I- ROGUB EIVBE COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, JANUARY 17, 18. 1 m THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREUON. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rateei One Year, In advance, HI i Uofitlm, . . Tbree Munths, ... Hingis Copies, $1.60 .06 Advertleln Rate Fomlnhed on application at tbe office, or by mall. Obituaries and resolutions of con dolence will be charged for at 6c per line; eard of thanks 60o. A. E. VO0RIIIE8, W. K. WILLIS, PROI'R Editor Entered at lbs post oOics at Orsals Pass Oregon, as second-class mall natter. FRfDAY. JANUARY 17. 18W How long, oh bow loo are we pee pie of Grants Pass to wait for the Southern Paulflo magnates to make up their minds about bsildiag that mnoh desired cement wall on Sixth street? Ever Has we bars occasion to wade through thoee mad paddle we feel like saying something that wool not look a bit good In print aod what Is more, it woald not be so vary conpli msntary to ihe said dilatory officials. In sa address to young msn re cently, A. Beunett thee freely and op portunely said : " Thousands of yoaog msn srs today pining and whining be cause there Is no opening for them. While they sll socking their thumb, there is work at hand to do but It does not bolt Into them. Opportunity doee not often hit one with a brick. Opportunity waits for ns to grapple with her aod take a fall oat of her. Lassitude, Indolence, lsilnessl There yon are I Those are the things mak log all the trouble for oer young men." A story is told county farmer who nntll everyone wss his estimable wife of a Kalamazoo wore his old suit tired of It, and was almost as named of tlis hustling been inside it so long man who has One day be went to town to sell his produce aiid while there he determined to buy a new suit and, happy thought, sur prise Kllra. Ko he buu.lled a neat suit Into the wagon sad drove home ward. It was after ninht as he hur ried homeward, and at a bridge over a river he stood up In the wagon and "peeled" and threw the despised old ftlit In the water. Then he reached for his new clothes. They were gone bad Jolted out of the wagon The night was cold aud bis teeth chattered as he hurried home. He surprised Kllta eea mure than he anticipated. It a ustli at ulinireihiir orotilsmalical ai to who in going to be the rehubll- i cau presidential nominee, but not so unceitaiu serins this matter lo the , lUinociutio ranks. And it would not nr ri-o ins n y peo lo If the first lei-; torn of Ihe name of the Ueit chief ex- ; eoutivn of this country will be no less a pctkonage than William JeiiiiiiiK" Iltyan. Krer now and then we hear i of a " llrvan republican," and H is a very common tiling to find " Kooso vell duiiocrals.." wo av, just who is going to lw in line and carry off the honors from the republican ; side of the house seems to be units' uncertain, but Mr. Bryan Is almott1 ooiiceled'tb nouiiustlnn fiO.u the op Ignition. The llrangirs wish lo have the f l- lnw inir aim.ii.tiiii'iit to the Mate oon- i . . . , w ,. t. nitutiou passed : Section J.a I lie legislative Aaremhly almll not, ili j "iTetly""or"imlirei-tly. repeal, or amend, or In anvwlse modify any act or law enacted by the people or l g I W' j of the sute of Or-on iu the eieroise of the initistve power r-eetvedlo them by this Constitution, tbe wwer to reeal. amend or nu.lify any such set or Uw to l-e and r main ri cliiHtvily in the legal vol. rs of ti e FUte. Winter SHOES Now as winter is here every man needs a pair of good heavy soled shoos. We have sever al special styles with soft, easy uppers and double soles, just the kind for winter wear R. L. Bartlett Howard Bldg Sixth Si. Tbe Observer thinks It sees in tbe act of the county oomniissiooers mak ing the Courier the official paper of Josephine oounty, aomeklnd of trick ery. We are astonished at the vitriolio manner In which the editor of that sheet pitches into the eominislonera and the Courier. Guess be mnit feel pretty badly over the matter. For tbe facts io the case, we refer onr readers to tbe oommanication from Judge Jewell, found elsewhere in to day's Courier. ! NOTES AND COMMENTS I J By Old Man Smith . ; COMING DEMOCRACY. No one can fail to observe the ten dency of tbe time In the rising of tbe oonimon people against the special privilege of predatory wealth, the relegatioo of the political brs to the rear and the improved moral tone of municipal state and general govern ment Tbe people are coming to their own. It is teteral step lo advsnoe to have the recommendation of the Postal Saving Bank and the Parcel Post in a Presidential message and in the report of a Cabinet officer. Doubtless there will e opposition, de lay, snd temporary defeat before these wholesome measure become law. Bat the people will get them If they go for tbetu through their duly con- stiierea representatives. Tnsy srs not visionary schemes of impractical sthoslasts but proved and tried scheme of a businesslike administra tion of governmsnt. But it is humil iating lo coufess that European gofer meats have shown as the way in these matters and we have been too slow to follow. There oogbt to be one end of special advocacy of such Inevitable publlo benefit. But loo often the head of some organized system of plunder may be seen restrainlg our law maksrs front effecting those reforms that the reonle want and have a riubt ,i t - , . n ,:, ,, ('allot tho initiative and referendum are attempts at feeling our way along the pathway of popular government. Mistakes are inevitable when uew methods of government are in a for mative condition. Put it is evident that the days of the ward striker, the politicsl boss and his heuchmau, the griudiug monopoly of the trust msg uateH and the slavish subserviency to the party whip are numbered. So aiots it te. l.ITTLK NUCKiKTS So T I hnl, died aud Ouiri reigned, but a change of masters brought no change in the people. If you want to know how, why, aud w hern fore, rtad the li'tli chapter of the llcok of Kiugs. Tibni and Ou'ri are with us today. If all that Ilia Tibuites say about Ihe Omritea is true they ought to be iu the penitentiary aud if all that the oiurites say about Ihe TiUiitca is true they on glit lo lie ia prisuu, snd If all that each psrty says about itself is true, well there -that is partisan politics. h; It is something new nuder the sue, despite the ancient proverb, thai the most promising candidatefor the presi dency is no cimlnl.il at all at least to fur at his owu rS'Uial endeavor gees. The old man will forfeit a whole dull f doughnut if be is not liucss his name. nominated, ,i,tte cn the policy of prohibi- i lion purely upon oncmical grouuds has been iggettetl and is hereby Who will suggest the deleters? called f, r. nauii's of th A goodly e-hnre . I'l'.g'nud In I i.ruvt I't.t' 1 uuea fu 111 t'.e f Ithe History ,.f in s single word, laud of the North swooped down upon ths Britons and found a little body of water to which they gar their name for water Warn The beleaguered Britons begged their nearest neighbors, the Saxons to come and help them expel the Daoes. Bat the Saioni liked tbe country io well that they itayed and bare beeo stay tag ever since. They fonud the little body of weterto which they attached their word for water- Beck to tbe Danish name aod celled it Wanebw k. Now the modern Erg- lieb call it Wanbsck water. UP-TO-DATE LAUNDRY PROMISED GRANTS PASS " Too may tell tbe good people of Grants Pass that if everything goes nicely, we eipe t to give them one of tbe nicest, best equipped and most up-to-date plant in Southern Ore gon," was the way Geo. G. Pail, the well known laundry msn, who has re cently taken over the local plantspcke. "Yes." be continued, "We have again taken bold of this laundry and if the people will oely give ns another chance to redeem the reputation of that institution. Yon see, we have new msn, B G Banks, of Portland. an experienced laundry man to come aid take complete charge of this plant He is thoroughly up-to-date and knows all about the business. We propose to secure the very best equipment that can be bad for good money. Already we have placed an order for a fine collar machine, which is manufactured back in Varmont stale and which is pronounced su perior to any other make. .. 'And say, to give you an idea of bow we propose to run things, we will bave a standing offer of 25 cents which we will give to any and every customer who finds single finished garment we aend out which 1 with out one or more buttons. "Yes, we will have a 'new driver and thoroughly renovate the business and will strive to build op Ihe patron age, whloh we bope to merit, and it will be ours If honest, persistent efforts will bring it to ns. And aay, if tbe volume of business increases as w hop and confidently expect that it will do, we- will erect a new and thoroughly equipped boildiog for this plant So yon see, . w are planning great Ibiogsor Grant Pas sad only ask the people to lend us their assist ance merely In giving us an oppor tunity to show them that we can and will torn out the very best work possible." Mr. Peil remarked that the busloss hsre had fallen off very materially loo be disposed of It some months ago and that now It only footed op 1137 per week. When it gsu;to be 1200 per week, he say the new boildiog will be forthcoming and be believes that this time will not be very far distant In conclusion, Mr. Peil make a request of Grants Psss people thst they oome to lied ford aod inspect the flue plaal be has there estblished. He says that be propose to duplicate that plant hsre, building audll, if he only receives enonragemeot from the reople here. He remarked that Med ford people bad been very loval to his plsut and he thinks this city in every respect as progressive and the people are as up-to-date here as there. As a matter of fact he thinks thai bs may eventually return here to reside. For the present he will return here every week, to give the laundry his personal supervision. List Your Timber llerziuger & Mitchell. Landi With 12-20 tf Remember 1 When vou wish an easy shave, As good as barbers ever gave. Call at The Josephine Tousorial Par lor; We cut ami dress the hair w ith grace, To suit the contour of tbe face. The place is nat, the tow els are t h an The e.'iisor sharp, the razor keen And everything, 1 think you'll tlnd To ssuit the taste and please ttie mind. Ladies' and Gent's Slice Shining. I 10 it A W SCOTT. Propr. Stock Ranch FOR SALE ON account rf poor health I nms sell niT place cf IT.? acres is Uh liouseliold goo.ls, a few ftm" lug tivls. Ham. New Small House, On-hard, SO Acres Kuh I'ottiin ipar'ly cleared! Land, rest i pen K-uch lend, tine outside rauge. S or 4 acres Alfalfa, off which 1 cut ft crops, good Hat. also 1 j head of Mied Cattle. All goes for : an acre Ou Kogue Kiver. Address M. LUCAS. Agness, Curry Co. OR.F-. TELLING ABOUT OREGON'S ATTRACTIONS The Portland Commercial Club has offeied a number of valuable prizes ss was seen in the last Courier and Rev. W. G. Smith is competing for ooe or more of these. Here are tome ex tract from one of bis best articlts, which is taken from the Williams port, Pa., Newt: "Oregon apples and pears, who know thir equal? Do yon know their quality and the profit of tbe froit in dustry in favored sections of Oregon? Other part of the state may equally surprise yon bnt this article is in tended to acqaint you with the won ders of the Rogae River valley as a froit producing paradise, and that you may be convinced ooncrete exam ples will be given. You need not ac cept the estimate of tbe producers. but rather that of the oonemsrs, as expressed by the prices tbey are will ing to pay for fruit coming from this valley, prized not only for their exoellent flavor but also for their on- excelled keeping quality, pears being annually shipped tothe remotest cities of the United Slate snd Canada, and apple to these and the principal cities of Europe. Thi fertile valley, comprising 100,000 acres adapted to the product ion of various kinds of froit and nuts, only 80,000 of which is yet set to trees, lies jnst west of the Cas cade mountains, the southern end almost touching tbe California line. Jasl before descending into Ibe valley from the sooth tbe Southern Pacific crossing the Siskiyou mountains, a spur of the Cascades extending to ward the coast, rescb.es an elevation of 4125 feet aud at the head of Ibe valley, the streams flowing north, passe A. D. Helms' orchard, which lias been pronounoed by an expert New York fruit man as the finest ap ple orchard in the United States, and for which the owner has refused an offer of 1-5000 perl" acre. 14 expected to net $20(0 per acre this year. Six miles beyond this orchard is tbe city of Ashland, elevation 2000 feel, which because of it rare and healthful climate, pure water, orisp and juicy fruit and vegetable, which are com mon throughout th valley, Is fast be coming resldeat city to which peo ple are resorting from all parts of the United States. An excelleat ana well attended Chautauqua ia main tained here sacb summer. In 1906 It wss thuught by many that the climax had been reached in the price received for Ihe fruit crop aod that sacb price 'could not be hoped fer in th future, bat the r resent sea son has again changed the world's record, which for pears lsst year was held by J. W. Perkins, of Msdford, wbe received 18.20 Iper SO pound box, 13450 for a car load in New Ycrk city, being about 12 cents per pound wholesale. This yssr G. A. Morris received $8.40 per hoi in the same market. On the D. B. Solits place is a single tree, 40 years old, which hss borne without miss since the fifth year, aud last year yielded 36 boxes, and this year's crop brought 224 in the New Ycrk market. Thiuk of hat au sere of such trees would yield esch year, pears ruuning from riO to 75 trees to the acre. Last year F. H. Hopkins sold the crop from 15.4 scris fer I'JOtiO, and this year from 18 acrts for fl.C(K) f. o. b. shipping station. Last ysar J. G. Uore re ceived for the crop from seven aens $1045. and this year fSWo. The financial stringency has some what delayed the Bale of this year's spple crop and returns from some cf the best orchards are not in yet, but prices are better than lsst year, when C. R Heimroih received tilH from 4J4 acres of SpiUenberg and Newtown Hippiu apples, W. H. Norcros $!4tl0 for six acres, J. tt. Ooie $4'2."2 for 5'v, seres aud S. L. Bennett tlUSS for 1 Si a' re. It is not strange therefore that or chards coniiug iuto bearing are sell ing at from I4111 to $'"0H per acre, and good fruit land at $l"0 to $250 per acre. Hears begin to bear in the third or fourth aud apples the fifth or sixth years. About two years ago F. E. Fayno bought 40 acres for $i'0O0, kept it one year and sold to J. K. Watl for $12 100. aud toe latter sold the same the past summer for $'.'.". OaK). Five years sgo J. A. Ferry, secre tary aid manager cf the Xledford Fruit asfiviation bought ,i4 acres fur $M.'00, set ;'0 acres to trees and so d the place recently for $!S,tH.l. Le than three years ago F. W. Street paid $4000 fer 100 acres, kept it for two ye:irs spending aUnit $1000 in improvements, and sold for $11,000 to Pr. Page, who kept it about nine months aud sold fur j;:.5O0. A mao tried for years to get $-li 0 or $ 0 f or a few acres "near here and fell disap pointed that he could not sell, hut is glad now more this year he chl the arplos from ti e firt two rows cf trees for $'. V, so when you hear ' W.-teni stories' from r-lial-le men. p'.en., be lieve thtui mini they are diip-rvei OPERA Monday Night, Miss Gloria And Her "Flomlora Concert and Racital Benefit of Uniform Fund of the Grants Pass Bands Reserved seat sale opens Thursday a. ra. Prices 25c aod 50c &e Musical Treat For BARGAINS IN Fruit and Tokay Grape lands, see us before buying, as we are in a position to give you bottom prices. Address us , for pamphlet. : : : : : GILLETTE REALTY COMPANY Ground Floor, Conklin Bldg., Giants Pass, Oregon SvwivmvwwiiHwivmvvvmvmwvtwwvivwtimwvH vSafe and the Man with a good Bank Account By systematically depositing his earnings each week, he has Something tor a rainy day aud is prepared for any emergency that may arise. Are you one of the fortunates? We invite you to open an account with us. Be it mail or great, you will always receive courteous treatment. Interest on time deposits If you have some surplus cash why not have it earning you some interest? We;psy interest on time deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent in which you csn store your valuables, papers and treasures. You may have need for just such an accom modation. Let us serve you, G. P. Banking for this is a land of ooders which i seem almost miracles 10 thnss whs have have not actually sen. Exam-j pies as startling might be given con-j cerning peaches, prunes, apricots, cherries, (irapes and strawhf rries. j Ihe last named bear from early sum mer to November i, and Job I. Wilder, who mursets his berries in' nuu receives an average of 1.V per boi has realized ss hiirh as! fTVO iu a single sense n frcm a patch SOxlOO feet. Th receipts from an other patch SUM fe.t were $100. The revolts are doe to the most diligent care snd sciintiflo methods and a well managed Fniit assoria ticn which secor as g.iod prices for the email as for the largs pro ducer. W. u. SMITH, Medfurd. Ore , Dec. 13, liKK. CLASSIFIED ADS. NEW TODAY. "" A HARdAlX-KO i about 'Hi iiaiin:,,, hue buck. Here's something , Mn I- A. Diim, Kiddi,.. end of goats, registered, four ciiiiui e to i;.-t ' -x;r:i clHv.ee Jt. . Ore. 1-17 8t FOR SAI.E-E. . .v , , , i tin "oou SlVouci-ll.dlrt Aihlresa M., (Rrp ewiui; u.aci.ine Oonrur. m; i FOU -Th. SALE- of K (i i:.e I) BAKUA1X in worth of ;i ,,, f-r t! e cr.it t;.. ri v'ti -. l i '(See fer i.vti. H t M . I T . . 'rr-T-tl.i,d. T 1 -y '. ilk given ' lui.es A.' t (." ..un-r ' ii i: for I.E si Mo T for s , i-i; Hi RF.S ai ! I're of J. NJ f r V- r. a. 1- rlV F.n-elai.., J best 1,1.' r!tr,"PU f,!rawren T rUnts. ; 12-20 tf HOUSE January 20th Dare Girls" of the Season REAL ESTATE Secure & Trust Co. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Sil hunA ..T1 u i JOE WHARTI IN ri r, o. .. , . -uub, nines. we.uners. Ammuuition, Fishinir rriiP' fWMug Ciods and Higfi trade Cutlery. Front St., four doors ea.t of nth. 1-8 tf for s,irTii"n K n v 7 RKon & Son. R (irftllla Puna t'V, ot Thoronuhbifd Short- nrZ-,1 T V ,' rclM-Ohina Hogs, horn Zerrkeys and Brown Ug Z "TUa- KiDe Shorthorn herd for , Can?,ot 1)6 nwd Will tl ,1 I P 8t Price. 8 w W rir8. 01 -Bom and and C ? t "re v?f S k,n- Torkey na Uiicken Flock i.aa k cT" ,b' IWed Bird. and lgg8 Ou.r.ntied Fertile and inst C jast as lT' Bl-ntei. 1-10 tf. WANTED. I,k , r tn,m old "ret ards. Cash wnpsnj Tc.pperu6h Washington TEAM W A N" T K n Tn.T ; workahl,. u-"-'UI1B nyiog .1.. , wno wants it kent iinuign winter months for light Ohas. Mesem fnp nrK. apply to panicniars, FllANK inn fnBl'KNKTT-Uphol.tering. 'on furniture ma! tr. 6 Unss SFWIXli Banks, rant. to do Inquire Rt homes. Miss at- O. p. resten- 1-3 at u Win give half Wivli Rl'v- J- E. Day. I ..tte-W il!iarll8 Cn-amery Co: lj!,n,!,a' of th. stock- r 1 1 ii : t l o i .i at the Creamery W.rv .f:.10- on Wednesday. IK' ir ir, ... n. ' the ii.iiru. STANLEY TAYLOR, Secretary. o t 1 1 : lit I la-ao 4t r