ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON, J ANUARY 3, 1908. to RIGHT In Starting The New Year By getting the best value for your : : money and buy your Groceries here. The quality of the goods we offer will please you, and our prices will surprise you. The proof is in the mating. Give us a trial and we will risk the results. . Pardee, Sfle Grocer Front Street Grants Pas I) K E It I N (i W. J. Winter of the Deep Gravel jilitoer in Inn li wearing a double gunged Hiullo theie dufi lie plodn round Id hit (tiring ioit and watolie bil op to date htdraulio glimta rip ping and tearing their war into the grant bed of gold bearing gravel and bringing its yellow treanurei to light Tbil la curelr a great mine and well can Uncle Billle feel proud. E. W. Turner of the Mammoth mine gut a whiff of ChrUtmad goose that brought him forth from hla hole on Copper mountain to mingle with many frieuda of Deering. The paramount Untie unit rear will be tha tame an uiual office. Jtipe la atill aawing wood, with an oooanioual aiuile from fair Luna, penetrating the iiiIhU. Christina full of gooil cheer waa obierred with good rlandt at ththome of grandma Webb and all friotidH who could witliHtaud the eleiueoti were there. Otto aodnntoii baa opened up hla copper ledge on Shelly oreek by uut- ting ll In three plaora. Tlili la a rery promiaing proapuol aa il carriaa high raluea In gold. K. M. Albright la home from hla trip to Maw Meiioo and aeeuia to thiol that Joiephine haa theiu all ou tha ran aa to tuiueral. T. E. Lew in u of 1'rorolt la no oroaker. I'rornlt hi the aoil. the climate and .that la not all it l Tom Lawman, tha aool of eoterprTeH and hoapitality. Tom not only he" lierea la tolling the truth, but be lieve! In telliog it well and can pro duce tha gooda to buck It no. May "Kod I'loud, " did you raiae any beeti thla yoarf " W. L. Durkee of Baker City, a min ing luait of note waa a guext uf the Webb UrnthoM for a couple of dva thia week. Mr. Durkee aaya iliat'Uiil Norte county and Joanphiue are twin aiNtara lu regard to m.neral and onea fata hanga opou the other and both their fatna bang upon a railroad and that the road muat come, lie aaya that tha mining export who bare tamed thia part ;of the wooil down know no more about uiiiiiw thau a Nootoh terrier knowa about lg'ala(iou. Mr. Durkoe ia a practical miner and prediota great thiuga for our country. KHKN. Ha Km Hit Sister. Blue the eiiKK'in'iit of hla pretty alater her amall brother had been pin allug hla head to iimlerntmid what It meant. "Why," irlalnietl hla mother, "Mr. Bkagg haa alater to marry him. That tueana that he'll take rare of fcer." "Buy her thlngx?" aakisl the boy. "Yea." "Hata and dinner and Ice cream and erery thing?" he perilled. "Yea," waa the answer. The boy thought It all over for a mo meut, and tiieu he said. "Wall, that man'a gut lota of cour M. aaau't her"-I-dle' Hon Jour for men who toil Levi Strauss & Co's GipiK-r Riveted Overalls the kind that "WEARS" II I rut lull jfmmmHmmm made of 6V n , -" aelriiaii : )i u u 1 ii y Mr. aud Mra. Dtitclier and the Lieth family apent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. John Brockley. Anna Hibernian la stopping in town a' uce the holiday and will probably not be home before the Brut of Feb ruary. . The recent raiua bare coated a few million np the Applegate, but moat all of them are branded K. D. H. Chriatiuia racatiuna hare 2 their ombre aa well aa their silver Jiuhikh. To ilhutrato thia, laat week, we bail with ua Miaa Auuabella Leltb, teacher at tha Lee diatrict, but inlawed the happr auiile of Mini Ira MoArthur tha Morphr teaoher. Did you notice thoe big burnt holea In the lt few iaauea of the Courier? Well that waa caused from theiioT worda between "Red Cloud" anil "Shorty." . The following ooreraatlon'TTtook plaoe between two, yonngladlea'of tha city, upon dlaooraring a bunch of turaeya, while horelwrlt riding In the Murphy precinct. : Beatrice "Oh, Louiaa look at the ducks." " Loo I aa "No Beatrice, taoee are Guinea bens " Chaa. Uabnrtnan, Obaa. Borkhalter and Clyde Jeter have oommnuimd work on the Oacar creek placerrThia ia one of tha ricbeat placer mines iu Oregon and Mr. Burkhalter, being one of tha owners we predict a splendid clean op In tha spring. Caraon A Son ef the Red laud Vine yard are doing some apleudld improv ing iu the way of feuoiug. They are naiug a substantial make of woven wire and hravy cedar Kata with all corners deep net ami double braced. They expect to have the Vineyard mada entirely coyote tight before The ueit grape harveat. A CbriatmaH aurpriae waa given the Kev. Mra. Heed on Saturday night by her many friends of thia locality. She waa prewnted with a bandaoiue crazy patch, worsted quilt, aud hoU pillow match, fju in money aud the wtnlieH ilf the the entire community thather ChriatmuM should lie merry and that all the new yeara of her declining age should be tilled with .the happy memories of the good deeds ahe haa doue aud the helping hand she has giveo through the trials and iucidetita of useful and righteous life. We notice in a late Courier the an nouncement that with the beginning of the year the postoftloea at 1'rorolt, Davidson, and Kubli would lie dis continued ou .xvomit of the establish ment of the H. F. D. Route from Murphy. Yonr reporter must lie Rip Van Winkle aud he baa just awakened from bia protracted aluuitier, for the Rural Route baa been iu operation since September Kith and the office of luvidsu and Kubli have been out of commission ao long that they have forgotten lit and Hip's dream of the discontinuance of lroolt will proba hlv never come 'true. ' And we would also coriect Ins mistake about Loiau WiHblridge aud bia big "spuds" being ou the Rogue River. Now, readers, we wish it understood that Missouri Klut, Logan Wooldridge, 10 'poiim! puds aud 40 pound caMngea all have their home on the Applegate river, aiid si defy Rogue River" to beat either the regetablesthe aoil or the uiau that grow thein X. Y. Z. I WITH THE CHURCHES X GREETED NEW YEAR. An interesting and impressive Watch Night meeting was held by the members of the Firat Methodist church, Tuesday night, which waa, largely attended and proved to be very helpful and upliftiog. Tha exercises were quite varied aud decidedly ap propriate. I At the Free Methodist church, j Watoh Night serrices were alsj held and the members report baring had a delightful time. PRESBYTERIAN EVANGELIST. The members of Bethany Presbyter ian church are taking great interest in tha approaching evangelistic meetings, ! which will commence Tuedty. Janu ary 14. The eloquent and ai le divin, Rev. Dr. A. L. Hutch sou. of Ta corns, Wash., will be here to assist in I he series of meetings. The follow l irig from the Tacoiua Ledger gives ' Home idea of the man who is to render such valaable assistance to the local church: "Bat it is because be goes out of bis way to help others that Rev. Hutohison is one of the busiest ministers in Tacooia. He is chair man of the committee on home mis sions In thia synod, chairman of the Persbytenan home missions and has a place on almost erery board to be found in the religious world of the Northwest. For the iame.reaann the M O Warner, formerly superinleu dent of itie "Soldier l'ar. ' Sucker I'r-ek, near Holland" mine, ou but mo s ; iy iiUfn.lem of the H ilTITl eW aali., elsctnc lul't plant. wsThere " tolook after suns nmnsiiiK mining property inwhu-h li aud his brother are'inter- Mtel, uul urar llollaud. '. fata List Your TiTiiUr lTmlii With Hersitiger A Mitche'.l. . U-'JOAf ,V7 Mfiaawy.yfiayii ' r "-5 v i V annual social and election of officers of the Baptist Toong PeoplVs Society. Crsig Sharp was elected president, Roy Lathrop, rice-preiddent, Esther Hallo treaaurer, Josephine Ran die, secretary and Leila Caldwell ; organist i The interior of the Baptist Cbnrch is bdinir decorted by the Ladies Aid Society. The walls are receiring a 1 light brown shade and the ceiling is cream colors. A stencil runs around j the border of the dropjed ceiling where the color merge. .The pews, windows and door frames are finished j in the natural wood. The baptistry will also be in natural wood with new ; cortams. Next week occurs the week of ' prayer. A serrice will bn held each : night except Saturday. Ou the follow I ing Sunday H. Wyse Jones, the state evangelist and EageneSpeir, the soloist and ciiuir leader will begin meet ' iugs. Thtse meetings will last two j weeks aud conclude with au Evan igelistic Conference of two days, Janu ary 27-28. To this conference pastors and members of churches in this city and vicinity are invited to parti cipate. The messages and appointments for , Sunday, January 5, this first day in 'the "Week of Prayer" to be observed htre, are as follows Morning hour of worahip 10:30, theme of sermon Doing God's Business." The obserrance of the Lord's Supper follows The ! Bible School meets as usual, at 11:45. i Ihe Youne People meet at 6:30: sub ject "Songs of the Heart. What is true Blesseduess?" The pastor preaches at 7:30 on "The Power of God." You will be welcomed. REV. DR. HUTCHISON telephone at bia homl seems to be con tluoally tinkling. Bnt he seems to hare become used to it aud will break off a conversation witli.a harried "ex cuse me' aud then calmly resume where he left off. All these other dii'iea are in addition to his greatest work aa psator of the Immanuel Presbyterian church, at North Ninth street. He took charge of it six years ago when it had 05 members and worked on it and built it up until it uow has 275. Ho gives a person the Impression of being one of.tliose men who are never idle. He has a thous and aud one things to look after ; but at certain intervals he drops the whole load of work and the next that is seen of Rev. Hutchison is by the banks of some stream, clad in rough clothes, enticing fish onto his hook. Then be comes back again to wotk like a ateam engine until the next time. " EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS AT CIIRISTAIN CHCRCH. The meetings at the Christian church conducted by J. N. McConnell of Eugeue, Oregon, are proiiresaing in uo uncertain manner. The audiences have beau larger aud iuapiriug. Several ministers of the other churches have beau in attendance, thus show ing a most brotherly spirit. J. N. McConuell is a speaker of no mean ability and a man of very pleasing personality. The memliers of the church have been thus far nnusually well pleaaed with Mr. MoConnell's presentation of his themes. Mr. Mo Connell's strongest ability is popu larity with men. During the larger majority of his meetings he has had a large attendance of men. The evan gelist ia very nnique in the treatment of hie sermons and in their delivery he uses the straightforward conver sational style. His earnestness iui presses one at once. One very inter eetiug part of each service is the question Hat. Mr. McConnell has a aeries of SO questions printed and those in the audience who wish queetlous answered call them out by number. Tha printed questions in clude the majority of Tandthe more important cues of the questions which are asked at every uieetingA good many of the questiona tha evaugelist permits the audienc to anawer. " So far Ihe singing evangelist who was to imiiw from Mispuri"ha not arnve.1, but Mr McDonnell savaTbat in the course of a day or two" beTw i II have one of the' beet ur.i ileal directors and baritone soloists in the West. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The ; schedule of worship at the Bethany church on the coming sab bath, January 6, ll08, comprise) the following: 11 a. m. Celebration of the .Holy' Communion,! preceded by a short address by, the PasUir and the reception of new members. 1 :30 p in. Evening worship. Theme: "At the Horns of the Altar." 10 a. m. Bible school superintended by H. C. Kin ney. 0:30 p. m. The Devotional hour of the Y. P. 8. C. E. To all these services everyone is most cor dially invited. M. E. CHURCH. SOUTH. Services as usual next Sunday. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning suoject "Old Things versus New Things." League at 6:30 p. m. and at 7:30 the subject will be "Launch Out " Evening services are bright and brief. Spend yonr Sunday evsn ings with us. A welcome always awaits you here. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Monday eveuing ocvurred'tue semi' NEWMAN M. E. REVIVAL Tha members of Newman Metho dist church are planning for a series j of grand revival meetings, which will ; commence Sunday, January 13. Rev. 1 0. O. Beckman, the pastor will be ably agisted in these services for the first week by Rev. Jas. K. Hawkins, pastor of the Rosebarg church, who is said to be an eloquent and forceful 1 speaker. A mention of the singer, i who is to reuder valuable assistance : during the meetings i s made else I where in today's Courier. Newman j church is alive to the importance of thcs3 meetings a id tha members are showing a disposition to render every possible assistance in uiakiug them as successful aa possible. I Sunday's services are as follows: ' Preaching morning aud evening by the pastor. Suhjwt of the sermon at II a. m. is "Ulad! Wheu? ' i Eveuing at 7:30 "The Value of i Soul." Sunday school at 10 a. ni. 1 Junior League at 3 p.m. Epworth 1 Legua at 6:30. A cordial welcome awaits everyone who attends these services. . The following clipping is take from Saturday's Tacoiua 's Daily News regardiug Miss Claribel Watson, ! who is to assist iu the evangelistic services iu Newman M. E. Church: Miss Claribel Watson has beer, en gaged as a-aistaut director of music and soloist for a series of church , maetinga at Grants Pass, Ore. , and i will leave about the 10th of Jauuarr. ; Miss Watsou, who has a full, deep- lonea contralto voice or expressive : quality, is one of the most promising j vt Ta ouia's younger singers aud has j been studying .for some months with j , Albert Gray. She will be away until j February. j NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. j Notice it hetvby given that the as-1 ! nnal meeting of tin Stockholders of j tha Grauta Pass Banking and Trust ' Compauy ia called to meet at the par-' lora of said bank on Taesdar the It i day of Jauoary, likVS at 10 o'cevk a. I m., for the purpose of eleotiog a board of directors to serve one year, and to transact suoh other business aa may proparly come before the mee'iug. L. L. JEWELL, Cashier. Da'ed at Grauta Pass, Oregon, De eemtier 20, 1SW7. lS-iO .'i Prof. K. R. Turner won the hand some rocking chair which O'Neill, the bousefuruither offered to the pt r son giviugjhe first correvt answer to a puzzle he hadbeforTthe people. Sunshine in every tin of Folg'er's Golden Gate Coffee SOLD ON MERIT J. A. FOLGER & CO. Established 1850 SAN FRANCISCO ! . Ashland Commerclo.1 Collage Notes. Oar new students last week were Georgia Hoanlaud of Bonanza, Nell Simpson of Lakeview, Cora Greninger and Anna Martin of Ashlmd, and John Edmonds of Vancouver, Wash ington. Rev. E. LeRoy Hall of Medford was a visitor one day last weak and gave us an enthusiastic address on "Business Visions." The Etaria had a very succasful sesiion at Prof. Ritners residence on Friday evening, Deo. 20 The following program was rendered : Musical Selection, sornet and piano Mr. and Miss Crawford Vocal Duet Mr and Miss Davidson Original Poem Mr. Price Debate, "Resolved, That the Presi dent's Term of Office should be ex tended to Eight Years. Affirmative, Mr. Crawford, Miss Wright; Nega tire, Mr. Darts, Will Ritner. The decision was in, favor of the affirma tive College Tribune fead by Miss Rit ner as Mr. Herriott, the editor, was absent. Critics report. The following offioers were elected for the ensuing two months: Pres., Miss Anna Martin; rice-presldeut, Mr. Bandy; secretary and treas., Mr. Sturges; editor, Will Ritner; asio. editor, .Miss Jack ; critio, Miss Wright. The Shorthand department having become too large for Mis Ritner's unaided efforts, Mini Williams baa been installed as assistant Dale Stnrges is making fine pro gress in his studies and is spending the holidays at his home ia Grants Pass. BIJOU Theatre HALL BUILDING North Sixth Street Continuous Performance Of MOVING PICTURES & ILLUSTRATED SONGS ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY Doors open every evening at 7:15 p. m. Saturday Matinee at 3:00 p. m. ADMISSION 10 Cents TEA You think one tea as food as another ? Why don't you buy at the lowest price you see in the window ? Your g-focer returni your moncv If rot dont Hkt Schilling's Beit; ws par bim. Fruitgrowers of Rogne Rnrer Valley find the Conner of special interest A Whirlwind of Cash Chasers OUR Annual January Clearance Sale will be on, full blast next week. Hundreds of big bargains to choose from in Men's and Boy's Suits, Overcoats. Extra Pants, Flannel Shirts, Wool Underwear,' Blankets, Sweaters, etc. The greater part of the winter is still ahead of us. Make your pur chases now, save money, and get full benefit. QEO. 5. CALHOUN CO. OUTFITTERS TO BOr arm nflN.