Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 20, 1907, Image 9

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Santa Claus' Vain Search
The old patron Saint of Christ
mas time cannot find in all his
travels a better meat poultry
mart than at Ahlfs City Meat
Did you see the new Calendar
in the window which will be
given out Dec. 23 and 24, 1907
City Meat Market
Phon I J. H. AHLF. Propr.
Woodburn Trees
Are monev mak-wra Avorv !mn rki..i
J - ausuiui'
ely true to mame, unirrigated, they al
ways grow, not the cheapest bt the
best. Fully guaranteed.
Woodburn Nurseries
F. w. settlemier,
Next Sunday morning at 11, the Pat
tor. C. H. Cleaves, will proob a
Christmas sermon. At 7 :30 p. m. the
abject will be: "Dream of a Uhriii
1km World." Suppose there was no
Christ, where would yon and I be?
Christmas Exercises and wee will be
on Tuesday night, Decemb.r 24.
El ....
-veryooay cordially invited to any
no. au or these services.
OHMORE & BOREN, Proprietors.
H8treet'between"Fifth and Siith Phoni 8SI Grants Pass, Oregon
Are You Interested In Fencing?
' If so let us figure with you. We sell
Page Woven Wire Fence
Cattle. Sheep,
Goat, Poultry, or
Hog Fence,
Lawn, Garden,
Cemetery, or "vVrou
4ht Iron Fence or
Buy the PAGE and Start in Right
We buy 'direct from factory and our prices are right. 80 miles
of Page Fence sold in Jackson County since January 1907.
T3he P&ge Fence Men
Of Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Countie4.
Main Office - Medford, Ore.
mere is a marked increase in the
attendance at the Christian church on
Sunday mornings. This indicates
that more of the members, as well as
their friends are coming to these ser
vices which is a goodly omen.
Miss Dell Mulkey is here in the in
terests of the Eugene Divinity school
or the Christian church. The school
is located at Eugene and is in close
touch with the State Uuiversity.
inis school is now raising money for
very fine building. The Eugene
Divinity school has a good number of
teachers and the attendance is con
staotlv increasing. The Christian
Church Sunday school is steadilv
growing. The "nickel" contest is
arousing mnoh interest. Mrs. Bat
man is a very efficient guperinten
dent, always manifesting the spirit of
On last Friday evening at the home
of W. E. Cowdrey. the Eudeavor So
ciety held a very pleasant business
meeting. A good, social time was
enjoyed. Officers for the New Year
were elected. Frank Ellis, president;
Mrs. Hollingsworth, vice-president;
Cora Lamar, secretary; land Carl
La'hrop, treasurer. The O. E. is
planning great things for 1908.
J. N. McCounell the evangelist for
the Christian church daring the
coining union meetings is a man of
strong personality. He liaa the ability
to sway an aodience and move more
people to a better life. He recently
held a meeting at Medford and the
o .urch there was helped greatly by
his sermons and careful work. He
will have with hima singer of fine
ability in his lioe of work. Remem
ber the name McConnell.
Old Reliable Albany Nurseries"
and you are sure of gettidg just what you
order. We grow our trees for quality not
cheap prices.
J. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor.
I am prepared to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in anv kind
aVble or Liranite. i
Nearlv thirrw nf rionl in the Marble business warrants my saylne
1 n 611 your or.lers in the very best manner.
Cn t.;..u l. : u...h cla ,.f ..mriran Granite or any kind o
Front nrwt. next to Green's t-innslinn.
Sunday, December 22, the special
music and sermous will be appropriate
to the near observance of the birth of
Christ. Morning worship is at 10 .80
subject of message " What Made
Bethlehem Great" Evening sermon
will have as subject "An Old Man's
Prediction of the Child. " The Bible
School meets at the usual hour 11 :45.
The Young People's meeting will be
led by Misa"""baisy Cole, topic: "The
Ala Di fl at; A Cnristinas Song. " A
cordial invitation is extended to you.
At the "Open Session" of the Mis
sion Study class lant Snnday night a
dual of interett was aroused. The
writer heard of one man who had
never believed in helping evangelize
China until those near at hand were
tirt reached, this man now accepts
Missions as practical as well as en-
; joined. Plans are already being laid
for conducting a Teacher Traiuiug
class as a praotiual way of qualifying
for Home Missio is. We hope a much
larger class will attend this than
studied about China.
Neit Tuesday eveniug occurs the
celebration of the Birth cf Christ
by the Bible School A Cantata en
titled "King of Kings" has been
carefully prepared A large chorus
has beeu traiued; shepherd", prophets
wise iun and daughters of Israel witii
the chorns and the pupi's of the
Primary Department, in their spicial
role will dispense the Christmas
spirit. Of course there will be the
Santa Claus reuiembrauce for all.
Preparations for the oouiing of
evangelist Jones are still beiug con
tinued. The Cbo:ches hre. are ex
ceedinglyfortmiaie i get ing him
this year. He is in great demand.
From this point be goes to Califor
nia t'ie latter part of Januarr.
Some time aft-r the meeting the
Sunday School Specialist James Ed
wards, together with Pres Leonard
McMinnville will hold a Teachers' In
stitute here.
Snndav'a fervice are as follows:
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m
oy me pastor, U. O. Brckmann. 8ub
ject of morning sermon the la-t In the
erie on "Some Evidence that Jesus
is the Christ" entitled "The Religions
Problem." Evening scrmou ' What
the Shepherds saw in the Manger."
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Junior
League at S p. m Epwortb league
at 6 :80. A cordial weloome
The Christmaa tre and the enter.
tainment of the Newman M. E. Sun-
aay sschool will be Christmas
Tuesday evening at 7:16.
Making Good.
There Is no way of maklnr Mu
friends like -Making V.ZTZ SS?2f
Pierce's medicines well exemplify this
and -their friends, after more than two
decades of popularity, are numbered bv
the hundreds of thousands. They have
dFuukaru" nd U,Cjr have
A Kood, honest, square-deal medicine of
MJZn..'n,',"si,lol, '? Or. Pierce's OoWen
.i . ! ' UKWl lllB prepara
t ons that have come into prominence in
the earlier period of lu popularity have
hEH J7 t h Inia rd and are never marl
,,,t i 0'' . rh"re m",st ' "" reon for
this long-time popularity and that is to
be found in its superior merits. When
once given a fair trial for weak stomach
h.I . uffe Qu'lt"'s are soon manifest!
hence it has survived and grown In pop!
Jtl aVKr' wh" of less nierltorftus
article have suddenly flashed Into favor
to?gotten Pri0d then b6n Mu
l-.or a torpid liver with lu attendant
Indigestion, dyspepsia, headache, pe?
haps dizziness fouf breath, nasty coated
tongue with bitter taste, loss of ippetiuT
"'iVL8,8 'tr eat ng, nervSSiness
nd debi ty nothing is so good as
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery U'i
an honest, square-deal mellclne with all
Its ingredients printed on bottle-wrapper
no secret, no hocus-pocus humbnV
th h i 1 acorf't 1'' that
issioiy mane a little blg-
' ' " " J van l .
1 1.1 II hn t- nt w
u n1xpeS" prove "cure-all." h
" " -"u mr woman tptcial all
sick women well. Lens advertised than
iY- .Y h "'Houa soiu io Ike purposes.
Its Ster 1 1 111? curat, va vlrt,.-. 'LlTT.J
" oi uocaues ago. as an In
vigorating tonic and strengthening nerv
ine It Is unequaled. It won't satisfy those
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, theorist.
olM rJf 'th8i 'lira ,P11 Hho.!gh thefl
pill of their kind in the market, still lead
and when once tried are ever afterwards
'"'. Easy to take as candyon. w
three a dosa. Much imn,.A
With Lo, the
Poor Indian.
ANY of the Indiana who attu
keep up their tribal existence
are Christiana. Jo them as
to the white people Christmas
la an important anniversary, but they
celebrate H in thetr own way. This
way would not be approved bv or-tntn
Christian denominations of white peo
ple because It includes as the chief
feature a dance.
The southwestern Indian tribes have
special fondness for all sorts of cere
monial dances. When white people
dance they do It for the aesthetic
pleasure of the performance, the poetry
of motion, so to speiik. Not ao with
the Indiana. Every dance has a deep
significance to them. When they as
semble for their Christmas observance
they begin by praying for rain aud
bountiful crops.
men follows the dance. Thla Is the
only dauce In which the women are
permitted to take part. The men and
women form In opposite Hues' aud
start up a gong, their bodies swaying
lu rhythm. Then they break up Into
groups" and dance toward each other
with a hlpplty-hop step, holding their
oouies rigid.
The next movement la to form a cir
cle and dance around a Christmas tree
Department of the Interior.
Land Of floe at Roaebnrg, Oregon.,
vn i i. u Mo"mbr od. 1W7.
Notice is hereb given that
fQrn' P. Oregon, has filed
notice of his intention to make anal
proof in support of his claim, via:
Pre-emption Declaratory Statement
No. 781 made November 13th, 18M
" ,hw N ,Wl NWb Swwn IS.
township 87 South ..,. n w oT
M., and that said proof will be
made before Joseph Mom. U. S. Com
missioner at Qranti P.- rh.
on Mouday, December 88.1. 1907.
Hs names the following -it,,
to prove his settlement, inhabitancy,
non-alienation, etc.. of said land.
! W. H. Flanagan, of Orants Pasa.
Oregon; H. C. Bohiien. of OranU
Pass. Ore.. Clark Hathawav, of Ap
plegate Valley, (re, George W. Lewia,
of Uraut Pass. Ore.
Reg later.
Christmas on Christmas Island.
They never have any "white" Christ-
muses ou Christmas Island. The ther
mometer never falls below 70 and nev
er rises above l I In the shade.
Christmas island lies about 250 miles
southeast of the western extremity of
Java. It is In the Indian ocean and
belongs to Great Britain, having been
annexed In 1SS8. This interesting lit
tle bit of land in mldsea appears to
have been originally a coral reef, which
by volcanic forces haH been raised so
high that at Its highest polut it sticks
out of the water 1,000 feet. In shape
it is an Irregular numlrllnteral. It has
an nrea of about twenty square miles.
The British have formed a settlement
on the Island for the development of
the pbosphntc lieds. which are said to
be rich. This material Is used for fer
tilizer. .
A glolie trotter who sx-nt Inst Christ
nips very appropriately on Christinas
lslnnjK snys: "Chrlsmus morning I
butfied In the neu. Christmas after
noon, dressed In white flannel. I played
titinls. It 1m always summer there.
A pure, cool breeze always blows from
the southeast. In January the fresh
fruits and Itowern and vegetables are
ns plentiful as during July or August
In the t'nlted States. Christinas Island
is a little paradise nine miles wld
nnd nlKut ten miles long."
'.') ' --I
ml"- --
Timber Land. Act Jane 8. lHTS.
Roseburg, Ore. Nov. 6, 1D07.
Aotlce is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June S. 1STS, entitled
' An Act for the sale of Timber Lauds
in tne htates of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Te ntory,''
as extende.1 to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, I HI) 3
of Camas Valley, connty of Douglas
State of Oregon, has this day filed In
this office his sworn statement No.
8573, for the purchase of the El,' of
the NWy and the NKi of the SW
of section No. SO, Township 84 Sooth,
of Range 4 W. W. M.. and will offer
proof to show that the laud sought is
more valuable for its timber and stone
than lor agricultural t nrposea aud to
eUblish his claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of
this offloe at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 38th day of January.
1908. '
He uauiea as witnesses: B. Kraken
berger, of Roeeburg, Oregon; Warren
Beatty, Roseburg, Ore., llrant Taylor,
of Winchester, Ore., John j. Gilbert
of Roseburg, Oregon.
Any aud all persons alaiinlno- A.
versely the above described lands are
euuested to ilia their olaiina In thU
of doe on or before said 38th day of
January, 1908. .
Utc Mo
Mother and Child
for Santa Claus
A Real Wonderland
th Daltnt. witk its rifll silver
p "trance nta al f run' ons i n
'"we woudeiUml. At Mound
10 the hnm. nf Mrs E. D.
'PD. a n liotlintf
rtely occurted. Her snn seemed
ki " with loniJ "nd thl08t
'"la. "Exhausting coughing spells
fred everv fin minntm. " writes
.a Clapp, "When I begao giving
a'ng's New Discovery, the gr-at
"ICIha tY, ki. !:.. aA nnm.
r'T cured him." Guaranteed for
1?kT D(i colds, throat and lung
L1!. by all druggists, :50c and f 1.
vnie ires.
Badly Mixed Up
Abraham Brown, of Winterton, N.
Y bd a very remarkable exper
i nee; he savs : "Docto-s got badlv
mixed np over me; one said heart
disease; two called it kidney trouble;
the fourth blood poison, and the fifth
gtomacliand liver tronble; but none
of them helped " 80 my wife ad
vised trying Electric Bitters, which
are restoring me to perfect health.
One bottle did me more good than all
the five doctors prescribed. ' Guaran
teed for blocd poison, weakness and all
stoma:h. liver and kidney complaints,
by all druggists. 50c.
Legal blanks at tM towner offie
Rarely .attractive and Inspiring the
celebration ef the Christmas tide
promises to be at his chorch. In the
moroieg, at 11 o'clock, will be con
ducted Divine worship. The theme of
thetertnoo: "Ood Strnck the Hour:
Two Figures corns face to face
Herod the Great and the Pessnt
Child: What are the Results so lar "
The Christmas music, onder the di
rectorship of H. C. Kinney, promsiesi lng ult.
to be op to its usually high level, li
the evening, at 7:80 o'clock, the
Bible School will render a very at
tractive and interesting Christmas Ex
nercist entitled "Welcome the
Results of a Test That Was Made In
A recent teat of oils for roiHlmuklng
in Kansas allowed thut the residuum
from the refinery was superior to any
of the crudo oils, one gallon of the re
siduum being equal to two to four of
crude oil.
In order to determine the vnlue of
thin material for roaduiaklng, says
Country Life Iu America, a roadbed
wan prepared la snudy soli. After grad
ing It wus plowed four and a half inch
es deep aud burrowed.
A harrow preceded and followed each
application of the residuum, which was
re;cated until one gallon bad been ap
piled to each etiure yard. The surface
was then smoothed and rolled.
After considerable uBe the surface ef
the road became dusty aud another ap
plication wu made. Professor Dickens
reports that the rond Is perfectly satis
factory, being tlrm, but not hard.
Another stretch of road treated In
the same way sustained loads weigh
lug three tuna and mure during wet
weather without being damaged. Not
eveu a break lu the surface crust oc
curred. Oils containing less than 30
per cent of axpbultum are not Qt for
road purposes.
Why He Sighed.
One tbln, pale man in the large bath-
undlng knee deep in the
bung with articles which, according U
the missionaries, are the gifts of Bants
Claus to good Indians. The Indlani
kneel and pray in front of an altai
during the performance.
When Santa Claus visits the Indlat
papoose on the plains he does not Qui!
stocklugs In which to deposit bis pre
ents. As a rule, the little Indian is
the teM-e does not wear stockings, foi
the first year or two at any rate. The
baby Is strapped to a board. Its body
wrapped In warm skins and only Its
bead sticking out, so that it can cry
without being cramped for space.
Frequently the papoose, takes Its
naps in an upright position, Its mother
leaning the baby bourd against the
teKe pole.
On Cbrlstmss eve Santa Claus steals
Into the tepee and lays beside the
sleeping papoose its Christmas pres-
nta. These are not so numerous or so
costly as the whits baby's presents,
but to the llttls bronse baby they are
just as good. Nearly always the In
dian baby gwts things of bright colors.
Indians, big and llttls, are particularly
fond of garish hues. A red necktie, a
blue ribbon, a yellow scarf or a stick
of striped candy may be the selection
of Santa Claus, but a string of shells
or beads, the tooth of sn elk or tbs
els w of a bear Is more likely to be the
papoose's present.
Whn papoose wskes up sod finds
Its gifts It is just as happy as tha rich
est whits child In the Isnd.
Thsfi It
Rut you are married again." we
Kins." The other services of tbe murmured
day are: Bible School at 10 a. ra.. i "Yes." nnld lie. - and my second wife
Devotional Hour of the Y. P. S. O. E. on't go tier the water."
at6;30p. m. To all these the poblicj No sensational or questionable mat- j
is most cordially welcome. ter allowed ia tb Coarier. I
Cough your sol f into 'a fflt of spasms
and then wonder why yoo don't get
water, sighed. well. If yoo will only try a bottle of
"Why," we asked, "are you so sud?' Ballard's Horehound Kyrnp your
Alas," he snswered. "the sea is tns congn will ne a ming oj me piuii. n
is a positive cure ior iousns, in
fluenza, Bronchitis and all Pulmonary
diseaiMM. One bottle will conrince
grave of my first wife!"
Our Hps curled suiierclllously.
yoo at your diuggist, 25c, tor, II.
at National Drug Co. and at Deina
ray a.
Fruitgrowers of Rogns River Valley
find the Courier of special iatsrsst
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Or., Nov. 18, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that In torn.
plianos w th the provisions of tha Ant
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An Aot for the sale of timber Lends
in the States of California. Ormmn
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all Pulillo Land States
by act of August 4, 18U3,
of Harrison, County of Kootnal, 8tat
of Idaho, filed in this office her sworn
statement No. 8r187 for tha purchase of
the myi of the NWW. WW of the.
SW4 and lot, 1 of Section No. 13, in
Township No.87 Bouth of Range No. 1
West, W. U., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is mora
valuable for its timber or stons than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish her claim to said laud before
the Joseph Moss, United States
Commissioner, st bis effloe in Grants
Pass, Oregon, on Monday, the 17tn
day of February, 1908.
lie names as witnesses: Martin
A. Conger, of Orsuts Pass, Ors.,
Kmniett R. Conner, of Wllderville,
Oregon William Bull nf Grants Pass,
Ore., Clarence A. Packer, of Harri
son, Idaho.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
office ou or liefore said 17th day of
February. 1908.
Courier Blk., upstairs
P'cnipOV P" r rwl material
aud . u latest style.
Still doing business at tha old stand.
Cor. Sixth and V street.
i)kts Pass, Osaso.
'favorite tonlo is White's Cream
Vermifng), the cur for worm and
all children's diseases. It not only
kills the worms, bat remove the
mnoous and slime in which they build
their nests. Its action on the child is
mild and leaves trim In a healthy con
dition. Joe Daniel, Soruiao, Teun.,
Ys that he gave ooa of Ills children
White's Cream Vermifuge when lb
doctor thought it had ooiic, and from
the first dose the child passed 73
worms. For sale by National Drag
Co. and by Demaray.
Early to Bed
and early to ris, make on healthy,
happy and wise, eipnoially if yon
lake Herbine before retiring. A posi
tive cure for Constipation, Dysiiepeia
and all liver complaint. Mrs. 8
Columbia, Teun., write: "I alwey
keep a supply of your Uerbiue on
hand. Am so pleased with the rlisf
it gives In constipation and all liver
complaints, that words can't expreas
my sppreclatloo. For sale by
National Drug Co. and by Deuiaray.