ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PAS, OREGON. JANUARY 3. l'8 n.OFKSSlONAL CARDS f C- FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to EYK EAB, NOrE and THROAT. Classes fitted ard furnished. Office hour to 12; 2 to 6; and on ap pointment. Telephone! 261 and 77. Qsavts Pass, Obioos LOUGHRIDGK. M. D. T HYRICIAN AND 8CIWEON Res. I'boDe 714 Qlts or ooontry calls attended night or da tVes and H, Tuff's building. Oltice Phone, 261. GrahwPabs . Obeook. I DOINQS AT THE COURT HOUSE THE KONGO FOREST. t Items ol Interest to the Tpavere) of Josephine) County From the Various County X MMWMMMMMtt JJR. C A. CAMPBELL OfeTKOPATlllC 1-ItYBIClAK Oraduale Jlmmmn Kchool of Onteopathy, RlrkBVlllB, MO. I- t.l I Iti.n..i. til WfltllHn ml cliililrun a specialty CONSULTATION KHKK t n II.-, Vatti.nul ft.nlr Hill?. Phones: Ollke 771, Ken. 703 Oka htn Pass - Oaaoos II D, NORTON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Practloo In all State and Federal Courts. Offloe la Optra llouw Building. Oka nth Vahh, Obecjon Trial Jury Summoned. Clrcnlt Court "HI oonvene Monday, January 13. when much bosiness of a legal natore will be passed opon by Judge H. Hanna and the Jury. Cleik Cheshire aud Sheriff Kuesell Monrlav drew the following jorors, who are now being sonimuned by the Sheriff and his depotus. w sppear and do service, beginning witn won day. Janoary 13. to-wit: Frank rVtsob, Amos Btnith, Samuel Bow do. W E Dean. Benjamin Dimick, Oo H Parker. T B Elliott. C K Root. u a fViiiuln. K M Huggerth, J jchrl-tie,. P Martin, H B Alveraon, 'j P Duncan, A L Edg'-rton, D A Fiugerald, M Clemens, It A Pierce W 8 Barrie. E K Cole (i, w uonneu and K L Coe. U of Grants pass; H Carson, Murphy; James Duly. I O Naueke. of Kerby ; J A Busk and fwi Aum Jr. of Wilderville: O M Knox, of Williams; Houry Gross, Wolf Creek; David Vlnyard, Williams. lots 12. 13 and 17, .Central Add to Grants Pass, f600. Oscar A Fields of Prosser, Wash, to L S Fields, of same place, lot 7, block 64, Grants Pass. $1. H L Gilkey et ox to The Pobllic, right of way for public road through property in sec 13, tp.86 s, r 6. W R Dicklson to H L Gilkey, right of way for road over lauds in sees. 18 24, tp 36 a, r 6, fl. J B Liudaay et al to L A Hennin- ger, prt sea W, tp i, r n, ii. F H Schmidt et ox to M H Evans, part bbo 22, tp 3. s, r 6, im. U B Wordhridge et ox to Jennie O'Brien, lot 1 and 2, block 7, O T S of Grunts Pass f 100- A. C. HOUGH, ATTORNKY-ATLAW, practices In all HUteand Federal Courts Ofnoe over Hair Kiddle Hardware Co. Gbakts Pass, OasooK QLIVER & BROWN, LAWYER. Office over Pixons Store Grants Pass, Orhgon. Q. S. BLANCIIARD, ATTOnNEY-AT-LAW. Practice In all State and Federal courts. Banking and Trust Company's Building. Gsamts Pass, - Obboo. II. B. HENDRICKS 0OCN8ELLO118-AT-LAW Civil and criminal matters attended to lu all the oourta. Real aatate and Insurance. Offloe, 6th street, opposite Postoffios, ILLIAM P WRIGHT, U. H. DKI'UTY HURVEYOR MINING KNMINKKK AND DltAUliHTHM AN 6th St., north ol Josephine Hotel. Gbasts Pass, Obbuom Charles Costain Wood Working hop. vVest of flour mill, near R. R. track Tuning, Horoll Work. Hlsir Work, Hand Hawing.Calitiiel Work, Wood Pulley., Saw Ftting and Kuuuning, Hepainng sll kinds. TrtoM right The l'opulsr Barber Shop Get your tonsorlul work done at 1KA TOMl'KIN' On Sixth Stteet Three chairs Bath Room In connection N 12. MlC.RU W, PIONKKR TRUCK and DKLIVERY Furniture and Piano Mevlng GRANTS PASS, OREGON. E. A. WADE Dry (Joods, Underwear, Notions, Ktc. Front Street west of Palace hotel QUANTS PASS. OREGON, GKANTS PASS To Krtoclc Garnishment. Defendant Wm P Wright has fllel hi. affidavit and a motion baed on tl. i.niH. aikinn the ennrt to dis charge the execution and garnish ment isssoed in the cae broaght against him by F F Johnson," upon the giopnds that the property gr- Dished la earnings of defendant for presonal services performed by soch defendant for a monicipal corporation, to-wit: the city of Grants Pass, Ore., within 30 days neit preceding aervioe of execution and garnishment and that said earnings do not exceed the sum of $75 per mouth and that they are wholly for the use of the family of defrndaat and that the debt was not incurred for ths said family expense, furnished within six mouths of the date of the service of said execution ud garnishment, and that the gar nishes in this action is a municipal officer to-wit: Auditor aud Police Judge of the city of Grants Pass Ore , aud the warrant garnished is city funds and salary of a monicipal officer. " Doubt About Tat Sale. There seems to be considerable doubt In the xuiuds of some of the t'onuty Shi-riffs throughout the state of Oregon as to how they should pro oeed to collect the delinquent taxes for the past year. Attorney-General Crawford rendered au opinion some time ago, in which be took the ground that the legislation aloug this line, euaoted by ths last legislature would not do to go by and so ha ad vised the various sheriffs to begin action under the old law, which reqaired the publication of each a list, whereas the new law was thought to do away with any such modus operandi. Bat, In spite of such legal ad vine, at least 12 of the sheriffs have decided not to proceed after any such fitidilon, but will not publish the delimiueut list, as pro vided in the new law. Sheriff Hn" si' 11 hiki about enucludt'd to go ahead and act upon the advice of Attorney General Crawford aud have the list duly published. lie informed the (,'onrier that the list this rime would be considerably larger than it was Ust yer, owing, he thinks lu a large measure to the flurry iu finaucial mat ters. More Keal Ratals Moving. Despite the fact that Jupiter l'lti vius is much lu evidence aud there is au ini'liuntiou on the part of dirt to adhere to Us renting place, yet con nidcrabltt realty seems to h changing hand, and this week the deeds have beau pilling up iu the clerk's ofdee lu good style. The follnwiug deeds h'tve been placed of record : ltura A Hathaway et mar to E M Austin, part see 4. tp 37 s. r !. 94 1 25. J A Sterner to J U Kreger, IrtO acres lu sec, t to :7 s, r 3. t '00. Kusiell W Clarke et ux to Arthur A Willcox. S acres In sw itf, tt TO a. Waterworks in Litigation. An action has been couimencsd in the circuit court by City Attorney Geo. W Oolvig, at the instance of the I City Council, against the Rogue River Water Co., .with the iuteut that this corporation which furnishes citizeus of Grants Pass moisture for various purposes, shall be compelled to carry ! out an agreement made with the city by the Grants Pass New Water, Light & Power Co.,Novembsr 23, 1004, for a period of five yeras. This is doe to1 the raising of prices by ths Rogue River Co., wbicb Is the. successor of the other company. Not only are the present venders of water requested to lower ths pries to the figores agreed upon with the old corporation, but it is asked to return to the cossumers all chares made iu excess or those rates since October - 1, last, wnen the raise in prices was made. Aa in junction is asked, presenting the said company from attempting to shut off any of its oonsutners who decline to pay the advanced charges. The case is attracting uuob attention. Unfamiliar Animals That Haunt This Region of Mystery. . The mightiest forest of which the human race haa any knowledge today Is that of the Kongo. It Is a region of Impenetrable mystery concerning which accounts have been so strsnge that until the past few years they have been deemed Incredible. But re cent discovery has transformed scien tific Incredulity into a measure of be lief. Thus on the basis of Sir Harry Johnston's erplorations of Uganda a giant ape larger than the gorilla Is a denizen of this tremendous forest re ifinn There, too. are animals of a quite unfamiliar kind, notably the okapl. The forest seems to be the re sort of the five horned giraffe, the tallest mammal In the world. The bucest elephants, bearing tremendous tusks, are there. The largest flHh found In all Africa haunt the streams tiiniinderlnir through the recesses of this forest. Lions seem not to pene trate Into tho thick growth of the Jun gle thereabouts. The forest leopards are arboreal, catching monkeys for their food. The curiosity of the mighty forest Is unquestionably the okapl, a large and seemingly new mammal, discovered by Sir Harry Johnston. In his books of travel Stanley told of an animal of ass-like appearance existing in the dense forest which was caught in pits. The occurrence of anything like a quadruped of the equine sort In the thickness of an impenetrable forest seemed so anomalous that no scientist of standing would credit the possibil ity; hence the determination of Sir Harry Johnston to Investigate. Cur rent Literature. TO OUR PATRONS : WE desire to express our thanks for the liberal manner in which you have treated us during the past year, and we will erdeavor to merit a continuance during the New Year. The Grants Pass Art Studio aims to give entire satisfaction in everything it turns out. You're Struck The Rliht PImee When you patronize this Studio, where a specialty is made of Groupes and Children-Things which the amateurs dread to tackle. Don't send your work of enlarging away by irresponsible agents, but have it done right here at home. We do finishing work in India Ink, Pastel and Water Colors, as well as Free Hand Work. "Satisfaction Guaranteed or No Pay" is our motto. Grants Pass Art Studio Miscellaneous Matters. A marriage license has been isiued by Clark Cheshire to Robert Lee Will son, aged 33, a prominent merchant of Sisson, Siskiyou county, Cal., and a native of Miseourl, and Mrs. Lilliau Bails, aged 81, resident oi Grants Pass and native of California. That there Is much activity in the mining industry of Josephine couuty la quite evident from the way mining men are searching the records at the courthouse, many seeking to ascertain if the proper asseasment work has been done, while others are trying to find out aa to whether some proiu Win claim they bave struck has al ready been filed opon. Ihen, too, there is considerable litigation al ready started, involving mining prop erty aud much that will likely follow. Chas. H. Keward, of Kerby, has beeu appoited gsardian of his brother, Louis Cass Sewaru, 34 years old, ef heirless aud unsound mind, who is uow iu the Salem a-yluiu. There are soma peimlou matters in which the parties are Interested and it is found ueceasary to lake steps of tins kind. A bond of f J.0 was required by ths coart. About half of the SO school dis- d i iii f -1 1 1 m r irf a claen Safe C0AL 0IL bUfJoHIHt ifgiiii OADITfll A FINE GllADEOLP U M I I I U L INL? fl A mill.. Our highest grade in 5galloB NUIUIUW FORCE OF IMAGINATION. Story ef sn Odd Incident In a Dental Hospital. A remarkable Incident happened re cently at a dental hospital. A young woman went there to have five teeth extracted. The anaesthetic decided upon by the dental surgeon was ethyl chloride, and this was administered by the usual form of apparatus. An In dia rubber cap la placed over the pa tlent'a mouth and nostrils, and con nected with It Is a bng Into which a sealed capsule of ethyl chloride Is in troduced. By the turning of a screw from the outside the capsule Is broken and the anaesthetic liberated. The screw was turned, the patient went off gradually Into the usual condition of Insensibility, five teeth were extracted, and the patient awakened without feel ing any part of the operation. The whole case appeared perfectly normal. Only when the young wo man had left the room and the ap paratus was being made ready for another patient waa it discovered that the capsule of ethyl chloride had by some mischance not been broken at all. The whole condition of Insensibility bad been brought about by the self hypnotism of the patient. The Idea that an anaesthetic was being admin istered was so strong In her mind that she had passed Into Insensibility en tirely by hypnotic suggestion. Boston Traveler. There is no finer COAL OIL in the world than this regardless of price CAPITOL Gasoline 68 test, best for Automobiles and Lighting Purposes, Manufactured by CAPITOL REFINING COMPANY H sir-Riddle Hardw. Go- Wholesole Distributors for Josephine County Wanted the S.m.tion. The veuerable farmer with the to bacco stained whiskers and furrowed brow climbed aboard the limited and shambled into the smoker. ".Mister." he drawled when the con ductor halted before bjin, "Is that thar two-cent-a-mllo mte good on this tralu?" "It Is." replied the conductor brusque- tricts of Josephine couuty, have a-ked l.v. "Where Is your ticket?" the commissioners to plana a special Ui levy this year, for school pur-. iosei. Several other districts are ' thought to have iutuuded to do so, but they tailed to give the proper notice 1 to the coinuilsHiouers at tins week's i meeting of that body. i 'taking advantage of the holiday season, Couuty Superiuteu dut Savage weul to call Mpou Central Point aud Medtord frieuds for a few days, of 1 last week. The old man fumbled In the depths of an ancient shot bug. "Ain't got no ticket, mister," he said slowly, "but here be 1! cents. I never rode on one of these pesky fliers, and I Just want to feel the sensation, l'ut me off after I've rode one mile." Chi cago News. TOKAY GRAPLS I can still furnish first-class one year old rooted Tokay Vines at reasonable prices. Plenty of all other varities- GEO. H. PARKER Office With W. LIKELY i) This is the only school in the Northwest which prepares young men and young women for Private Secretary Positions We have ceased trying to fill all positions which are brought to our attention. Only the best are selected and for the best we must have the best young people. Write us today and ask us about this Private Secretary Courso Holmes Business College PORTLAND. ORE. A. U. BANNARD UNDERTAKtR. St. 1 1 1 1 i i ; . i ii is a !usi-lu'ss-iikc iKinu'; you know what it means; and it means w hat you want. Tout grotr r.tvrBt y.ur ..y U roe scs'l la. it. sr ki. Vr5 rtt. f W II Coudil et III Commercial Club 4 rut Will furnish information of Josephine comity fice of charee. Corrw.;wudeuee so licited. I- 11. Hall Preside H. L. Andrews. . . . Secretary J Met ' O.od Advice O. S. Woolever, one of 7 the best known merchants of lrfltaY.ville, N. Y., aaye: "If you are ever troubled with pile, apply Hurklen's Arnica Salvs. It curexlj m of iheiu for good 2yers aiiu. " Uuariite,-d for sorei, wouuda. burns or anrasioue, V6o at all drag etores. Mull I ptt x to W J Deng lor, : IV acres In sec It), tp 3d s, r 5, iW.V Lee Murray to O W McAllister et al., HO acre In sec (V, tp Sri a, r 7, ?6u. J O HjoIIi et al to H ComllU ft acrei in ec 1, tp :irt. a, r V . Uvi 11 .Mulllin to M sec 17. tp e, r , 13'JX Samuel lloyt et nt to Harvey Moore, lot , block t. Central Add U) Urant laa. !.. lMtdora 11 Wells et mar to Ira II Christie, part lot S. block 11. Monroe's Kir.t add to Grant Is, $J0oo, m . lroyjljovels to 1 S Ki.gel, part o 11. tp ;W r":, fl'VO. ' H Tnotuat t n to Stniucl Christie' lots ?. s, Waud IS, book IS, Uuootn I'arl'A.ld to tlrmt Pass. T.VX). . Z Thomas lUy, et al to Stuart .H In. blow. lot"", hloct H, M.4t Add to Uraut Taws agreement to ee!l for fJT.V K I, Cass, bv Trusts. 'to II M Webb, Does no Harm But Much Good. I Mix the th following by shaking I well in a bottle, and take in teaspoon ful donee after meals and at bedtime: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half jounce; Compound Krgoo, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarssparilla, three jounce. A local drsggist is the au ' thority that these simple, harmless i ingredients can be obtained at nominal ' cost from our home drugg'sts. The mixture is said to cleanse and , strengthen the clogged and inactive ; Kidneys, overcoming Ba kache, LUad- i der weakness and Urinary trouble of all kinds, if taken before stage of 1 Bright, disease. Those who bave tried this say it m isuy,si:l,l,qi' i:xc iiAAdii Household Goods and my stock is quite complete. ..If you have anything to sell or exchange come and see me, or if you need anything in my line see my goods and get prices. fsT-SACKS, COPPER, RUBBER and METAL WANTED M. E. MOCRE, NEW and SECOND HAND GOODS Argument For Feathers. Opposition to the wearing of festh ers In feminine beadgesr hn encoun tered au argument which shows that there are two sides to this as to every other question. Attention is called to tlt. fu.'t flt.,1 !,. 1I....H..A wearing feathers to 1 abandoned to-! ""'J wrcomea Tain in the back, morrow 30,(W gtrls would he at once citT tne nrin" l,f wdiment and rego thrown out of employment In rarla ' latea nrtnation, especially at night. alone. A champlou of the working 1 curing even t he worst forms of blad glrls Insists that If a bird or a girl 1 der weakness. must perish It ought not to he the girl. ' E M woman here who feels New ork Trvsa. A, . . ,, . . I that the kidneys are not strong or A Slender. "Yes. suh." asserted Colonel I'epper. "I once owned a beu that lived to be twenty yeabs old. suh!" 'And you llTod In Alabama?" said Mr Keeue skeptically. "Ye, suh. What has that to do with It?" ' Well, It proves that the southern negro lias been slandered, that's all." Cleveland Leader. acliug iu a hcalthv maimer should mix this prescription at home and give it a trial, ae it is said to do won ders for many person. The Scrauton Pa. Times waa first to print this remarkable prescription, iu Vtober, luOt, siuoe Jwluu ail the leading newspapers of Xew York, ltoston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other cities have mads many an- ! uouuceiueut. of it to their rvaUers. QMIESSCOLLEG TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGON A P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B., PRINCIPAL Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu dent to a position as soon a competent. Quality it our motto, and reputation for thorough work bring us over 100 call per month for office help. Individual in tructiou insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card Index the voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier i, n,, , easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanshio f write todav. References: any merchant, anv hank n . rec Ijllus Fresh from the Ear to the e Can in Maine I Preferred Stock Sweet Corn u pacVed I -,r ... , vf the Main, .oil and climate combSe . J." LJ I temieret, mot deliciou, corn in u,V I , , Tuajtirui Com garden (rithered and packed the same day, with y Y """"Kin pencctly preientd. Thu u the eecret of "eweet corn goodneu" in Preferred Stock Canned Goods rtM WWmr U. Mt n Thtich,fth mf PREFERRED ST0Ci-et jcrCrvrr' I Ll WIS, Wsslal. Gneert. POBTLiUD. OfiKri. r, . . . , , a fc IS7ri