Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 27, 1907, Image 3

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Just scratch a match light
the Perfection Oil Heater
and stop shivering. Wher
ever you have a room that's
hard to heat that the fur
nace doesn't reach there
you'll need a
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
Just the thing for blizzard time or between seaon. Its genial
glowing heat makes any room cheerful and cozy. No smoke
iv miiiu Miiuuma ucvkc prevents. rass
font holds 4 quarts of oil burning 9 hours. Fin
ished in japan and nickeL Every heater warranted.
The J?AVh T
. Va-' P steady, soft light
which is so much appreciated by workers and
students. Made of brass, nickel plated with the
latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp
warranted. Write our nearest agency for de
scriptive circular if your dealer cannot supply
the Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Limp.
Standard OH Company
Tea, to
i (joldenCate
1 Tea
The choice of flavor
is a matter of taste
J. A. Folg'er d Co.
Importers of
Have you ever
seen a Sunset?
A beautifully illustrated
monthly magazine of the wide
awake West with fascinating
short stories, picturesque personal
point-of-view description of the
interesting development of ths
West, and the romance and his
tory o' the wonderland of the
Ask your local newideilar
for current issue or send SI. 50
foryear's subscription. The book.
"Road of a Thousand Wonders.
-120 beautiful Western views ia
four colors will be included
sai riABCtsco i. CAuroiwu
.A.Ni:iyiiir ' .50 fw.
Capital 100,000, established 2T yarn,
'jold. ae Bullion, Cyanidw. , Fieri
Ore., etc, boouht, Spot cash
value. All work by expetts.
131 Fifth Street Near V 5. Mint
Kiss J-Your bedroom mast be
try bealtny place, dear.
Miss P.-What makes yon think so?
"Because I notice that when yoo are
downstairs sometime you are pale,
tot If yon fro up Into your bedrootr
for a abort time yoo come down wIC
t beanttfn color."
, JjpJ
L - l J : r
be Good,
should be free from artificial
coloring it should be pure.
Folger's Golden Gate Teas
are pure healthful re
freshing. Six flavors
English BreaKfaM
Black (SX Green
Packed flavor-tight in dust
proof cartons.
San Francisco
Pure Teat
The Ferocious Muskellunge.
In the lied of n drained off hike waj
found the skull of a uiUNkelluiiKe wltli
a swan's nkull Inside of It, and the
teeth were locked In the bone, showing
that the strung, powerful bird had
been attacked durlnc a time when Its
head was under water, and possibly In
the lierre battle that must have ensued
each combatant drowned the other.
The fish was supposed to have been
about seventy pound lu weight An
other rase on record Is that of a Ave
pound I'sh liein found dead, apparent
ly choked by the partly swallowed
body of another tih of three pounds.
So voracious Is the mu.-kelliMifc'e that It
will devour any bvifi I'lini; comes
within Its vision, lull own Imll-
aquatic lirJu.
niatu::i:i!s. 1 1
yawtiltiir s-t'i
.d i.
e a. I
I kl...
J fi
Rbend In Metro ')'
Troubles of the Juggler.
"Tea, I'm setting disgusted with the
business, " said a Juggler at a local
Taudeville house. "Nowadays we have
to risk our lives at every show to get
m wtnnil nf A nr-itn niu. nnfl Vet the hack-
neyed monologue artist can get Just as j
much by denouncing his motber ln-law.
There was a time when the audience
was satisfied if I Juegled a fancy par
lor lamp on the end of a whip or tossed
op three or four balls while standlnf
on my bead on a trapeze, but now
well, tbey don't seem to get thrilled at
anything. I do some difficult stunts
and break about $7 worth of stuff a
wees. J , niL.u a ' " ' " .
furnish an ordinary two story house. ,
I have triple the expense of a come- I
dlan, have to keep in perfect physical
condition, can't smoke or drink, and i
yet I don't gt as much as a cracked
voice Joke buckler. Don t c a jug
gler. Philadelphia Record.
Mrs. Porter.
Copyrighted. by J,-se Morgan.
"Poyou know," said Porter, with the
air of a persou who makes a great dis
covery, "I think I ought to get mar
ried." For
a moment Kdn icirin-'s h..,,
stopped beating, but Porter continued
In bis ennv i,
You see. t mn pretty comfortablv
fixed now. and It Is high time l'S ,
aoout me. I think I shall take a vara
Hon and go to the mountains. I ought
to find some one up there who should
ult me well enough to be Mrs. Porter.
And so I won't be around again. I
leave tomorrow night."
lie rose heavily to his foot, aud Eda
sprang to get his lint, forcing to her
Hps the smile that masked but poorly
the quivering of her mouth. For three
years she had loved John Porter. For
nearly that length of time she had
thought nlso that he loved her.
"Goodby and good luck." she said as
he passed through the door. "You will
let me know when your quest has suc
ceeded, won't you?"
'To be sure," he agreed. "Take care
of yourself and don't get sick."
He patted the slender hnnd that still
lay within his own and turned to the
stulrs. Eda watched him nnst th iwit
landing and then stepped Into the
apnrtment that had been her home
ever since she had been forced to be
come a wage earner.
It was a tiny enough place, four
small rooms opening off a hnll the si7.e
Of II Rilim linr tint It nna .
homelike, and Porter loved to spend
- i -". ii nno linn uiiti i
bis evenings there when other distrac
tions did not offer. He was always
certain of finding Edu home and as
regularly In good humor. He could i
not know at what cost she recruited at
times her flagging energy that he might
not sec how hard the struggle was for
her. ,
Now the cheery place seemed dark
and lonesome, and, with a sobbing cry,
she threw herself upon the sofa and
gave vent to the grief within her soul.
John Porter hail never been a demon
strative man, but she had not dreamed
that his calls were merely because be
liked to spend n restful evening In her
homelike apartment. ,
Now he had tone In search of a wife,
and she should lead her life alone.
Long ago Die time for making new
friends hnd passed.
Somehow during tho next two weeks
she managed to keep up her work '
while always the dull aehe was In her !
heart aud the soft color faded from ,
her cheeks and the slender hands 1
came more slender. Porter bad not '
written. He never was much of a
hand at letter writing, and she did not
even know where he had gone. Then
came the telegram that seemed to
wring her heart afresh.
"Have discovered her." It ran. "Will
be home this evening and wlJI call to
tell you about It."
So his quest li:id teen successful.
Eda signed the Ixsik and stood staring
after the departing messenger, wonder
ing what impulse hud led her to tip
the lad a quarter fur bringing her bad
news. Womanlike, she seldom t!pp"d,
but some i'"tm!se leid led her to g"ve
the ly the u.oney. and even In the
first new access of her grief she had
wonileriil at ber liberality
I.nte In the afternoon Eda roned
hers-if to make the little flat presenta
ble. It would probably be the Inst
time that Porter would ever come She
could r.ot receive c.iil from an engng
ed man. She to rernemlier
th- at - t.est.
It was a very inv 'iris room that
Porter er.'cp-d that p cning. The Mor
ris chair w is driven cire to the win
dow, and bis a-h tr iy was be',e it on
the laborer. The shad-d lamp er,t
ont a ." L'i'
t' ii il.'l '
'l.i. r,t . ' i." ' '-. i
ilnT. I' t'-t
Tii: -
"or. ! I ' ; '
tiny If .I-rt.
e' fn ..x .i Ii i
it !.
I 1 not '.u'-'t
;:r.'l !!.i In h-r
;!. '.::,t it.
,i!,,i!t h'.ni with
hi- -'.-.V-!
1-. t!.!t Is
:. a h-j'.-l roo-,
Powd to get the lest. They can't make
the rooms seem homelike."
"Where did you gor she asked.
"All over." he replied, with a laugh.
"Surely you did not expect to Bud
your idea! on the porch of the flrrt
place you registered." she suggested.
"What U worth having is worth look
ing for."
"lon t I kuow?" he admitted. "The (5) yrs ami over hut ami r I J
trouble is thnt you don't have to look "f " 'U be sold at h'.f ihn ex
hard enough sometime. Then you are cnrslon ratea oharg. J adnlis.
opt not to see It. 1 went to (lleurllle w . ... ,
first Thev have the ,hi..H . ., 1 . L Ktc" t'ons-M.nimum ra for
There was n golf tournament on and
every girl was walking about with a
lot of sticks. Some of them were for
ommg tne hall, and the rest they
... . K . ' WeM lno,tlT
The better chance for you." he re-
minded. Porter shook his head.
"I think," he said slowly, "that I
could catalogue every variety of sum
mer girl there Is. and there arc lots of
them-about as many sorts of summer
girls as there are girls."
"And which kind did you select?"
she asked quietly.
"I weut from there to Ridge Park,"
he weut on. Ignoring her question.
"There was no golf there. It
mostly horseback riding. The women
were rather more attractive, but I
didn't like them, and I hit out for tho
"Aud there you found a mermaid?"
Her voice was light, but she irrlnned
the arms of her chair nervously. 8 he
wanted to hear the worst at once. She
wanted to get It over with. Then she
couui congratulate him, and he would
go away and leave her alone.
"She's not a mermaid," be answered
IiCa...! .. . '
u,im-,iUW i never did rancy mer
maids, i hey are rather moist compan
ions, and, lelng part fish, they are apt
i i V "low"'" sutures. I did not
tlnd her on the shore. I found her un
i W" r,Mml 0" nlKnt"
- - mn n ennmner
I maldr cried Eda In horror.
Porter laughed. There was a bovlsh
ring to the laugh that she hnd never
Deard liofore.
hue is not a chambermaid," he as-
sureii gravely. "I was all alone. It
was one or those hot nlghta that come
; lato In tho season. I could not sleen.
, so I lighted a cigar and sat by the win-
now wntcning the sea."
"Moonlight and solitude are danger
ous," sho reminded.
'.Not always," he demurred. "I fot
to thinking over all the girls I had
seen. There were girls all the way
from sixteen to sixty girls to suit
every taste Dut mine. Then I got to
winking of bow cool and pleasant It
must be In these rooms of yours.
j Somehow you always manage to keep
them cool and shady. Then I looked
about the room I was sitting In and
I got homesick for this."
"Or a home of your own like It," she
"That's It," be explained. "A borne
of my own like It Instead of my bach
elor apartments. Then all of a sudden
I realized a great truth, and I found
out whnt I wanted."
He waited for ber query, but Ma
was looking out across the green of the
back yards, gleaming with a touch of
silver In the mrmnllght. Hlie did not
turn her head as ho rose and came to
ward her chair.
"I realized that It was you I bad
wanted nil along." he said. "None of
them was like you, and so none suit
ed. We had lieen friends for so long
that I did not reullzo how I loved you
until 1 got away from you and missed
"I'm only a stupid, blundering man,
Kdn. I mn more stupid even than most
men. I have no right to expect that
after all these years you will forgive
my denseiiess. hut don't you think that
you ran learn to love me, dear?"
"I knew that It was right to give
that Imij- the money," she murmured.
Porter puzzled at the words, but she
drew his head down against her cheek,
and he did nut rare. He had found
Mrs. Porter, and that was all suillcleot
Hundreds of Grants Past Readers
Know What It Means
The kidnets are overtaxed; Hsv
too nioch to do. They tell aUiot it In
many a' hi s and pains Packs' he,
idesche, heartache, early symptoms
of kidney il's. t'rinary troubles,
dial utes Unci S di"aJ- follow.
i. Matthews, of IliKJ Short Ht ,
lirisrhtirg, tire., Dsys "I Has troubled
with bw ki lie and kidney complaint
and though I ued a greet msnv
remeilii s and snt lots of money for
treatment, I culd get no jsisitive re
lief. I hurt my hack at in time and
that s-emed to make me pnnan-nt
troiihln. lieing attracted by ate. i
ment. recommending lloan's Kidney j
Pill". I nwirtMl to try ttx tn, lino oi i ABBi,I).,, ( no. Tliorp nr nil
n"!n " ?,,lM!Jr!r ,,. .,.'. who l.av.-f,'t r'Hv1
Hill, my kirln.y, lv Un tir. l j ,. r
ai,.l tr.tiiftli. Th. a' hn f,d ctt.r , thrn f'l t; M' l
TiiitOfTin yon. I rr.itiv -n- j ,.(n ,,,v " H'rujulcl !!, rlilfr.
tiotimy itatc u.t u'mu rvi'in-T i ,
ht' the te-f ki'!r; r-iiity
I know
f.f.'" For tiy 11 fJhr I'm
. 0 rnjto K''.tr Iiltiorn (a, lijffnlo,
N'i-w York, '-1 ir!rit for il.o
I'n it'-'l r-tw. Iteon-mhT the Damn
liijun'n and tkn no otl.-r.
A Dutqcroni Ded''f k
utirnm t'ruiiruU' fatally, i'
! A
f liT-r and tiwH funr.
ii. To
'I'n'kiy find thin condition ;
M;ir'-f ' -nvT . '.r,, tt.
; ':' i.'.t.lrt h',mj
Kiii'- N'
t y 'jr
1-st 1 y p;it ; -.' ' -y in vry r or
ni,ii-T h: if at nil 'Ir-ijf t'.n-x. V
Holiday Kfctea.
R 'diced Round-Trip Rat" Vijuuit
Cliristiua-and New IWMU08.
Ratee n Aral lHsa farw atid one
third fir tne Moud tr p bte.Mnll
points on the Oregon linw pi.ii liug
Dtanrh s.
Childr n Tickets for nliillrwii h
fftrM ,iok,,'8 33
ar "' k' U' 83 cvMr
S,e EMes Christmas Ti ke -
, o t 41, sa, 9S. 34 and M UK)
I "ew le,M lot-lM ntnur i0.
.n, luui and January 1, lUOS
turn Limit: Jsnniry 9, llhKS
W. J. MAHONKY, Ag nit. J.
9 13 St
Warm end Dry to Ste.y Well
Now is the time when th" doctor
get busy, snd the patent ni'dicliie
manufacturers reap the harvest, onions
great care ia taken to dress warmly
and keep the feet dry. Tlila is the
advice of an old eminent autliont-.
whn "ays that Rheumatism and Kid-
ney trouble weather is here, aud also
toll what to do In case of an attack.
Get from any good prescription
pharmacy one-half ounce Flnid El
tract Daudelion, one on nee Compound
Ksrgon, three ounces Compound
Syrup SarsaparlUa. Mix by shaking In
a bottle aud take a teaiipoonfiil after
meals and at bedtime.
Just try this simple home-made
mixture at the first sign of Rheuma
tism, or if your back aches or you fuel
that the kidneys are not acting just
right. This is said to lie a splendid
kidney regulator, and almost certs In
remedy for all forirs of Ulienmt m,
which Is oaused by urlo acid In the
blood, which the kidneys fail to filter
out. Any one can easily prepare litis
at home and at -mall cost.
Druggists iu this town and vicinity,
when shown the prescription, stated
that they oan either supply these In-
gredlents, or, If oor readers prefer,
they will oompound the nilxtnre for
"My girl's father Is an undertaker.
He has Invented an automobile
hearse. Polks are Just dying to rids
In lt.M Kxchange.
The native women of Ecuador are
so naed to strong heat and light that
they even do their spinning ont of
doors In the hissing sun.
Monkey What make that giraffe
hold his head so high?
Owl He's baldheaded ami doesn't
want anybody to find It out
The first settlement In the state of
New Jersey wss by the Dutch, at Iter-
gen. In 1017. Newark received Its first
charter In 1713.
An Irishman was asked If his horse
wss timid. "Not at all,' said he, "he
frequently spends the night by him
self In a dark stsble."
The French carpenter going to work
protects his street suit by a work
men's blue blouse, hut be does not
wear overalls.
I will pay your debts today, but It
Is positively for the Isst time."
Oh, dear uncle, then wait at least
until tomorrow."- Ellegende Itlatter.
A cable's length Is one tenth of a
nautical mile (fl.OHO feet). The longest
mile Is the Norwegian, which Is with
in a fraction of seven times ours.
Norws f Is more properly Norea,
meaning "North Isle." It Is common
ly railed by the natives the "North
Krlend -What's the mstter, old boy?
Ton look disappointed. Algy-I thought
1 had appendicitis, but the doctor asld
It wss only Indigestion.
Teacher Now, Harold, ran you tell
me what wisdom Is?
Small Harold -Yes, ma'am. It's In
forms tic n of the brain.
Cook X links suffers from hay fever,
doesn't he? Hook I should ssy he
does. lie rn n't even pass a grass
widow without sneezing
"Nsgr Is very fond of entertaining.
Isn't her'
"Yes. His wife hss to be plessant
when there's rompany."- Kirhsngw.
"Ifcxa the rur-tw bust, tifT toftlrwl
the barber anxiously.
"r'an't sav," replied the victim test
ily, "but my face does "- Harper's.
Manner We must put a good deal
of realism In this wkh! scene. Can
yon get lU'irie one to growl so ss to re- :
,-,.inU nriv nn-rgr-wy that
, .. , . , ...
j forio ",':u;'X'il il ttm HjiwilK-r shit-
'1 Kris! .iTti.'r!,:iii'ifi
Mow 'I'
hlro l:itt-r
Tl,:.' ''.
-Win' t
iOf.i. 'T-
of f!'
iri I .'.ii r
1:,' ',ot o'
f t.-, or
lit t!.)lt nli?' t!l7 ikl-d
did not hrf "
; tr.':',!". M,ie?'-?
y l vutti t!i t'ln, iniiiii
t' ri' f'i"'.i 'i" t-.' n'vnl
.- r,' t;.i- n'!,'r Id howl
;.,.;. .Ill' tif' t!l
i i 'i. t tell whl'-h on
It Is Not Too Late
yet to pot sotno of tlicso
nieo things wo have been
promising you
Wo do not olaim to liavo a
complete assortment but w
feol eocfldont that wo have
somo article of value for vou
mm win oo pleaded to hnve
you visit
More you decide upon all
thoso gifts you intend to give
Japanese Assortment
Just Arrived
Mrs. J. G. Gamble
412 Front Strict.
Bee Hive
stationery, Post Cards,
Bicycle Supplies, Mission
Fumltnre, Novelties,
Hcfore buying nee our line of
Christmas Goodn. We enn
save you money. Repair aliop
In connection. We repair
Bicycles and Locks, Guns,
Furniture, etc.
3()' 6th tS. Grants Iss, Ore.'
First National Bank
Of Southern Oregon
Some of tho Services that t
Bank Renders tho Public
The simplest and safest way of
keeping your monty in by deposit
ing it in Reliable Itnnk. This
Bank receives Deposits Subject t
Check, or on Demand Certificates
of Dcponit or on Time Certificates
of Deposits. On Time Deposits w
pay 4 tier cent interest.
The Best and Cheaprnt way to
Tran.ifrr Money is by Bank Draft.
Te sell Drafts payable in alllnarts
of the country.
One of the most itniKirtant func
tion of the Jiiink. Wc ssiriwivor
to supply all roswanUe nerdr of
our tiMcr.s.
Cspiul and Stirp $73,000
Stockholder' Additional
Hpor ibllltr $10,000
L. U. Hall. i'rmMmit
J. V. C'amprcm,, Vlo.IWM..i,i
II. L. Olt.Krr, Candlei
K. K. IUCmtt, A.t. t'mhUr
Cor. H & 3d sts Phone 414
1 Jymd Work JV0O
Htovo VI
1 TiT Man.itiita fYH j
1 Ti'-r OA MHt
1 Tier Fir $2.50 j
1 Tier i'ine $2 25 !
'hmil Woml !
1 Ti'-r Oak f 2 75
1 Tr l ir 2 25
1 Tier Pine $2.t
1 fiad Sawitiit. 5o
1 Iinrl Kiiidlirijf 75
U'j aentatimal or (ur?iinablt mat
ter allowed in th Courier.
yijUft. n ' 'Wlli'ra. i"l ''
. . i k- Con'1 f.
Tb Couritr . a e1- family f J
ou are :i-