Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 27, 1907, Image 2

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    Mnn,rn o 1 MTS PASS IlKKGON. I
hCKMBKR P7 lu7.
Practice limited to
Glasses fitted and furnished.
Ottloe hours II to 12; 2 to 6; and on ap
aeintmeut. Telephones 201 and 77.
UBAimi Pahs, Oasooa
Res. Phone 714
Oitf lr country culls abtnnded night
or day Ktb and U, Tuff's building.
Ollice l'hone 201.
Gramw Pass . Obeoon.
Graduate American School of Osteopathy,
Kirksville, Mo.
Chronic Diseases and Diseases of Women
and Cliildran a specialty
Kooins 1. 2, 3, First National Bank Uldg.
Phones: Ollice 771, Kes. 7!3
Ubahth Pahs - Oasuos
Practice In all State and Federal Courts.
Ollice la Opera House Building,
tin a nts Pass, Oregon
Praotloes In all Mate and Federal Courts
Oflioe over Hair Riddle Hardware Co.
Gbahts Pass, - Oskoon
Office over Dixons
Giants Pass,
Practice iu all State and Federal
courts. Banking and Trust
Company's Building.
Obants Pass, - Obkoun.
Civil and criminal matters attended to
In all the courts.
Real estate and Insurance.
Oflioe, 8th street, opposite Postoffloe.
0th St., north of Joehiue Hotel.
tiiANTS Pass, Okkuun.
Charles Costain
Wood Working hop.
vVest of flour mill, near R. R. track
TnrniiiK. Kcmll Work, HtairWork, Hand
Hawiug.l.'ahliiet Work, Wood I'ullevs, haw
PtiiiiKaiul gumming, Hepairing all kinds.
I'rlooi right.
The Popular Barber Shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Stieet Three chairs
Rath Room In connection
Furniture and Piano
Dry (Joods, Uiulorwear,
Notions, Etc.
Front Street
west of Palace hotel
Commercial Club
Will furnish information of
Josephine county free of
charge. Correspondence so
licited. L. B. IIalu
. President
til. L. Andhkws Secretary
www w wwwJk '
MetVi Good Advice
" O. 8. Woulever, one of ' the ttewt
known marotisnts of LeKayHVille, N.
Y., says: "If you are ever troubled
with pilo. apply Bocklou's Aruica
ftalvs. It oured urn of theta for good
lvyr ago. " Ouarauleed for sores,
wounds, burns or abrasions, 25c at all
drug stores.
- . - ,,a,rimof a:l 0 t Will. a'0- WJI.IIH
Items ol Interest to the Taxpayer of Josephine Courtly
From the Various County "
Hitch in Big Bridge Plan
When the County Commissioners
advei tided for bids for the building
of the tnsch needed bridge over Rogoe
Rivtr, here in Grants Pans, they
verily thought tliat they were doing a
wis.- thlnit in asking each contractor,
who put in a bid to offer 1" addition a
plan of his own for the big structure,
hoping thereby to profit by the inter
change of ideas regarding this im
port nt matter. All went merry as a
wedding bell until along came Dis
trict Attorney Reaiues and when he
waH accosted renaming the idea, he
said that it was his private opinion
that this plan would be illegal, as
the Oregon state law expreisly pro
vides all bids shall be opeu for com
pel it inn and if a bidder offers his own
plan and bids on it, he is practically
shutiiug out the others. However,
Mr. Knainss promises to band down a
written legal opiuion regarding this
matter and now the Josephius com
niiKsioiieri are nuauimoiisly awaiting
his advice. In the meantime they
have call' d off the date and made a
new oue for the presenting of the
Next Meeting Important.
The first meeting of the oouuty
commissioners in the new year will be
one of more than ordinary import
ance, as many matters of more than
passing interest will then be taken op
and acted upon. This list includes
the fixiug of road - district boundaries;
parsing upon and fixing the amount
of the tax lovies for the various
school distriot and for the conntyjtt
large the receiving and inspection of
Sheriff W. J. Russell's annual report;
the annual rtport of County Health
offioer Dr. D P Love; the drawing
of thu list of jurors who will do duty
daring the year 1008 in the circuit
court ; appointment of viewers of the
various road matters that are more
than likely to come up during the year
to come; also the appointment of
road supervisors for the different
district'); judges and clerks for the
tluee elections aud any special ones to
be held during '08 will be chosen
aud the selection of stock and fruit in
spectors. Other matters of much im
portance will probably 'olaiiu the at
tention of the board thus making the
first meeting one of considerable im
portance. The Clerk Will He Busy.
Comity Clerk S. P. Cheshire and
his assistant, Deputy E. S. Veatch,
have baen enjoying a bit of a vaca
tion, while the holidays were on, but
now they are ninkiug up for the
leisure spell and are putting In some
very bard licks, endeavoring to keep
tho work right up to date. But this
is not what is causing thnin to look a
tiit worried, but it is that the Clerk
is going to have a big lot of eitra
work entailed upon him by leason of
the three elections which are sche
duled for the uew year aud the regis
ir.tttop whioh will have to be looked
after. This of itself is a no small
i uud"rtkiug. Then registration books
will be opened January I aud from
that date until May 15 the voters
throughout tho county rau hive their
nullum thus enrolled, when the pri
mary for the county election is to
ooiuh off. Tim they will agaiu be
openo I for the regular election in
Josephine comity, which is scheduled
for Monday, ;juue 1. Then they will
again be opened for the national hat
tie, of ballots, which is to occur Tue
day, November 3. All of which will
result iu much extra labor for the
Clerk and his deputy. Hut they are
equal to lots of hard work and will
be fully able to oops with this extra
School Clerks Derelict.
County Superintendent Savage iu
forms the Courier that a few of the
clerks of some of the no lu ml districts
are still derelict about the importsut
matter of making their reports. He
stys if they only realized that the
.question, or tlnno districts receiving
any niiancittl support trotu the county.
depends ou this very report they
would not to thus dilstory. Ths tai
levies for the various districts will be
pinned upon by the county uoinmis-
i siouer at the tlrst meeting Id January
and unless these reports arv iu the
i bands of Superintendent Savags
before that liiu, he will be unable "to
make auyj-ei
port to the board for tlioss
utriotit. lie mentions the
following as being the'oues thus de
layed; district No. '.'t.Merlin ;Xo,
Wolf Creek : No. tW. DeeriiiK ; No.
4i, llrsuit HiH."""This"t a matter iu
wtTieh th
law is very explicit as to
what the duties of the school distriot
clerk are aud titers is uo
for Superiutendnnt ' Savage but to "be
goverued accordingly. He has giveu"noticoaudused his best "sHorta to
seed re the desired reports, bat all to
no purpose. Now he will hare to
leave the matter i in the band of the
count; board for suuh action as it
may see fit to take in trie premises.
Would Be Uucle Sam's Subject,
Morris Marks, who gives his place
ot birth as Keone, Russia, aud who
is a resident of Grants Pass is dis
covering that there is considerable
"red tape" attached to becoming a
full riedged subject of Uncle Sim.
He has, In complying with the law
governing such matters, posted bin
notice at the fro' t door of the court
house, s-tting forth the foregoing
fai t", and alio that he came to the
United States January 1, 18'J,", laud
ing at Skagway, Alaska. Hi will ap
ply to the circuit court of Josephine
county on or about April 20, 1U08 for j
the citizenship .papers desired a"d
he names as witnesses as to bis fitness
for such honors : Joseph E. Verdia I
aud George W. Eearn., of this city.
From the Higher Court.
Three canes appealed to the supreme
court of Oregon from ,tho oircuit
court of Josephine county have lately
been passed upon. Three of them
where reversed and the other was
affirmed. One of the cas-s was en
titled Rolls S. Knapp, appellant, vs.
Edgar T- Wallace et al., defendants.
The cake was reversed. Judge Eakin
giving the opinion, holding that the
defense of the former foreclosure so it
was ineffective, because insufficient
service of the summons in Jthat oase
was had. Now the case will be
brought hack for a new trial iu the
lower court.
Very Little Dirl Moving.
The transfers of real estate are still
being made not so very bri-kly, as
may be indicated by the deeds that
are being placed on record in the
county clerk's office. The followiug
transfers have been placed on file in
that office during the past week :
Jennie Ems et mar to James Deveny,
lots 6 and 6, block 8, O T S, Grants
Pais, $.500.
Josephine County to J E Farmer,
part of sec 30, tp 83 s, r 6, $J.77.
J W Hamlio et ui to J W Riley
Investment Co, 9 83 acres in see ID,
tp Ss, r 6, $1250.
J W Branch et ax to George A
Thompson el nx, 8 acres in sec 17,
tp 8 s, r S, t'JOOO.
Sylvester Hamlin, single, to R R
Turner aud Ctias F Augensteio,
80cres in see 23, tp 6 s,r 6, 'J00.
Flora A Dudley, widow, to Ernest
C Mary et al, 89.93 acres in seo 6,
tp 86 s, r 5 $1000.
O S Blauchard et nx to H L An
drews, 15 acres in sec 24, ip 8(1, mil,
$150 cash aud the joint assumption
of a mortgage of $1350.
W C Long to Mark Hull et al, part
of sec 4, tp 35 s, r 5, and other
property, $5000.
A M Lamar to A Bartlett et al, lot
10, block 47, Grants Pass, $:t00.
Various) Minor Matters.
A marriage lionise has been ianiiwd
to Parker A Birry, age) 2",Jiiative of
Sacramento, Cal., resident of Guzelle,
Cal.. aid Miss Bessie A Doney, aged
23, native of Smithson, Cal., and resi
dent of Provolt, Oregon.
The county court has, after duo in
vestigation found that Elsie Miller,
the 8-year-old daughter of B W and ,
Josie Miller "is a depeudeut child"
and that her mother "is a drunken '
aud disreputable character, "and that
"it Is requisite that she be commit
ted to the care of her aunt Mrs G
W Peruoll of Josephiue oouuty for
care and disposition. "
February ;3 1S08 is the date fixed
by the court for the final hearing
of tbe matters "of 'the estate of Urace
Curtis, deoeased.
John D 'veny, aged 30 yean, "ha ,
been appoiuted administrator of the
of James Deveny who died
November 3, l'JOT leaviug property
valued atj 30OO. He .la required to
giv a bond In the sum of ftlX)0. '
Comity Superintendent Savaxe put ,
in a portion ot lant week fvisitiug the
Kerby aud Althoose sections aud he
had an sxcelleut chauce to test the
roads put down by the various super
visors out that .way aud he ts that
the bottom almost foil oot of worn- 7
it. He .was .dehveriug yibrnrylKK'ks
to the schools out tbat wy.
An execution Ifor log. 90 aud H TO
costs has liean issued at the in-tftiire
ofjj N Johnston, iu""the jc of K F
, Jotinst'u vs William P Wright.'
Jobsu Jeuaeu has susd O O Lund on
two promisory notes, one "for
dated September . 1904 'audi he other
for t-'tOO, dated Jsuuary.i, I i0i. 1
Iu the esse of the Stst of Oregon
vs John IXendricks, the court hs en-
terel au order.
the defeuditnl.
whoris aocasvi
oThavtug tcoutmilted
ibemmeof a;i a n t with a-so-gerous
weapen, mt th hnds o' the
Sheriff, and perm t i im to be ad
muted to bail m t e - m i t $50 .
Catarrh Cannot be Cured I
with local .p 1 citioi.i-, astbevi . n
uoi reach tne seat ot H e di-ese. ,
t atarrli is a blood or conftiutional
di-ease, and mordtrto cure " a !
must take int inal remedies. H 11 '
Ctarrli Cure is tak u in ernad n" j
acts directlv on the Inoou aud muoo s i
uriaces. Catarrh Jur- '".oj
a quack medicine It was preset lb d
b one of the b -t physician in tins
country tor yars and is a regul h p j
'riptiuu. U is c lupoid otihei'ert,
tonics known, coum n d with the be t
bl od paiiheis, a ting diiec ly i u tne
uiuious surface-. lh- p neci . coiudi
uadt n of iwo ingredi' i.ts is wnt-t
pioduces such woud nul results in
curii g Catarrh. Send for trptimouials
lre,F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.,
Tolrdo, O.
Sold by all Druugis's, Price i-r.
Take Hall's family Hlia tcr ecu
stipition. COFFEE
Good coffee is partly in
buying and partly in
making; like everything
nur vrncer return, your money if you don't
Graft In Old New York.
The first use of tbe word "graft" in
New York occurred 250 years ago. A
small stream that led from a swamp
through what Is now Broad street was
made Into a ditch with tbe sides plank
ed to form what Is known in Holland
as a "graft" or a canal. Three labor
ers were employed on this Job by the
burgomasters, and a committee of five
was appointed to supervise their oper
ation and see that they gave full
value for their pay. The completed
graft was turned over to the under
sheriff with these orders: "He Is or
dered to take good care and superin
tendence of the newly constructed
graft aud also that the boats, canoes
and skiffs be authorized to operate
Ths Thing to Think About.
Captain Coffin, one of the old time
whalers of Nantucket, had a thrilling
experience with a big sperm whale In
the south Pacific. He bad fairly har
pooned tbe wbale when the monster
turned, crushing tbe boat In Its enor
mous Jaws and scattering the crew In
to the waves. The captuin found him
self in the whale's jaws, but managed
to wriggle out and was rescued with
his men luckily uninjured.
"Captain Coffin," said a solemn
friend when the old sailor was relating
the adveuture, "what did you think
when you were in the Jaws of that
great whale?"
"Think!" said the captain. "Why, 1
thought he'd make a hundred barrels
and be did."
Hlgglna I see Tighs is wearing a
mourning band on his hat I wonder
If It Is for his first wife? Wlgglns
Of course not. He married again last
month. Illgglns Yes, I know he did,
ami I am under tho Impression that be
Is Just beginning to feel his bereave
ment. Chicago News.
The Sun Mans consider It unlucky to
spin by moonlight lest they should an
noy the moon goddess, and the peas
antry will not eat hares, which were
long considered sacred to tbe moon.
It was said bare flesh caused melan
choly uud "lunacy" this word coming
from the Initio "Luna" (the moon).
In Bunches.
"Yes." remarked old Uncle Jasper
after mud! meditation, "de good par
son sed et uas de apple tree dat caused i
nil de trouble In tie world, but 1 thlul; 1
et must lur e been tie banana tree." I
"And why ilo yo' think et was de
! banana tier!, liitidder .laspall?" linked
I Deacon Dewberry curiously,
j 'T.ccimsc troubles tun Ink tiauauas
I dey always come In bunches." Chica
, go News.
Of Special Value to Many Here
In Grants Pe.ts.
One o tho most notable discoveries
and one "that undoubtedly appeals
more than anything else to .many
peonle here in Grant Pass is the com
bination of 'stomach remedies Ithe
Mt-o-na treatment. This prescription
has worked wonders, and there is now
no exeute for anyone suffering with
indigestion or weak stomach.
Ic acta specifically upon the mascles
cf the stomach aud bowels, streng
thening and stimulating them so that
they readily take care of the food
that is eateu. It ai80 increases the
flow of gastric iuioes, thus getting
from the food the oounshiueut tbat
is necessary f ir hetltb and energy. ;
The symptoms of itidigestion are
numerous, soch as distress after eat
iug,, heartburn, sick head
aches, dizziness and irritability.
Thee are all dispelled by a few doses
of Mi-o-na wheu tbe trouble is re
itsut. but just as sorely in long stand
ing and chronic cases if the treatment
is followed for a reasonable length of
So positive are the g(xij effects fol
lowiug the us ot Mi-o-na that the
remedy is sold by IVmaray under au
absolute guarantee to refund the
money if ii shoulit fail to cure.
c na.
OIL in tho world than this
CAPITOL Gasoline
08 test, best for Automobiles and Lighting Purposes,
HAlr- RlDD
Wholesole Distributors
I can still furnish first-class one
year old rooted Tokay Vines
at reasonable prices. Plenty of
all other varities-
GrA J DADIaTD 0,,i Wti
This is the only school in the Northwest which
prepares young men and young women for
Private Secretary
We have ceased trying to fill all positions which are brought to
our attention. Only the best are selected and for the best we
must have the best young people.
Write us today and ask us about this Private Secretary Course
, Holmes Business College
Household Goods and my stock is quite complete... If you
have anything to sell or exchange come and see me, or if
vou need anything in my line see my goods and get prices.
Recently Enlarged
25,000 New Words
New Gazetteer of ths World
with more than Si.OiO titles, based on the
latutt census returns.
New Biographical Dictionary
containing the mimes or over 10,000 noted
persous, date of birth, death, etc
rn'?,liidHI"'.WnT- "AKRI8.Ih.T.. M..D,
united States Cotumianloner of Education.
2380 Quarto Pages
Tm. WOO UliUnUca. Biek BMtap.
Needed In Every Home
Also W sbiur'i ColleglatelOlctlonary
RepiltrEditioaTiiCitHlKkM. ibiKlho.
DaLuxi Edition 1SISI. Primus from
. .-n m iwipr. i nrftitirul blading
f R B E, -nictiour? WrinklM.' ' Ulanratod pwptaiu.
v O. 6 C. MERRIAM CO..
Publishers, Sprinifleld. Mass.
As She la Spoke.
Tbey were tourists from a more or
less aristocratic London suburb, and
they were "doing Tarls" with tbe ce
lerity and Intelligence for which the
British tourist Is famous. Of course
they went to the Louvre, and by and
by James caught sight of a some
what striking picture aud Immediate
ly proceeded to express his admiration
In the accepted manner.
"What ho! What price this, ehr
be said to his companion In adventure.
An attendant standing by had evi
dently studied English to some pur
pose, and. with the courtesy of his
race, he stepped forward.
"Fardon, m'sleu," he said. "Zat pic
ture et is not by Watteau. and eet la
not for sal." London Standard.
- :
) I. 1 .
buu uiuntB a urigm, even
in bulk
highest grade in 5 gallon
There is no finer COAL
regardless of price
for Joseph ne County
The Youth's
It Comes Every Week
Among the contend of the New Volume
for 1908 will be
250 Good Stories
Serial Stories, Stories of Charac
ter, Adventure and Heroism.
350 Contributions
Articles, Sketches, Reminiscen
ces by Famous Men and Women.
1000 Graphic Notes
on Current Events, Discoveries and
Inventions In Nature and Science.
2000 One-Minute Stories,
Bits of Humor and MiscelUny,
the Teckly Health Article, Tirrely
Iftaplt Oatto of tfis ?aiwr uid THvitrld Si
for Xfroa k.1 FrM U uij kddnu.
Every New Subscriber
who eats oat and sends this slip
at once with name and address
and S 1.73 will teccive
AU the Issues of The Companion
for the remaining weeks of I97
The ThsakspiTtnir, Christmas and
New Year's Doable Numbers.
The Companion's Four-Leaf Han
Ins; Calendar for 190a, then
The Companion for the Ss weeks
of 190a a library of the beat read
ing for every member of tbe family.
Ke subMiripUuiu received at this "