Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 03, 1908, Image 7

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Are You Interested In Fencing?
If so let us figure with you. We sell
Page Woven Wire Fence
Cattle. Sheep,
Goat, Poultry, or
Hog Fence,
Buy the PAGE and Start in Right
We buy'direct from factory and our prices are right. 80 miles
of Page Fence sold in Jackson County since January 1007.
CAe Paige Fence Men
Oi Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Countie4.
Main Office - - Medford, Ore.
"Old Reliable Albany Nurseries"
and you are sure of gettidg just what you
order. We grow our trees for quality not
cheap prices.
Recently Enlarged
25.000 New Words
New Gazetteer of the World
with more than 85.000 titles, based oaths
latest oenius returns.
New Biographical Dictionary
containing the nam eg of over 10.000 noted
persona, date of birth, death, etc
Edited by W. T.nARIUS, Ph.D., LL.D,
United States ConunlMloner of Education.
2380 Quarto Pages
Vn FklM. woe lUMntim Btck Dlidhts,
Needed In Every Home
Also Webster's ColleglatelDtctioaary
me rt. lioo iiitKtnuiou.
Regular Edition?! Mil tack. Iblndtatv
D Luxe Edition DiilViSli. Prinudftom
Mm. plftW. w hihl. paper. I hrMtiful bt.dt.gfc
FREE, 'DIMlourjrWruiklM." UluxrUBdiiupklm.
Publlahere. Sprlnifleld, Maaa.
H Hi' mm
mm m
fir;-- -3srlM
ov CLEVELAND'S Ask a GOOD cook the
powder to use and she will sav CLEVELAND b.
It is the baking powder of experts the baking powder used
by those who have tried them all. .
' Cooks who have used CLEVELAND S and tried others
always come back to
Made from a Superior grade of Pure Cream of Tartar.
Lawn, Garden,
Cemetery, or Wrou
ght Iron Fence or
Courier Blkn ap stairs
Promptly fA he beet material
and . kue latest style.
Still doing business at the old stand.
Cor. Sixth and D streets.
J HANTS Pass, - Okioos
Flower and Tree.
Small chrysanthemums, it Is said.
will keep better and longer than large
ones after being cut.
An apple tree 100 years old is i
rarity, but a pear tree of 300 and ritlti
In full bearing Is by no means uneow
An orchid that takes a drink when
ever It feels thirsty by letting down a
tube Into the water Is a botanical carl
oslty which grows In South AfricH
Toe tulie when not In use Is colled no
mi top of the plunt.
&.tAi iimii 1 1l:
"H' vmn focwir :n i i . n in. a .m
1 i i sijfiKWT viTrrm lnrrrn i mini i -i
i jmwmi ii
7ilI I. Ml mmrttiF "'""""""n
t ea&WMR'
Paul 0. Sargent Tells of the State
Highway Building.
Twenty-four Hundred Miles of Road
Already Laid Out Gravel Generally
Used For Surfacing How the Work
Is Done.
Taul D. Sargent, state highway com
missioner of Maine, In a recent ad
dress before the good roads and legis
lative convention of the Automobile
dub of Springfield, Muss., spoke as
follows about roud work In Maine:
The construction of state roads In
Maine j ?s"nts a little different prob
lem from that in any otner or me sew
England states. This Is partly on ac
count of our large area which Is sparse
ly settled and our low valuation. For
A thin deposit of travel, ueed in road
building, Is exposed in the ditch on the
example, our area Is within 300 square
miles of equaling that of all the other
New England states. Our population
Is about 50 per cent more than that of
the city of Boston and our valuation
about one-tenth that of Massachusetts.
In the matter of valuations I might
say that we have only sixty-three cities
and towns In the state which have a
valuation of $1,000,000. We have 222
towns with a valuation less than $250,
000 each, and three-fourths of all our
towns are less than $500,000 in valua
tiou. In many of our towns, especially
the smaller ones, highway taxes aloue
run from 1 to 3 cents, so you see when
these towns make appropriations for
good roads they are really struggling
to Improve their condition.
We have, however, made a start In
the matter of state road building and
are making progress every year. In
1001 a state road law was passed
which was geueral In its application
that Is, it provided that every town In
the state might have state aid in com
Diving with certain conditions. The
amount which any town could expend
under this original law was only $200
per year, and the maximum state aid
allowed on account of such exiendl
ture was $100. Succeeding legislatures
raised the amount until at present $000
is the maximum amount a town may
expend and be reimbursed by the state
for half its expenditure.
The first year of the law only twelve
towns took advantage of its provisions,
while last year, the sixth year of Its
operation, 322 towns built their state
kind of baking
I I H I I'.
roads and received state aid. Thla
year S56 towns are building sections
of state road.
Our law provides that when a town
makes appropriation and declares its
Intention to build state road the county
commissioners shall designate in that
town the main traveled thoroughfare.
which shall thereafter be known as the
state road, and that said appropriation
shall be expended in Improving some
section of this road. Under this pro
vision for designating state roads
about 2,400 miles of road have already
been laid out
rp to the close of last year about
$450,000 had been expended by the
towns and the state In this reconstruc
tion work, and nearly 300 miles of
road had been worked upon. The
work consists mainly in cutting down
excessive grades, raising roads in
swamps and low places, straightening
crooked roads, taking out sharp curves
and underdrainlng quagmires.
In general our surfacing material
consists of gravel, but In many cases
only the natural soil is used for this
purpose, especially if gravel cannot be
obtained within two miles of the loca
tion of the work. Probably in forty
towns In the state the surfacing mate
rial Is crushed stone.
The work up to the present time has
been under the direct supervision of
the various boards of county commis
sioners. As the luw provides for in
spection of the work after it is com
pleted and the commissioners have not
In general Insisted on one standard of
work, there have been quite a good
many variations In the completed
roads, but progress is being made each
year, and we are gradually approach
ing something in the line of uniform
ity. The standard which we ask to
have maintained is for a road twenty
one feet .wide which shall have at
least twelve feet of hardened track,
with earth shoulders to make up the
remaining width.
Our general specification is for sur
facing material to be eight inches thick
in the center and six Inches thick on
the shoulders, to be screened into sizes
and deposited in layers aid rolled
wherever po'ssible. We find that such
work where it is carefully and well
done averages in cost fiein 86 te BO
cents per lineal foot.
The Beat People in Grants Pass
Says Demarevy. Guaranteed
in Catarrhal Troubles.
O'her remedy or treatment for
"..m8 ever been-aipopu!ar or
made so manv remarkable cores in
Grants Pass as Hyomei.
The best people attest its curative
virtues, savs C. H. Domaray, who is
the local agent. The fair way in
which Hvomel was sold, to refund
themoney unleats it gave satislaotion
was the best proofwnen it was in-
irodnced that ii possessed, onusua
oorative powers.
Demaray took all the risk of the
treatment giving satisfaction, and leit
it to the purchasers to be the judge.
Later, when Hyomei was need and
recommended by our well-known
physicians and business meu and tneir
wives as a treatment that absolutely
oured catarrh, no matter how serious
or long standing, the ales rapidly
grew aud today there is no other
remedy in .Demaray 's stock that has
such a large and staple sale.
The first bottle of Hyomei 's healing
air kills all catarrhal poison.
Trv Hyomei todaj- on uemaray s
offer to reluud'the money if the treat
,int d:s not Kive you satisfaction.
A inn iui Ii v of the adult women of
icelaud have petitioned the parlla
nient now In st-sslon to give them the
full Imllot. Thev already have tho
municipal vote.
Miss Kll.aliotu ltoblim, author of the
equal KiilTrHge play that has made so
irrent n stir lu London, has now
brought out uu e.ual rights novel call
ed "The Convert."
Helvu I.ockwood, the first woman to
le ndiultled lo practice before th
t'nltcil Slates supreme court. Is the
deau of Ahierlcnn women lawyers, and
on two uci-uhIous she was nominated
by the Kipial Uights party for the
nresidi'iicv of the I'nlted States. She
is nn able mid brilliant woman.
Mile, lleleue Mirupolski recently
took the oath of barrister in Paris and
Is now entitled to practice In the
courts. Mile. Mlrapolskl is of Polish
origin, but by birth Parisian. She is a
daughter of a physician and looks
more like a schoolgirl than a lawyer
when lu tho barrister's tog. She Is
the youngest woman lawyer lu France
and the first admitted to the bar at
her age.
TliV Clean Town Qrows.
Juiit as you select a clean store to
buy your goods In, so does the home
seeker look for a clean town In which
to make bis borne. Clean streets and
tidy, well kept lawns advertise a town,
and It Is very little trouble and ex
panse to bring about this condition of
affairs In any community if the citi
zens will co-operate and do their share
In the matter.
Ads. Add to Your Profits.
Would you with profit advertise?
Then 1ft your ad. be terse and wtae,
Po folks of every rank and station
Will read your ad. with ad-mlrattoa.
Do I'ou Open lour Mouth
Like a young bird and gulp down what
ever food or medicine may be offered you T
Or, do you want to know something of the
composition and character of that which
you take Into your stomach whether as
food or medicine?
Most intelligent and sensible people
now-a-days insist on knowing what they
employ whether as food or as medicine.
Dr. Pierce believes they have a perfect
right UinUt upon such knowledge. So he
pubMsheitaoadcait and on each bottle
wrapper, whaOTSTnedJHnes are made of
anovexlfica jryrtiuTrr satlb ThU he feels
he can wHlJitord to. do hergnjie tln nmrfl
thelngredicnta of which his medicines
are made are studied and understood tna
more will thtjr superior curative virtues'
be 1
For the cure of woman's peculiar weak'
nesses, Irregularities and derangements,
giving rise to frequent headaches, back
ache, dragging-down pain or distress In
lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom
panied, ofttlnios, with a debilitating,
pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp
toms of weakness. Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription Is a most efficient remedy.
It is euuallv effective in curing painful
periods, In giving strength to nursing
mothers and In preparing tho system of
the expectant mother for baby's coming,
thus rendering childbirth safe and com
paratively painless. Tho "Favorite Pre
scription " is a most potent, strengthening
tonic to the general system and to the
organs distinctly feminine In particular.
It is also a Rooming anu invigorating
nervine and cures nervous exhaustion,
nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria,
spasms, chorea or St. Vltus's dance, and
other distressing nervous symptoms at
tendant upon functional and organic dis
eases of the distinctly feminine organs.
A host of medical authorities of all the
several schools of practice, recommend
each of the several Ingredients of which
Favorite Prescription " is made for the
cure of the diseases for wnich it is claimed
to be a cure. You mav read what they
say for younelf by sending a postal card
request lor a jree dookioi oi eiiracw
from the leading authorities, to Pr. R. V.
Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In
stitute. Hutfalo. N. Y., and It will come to
you by return post.
Mclntyre and Heath, who have for
the last three years been appearing in
"The Hum Tree," will have a new
musical comedy next season.
The company supporting Bertha Ks-
lleh In "Mart a of the Lowlands" in
cludes Henry Kelker. Robert McWade,
Ivy Hughes and Edith Taliaferro.
Oweu Johnson, author of several nov
els and many short stories. Is the au
thor of the new play. "The Comet," in
which Mme. Nnilmova Is to appear.
George Crossman, Jr., the English
comedian, has been engaged as prin
cipal support for Miss Hattle Williams
In her production of "Minn Fluffy Ruf
fles." Miss Elsie Janla has written to all
the actors she has Imitated, asking
them to visit her performances in New
York to see themselves caricatured in
"The Hoyden."
It Is rumored that Frank Worthing
will be starred In a dramatization of
the Robert W. Chambers novel, "The
Fighting Chance," following bis ap
pearance in London next summer in
support of Miss Grace George.
The Youth's
It Comes Every Week
Among the contents of the New Volume
ior 1903 wUl be
250 Good Stories
Serial Stories, Stories of Charac
ter, Adventure and Heroism.
350 Contributions
Articles, Sketches, Reminiscen
ces by Famous Men and yomen.
1000 Graphic Notes
on Current Events, Discoveries and
Inventions in Nature and Science.
2000 One-Minute Stories,
Bits of Humor and Miscellany,
the Weekly Health ArticleTlmely
EditorUKThe Children's Page, etc,
IwpW CH of tfc. Ffwr nS TH.rtr.toe lun
bmm. fer imI Im to My ...n.
Every New Subscriber
whs cats out and aende thla slip
at once with imme aud eddxttee
and S1.7S will tevelv
All the Issues of The Companion
for the remaining- weeks of 1907.
The Thanksgiving, Chrl.tmne and
New Year's Doable Mambere.
TheCompsnlon'e Fonr-Leaf Hang
ing Calendar ior 1908, then
The Companion for the ffs weeke
of looHa library of the beet rend
ing lur every member of the family.
fciw eubscr itiou rooivod ul this ulltae.
lu Beat Cuiwh syrup. Tute. Ouud. Dee
C In ton. Hold hr AraetMK H
Timber Land, Act June 8. 1878.
Bosebori, Ore., Deoember lUtb, 1907.
Notice it hereby given that in com
pliance with ihe provisions of fie sot
of Congress of June 8, 1878 rntitlrd
'An act for the sale of timber lands
in the Saes of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory "
as extended to ail the Poblio Laud
States by set of August 4 I Wis
of Vancouver county ot Clarke Stat
or Territory of Washington has this
day filed in this olfioi her sworn state
ment No. 8777 for the poroliae ot te
Kraot'l W SX and SWV4 NWW
of S ction r-o. 18 in Township No 87
S, Range No 4 W WM and will offer
proof to show that the land eousht is
more valuable tor it timber or .tone
than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to said land
before Joseph Moss, U. 8. Commis
sioner at Giants Pass, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 7tli dav of March, 1008.
He names as witnesses : Wesley
8 Slierniau, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
George II Slovsr, of Grants Pass.
Ore., Roy Garoutte of Merlin, Die.,
William Btilev of Davidson, Oregon.
Auy and all persona claiming ad
versely tlu abote-deoribed lands are
requested to tilejtlieir claims in this
office on or before said 7th day of
March, 1008.
Timber Land, Act Jnne 8, 188.
Rosebnrg, Ore, Nov. 6, 1907.
Notioe is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, 18T8, entitled
"An Act for the sale of limber Laud
in the States of California. Ongou,
Nevada, and Washington Te.r.tory, "
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of Aognst 4, 1893
of Camas Valley, county of Dooglaa
State of Oregon, has this day filed In
this office nis swrrn statement No.
8573, for the purohasn of the E of
the NW and the NK of the SW
of section No. 80, Township 84 South,
of Range 4 W. W. M., and will offer
proof to show that the land sought la
more valuable for its timber and stone
than ior agricultural turposes and to
establish his claim to said land be
fore the Register snd.Reoeiver of
this ofOoe at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 98th day of January,
He names as witnesses : B. Kraken-
brrger, of Roseburg, Oregon; Warren
Ueatty, Kosebnrg, Ore., Urant Taylor,
of Winchester, Ore., John Q. Gilbert
of Hoaenurg, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above desorlbed lands are
eqnested to tile (heir claims in this
office on or before said 18th day of
January, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roeebnrg, Ore., Nov. 15, 1907.
Notice Je" hereby given that id com
pliant) w th the provisions of tha Aot
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An Aot Ior the sale or timber Lands
in the Stales of California, Oregou,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all Puhlio Land State
by aot of August 4, 18U3.
of Harrison, County of Kootual, State
of Idaho, filed in this office her sworn
statement No. 8(187 for the purchase of
the SWW of the NWW. W)f of th
BW4 and lot, 1 of Section No. 12, in
Towuship No. 87 South of Range No. 7
West, W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the laud sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to ei
ttbllsh her claim to said land before
the Joseph Moss, United Stats
Commissioner, at his eftloe in Grants
Pass, Oregon, on Monday, the 17th
dav of February, 1IK)8.
lie names as witnesses: Martin
A. Conger, of Ursnts Pass, Ore.,
Emmett R. Conger, of Wilderville,
Oregon William bull nf Grants Pans,
Ore., Clarence A. Packer, of Harri
son. Idaho.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
otneeon or before said 17th day of
Febrnsry. 1908.
In the Circuit Court of The State of
Oregon, for Josephiue County.
Walter Talltnadge, 1
plaiutiff, 1
vs Suit for Divorce.
Maud Talltnadgo, I
defendant. J
To Maud Talluiadgn, the defendant
above named :
la the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby summoned lo
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
Court and Cause on or before six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, which first
date of publication is Friday, Janu
ary 8, 190H, and the last day of publi
cation of said summons, and the last
day for your appearance as foresaid is
rrulay, the 14th day or fehrnary,
1908, and you are hereby notified, that
if yon fail to appear and answer the
complaint withia the time aforesaid,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for in his 00m
plaint, to-wit for a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing
between the plaintiff and defendant,
and that tlie plaintiff be awarded the
care and custody of the minor
children, Chester, aged 3, Lester aged
6 and Cleo, aged 8, and for such
other aud further relief as to the court
may seein equitable. This summons
is pobllshed by order of lion. Stephen
Jewell, Judge of the County Court of
Josephine County, State of Oregon,
made January 2, 1908, ordering the
publication of this summons lor a
period of six successive weeks.
Attorney for the plaintiff.
.",ocr. pNat'e., dodgers, a'l -'es
I' on..ed t Com'fT office.