Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 17, 1908, Image 1

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No. 42.
Local Organ of the "lUng
Seems to Be "Seeing Things"
These D&yi.
They Carry off High Honors by
Defeating Roseburg and
Klamath Falls.
Many People all Over the Covin
try Writing About Our
Court and Jury Attending to
Many Cases of More or Less
Morris Bros. Tender Plant to
Crania Pass People on Rather
Liberal Terms.
Seeing That Our Apples Wers
' Bringing. Good Money, He'
Writes for Tacts
Editor Courier :
The Observer of this week contaio
the following statement: "It is easy
to understand the motive of Judge
Jewell in tbii sort of leoret bans
aotion, bat Commissioner Wertz,.who
figures county expenditures very
closely and bas no .ax to grind, must
have been asleep (when tbe little
Courier job was put through."
Now I hava no disposition to notioa
the nngentlemanly reflection that is
hers cast at the County Court, but
lest some who read tbe editorial al
luded to may not fully understand our
work in the matter referred to, it
may be proper to make it plain.
The article in question purports to
be a critiaism of our appointment of
tbe Courier as the official paper of
Josephine county.
Article 3636 of the Statutes Ore
gon provides that the County Court
shall, at the January tern of each
year, designate a county offloial paper
which shall be the one having the
largest circulation in the county.
The Observer says that tbe court
was opposed to naming an official
paper last year. This is not true.
Not having sufficient evidence at
the time to enable ns .to determine as
to which paper had the largest circula
tion, ws failed to act in the matter.
This year, however, we found that
the Courier had a circulation of a boot
500 mors than the Observer. So,
under tbe law we coold do but one
thing obey it. There was no secret
about it as the Observer well knows.
I think that this is the first time that I
have ever been aooused of official dis
honesty, and if it were not for tbe con
temptible littleness i of my accuser,
there might be a reckoning. Every
Attorney and business man in Grants
Pais can testify to my disposition to
distribute patronage equally and im
partially. The Observer has had the
publishing of the delinquent tesjijjt
for three years. This of itself shows
that no partiality hag been shown. I
have treated tbe Observer man in the
past just as I have tried to treat all
other persons kindly and courteously.
The safe of the Merlin Mercantile
company was blown open by burglars
Sunday night. The thieves secuied
about $200 and two certificates of the
Glendale Lumber company, for $10
each, numbered six and 18, and also
took one gent's Walthatn aud two
ladies' gold watches. The work ap
pears to have been done by profes
sionals. At Kelso, Wash., an anti-treating
society has been foinied. As the
plsdge includes ice cream, soda water
and lemonade it promises to develop
great popularity among the youug
men next summer.
Much Interest has been taken in the
success which bas been coming to the
promoters of the new industry known
as the Grants Pass Canning Co. ' Al
though but one year old, yet its
growth and development have bean
almost phenomioal and have far ex
ceeded the sanguine expectations of
those who were backing it up.
At the first annual ; meeting, held in
tbe Commercial Club ronnis, Wednei
day, Manager H. C. Sampson made
an account ng of hi stewardship,
which was very satisfactory to the
stockholders. Wbon it is taken Into
consideration that the plant was
opened rather late last 'season and
the additional fact that the equip
meot was not any too elaborate, tli
showing made was very sratifving.
It is propound to ejlTge the plant
and be prep Te l tu bandit a at
amount of fruit, vegetables and the
like this coming -eison.
The following d rectors were duly
elected: H. C. Kiun-y, Geo. a
Calhoun, L. B. Hall, J.wph Miss, O.
S Elan-hard. U. W. Donnell and K.
S. Wilson. These in tors asembled
and organized, with the following
officers: H. C. Kinney, president;
L. B. Ball vice-president; Joseph
Moss, treasurer; O.3. BUnchard. secre
tary and H. L. Andrews, assistant
The members of the High sohool
debating team won great honors, Fri
day evening, in defeating tbe Rose
burg representatives. The contest oc
curred in the Opera house, and tbe
question debated was. "Resolved,
That the Naturalization Laws of the
United States Should be Made More
Stringent." Grants Pass spekers bad
tbs affirmative and tbe judges gave
them their unanimous decision.
Xbe judges were: W S Crowell
and W M Colvig, of Msdfcrd and
DrQ A Martin of Tekoa, Wash.
Roaeburg's debsters were: Miss
Both Gibson, Will Thornton and Car
Ion Spencer, while Miss Olwen
Hughes, Randle Hood and Errol
Gilkey so ably spoke for Grant Pass.
And again, Wednesday evening the
urns Grants Pass orators aohiaved a
remarkable victory, by defeating the
Klamath Falls team, whioh bad pre
viously vauqaished the Medford de
baters. This time the judges all hailed from
Jacksonville and were Hon. B. F.
Mulkey, F. M. Calkins and G. L.
Reames. They were unanimous in
their decision, awarding the Grants
Pars' team the prize. The names of
the visiting orators were as follows:
Vincent and Carlisle Yadan and
Alexander Martin, three of Klamath
Falls' brightest yoong men.
Now Grants Pass will try conclusions
with the Marshhfield team, at that
Ooos Bay olty, February 15, and If soo-
oessf ul there, they will hava to con-
teat with some other team which
bas been successful in its district
and finally, if there successful, have a
final trvout with' tbe team which
stands up after all bnt the two have
besn defeated. It would be a great
honor if Grants Pats team oould win
oot and carry off the final honor", and
such a thing is entirely within the
range of possibilities and here's hop
ing that tbe horn a ,forensio artists
may" win; tbe highest honors and thns
give Grants Pass some mighty valu
able advertising, to say nothing of re
flecting great credit npoo themselves
and the Grants Pass High School.
Tuesday evening the Grants Pass
Commercial Club held its annual
meeting for the election of officers
and to tran-act important business,
the attendance was good showing most
conclusively that tbe people of this
comiuuuity realize the great im
portaoe of having tuch an organize
tion in this locality.
Secretary Andrews nave a com pre
hensive review of tbe past year's
work, and also gave a detailed state'
ment of the financial standing of the
club. Tbe membership was shown to
ba 104.
When it came to the election of of
ficers, it was unanimously decided
that the present efficient corps had
done good work and that as an en
dorseoient of it's administration that
should be retained in office, which
was accordingly done.
A request was made by the Club of
the city council, that the Seventh
strest sewer be extended, so as to give
the Riverside public school better
Attorney a. H. Austin, of Kerby
addressed the Club, and among other
matters of importance, he mentioned
the proposed new bridge across Rogue
River, hre in the city. Bis re
marks were followed by others, the in
terchange of ideas regarding snch
matters proving to be quite iatereet-
After many minor matters had been
discussed, tbs organization adjourned
until the neit regular monthly meet-
Register Benjamin L Eddy, of tbe
Roseburg Land Office writes the
Courier to the effect that " the plats
of survey of tp. 41 s, r 1, E, sees 4 to
9 and 16 to 18, inclusive and tp 1 s,
r 1 W, sec 1, 12 and 13, will be filed
ia this offioe on February 8, 1909, at
1 9 o'clock a. m., and on and after such
day we shall be prepared to receive
applications for tbe entry of the nnsp-
I portioned and unreserved lands in
truch portions of townships."
Special Correspondence
Portland, Ore., Jan. ft, 1908.
Never in the history of Oregon was
the state receiving snob an enormous
amount of advertising as at the
present time. The writers who are
contesting for the 80 prizes ($5000)
offered by the Portland Commercial
Club, have seemingly been busy in
every state in the Union. Some of
tbe contestants have written a series
of articles covering several editions
of tbe same newspaper, thoroughly
discussing the attractions and re
sources of the state. . Governor Cham
berlain will be requested to name bis
three judges and they will begin
their work February 1.
On the last day of the old year, the
Portland Commercial Club wired its
greetings, on behalf of tbs oity and
state, to President Roosevelt, and
within a fsw hours received a most
cordial reply in which the Chief Ex
ecutive wished the people of Oregon
a happy and prosperous New Tear.
Oregonians will be busr attending
conventions to be held in this oity
during January. The list incladei :
Jan. 13 and 14 : Tbe Northwest Re
tail Harness & Saddlery Manufac
turers' Association.
Jan. 14, 15 and 16: Oregon Hor
ticultural Society.
Jan. 17 aod 18 : Oregon State Press
Jan. 21 and 22 : Retail Grocers' As
Jan. 21 and 32: Oregon Retail
Hardware A Implement Dealers' As
sociation. . -
Jan. 23, 24 and 25: Pacific Federa
tion of Implement and Hardware
A big exoursion from the "Inland
Empire" through Oregon and Califor
nia, onder the special auspioes of tbe
Spokane Chamber of Commerce and
tbe Walla Walla Commercial Olnb,
will sound all day Saturday, Febru
ary 8th, in Portland, where they will
De given a ride over the city, lun
cheon aod dinner and reception by a
special Committee of the Portland
Commercial Club. Their itinerarv
also calls for brief stops at Roseburg
and Med ford. The chief purpose of
this excursion is to interest the thous
ands of tonris's now leathered in
Southern California so that they may
return to their Eastern homes by wav
of the Pacific Northwest
Tbe colon if t rates, which resulted
in bringing snch a vast immigration
to Oregon during September and
October, 1907, will be in effect for
March aod April of 1908.
The rate applies on all railroads.
to all rail "points in Oregon, on the
same ba'is at before $25 fiom Kansas
City, Minneapolis aod Puluth; 130
from St. Louis; $:J3 from Chicago;
130 from Now York. The fare is
12.50 less on each ticket sold to a
point East of Umatilla. An effort
will be niadH by all the commercial
bodies throughout the state of Oregon
to make these two months add 20,000
to the population of the state.
No convention ever held io Oregon
has received tbe liberal national notice
accorded the recent meeting cf the
Oregon State Dairy Association.
Pages have been devoted to it in the
agricultural and dairy journals of the
country, at a pea sou when the Eastern
dairyman is most strongly impressed
with the oliruatb advantages of the
Word comes from Woodville, to the
effect that tbe "Holy Rollers" are en
deavoring to secure a foothold in that
neighboring town to the south. But,
from all aeounts, it woo Id seem as
though the residents of that peaceful
and law abiding oommonity have no
desire to see this sect begin its out
landish praeticeses io tbat vicinity.
Tbejreport goes tbat tbe people are
very much averse to this new sensa
tional crowd invading the quietness
of the place. Just what steps may
be taken to pot a stop to such foolish
ness, should the persons try to
push it upon the innooent citizen,
remains to be aeea. If reports be
true the unwelcome visitors may be
given a ride on a rail oot of tbe town,
with instructions to seek other and
more congeals! surroundings.
Judge Hanaa and tbe jury have
been dealing "out bunches of justfoe,
in the circuit ceurt, with the follow
iog results: H Wittrook vs Gold
Pick Mining Co., djsmisssed upon
motion cf plaintiff.
F A Pierce vs S P Co., dismissed
by consent of both parties, without
cost to either party.
J. W Baker vs W J 8 to vail and W E
Codrey, dismissed, being settled out of
Nina B Lathrop, vs Modern Wood
men of America, verdict for $3000, as
ptaysd for In complaint
Robert Brown vs Geo. W. Lewis,
order to enter mandate from supreme
Rolls H Knapp vs Edgar T Wallace
et at, same order.
Willis Kramer vs H L Wilson et aL,
same order.
Oity of Grants Pass vs. Rogue River
Water Co. , demurrer to answer, over
ruled and case referred toK M Calkins.
Frank Dessinger et sL.vs J T Coch
ran, confirmation entered.
State Land Board vs Wm taverns.
default and decree granted.
G P Banking A Trust Co, vs.
J F Wisecarver foreclosure decree en
tered for $550.
C E Wade 'vs Amalgamated Metal
Exploration Co. , default and decree.
When the case of ths State vs
Charles F Parksr was called, tht de
fendant was allowed his freedom, ths
prosecution not having sufficient evi
dence to convict.
This afternoon the oonrt sentenced
Irving Medley aod Ed Wetzel, the
young fellows who "touched" a min
ing man, here in Omnts Pass, on
Christmas day, for a neat sum, to the
state penitentiary for one year.
The case ef the State vs Joe Hen
dricks, the party accused of having
hot Night Watchman Swearinger,
of this olty, last fall, is oa trial, be
fore a jury, as the Coorier goes to
This week an important change oc
curred in looal financial circles, when
Hon. L. L. Jewell teudered his resig
nation as cashier of the Grants Pas
Banking & Trust Co., whioh place he
has held for several years past.
At the regulaar annual meeting of
the stocbolderi, held Tuesday, this
resigution was acted upon, but no
successor has yet been selected.
Mr. Jewell informed the Courier
that this acMon was due, largely to
his health aod that for some past lie
had been contemplating the action, as
he felt that the work was entirely too
confining. His many friends will
revret to mist hini from this Impor
tmt place, but all will jolu in hoping
that be will soou regain his wonted
The stockholders, at Tuesday's meet
ing elected tbe following directors:
Geo. R. RidJle, E. P. Dixon. Lincoln
Savatie, J T Toffs, Frank Mashburn,
Ed Litter, and Clano Schmidt.
The directors held a meeting and
chose tbe following officers: J. T
Tuffs, president; E. P. Dixon, vice
president. The cashier was not
choseu, but will be nonouoced later.
CityAtt. rne Clements seems to be
gettiug his reputation op asa pugilist.
Hate's what ths Eugene Guard has to
say, regarding the little pugilistic
encounter which occurred atthecoort
house one day last week: "O .H.
Clements, the newly appointed oity
attorney, and Oliver Brown, a Grants
Pass lawyer, who presented tbs two
sides of a saloon case before the
oounty court, paeed hot words back
aod forth, and not being able to settle
the argomeut in .the courthouse with
words, attempted to reach a settle
ment in the old-fashioned way out in
tbe street. Brown called Clements a
liar, and Clements knocked Brown
ipto the gotter, sitting upon him un
til bystanders interfered. Neither
was damaged much. Clements, who
is a powerful, athletio fellow, has
settled several arguments by the
muscle method lately. A few days
ago be tossed an obstreperous citizen
out of his office and downstairs."
One of tbe important matters con
sidered by the oity ooonoil, last even
ing, was the formal offer of Mesnrs.
Morris Bros., to sell to the city of
Grants Pass the Rogue River Water
Co, 's busineas'aod plant outright.
These gentlemen, acooidiug to
promise, submitted an offer in writ
ing, agreeing to take $1 10,000, either
in oaeh, or in city bonds, bearing 5
per cent and doe 20 'years, or what
ever time agreed upon, mutually.
They set forth that, basing ths esti
mated revene for '08 upon ths income
for the past three mounts, the income
would be $18,600,and withthe monthly
expenses figured at $355, it is esti
mated that ths net income should be
about $9340, whioh the would-be-
sellers think would not only give tbe
oity free water for fire aod such par
poses, but also pay interest on tbe
bonds and then leave tbe neat sum of
$3000, to be added to the city's
Morris Bros, say they value the
plant at $200,000 and declare that its
total oost of construction has been
upwards of tbat figure. Tly agree
to stand tbe cost of the issae of the
bonds, legal and otherwise, in case
ths people vote to take the plant over.
In oonoluding their of ffer they say :
"Ths prioe quoted the oity on this
plant Is without prejudice and is only
mads for the reason that ws ars and
have been disposing of all oat outside
Interests and devoting oar time ex
clusively to ths bond business " Ap
pended to ths offer Is a detailed state
ment from Engineer G I Brown, an
empleyse of . the company, setting
fertb at some length tbe appartus of
tbs plant and its estimated value,
bicb be placed conservatively at
$138,103.12, after deducting for poor
pipe and tbe like. His figures were
verified by W B Chase, an able and
experienced engineer, who has wide
ezperienoe In such matters and wbe
Is a recognize! authority io a'l such
matters. Engineer Chase has been
called in to figure an almost every
plant of any consequence in the
Pacific Northwest and his word has
much weight in all such matters.
Those skilled in such affairs pro
nounoe the plant as good as any In
the state, considering the size ef it
and regard It as very complete in
every particular.
In addressing the couuoil, at the
last meeting, Mr. Morris stated that
his firm would stand all expanses of
securing an able and capable en
gineer te go over and ascertain
whether or not the estimates of
Aimers. Brown and Chase are correct,
if, in case such work is done and
the report does not verify the figures
given oot by these two engineers.
At last night's council meeting, it
was decided to call a mass meeting
of tbe taxpayers of Grants Pass, to
be held at the Court II on He, Friday,
January 24. Good speakers will ad
dress the meeting and an expregiinn
of the people as to the advisabllitr
of ths council's calling a special
election for the passing npon this
question of purchasing the water
works is earnestly desired.
S o methingn
The big sale of Graniteware
is still on
20 per cent off of Marked Prices
Furniture and Car
pets, Linoleums,
Lace Curtains, Por
tieres, Mattresses,
Pillows, Cots, Wall
Paper, Clocks,
Mirror, Window
Shades, Picture,
Picture Moulding.
H. H.
I rortt St.,
L. O. Gillette, the well known real -estate
dealer that certainly good proof
of tho fact tbat Rogue River is be
coming noted, the world over, as
the place where the finest of fruits sre
Mr. Gillette is in receipt of a com
munication from F, R. Faber, who
wrote him from Constantinople, and
among other tiling he says: ''I saw an
article this evening in the lateat re
ceived London Dally Telegraph, tbat
your Newtown Pippins were selling
in England at six pence (12 cents)
Hs bad been in correspondence
with Mr. Gillette and was very much
interested In this section as tbe place
for growing grapes and apples. An
article on ths fact that this rsgloa
grows nice figs also attracted his at
tention and be wrote Mr. Gillette,
asking more about the matter. Ia
speaking of tho growing of figs he
remarked: "Ths little article on
figs presents perhaps possibilities of
whioh tbe Rogue River Valley has not
dreamed. The fig tree will grow
anywhere in a climate not too hot
nor too cold for it, and will bear some
kind of fruit t but that Is not the com
mercial aspeot of the oase, and while
they grow on any southern exposure
around Constantinople yet they are
not good for packing. They are la
conaeqoeooe eaten as frssh, and If
dried become hard, this I am led to
believe is on acoount of a lack of
agar ia them. Tbe nrst quality
layer fig comes from Asia Minor
where the soil and ollmate ars suited
to it, while the tame tress planted in
other localities do not produce frail
that oan be paoked with the same suo
oess and wltb the same, treatment as
the Asia Minor or so called Smyrna
Mr. Fabor states that the printed
matter sent him . by Mr. Gillette
gavs,,bln niuoh valuable information,
Regarding people who are on the
mbve and the possibilities of securing
a place already started. I will leave
here next year aod as far as I have
senn Oregon descriptive literature,
I have developed a sympathy for your
valley. The 'climate does not seem
to differ much from that 'of the Asia
Minor fig lands, and if a favorable
soil can be found an industry as 0ns
as any you have oan bs developed.
"Any pamphlets or literature on
fro It culture will be very acceptable,
that you oan conveniently send.
They will further the theoretical part
of tbe enterprise before the practical
is be eon. "
It Is needless to add that Mr. Gill
ette was able to provide this inquirer
from the far off land muoh valuable
and interesting information regarding
ths matters In hand and be had se
cured for him lot of data that will
be right to the point aod enlighten
him not a little.
Mrs. C. H. Sampson underwent a
successful operation for tumor, at tbe
South Pacific Hospital. Wednesday,
Btoves and Ranges,
Agteware, Tsnware,
Wooden ware,
Wllloware, Cutlery,
Crockery, Lamps,
Glassware, Fancy
China, do-Carts,
Baby Carriages.
bet. 6 and 7
t'r V