Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 27, 1907, Image 4

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Now as winter is here
every man needs a pair
of good heavy soled
shoes. We have sever
al special styles with
soft, easy uppers and
double soles, just the
kind for winter wear
R. L. Bartlett
Howard Bldg Sixth St.
On' Year, in advance,
Biz MuntliH,
Three Months,
Bingle Copies,
Every Friday.
Advertising Rate
Furnished on application at the oftice, or
Djr iiihu.
Umtuarie and resolutions ol con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line
oara 01 maims oua,
Entered at the pout office at Grants Pans
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
Good resolutions are now ill order.
Let us not forget that the Poultry
Show comes next month sod then we
should plan accordingly. If everyone
takes an Interest and makes an effort,
the affair is bonnd to be,a soccjss.
After an existence 'of eight months
the Seattle Morning Times suspended
publication November 30. The pub
Ushers state that the financial loss has
bf en $78,000 daring these eight months
and that it is apparent that the paper
cannot be made a financial suoceis
If, as the papers would seem to in
dicate, Cortelyon and some of Fresl
dent Roosevelt's closest followers
should have a "falling out," we may
expert almost anything unlooked for
to happen. These are the days when
the political prophet is mnch in evi
The men who ron the uewspapetl of
the country are enjoying anything
bnt a picnic of Inte. The ront of
publication has increased 40 per cent
In tho last 10 years and 2f of this in
crease has been tacked on the laHt five
years. The newspaper is the only
commodity which Is costing the con
sumer no more and yet nobody ap
preciates the benefit. Field and Farm.
This is the time of year when we
appreciate good romlM and those lo
calities which are fortunate enough I
to lime such improvements are to he '
stead entry, desert land entry, and
for timber and stone sworn state
ments, timber or stone final proofs,
and yearly proof in desert land cases,
have been adopted, and on and after
March 1st, 1!08, no entries will be
allowed in the foregoing class of
caies except npon the new forms.
Three thousand millions of dollars
represents the shrinkage in values in
stock in Wall Street. If that was real
money it would be pretty bad, but it
iHn't. You haven't noticed any
fruitgrowers, farmers, or miners,
that have mines producing real ore in
stead of watered stocks, experiencing
shrinkage have yon?
need attending to write an article for
the paper yourself and sign your
name to it for publication," leiti en
tly remarks an exchange, which
concludes: "The man who is too big
a coward to thus express lug opinion
is the very one who stands on the cor
ner and talks loudly about the editor.
The world is full of moral cowards
men who-see evil and are afraid to
grapple with it."
At least one Southern Oregon editor
has discovered that it doesn't pay to
lambast giand juries and the district
attorney. This person is Geo. Pot
nam, the t bombastic pencil pusherof
the Medford Tribune, who spent one
night, in jail and whose troubles are
probably uot yet over, for having
severely critized and impugning the
motives of the said pnblio officials.
Putnam is finding that experience is
indeed a dear teacher, and he will
doubtless profit by his encounter with
the wheels of justice.
Every citizen of this city and
county is vitally interested in hav
ing the newy discovered "Oregon
Caves," located near Grants Pass,
exploited to the fullest extent. We
realize that when the tourist travel is
turned to that great natural attrac
tion, the pleasure seekers who have
money to spend lavishly will outfit
here and will make this stopping
place, while en route thither. It will
mean the bringing of mnch ready
oasli into this part of the conntry and
there will! be many people here who
will be looking out for property in
vestments of various kinds.
Frightened at the money situation,
0. J. Atchinson, laboring man of
Taooma, converted his savings, $.100,
into gold, and hid it 'in his house,
which burned down. Next day be
was washing the ashes of his house
to recover the gold. He found two
$5 gold pieces nnborned and one $20
gold piece melted into a lump.
' Have yon noticed that the firm that
does the advertising is the one always
ready to "boost" Josephine county
beat interest? And what is much
more important, they are the people
who usually have more than their
share of the trade. An advertisement
is nothing more nor less than an invi
tation to come and trade and the peo
pli apreciate attention of this kind.
How happy these copious showers
are making the mining men look
And the rest of us ought to feel good,
too, for the rains mean much for the
development of the great mining in
dustry of our county. There can be
no question but what, in many re
spects the recent financial stringency
was a "blessing in disguise," and
one of these ways was in its causing
the mining men to operate on a much
more extensive scale
I try mi professes to be highly pleaded
over the fact that President Koosevslt
as declared that he will not accede
to the demands of the masses and
llow them to elect him again. Now
t will be in order for Mr. Bryan to
quare himself with Messrs. Watter-
Bon, Sullivan and the Tammany Tiger,
ere he ran feel any too sure of having
the solid barking of his own party.
congratulated, while the les fortunate j Getting Roosevelt out of the way does
parts of Josephine county ought to
make a good, strong resolve that ere
another winter season rolls around,
they tK), will have good publio
It is very nice to have frssh straw
berries and raspberrins on the tabid
right here on the verge of the holi
day season, as many a family in
Josephine county is uow having.
The fact that here, the middle of
December we have not yet had a kill
ing frost Is truly an "eye opener" for
the newcomers sojourning in our
It is reported that the French are
the most saving people in the world,
and the Bank of France at this time
holds one third of the world's coined
gold. French small investors are en
couraged by a postal savings bank
system and by the issue of bonds ot
small denominations guitrautetd by
the government.
The following advertisement is
takeu from a newspaper published
at Hoechst, near Wiesbaden, Germany:
"t'au anyone favor me with the
names of the balloonist, who when
passing over the village of Kied last
luiirsday evening 'dropped u
ballast down my chimney and cum
pletely rained a fruit tart which I
was cooking? Julia Schmidt, U
ttritzelgasse, Kied "
not of itself necessarily mean that he
has been eliminated from the con
test, either.
The Oregoniau has certainly hit the
popular idea this time, iu taking the
"Independent" issue iu political mat
ters. Every day It becomes more ap
parent that the people of Oregon are
going to vote for "the man rather
thau for the party." The day is past
when the party lash ran be wielded
with sum telling etleot as was once
the rase. And it augurs well for the
futuro political conditions of this
great ami growing commonwealth.
The advertising committee of the
Erie, Pa. Business Meu's Exchange
has prepared a list of advertising
mediums iu the county divided into
three classes approved, disapproves
and doubtful. The exchange intends
takiug measures to guard against
misrepresentation of circulating,
discrimination iu rates and also
against 'he various ! viositions that
uro practiced on advertisers in the
name of charitv.
The year, 1U07 rings down the
curtain during a rapidly disappearing
uneasiness, with the people ina hesi
tating mood regarding immediate in
vestments, bnt at the same time it
has been the most wonderful year the
Pacific Northwest ever enjoyed. In
no other 13 months was there so
much money brought into the country
from the wheat crop; fruit scored its
biggest success; lumber added many
more millions of dollars than ever be
fore; the same is true of the products
of the dairy, while the grower of
poultry has nothing to complain of.
We are rich and prosperous, in spite
ot the fact that there appears to be a
stringency, more a matter of mind
than reality. Let ns quit bemoaning
imaginary troubles, inspire confidence
and get ready to eclipse in 1908 our
past year's record, wonderful as it
has been.
It's Time to Think
something new, from $5 to $25, and a COMPLETE" LINE of SnOFs
If it's bargains you are after, then come to our '
big establishment you'll find everything just as advertised
Grants Pas
Big Bargain
A circular from the general land of
fices announces to all concerned that
new forms of spplicatiors for home
stead entry, soldier's additional home-
Anent the political discussion, we
I are reminded that already the old
j parties in this state are hoping to in
hag ef sume way again get hold of the politi
cal machinery. But, to the observing
individual, the time when the "boss"
could sway the masses is a thing of
the'past. Certain it is that the new
primary election law has sounded the
death knell of all such manipulatois.
" lVn't ak the editor to write tip
every evil'in the town or community,
butvheu convinced that such duties
1) E E It 1 X Q t
Guess Peering is having its share
of sunshine although- the nights are
somewhat frosty.
Tommie Uilligau, Chits. Mock and
C T. Webb were bnsinesi callers at
Waldo this we.k.
Dsn Damon and A. I. Reynolds are
tearing Mother Karth to pieces with
dynamite over in the Oregon Moun
tains in an endeavor to locate a copper
vein that exists here. Let the
thunder roar, we wish them success.
Low Graham is about to dispose of
his copper claims on Shally creek it is
Jas. Britten has let a contract for a
SO foot drift on his Monkev Crm.W
Hard Lurk mine and is to fellow
the ore. He has also let a contract
for a HOC foot tnnnel that will tap his
new copper miue ou Shelly creek at a
greater depth. Let the good work go
Otto Auderson is doing assessment
work on the Baker property near the
Monumental mine.
Coogars have gobbled up six shoats
and the old hog for D. L. Webb in the
last fortuight
One of our butchers here has found
prospect and is doing assessment!
work to beat the baud.
Reports are that she has red hair.
Mrs D L Webb and daughter May
and Miss Kdna Dightow Were visitors
with Mrs L R Webb Sunday.
"Red Cloud" is still making hot
air demonstrations. He ran throw
the breeiy stuff farther thau anyone
we know outside ef the legislature
Iu fart he can sling it clear around
Josephine oouutv and tie it in double
bow knots all corners. Sick 'em
"Shorty." KB EX
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of tlx Stickhoiders f
the Grants Bass Banking and Trust
I ompaiiv is called to meet at the par
lors of said bank on Tuemlav the U
nay or January, r.Wh at 10 dTock a.
m., for the purpose of electing a
hoarder directors to serve one viar
and to transact such other bni.,
as may properlv come I efore the j
"'ec'ing L. L. JEWELL. '
,. , . Cahier. i
Ha'ed at dranta Pass. Oregon. He-1
reinlrSO. um;. 13-20 2i I
Every cottage woman of Finland
knows bow to spin and weave. These
accomplishments are matters of nation
al pride, because the women of the
Kalevala, the great national epic, wove
and spun, and as well Indeed embroid
ered and worked iu silver and bronze.
London Mall.
Yeast-It Is difflcut to tell the waiters
from gentlemen diners at fashionable
restaurants now.
Crimsonbcnk Well. If you happened
to search 'em when they went out you
could tell the difference. The waiters
would have the money In their clothes.
Vonkers Statesman.
Edwin, aged three, who fondled his
small cat overmuch and unwisely, ap
peared before his mother one day, his
little face guiltily pained and a scratch
npon bis hand.
"What happened?" Blie asked.
"I bent the kitty a little." he said
briefly. Youth's Companion.
Magistrate This man caught you
with your hand In his trousers pocket
What ha;e you to say?
Pickpocket Honest, Judge, them
trousers looked Jest like a pair 1 own,
and I got sort o' confused and was
thlnkln' I had me, band In me own
pocket. Cleveland Leader.
sso, said Miss rassay tartly, "I
don't like the photos Kamrer made for
me. They make me look like a woman
of forty."
"Well," replied Miss Pepprey, "you
should have told him not to touch
them up if you didn't wont them to
look so youthful."
A man and his wife were fussing.
"If I told what you do," said the
man, "any jury would grant me a di
"And all I would have to do to get
divorce." retorted his wife "tmnU
!o to show you to the Jiidge."-Atchl-son
"You said the house was only five
"nih irom imp station, com
plained the victim. "To sy the least,
I'm disappointed In you."
"And I'm disappointed In you," re
plied the agent, "i thought you were
a very rapid walker." - Bhi'ladelpUla
Mr. Jagway (tit a late hour, groping
his way toward the foot of the stairs)
There's Just twice as many chairs in
this hallway ns there ought f lie! My
eyes might fool me on that prop'sltlon,
o' course, but when I stumble 'gainst
'em. by George. I know they're there!
inicago 'tribune.
vSafe and Secure
Js the Man with a good Hank Account By
systematically depositing his earnings each week, he has
Something tor a rainy day
and is prepared for any emergency that may arise.
Are you one of the fortunates? We invite you to open
an account with us. Be it mall or great, you will
always receive courteous treatment.
interest on time deposits
If you have some surplus cash why not have it
earning you some interest? WVpay interest on time
Safety Deposit Boxes tor Rent
in which you can store your valuables, papers and
treasures. You may have need for just such an accom
modation. Let us serve you, .
G. P. Banking & Trust Co.
LOST Friday afternoon, December
20, Couklin fountain pen. Please
return to Vora Storey, Riverside
School. 12-27 2t
First-class meals and good beds, 26
centB at B. F. Banks' Grants Pass
Restaurant. . 12-20 4t
WOOD sawing machine complete for
sale eircnlar saw, 2 H. P. gasoline
engine, suitable for pnmpiug,
spraying, etc, good as new. Will
be soid at a bargain. Writa or in
quire of Geo. W Harriott, Provolt,
rK- 12-20 3t
floe water power 10,000,000 feet of
pine saw timber adjoining this plos
three miles down haul to railroid
and town, Jackson county, Oregon.
All goes for fi500. I t's a snap; ths
water right is worth it, don't mils
this. T. H. B. Ta, lor, & Co.
Woodville, Ore. -tf
WHITE Leghorn fowls for sale, many
full bloods. Inquire of A, E.Voor-hies.
WANTED To exchange 118 irenbstor
for a 60 egg incubator. Call at
Courier office.
FOR SALE-Sii full blood
Hereford Bulls R. p. George
Kerry, Ore. 11-1 tf
FOR SALE CHEAP-Three heifers,
cue, two and three Tears old in the
spring, hue dairy stock. Iuauireof
FOR SALE or will exchange for town
or conntry property iu Southern
Oregon, merchandise business and
buildings, valued at $3500, paying
well, in good coast towu. Address
Box 187, Yaquina, Ore., Lincoln
County. i2.6 4t
I A. F. PIERCE Registered Animras.
"Don't yon ever feel anxious because I bucks oTufe fyc? V T
SSr'" mploys BUOh n btiful ;' n
!.vT? , . bleeding. Does of the noted
ot in the least. I was hLs stonog- I strain.; bncks lor sale, Merlin , Ore
rapher for seven years and I would ! 7.5 tf
I'rooaniy no
If I
working in his office vet-
mom i practically proposed to
-Chicago Keoord-HemM
"We use the low- pressure system In
un piaut, explained the engineer. I
"That Is. we use the steam over and 1
over again." j
"I see, ' said the visitor. "It's some
thing like the system of ventilation
in the sleeping cnrs'-ciiicago Trlb- I
If n fellow is to rito
poetry, the secret is, get In touch with
humanltj ; know what the people are
retire to the verv deen.
est sources of lite-back. back, till
there is no farther point to retire to
Horace TrunK-l's Hecord of "Whitman
In Old Av1 In Ceutnrv.
Quarti blanks at the Courier office.
No sensational or questionable mat
ter allowed in the Courier.
Fruitgrowers of Rogue River Valley
tind the Courier of special interest
oftice people, for the
liuuieuse. Ihe ofSi-e. in nrd.r tn
commodate everybody kept all kinds
few days prior to Xmas were
strenuous times for the n.r.
rush was simnlv
f ho
Li i.
FARM for Sale 160 acres SO in cnl
tivatiou, good house and barn, etc.,
laniuy orchard and birries. 30 acres
more easy to clear, all ideal fruit
ami iarm unci, 4i) subirrigated bot
tom, uas, pine and fir timber to
make Sot'O Cordsof wood three miles
u uown nam to railroad and town:
nines outrange fine for hogs, caitle
aun poultry; three horses and har
ness, buggy, spring wagon and lum
ber wagon, flOO Jersey cow and
heifer, 20 hogs, full blood poultry,
farm implements, household and
kitchen furniture complete, all toes;
splendid water at malaria in
miles, daily mail, in Rogue River
lley, Jackson Connty, Oregon.finest
climate on earth finest fruit land in
state A1 eres for t350u,addres8 Box
17. Woodville.'Ore. 9-6-tf
WANTED To Exchange Fenn. Port
Card Views for Pacific Coast View.
Ben Flinger, Avondale, Pa. 12-13 3t
WANTED bailsmen. Many Make
flOO to $150 persmonth; some even
more. Stock clean ; grown on Rewr
vatiouk, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced weekly. Choice of terri
tory. Address Washintgon Nursery
Company, ToppeniBh, Washington.
TEAM WANTED Anyone biviof
workable team, who wants it kept
through winter months for light
work, apply to Ohas. Meserve for
particulars. 12-20 tf
FRANK BURNETT Upholstering,
mission fnrniture made to order.
SHOES polished, oiled and dyed
W. M. Klopper at ' the Bates barber
shop. Only the ' best work. 0
work guaranteed. 12-20
TIMBEK RANCH 1R0 Acres small
hoose, six acres nuder fence and
alfalfa 2, O K), 000 feet good pine saw
timber and wood timber for 2000
cords wood; large creek through
place fine dam and perpetual water
a shingle mill and planing mill in
full operation driven by a turbine
wheel. ; au ideal place for saw mill
BARGAIN in wood.' Will give half
tor cutting 100 cords or more, ok
principally. One mile from Wood
ville, down hill haul., Coold fur
nish board. Rev..w,j. E. Daj
Next Tuseday evening the Band will
Rive a popular home concert, eonsirt;
ing of vocal and instrumental uiusit
and readings, by our own favorite en
terts iners,' besi des selections 1
Rowell's'orcliestTa and the Boys haHd.
who have been studying the pa' t9
and one half months. These boy
were entirely nnacqualnted with their
instruments andknew nothing what
ever of mnsio, when theybeg80
Be sure aud'hea r th'e'm.:;The priceof
admission is ,25o'to all jpartfl of the
house and 'the 'proceeds will be used
to uniform the bands."Seats on
Saturday morning at Harmons.
.'.0.JTayl6r'whna far advaoofj
in veara is another citizen of this "'Ii
who is reported'to be qnite ill.