KOGUB RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON. JANUARY 3, 18. r YOUNG BEAUTIFIERS. St Louis Boys and Girls Improv ing Their Town. UGLY SPOTS TRANSFORMED. Tht Plan of Offering Prlx For th Improvement of Homo Ground Prov ing Highly 8uooeful WhoU Blooki of RidnU lntr(Ud In tho Work. The plait adopted In St Ixmii to In duce the .children to taka np tbe work of town Improvement might be follow Id by an; community to adrantage. The philosopher who pronounced tba mall boy a natural Baraga would modify bla opinion If be lived In that town today, for during the laat few yearn the Ht. Lou I a boy baa developed Unto for the aenthetlc quite equal In kind, If not In d'trree, to that abown by bla elMer and bla rouaina and bla auiitn. In addition to the multifarious muaementa and einployrneuU, the 8t. ioula boy hna anjulred a taate for flower growing, and all over tbe town. In yarda of both low and high degree, tbe Bound of the boe la beard, together with tbe voice of Ita operator, aa be noUUy conaulta with bla fellow con cerning the bent thing to plant and bow th planting ouirbt to b done. Thla audden activity on tbe part of the hoy la not du to aeathetlc Inaplra tlon ao much aa to tlx itlmulua fur nUbcd by the offer of prize, aay tbe St. Loul Ololie-Uemocrat. Tbe amall boy la not a natural gunleii maker. If be were to commit bla Individual pref erence In tbe matter of back yarda, Jlmaou weed would ault him aa well aa a hibiscus; broken crockery, tin can and halve of brick would an swer bla purpoaa aa wall aa green sward and bedding plant, but with a live dollur prlw Ui view, together with tbe dlatlnctlon arlalng from Ita attain ment, the boy la willing to huatle, and In many parte of the town tbe buatllng baa been followed by eurprlalng r ulta. Nearly ten yr ago D. M. HaaleU. well known dtlaao of St. Louie, who la other towna and cltlee bad been Identified with movements) having civic Improvement In view, took up the mat ter of yard beautlflcatlon aa a apedal theme and delivered. In one of tbe cburcnee In the aoutbweatern district lecture en tbe subject, dwelling espe cially on what could be acrempllened by boya and gtrla In making beautiful tbe aurroundlng of tbe bouse. Much Interest waa aroused. Tbe lecture waa followed by other of a practical char acter, with llmatratlona abowtng wbat had been done slsewhere and wbat might be dons bsrs. The boya began tr . bestir tbsmeelvs. Competition was -ssrouaed. Resident In a block In many cases determined upon common plan of Improvement ao aa to give th neigh borhood the appearance of unity. Small prises were offered for bark yard Improvement by boys and girl. Ths Idea spread, and soon neglected back yarda began to bloeaom as (be rose. Then the Suburban Railroad com pany had a Hidden Inspiration. The greater portion of Its line from Vande venter avenue to the city limit la locat ed on Ita own right of way, which run through an alley fringed on both aides by back yard foticea, ah heap and the iiilncellaneoiui debris that always collncta In an alley wheu, a In that case, no particular ntJictUn I nindn to Ita uo aa a dmnu The Huluirbnn peo ple honrd crttUinii of their roadway. Vlaltlng atraiiKcra touring the city woro advldtul to ride on other Hiii, o the Suburban ninniiavmiMit undertook to Improve Ita MirmiiiiilliiirN by offering prise for ttipliniulmmimt back yard. The bora and Kill11 uloiig tho route were nut alow to bear of thono prtnen. Spading, hiring, planting and wittering went on, with eurprlalng reault. Aith beapa, tin rana, broken crockery and bottouileM tnirrvln vauU'ied, and on long atretrhea of the track tho former tliihamlHoinn yiinln beciiine bowera of floral beauty. There la a K5irol Idea that a flower gnrden la an cxpcuNlve luxury, attain able only by the rich. That depends altogether upon what U planted One may apeud a hundred dollar and ae cure no handxoiucr reanllN than by the eieiiillture of kmidretl ivnti. ltniv ahrutia and plant lire -.-in'ruHy e(-n Stve, but rule plnnlt me in t inveaaary to iiinke a yard allrai'the, and a a geueriil tMnn (lie ruinmolt plants and Vine, Nlntf lo'i'i'ii-i ef growth tin I thorongbly iiivllniuted. make n Ictv luiu'tiiir III the )iird than the t.- The Secret of a Beautiful Face lie in kerning the ikin nro IrrtrdMnrllttclnnml. Jiul waihing li not enough that only trori the delicate ruHtre rnort cxi.cd to th irritation el du and c,crnu to mcrci Icn alUvki of eun and weather. After whuiir. itt- ly K.'l-ertltie nJ eineuc it delightful refreshment. You mu aJmlre th line-leu oitnru it impart to tart, neck and anna. It no only timiiUm a radiant glow, but f'tiHecu the ikin Irom bm ru ng coane, Pitttiiu burn ing, tan and freckle. M mm t,ft m 4 rtr foreigner brought from a tropical clime. One boy In St Louis last year beau tified a large yard at an outlay for aeeda of $1.45. At the close of the boo Hon be gathered and atored away three or four tlmea aa many iced as be will need this year, ao will have eed to aell or give away to bla neighbor. lint be did not really need to upend aa much aa be did In the flrat place, for It la aurprlalng bow few plant are needed to give a yard an aspect of tropical luxuriance. MAGIC IN MOROCCO. Charma and 8pell That Are Used by Moorish Women. Mr. Manael-I'leydell writes of the carious charms used by tbe women of Morocco: "Moorish women resort much to cburm to gain lover or to keep their affection when gained. There 1 one charm which la seldom known to full. It conslats of shredding a amall piece of an undergarment which the mun has worn and, after certain In cantations have been said over It of rolling the particles Into the shape of a amall bull. Thla Is embedded in . a large ball of clay and, after being! slightly damped, It la kept In a pot over the euibera of live charcoal. "I have lieeu ensured that aa aoon i a tbe beat penetrate the clay the man, whoever he may be, will lay aside whatever work he la doing at the time and fly to tbe arroa of tbe woman I who Invokes the charm. Aa long aa I tbe ball la kept warm ao long will the: beat of love burn In tbe heart of the j lover for that woman. "Another spell much reaorted to la raat by rutting off the tlpa of a don key' ear, cooking them and mixing them In the mnn'a food. lie then be- comes ns foollHh aa a donkey, with love for tbe charmer who baa provld ed bla unsavory repast." Chicago News. A WHALE'S MOUTH. Ths Qrov of Twelve Foot Quills That Fills ths Csvern. The rules for eating accredited to Gladstone and Fletcher, which requir ed thirty-two, more or Irate, chewa to earh mouthful, were never meant for the true whale. It baa no teetb, and It a wallowa It food whole, catching It In the baleen, or strlpa of "whalebone," which depend from the sides of Its mouth. If a whale aaw the whale bone that womankind are accustomed to using lu their waists be would never recognise them aa part of bla ali mentary system, tbey are ao amall. Id the form In which they would be fa miliar to hlra they would be ten or twelve feet long and look like giant brusuc, with a handle ten Incbe wide at the end. One might wonder bow any animal could close Ita mouth with a grove of twelve foot quill itlcklng out of the roof. When th mouth cloaea the alaba of baleen lie flat In grooves. When tbe month opena the alaba spring forward, completely Oiling tbe cavern. One whale may have aa many aa 700 In Ita mouth. Sometime) the weight of this giant mouth fringe la a ton, and tbe contents of the mouth of one whale taken In listing aea on Oct. 20, 1883, weighed 8,100 pounds, or a too and half. New York Tribune. CASE AFTER. CASE, Plenty mora like this in Grants !'. Hoorai of tirants Psaa people j can tell you aliout Doan'a Kidney 1'illi. Mauy a happy citizen uiakui j public BtaUiucut of bla eiperirno. j Here ia a raae of it What better proof of merit can be had than ancb endorsement? J. M. Jones, N. Fifth St., Grants !', Ore., says: "1 have taken Ihiau' Kidney I'lll and am glad to atnta that they have helped me greatly, r'nr mind Una 1 hate bcru suffering from Mviuptoma of kidney trouble, such aa itu Irregular action of the kidney accretions and ,'paiua through tbe mnill of my back. Tim iiutuy reiuidiea 1 tried failed to givti me the least relief until I procured' Ihian'a Kidnev Till at Clemens' drug tore. The paina and ache left mo, 1 the kidney ai ticn waa made norma1 ' and my health greatly benefitted. Ij gladly recommend a remedy iMntain- ' ing auch gtHid ipialitiea aa lVan'a Kidney 1M Hit " I For le by all deulera. 1'rica (M) cent. Kcst. r Miltmrii Co., ItufMo, New York. Sole Ageuta for the I'ul tel Stiitej. KfiiiciubcY the ntinr lXisn'a and take no other. 1 ,t .'( n .net nig Wr.tere. ' The r. l,-, ':,.n ,,f ,i numii.Tlit often left a pang, but the acceptable inanu , acrlpt. f.i'ct:ii:y from mi unknown hand, broucht a g. ef Joy which rl. luy eoiupeuviled me for all I Mif ferel from the oihers To f.vt the touch iieer roit U tore. t. lv the flrsl to tlud the pi. met utitiuagltied In the r.llmlta''!e hcaxcu (,f nrt, ( t,. In at the dawn of n tu talent, with the light that ais-uia to uiantle the written page, who would not lv an editor for such a privilege' 1 do not know h.iw It Is with other editors ho are also authors, but I cm tru'y khv for my !f that iioilnng ,,f my own which' I thought fre-h and true ever gae me more pleasure th in that 1 got fro:i the like i)Ualltles In the Work of Koine young writer revealing his power W. IV How, "- hi At'.aii'. c The ol4 reliable The WeeSlr Urvconlan. Rogue River !fflnlli Iimiii R e.rding the Industry Gathered From ti (i iiititi in This Favored Section of Oregon. Secretary E. R. Lake, in writir g j the Courbr r?gr ing the proposed "All Oregon Froit Show," ha this to ay: "Portland, January 14 16, IS08 will be the scene of the greatest bor t ic' It" r 1 one' ing yet bed in the State. Not oBly will an interesting and imtructiveprogram be presented, including talk by ihe mot locceasfnl growera and shippers in the State" of Oregon, California, Washington and Idaho, but there will be the finest display of winter froita ever wit nessed ia tbe Northwest A apleudid set of cops and award will be given for the best froit shown, and the Judging will be done by a government officer of national retnte. Tbe com plete premium list will be anni unred shortly. The regular reduced rates will be accorded by tba transportation companies provided fifty are present, and the occasion will te one of wide interest to the froit growera of this entire Northwest and particularly of Oregon. At this time we want to call the attention of every producer of choice winter frnlt to the subject of exhibiting and tbe importance of fil ing bis retioest for space at an early date. The exhibit already exceeda. in promises, that made last year, so thst it is Important that exhibitors file their request for ipsce at an early date with J. H. Re d, Milwankle. It la not every year tbit we hate an opportunity of having oor products paased upon by a natlcnal expert. The occaion ought to be on of great value to our growera. Bring or send your unknown, or new varietiea ss well, so that tbey may be named." E. W. Bmalley,'. an ex-newnpaper man who came to this city from Min nesota, recently, is so well satisfied that froit growing in tbe Rogue River Valley is going te be developed to wonderful extent that be has concluded to settle down right her and to this end has been negotiating fer a deiirable piece of nrcbard land. He see great things ia store for this entire valley and want to "get in on the ground floor," as tbe saying goes. ' Tbe Central Point Herald notes that F. H. Hopkins is preparing to set about COOO yeong treea on bis Pnowy Botte orchard property during the present Winter. Tbe ground la now belsg prepared, leveled and put in first class shape for tbe new stock. Tbe Snowy Butte property, under the progressive ' policy of Mr. Hopkins, aided by'biafflcint to per intended, Mr. I'aukey, ia rapidly teciming one of the most valuable orchards in the valley. A indication that ; tbe grower hereabout! are alive to their own best interests, U., might beitated "hat al ready tbey are casting about for tbe uiost.auitableperton to recommend to tbe CommitsloueT of Josephine for the important place of County Froit Inspector. They realize, only too well that this olficer can do a vast amount of good for tbe iuduatry and to wbea tbe new appointment is made in Janu ary, they are more than likely to send in a reipient of this kind, aa the law provides. . In an orchard near Myrtls Toiut there i one apple tree of tbe straw berry variety, that has borne two fully matured rro s nf appbs this season. There sre other trees in the aa me orchard that are iu blossom now. having already borne oue crop there i i:a The cost ot ihhI tea is so very little : only a third of a cent a cup! a ccnt-aiul-a-lu i or two cents for the tanuly breakfast! Voin t(vr tftutot tour money if you 6al tUt S.ti.!ling Lcbi, htm, savingHwaxims." Lavish youth means a grubbing old age. Trwaperlty is ptialted by put away nniea. Lvery penny saved Is on less pang of foreboding Improvidence In trifle has never welled a Imuk account. The fear of being called mean has many u time paved the path to the pvHrhoue. Kach time the spending tnlc-roN la aucwssfully fought "salt down-' the .iil alent. Arithmetic for the fortune founder Give the ratio of tho squandered dime to the saved dollur. t'.eneroaltj . like charity, should have j a home start. It la neither generous i. r thrifty to spend lavh-bly on others! at the cvwt nf prvlwble dcv,idenoe o-.' others In later years -New York ltvss I Fruit Notes 1 . i 4--e bare been only a ftw light frosts, and In this) town tomatoes are yet green and new potatoes, volunteers, are six in. h. hub. When th-y stop to reflect that the freight to Ssn Francieco, in small lot i 1.21 per hundred rounds and only 83 cent io car load lots, the fruit grower of Jor-epbine coonty are be ginning to realize that it behooves them to rai'e more fruit and ship In er lots. This is one of tbe ambitions of the average grower in this neck of tbe wood and in and of itself it por tend much for the fntnre growth of this industry throughout this entire valley. John Patchek has ccmp'eted tbe setting out of a 10 acre tract belong ing to Ea Williams, of this city, to apple treea Ihe orchard is located on Pleasant Ridge and is planted in Spitzentrgs and Newtowns. Mr. Paschek ia an exponent cf tbe triangu lar system of setting out trees and be lieves that tbe trees produce a bet ter grade of fruit when ao planted. It ia reported that Ben Gifford cf this city, will also let out a 40 acre orchard on Mill creek and that tbe Johnson brothers at Dufor, will also go extensively into the fruit growing buiinets. Chrouicle. Commenting upon the movement among the Josephine coonty froit growers, to name their respective farms, the Oregon Ian baa this perti nent remark to make: "Tbe fruit farms of Josephine County are to be named and the fruit shipped from each is to bear upon its boxes and up on letterheads used in the shipping business tbe name of the farm. This idea strikes tbe very keynote of ex cellence .in production. It is safe to say that tbe attainder of wormy or scaly frait will not be fastened to any elf-resi acting grower's name and that the farm that be advertise at bis own will be credit to bim through ita product. W. H. Nororois shipped car of Ben Davis apples to Sacramento Fri day, for which be received 11.85 a box f. o. b. at this place. Tbia is consid ered good price for that das of ap ple at the present time. Central Point Herald. Mayor Brltt, of Jacksonvil'e, can beast of more diversified agricoltnre and horticulture than any other individual in Souther Ore go. He baa growing aide by side, on hi borne place, lemon nod fig, En glish walnut, palm, pear, peaob and apple trees, mingled with the per fume from a thonsand flowers, not to mention rare specimens of the Japa nese persimmon The Oregon apple has captnmd tbe Orient and Russia. Yadgjoglou Brother of YTadivoslock, after mating a display iu one of tbe principal show windows of the city, removed the dis play and after it was crowned and surrounded with American and Rus sian flags it was photographed, and is to tie reproduced in colors for inter national advertising. Thus the glory cf the Oregon apple goes around the world. Die display was unusual be cause most of the boxrs were shown readv for ocean shipment, each en-cnH-d iu burlap. Varieties of apples included the Winter Banana, Ortley, Hyde's King, and Arkansas Ulatk SPORTING NOTES. Bwiirthmore has voted to play la crosse neit spring Instead of baseball. Kftle IV went, 2:0Sl4. by Andersor. Wilkes, has foaled n bay colt by Dan Patch. 1:.V Walter Steffcn has been elected cap tain of the t nlverslty of Chicago foot ball team for next year. tJeorge Stockton, 2:W. Is the latest addltlou to tbe 2 10 list. lie Is a Texas ' bred pacer that was unmarked until i recently. ,llni Coffroth. the California boxing! promoter, has closed his tight club near Pan Francisco for the winter and open ed up one In San Mateo county. Kid Herman says be is going to give up tlio lighting: game for good and set tie dow u to business in Chicago. Her man has savts.1 Slo.IHa) since he has been In the ring, his largest share of any tight Is-ing $s,ui. when he met Joe Cum In Nevada. Hank Matliewsou, younger brother of Christy, has been convinced there Is no place In b;tsetill for him nnd has gone lu the automobile iudustry In Sctauton. I'a. Hauk failed lu only three leagues last season the National. TrUtate and Atlantic. Hint to Housekeepers. A pet.r.y spent on a receipt file will often save : oun.'.s In litii-atlon.--Judge Kmdeti In lie; . tio'ds" Newspaper. 1 BANK YOUR MONEY IN SOILS OF EVANS CREEK VALLEY One grower soM $110 strawberries from )i acre rows 3 ft. apart. Another grew 16 tons pumpkins on less than 2 acres. Sold beniesto local store JW, besides giving quantities of fruit for picking from 40 bills raspberries and 38 Logan berries. One grew 380 boxes Yellow Newtojr Apples on 2 acres young trees, worth $2 45 f. o. b. Medford. 23 boxes Gravensteins from 1 tree sold $2S f. o. b. Woodville. 225 Salway Peach Trees in four successive years sold: 1904 1300 boxes io,,5 2300 " 1000 ----- 1300 " 1907 - . - - 1000 ' One Royal Ann Cherry, 16 years, picked 500 pounds 1907. One D'Anjou Pear 7 years picked 6 boxes. 4 acres Ben Davis picked ?500 boxes. You can get such results as these and better; come to me and I wil tell you why. You can buy a cosy 7 room house and bath with 1 acre lot for $800, or a fine timbered 20 acres 2 miles from town for $300, or irrigated lots, irrigated acres, or irrtgated farms close to station, school and church. Ben A. Lowell WOODVILLE, ORE. Happy New Year Is our greeting to our many patrons. May you all have a prosperous and enjoyable time all through 1008 and we will endeav or to do our part to keep you in good heal th, if you happen to be in need of any thing in our line, The Model Front Street. CLEMENS SELLS BOOKS and DRUGS ?rroa?e GRANTS PASS, ORE. - Mont Shiver Just scratch a match light the Perfection Oil Heater and stop shivering. Wher ever you have a room that's hard to heat that the fur- j Y .1 nace uocsni reacn you'll need a mutt (Equipped with lust the thina for bliz glowing heat makes any room A Drug Store Opposite Depot 7 inere Itw.BMWM.lUJ., 'U JBfc. kAmmmn i nwy uu Heater SmokelcM Device) cheerful and cozy. No inuAe JUL . , "fy6 P""15- Bra tont holds 4 quarts of oj burning 9 hours. Fin ahed m Wan andnkeL Every heater warranted Iteyb, Lamp Ci7 1-1 ."- . steady, soft light VA V Mm5'ch W" by worker, ,nd riudenu. Made bra, nickel plated with the latest improved central draft burner. Every U warranted. X rite our nearest agencyT Z icnptive circular if your dealer 127, U the Perfect Oil Hea," Rayo Lalinp. """u Company (Incorporated) - 4