Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 20, 1907, Image 7

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rr t i
I i
Box Papers
Smoking Sets
Hall Sets x
Toilet Cases
Prices Right. Quality First Class
The Model Dru$ Store
Front Street. Opposite Depot
Our Holiday Line
' n
nand Painted China Copyright Books
Cut Glass Gift and Children's
Cloessoime Vases Books
Leather Goods Brushes and Mirrors
Fine Perfumes Pictures and
Christmas Calendars
Stationery Games of all kinds
H. DEM AR AY, Druggist
rS the
I TO Y0 1
k 1
those presents, remember that our line stock
was bought early and we've
people and if its Diamonds, Watches, Clocks,
or in fact anything in the Jewelry line you
are after, come and see our fine assortment.
m T-r T-1 i LJ a ll I ?S Y A .1 h. W . H. I . H . K
Hand Bags
Shaving Sets
greeting we would bring this
if you have not yet selected
Mr. Barrow and son are doing some
fencing at present.
Victor Daniels has been oleaning
o tit his rtrawberrias nod report that
" loona f0me ripe one.
m. Jiessinger ;has been hanling
some bay to town and it is understood
mat be is receding 16 for loose hay.
Mr. A. H. Simpson of Medford has
been visiting with Mr. Geo. D. Wal
tor for thejlast twoeeks.
In reply as to "Red Cloud" say
ing that the 'reason that I have nsver
got married is became a girl that has
ny sense is not going to jump oat of
the frying pan into the Bre will tay
that must be the case with him and as
to him being here ;to stay and as to
what I would do if H. S. Wynant
shoald more away, why I woold do
like he has done, go and lire with
my grandmother and write about her
and my uncle's and as 'to my berries,
ui say tnat I will have about as
many a lie will hire cents oat of
that quartz ledge of his thiil be talks
so moch about in last week's paper
so now, my "Dear Sir." if yon hare
wordh of strength and sheer, with
wnion to fill life's cop, why speak
them-speak them now and here, but
oherwise, shot op. And then he says
" Tis sweet to kiss, hot oh how bitter
To kiss a young tobacco spitter."
He must have referenoe to himself in
that case as I suppose that he has had
a little experience in that line.
To Tell Pure Coffee.
Denmark Is famous for Its coffee, as
every tourist to that fascinating coun
try can lear witness, A Dnnlsh wo
man who lives in New York was
speaking of coffee the other day, tell
ing bow to distinguish the various
grades. She took up a cup of "cafe
nolr" and, tilting It gently, asked her
Tls-a-vls to examine the side of the
cup closely.
"It leaves a brown mark, doesn't itr
her companion remarked.
"Tes, It does," the Dane replied,
"and that's on good way of telling
whether it la par coffee er not The
real article always leaves this mark
even on the most delicate porcelain.
Tour adulterated stuff doesn't This la
ail rlgbt"-New York Press
Z I A K I I. H A
" t
Fine weather just at present. -
John alen and Miss Delia Yalen
made the Campbells a visitFriday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. MoBrietT ma.le
tne Valens a visit last Friday.
Harry Msssinger has left for Somn
ter, Oregon, leaving a sad farewell to
his manyfrienda and relatives.
Mrs. Mary Basye made Mrs. Tom
larbrongh a very pleasant Tisit Mon
Miss Ida Adams and William Borg
man made Takilma a Tisit Mondav
... . .
There was a dance at the Takilm
Hall Thanksgiving and a good time
was nsia by all.
Edward Strong and Miss Deli;
Valen made the MoBrietys ; a Tisit
lasi innrsday.
fcd Basye doesn't make anite so
many trips 'to Waldo lately, wonder
what's the reason.
They are taking out noiteabitof
nne ore at the Queen of Bronte. Gee.
that looks good.
We haven't seen Tow's sinUina
lace in town for a Ions time. I rata
the Thanksgiving was too moch
for her.
Miss Mande Basye, one ef Tekil
ma's most popular young ladies is
attending school at the new school
house with Miss ;Mabel Beaver for
Job work at Portland pnees at th
Conner office.
Invention and Rtsult
"," said the little boy, with more
brevity than respect "ma, will you let
me take the baby out In the peram
bulator r
"Certainly, my dear," said bis motb
r. "I'm only too pleased to find you
so attentive to your little brother."
"Oh, that's all right, ma," said tb
Uttle boy. "Too see, It's this way.
Johnny Smith and Billy Brown and
me, we're goin' to play at a railway
accident, Tbe perambulator la to bt
the train and baby's to be a passenger
who's pitched out on his bead, and
he's to be aaved from belor ran ova
by another train Just In time."
Two hours later the little hot wu
released from the dark closet London
Penny Pictorial.
all of
Hidden Gifts
of ike....
fCopyrlsht, 1907. by Aloyelus ColL
'T'HINK you, my little baby boy,
That tha gifts are all for you
The cloture books and ths painted
And the soldlsr men In bluef
But what of th Joy In mother's heart
When she saw you dance for glee.
When you woke to see the candles burn
On the boughs of the Chriatma treat
YOU dapped your hands and mi
U..k.J .1 I
'.. .'UK.
When you found the little plow
With ths oxen turn that jogged on
In th shade of th aroonwaorf knunk
But what of th silent tndma
That etirred In mothar'a
Whn you drove th exn to th barn
in ths twilight hour to reatf
YOUR ey In wonder opened wide
Uk.a il... .. .....
....... 7vm aw nm xnm iivtie
Would rattl down th carpet track
Ana then run back aoain
But what of the golden train ef thought
i nai follow your bahv tmm
T ecatter the flowers of mother love
Whre the wsy is bright and sweet T
lov sumo Torrm stuns an w
YOU t th Mil n yeur tiny ship,
ill w.. . . 14 .... ...
On a llvr lake with aheraa a maaa
Whn the wind wae fair and free,
But what ef my silver lake ef dreams
Where never a (hip may start,
But bar you at th prew te aund
Th fathom of my heart?
AH, beat yeur Up t th Midler
Unyoke th oxen team,
And draw th Area In yeur painted
Come to my arm and dream,
ft thin are the gift f a Under day
And a night ef hildih Jeyi
Mine it the everlasting gift
Of a mother' heart my beyl
Hr Best Friend's Gift
Wickers Isn't It unfortunate that
dark Miss Mauley has Just tbe faintest
suspicion of a mustache?
Her llest Friend-It Is, Indeed. I
syuipatlilised with her last Christmas.
Wickers - Sympathized?
Her Itest Friend- Yes. Without the
poor dear knowing It I sent her a mus
tache cup.
A Disappointing Feature.
"Wsk there any disappointing fea
ture aliuiit ytmr appearance as Hants
"Well, rntlier! The nose of my false
fuce u:eite'! 'ff!"
Aqueous Period Put For Laying of
Dut Value of Tar.
"We are p;in4it' away from what
geologists would f ill the aqueous
rlrxl and are slowly upproacUIng the hl
tuiiiluoiis perl'Hl." writes Sydney H.
North In a pamphlet on "Tiust Treat
lueut anil Mislern Iload 'oiiHlriK tloii,"
according to a I.oniluu himIh1 cable
dispatch to the Chicago luter Ocean.
It has only recently been recognized,
says the author, that water Is a disin
tegrating element and that Its effects,
transiently heiietlclal at the surface,
must Im) Uijiirlous to the roudwuy prop
er, which lies below the surfai. What
is wnnted Is a waterproof roadway.
Tar ati'l Its products are stated to be
the uiost linp'irtsnt media by which the
dust ami Mad problem may be solved.
The following are given us the re
quirement of any successful dust lay
ing preparation:
Tbe Minling together of tbe dust
without lulury to the roudway.
No rnak hi i of mini In wet weather.
Must v. Iilistainl heat ami frost.
Xfimt w l:hstri!i.l the effi-cts of traffic.
Be nonlnjurloiis to horses' feet and
Kaslly m.'iiilpulated and odorlesa.
Whili !
worth doing is
If in i m. l. ,. I)
worth rl ri i ii sr 'well. ,
(ii'iyl of Kheinna- I
LTjiltihiii, r:-e- liiillsrd'a Snow Iiiniment
v I :,D'' f'"rl " A
1a I,'itV' crir" for Hpmius, Neuralgia,
II lirniwB, Omtrneteil MumI"s and all
Hie th:it fleith in b' ir to. A. i.
M. WiJIihius, NavHywita. Teas, rits:
"I hsvs ued Know Liniment or
sprained ankle ami it gaH the het of
nit isf net ion. I always keep it In the
house." Kor sail- by National Drug
Co., andtiy'Deujaray.
Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434
1 Load Blocks jt? qo
Jstovo Wood
1 TierManzanita. $3.0t)
1 1,er Oak sy.00
ITier Fir tl ca
i ncr Pine j2,25
Chunk Woo!
1 Tier Oak o
1 Tier Fir o 25
lTier Pine $2.00
1 Load Sawdust 50
1 Load Kindling 75
Bee Hive
Stationery, Post Cards,
Bicycle Supplies, Mission
Furnitnre, Novelties,
Before buying see our line of
Christmas Goods. We can
save you money. Repair shop
in connection. We repair
Bicycles and Locks, Guns,
Furniture, etc.
309 6th tS. Grants Pass, Ore.
The Youth's
A14 W
It Comes Every Week-
Among tlx contents of th New Volume -for
19C3 will bs
250 Good Stories
Serial Storks, Stoek of Charao
Ur, Advtntur and Hcrosnw
350 Contribalions
Articles, Skctchrs, Rnnlnlsccn
la by Famous Mn and Womuu.
1000 Graphic Notes
on Current Events, Discoveries antf
Invcntiotu hi Nature and Science.
2000 One-Minute Stories..
Bits ol Humor and MisrrtUny, .
(he weeklyHcalth ArtkleTimely
Editoruli,ThChildren'iPagc,ctc. .
r-t rf Om rmar 4 llhiMnk Ihnm .
Uw. t l lt tout Fro la u.
Every New Subscriber
who entii nut nl trndu thin altp
at oocc witli n.inif unl ndilrcuii
Mtiti i.7a Wi.l rclv
All the ! untie ff Th Compainlon
for tha temitintiis weeks of 1907.
Th ThnnktifrWtnir;, Chrlntmiie antl
Ntw Vrnr'e Juub.e Numbers.
The Companion' Ponr-Leaf ISmag
Inf Calendar fur kjoB, ttica
The Companion for the Bt week a
of 100H a HhffirT rf the brat rrnrl
lug lor every member ol the la mil y.
iW klllM:i lil loll. riHtlVtMl Iftl tills o01c
Tbe Secret of a
Beautiful Fac4
Iks in keeping the skin pro
IrruJmwellwclraiueJ. Jii
wuhiiiK it not eiioub tliat
only learei the delicate eurhvc
more eKed to the irriuiion
lit libit and cniu tu mc ro
len stuck of son end
weather. After wuhin, ap
ply Kubertin acid esfttrxDe
ill delirhtful refreahmeai.
You will admire th line-ku
snftneu it imrts to he,
neck and arms. It not only
stimulates a radiant flow, but
'otecta th skin sroni berom-
nff rmrH I'mfiui bunw
ing, tan and freckle.
mt arf-lir
sUliHl lM4lafl
tAllsSj, . All ksss 4 a x
t U tk l
1 11 1 1 sail. (llsjlfts, wm aa .iMertHjr
I 1 sJl aii iM4iae k
fuMMttusji Ul m ma