Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 24, 1908, Image 1

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No. 43.
He Sees Groat Future in Store
lor the "Gold Ridge
Holland Ore. Jan. 21. 1008.
Mr. Editor: For the information
of aach of yoer readers as are inter
ested in mining, I desire to give yo
the jesalts of my observations as a
practical miner and prospector in a
district whioh p ta the present time
has failed to receive the attention of
mining men that it would seem to de
serve. I refer to a spar of the Siski
you mountains sit sated in Josephine
county, some 25 miles southwest of
Grants Pass, and locally; known as
"Gold Ridge." This spur or ridge
lies' between Althouse on the west and
Snoker Creek on tbe east, the two
creeks being the principal branches of
the Illinois River. From its northerly
point, the Junction of Grayback Creek
with Snoker Creek, to Boland Peak
on the south, which is the extent of
my observations, is about 10 miles.
Both Sucker and Althouse creeks
have, since their discovery as gold
produoers in the early '50s, produced
millions of dollars in placer gold, and
are still produoers, and while it
appears to have been generally reoog
nized br the placer miner of the
district that tbe original source of
the gold has been the adjacent moun
tain ranges and also that tbe bnlk
of it has come from Gold Ridge, this
faot does noi, until quite recently,
appear to have stimulated prospecting
for quarts veins, exoept that the
characteristic "pocket hunter," so
well known in Southern Oregon,
while scarcely heard of elsewhere, has
frequently found "pockets", i. e. the
decomposedjapexes of qoarlz veins, of
greater or less value, whioh he has
worked as far as be coo Id with piok
and shovel and then promptly forgot-
. ten even their exacr location. To
this general role there is one excep
tion on Gold Ridge in the so-called
"Cohen Ledge" located about 2Jj
miles east of Holland, near the sum
mit of the ridge. This ledge was
worked to a limited extent in the
early days, the ore being treated in a
stamp mill, on tbe assumption that it
was free-milling. As the ore was not
free-milling except for a few feet be
low the surface, the mine was Anally
abandoned, although carrying high
values in gold associated with sul
phnrets, which witn modern ma
chinery and with modern methods of
mining and treatment, will doubtless
pay to work. This old property is
now being reopened, the anoieut tun
nels being cleaned out and retim
bered, preparatory to starting develop
ment work.
Gold Ridge presents one cbaritcter
istio which probably more than any
other one thing has been the caose of
its being ignored and negleeted by
quartz miners. This is the fact that
practically all ledges so far discovered
are very narrow at the surface, or
wholly invisible, even where not
covered by an overburden of soil. A
little study of the character of theores,
explains the reason for this in a very
eatUfactory and self evident manner.
The ore bodies of Gold Ridge, already
found and doubtless most of those not
yet discovered are heavily charged
with sulphurets, with which the gold
is intimately associated. Near the
surface these so Iphnrets . have become
oxidize! and Cached out of the quartz
rendering the latter porous and ex
ceedingly brittle. By literal pressure
of the wall rock this porous aud brit
tle gangae has become gradually com
pressed, aided io thi couipresiou by
ths surface waters, so abuniant dur
ing c rtnio teaaons of the year. Fi
call, what little remains of the lidye
t the surface, after having had its
principal vsiuei leashed out and
washed dow.'i into the gulches and
streams, hss hrcome wholly coveted
by the friable and rfadily decom
posing conutry rvk which i also 1 i
most places heavily charged with iron,
so that tbe oolv indication of the
presence of a fold bearing body is
found by panning. The prospector
who is looking for floit or outcrops in
greater or les9 abundance, is therefore
disappointed, and unfamiliar with the
facts, he tarries but a short while,
departing with more or less earnest
maledictions on- the district.
The above briefly stated theory has
been amply verified in the few in
stances where even a small amount of
(Continued on last page) Z
Commissioners Audit and Allow
Many Outstanding County
The County Comniissionets, after
1 carefully examining the'following ac
counts againgst Josephine oounty
ordered the same paid, at tbeir last
meeting :
Chas Ladd, drawing jury list
Merlin precinct
3 00
a o
W O Frye, drawing jury list
Merlin precinct
Stephen Abell, drawing jury
iisi meruu preciuot a SO
m w roray, mdse paaper....
A Riohards, work poor farm
R Springstead, work poor
4 60
66 00
27 60
12 80
Condor W & P Co., lights.
Mjonour w s f uo.,
wiring and lighting Co hospi-
al 81 10
Cramer Bros, mdse for roads. .
Cramer Bros, mdse poor farm
Oregon Observer, printing...
Rogae River Courier, print
48 25
83 75
17 05
ing 84 90
J Holman, justice vs Albusfc-
8 55
8 20
1 60
Ed MoLanghlin. wit justice crt
H Albusbirdt, wit justice crt
I Jag McLaughlin, wit fees jus
tice crt
Stella McLaughlin, wit justice
Holman, justice vs Hen
dricks C Randle, constable state
vs Albushard
O Bigelow, sal stock in
SDeotor 4 40
87 60
6 40
6 40
9 60
10 00
5 90
J .Holman, justice state vs
Holman justioe slate vs
J Holman, justice tate vs Russ
Charles Hart, wit justice
John Apple wit justice court
Geo w Lake,, wit justice crt..
T D Smith, wit justioe 'ort. .
H J Anderson, wit justice crt
Melvin Lewis, wit justioe crt
P H Harth, Juror justice crt
Geo Lewis, Juror justice crt. .
W S Barrie, Joror justioe ort.
J D Drake, ;joror justice ort. .
1 00
1 00
1 00
9 40
9 95
1 10
28 60
91 60
83 50
59 00
K McUrew, wit justice lees
W E Dean, Juror justice ort. .
J O Raudle, constable vs Ross
I J C Randle, constable state vs
Jag Holman, justice state vs
Pardee, mdse pauners
A E Voorhies, printing
Coron Hdw & Plb Co., hdw
crt house
Coron Hdw & Plb Co., mdsj
Corou Hdw & Plb Co.. hdw
poor farm 506 40
F G Burnt, board pauper.
18 00
G P Lodge fJo 84 A F & A
M of nee school supt
14 00
40 00
R E Hendricks, painting Co,
W L Jewell, painting Co
hospital 40 00
MAW ertz, com per diem,
mlg 37 60
H D human, Is days fruit in
64 00
4 05
3 30
1 75
4 10
21 00
1 00
4 60
1 60
1 50
3 00
66 41
63 50
7 50
88 96
14 00
163 76
86 25
140 00
77 50
8 05
850 00
61 25
3 25
4 50
41 00
5 46
30 00
25 00
18 OO
2 25
3 SA
18 75
15 70
17 60
4 90
Jas Holman, justice fees vs
Jas holman, justice fees vs
Ho-s .
J C Handle, countable, fees vs
J C Handle, constable fees vs
H D Eismano, 7 da fruit in-
H Hulburt, rebate poll tax ...
L) tierbig, wit Circuit Court
Wm Keuney, circuit court....
Mrs J M Briggs circuit crt . . . .
b Geeve, oiuug and clean
ing adding machine
Geo Gebers work on roads..
Geo Sparlin work on roads. . .
K A Pierce, work on roade
F H Roue, lumber
A Morris, wrk on roads.
G McC'oriuick, wrk on rde..
W C Frye, wrk on roads
H Gross, wrk on roans
J Brown, wrk on r.aiis . . .
H Hirtb & Sou, mdse
W R Rannie heating
plaot, poor farm
II B H.nuricks. piemium on
insurance, poorfaim
W McCoruiitk work on roads
Win. Irwin, work on roads....
tu Light, work on rosile....
A L E'py. buckumith, roads
John Blalock.woik on roads
Geo Farieigh, work on roaos
Kibt Blalock, wotk on roads
Noan Lebo, woik on roads...
il Hickataier, wrk on roads..
D Chxdwkk. wrk on ids
P S Tl Co , phone crt house
M Goean & co, uidse paupers
W E D-an & Co,
G r Hdw Co, hdw poor farm.
Kiuny & Truax, mdse crt
h osi
Hair-Riddle Hdw Co, mdse rds
W H Brr, brd paupers
C E Harmon, stamps, en
velopes, sheriff and school
L Speaker, mdse panpr, Hot,
129 85
3 00
9 98
30 00
69 78
18 00
7 75
S F Cheshire, cash advanced
' pauprs
I S F Cheshire, stamps, express
I etc 1 40
S V Moody, wood for pauprs 6 75
jE S VauDvke, exam insane. ... 5 00
Many Cases of Mors or Less Im
portance Claimed Attention
of Court cvnd Jury.
Judge H K Hanna adjourned this
session of the circuit ooort, Thursday
noon, after passing upon many cases
of more or less importance. Tbe'fol
lowing matters were duly acted upon:
John Robertson vs F N Mitchell et
al , an order was maae approving re
port of receiver Dan L Green, allow
log him $3.50 per day, for 264 days
service and making asms a lien on tbe
mining property involved. An order
was also entered, dissolving the tem
poiary restraining order and declaring
defendant J C Mattiswn as sole owner
of the Oriole Mining Claim, located
by him, January 1, 1903, in tbe Ga
lice district
L L Nelson vs Tbos W Pack, de
murrer to amended complaint over
ruled and defendant given 30 days
in which to answer.
E G Young & Cs. of Oakland,
Douglas oounty, vs. Schheol Dist. No
3, et al order denying mandamus
asked for and giving defendants judg
ment vs plaintiff as at firm and in
dividually for costs of action.
State vs Charles F Parker, en
charge of larceny, verdict of "net
State vs Wm Rosa, on obarge of as
sault with deadly weapon, verdiot of
nst guilty." State vs John Hen
dricks, charged with shooting Night
Marshall Swearinger, of Grants Pass.
verdiot of guilty and sentenced to five
years in state penitentiary.
Henry Groes vs Hattie Gross, deoree
of divsree granted.
State vs Ed McLaughlin, informa
tion filed, charging defendant with
trading horse, knowing it ts be
affected with an infectious disease.
Case goes over to next term of court.
State vs George Hartatan, Clarence
Farley and Johnnie Reed, court found
defendants Farley and Reed to be
mere lads and charged with trival
offenses, and the testimony charging
Hartman with perjary had been lost,
so the cases were all dismissed, with
out prejodioe.
A L Randle vs Sidney W Randle,
deoree of divorce granted.
Ella S Buell vs Wellington H Bnell,
decree of divorce, giving plaintiff
custody of minor children aud ISO
per month support money and one
third interest in certain realty be
longing to the couple.
Rolla S Enapp vs Edgar T Wallace
et al, deft James Camo allowed leave
to fl'S ameuded answer.
W M Murray et al., vs Nathan Mer
ritt, rtferred to F M Calkins, Court
Reporter, to lake testimony and re
port at next term of court.
Isaac Fmdl-v vs Rachel Findley,
divoroe proceedings continued nntil
nrxt term of court, for wsnt of ser
vice. W H Flanagan vs Ed Jones, de
murrer to corn plaint overruled and L
F Cooper, of Cresoent City and F M
Calkins appointed referees to take
(Continued on page 4.)
C L'nd wrk rds 9 00
( S Calhono Uo, mdse paupxr a 00
C F Dixon, mdse paupers 2K 60
H Yetter. work on roads 3 00
J C Smith, exam insane 5 00
Nelson Cole, work on roads. . . 12 00
John Bofield, wrk on roads 2 00
Elite Laundry, prisoners 66
W J Russell, telephone 6 66
J R Y fctter, care Co hospital 95 60
hrank Williams, wrk ou rds 10 00
A h. Heames, phone, express
eto 11 45
RHGilnllau, wrk poor farm 13 60
D H Jackson, mileage state vs .
Light 8 40
Hackettds E-igerton, lumber rd a 85
W 8 Staudioh, wrk on roads.. 20 00
A V Schmitt, mde 21 3.1
W J Russell, brd prisoners . . S2 15
Glaus & Prudhoinme, 1 opplies 62 15
Nat. Dray Co.drayage crt bouse 8 00
C H Deinaray, supplies.. 4 80
M Clemens, supplies 27 85
Day & Fitzgrrtld, carpenter
wik poor farm 841 60
Geo Cronk, burialpaupr 6 00
R R Water Co, water 6 60
Knox ds Angel, lomber rds.... 83 26
H L Nelsoo, nidsa pauors.... 137 95
HL Wilson wrk on ids .. .. 4 10
Merlin Mer Co, mdse f supers 80 00
Wm Stewart, wrk on rotds 11 25
T B Cornell, mdse pauper ... 5 00
P K Kolf, work 00 rds 21 75
Phil Brown work on rds 86 50
J no Murray wrk on rds 6 75
C F Gentner, wrk on rds 2i 80
A T Cart, wrk on rds 9 00
Frank Knox wrk on rds 18 25
O Shattuck, wrk on rds 21 60
H Yetter, wrk on rds 6 75
O O Lewis, wrk on rds 21 00
L B Hall.bal on coffin paupers 8 95
Ike London, wrk roads 29 75
P P Procter, printing 21 00
Everything Indicates Thsxt it Will
Prove to Be Bifger Than
Was Expected.
Tbe First Annual Rogue River Val
ley Poultry Show, to be held in
Grants Pass on Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, January 30, 81, and Febru
ary 1, promises to be a success in
every way and to fully equal ia the
number of exhibits and the quality
of the birds many of the long estab
lished poultry sbows held in other
towns of the Paoifio Coast. The
show is undsr the auspices of the
Grants Pass Poultry keepers Associat
ion and ths members are getting all
the details arranged so thai every
thing will be in readiness on the
opening day.
A special meeting of the Associa
tion was held Taesday evening at tbe
Guild Hall, where they bold their
regular meetings on the first Taesday
evening in each mouth, at which con
siderable business pertaining to the
Show was transacted. The price of
admission was fixed at 10 oents for
single entrance and the season tickets
at 25 cents. To accommodate those
who desire to purchase tickets before
the rush of opening day season tickets
were ordered placed on sale and they
may be had at Cramer Bros., John
Summers, C. E. Palmer, Charles Me-
serve, M. E. Moore, and of ths secre
tary, A. T- Marshall. The president,
John Summers, wai authorized to
have a banner painted, to stretch
across Sixib street at ths intersection
of H street, to still I urtber advertise
the Poultry Show and to enable the
publio to find the exhibit room read
ily. The Show will be held in
Cramer Bros, warehouse, new brick
structure 50x100 feet located on H
street just back of their hardware
hoose and but short distance from
Sixth street The room is well lighted
ana oleau and will make a fine place
for holding the show. Coops for the
fowls on exhibit will be supplied by
the Poultry Association and thev will
be completed early next week un
der J. E. Frer, of the executive
committee. The Association will
also feed and care for the fowls in the
exhibit and a oompeteut man has been
hired to do this work and to act as
janitor of the building and night
Sscratary Marshall was authorized
to prepare the blue red and white
ribboa for the premiums and to have
them printed sbowiug the award for
which the ribbon stands The special
prizes offered cy the business men of
Grants Pass will be giveu in addition
the Association's a vard of merit. In
order to keep down the exneusea it
was voted that no complimentary
tickets be given out except to ths
speakers at the fruit and gnat raisers
meetings and t dittinguislied guests
of tbe Association. Soperinteudent,
sate keeper, ticket sellers and other
duties about the show are to be at
tended to by tbe members of the As
sociation without pay.
At the close of tbe business met-tins
the members enjoyed a social hour
during which they dicosed general
poultry topics and partook of excellent
coffee and cake served by Secretary
aud Mrs. Msrxhsll and Mrs. Hansen.
The meeting to organize the Rogue
River Valley Augora Breeders
Association will be held on Friday,
January 81, in the City Hall at 1 0
p. m. Tbe object of the Association
will bj to ship mohair in car lots
direct to the factories in tbs East and
to oo-opsrate in the buying and selling
of breeding animals.
Tbsre will be a nouiber of abort
addresses bv men interested in the de
velopment of the Aogora goat in
dustry in Rogue River Valley, among
the speakers being Mr. C A. Mai
boeuf, dixtrict freight agent for the
Soathern Pacific, who will tell cf tbe
rapid growth that the Angora indus
try is having in Oregon and sf tbe
freight aud market conditions tbat
tbe breeders have to meet. It will be
to tbe interest of everyone interested
in the development of what is certain
to be one of the best paying Industries
of Rogue River Valley to attend this
meeting. '
Petaluma Incubators and Poultry
Sopplles at Cramer Bros.
Interesting Debate Between
Prominent Members of
Josephine County Bar.
The merits and demerits of tbe
present jury system will be most
thoroughly aired at joint debate,
which will be given at the Opera
House, ' Lincoln's Birthday," Wed
nesday, February 13. At that time
aad place, four of the eloquent attor
neys. Messrs. H. D. Norton, O. 8.
Blancbard, O. H. Omenta and Ed
ward S. Van Dyke will disouss this
most important question.
The evening's entertainment will
also inolude a number of musical se
lections by local talent.
The affair will be under ths auspioes
of the Bethany Fraternal Club, an or
ganization in tbe Betbanv Presbvter
ian Church, composed of about 50 bovs
of this city. Tbe badge is becoming
familiar to the oeonle of this oitv. It
consists of a button with the colors,
Cherry red and laveoder. the letters.
"BFO" being In lavender 'and the
back around of cherrv. The olnh'n
yelL which sound very much like an
Indian warwboop Is as follows:
'Rah I 'Rah I 'Rah 1
Who are we?
We're all Right.
We're the B. F. C.
The rlnb is havins some a-ood meat.
inga and in order to show the publio
bow well they can entertain, they
have made arrangements for this in
teresting joint debate between able
Opera House Saturday Evening,
January 23.
Jos Gorton's Famous Minstrel Com
pany is aaid to be tbs moat meritor
ious organisation !of its kind travel
ing, presenting long and varied
program, wbiob teems with crisp
witticism, merry flings and new mag
netic features, all of wbich are do-to-
date, up to livery demand, and up to
every expectation, providing a most
plessant diversion for everybody.
Prominent among high class special
ists are tbs "Premiers ofLaaghlan,"
Jake Welby and Bam Lee, the "Cres
cent City Sextette," "Ray mon and
Bloom," the "Minstrel Boys," Cam
eron and Toledo," "Tbe Marvelous
Calloutte." "Fogg and Alger,"
"Griffin and Vooder," ;"Ths Danoing
Sailors" and many others. This large
company of fun makers will appsar
at ths Grants Pass Opera House, Jan
nary 25, and as tbe niacafeement has
always given the minstrel loving pub
lio a fine entertainment the hoase
should be crowded.
An attractive parade will be given
by the entire company at 13 o'clock
a. m.
R. E. Kohlmao was this week
passing around an initiative and
referendum petition recommended
and endorsed by the Tax It 1 form As
sociation. Other similar petitions
were also being circa lated and all
were very freely signed.
Attorney O S Blanohard has been
in Portiaud, this week, looking after
some important matters before the
VS. S. District Court.
Something! n
The big sale of Graniteware
is still on
20 per cent off of Marked Prices
Furniture and Car
pets, Linoleums,
I.ace Curtains, Por
tieres, Mattresnes,
Pillows. Cot, Wall
Paper, Clocks,
Mirrors, Window
Shades, Picture,
Picture Moulding.
R. H.
I ront St.,
Former Callfornle.n Finds That
Here he Has Very Fine Soil
! Bind Conditions.
Tbe fact that there has been hardly
any frost thus far this season, has
caused much comment from new
oomers and they have soma trouble
in believing that this is tbe winter
One of the results will be tbat an
experiment of muob importance to
be tried ' by A. M. Cherry, on his
place, six miles above Merlin, in the
Jump-off Joe country. He is having
good success with his fruit growing
and now proposes growing oranges,
as he finds that lie is in tbe favored
frostless, thermal belt, some 1800 feet
above sea level. The soil seems very
well adapted for the growing of citrus
fruits. It has a limetsone and por
phyry formation, whioh Is thought
to be exceptionally desirable for the
productions of that description.
Mr. Cherry at one time resided in
California, where he was engaged in
the growing of oranges.1 and he con
fidently expects to be able to grow
the golden spheres in this climate.
Manager Chas. Mesarve, for the
Grants Pass Fruit Growers' Associa
tion has sent to the Agricultural De
partment, for information regardnig
the new oranse whioh has been de
veloped for the 'climates like this,
whioh are of a hardier growth and
are now being successfully cultivated
in many suoh regions as this.
Several leading oltiaens of Grants
Pass have this week been seriously
discussing matter, whioh, If carried
ent in conoerted effort, will briug
great and very beneficial results to
this growing, .end beautiful oity.
II is to have Sfery property owner,
especially in the residence portion of
tbe oity, plant shade trees and at
tractive shrubbery In front of their
respective homes.
"Do yon know it would enhance
the value cf those pieces of property
a hundred fold," said one oitizen to
the Courier man. "Why, a few yeirs
ago I ' did this very thing with my
place, getting trees right bere in the
woods, and now I would not take hun
dreds of dollars for the improvement
it has made In the attractiveness of
the place and it has mads it much
more valuable.
I would realize hundreds of dol
lars, should wish to sell the place,
where I only put in a few dollars to
make the Improvements.
"Yes, let ns all poll together.
Here we have one of the prettiest
sites for a city ever seen, and with
natoredoing so much for us, it be
hooves ns to do something towards im
proving npon tbe beauty of tbe plaoe,
if it ia within our power to do so."
The Grants Pass Cannery is now
ready to contract with growers of
Tomatoes for the coming season's
crop. See Manager Sampson about
he Contraota and Varieties, at once.
1-24 It
Htoves and Ranges,
Agteware, lanware,
Wooden ware,
WUloware, Cutlery,
Crockery, Lamps,
Qlaaswara, Fancy
China, Go-Carts,
Baby Carriages.
bet. 6 and 7