunches that weigh eight aud nine pounds each and grown Without cultivation by U. S. Wynant of Murphy all of which will show for tlioiuselres. As alfalfa and clover bay la produced ou some of the poorest of laud which yields as high as eight aud nine tous per acre aud strawlierrioa that yield as high a 1300 and IVW crates with out more thau half cultivation aud as to her uilueral resources why her hillsides are fall of it aud fWh cau be oaoght any time of the year, also her timber is couuted by tbe million ef feet. SHORTY. thousands of workers WW Levi Strauss & Co's Overalls SPEAKER PEOPLE WANT SCHOOL OUT THEIR WAY - Speaker, Ore, Jan. 12, 1908. Editor Courier : Your papifr, being tbe recognised organ of Southern Ore gon, keeping tbe people abreait of tbe times, I would Use yon to listen to and publish if consistent remon strsnce from oar little corner In so far as schools go. We bave here 15 children permanent residents of Speaker and all are of schooling age. Several months since the superintend-; ent of schools wss apprised of tbe fact and he was requested to personally I try and get os some reooguizatlon j by school board. He in turn advised j as to make reqoeit direct, wblch we . did. following thia letter after some time bad passed. We wrote to the ; Hon. County Jodge, askiug him to j .clve personal attention to the matter. He advised that he would take it up ( wit n Bupi. oincnoois, I not a word farther have we beard. We are seven miles from Wolf Creek diltrict, but it appears that they, tbe W. O. Dist., include our child ren. If this is a fact the school money is applied wrongfully, it seems rather rank at this age to ab solutely Ignore the welfare of tbee children from an educational stand- point'and if we cau do no more, we ran at leat make these facta kuowu generally through you. We bave a suitable building aud wood, sto, will be furnished at no cent and tbe proper authorities were so adviied. A high grade teacher is not necessary as the children are all small oi youag, rather, so 11 can be readily seen eur request is not one that would ooat a great sum of money. The otiildren should be considered, not the oost. READER. I 1) E E KING "Well now thia is what I call One" remarked M. C. Hellar of Phoenix, Arisona, geologist and mining ex pert, who was making comments on weather and scenery of our valley while looking over the Webb and Albright properties. He tbeu pro ceeded to sing tbe praises of South ern Oregon 'till your poor Uncle Ebe imagined be was away back iu the garden of Eden ploklng fruit with the mother of Creation. Mr. Heller waa man who did not advurtiss bis business, but nevertheless be seemed very favorably impressed with the mineral outlook here of which be spoke iu no light terms. Lets see It was Gen. Sherman who designated war as "Hell" was it not? But tbeu it is very evideut the geueral uever bobbed ,up against a bunch of '.'0th century politic. K M All,rlit and Hnuh Sim II. made a trip to your oity this week. They have beeu engaged iu doing a'seasmout work ou the Calumet mine for a time back. Swan Hagluud is home from Cms oout City wiixre be has beeu employed in the saw mills of that place. He re ports btiniue slack there at preaout. Just watch our valley grow. Three homesteads have been located within two miles of Docriug this winter and have all received 'nermits 'from miles of Deerin this winter; the goveruineut to occupy and build homes oo Quarter sections nicked out by them now In the reerve. T. L. Collet! of Ver.nout. who put in two years ou Williams Creek has located on a quarter lection of laud on the Illinois mr two miles from here, lid brought iu a whole batch of poultry besides pigs aud cattle. He alio brought io a good deal of fruit tree plants aud cuttiugi aud expects to devote tuoit of his time to fruit aud poultry railing. Mrs. H. A. Freeman, wife of one of our neighbors ii just rscoveriui from a severe attack of sii-kneas, coutrai-te.1 while moving In here. Sim is quite an optimist and believed taete brig'.it warm davs will effect a peruiauaut cure. H. T. Jones of 1'ertUud.waa inter viewing residents iu our .valley lat Wednesday. lie aUi took" a look at the big bodies of copper ex posed ,'here. Most all of our reeideuts here Uke sides with the Courier iu regard to Ihe "Knockers", fl'hey ought t. tinui'f m mane mere, a before hit with a waelitub r.i obllviou. Yamooe! 8kidoo! Scat ! If you perchanoa see auvuue Kvk j ing for a dose of .immer sunshine, just point fcrour iudei fluger toward leriiit oh Wiuter: Wbere art tho i ! I-a't Ie. k A. S. lieyuolds came stamping and jumping Viut of the Oregon m.uuratun. where he tn over aud killed two jvk rioita aud ku ked a four,, Jbuck ,over a precipice. His ;iiair a eadT7 straight up aud hit hat hanging oU on of his ey,.bl'ji N,i, it was uTT bear or iv,ar. Oue as agaiu.""Ve7 that's riKht, he had tru k copper iu oue or uit l.iuneii. EUKS." , ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS. OREGON, JANUARY 24. 1903. p, AMONG THE LODGES Sunday ibe members of Thermopylae Lodge, No. 60, Knights of Pythias, had as tbeir guests, John M. Wall. Grand Chancellor and John R. San son, Grand Keeper of Records and Stall, of Oregon Jurisdiction. The visitings of iheie high offloials of the order had the effect to greatly revive the Sir Knights and now the lool branch of the order proposes to revive aulj gt down to effective work. This j, regarded as one of the strongest wrot orders on the coast and Tber- mopylae proposes to keep abreast tbe pI0Cestsion. as there are a gTeat many numbers of the order In this city aud more wn0 would like to enter t)e mysteries of tne lodge. Ihe 0(1J relow of this vicinity big time t God Hill S4trday . whHu the installation of tbe ! new officers of Gold Hill Lodge No. j 12 were inducted into office in I grand style. There was a sumptuous banquet, following the ceremonies and the iollowlng Grants Pass wearers of the three linki report hav iug bad a grand, good time of it: Robert Sehotir, D. A. Harmon, J. M. Thumss, J. F. Burke, Ed Layton aud Mr. Craig. 8. W. Budrow, traveling organizer of the Fraternal Brotherhood, will oon be in Oranta Paai, for the ex press purpose of forming a local lodge of that fraternal iniuranoe organiza tion, which is growing so rapiflly all over tbe PaciQo coait. a Saturday evening the membsrs of the Bethany Fraternal Club indulged in a, "Peanut Bum," which is re ported to have been a decided sacoeis. A varied program was carried rut, including the reception of a large class of new members. A. L. Lovelace, who has been in this city organizing a branoh of the "Stoperi of America," for a few weeks past, informs tbe Courier lodge elitor that he is succeeding nicely and tbat soon the lodge, which is an Oregou production, pure and simple and bas to do more particularly with mining men aud their interests, will lie stirted up here, uuder very promis ing auspicee. MINING MANS PREDICTION Continued from first page. work baa been done. Thus oo the "Hul den Treasure" ou the Sucker Creek side of the range a tunnel started near the creek bed on a seam of quarts, has at a distance of lesi than 40 feet, developed an ore body of very promising quartz, extending across the whole face of the tunnel, I wita ony oue WU 10 8,ht nd oar; j 'ia v1ob' io ,,ld- '!Uf to statements mtdft by tbe owuer. Ou the "Geoi" wliera a narrow seam showed on tbe surface, ore wa fouud somd distance below, yielding values up to tliKHJ a ton. Ou the "Seattle" claim, a mile south of the "Gem" a a ledje showing bat a few ioohts at la9 w yieuuug gooa vaiuei Dotn 1,1 ,"e P" auu "7 nre ,Htt'. wltQ occasional 'xpecimeus showing free M " "idoued out to five feet iu a 1 tunnel s'arted lower dowu the hill. i vertical depth of about 40 feet. r'"' or'' at lhu lK,iut "i i' values iu 'l'ar',t. I'ttle or no leachiiig ,,aTill!f ,alt,,n I'1"" '! no fre gjld oc-'ur- As the principal pay shoot as Uoma 00 t,,B f'os. lies TO feet be- -VOUl1 P1""' fce ot tha touuel, it Ul,t tMom tD4t fre 0,J 1h' 'Ul'00tered further on; but, the fl"' wl that the ledge is much wider and the quartz more nearly as "riKiu'ly deposited, with iti con- l"'t',,nt 11U,,D, practicsll.v anal- invu. .mt?r leoges ou ms same claim, opened for a few feet dow"u only, il'Ni'b', :he aauie ch tr.i'terfTc w u't'Ding. ... ...i , . i. 1., Prom the January group, a.ljoiuiug the ' Seattle ou the i.inth, two tins of or "i'pd ,l the Takiluia ineller lft iamiur test, gare over S0 a ton. H. U. Sieksou, the owner, hi jnat completed au arratre atid""ii prepariug to work somef his ore!u that mauner. jJJJ It imy therefore bs taken as estaiT liin.Kl, so far at any actual develoi m,nt Wl'rl has bexu dous, that the ore oodles on Hold Ridgs, the eroded portious of which hare fornishel the rich placer d.'jKnits with theTr troaure will te found to be of con", siderable sue aud ett, thouTh" perhaw net as readily diavMrered as ii marked by prominent outcrops, anTI an abuudauoe of "float". This coiT closioa is uot bad wholly or etell to auy considerable exteut' on 'tiTe work done so far. bu; also ou thelaot that Gold Ridge presents gsologicalfv m of the most favoraMe goT bearing rvk formatiou to be found anywhere, io this respect beingTTir deed, ideal, It should also be notTd" tnl1 connection that every julcb"on wh nf the ridge, where waier is plentiful have been, or are, pro fitably worked, tbe gold being gener ally very ne, bat freqoently rougb nuggets, with more or leei quartz still Clinging to them, are also lounu. showing that the gold is strictly of local origin. One of the well known placer mines of the ridge is located oo its very summit to the south and east of the "Cohen Ledge" mentioned above. Considering tho foregoing facts, which I have stated as briefly as pos tible, there is every reaon for believ ing that Gold Ridge will, in a com paratively short time attraol at leait . rmrt of the attention it deservee from capital sesking ligitimate min ing inveitmeute. There are so many natural advan tages In favor of Southern Oregon as compared with mest other districts, and Gold Kidge seems blesied with them all-soch as a iu idsal climate, ample water power, an abundance of limber, ease of access, and the fact that the general rock formation is soft making it possible to do from 25 per cent to 100 per cent more ueveiopmeui work with a given amount ot money than can be done in the average min ing camps. v A this district is directly tributary to Grants Pasn.its guccesswili meau.a great deal fo our oharmingcity, and your citizens should therefore enoourage, by word aud deed," those who are spending tmoney and time ia trying to open up and bring to the notice of the mining world this most promising district. HANSTEN WARNER. STRAYED. There strayed from my ranch near Wilderville, one red; heifer, brand ed W T on hip, one black and white hsifer branded W T on hip. Pibder notify ms at Grants Pais, Ore. W. H. H. TAYLOR 12-37 6t Pine Street,. I There came to my place four and ahalf miles" west of Merlin, on Rogue River, about six weeks ago, five ghosts, weight about 75 pounds, apiece, black and white spotted, three of them marked a split on each ear and two of them a spilt on tbe right ear. Owner can have same by coming and paying damage done by same. i CHAS. DORA. 1-17 5t FRUITGROWERS PLANNING FOR ROUSING MEETING fThe fruit growers meeting to be held in the Opera House on Saturday, February 1, under the auspioes of tbe Oregon Agricultural College and tbe Grants Pass Fruit Growers Associa tion is quite certain to. be largest in attendance and to have the best pro gram and to be the most profitable to tbe fruit growers of auy similar meet ing yet held in Rogue River Valley. There will ba two sessions, tbat of the forenoon beginning at 10 o'clock and the afternoon at 1 :0. 1 There will not bs a fixed program for this meeting but it will be largely in the nature of au exper ience meeting aud various frail growers will be called on to give an account of tbeir successes aud failure iu their orcha'd work uuder the con ditions that obtaiu here in Rogue River Valley. This feature of the program will bring out uiiny facts that will be helpful to fruit growers aud especially to those just begiuniug in the business in this valley. In addition to these short talks by local . fruit men there will be several addresses by .person's experts on special factors in Ihe fruit industry. Among these speakers will be Prof. O. I. Lewis, Prof. A. B. Cordley and Prof. James Dryden of the Oregm Agricultural College, O. W. Taylor, fruit inspector of Jack-in oouuty, J. A. Terry, mauager of the ! MeJford Fru t Growers Association, O A. Hover, oue of the leading pear ' growers of Jacksou county. Tho nd dr ss of Mr. Taylor will be of special value to those interested in the fight I agaiuKt the collin moth for Mr. Tav-J lor is considered the best authority-Iu j Rogue River Valley on the habits of: this il r-t Tf ,. ranged through .Mr. Chas. S. F, panger traffic m inner ofthe Sjuiu ern Pacific, that Prof. W. S UallarT assietant pathologist of the Depart ment of agriculture aud in chsrge of the fight io California agaiust the pear blight, will be present aud tell the pear growers how to keep tbe blight out of this Valley and how to fight it should it get here. " " I The meting will be one for all who ' are interested in the fruit industry aud the ladies too are expected to at ! tend. As there will be a nnmbero7 visl lors preseut ilis desired that the growers who yet"l.a"ve fruit bring j amples for'display. And'as a proof I of the mild, delightful climate ' thai i Rogue Rirer Valley enjoys"wuu many kinds of flowers now in bloom ; It is aked that the ladiee assisTm , getting; up a display of roses and other I Vto Groceries here. The quality of the goods we offer will please you, and our prices will surprise you. The proof is in the eating. Give us a trial and we will risk the results. J. Pardee, Front Street flowers. The Opera House is ono o the most comfortable audienoerooms in the city and the acoustio properties' are perfect aud thofe who attend tne meeting will find it time well spent. The Implement. The Judge Did the prisoner have any provocation when he struck you7 The Witness No, eorrj he had a shovel. Bohemian. Drier Than Georgia. "There is no water on the moon," And as we stop to think We wonder what on earth the man Up there can find to drink. Chicago News. 8ubtle Retort. Prospective Lodger Are you to be let with tbe lodgings? Maid-No; I am to be let alone Judge. Through Love's Eyes. He used to think her "long and lean." But. though she has not changed at all, Btnce they're engaged he hath not seen A creature "so divinely tall." Pueblo Chieftain. Up to Deviltry. New York Child Let's play pirates. Boston Cblld-All right Shall we pirate plays or books? Puck. The New Member. He broke the shackles which had bound His eloquence. He made his bow ind spoke his maiden speech and found He hadn't said much .nyhow! Wuhlnfton Star. The old reliable The Weekly Orareniaa. Pants Special An opportunity to piece out that winter suit with an extra pair of trousers at 11EDUCED PRICES Mens $1.25 Pants now 1.50 " .. 2.00 2- 50 3- 00 " 3-50 4.00 " 5- 00 5.50 " 6- 00 COM GeoiCalhoun "Outfitters to RIGHT in Starting The iVeiv Year By getting the best value for your : : money and buy your Gfie Grocer Grants Pass Ignorance In High Life. Kitty Mamma, are we high in so clety? Mrs. Topflat Yes, dear, but nocletj hasn't found it out yet Chicago Trib une. Useful Odes. He penned her verse on white foolscap That told of Cupid's capers. She answered: "Send some more, oil chap. They make such nice curl papers." Detroit Tribune. 8peaking of Colors. Mrs. Hoyle My husband is tbe pint of perfection. Mrs. Doyle I'd rather have a man who waa true blue. New Tork Press. One Load and Another. He had a load of trouble more Than might to him have come Kad he not tried to change it for Another load of rum. Houston Post The Sordid View. The Long Haired One Tou know, t poet is a prophet The Sordid One Not to his publish ers. Baltimore American. Where He Quit.' He led her to the altar. By flower girls attended. Then they transferred the halter. And there his leading ended. Chicago Record-Herald. Is your Spray Pomp in order? It not get a new one at Cramer Bros. Sale $1.00 1,20 L60 2.00 ; 2.40 2.8o 3.20 ; 4oo 4.40 4 80 P A N Y Boy and Man" I