RIGHT In Starting The New Year By getting the best value for your : : money and buy ycur Groceries here. The quality of the gools we offer will please you, and our prices will surprise you. The proof is in the eating. Give us a trial and wo will risk the results. J. Pardee, gfte Grocer Front Street Grants Pass r WITH THE CHURCHES M. E. CUUHCH SOUTH. Servloes next Sunday as follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. At the 11 o'clock service, Judge Jewell will preach a Xmns sermon. League at A-aO; at 7:30 the rastor, O. H 3eaves, will preach. Yon are cor dially Invited to be present. ANOTHER WATCH NIGHT MEET ING The members of the Free Methodist ohurch are planning for a Watch Night service, to be held at their chnroh. New Year's Eve, beginning at 8 o'clock and lasting nntil the new year is ushered in. There will be preaching by Rev. E. D. Blackmao and Mrs. Mary K. Reed. All are welcome. ARMY -NOTED SALVATION WORKER Neit Sunday will be a noted one for the Grants Pass barracks and Captain and Mrs. J. M. Osborne are anticipat ing quite an interesting day. The oc casion being the visit of Major Jos. Kanlkaer, of Portland, who is the new divisional commander of the dis trict comprising Oregon and Idaho. There will be services most of the day, the morning inoeting at 11 o'olook, Sunday School at 1 :S0 p. m. onag People's Legion at 9:30. Open ir Meeting and this will be followed by the popular meeting at the bar racks at 8 o'olook. The people of Grauts Pass are cordially invited to come ont and hear this able speaker. NEWMAN M. E. CHURCH. Preaching Sunday morniup at 11 and iu the evening at 7:30. Morning aubject "Watchman! What Night?" Evening "Korot-s for Sal- music. Services begin promptly at 7 :80. Watch the papers for further notices. Evangelist McConuell will have charge of the services, both morniog and evening, next Sunday. CHRISTMAS GENERALLY OB SERVED. The Christmas spirit has been abroad among the various chnrches of Grauts Pass, this week and msnv have been the excellent programs ren dered and the attractions presented for the enjoyment to the little and old folks. Some churches held appro priate exercises Sonday and others had the onstomary tree either Toesisy or Wednesday evening. Owing to the elaborate programs, it is impos sible to even attempt to go into de- J tail. Sufficient to say that the drill-! lug and excellent training ci bct . baviog the affairs in nana wer? everywhere evident and the larff aodienoes were very scoch jjoaaei with the entertainment pro-)3eo SUNDAY DEC. 2. ITSST BAP TIST CHTRCH The messages at both ni.-ri.:uf an! evening ill be usitaW in tb:rM for the opening of iw war TV morning atrroon will hi at it r.V ject "The Virtue f:ir Vjrfi.nry.'" Tie ervioe becins prnmpliv at ICSS. In the evening will be pires t&t Cantata, entitled ' ' King nf Kn." it The P.ibie Stinted meu at 11 :45. The Tonng People 'meetiog will be led hy Mr. Sharp. Sarject "Turn ing te the l"ut.tre-" To theee meet inpt a nnrfiial welroms is extended. itti the approach of the new year the thcingtu of the people are being oeiiterefl on the month of January. For the not part it is set apart for diHt-n:l:r evangelistic effort. There i'l I a wek of prayer beginning of the JfcBukrv . At its close we will have it aMistanoe each evening of H. vatloa as agal nut Forces for Damns- i ; June and Eugene Spear. The tlon in the city of Grants Ps-" , fcner is the preacher and the latter Sunday school at 10 a w. Jsnior'', singer of the Gospel. Tht League at 8 p m. E worth Lxuurit at work 0:SJ0. A oordial weloooie. The ladies of Newman M. K Church will give a social in the church parlor on Tueaiar evening, December ill. This will I followed If a religious hoar or an oil fashioned Methodist Watch Night Meeting at 1, held io the main body of the -church. Old and youug are invited to attend this service and waUh the old year cot and the new year In. CHRISTIAN CHURCH ECHOES. Kvangolistio Maetiog began at ths Christian Church on Thursday, De cember 2'ith. Thee will be con- ill be done is aaurel. Mr. Jones is not a novice. In most fruitful paitorates in New York state and now for ov;r thrae years of work in Oregon hi hs bien approved. These helier will be with ns two full wees s and conclule th meetings with an Evangelintio Conference two days. We are hoping that simultsn tou meetings with other chuiches io our city will secure larger reunite than ever before in our city. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The passing of the old and the coming of the uew year will he em phasized in Bethany chorch next Sao ducted by Evangelist J. N. McCon- I day morning by a s-rmon by the niin nellandhis siuger. Mr. McConnell inter on "A Backward Glanc at is man ;of magnetic voice and'!iuo7: a Forward Ulance at l08." pleasing personality. One press 1 1 ths evening. 7:30 o'clock, the notice in speaking or him says: "Evangelist J. N. MrConnell is a great power in the pulpit and among the people. He is especially success ful in winning men to Christ. Mr. MvOonueU's sermons are logical, scriptural and powerful They sr. delivered iu a manly, not in an -effeminate way." His meetings are universally successful. He has a jnoiated with him a young man whom everyone will like as his director of WHAT PEOPLE SAY f Dr. C. A. Campbell of Dallas. Polk ooanty, Oregon, an osteopath, has de cided to come to Grsots Pas to re-1 aide and practice bis profeesion. He j spent muob time at Medford, Ahlnd j and elsewhere, bot none of them made j so good an impression as lias Grauts Pas. He remarked to the Courier man that it was truly amusing the way the Medfordites boomed their j own section in one breath and theu , in the next they would run down j Grants Pass and all other nearby , places. "Why," said he "I think if j they would ouly give the majority of ! the newcomers a half chance to look j around, a great many of them would j do just as I have done, namely, go to some other place. Yes, I like , Grauts Pass better thsn Medford or sny otnnr place i nave yei tishbu and I am oo ruing here to make my home among you for that very rea son, tie savs mat a great iuuj people are leaving eastern Oregon on account of the unbearable winters and the most of them are cuniiug to Southern Oregon. Senator Milton A. Miller, who, as one of his traveling associates re marked, is about the only Democrat in Oregon wno seems to have enough of a poll, aside from Governor Cham berlsin, to get himse f into office while in Grants Pass the other day, told the Coorier reporter that in his estimation the next legislature would likely hsve to frame a law regulat- ng even the freight and passenger rates for the Southern PaciSc rail road. Indeed, he is almost inclined to think that Oreg-oo will get very little relief from the excessive charge of this great monopoly until Uae Sm tale over all ths rail-; Mil roadv vkka rreo he thinks is most onrta'-aJy ccssing. ti is a mem tier or U seal f j'asare aod it is pre mmev! iLal fc-e speaks advisedly when to talt after this fashion. A f M f-ienl of tie Courier hands ! cis item, which recently appeared in !Cc:Jir"s Weekly and whioh will laJsrd Oregon some excellent advertis ing: fervor seems, to our percep tion, to mark this letter from a reader: To the Editor of Colliers: Sir I aik for space for this in yoor columns because everybody ought to know something aboni Oregon. The Only One, for a knowledge of such a country gives a man a hook to hang hope on a hope that he may some time get there. The climate 6( Ore gon is the kind you would make yourself if able and bottle op if you could to tak with you when you travel Eduoo says he is goiug to build houses with thick, hollow wslls aud squirt cool starl in them in sum mer and something warm in winter, lhat is to sav, he is trying artificially t) obtain Oregon climate. He ex pects o secure at enormoos cost what everybody in Oregon gets fur nothing. 'Sylveier Stewart.' Loog mtv t'le Writ (el this abouudlog pride of youth The id?a of Oregon cnerrs ns also; my she act more geueroQfly regarding ner resources than her pnent Governor wilies her to act." "Seems to me that we onitht to have at 1-ait two days for Thanksgiving, " id cms citizen who had evidently seen an overly-bordened" festal hoard, " the day before. Tueo be prolonged his remarks by commenting thusly: "To my way of thinking, we should have one day wheo we would be expected to staff ourselves aud theu the next day we ought to be allowed to recover from the trying ordeal of the day before. I know its lots of fun to have a very late dinner and then to devour everthying in sight, even If the table is helping down with good things, trnly tough to gi't the gormandizing pose you agitate KINNEY & TR' Grant- Fan., Oregon', o ember 24, leor. To Oar Friends: V find after it ia too late to da manfi i a t An nriiflr placed with 0. SolomCll AMWM V V w ws. -w -w v . j corner, not on the other, and it was a tig Jrun on The Little Store on the Corner. Again thanking youl patronage and with beit wishes for you aji coming year, which we trust will be fulHj you deserve, we remain Very slncereli Don't forget the Band Ooneert ii Tuesday, Dee. 31st, which is furnished tip help buy their much needed uniforms, andkt result of the Teacher's Voting Contest w Admission withvreserved seat in 25 cents. Seats on sale at Harman's, Sa other arrange- I , Importers, ', for a unique Holiday Greeting is not going fc reach us, although the order was placed last April! Be wish, howevsr, ; to thank you for your many favors extendid fiuring the past year and trust we will merit your confidj The RUN that was looked for, we are happj neb in the future, i to say, was on thii far your liberal ours for the oi the good things yours, KINNEY & TSUAX. the Opera Eeuse, Band Boys free to that time the 11 be announced. ' oij part of the house frday, Dee. 28. thousands of workers wsar Levi Strauss St Co's Camper R.vS Overalls III J Mtcluait theme will he "The Simplest, Most Comprehensive Definition of Clod in the Simpleit of Words." Bible School, under the supiriutendeocy of H C. Kinney, will commence at the hour of 10, a. m. Jr. O. K 8 p. iu. in the church parlors. The De vojional Hour of the Y.P. 8. C. K. at fl :30 p. tii. Kvrr a cordial reception is accorded ever Tons at this church. Now is the time to set h'dge pliuits. Cypress and Eugllah Privet, IJ.,0 to $4 per 100. See J. T.Taylor at of floe, near court house. 11-23 4t Mrs. Hehkopf is offering special bargains for 30 days. 12 -'.'0 2t A Warm Bath. A young man went Into a restaurant and ordered roast beef, coffse and rolls. In a fw minutes a trim little waitress tripped up with the order. As she turned to leave the young man discovered that the meat was about as told as a refrigerator. "1 don't care for cold beef," he said. "1 should like to have it hot" The young woman took the plate and. going to the dumbwaiter shaft, shouted down: "Honense, 1 want this meat bot Tour some warm gravy oo It" Harper's Weekly. Dixon, the dentist, who resumed: "load intended going to spend the winter season on my farm, located near Portland, but have gWen np the Idea and will be found at my office all the time, as of yore." "Is there money in poultry raising? Well, I should say there Is. At least I am finding that there is. Doring the month of November I had no less thna 830 eggs from 30 White Leghorn hens, which sold very readi for $11. I figure that it costs me oents per day to feed theee bird aci I get in return 60 rents for aach day feeding. What better investment one time and money could yo possibly a ak than that?" Mr. Cram is one of the mott entbasiastio an successful members of the Grants Pa Poultry Keepers Association. E informed the Courier man, "on th side, " that the secret to the matte was in hatching the chicks by metis of a Petalutna Incubator early, hj February or March and then in taking proper care of them after they wen hatched. List Your Timber Lands Witk Herzinger & Mitohell. 13-20 tf We have the best line of Boigj whips in Josephine county. Bacon I Ed banks, the uew harness shop. 13-30 tf But, say, it is over the effects of experience. Sop- this matter and while Governor Chamberlain finds it so easy to make holidays, he might ! take pity on suffering bumauity and set apart two days, instead of only ' one, for this great feast day." 1 1 "I tell yon I think if these good church people, who seem so very an xious to work np reforms in Grants Pass would ouly join their for es and give our boys aud youug men a Y. M. U. A., or something equally as good, they would accomplish a great deal more good, for really I am not oppos ing the saloons, simply became there is no other place for the men folks to go to speud an evening, if they hap pen not to be marrted men, " said one lady who has the best inerests of the oity at heart and who remarked that she meant just what she said. Having lived iu a larger oity, she knows somewhat of the great good whioh the Y. M. O. A. is accom plishing for young men aud she thinks that if it is possible for such an or gauiwtiou to exist here that a great big effort should be made by all in terested persons to briug it about. "luetics that the Courier thiuka I did not uaderstiiul how the report got out that I had thought of loaviug for (HI T--rao. . KSS3BSB) L RESOLVE That during wLAsr YEA WE HAVE BULT VJP AN HOtJSTTKADfl VJITH HONEST PEOPLe'BmLWG HONEST GOODS ATTEST PRICES-NEXT YAl SAME METHOD5 8U5TEP kow N uiiOimO mom itat, a hi auma wl f LLL THAT WE CAN LOOK OUR. PATR.ON-5 .tUARE IN THE r all ANL wlon THEM A HAPPY NEW YEAR,, BEXAUJE WITHIN OUR. JELVEJ WE ARE CONJCIoUJ OF, HAVING CREATED OUR PATON RIdHT IN THE PAJT. OUR PATRON A6EPROVE-5 THIS. IN THE YEAR To COME WE CAN PRoMI.SE To Do Io MORE THAN IN THE YEAR J THAT HAVE PAJJED. WE NEED nJt, WE KNOW, EXTEND ANYTHING BUT THANK-S To OUR OLD IaTRoHS. WE KNOW THEY NEED NO INVITATION TO COME To OLR .STORE. TO HE -STRANG- THOE WHO HAVE NOT YET CoME OUR way m1 erin our town, we extend, however, an hvitation to COME AND .Ff li c " I GEO. S. CALHOUN C9 OUTFITTERS TO DOT flN5 nflN. mi "m?'1, "'Jtw""' "L"'0'' Pr . " E. r.