ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS. OREGON JANUARY 17. 1908 Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar tlo Alum, Ho Lime Phosphate Hew Goods for the Hew Year THE QUALITY SHOP The best Baking Powder Coffees Spices Teas None better Try them 412 Front st. Is the Place to Buy Come and Try Phone 431 SEE H. B FOR 400 ACRES at JfMr.SO per aero Living water, fine wood land and goat and dairy ranch, 9 miles from railroad, good wagon road. Also small 160 acre stock ranoh improved at $1000, buildings, water and water right and Orchard. Office oppo, Post Office, Grants Pass, Ore. A SHORT COUGH! OR A LONG COUGH! Cured by a few doses of our While Pine and Tar CLEMENS SELLS DRUCS . ?ri cflisiM:: uaiiiorma Golden Gate Coffee SOLD ON MERIT J. A. FOLGER & CO. EitaWUhed 1650 SAN FRANCISCO Luxury Marmalades Preserves Jellies Jams None better Try them HENDRICKS OF RED LANDS Sunshine in every tin of DOINQS AT THE COURT HOUSE : Items of Interest to the Taxpayers of Josephine County From the Various County Officials v v Hunters Taking Llscenses Already the hunters of Josephine connty are beginning to take oat license! required by law of tlinte who desire to pursue the chase within the confines of the county. Those who hae jot obtained this desired docu ment are as follows: Q. P. Atchi son, Jr i Aaron Brltton, of Grants Pass; S. E Robinson, of Wilderville; Hiratn Perry, Clyde Kitclien, D L Robrts, Jasper Jenniogs, A L Dale, of Josephine county. Registration Quite Brisk. These are busy days around the connty clerk's office, much of the nn usual stir being due to the fact that the circuit court is now in session, hot perhaps most of the activity is ou ao count f the lively manner in which the Toters of Josephine connty are calling at that office to register for the approsching primaries. Of coarse the republicans are largely in 'the majority, although there ate some democrats, and now and then a social ist and hers and there (a prohibition ist. Clerk Cheshire and Deputy Veatch are ready to enter the voters and the visitors find these officials obliging and competent. Clerk Chesh ire hopes to see the voters come in at fust as they can conveniently do so, as this early registering will ob viate much delay and the customary rush which often occurs about the time the books close. Some Rectify Transferee. Deeds, showing the transftrs of real estate throughout Joseihine county are not corning into the Cleik's office at a very rapid pace, however, there are some tiansers being placed upon file and the. following were filed the past week: J H Eggera et .ux to L H Childs, lot 4, block 8, O T 8 of Takilnia, $50. Joseph B Travis et ux to Ola Con ner, part of lot 4, block H, J Bourne's First Add to Grants Pass, $M100. W S Patlon et ux to G H Carner, es crow agreement for land in tp 36, s, r, 73.80 aores, 00, placed in the First National Bank. ' James Hocking et ox to R M Rob inson, part of sea 7, tp 87 s, r f , 4000. P B M Burrow et ox to Anna B Shank, of Mt. Morris, 111., 80 acres in seo 8, tp 87 s, r 5, $1. Magirie E Hall et mar to M C H Day, NE of lot 4, block E of J Bourne's First Add to Grants Pass, $850. Mary N Fogg te Martin Eallin, part of lot 8, seo It), tp 8 f , r 5, 18 acres, 900. P P Pierce et a!., to Joseph Randla 49 acres in seo 34, tp 86 s, r 6, $1350. Alfred Schneider et al., to Anna Knox Meeker, 80 aores in seo 2, tp 85 s, r 6, flSOO. T J Cook et ux to G II Carter, of Redfield, South Dakota, lots 6 and 7, and E of SEJ "of eeo 1, tp 8, s, r, 000. John A I .arson to John D Kiter, part seo 85, tp 86 s, r 7, 4C0. J O Sandlwrg et ox to Charles T Wilkinson, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 1, Ire laud and Meades Add to Grants Pass and other property. $1900. Liquor Men to Hold on. Attorney O S Blanclmrd thinks that the Courier's court reporter was a bit misinformed regarding the statue of the liquor license application of Wise man & Light, to dispense liquid re freshments to the people of Leland. He asserts that the said ptruiit was granted for a period of six months, al though the minutes of ths court only state that f 100 was paid, for a period of three months. Aod as to the saloon keepers having to close up their place of business, he emphatic ally declarts that no such understand ing win expressed or implied, Jwht-a the county court granted the license. The reporter states that he obtained his information from persons oho were iu attendance upon the court, when the matter was np for consider-! - - atlon and that lie had every reason to believe that his Informant was telling liim the truth about 'he mat ter. Ou the contrary, Mr. Blanrhard affirms thst bis clients will continue to'dtal iu booze, after the six nn nibs are up, as lie avers that they have hv tl. mnmi WrH In r 'CT!, 1 the ronrthouse doings, tbe Courier endeavors t" five the farts uiul to confine iUelf to the tiuth in all hucTi matters. Jtut what ' were the actual facts in this controversy seem to be"a matter nptn which leteral persons fail to agree. Some Minor Mentions Daniel W. Mitchell has been p p inted adminiotiauir of the estate i f VictoriaA" Mitchell, .rleTea-edT" The cotrt fixing his bond at f 3.',(X). Hit application of the husband, sets forth that the following are the heirs: Cora S Tu'ner, f Merlin ; Edith A Frakes. ot U'uatilla county; Victoria Mitchell of Burmah, India, a Mis sionary j Daniel W Mitchell, of Eu gene; Either Mitchell, of Merlin all grown, tic-Tt ths latt two aanied. Messrs. James Wilson, Frank Auttin aud H L Keyte have been appointed appraisers of the said estate. Monday morning Sheriff Rnsaell wa called up on the 'phone from Meilin aud informed' that the even ing before the afe of the Merliq Mer cantile Co., had been blowu open by burglars aud something like 3i0 in casli extricated therefrom. There was no oloe, whatevsr, as to who was the perpetrator of the deed. How ever, mauy hoboes have been seen around the place and it is thought that some one of the gentty has had a hand in the matter. Sheriff Russell dispatched a depot? to "the scene of the robbery, at once, while officers from Merlin cams np to the county seat, hoping to get some clue from the hobo crowd that usually congre gates in this city. A T Lewis was before the County Clerk. Monday, having papers made out for his new patent for the manu facture ef concrete building blocks. He informed the Courier mau that his plan did away with all trouble from Irost, heat and moisture, things which have Deen worrying all users of other makes of the artificial stone ma terial. He claims to have discovered a new plan, which puts to an end all suoh bother. He cob templates going into the manufacture of this bal ding material just as soon as his patent is perfected and already he has several applications for territory. He feels oonfident that he has struck It rioh and that soon be will certainly be "on velvet." The Sevmpaon Murder Case. Last year the orcbardlsts and farmers of Josephine County found that the Sampson Spray was ths beat means of murdering the San Joes scale anthracnose and other fruit tree pests. It ought no longer be necessary to u'ge npon any fruit grower ths Im portance of spraying. Whether one has only a trees in thla yard or an orchard of hundred acres or more, he mast spray thoroughly in ordsr to obtain the best result and be justified in growiag trees at alL Sampson Spray ts always ready for instant nse. It is to b diluted with water, one part of the concentrated solution to nine to 11 parts water, ac cording to the strength reqaired for the particular purpose. Sampson Spray will be oo sale by dealers in .every fruit district the coming . season. Interested fruit growers are invited to call or write for further information required. Manufactured by Grants Pass Can ning Co., Grants Pass. Ore. WA1CH YOUR TONGUE it Furred evnd Coated, il is Warning of Trouble to Come. When it is the morning after the uight before yon do not have to loos at your toiiKue to know that the stomach is upset the head ia aching with a dull rhythm and that all the world looks black and dreary. It may have been lobster Newburvh, Welnh rarebit or some other tasty dish that looked much better at night than the morning f er. There is no need to look at ths tongue thermometer thou for symptoms of trouble. You naturally gi to your Ikik .of Minna tcinach tablets and with one of the little nlievers bring joy and gladness to the physical system. The real time to watch the tongue is all of the time. If it ts coated with a white fur or possibly with dark trimmings even thongh the stomach does not tell you by the acute pains of indigestion that it needs help yet the crating shows that you are getting into a bad way and that there is need of Mi-o-na. Mi-o-ua is so positive, so sura, so reliable in its curative action upon the stomach that Demaray the local nueiii gives tin absolute guaraufe with every fiO-ceut box he fells to re fond the money uoWs the remedy gives absolute aud complete satisfac tion. 1 17 2t A Concert That' Failed. Huns Pfllzuer, the composer of "The Uose In the Harden of Love." says the Munchener Nouesteu Nacltrichten, bail a peculiar experience at Cologne, where he hud arranged to give a song recital nt one of the hotels. In bis own account of the "concert that fall ed," written iu rhyme, the composer says, "Only two tickets were sold after much advertising and the display of many pictures." The purchasers were bin friend, who were prevented from bui.ig pr. : ot. When all hories as to au'ileiice bad fulled he asked ti have supper Kerw In the empty concert rxm. But Insti-cil of allowing him to take the meal In "grand solitude" the ll'it.-i were turned out, and so was he. MODEL ROCK R04D. First Strip Constructed In Wisconsin Under Direction of U. 8. Engineers. There has recently been completed in Rock county.' Wla.. the first strip of road built under the supervision of United States engineers since Wiscon sin emerged from a territory Into the dignity of statehood, says a Janesvlllu (Wis.) correspondent of the Milwaukee Sentinel. Incidentally it is tbe first model road to be constructed In Wis consin on rural roads with proper ma chinery on rules laid down by the government This strip of road is three-quarters of a mile iu length and lies a hulf mile east of Clinton, In Uie township of that name. When the county board met last spring tbe towns of Clinton, Plymouth, Center, Fulton, Bradford. Belolt and lllltou all appropriated sums ranging from $400 to $1,000 for the construc tion of good roads. According to the state law, the county board was of ne cessity forced to appropriate from county funds nn equal sum for each town equal to their appropriation. Just nt this time Samuel C. Lancas ter of the bureau of good roads at Wnshlngtou spoke ln-fore the state legislature, and Mr. Ilotcbklsa. secre tary of the state good roads move ment, prevailed upon him to visit Itock county as the ouly county In the state which hud appropriations for tbe pur pose. Ills visit resultcnl In the good roads bureau at Washington being pre vailed upon to send a complete set of road building machinery aud engineers to construct three-quarters of a mile of model road as an examplo for the rest of the county to follow. While the cost of the road rau over the $2,000 appropriated, this was due to high prices of material and long hauls aud can be easily overcome In future roads. Tbe road is built with a twelve foot crown or macadam center. The rock bed is eight inches deep, tbe stone be ing crushed from a thickness of four teen to eight luches. Tbe regular mac adam process was used. A layer of coarse rock four Inches thick was first laid, then a layer of thinner rock plac ed in the cracks and rolled down thor OBJBCT LCKflON ouusia. ROAD 1M WIS oughly, these latter being stones thai would pass through a one and a half Inch space and were laid three Incbe deep. A surface dressing of screen lngs one Inch thick was then laid and the whole watered and rolled bard and firm. , Tbe crown or surfsce of the road has a curvature of three-fourths of an Inch, to the foot, giving good drainage. The question of drainage for the road was carefully looked to. Side drtches and culverts were placed where water was liable to do serious dam age by washing, and attention was paid to the formation of the land fb rough which the road runs. Tbe government outfit nsed consist ed of a portable stone crusher, a re volving sieve, which separates ths rock after being crushed; bins, a steam roller, a sprinkler wagon, Bcrapers and dumping wagons. The type of wag ons used bus an adjustable box allow ing the rear end to lie tilted dowu cloeo to the ground so that an even distribution of the crushed stone Is ob talned. IN A BAD WAY Many ex Grants Pass Reader will Feel Grateful for This Information. Whin your back gives out, becomes lame, weak or aching; when urinary tmnblea set in, your kidneys are in a "bad way." Dosn's Kidney Pills will cure yon. Here is a local cvidunco to prove it: Mrs. M. II. Rotindtree, living on the North side, Jacksonville., Ore., says: "Backache aud dizzy spells made life a burden for un for a long tinie. I suffered so severely with doll aching pains in my l-k and hips that I could hardly get around. I was tirrd and worn out aud had no ambition to attend to my ordinary household duties. If I fat tempted to jiloop .sharp , ains would dartthrongh my back and I "wTTuM suffer with idizinenH. I osd tnimv remedies; but obtainednrTr'-lief until I procured Doan'eKidueyPTirs on tl.e advic"ofaJfriend. The resist tuli tained from fusing this remedy were better than I bad'boped for. I im proved from the time 1 began iiMiig DoanVKiiliiey Pills "and bythe time I had used three .boxes I was eom- plotely enred. I cannot "fay too nun h In praise of Dnan's Kidney Pills. " For sale by all dealers. Price ft() cents. r'cuter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Hole Agents for the l.'niied Mates, itememijer the name l loan a and tube no other. 1 17 it PROFESSIONAL CA RDS M. FINDLKY, M. D. Practice limited to EYE EAR. NOSE and THROAT. Glasses fitted and furnished.' Ofllce hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and on ap pointment. Telephones 261 and 77. hahts Pass, Oaxoua 3. LOUGIIRIDGE, M. D.' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. Phone 714 Cay or oountry oaDs attended nlcht or day eWtati and U, Tuff's building. Otbce Phoue 201. Gran's?) Pass - . Oregon. )R. C. A. CAMPBELL. OSTEOPATHIC I'UYSICIAN Graduate American School of Osteopathy, Klrkiiville, M0.4 Chronic IHseaves and Diseases of Women and Children a specialty CONSULTATION FREE Rooms 1. 2, 8, First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 771, lies. 793 Osasts Pass Oaiuoa II, D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Practice in all State and Federal Courts. OfflceluiOpera House Building. Uhahts Pass, Oregon A C. HOUGH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Practices in-all Ntate and Federal Courts Office over Ualr-Rlddle Hardware Co. Grants Pass, Oregon QLIVER & BROWN, LAWYER. Office overDixons Store Grants Pass, - Oregon. O. s.;blanchard, 3 . I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.". Practice in all sState'arid Federal courts. Banking and Trust . Company's Building. Q rants Pass,' Orison. II. B. HENDRICKS wsrra COUHSELLORS-AT-LAW Civil and criminal maTTsaltendd te . ia all the courts. ; ifReal sstatetandjinuranoe. Ufiloe, 6thstreet, opposite Postoffloa. WILLIAM PIWRIGHT, U. 8. DEPUTY SURVEYOR MINING ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN 6th St., north of Josephine Hotel. Quarts Pass, - Oreoon. Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. vVest of flour mill, near R .JR. track Tnrning. Scroll Work, Hiair Work, Hand Hawing, Caliinrt Work, Wood Pulleys, haw KUingand gumming, Repairing all kinds. Prices right. The Popular Barber Shop Get your tonsorial work done at IHA TOMPKIN On Sixth Street Three chain Bath Room In connection N. E. McGKEW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and Piano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. E. A. WADE Dry (Joods, Underwear, Notions, Etc. Front Street west of Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, OREGON, r AAAAAAAAAAe 4 GR.ANTS PASS Commercial Club a) Will furnish information of Josephine county free of charge. Correspondence so- b licited. L. B. Hall President ? j H. L. Andhews Secretary ALBANY AasvWrLo. VMaiUt, F-wMl M nrMa-sMrrtM ousMj 1 KflnosaioB im iluwmmnhm. mU4im lfav IfK, ffTieassM, lk ll m, sJl mi 1 i am ih TummAMUtm mm m t" w"snw wi srre4a)l itu4 wvtmmm. W mmlp brt tboMUOM pri mv'l Anrml torts f'rvsrirta, naAm ff oui Ir.rn M KIT M THt Y fot ptVmmn v nhI'