ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, JANUARY 3. 1908. . r r . , y THE RO rz pivrp PnilRIPR JUL IIIVI.ll OBANTS PASS, OEEUON. Published Every Friday. Subscription Ratesi On Yesr, in advance, Ml Mniitlin, Three Moulin, Hingis Copies, $1.60 .78 .) .05 Advertising Rata Furnished on application at theoflice, or by mail. Obituaries and resolutions' of con dolence will be charged for t 4c per line; card of thank 60o. A. E. VOORBIES, W. E. WILLIS, Pkopr Editor t Dl Oregon, a second-elate mall matter. FRIDAY. JANUARY 8, 1808 We are la reolpt of a copy of a bill introduced In the Benate by Ben tor G W. Foltoo, to ' Regulate Com. Hieroe," which seems, from the pern al we have made, to be aome very Important legislation, None of the financier in Con f rein ha more comprehensive monetary measure than that of the old greenbaoker who iutrodnoed a bill in the Legislature providing for our renoy that ihoald be "more nouier oat and Hmberer. " These are indeed, great rain for the mining men of Jbetphtne ouunty and thav are makiuH !luonev while the olonda poor down the moisture I Sooh things seem to mean great returns for this region. Editorial rooms are called "Bano turns" became of the sorlptaral language used therein when the editor opeus letter supposed to oootnin motiev and finds tioetry from some lovesick maiden. The people of Orenon are thooked at the dreadful state of afTaiis that are be I nil developed by the eiaminatiouB into the manner in which the defunct Tit'e. Uuarntee A Trutt Cu's affairs were conducted. We mine our tineas it the prison walls are not ttarlsg some of tho ofllcers of that institution in the 'nee. Here's hoping that they will gt their deserts and that n guilty man lnav escape. Ollle K. Hnediger, graduate mana ger of athletics at the I'nivcraily of California, and one of the bent all around athlete ever turned out on the l'ai'ltio Oo.t, Is to enter the inin intt y . lie expects to enroll in a Presbyterian theological seminary in the Uear future. Suediger has wou diHtincMou iu track snd Held athletics aud football. It is to be regretted that so ninny counter attractions prevented many citwtiis from attending the lnd conceit, at the New Opera House, Tuetday evening, for the musicians have been priietlelnga so faithfully during the past several months and weie d serving of a tilled house. It Ik to he hoped that they will toon give our people another chance to show their interest to thec jaipular ninsioil organisation. dared critic se in impiignitig Because the Courier hi hi for bis raihneaa the motives of ineiuUrs of the Jackson county grand Jury and !iirict Attor ney Hcaiuct, KM it or I'ntniun, of th Mfdford Tribune proceeds to n t,,l n a curtain lecture. Sure Mike! But b.iv, litnnm. if you could only run ..iu paper iw well as you would have other jieopli" attend to their dutlt-e, vn might merit riTiore support thn you l fill lo lie gi ' t ing nnd fi t Inch you are loiitnmal'.y hi ling Aa to the Con r let never having any uews in it. we notice that the Tribune petsiMi in lv cllS atntf from our coluintiK, but very j wldom ha the finikin to give u rrvdit for the Siiine. lint, what civ ' could be cijcotid fr.'ui a aiuiou pur Winter SHOES Now as winter is hero' every man needs a pair of good heavy soled shoes. We have sever al special styles with soft, easy uppers and double soles, just the kind for winter wear R. L. Bartlett Howard Bldg SUlh St. "yellow," sheet, anyway? Putnam, In his efforts to reform both Jackson and Josephine ooonties, has taken op on himself a mighty big Job. NOTES AND COMMENTS f By Old Man Smith J - LITTLE NUGGETS. A kerchief is, or was a cover for the head when hats were worn by the upper tens only. A htndkerchluf is a kerchief carried in the bsnd. A pocket handkerchief is a handker chief carried in the pocket or to suit the scholiast who insists on a severe literalism head cover carried in the band bat found in the pocket. It occupation has undergone the same change as the form of the word from head rover to a noee-wlper. Hence forth let no one scoff at evolution. ttoakes eat toads, pigs eat snakes and men eat pigs. Acceding to a severe logical proorst therefore, men most eat snakes and toads. This is only a homely illustration of wbat men are constantly doing by indirto tioo. The mistletoe, so familiar to a has played unite part both in ancient and modern times. Before the Chris tian era the Druids in ancient Britain used it in their religious ceremonies as the oak was an object of worship In modern times it la need together with the holly fur Christmas decorations. But the most charming part it performs when bong from the celling is the special prlvi lege of a kiss It confers anon the couple who stand beneath it. V Many blunders are usually mads in (luting letters for the first three davs of the new year, so we had better practice writing the figure 8. THE KNOCKER. You ma find him moet anywhere, hut iu our town he is sit feet iu his stockings wheu he has any -long and It' nn and lank. Like a luprraiimiHted circus animal he hss contracted the habit of sitting dnwu. He sees every thing through ioinler glaiae. Wheu the nun shines from a cloudless sky It Is j ut the pieiuisor of a coming storm. We sluill inter are such high prices for fruit again. The old style of letting the uions grow ou the trees anita hia taste. Spraying aud cultivating are all foolishness. It doeiu't pay. He never ccutiihutea a cent for the mental, moral or material advance ment of lila town except what i wrung out of him by taint ion. No trnina or mails mia hit scrutiny and yer ha hits little direct interest in either. Iliird times i unit a knocking at the door and limit a ready napnnte from the knocker for he teems to revel in the thought that everything ia going to the low wows. He la never happy unless he ia Miserable. He think it a mean trick for the Governor of Oregon to tie op the hanks ao lie can't get hit inonov. And I the hanker are jtll raacally scoundrels fortut keeping (lie-depositors uioncy Ui,"K p iheheYF'till called for.1 Josh Hilling, mid the worst'thing ii 1 u t n mosiinito ia that you cau't take a gun and nlnot it. And the ort thing iilsmt the knocker" liTTlnTt you '.can't nhoot hiiu, for itsagHlnrt the law in Oregon, We can only wait in patience till we may diga licle and i ver l-.nn up out of night. It ruin. Notice. The time for the receiving of bi,l f i 1 the ivliM rm llon of a Ml.'M,n.lT7. acrona Uogne rivrr ha I ,eii exteuded ! to Wednesday, 10 a. in , y . I 'i t;in in l - February t, Itais'at of the lrl of f' r Jie h i in- County. i ; 1 WHAT PEOPLE SAY In converting with the Couri newgath erer. Chas. King-well, the experienced florist who located In this city, last spring, took occasion to comment after this fashion: "I think Grants Pats has one cf the ideal sites for a picturesque landscape to be found anywhere. Why, I have been over Europe, through Southern Cali fornia and in various parts of this and other countries, where they beaut of their scenery, but nowhere have I found anything that would surpass what we have right here at Grants Pass." But say, how I do winh that the citizens would beautify their heme places. There is nothing they could possibly do that would enhance the attractiveness of the place more than to tear down the old fences and fii np neat lawns and make their yards beautiful. And it would pay them well to do so, for it would cause newcomers to stop and regard their place and should they desire to dis pose of the same, these slight im provements would add very materially to the desirability of the property. And say. Just one more thing let me suggest and that is that we all pall together. Let as silence the knockers and croakers and then we will soon bnild op a fine city, for we have evtf ything else to be desired. Nature has been bountiful In bestowing upon ns all the resources heart could desire aod now it devolves upon ns to get in and put our shoulders to the wheel aud make things go." When it is known that Mr. Kingwell is a handacape gardener of large exper ience and one who is regarded as authority npon such matters, bis words should have much weight "Have we been defeated?" said one leading temperance worker in Grants Pass, as be was accosted by the Courier man, who was wondering Just how the recent city election pleased some people. Then this party con tinued: "Say, my friend, have you looked over those reiurosf If not yon will find them decidedly inter esting reading. Why, do yon know that there were folly 200 votes more this election than there were last year? And that ia not slL The moet significant and saconraing aspect of the whole matter is thsl the present Mayor only gained two votes in his majority over what he had last year. What does that meanf Why. it means simply this, that we temper ance people rolled op 300 more votea than we had last year. Say, you can mark my word, those fellows who are crowing so loudly now and who are making fun of the church and tem perance people, will be singing ao othsr tone about the ides of next June. If we only lacked R0 in votes of carrying eur ma through this time, what will be the results when the good people all over Joseph iue county take a hand in the battle of ballots next Juue? To my way of thinking, tho outlook is most en couraging and while I for one, would liked to have seen all our men elect) d, vet I beileve that we have every rea son to feel greatly encouraged over the way the In ml lavs. " Leading Citiz'U : " ibis ttnkea inn as bring a good time to pay off our debts. Mnny people have drawn their money from the tiaiiku and ntowi d it awav in various places, such as old tccktuge, bureau drawers or other receptacles. Of course many of these depositories are uuaafe, far more nnsafe than the banks. To mv way of thinking, there is one way to absolutely insure money against lore, and that is by paving debts with it. Honest debts do not depreciate and cannot he lost. If a man pays them, he bin the fall use of his money. Thieves niav break into his depository or pick his pocket, t ut they cannot teal what he has paid hia cieilitcra Heceipted billa are worth their face value to honest men. We suggest thut those who are fearful as lo the fiuitucinl future, and especially fearful as to their own savings, tliut thev (ia.v every debt they possibly cau. This will not oulv secure them at;aiiist the a in on tit of lots, hut it ! will benefit the community, inortas-; ing tne circulation and trcuiotmg coutlileuoe. " "I liked tint editorial comment Ton made on the wav one cf Medfcrd'a editor was criticising the grand jury aud district attorney of J ark sou county," said one resident, who re sumed at follows: "We are sorry to tee the newspaper men bring the power of the press into disrepute by thut encouraging people to disrespect the law of the land. There can be uo ipustion but what the spirit of au- atvhy it encouraged by this free lance m inner in w hich the uews apers so fte.uent'y i nun sue '.the motives of j.he court aud juries. " It's Time to Think ABOUT HEAVIER CLOTHES and WE HAVE PREPARED FOR YOUR WANTS BY LAYING IN A MG FAiLand WINTER STOCK of UNDERWEAR. MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING. MENS SUITS, something new, from $5 to $23. and a COMPLETE LINE of SHOES WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE SUCH GOOD THINGS FOR THE TABLE. WE CARRY ONLY FRESH GROCERIES. FRUITS and VEGETABLES and MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FtOUR, FEED and HAY. CQV1E and SEE IS BEFORE MAKING YOUR PURCHASES and WE WILL RISK OUR CHANCES. j Granta Paaa Big Bargain Canter... "Say, Mis er Editor, what was the matter with City Recorder Clements when hd thought he saw so many tar keys wandering around on one of the prinoipal residence streets of the city, the other days," asked one observing individual who evidently had been reading the Courier pretty closely. He continued to tay: "Looks to me as theugh ha most have been celebrat ing Christmas pretty early to be in such a condition to we" such unusual things around town. Can't yoo find out for me wbat brand he is in the habit of nsingT" Ben. A. Lowell, the well known Woodville orehardist, in writing the Courier concerning other matters, "peaks bit mind," regarding what he says that some of the Grants Pass real estate dealers are doing. He de clare that they are prejudiced against the Evan Creek Valley and the Woodville country and that he has positive proof of his claims. He fails to sea the Justice of any sooh dealings and thinks that it behooves the Gra' Is Pass merchants to see that this practice is changed. Mr. Lowell remarks that he has taken pains to personally investigate this matter and that he has been surprised to ascertain that the Pasa realty men have nothing good lo tay of that part of the country. There can be no denying the fact that much trading comes to this city from that tecticn and it ii to be regretted that Mr. Lowefl or anyone from that locality should the occasion to make any roch complaint as this. The Coorii r can hardly be lieve that this practice ia very gener al and it is to be hoped that the peo-llew-ho have been to short sighted will stop all such proceedings in ai mi ter. The animal business meeting of the Library Aseociiiticn will bn held at the Library on Wednesday evening, January 8th, at 8 o'clock. JENNIE H. Jl'nsON. Secretary. Notice to the stockholders of The Ap-plegate-Williams Creamery Co: The animal meeting of the stock holders will be held at the Creamery building at 10 a. tu. on Wednesday, Januarv ISth, UK fs , Hy order of the Beard. STANLEY TAYLOR, j 13 5t Secretary. , We have the beet line cf Buggy whips in Josephine county. Bacon A Kubauka, the uew harness shop. la-Su If Stock Ranch FOR SALE ON account cf poor health I mus sell uiv place of U7 acree.' with household a few farm trig t(nds, Barn. New Small House Orchard. 80 Acres Rich Bottom parity cleared! Land, rest lien lieuch land, tine ouNide rauge. .'t or A acr,s Alfalfa, off which 1 cut ;t crops, gtn-d Boat. alo fi head of Mixed Cattle. All goes for I? an acre On Kckrue River. Address 31. LUCAS, Agnrss, Currv Co. ORE. If it's bargains yoo are after, then come to )ur big establishment you'll find everything just as advertised SOUTHERN OREGON kSafe and Is the Man with a good Ban Account. By systematically depositing his earnings eiui week, he has Something form rainy lay and is prepared for any emergency tat may arise. Are you one of the fortunates? We inve you to open an account with us. Be it mall or Teat , you will always receive courteous treatment. Interest on time depolts If you have some surplus cash wy not have it earning you some interest? - We pay iterest on time deposits. Safety Deposit Soxes to Rent in which you can store your valuabb, papers and treasures. Y'ou may have need for just lch an accom modation. Let us serve yon, G. P. Banking & Twst Co. CLASSIFIED ADS. NEW TODAY. SEWING Banks, rant to do Inquire homes. Miag O. P. restau-l-;i 2t JOE WIIARTON-Gunt, Riflet, Revolvers, Ammunition, Fithing Tackle, Sportiug Goods and High Grade Cutlery. Front St., four doors east of Hth. 1-3 tf First-class meals and good beds, 25 cents at B. F. Banks' Granta Phi's Restaurant. 12-20 -It FOR SALE. WOOD sawing machine complete for sale eircular taw, 2 H. P. gasoline engine, suitable for pumping, spraving. etc., good at new. Will lie ho id at a bargain. Write or in quire of Geo. W Harriott, Provolt, Ore. 12 in :l FOR SALE-Six head full blood Hereford Bulls R. P. Gei rt, Kerby, Ore. n 1 tf FOR SALE CHKAP-Three ' heifers one, two and thrte veats old iu thtt spriug. fine dairy stock, impure of Geo. Parker. FOR SALE or will exchange fur town or country property in Southern Oregon, merchandise business and buildings, valued at nl, paying well, in good ccu-t town. Box 1ST, Ya.inuia, Ore., Lincolu j . tounry. 1 4( A. F. PIERCE Registcr-d Aug, rss. Flock headed by une cf tin- famous bucks of tho '' Kins Aithur" also other bucks of ditTHrvtit strains cf bleeding. Docs cf the noted strain. ; bucks lor si!c. Merlin., re. tf FARM for Sale lrtu acres, ,111 in ,.i. tivatton, good house and barn, etc , family orchard and l: rrie. ;m acres more easy to clear, all frn,tl and farm land, 40 siibirrigated H't totu. Oak, pine aud fir tunh. r to make 2t'0 Cordfi f to, tl rt-e miles ; all down hanl to railroad and town - 1 miles outrauge fine for ca ;!e! and pomtry ; thr-c hi n( and I ar-1 ueas, buggy, spring water. Si ju'm. , ber wagon, $100 .Krw cow and1 heifer, 20 hogs, f-f.; I,;.t u.,x1Ty farm implements. I; .i;s,l. ,l ltl kitchen furniture ci uiph te, a'l s spleudid water at di n;s ari i in mile, daily mail, iu K-gui- Ki,r valley. Jackson County, 1 ir, .n, riiis-t climate ou earth Rcet fro.: j in mate. AU coes for i.'.Vv t,i-,.,I R ' IT, Woodville," Ore. V-'i-tf TIMBER RANCH-W Ath house, six aris under f,.v alfalfa 2,0 0,i.kO feet gr.c ! j u timber aud woixl tuiVr sum'.: and e S.iv SUPPLY CO. Secure cords vjod; large creek through" place fin dam and perpetual water a shinghmtll and planing mill ia fall operion driven by a turbines wheel. ; i ideal place for saw mill fine watepower 10,000,000 feet of pine sawimber adjoining this place three mis down haul to railroad and townJackton county, Oreroa. All goes t IfiBOu. I t's a snap; the water rig; is worth it, don't" mie w"-., .,f- B' T'lor. &?-Oo. WoodvilleOre. 9.9 tf WHITE Leiorn fowls for sale, many foil bloodi Inquire of A. E.Voor hles. WANTED. WANTED-o eichangs lis ii.cnbator for a 0 egg incubator. Call at Courier oice. wD-: Exchange Penn. Post Card lew for paL.ific cast Vjews "t1" rlmgt Avondale, Pa. 12-13 3t 1100 to lo per month; some even more. Stoccleau; grown on Reser vation, farrom old orchards. Cash Ji'X'';. .Choice of terri tory. Add. WashintHon Nursery Company, ippenish, Washington. TEAM WATKD Anrnno v..: workable tru. who wants it kept through water months for light work, .ppl to Chat. Meserve for particulars Vi-20tt LOST. L'-oTCoukl! i"'t-r"'"n- Dniber ", Coukli fountain n ui return to ora St, ii. "7?. S.IUH.1. 12-27 2t MISELLANEOUS. FRANK mission ERNKTT-Upholstering, fuitnre o, to order. SHoKS rolled. t)tA . u- l h.,,,1- n" 'V':,11 Bates barbeV work gnaneed. " '"i, " " iit IJJI' hPitr mn.. -v l'tU C BARCAIX i Will .1t(j hftlr lor cuttingi.H) cVds or umlt oak irini-irallj One llnl(. from Wood li:c, dowihill haul r nish ,n, u,.- . iur- Wiodville. ' J' Day, TRAYED. There ...1 ranch near lipTt eifebrand: . lru ana CI HA ' a.l - i Ore. 12 2 - viauis rats, w- H. H. TAYLOR . Fine Street,. 111 M far I". Couritr rial 15 nts ubscription, la ttamps. I" 1