ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS; OREGON JANUARY 3 1908 OPERA HOUSESffpffJAtn Special engagement of this seasons greatest success The Merry Musical Farce Comedy PRETTY GIRLS WHO CAN SING AND DANCE Are You Crazy?' Frank Damsel and 12 others SEE THE TEDDY BEAR SENSATION -- The .Assaying- SO ctm. PIONEER ASSAYING AD REFINING COMPANY! Capital t00, 000, established 37 years. Oold. BaM Balllon, Cyanios, Blob Ore, eto, bought, Spot casbjoa assay ralae. All work by expetts.l 131 Fifth Street. Near US. Mint SAN FRANCISCO. ejAL. Have you er seen a Suns?? A beautifully illujrated monthly magazine of tbj wide awaka Wait with fafnatinf hort atones, picturesque ersonal point-of-view description of tha interesting developmenfof tha West, and the romancend his tory of the wonderlanaof the earth. I Ak your local Bidealer for current iuue or tel $1.50 foryear's subscription, pebook. "Road of a Thousand ndera. 120 beautiful Weatenviewa in four colora will be injuded free. I SUNSET MAGAIKB ruoo uu.oixfl1 tan rauicisco m n kuroasu Hand Made Ilar ne ses at Babn & Eubanks', phae 681 ' Didn't Need Ten. Neighbor If your statiient Is true your clothpsllne was rob 1 by trumps. Judson now do you m e that out? Neighbor Didn't you s they took everything bnt the tow ? Illustrat ed Bits. - SEE H B. FOR 40IACRES ntfti,50 Living watr, fine wood land and goat and dairy ranch, 9miles from railroad, good wagon road. Also 6tdl 160 acre stock ranoh improved at $1000, builihgs, water and water right and Orchard. 1 Office oppo, bst Office, Grants Pass, Ore. .1 Frances F'xrr Musical Fun Show Popular Prices mi i in pi m i PEN, CHISEL AND BRUSH. H. 0. Welle, the English litterateur, In bis youth often wrote 8,000 words a day, while Conan Doyle, It la said, once wrote a story of 12,000 words at a sitting. Benjamin Champney. one of the two surviving charter members of the Boa ton ' Art club and one of the best known landscape artists in New Eng land, recently observed hie ninetieth birthday anniversary. Professor Oustav Eberleln, distin guished as one of the foremost of Ger many's sculptors, has arrived in New Tork and will remain in this country five months. He created many of the great public monuments In Germany. Thomas Nelson Page, the literary Virginian, always addresses the presi dent as "his excellency." This term is rarely used at the White House of fices except when a foreigner or a southerner tenacious of the old Ideas calls to see Mr. Roosevelt COLLEGE AND SCHOOL The average attendance at the New Tork public schools Is now 633.000, which is about 35,000 more than one year ago. The College of Eastern Languages in Berlin has engaged four educated Chi nese to teach Mandarin. For six hours a week each gets a monthly salary of $357. Rev. Dr. John F. Gouoher, the presi dent and one of the founders of the Woman's college, Baltimore, has re signed on account of 111 health. He has filled the presidency for eighteen years. President Gasson of Boston college will soon begin the extensive changes In that Institution which he outlined shortly after taking office. To carry out his plans he will require funds amounting to nearly $3,000,000. Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil and let us see what we am made of; they Just turn up some of the 111 weeds on to the surface. Spur geon. HENDRICKS OF RED LANDS ncv ii(!t"c t 5 ALL NEW MUSIC AL NUMBERS LEARN TO EAT Few People In Crsvnts Pass RaeJIy Know How. Slow eating will solve one-half the problem of ill health. Those who offer already with indigestion and weak stomach can with care and the me of Mi-o-na stomach tablets restore their digestion to a healthy condition, so that they can eat what they want at any time without fear of distress or suffering. After a few days' nse of Miona stomach 'tablets, the headache, dizzy feeling, drowsiness, bad taste in the mouth, ooattd tongue, nervousness, sleeplessness, distress after eating, all these symptoms of a weak stomach will disappear, and perfect digestion and a good sain will show that the vital machinery is onoe more running smoothjy. Take a little Mi-o-na tablet before each meal ao that it will stimulate the digestive juices and give strength to the stomach, and then it will lake care of the food that is eaten, without in digestion and the unpleasant full feel ing with which so many suffer after meals. Demaray has so much confidence in the power of Mi-o-na to cor indiges tion and all stoma. h ills thai he gives gaarantee with every 60 cent box to refund the money if the remedy fai Is to give satisfaction. CHURCH AND CLERGY. Recent figures place the number of Protestant communicants In the United States at 32,283,058. The Right Rev. William G. McClos kpv. blshnu of the Roman Catholic dio cese of Louisville, recently celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday and his for tieth year as bishop in Louisville. A gold coin one-third of a guinea bearing the date 1MW has been found In a collection box In Peterborough (England) cathedral, with a request that it should be sold nud the proceeds glvwo to the cathedral restoration runu. In the pulpit of the South Congrega tional church, Hartford, Coun.. recent ly there were two Joseph II . Twitch ells. The son, Joseph Hooker Twitch ell, is the assistant to Rev. Dr. Tarker. and the father, Joseph Hopkins Twitch ell, preached by exchange with the pastor. Rev. John Schaeffer, said to be the oldest minister In the world, celebrated his one hundred and second birthday anniversary on Nov. 22 ut his home, near North Benton, O. Mr. Schaeffer was iu the active ministry for sixty years. He now can read without glaxses, and his mind to active. Considerate. In a country church one Sabbath, as the congregation were rising for the first hymn, an old lady entered the church at the name time. She held up her hand, exclaiming: "Keep yer seats. Losh, ye ueedna rie, though I have come in. London Exp: Many Mining Matters f i , I An action in equity has been com menced by Lydia H Dean and H A Corliss, against Henrv Stark regarding . 160 acres of placer mining claims, in I the Galice mining district, which tha I defendant is said to be claiming. jThe plaintiffs allege that the mineral ground was filed upon Sept. 8, 1900 by Chas. Gray et al who in turn September 10 1900 assigned same to Plaintiffs who have been doing the 100 assessment work each year upon the said claims as required by law. They give bonds in the sum of $250 and the court has issued a temporary restraining order, keeping delendnnts from taking out any more gold, until the oourt shall have an opportunity to pass upon the merits of the case. O E Wade brings an action in the circuit oourt of Josephine county, seeking to foreclose a miner's lien on two counts. One is for 66 days, labor at 3.33 per day and amounting to $222 and $50 attorney fees. The mines involved are known as the "Com stock Group," and are "Integrity. " Apex." "Illinois," and "Mohawk," Howard J. Rogers, commissioner of education for New York state. president of the Opp7 Consolidated Mining company, has ooine for the purpose or artaightening out tips affairs of the company, for which' a receiver was recently appointed. It is expected that matters will be ad justed satisfactorily, the receiver dis charged and operations resumed on an extensive scale. " P. Wm. Ruse, president of the Jose phine-Klamath Developmeat Co., baa filed an affidavit, stating that his company has done $8600 worth of de velopment work on the several claims known as the "Jupiter No. 1, Placer Mines," located in the Atlbouae un organized mining district. Thomas Bilinger, of Portland, par- chased a portion of a bill on a plaoe 1)4 'miles soothfast of Hillsboro which was formerly the ranch of Dr. W. Q. Cole, of Pendleton. An an alysis of the greater part of the soil how it to be sa polio, or a natural polishing substance in its na tarsi form. There are handreds of tons of this material on the premises, and ar rangements are being now made to plaoe it on the market. Gold Hill News. .. JohnVon Almeo haa filed on a lode claim, "DauBoo," in the Oalioe dis trict. K. Wm. Kuse, president and super intendent of the Josephine-Klamath Development Co , files an amended placer location for "Jupiter No. 1," irTthe" Althouse unorganized mining district. Main'," is the name given by Wm. M. Richards to a quartz claim located by bim in the Qalioe district. , G H Chapman, wbo has been doing some extensive mining in tne fair banks, Alaska distriot, arrived with his wife and 2)4 years old daughter. C'iristmaa day, to visit with Grants Pass relatives. Tiny bad to oome 400 miles on sledges, over the ice and the little girl stood the trip nicely. This is her third trip over that route, as she made the first one when she was but eight months old. Mr. Chap- maa comes here to spend the winter, 011 account of his wife' health, and, although he still has some promising properties in Alaska, yet hedouhts whether be will ever return there to locate again. R L Br Tan et al have filed npon 1000 inintr's inches of water for the "Tom Murray Ditch," in Pickett Creek mining distrit, from the Big Pickett Creek. 1 ! II. C. Hoxie haa located the "Rein deer," Mary E. Hoxie the "Home stake," and G R Hoxie the "Sunset." plicer mining claims, each containing 20 acres and located in the Wolf Creek mining district. A J Iiuuiiftt has filed his affidavit of having performed the assessment work for 1907 on "Golden King, "Maid of Erin and "Gypsy quartz claims located in the Grave Crevk mining district. ' Geo J Murray givs notice of his having performed $400 worth of labor n assessment work on "The Jolly Fonr." "Moonlight," "Belle of the West" and "Puzzle," olains,all locat ed in the Illinois mining district. Wm. Knoell files his affidavit of having performed assessment work to the vslne of $:00 on "Black Beauty," "Mammoth, "Striped Swan" and "White Swan," marble and limestone claim, located in the Cherry Creek, Marbble Mountain district, in Joae- hine county. ( : Lightning In South Africa. In South Africa, where thunder storms are terrific, lightning often strikes the bed of Ironstone, sud blue flames, sometimes firing buildings, are alleged to play about such Ironstone outcropptngs two or three hours after a storm. CITY AND STATE. Massachusetta Is the most densely populated state in the Union. In order to check the multiplication of mosquitoes in Pittsburg the bureau of health of that city, has placed 70,000 sunflsh in the park lakes. The English city of Ilanley, with a population of 70,000, believes It has solved the sewage problem. Its new plant, which cost $350,000, will dispose of 9,000,000 gallons of sewage a day and the effluent from the beds is ao clear that fish will live In It for an Indefinite period. Wyoming enfranchised its women in 18G9. That state has today the small est proportion of unmarried women of any state Iu the Union. While divorce In the United States has Increased over three times as fast as the dodu latlon during the last twenty years, it has increased in Wyoming only half as fast as the population. THE COOKBOOK. An egg added to the mixture for a shortcake gives It an additional light ness and flavor. Apples for making pies should not be sliced. Merely peel, cut In quarters. core ana again cut each quarter Iu hnlf. Rice In an aluminium boiler comes out aa flaky as if steamed Iu a special kettle, and milk will boll in an alumin ium saucepan where it would burn in a tin receptacle. A substitute for toasted crackers, which are often served with salad. Is thin slices of bread lightly spread with butter ou both sides. Roll the siloes and fasten each with a toothpick. Place as many of the pieces ns are needed in a pan and brown iu a quick oven. Before serving with the salad remove the toothpicks. Home Hints. There Is no better disinfectant for drainpipes thun salt water. A little vinegar in polish will be found to obviate the dead, oily look so often noticed after cleaning furniture, If your bands are blackened with tove polish, try pumice stone on them. If you ' have none In the kitchen, though it Is as essential there as in the bathroom, wet your bands In hot water and rub them well with baking oda until the soil Is off. YFAR.S OF SUFFERING THEN ROBUST HEALTH. CreiKt Remedy Cures! Skin Dis ease) of Long Standing Mr. 3. Weber, of 1065 Vine street. San Jose, Cel., writes aa Interesting story of terrible skin suffering which ended iu robust health when he found a remedy whiob cored him like maglo. Here is Mr. Weber ' own story : "In July, 1800, my face began to be affected with a terrible skin disease. I went to a doctor, and he told me that I bad been poisoned and be want ed to operate on me. I refused to let him do so and after a few months my face was an awful sight. Ton could see that it was diseased to the boue. Some people claimed that I bad cancer. Great bolls would appear, increasing in size and paining me terribly. I began to doctor again but no oue could help me; large pim ples and boils would continue to come. At that time I bad as many as 10 on my face. I was suoh a terrible sight that my friends could not bear to see me. I doctored for five years until my funds gave out and I had to stop. During this time I tried over 300 remedies. 'One day I happened to bear of D. D. D. Prescription and learned that. it had cured several bad cases of Eo- zema. I purchased a bottle and then I got a second bottle. The use of five bottles cured me. It has been eiitht months. now and the disease has not returned. My friends ask what it was that cured me of the awful skin trouble and I answer that it was D. D. D." which healed me. " , We know that every word of the bove letter is absolutely true. We keep" D. D. D. Prescription, the great remedy for eczema, psoriasis, salt rhoum, dandruff, eta, because all the cures it has made appear to be lasting. Come Id and talk to as about ' this .remedy. Clemens soils drugs. Cheap Feasting. Hanging the top of one of the stalls at a church baznar recently was a sign which ran, "Luncheons, 1 to 3 p. m Is. ;d." A country farmer nud his wife were passing along admiring the various Hlalls and their contents when he espied the above sign and was beard to remark to his wife: "We'll Jilts hev our denuers here, Jeaunle. Two (Kirs' steady eatln's no' bad fur wami an' six!" London Tele graph. A Freak of Memory. "Why In the world are you carrying two umbrellas?" somebody asked tin forgetful m.'iii. mid be looked nuiaw' at the ipiesllon. "I should tljiiiU you''l (.'Mess tlin easily, knowii.g !:; v he vl "I'm carrj In,- two 10 V I and leave 0,10 tiri' ':, I ' 'i sti have the other!" - Vv ,'.'.. ... ' t It Is Not Too Late yet to get some of these nice things we have been promising you We do not claim to have a complete assortment but we feel cocfident that we have flnmo orfinla and will be pleased to have you visit TheQualitySho:; before you decide upon all1 these gifts you intend to give,' Japanese Assortment ' J CHINA and GLASSWARE Just Arrived Mrs. J. G. Gamble 412 Front Street. Bee Hive CAMERON & DODGE, Paoas. DEALERS IS Stationery Post Cards, Bicycle Supplies, Mission Furnltnre, Novelties, Notions. Before buying- see our Hue of attractive Goods. We can save you money. Repair shop In connection. We repair Bicycles and Locks, Guns, Furniture, etc. CHURCHILL BUILDING 309 6th tS. Grants Pass, Ore. First national 'Bank Of Soathero Oregon UHMirrs PXSS, OREGON Some of the Services that a Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The sunniest and safest wav of keeping your money is by deposit ing it in a Reliable Bank. Thia Bank receives Deposits Subject to Check, or on Demand Certificates of Deposit or on Time Certificates of Deposits. On Time Deposits we pay 4 per cent interest. DR.AFTS The Best and Cheanest wav to Transfer Money is by Bank Draft. We sell Drafts payable in alljparts of the country. LOANS One of the most iranortant func tions of the Bank. We wideavor to supply all raawamUe needf of our MiHtoanuis. Capital e-nd Surp us $73,000 Stockholders' Additional Responsibility $50,000 orricERS L. B. HALL.'Presldent J. C. Campbell, Vice-President II. L. GlLKEY, Cashlei R. K. HACwtrr, Asst. Cashier S. V. MOODY WOOD YARD Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434 1 Load Blocks $3.00 Htove AVoimI 1 Tier Manzanita $3.00 1 Tier Oak $3.00 1 Tier Fir $2.50 1 Tier Pine $2.25 eiiuiiU Wood 1 Tier Oak $2.75 1 Tier Fir $2.25 ITier Pine $2,00 1 Load Sawdust 50 1 Load Kindling . ..... . .75