Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 10, 1908, Image 6

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Mrs. Hnrolil McC'ormlok of Chicago
tH Bitld to Imve ordered a thirty volume
rt of Iirowtilng's works to be bound j
at f 1,000 a volume. j
MIm Theodora Shoots, who la to ,
marry tlie Iuo de Chaulnea of France, j
U a flue linguist Her maternal grand-
father was the late Oovernor Drake of '
Iowa. I
Oue of the peuks of the Carbon range '
in Alaska hint been named Mount Grace
In honor of Mian Grace McDonald of
Meeteetne. Wyo., who was the first ,
woman to wale It. j
Although blind and partially para-1
lyzed, Mra. Catherine Hnay of Oxford,
lass., celebrated her one hundred and
sixth birthday by smoking her pipe.
She ha mnoked Klnre the waa ten.
Mra. Mary K. Mlcbatd of Hamilton,
O.. la an eirt plasttrer and paper
hanger. Her husband, a plasttrer, li
a hard worker and I aoinetlmea ao
pressed with business that he cannot
get through It all. Then Mra. Michael
leave her household labor and help
Mr. Caroline C. KurbusV r Green
field ba oue of the fluet collection of
book and autograph In western Mas
aacbtisett. fihe hna alao a collection of
rare china. Hr library of 7.000 or
8,000 volumes contains many rare edi
tion of standard work, and aouie of
bin book are eiceedluglj rare.
Mr. Ida 1-ewld Wllaon, or Ida Lewi,
a ah bt more popularly known, keep
er of the Lime Rock lighthouse, at the
southern end of Newport harbor, ha
again been honored for bravery In eav
lug live during her long aervlce a a
keeix-r of the light Notice baa lieen
received from Andrew Carnegie that
be ha placed her name on hi private
pension lift. Insuring her an Income of
30 month during her lifetime.
rrofetiaor I'erclval Lowell, the fa
mom authority on Mar, ha new pic
ture of the plajiet which corroborate
In a striking manner hi theory that It
I the abode of intelligent life.
Two year will elp before an
other opposition of the planet Mara,
when It makea a still nearer approach
to the earth than In 1U0T. and after
that no favorable opposition will oeeur
for a period of fifteen year.
Teat of a clock recently Installed In
a Cleveland ervatory hava proved
that the mechantam la o accurate that
the clock will not vary more than fif
teen bne-thouaandtha of a second from
tb exact time In twenty-four boar.
Thl Is considered to be oearly aa
steady and reliable as the son Itself.
By a new French process milk pow
der la produced by forcing the liquid
ander high pressure through a tub
only on two hundred-snd fiftieth of
n Inch In diameter Into a closed
chamber heated to 1ST degrees F.
by a current ef warm air. The milk
xpand to vapor, tb air current car
ries off th water, and the solid fall in
Redlngotea of all sort and sites are
worn wllh winter frork.
Long, wrinkled sleeves of net are
proving a notable feature of many of
the luteal evening toilets.
lraMd sleeves, rather full a little
above the elbow aud close fitting from
the ulbow to well over the hand, are
very Iss-onilng
Soft, lieavlly embroidered Japanese
Cliffs that turn Imrk from the band are
liiui'h worn. They are a feature of the
Ktoii iMA In and of the long cloaks.
The pin It I'tl hklrt Is rapidly passing
From the exclusive couturier's view
point It has already gone. The new
model, somewhat like Its slitter of trail
ing propensities, Is out circular, rlrcu
liir gored.
Chinese and oriental embroideries of
all Kind are having a very special
vogue In ml nil colors, ,if course,
worked with "Ik or tinsel thread
Tlie-e look Is-st on black dresses, while
filet lace oh colors mid worked with
colors Is much worn on ctiifTnu ami
light dresses for home mid evening
wear. New York Sun
Nothing Lelt.
Her So Cholly up I spoke hl
itilml -
Him My slurs' An, I lie s U-en dumb
cr Ma.v'' llcic ;ui, I i.l.-t-
D,-' I j. i.
A t' ml ,. ft! r .,;
W I" ' its h,..
Yet l-v I ' K i, . ,. .
'.I c.niliM
I I- ! ,,,' I
II .n Clin H . lit ; . 1
A Fresh Completion
nreerrvtd and mxl-J b
Kohcrbne, a mild, delightful
prvpanttoa. dchctMily Ingram,
Makes ike ikin caouuitclr eofti
hsalihes crackled romance rauwil
bv over-dry wail rrdVci tit sue of
enli ictfd dotm. clt kci them, r
. qW-m uiUifutuoa and iir la an tvrti.
rtlant glow due to wholriome noutUh
SBit of ikm guuvdi and itiiiii.lttioa ol
Om nrnlUitx xhich alio feed the
ikta sad supply iu h!thful color.
dikftmr Xnrt for fn itmflt f
The German emperor never travel
incog. . ,
King Leopold ha Jut aettled a aum j -of
f 1.200,000 on th child of bla mor- X
ganaUc marrlags with th Baroness
Vaughen. j
The Grand Dnk Alexia, the ciar's (
son, now three years snd three months
old, la one of the handsomest of the
royal children In Europe.
Princ Gnatav of Denmark, aged
twenty, weigh 836 and Is growing
Ho 1 the heaviest of European royal
ties and baa a Jolly disposition.
HI majesty Edward VII. is fre
quently referred to as "Edrcl" very
obviously derived from the royal slg
nature. Edward Ilex. Trior to bis aa
autnptlon of the crown he was famil
iarly known a "Bertie" and by the
other member of the royal family a
"the guv'nor."
Laundry Lines.
flilk bandkercblof washed in clear
water with p ire castlle soap look Ilk
Many washerwomen, in order to pre
vent the Iron from sticking to a
atarrhed article when pressing it, take
the precaution to add n little sosn
water to the starch
In boiling clo:ln c " l.i
ens nml lingerie i .
Imller nlwic s pm '
prevents t ho p..
The ls-st bii" '
made fror
Plenty more like this In Grant
Pan. Scores of Grants Pass people
can tell yon about Doan' Kidney
Pilla. afsuy a happy citizen make
public statement of hi experience.
Here la a case of It. What better
proof of merit oaa be had than anch
J. M. Jones, N. Fifth Ht.. Grant
Pas, Ore., says: "1 have taken
Doan'a Kidney Pill and am glad to
tat that they bare ' helped me
greatly. For sometime I bate been
suffering from symptoms of kidney ,
trouble, such a an Irregular action of
the kidney secretions and ipaina
through the small of my back. The
many remedies I tried failed to give
in the least relief until I procured
Dose's Kiduey Pills at Clemens' drug
store. Tbe pains and aches left me,
the kidney aotion waa made norma1
and my health greatly benefitted. I
gladly recommend remedy contain
ing snoh good qualities as Doan'a
Kidney Pilla"
For sale by all dealers. Prlos 60
cents. Foster-Milboro Co., Buffalo,
New York, Sole Agents for the Usl
ted State.
Remember the nam Doan' and
take no other. 1-8 31
Ittehard Croker will spend tb win
ter In Egypt
In a receut stteecb In Loatdoa Mr,
Italfour uttered a sentence containing .
275 word.
At on time In bis life Julian C.
Carr, the Durham (N. C.) tobacco man, j
carried l,:O0,IHX) of Insurance, and be ,
yet carries 000,000.
Rtnyvesaut Fish, Jr., I a fireman on
the Hock Island railroad. He ha been
working In a freight office la Oklabo-
ma aud says he Intends to learn all ;
about railroads. j
Joliu Mnglunls, former mayor of
Butte, Mont , sent to Itoatou chapter, j
Kiilglitn of Columbus, nu offer of $V
ins) as n Tlinuksglvlng gtft toward the .
fund that Is to Iw devoted to the pur
chase of a building. :
John it. IIUI of Atlanta Is the first
negro In the country to receive a Car
negie hero medal. A check of $31
was sent as a rewunl f..r risking his
life In saving several people In danger ,
from n runaway team In Atlanta.
William IC. Corey, head of the steel
trust, weighs 'J10 pounds and la so
much worried by bis Im that lie is
said to hate ollereil a Turkish bath
riibls-r In New York his salury for one
year i$lm.iHi If he would tsks off
the surplus tlehh. i
John lllgelow, ck -minister to France,
who icn.hcl Ills ulnetteth Wrthilny
ii tu, I v ersnry on Tuesday , Nov. iC, Is
I up at II ii . Us k every morning and
j puts In seven hours leCor he I will
; nig to call it a day, although be says
; lie "Is paht tlie aue of usefulness." lie
' Hies at L'l (iraiucrcy park. New York.
I President (Icoiiie T. Angell of the,
rst.m S.s lety I'.ir Prevention of Cru
eltv t.i Auli.wi.s Is now eighty four anil
ii lin ? Vi-nis oM. titul, on condition of
tvin.iln.iii; mv.i.v frm-.i all put. lie meet
!m;s tiiiil taking tie utmost care of his '
licalth. liK i!iv -:,',mi lis proiu'.srtl him 1
live e.irs iu,,ro of work mid useful
O.t To. K.mM Roads.
It K ipoit,,l tli.a Hi,, Ismrd of conn
ll'lc.mlss ,l.i ,.( W j ;uuottc Willi
i.' . K-in oi: tim u'cii miles ot
.i i. .ul.n.i ii'.ul-, in Hi,, l ounty as an
, ei I'.iici,' I he cop i of the olllug I-i"-i;:n.iusl
at JT.'i a ml.e The rivi.l
i.c swept, thcu sprlnklvsl wlt't
.iti.l a:'t.r d,- oil sonked li,
:,oii;:us arc ,i).nt;i s,-at;,.rJ ov."
tl.e r,ii,:is-,s It is prop- ,sl to gt-,
Hie i-'iu!-. ,i'sji:t ilire' appilcatiow c
I il.n !ti th ,.jr.
Job work at Portland prices at ths
.urir office.
Roue River Fruit Notes t
Profitable Pointers Keg-rding th Industry Gathered From
Various Sources in This Favored Section of Oregon.
Talking bout fresh berries and
fruit bring gathered in Oregon at
Thanksgiving .time, as was the case
h're in Josephine county, tbe Courier '
can tell of ome of the finest of Tokay
grates which grew in the yard of
O. H. Sampson, corner of Fifth and
C street, Grant Pass and which were
gathared on New Year's day. Thev
were dtcidtdly delectable, as the
Courier force can well attest and were
pronounced first-clan in every par
ticular. And there were more where
these came from. Mr. Sampson i tbe
cannery man and makes specialty
of looking out for fro it of all kinds,
but nowhere has he found any nioer
grapes than those grown in bi own
W. S. Barrie, after trying his
best to make dairying fay in this re
gion, has concluded that be can do
much better growing fruit and he ha
therefore purchased choice 15 acres
of suitable orchard, land here in the
dge of the oily, out on Sixth street
and now he will proceed to try hi
hand in this line of work. Be is
very enthusiastic over the matter and
see a great future for this industry
in this favored valley.
Commenting upon the movement of
tbe Josephine county fruit growers to
name their respective farm the
Lakeriew Herald has this comment to
make: "While the above will be all
right, no doubt, in Josephine county,
we should think it would be a good
plan to use here In connection with
th Ftoit Growers' Union. It would
enable each grower to get credit for
hi labor and would also create
demand for his
log bis name en
fruit, aa by bav
his boxes it would
guarantee the purchaser against get
ting bad fruit, and as the Oregon iao
lays, if your neighbor shipped (cab
by and wormy apples, h would get
the credit, and Dot the whole comma
County Fruit Inspector Elimann Is
flndlog that bis i no child's job and
that th,e undertaking of trying te
latisfy everybody is truly a gigantlo
on. But be feel confident that in
theday to oome ome people who are
aot feeliag like blessing blm, will
think mor favorably of hi efforts
to better tbe fruit conditions in Jose
phlne coonty. He propoes to do
the square thing by the growers, as
nearly aa he can and it be make
mistake, be says tbey will be of the
"head and not the heart." for he is
conscientious In the matter, even
though some fo'ko are inclined to
misconitrae his motive.
Aneient Lsgsnds of the Saored River
ef the Hindoos.
From an Icy cavern at the foot of s
lllmnlnyun snow IkvI more thau 10,iHK)
feet above the level of the sea Issuee
a small stream which Is'cotues tbe
mighty tiiinges, Mowing for 1.,'asi tulles
through India to the bay of Heiigul.
and of whose course every foot Is holy
With Mother (iiititf i. us the pious
Hindoos reverently cu'l her, no river
on earth can compare In sancto.
The old piH-iu tells us that the heav
euly (iuuges flowed from the tis of
Vishnu and was brought down from
heaven by the prayers of the saint
llhnglriitlm to purify the ashes of the
CO.ikhI sons of King Sagara, who had
lavn burnt by the angry glances of the
anite Kaplla
tiungu was angry ut being brought
(low u from heaven, and to save the
earth from her Impetuous rush Slvu
caught the river on his brow and w ith
his matted locks chevkisl Its course.
The legends go on to tell how the do
scent of the (iatitfes distorted the jige
.lahnu In the ix-rforman.v of his roll
glous duties, whereupon In his rage he
lira 11k up the river, but sulwenuently
relented and permitted It to How from
his ear - Pearson's Weekly.
One Scientific Theory of How Our
Planet May Pernh.
A scientific forecast of how the end
of the world niUht come has lseu
g'.veu by Professor p.llard Core His
theory Is that final cataclysm may pos
sibly Is the result of a collision lx
tweeu the sun and some dark, dead,
derelict planet.
Although astronomers have no ac
tual proof that such dead suiws exist,
without life or light and careerlnc
ahem! Iu spav. they believe It unite
possible. The result of u colllslou N-
twrs-ii the sun and a dark planet
... .1 . .1 , ..... .
would Iv that the formers light and;
heat would In enormously
and the earth Instantly destroyed by
rrvfessor Hon tells bow we slvnild
I wanieil of our approaching doom.
"When ntvut ir.oo.iHi ml'.i from
Newtown, less than a century ago,
a c' arming district on Long Island,
N. Y, tbe place where the fatuous
Newtown Pippio originated, is now
the Second ward of Qoeeosboroogb in
Greater New York. They are hav ng
adispute over the naming and re
naming of their streeti. One psry
insists on sacrificing old names snd
substituting such misfits as Aji
avenue, Neptune avenue, Venus
avenue, and so oa, for Hone Brook
road. Old Shell road, Feather Bed
lane, and tbe like. Among the h'a-
torio names that have bees sacrificed
is Washington street, which was laid
out through field in which Washing
ton encamped in 1776. The native
town of Oregon's great Newtoan Pip
pin deserves better handling This
apple, like all great fruits, was a
freak or accident Exchange.
It now looks very much as though
Josephine county would not long be
withoout firstclass commercial nur
sery. Ifessrs. S. J. Harmeling &
Sons, who have been engaged In the
noriery business, very extensively
and successfully, at Vaslion, Wah.,
are the people who are proposing to
start up the new industry which is
certainly much needed in this region.
One of tbe sons has been in Grants
Pass for (he past week, going into
details and gathering information,
which shows conclusively that they
propose to go in with tbe idea of giv
ing tbe people of this valley an np-to-date
nursery. He state that tbe firm
hss practically deolded to oome here
and that now about all that is lack
ing is Ithat tbey secure the minute
details which they find are neceessry.
He is oapttvated (with the climate,
well pleased with the people and likes
the lay ot tbe land very muob.
County Frnit Inspector E. O. Arm
strong has been engaged for some
time in making ao examination of the
orcharda of Marlon oouoty growers
and is now serving formal notioe on
those whose orohards were found to be
affected, calling on them to clean up
their tress, spray them and take such
steps as are necessary to prevent th
spread of any affection which the
trees msy show evidence of having.
Mr. Armttrong states that there i
considerable Baa Jose scale in the
oouoty and that no paina will be
spared to keep the pet ander control.
The inspector states that wbile it is
too early to say with certainty what
next year's fro it crop will amount to,
there is every indication that it will
be larger even than tbat of last season.
Mr. Armstrong baa compiled some
interesting figures on the vslue of the
Marion county fruit crop for the past
the Run, tae fl:ir body would lieglti to
shlue by reflected light. In about ten
years it would have ln-come so sirlght
as to Is visible to the nuked eye. In
fifteen years It would te brighter than
any object except the moon. Very soon
afterward would come tlx great catas
trophe of Its collision, moving at 4)0
miles a second, with the sun moving
at the snme sptd." Dundee Observer.
Proverbs of Siam.
It has loeii said. "Tell me a xople's
proverlw. ami I will tell you what sort
of HHple they are." Judged In this
way, the Siamese are a shrewd people.
The Menatn, their chief river, Is to
Slum what the Nile Is to Evrypt, nivl
the elephant, tiger and crocodile 'are
found In Jungle and stream.
lien are a few of their proverbs:
"When you go Into the woods, do not
forcet your wood knife." "Place not
jour Unit across the stream" (Isvuuse
of the current). "An elephant, though
he has four legs, limy slip, and a doc
tor Is not always right."
"Co up by land, you meet n tiger; go
down by water, you met a crocodile"
(there are dllllcultlcs on all sides).
"Nobility Is strn In the race, manners
Iu the Individual." 'if a dog blto you,
do not bite him again." "He who lives
under the sy should not be afraid of
the ralu." "Nourish no worms that eat
timber" (U careful In the choice of
friends). London Scraps.
Friday Correi but Once a Week,
Friday Is tin- wtt'kly fruml. Every
thing k.h'.i jiiwvil. mill tho sail
or 111 11 11 !! sai'.s iliuls hlmsolr f,,xl for
wlia'.rs. mul tin niau v lio killed a
frli-n.l 011 a I'riilay tmvts lils end. On
A l-'rl.Llv IT-M.!.. U ',11 fVi. tr.,.n.
run off tin trark: William l.x. to h!
nmazt. draws JM nn.l twi days; lirlck
bats fail from building 1,1,!,. break
your mvk am! make y,m orv: fevors .
l".rw jiTi.l fr,wti t,),.iin.1 ivditK .i,,,! ...
, ii.o.i- ui. on moiu.u. ,ltl f.UWcrv.
! r lu a pet comes to swear at the C..-
.t... Vverv on., ts f.wC, .....
P,.thi,11. i. ,",, i i , , , .
erj thing Is hind end to. jet some com
for, W( ,,. Sivk tvmM w
I . ,.'
No sensational or questionable mat -
ter allowed in the Courier.
Legal blanks at tbe Conner office
n u.,;
One grower sol'l fuu stravvi.." -
Another Krew 16 tons pumpkins on less than 2 acres
So d b-festo loca. store $V Z
for picking from 40 hills raspberries and 38 Logan berries..
One grew 380 boxes Yellow Newtoa Apples on 2 acres young
tr,M worth t2 45 f. o. b. Med ford
28 bixertvensteins from 1 tree sold $28 f. o. Woodville.
25 Salway Peach Trees in fcur successive years sold:
vtM ... - 1300 boxes
1'S 2300 '
kiiw. . - - - 1300 "
One Royal Ann Cherry, 16 years, picked 500 pounds 1907.
One D'Anjou Pear 7 vears picked 6 boxes.
4 acres Ben Davis picked ?500 boxes.
You can get such results as these and better; come to me
and I wil tell you why. ,
You can buy a cosy 7 room house and bath with 1 acre lot
for H00 or a fine timbered 20 acres 2 miles from town for $300,
or irrigated lots, irrigated acres, or irrigated farms close to station,
school and church.
Ben A.
By Using1
Our cold and grip cure. Tliere'fl noUiing
better. It does the work every time.
Don't delay, but come and get the rem
edy today and save yourself a possible
sick spell
The Model Dm? Store
Front Street. Opposite Depot
Local Merchants Mult Advert to
Compete With Pve.eUnt Outeidert.
"A hundred jvu.s hko It was not
ue,-esnry to do i,ny coimiderable
amount of adverUslic but tills la tho
twentieth century, nxA conditions tire
iiulte different." say,, an old advertis
ing' expert. "Nowj.iijj the nierrhant
who neKlevts to put Ms iin.s before
ihe through if.- puMlo prints Is
surely destine! to cw v I''k nml
sit down, while his m,ro up to date
competitors keep r.Ipj :invaril the
fr .lit. Advertising la Ku l.fe of trade.
That statement has Uvn nide so often
that It Is trite, but It ts alw.,ys true,
'Much Is heard Iu el cV .'iiys about
the mail order concern.! In ti e tK cltjes
takiiiR invuy the t.f ( mm.
chants In the Riniillo.,- i iw.i-i nn.l dti...
rt Is an undeniable ,"tv tni,t the ciita- I
lo-iie, with Its price U- ,J everythlnn
under t!i sun. acconip,,!..! m- numer- ;
ous nliuriiK cuts fj r,,;i,-,s.t,. ,. jj, ,. ,.;s
offered. Is attnirtii,- i-. M'.., . f J'i. j
lars from the (.-rout -.',.. ,Hlv.,,., -1l s
inoiiey before the linct wi .if .he l::.i'l !
onhT sc heme went i.t t.., ,,Cvk''ts c' '
local mercha: v. The xa'.l Mer t-eo- !
pie also persistently hdvwl their '
war.M lu the various 1'ttln rndd'eatious '
which are known to the trej., ,..,,n i
order Journals.' Tbns tbe ',..ra v,.)
country pwpU -P kl,,,t co;;ur.t'v 'n '
touch with possible Itret bavins
m rmi iu nn ordr ry mall
receive t;ie goods, whether
tory or not. by return mall.
Some local merchant ronkj a tf.,.
to do about this sai ;.!nc of .i,' .,0 .'
ace, but If thev fall ,, ,.i,..'.k.
, . .. ...nv- l.,(.
, hek- Is not much VX.
I rt- . .1 1 . ' tn b,t
T .1 i s 1- .
I . . . . ""
ammmiltlon that Is shot bv the ;V, '
in. k,.., .. ... P ,c? cu-pet- :
i V.. 1 p! c l- This aa-
I mllu'I lr ' call sl adren','n, Evcrr
small town nr- k ,
' . 1' . .h,i !ts '-7
. wa"- pracf.c.'tv
i . me icnn and its o-t!v'-i t...
,rttory reads regularly. L.ery rod
, ,0,ri1 bas its dlly rjfer T' e-s
i ,re tht -ua wt!ch tbe liVMl'tnerchan's
J nu5? K" J th pn:wt nrt 4
fmn id acre rows 3 ft, apart.
munition If they expect ta fight t
twmpctlOon from tho outslda.
"In mnny towns the tnecbuti hav
dUcovared this fact and act ombard
Ing the enemy furiously. BporU of
Ue battle usually show that th bom
btinlinent ts effective. Of care a
raero scrap of ammunition, a euarf of'
bird thot, won't do much gojxl, but
fw cannon balls will show reralta.
Those who hold that advertising daean'
pay do uot know how to udvertHo.
Tliey are bad marksmen. Tbej jont
shoot BtraUht, or perhaps try uio am
munition tbat Is too ancient. Teopla
like to read advertisements that are up
to date and striking. Nobody la going
to pet ahead In these sharply compatl-l!'-e
days unless he keeps wide awaka
and always has his Sun cocked ready
to ihoot when the uarne Is u sight"
To Mend Amber.
To mend amU-r ornaments dlssolv-
Mece of amber lu chloroform and
lth this mend the broken article after
first wani,!n the pieces. Care must
taken to see the pieces are clean be
" the cement Is PI,:i.M. and careful
ti..t.n.uig is necessary lu order tbat the
euS'9 may t.,rae exactly Into position,
once more.
Market Value of Flies.
Hie market value of flies in Braxil la
to,. England buys files at that
1111.1 uses them
to feed chickens
aim captive bin's
md f.shes. Thero-
' 'most no flies In England.
Try This.
Apla may Jrv.p ! ,ch a wa--iat
i-.Mhlng could be louder. a kfg of poBdr.
-UjBton Herald.
Might Be Worse.
M.l.::ti'.a.-Y..n .... . ...
yoi: t
U.V s
- ;irwi wui never nr
" :;.;.t.
1 know
t on't, mamma, bat
s -,V
'" dou't let's worry.
s rr.-tty bad
'h so to youth. h.::r
' 31 It S. .
At V
I r.
mi. Ij of nchea Vv had.
" : fi ir
Knir.t tooth.
Kansas City Ttmea.