Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 03, 1908, Image 1

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No. 40.
Matters of More or Less Import
ance Passed Upon by the
Common Council
Portland Manufacturing Estab
, , -. lisnments Need it fiddly
in Their Business
The Faithful in This Vicinity
Rally to State Treasurer's
Interesting Statement Regarding
Mayor Smith Believes There Is
Applicants For Liquor Licenses
- Hawve Some Strong Obec
tions to Meet
Josephine County's Income
And Outlevy
Some Chance for Such a
Thing to Occur
Last evening the City Council bad
jTshort hpslnjffjrneeting, adjourning
at an early'hour to meet naxt Monday
evening, wen the new members will
take their seats. Among the mutter
acted upon were the following:
Ed. .Lister '.was granted a saloon
license" at the Josephine hotel.
AuguBt Fetsch was granted a saloon
'THe saloon liceuse bond of F. F.
Johnson was reported back as ap
proved. The committee having the publica
tion of the ity ordinances in hand
reported favorably on the matter.
The customary grist of bills were
Passed upon and do It allowed.
An obstreperous negro porter bad to
be forcibly ejeeted from today's 12:25
passenger, by Marshal McQrew, the
train crew baring telegraphed ahead
to have the unruly fellow put off.
The colored gentlemanis now taking
in the sights of Grants Pass.
HAMILTON On Main street, Grants
Pats Sunday, December 29, 1907,
to Mr and Mrs. Alfred Hart Ham
llton, a daughter.
WILLIAMS Near Leland Ore.. Sat-
urdaf. Deoemoer 28, 19(T, to Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Williams, a daugh
ter. CARBOLL At Eogene, Ore , Son
day, December 29, i907, to Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Carroll, a daugher.
Mr. Carroll was formerly presorip
tion clerk for the Clemens Drug Store
in this oity and his friends here will
rejoice with him over the new arrival.
Cal., Wednesday, December 25,
1907, Raymond J. Minnie, of Grants
Pass, Ore., and Miss Lean Belle
Hammons, of Red Bluff, Cal.
The happy grcom is one of the foroe
at the Granta Pass Box Faotory, and
bis many friends were ready, when
the newly wedded coaple arrived this
week from the south, to render them
a right royal welcome.
WILSON BAiLE At the home of
Mrs. W H. TnttK in Grants Pans,
Ore., Saturday, December 28, 1907,
Robert Lee Wilson, of Siiton, Cal.,
and Mrs. Lillian Baile, of Grants
Pass, Justice of the Peace J as.
Hulmaa officiating.
Cal., Wednesday, December 18,
1907, Robert A. Thompson, priuci
' pal of the Pa-adena City Schools aud
Miss Helen Gailey Grant.
The bride was formerly residing in
Giants Pass, her father being! once
bookkeeper for the .S. P. D. & L Co.
Of oonrse her host of friends iu this
oity will haBten to express btst
HESTO N S I S SEN At Monroe,
Mich., Monday aoon, December,
1907, William Martin Heston aud
Mies Lydia Francis Siesen.
The groom was formerly a resident
of Granta Pass, where he has a wide
cirole of warm friends, whose best
wishes will be extended the happy
couple. Mr. Heston has been olassed
as probably the greatest football
player Oregon ever produced. Just
recently he was chosen as head ooasb
of the Creighton university team, at
Omaha, Neb. He made a great rec
ord as halfback on Yost's great Michi
gan nniveraity team and was elected
a member of the All- mericao team,
wbeu the "cream" of the football
playeis of the country was selected.
LITTLE ALLEN At the Bethany
Presbyterian church, Wedneiday,
Jaunarv 1, 1908, William J. Little
ana Mrs. Anne Alien, Rev. vau
Hughes, officiating.
lors of the Delaware Hotel, tort
Worth. Trxa, Monday evening,
December 23, 1907, L. G. Gillette,
of Grauts Pass a .d Miss Delia Ad
diaon, of Ft Worth, Rev. Hub. rt
Knickerbocker. pntor of Fimt M.
E. church, wfdoiating.
egon. weitnes 'y, Ueo'inber 2j,1VUi,
Jma M. P:toi f' rm rlr of Urnts
Pais, aud Miss Neva D.Manon.Jboth
of Lidlow. Ke. u. ix. Lilly, of
Last night Marcus W. Robbin. the
attorney was treated to a genahe
cbaritari, at his home, on Iowa
street, the false ramor hviug gottsa
abroad that he had jest tamed a
"benedict" He thiuks now that the
laugh is on the crowd of serenaders
for be is still "enjoying single bless
edness. "
I Special Correspondence
Portland, Ore., Dec. 30th, 1907.
To the Editor: Yoo have printed
irtioles at different times relative to
.lie discovery of large bodies of silica
and, and. the Oregou Development
league desires to present $100 to any
reader of Jfour paper or any citizen of
Oregon,1 Wa-hington, Idaho, Montana
r California, who will fiud the sand
fill the requirements demanded by
the Columbia Steel Works of this city,
who have made this offer through the
We will take 100 tons each month
of silica sand, 96 per cent pure silica
and free from iron oxides, delivered
at Portland at not to exceed $6 per
ton, and we will pay f 100 io cash to
the disoverer." Silica sand is now
being shipped to Portland and ether
iron and steel manufacturing oenters
of the Pacifio Coast from Minnesota.
It has been frequently reported that
large quantities of pure silica have
been discovered, and the community
that "makes good" in this instance
has a greater source of revenue than
gold or copper mines, lumber, mills,
or factories of any kind, for when a
dependable quality of silica sand is
found la quantities sufficient to sap-
ply the demand, all the Iron works
from the Gulf of California to Alas
ka, and from the Rocky Mountains
3 est, will be customers. It may just
i well be given to the public now
later that the steel trost and an
other combination of multi-millionaires
engaged in the prod action of
irjon and steel are investigating
different points ou the Pacific Coast
with the idea of building another
Pittsburg. .
boa worry about the present freight
rate. The discovery of a large quan
tify of siliea' sand would make a low
rate necegtary remember that the
saod now comes from Minnesota.
This is oar opportunity. Send a sara
plaf to ybuFiSarest assaycr to be sore
yoo have the oods.
The year 1907 breaks 11 records in
Portland, and what is true here is an
index in a proportionate degree of
every place between the Rocky Moun
tains and the Pacific Ocean, for this
great section is the most prosperous
part of America, and will continue to
be. The increase in manufactured
products has been 80 per cent; the
sales of merchandise are considerably
greater than in lt)0fi. No year has
brought so great an immigration.
Postal receipts, reports and imports,
the products from the farm and dairy,
and those from the orchard, aud every
other resource by which prosperity
can be pnlsed, prove an unprecedented
growth, and if we will only shake off
this temporary impulse to hediie, 1908
can be made a still greater year.
Jan. 7. Tuesday Meeting of G. P.
Poultry Keepers Association, in
Gaild Hall.
January 10, F iday, at New Opera
House. Roscbnrg Hitrh School vs.
G. P. High School, Joiut Debate.
Jan. 13, Monday Circuit Coart
Jan.80,81 and Feb.l, Thu.Fri and Sat.
First Annual Show, Grants Pass
Poultry Keepers Associat on.
Jan. 80, 81 aud February 1, Thursday,
Friday an! Saturday, Horace K.
Iurner Art Exhibit, at High School,
afternoons and evening.
Jan. HI. Friday-Meeting in Grants
Pass to organize the Rogue River
G at Breeders' Association.
Jan. 81, KrWly Colt and Fine Horse
Snow in Grants Pass, under aus
pices of Grants Pass and Kerby
Breeders' Associations.
Feb. 1, Saturday Froit Grower'
Xfwtinii in Unnts Pa, Under Aus-
nices of Grants Pass Fruit Growers
Association "
R. K. Montgomery, who was, some
seven years ago S. P. operator at this
station, but who has been general
agent at Glendale. Doaglas county in
tbe interim, was this week "checked
in, "as general agent here, taking the
place of Gso. P. Jester, who will re
main in the city for a short time be-
j fore he takes anotner place ior sue
is. p.
Alvin Wheeler, of Medford,
who has
been tbe guest of relatives here for a
week or so, returned borne yeserday.
TVheotheoffloia2 bond ofS'ate
Treasurer Geo. " A.Steele arriTed In
Grants Pass, the other dayi it found
a number of Republicans ready and
wUIiog to assist in the work of pro
viding security for Mr. Steele. The
important document has been all over
the state, having signatures of leading
members of that party upon it frnm
all seottons. There were no less than
92 initruments to make up the total
amount desired and it is reported that
fully 195,000 more will be forthcoming.
Mr. Steels Rave $634,500 at first with
more to follow.
Governor Chamberlain says that he
is not. satisfied with some of the bond
men and will insist upon the $000,000
being furnished in unquestioned ss
cority by the elimination of the ob
jectionable names.
Jackson county was represented on
the bond by W. L Vawter, wbo qual
ifies in the amount of $5000, and J.
M. Keeue in the sum of $5000.
Josephine connty is represented by
C. E. Harmon, 12000; H. L. Gilkey,
12000; W. O. Hale, $2000; O. D. Wel
ter, 2000; A. H. Carson, $2000; R. Q.
Smith, $2000.
There are many politicians on the
bond of Steele. On the list are:
State Printer W. S. Duniway, ex-
United States Senator Joseph Simon,
ex-City Auditor T.C. Devlin, ex-State
Senator Marntera, of Roseburg; Stats
Senator Bowerman, Representative W.
I. Vawter, ex-Representative 6roisan,
of Marion; Representative George
Rodgers, of Salem ; ex-Governor W. P.
Lord, ex-Municipal Judge Charles
Carey, ex-County Auditor W. H.Pope,
teputy District Attorney Moser, ex-
Councilman George Shepherd, Repre
tentative Newell. Others on the bond
who have been interesetd in politics
are: F. U. UrilDtn, J. U. Campbell,
J. E. Hedges and the Huntley s, all of
Clactamas; Frank Alley, of Douglas;
Dr. J. M. Keene. of Medford ; R. E.
L. Steiner and R. J. Hendricks, of
Salem; W. B. Glafke of Portland; J.
H . Rainy, of Umatilla; W.J.Furnith,
former candidate for Governor: the
Soribers, of LaGrande; W.W.Steiwer,
of Wheeler, and R. L. Smith, of Uma
Few melodramas of the last three
seasons have had so great a measure
of success as Girl of the Streets. "
which will be seen at the Opera
House on Saturday, January 4. The
work possesses many lasting qualities
which guarantee it life fur many a
ryear. Miss Berna Reinhardt, who
heads the cast, made a very close
study of "Kit," the girl of the' streets
anl for six months before tbe produc
tion of the play, went to New York
and lived in the slams there studying
the life, habit, manners, character
.tics and slang of its habitats, and
visited all the scenes introduced in
the play. Great care wai taken in
giving the play the necessary atmos
phere and tbe production Is a complete
one. The first act shows the beauti
ful home of Nan Meadows, the second
is a true reproduction of a New York
counterfeiting den, while the third
act shows New York City on a win
ter's night, and the last act gives
one a very good idea of the inside of
Sing Sing prison. There Is, consid
erable of the Comedy element a'l the
way through the piece and it also
abounds with numerous specialties.
Girl of the Street" will be seen
at the Opera House on Saturday,
January 4. It bts proved one of this
seaioo's successes and will undoubted
ly draw a large patronage here.
A notable event in local fraternal
circles was the joint installation of
tbe newly elect-d officers of Josephine
Chapter, Eastern Star; Grants Pass
Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. and
Rearoes Chapter R. A. M. which oc-
ourred Friday evening, at tbe spscions
Masonic Hall. It was St. John's Day
and quite a large number of prominent
citizens were present to witness the
impressive event. Mrs. H.' C Bob
glen officiated onbehalf of the Eastern
Star, R. W. Clarke for tbe BloTLooe
and Herbert Smith on behalf of the
Chapter. After the ceremonies came
a good social time, fo' lowed by a
sumptuous banquet, making1 the affair
one of tbe most enjoayble of tbe bol-
iday season
Editor Courier This being the
tirre of year when business men
usually lake an Inventory of stock it
may be of interest to know how we
stand as a couuty.
Josephine County is unfortunate in
being large in territory and small in
wealth. Our extensive mountain
roads and numerous bridges' are
necessarily expensive, aud create a
demand for labor equal to that of
counties having much greater wealth
and population.
In round numbers our assessment
this ytar is $5,200,000. Our estimated
expenses for tbe coming year which Is
fixed by law and over which the
county oourt has no oontrol la as fol
lows: school fund, $24,000; state tax,
$10,000! interest on warrants, $8000;
official salaries, '$10,000; circuit
court, $2000; elections, $3000; making
a total of $55,000 which mast be paid
before anything else.
Our usual tax levy of 15 mills will
bring Into tbe county treasury ap
proximately $75,000. Of this amount
$20,000, will be at the disposal
of the county oourt to apply
on roads, bridges, paupers, insane
examinations, jnvenile commitments
and all incidental expenses.
Daring the past six years our an
nual road and bridge expenditures
have averaged $u000 and our pauper
expenditures $4300. We now have a
first class county home which has cost
about $4000, aud which will be the
means of saving to the county at least
$1000 a year. We feel confident that
the building will pay for itself in
four years. This building and the
six concrete culverts aud the lo miles
of graded road that have been made
during tbe past year will remain as
permanent oounty property. Quite a
number of persons have suggested the
advisability of having tbe couuty
books experted. To this I will say
that I have practically experted the
books for 10 years back myself. There
may have been some money spent in
jadioioasly, bat I am pretty sure that
every dollar cao be accounted for.
The above will show to any busi
ness man that in order to decrease
our county debt we must either in
crease the tax levy or suspend county
While traveling to Medford. via the
"Fast freight" route, which is the attached to the freight
train, New Year's night, Mrs. Theo
dore Johnson, of this city, the well
kunwn authoress, whose noni de
plume is "Bnrdetta Carey, " was se
verely iujored. The mishap occurred at
Gold 1111, where the sudden jolt of the
car, as the train started up, threw her
against a suit cise, her left breast
strikiui' the same, and one of her
bands had a bone broken. During the
night (he is reported to have had
hemorrhages and being subject to
heart failure, she was regarded as be
ing in a very precarious condition.
However, she survived the shock, and
no ff her physician predicts that unless
complications arise, she will ultimate
ly recover from the accident.
The voting contest of Kinney &
Troax was a grand success in every
sense of the word and the interest at
the close was intense. The final
count shows that the contestants ware
running close, in tbe city, Mrs.
Beldisg receiving 19,200 votes and
Mrs. Denisou 17,400, while in the con
test among the oat ot town teachers the
highest votes were as follows: Miss
McColm, 19,702 and Miss Parker,
1 7, 240. The total vote was 103,470.
Tbe highest contestants will each re
ceive $40 in gold, and $10 each, for the
two next in the race.
Tbe match game of football, New
Year's Day, between the Ashland
Normal and Granta Pass A. A. C,
teams, was a fight tto he finish, from
beginning to end and the large
gathering of sports '.was highly pleased
by the excellent game pot up. Neither
side succeeded in making a score, al
though almost superhuman efforts
were pat forth.
In the puzzle contest conducted by
Bert Barnes, the jeweler, Miss Jennie
Coffman won tbe beautiful diamond
ring for offering tbe first correct so
lution to tbe puzzle.
Mayor J. C. Smith informs the
Courier that there will be an adjourn
ed meeting of the Citj Council Mouday
evening, whtn the new ofSoera will
be duly inducted into office.
But the most impottant feature of
the said meeting is likely to be a con
ference which Messrs. Morris Bros.,
owners of the Rcsue River Water Co.,
have requested with the citv fathers,
relative to coming at some amicable
adjustment oQbe trouble being exper
ienced with r gard to the atea now
being charged for city water. Mayor
Smith says no compromise will be con
sidered, aa the council firmly believes
it has the WaterCo.,"on the go," and
that said corporation will most cer
tainly have to carry out its agreement
with the city, He further states that
he woold not be much surprised if that
company shuu d offer to sell its plant
to the city a d that in case it can
be had at a reasonable figure he would
favor submitting the matter to a vote
of the oitisms. lie flrrulv believes
that the idea of the city's having its
own water works systim is entirely
feasible and under ordinary conditions,
be would gladly favor tbe plan
Io today's Courier will be found an
attractive advertisement from Ben.
A. Lowell, the well known Woodville
resident. He i salines that his part
of the oounrty affordssnrae very tempt
ing openings for froit growers and
others, and he takes this means cf in
forming the people of this fact.
Reduction Sale
Will Soon Commence. Watch the
Papers for the Specials V V VT
lie purchases all good8 direct from tho factory and
ships in carload 1iK This gives tho buyer the very
finest apsortmemt, and
when it comes to prices,
he is thus enabled
to give bottom figures.
Nannnmnpa and all will
discover that he haa by
far tbe largest establish-
ment in this part of the
State. Ladies will find
the display of articles
very attractive and just
what they are looking for
Furniture and Car
pets, Linoleums,
I.ace Curtains, Por
tieres, Mattresses,
Pillows, Cots, Wall
Paper, Clocks,
Mirrors, Window
Shades, Picture,
Picture Moulding.
R. H.
front St.,
Although the County Commissioners i
were in session all day, T'f
aud today, thy have been u. gW'
make very jireat headway, nit ( j
their time being taken in bearing) ,
protests from Leland people, agai ''
the grautlng to Light & Wise o)
saloon licei se. Attorney Marcus '. '
Robbltis represents the proteKtiiui
while Attorney U.S. Blunchard appears
on behalf of the saloon keepers.
Another case of the same nature is
before the boaid today, wherein Gar
ontte & Hunted of Merlin are asking?
for a license to sell intoxicating
liquors at Merlin. The people from
that community are appearing in per
son to protest against tho granting of
the license, while Attorney C. H.
Clements represents the applicants
for the license.
It looks as though the commissioners
would be in seesloo all day today and
tomorrow and posssibly Monday also
aa they have a vast amount of import
ant business to transact. One cf the
most Important matters will be the
fixing of the comity tax levy. County
officials are hoping that this levy will
be kept down to at least 14 mills for
road, school, High school and stats, ss
was the case last year. They realise
that times are not so "flash" ss they
were last year and in view of the fact
that times may be hard, they hope the
toard will make the levy as low as
The Coarier a cWaau family nspef.
Mb. Booster Fat man,
A Tourist The other fellow
Tourist Say, Mr. Fat Man
where can I buy some Good
Furniture, Stoves and Goods
to go ihottsefurnishinK with ?
I ktiow where to buy the other
kind but I waut something
extra good.
Mr. Boostkr Why, go to
O'Neill's, the largest house
furnisher of them all. He buys
direct from the manufacturer
and guarantees every piece of
goods sent out of his store.
Say, Mr. Tourist, he carrios
everything you can think of
for the house. His prices are
right, and there's nothing
small about him.
Stores and Ranges,
Agteware, Tinware,
Wooden ware,
YYilloware, Cutlery,
Crockery, Lamps,
Glassware, Fancy
China, Uo-Carts,
Uaby Carriages.
bet. 6 and 7
l6f?ANTa PM CW).