VOL. XXIII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10. 1908. No. 41. MORRIS BROS. WILLING TO SELL WATER PLANT OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR COMING ELECTIONS COUNTY COURT LOOKS AFTER MUCH BUSINESS JURY LIST DRAWN FOR ANOTHER YEAR WENT TO FAR AWAY TEXAS FOR BRIDE NEW CITY OFFICERS ARE DULY SWORN IN Will Meet People of Grn.nl Paaa More Than Half Way in TKle Public Matter. Judges evnd Clerk Selected by Commieelonera for the Next Contests. County Commissioners Find Important Mattera Claim ing Their Attention. County Commissioners Select Big Butch of Nam of Suitable Peraona. Prominent Cranta Pasa Young Man Wedded In the Lone Stsxr Stcxte. City Council Hold Adjourned Meeting &nd Tra.nee.ct Im portant Bualneaa. i F. 8. Morris, of the firm of Morris Bros., the Portland firm which owus the Grant Pass waterworks, was in this city, Monday and Tuesday for the purpose .of meeting the city council and also to discuss with that body and the citizens of Grants Pass the probability of the city's purchasing the plant of the Rogue River Water Co. Mr. Morris, in conversation with a Courier representative remarked that his firm was convinced that itwas only a qnestion of a very short time until Grants Pass would be wanting to take over this plant, as bad been the case with other plants owned by the firm. He said in his estimtion it was the proper thing for any city to do to own its own water system. "The busi ness is a good one and we cau show that it is earning good money. We will not expect to receive even what the plant has cost ui aud we will give your city one of the best equipped plants to be found anywhere. The pimping 'station is right up-to-date and should one pump stop, there is another one ready to be started up on very short notioe. "The people of Grants Pass have treated us very Dioely and we do not careto"have faoy trouble over this matter. We believe, that your eeople will admit that we have endeavored to give the the, best service we could provide. "Yon see, when we installed that plant, we had an understanding witn the city council then in power that we were to raise the rates, as we could not afford to keep.the old ones iu.vegue. "As to the present controversy, I am convinced that we would win out, and I base my calculations upon the advice of the best legal information we have beep able "to obtain. But, as riaid, we dou't tdesire to get into any controversy over this matter, as we realize that it will eventually oome to this and the city will sjouer or later be wanting to take over the plant. . "We have had Several other plants and find when things get to this stage that then is the time to let go. For instauoe, up at Chehalis, Wasii., two of our men coiuuiiiud suicide and another became a defaulter and we hadjall kinds of trouble, aud it all ended in our selling to city and they gave us much mors for the plaut th in we had .been asking but they didn't do this until after they had taken the matter into the courts aud we were given oar rights in the matter. Yon see we have rights in conduct ing a system of waterworks, just as yon have in running a newspaper. But, a 1 said, wt prefer to meet your people and then to coce to some amicable agreement." M"r. Morris stated that his firm was perfectly willing to have the mat ter of the valuation of the plaut left to experieuced and disinterested parties. And as to the pav for same be 'remarked : ' 4 We do uoi cam tor the money. The city cau issue bonds, readiy, upon a rote . of the people and we will be perfectly willing to accept the beuds in paymeut fur the plant." He left for California, where he will look after some business affairs, expecting to return to Port land in time for the meeting for the reorganization of the Merchants ' National Bauk, which occurs on tlie 14th inst. In the imautiuie he sUnds ready to confer with the repreema- tlve of the people regarding this mat ter of great importauce to otery citizen. Monday evening the regular annual meetiug of the Giants Pass Volunteer Fire Department was held. P. P Proctor wan re-ehded chief; Hurry Marsh, assistant chief; Frei Roper, dcreurv: trjuk hlis, treasure and rre.l Cook, hue . T.iereiort showed the affairs of the organization to be iu exc-lle it c mdiiion. Chief Proctor informed the Courier re porter that some i uproveuietitJ were contemplated in t ie imitter of ro viding the city with a cheap, hot effective firs alarm system. He has figured it out that one, connected with the telpbone system could be had for samething like $100 aad it is proving to be .very satisfactory in other places This week the county oourt selected 96 residents of the various voting preoinct of Josephine county, who will preside at the coming primaries aud other elections. The said offi cials named are as follows : North Grants Pass J 0 Campbell, NB Meade and H M; Whit, judges; G A Savage, George Slover and J D Fry, clerks. South Grants Pass W E Dean, W M Hair and Chas Burkhalter, judges; T Y Dean, J H Cballen and W C Smith, clerks. ;West Grants Piss J E Peterson, Ben Dimick and J Christie judges; Hiram Reynold, Herbert Smith and R W Clarie clerks. Wolf Creek S C Ruble, Uriah Mil ler and Henry Gross judges; Beu Rogers, J M Booth and M 0 Pavis, clerks. Leland A A Porter H P Walter and T J Mack in, jndges; H L Wilson, W A Elum and George Porter, clerks. Placer H O Williams, H H Conger and J J Roberts, judges; Alfred Clements, Frank Foss and Paul Howard, olerks. Lucky Queen H M Graham, Arthur How land and A M Cherry, judges; W H Pollock, Charles Payne and Charles By rum, clerk. Merlin Hugo Garbers, D W Mitchell and Joseph McCaslln, judges; O D Sexton, Charles Crow and Charles Ladd, clerks. Gal ice H L Lewis, T K Anderson and Ed Friday, judges ; C L Barlow, Frank Mitchell and J R Harvey, olerks. Murphy O F Centner, W B York and Thomas Lei'h, judges; E M Cockerline. L W Carson and O 0 Bunch, clerks. Williams C O Blgelow, J N Gotcher and J T Hartley, jndges; J M John, E N Provolt aud Marshall Stites, olerks. Slats Creek James McCann, John Brown and W J Riggs, judges; A E Sheehan, C F Lovelace and J H Robin son, clerks. Selms M D L Crooks, T G Har mon and Jacob Hanseth, judges; E F Hathaway, George Kiphart aud W J Smith, clerks. Kerby Ed Dailey, Frank Des'ing and J F Stith, judges; C G Sawyer, J O Turner and Ed Burke, clerks. Althouse W L Bibcock, Ed Mc Cann, H H Qibbs, judges; J J Hodgdon, Will Trefethen and A N MoVey, olerks. Waldo-E M Albright, R P Gsorge aod D S Shaffer, judge; Bob Veatcb, W J Winur and George Epperley, clerks. BIG COYOTE HUNT OUT AT WILLIAMS CREEK People Planning for an Exciting Round Vp of the Wild Animals Soon Edgar Cox, of Williams Creek is at the head of a movement net on foot to have a big coyote hunt, out iu that vicinity, foou. It seem that the animals are becemiug eutirely too numerous aud are getting to be quits bold. So a slaughter of them is to be on a large scale, r or me past wees or so a bait has betn placed for the "critters" and an idsal spot for them is funni in the field or John runcaid, where iu the onter third Is au uu c i eared portion of deme brush aud this is to be th place fur the rendez vous No guns will be allowed, only dogs beiug used for the chase, but there will be some mighty good soon lor the fun loving ptople nf that region aud they hate iuvited the spirts of the county seat to otu In the exciting chase. It is planned to have the big hunt Saturday, January 18, and tbis will b followed by a big sop per at the Will, mux hall, after which will come a varied literary and musical program, the evening's pleasures winding op with a social dance. There will be a meeting at Provolt. next Monday, at 1 :S0 p. m., of th farmers of that community, for the purpose of sel- ctiog a captain and a number of lieutenants, as well as at tending to the appointing of oommil- j tees to bavs in charge the evening's I entertainment. Everything indicates that ths affair I will be a grand success, iu every par- ticular and that the vicinity will hav a jolly time of it The Josephine County Commis sioners have been having a regular siege of it, the present session lastiug from Thursday morning of last week nntil Wednesday ever, in g of this week. It was the longest session of the year, as there were many import ant matters which demanded attention and which had to be looked after. Among other things, the following matters were acted upon Upon presenting the receipt for $.'00, from County Treasurer Taylor, the liquor license of George Strong, of Leland, was extended another six month. W. A. Massie presented a request for permit to run a ferry across Rogue River, on the Galioe Creek road, having already paid to County Treasurer Taylor the 124 yearly li cense fes. As soon as a good bond iu the sum of $200 is filed the licensu will be issued. There was quite a wrangle over the granting of the liquor license at Leland, asked for by Wiseman & Light. The first ruling was that it be not granted, but upon additional infor mation being offered, the court de cided to give the saloon men three months, extending the time to April 4, by which time they ar to dispose of their stock of liquors aod be pre pared to go oat of business at Le land. The road viewers are directed to meet Monday, January 20 and view and lay out the county road at the old ferry landing, on Rogae River, asked for by T. J. Evertoo, et al. and make report of same at the Febru.ry term of oourt A like order was issued concern ing the county road desired by J G Kill et al, in sec 84, tp 81 s, r 6, west, the viewers to meet on Tues day, January 21 and then report at the February term of court. The tax levy lor Josephine county s running expenses was made as follows: county tax, 6a mills; stat-i 2 mills; school, 4'j mills; High School, mill; roads, 2 mills, making a otal of 14 mills. This makei the levy for the city of Grants Pass, 2 mills, as against 27 mills last year, which onght to be welcome isfoiiuatiou to the taxpayers of the couuty seat. Roard supervisors were appointed as follows Districts 1 A Morris; 3 Qds Gebers; 8 Chris Eismaun ; 4 Henry Gross; 5 Out; 6-Ed Friday; 7 Win Light; 8-W O Fry ; a O G Waid; 10 O F Gentuer; II Frank Topping; 13 J J Brown; 13 George Duncin; 14 J G Hiatt 13 James E Lewis; 10-D S Shaffer and li lt Pierce. Two election preoincts were changed as to then boundaries, as touows: Mount Reuben was aade a part of Leland precinct and all that part of Kerby lying east of 'the west liue of tp 89 s, r 7, we-t, and north of Sucker Creek, was amended aud made a part of the Althouse precinct. Lee Sill was appointed stock iu- t pee tor for Jospehine county to serve during the year 1908. After much discussion, wherein the applicants were represented by Attor ney U H Clements and the people protesting by Attorney Oliver S Brown, a liquor license wai Issued to Garout & Eusted, to conduct a saloon in Merlin precinct. There was an unusually large gr'st of I ills passed upon and ordered paid by the board. These will be publish ed iu the next issoe of the Courier. Calvio Bosby's liquor license, iu Placer precinct was extended three monthsj from January 4 to April 4, upon receipt of County Treasurer Taylor that the $100 liceose fee bad been duly paid. N B Mead and J M Jones were appointed to act with County Sur veyor H O Perkins, as the County Board of Road Viewer, for the y ar 1908. The Rogoe River Courier was deaig nated as the official paper for Jose phine county, for th ensuing year. but the "string" attached to honor was that the rate ing the commissioners' tor puonsu- proceedings should be only 1 cent per line. County Clerk Cheshire was in structed to receive bids for furnishing 60 tiers of black oak wood aud 1.5 tiers of fir wood for use at tbecourt- The County Commissioners have selected the following 200 persons who wilP be on the list firm which ths juries in the iruit trials will be drawn for the next 12 months : Akerman, O H Aeee, J D. Ahlf, J H. Aldersoo.Sam. Anient, C G. Andrews, H L Bacher, H J Barnes, A S Bartlett, Alfred Black. W H Booth, H E Bowler. W F " Brown, Orr Burke, Ed Calvert, J L Oordoza, M A Carroll, B F Chamberlain, C G Christie, Sam demo, Thos Cockerline, E M A bell, Stephen. Adams, Bert. A kern, L B Altpeter, George. Anderson, W G. Babcock, W L Baird. J W.Jr Barrett, F E Blgelow, Albeit Bnbzien, H C Borough, J B Briggs. David Bull, B F Jr Calhoun, George S Campbell, J C Uargill, E E Ca't, A T Chaosse, J T Churohil), R O Cleveo ger O L Cole, N W Congte, Rial Daifey, Ed Dean, T Y Dimick, E E Drake, J D Eberle, J B Edwards. O C Elder. G W, Fay, L D. Finch, George Floyd. Frank Freed. W H Friday, Ed Galvin M T Gibbs, H H Gilkey, H L Gooduow, O S Gray, Charles Grout. V 8 Habermaa, Wm . Hamlin.J W Hancsom, D H Harmon.T G Harper, Joseph Hathaway, K F Heberlie, L A Herman, John Hilderbraodt. W 0 Hodgdon, J E Holman. E G Howard, J E Huck, Kobert, Hunt, W D Hyde, L O Ingram, W L Jess, Sherman Jones, J U Kenitner, L C Cook. D S Craig, Rov Davis. I M Dessinger, Frank Dixon, J D Donlap, G A Edgerton, C L Eismann, F D Ever ton, T J Fetzner, Joseph, r itzpatriok, J W Ford. A C Frier, J J Fulk, A J George, R P Gigler, Andrew, Gillette, C G Gotcher, J A Grilfin, M L Gonning.G M Hall, J N Hanimond, AM Hauseth, A A Harmon, D A Hart, Chas F Hates, D O Hefling. J L Henton, A M Hocking, James Hogue. W V Hood, W A Hotie, George R Huggins. W II Husey, A I Ingles, E V Inham. 8 E John.W D Jordan, M KtBterson, H G Kiocaid. J C Kingwell, Charles Kittermau.H B Ktuui. W A Kuox. A F Kukeuduli. E W Lance, John Leith, Thomas Lewis, J E Linrtcay. 1 A MoOallister. vv T McCa-lin. J W McPliersou, C L Man-held, R Laesuh, Luis Larson, Thomas Leonard, W A Light, Wm Lowdeu.I C McCanu, J r M.iCoruiick. G T Mackiu, T J Martin, A' T Mathews, C N Mensch, Fred MeBHiiiger.OlarenceMiller, Fred M Miller, Uriah Mitchell, M A Moore, J W Murrav, L R Myrick, C A Naucke. A W Neelev, JS U iSelsnn, J a Nk-huK George H Nirkerson, Clerks Nut , Hollis O'Brien, George Oit, W J Padrioi-k, W A Harks. Jame Patrick, John, Patterson, L G Payoe, J T Perry, K T Peterson. Daniel Pierce, F A Pollock, Joseph Porter, George W Prenontt, H 8 Provolt, K N Revuolds, Milton Reymer, R A N Robinson, R M Kable. S O Rutherford, W M Sampson, Herbert Sargent, A 8 Hrtuer, Nick Savage, W J Savage, G A Schleigh. W K Kuhmitt, Lou Sexton C D Shiver, J A Sawyer. C G Schmidt. Clans Hcovill J L Schaffer. D 8 Smith, Harry Smith, W J South F M Taylor S J Williams Wilbur Wilson, H L Smllh, Ora Siniiii, Herbert S ailin Ira F Taylor J J Wiloox r O house. The bids are to be filed with said County Clerk not later than February 6, 1C8, at 10 a. m. Cot a B. Lemon was employed as county pbjsician, lor the ensuing year, at $40 per month, the contact to be drawn up later. The court ajdooroed sine die Quite a large force of men are en gaged in taking op the roadbed, at the crossing of Sixth street, and pot ting down solid rock foundation. This was found necessary on account of the standing water, which was causing the - track to, sink at that point. The following 16 Koseburg Elks came up, Thursday, to attend the faueral of the late John G. Schall- horn . W B Hammette, F F Brand Basbford, H T McClellan, Eimer Sam Kant, C L Peterson, Wm Carroll, Chas Parrott, Earl Landers, Wm Van Buren, Monte Gawltr, A N Orcntt, Geo W Staley John Hunter, Ralph Kearney and W E Bodge. A recent issue of the Fort Worth, Texas Star contained this interesting UTformation regarding the movements of one of Grants Pass' popular young businessmen: "After an absence from Fort Worth of six mouths, L. G. Gillette, who registers from Grants Pass, Ore., "the Italy of Amerioa," as he expresses it, is in this city, and bere on a most im portant mission. Mr. Gillette is to be married Monday evening to Miss Delia Addisou, who recently moved to Fort Worth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Billingslsy from Bris tol, Virginia. The marriage will be solemnized this evening in the par lors of th Delaware hotel, Rev. Hu bert Knickerbocker, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating. Only the relatives and intimate friends of the young couple will be present, aud almost Immeditely alter the ceremony Mr. Gillette and his bride will begin their journey to their faraway home in Oregon. Sight seeiug expeditions will be made from Los Angeles and San Franclsoo to the principal California points of interest and altogether the young couple will spend 10 days or two weeks in making the trip home. Mr. Gillette was formerly oonneoted itb the real estate firm of Llgon- Diokinson & Co., and is a rising young man and one who has made an almost phenomenal success . sine starting in his business career. 'Of course I am glad to be in- Fort Worth again aud to mix with my old friends,' said Mr. Gillette Mouday, and while I am bere for a bride. many of my friend will aoouse me of not being able to remain away from Fort Worth and Texas. This is particularly true as to my present mission, but I can't go back on Ore gon, a state that .in its undeveloped condition offers unlimited possibilities aod golden opportunities to both the homeseeker and the investor. " 'To tell of the greatness of Oregon, is like reciting fiction. Out there we raise any aud everything that will grow uuder any conditious whatever and have an overabundance of min rals, including both quartz and placer of the richest character. Of the fine fruits'volumes could be writ ten. Last season a 85 acre orchard of appls netted its owner k$10,000, while IB acres of Bartlett and Cornice pears netted $19,000. One aore of tokay grapes has repeatedly produced for its owner between I.iUO and fnoo each season. "We can ship fruit to Now York city at $1.35 to $1.50 per 100 poonda, while the rate to Fort Worth is $4 per 100. This shows why Texas aud the South does not get its full share of the fine fruits raised in the great fruit sections of the country.' While hurrying away to till a lunch engagement Mr. Gillette called back to say something about Horace Greeley's immortal words when he said : 'Young man, go West. ' Mr. Gillette aoorpts this saying by udding, 'Go West, but by all means go to Oregon' " Somethin gn Extraordinary The big sale of Graniteware Special Prices Began Yesterday Furniture and Carl-eta, Linoleums, I. ace Curtains, Por tieres, MattresM-, Pillows, Cots, Wall Pajier, Clocks, Mirrors, Window Bbades, Picture)., Picture Moulding. S. H. THE HOUSEFURNISHER f ront St., Monday evening an adjourned meet ing of the city council wa held, at which time the new officials took their seats, C.ty Auditor Clements . administering tho oaths. Other mattera of a business nature were looked after, as follows : The officers of the Thompson Water, Light & Power Co. sent in it bond to cover its acceptance of the fran chise for constructing a waterworks system in this city as granted them by a franchise recently voted upon. The contract for sprinkling the streets of this -city during the dry season nf '08 was awarded to "Jack" Wells who is to provide up-to-date ap paratus, the city retaining the op tion of stepping in and attending to the matter if he fails to come np to the requirements. A favorable report was made re garding the graveling and grading of the alley ranning from 4th to Hh streets between G and H. Bids for the printing of the oity ordin ances in book form, were handed In by the Observer, Courier and P P Proctor, but the matter was again referred to the committee having same in oharge, with full power to act. The Health Committee was instructed to care fully Inspect the city hall and jail and to provide any additional furnishiugs needed. Sam Graham and Wm. Fehley were placed upon the "Common Drunk ard" list, as provided by law. The Park Committee was consoli dated with the Property Committee. Mr. Morris, of Morris Bros., owners of the waterwoiks system wbiob U supplying Grants Pass with water, appeared before the conucil and re quested that his firm be given an op portunity to confer with a ocmmlttee from the said body, relative to the waterworks. Mayor Smith thereupon appointed Ooiiclluieo Toffs, Kinney and Oobnrn, who will meet with Mr. Morris Saturday 11th Inst. An ordinanoa, No. 390 for the grad ing aud graveling of ths south side of K street, between 0th and 8th, for sidewalk purposes, was int'oduoed and read. Mayor Smith announced his appoint ments as follows: Auditor aod Police Judge, J A fi lover; Chief of Polios, M McGrew; Night Marshal, O R Swearinger'; Street Superintendent C E MuLsue aud City Attorney, O II Clements. Committees for the year were named as follows: Street: Coburo, Tuffs aud Kinney; Finances: Tuffs, Stovall aud Crauinr; Light: Lewis, Stovall and Burkhalter; Sewer: Fetsch, Tuffs and Kinney; Health: Stovall, Cramer aud Lewis; Fire and water: Burk halter, Fetsch and Lewis. At the conclusion of the business session, the meaiber repaired to Richardson's place, where a banquet was had. It was not a time for speech making, but merely to enable the new aud old members of the body to become better acquainted with 'one another. They report having had a very enjoyable, time. Htoves and Ranges, Oranitewsr. Agteware, Tan ware, Woodenwara, Willoware, Cutlery, Crockery, Lamps, Glassware, Fancy China, Oo-Carta, Baby Carriage. OTIeili bet. 6 and 7