-vytt onrcn nntioten ntJAVrTC VACC OB PflHUl DECEMBER 20. 1907. KCXjUft V.OUlCHi uimil in nuwii , It Is Not Too Late yet o get some of tlieso I nice things wo have been promising you FOR CHRISTMAS Wo do not claim to have a complete assortment but we feel confident that we have some article of value for you, and will bo pleaded to have you visit TheQualityShop before you decide upon all these gifts you intend to give Japanese Assortment CHINA and GLASSWARE Just Arrived Mrs. J. C. Gamble 412 Front Street. First National Bank Of Southern Oregon GR71NTS PASS, OREGON Some of the Services that a Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The simplest and safest way of keeping your money is by deposit ing it in a Reliable Bank. This Bank receives Deposits Subject to Check, or on Demand Certificates of Deposit or on Time Certificates of Deposits. On Time Deposits we pay 4 per cent interest. DRAFTS The Best and Cheapest way to Transfer Money is by Bank Draft We sell Drafts payable in all; parts of the country. LOANS ' One of the most important func tions of the Bank. We udaavr to supply all niiiwuMe necdf of our customers. Capital and SurpM .... $75,000 Stockholders' Additional Responsibility $50,000 OFFICERS L. B. HALL.' President J, C. Campbell, Vice-President II. L. GlLKEY. CaHtiiei K. K. HiCWTT, Abki. Cashier PIONIER ASSAYING AND RtHNINO COMPANY Capital $00,000, established 27 years, tlold. Pa- Hulllon, Cyanides, Mich Ore, etc, Ixiti itht, Sput cash on assay value. All work by expetts. 1)1 Fifth Street. Near V S. Mlrvt SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. MICA COUNTY WARRANTS ARE CALLED BY TREASURER Courtly Official Ta lor Finds He Can Divide Cnh Willi Mold ers of Warrants There are fiimln in tli Treasurv ti i-nv nil w arrant s n giMi u-d prior lo July K'tli, lWt. from tliis date. Intcicst v 1 11 cease Nov. ill, l'.io:. J. T. TAYI.OK, Count v Treasurer Many MiDing Matters fit it .lij Frank Jamen et al., have filed notice ! of tie ir location of tlie quartz claims, i ! "Mabel." "Hazel" and "Djigv" j i located in the Galice mining district. ; Tboiu 8 Lanuon lias located a water! ditch, tarring tlie waters of toe Waldo i Oulcb Cre-k. A placer location claim, "Nugget," has been locati-d in the Williams Creek mining district by ! E. S. Jackson et al. j (l. S. Ociodnow has filed liis af-1 fidavlt, showing that be has done, $400 worth of assessment work fur the ye.r 1!I07 i n the "Yuba," "Rosebud" and "Virgil" claims in the liriggs Creek mining district. E. M. Albright, the well kuowo Josephine county mining man bus re turned from his extended trip to New Mexico and Arizona, where he was formerly engaged In this kind of woilt He thinks Josehine county mines are going to be mnch talked about in the near future. E. H. Gething, who has a nio place four miles oat on the Murphy road alto lias come fine lode claim", located in the Applegate disirict, two mild wet of ProTolt. These are the "New Years Gift" and "Key- stono." The ore has assayed from i 10 cents in the fillings to $10 in the j main vein, the latter being six feet wide and he has a 75 foot tunnel com- j ploted about GO feet down and is now j doing some cross-cutting. He Is after; a big shoot, which be thinks comes i through the pocket. The lead does; not show on the surface, but there is a very fins lot of white crystallized . lime, which mining men recognize as I a very fine indication. This claim is j in the same belt in which the promis- j ing property belonging to Dr. Flana- j gan and Dickson & Hall, and in j which the famous ' 'Goloonda" mine is j situated. There baa wen much money taken out of this belt, In for mer dsyg and the present prospects are most excellent. That there is gold them is Indicated by the significant faot that in other days old Mr. Enoz had placers, from whioh be realized from $13,000 to 115,000 and one pocket, the "Danoy," produced no lets than 13000, itself. Other rarties made good findings and Mr. Gething feels confident that he is going to have fully as good success. George Vinlng has commenced work on the" Eureka, " mining claim, located in the Applegate district. It is said to be a relocation of tlie old "Dolphin," which was snob a prom ising property in former days and the indications now are extremely promis ing. Work on the famous "Greenback" mine, on Grave Creek, will soon be started in earnest by the leasees. Five of the 40 stamp mills will be op pvrated at once and others later on, as the demand Increases. Tlie de velopment work done ou this property during the past few ui.mths has made a very nice showing and so good are the indications that the operators fully expect to see the other stamps needed soon. In this immediate vicinity are some 50 very promising claims which are to be developed, thv assi ssinont work showing conclusively that they were of more than ordinary value. The prospects are that, now that the Nevada boom has blown orer, much attention will be paid this immediate vicinity by the out side uiiniiitt world. 1 here has been over $1,000,000 taken out of the Greenback" and the men weie at b depth of some 1200 foet when for some unaccountable reason the wire was shut flown very suddenly last year. Kuiiior had it that this was done for the purpose of enabling the owners to purchase uearby prorerties. Other reasons were also assigned, but it was never stated by tlie management just why the iniue was closed. New ore bodies have beeu found in this re gion ami tbe tributary placer fit Ids of Coyote Crook, Wolf Creek and Grave Creek are anotlu r excellent iudicatiou that this is a very rich mining belt. K. Win Russ, president and super intendent of the Josephine-Klamath Development Co., which has head- ! quarts a' Kith Portland and llrown j town and which operates on a large scale a roup of eight very tine and promising lode properties in the A It - house district, has been at the county 'seat, looking after some important tusiuess matters, the past week Mr. Knss informed the Courier that be indications were very good for all ex j oelleut season's run. Although bis I company may not prorceed tartlo r with some of its work of constructing ' flumes, owing to the faot that new i the lumber is too wet to handle very ' satifaetort!v. His company already Im. UOoO feet of luuitier in flumes. He liss Wen demonstrating that that is u rich district by working a small piece of ground, nlvut 14 by I2."i fe t, which was supposed to have been ' worked out iue years ago. Iu'su i wiks time be 'ti-ek out fi7'- and nice f Roie River Profitable Pointers Regarding ,' t i TUI- This The fruit groweis who reside in the section tributary to Grants Pass have come to the conclnsiou that thev re ceived more r-muneration . from the home consumers than they got from the New Yorkers or people in the other large markets of the country, Here they have found a ready sale and they did not have to wait very long to secure their pay. But it will likely be altogether different next season, when the carloads of the lus cious beauties are forwarded from this locality. A tree taken from should be handled just the nursery as carefully as a cabbags plant, should be moved to the orchard with the least possible exposure, and carefully set. In nine rases out of 10, where a tree gives poor results, the fault can be traced back to the carelrss handling before planting. Prof. R. R. Turner, who is superin tendent of the city schools of Grants Pass, recently purchased 10 acres of choice orchard land, west of the city, on Rogue River avnuno and now he has engaged Chas. Kingnell, the well known horticulturist, and a force of men to plant the land to pears, one half to be to Cornice and the rest to Bartletts. They are to be set out hexagonal shape. This system gives five l er cent, more trees to the acre, with the additional fact that they are all equally distant from each other nd present a very attractive appear ance. Prof. Turner la taking a lively interest in the undertaking and he will undoubtedly succeed in having one of the prettiest orchards to be found anywhere. He will thoroughly cultivate and spray and spare pains or expense in bringing about the best possible relinks. The piece of ground he has been fortunate in securing is perfectly level and it is the rich, loamy soil. Having made a heavy investment he is more thin likely to see that this newlr acquired property is kept io the bes.t of shape. In the course of 10 year's time be will probably be shipping his own fruits to the big markets in car load lots and when It is taken into consideration that one car of Cornice pears from Rogue River this season brought, the magnificent son) of 423.91 in the New York market, while the lowest was $1270 for Rogue River Bartletta, it will he seen that he evidently has an eye to the financial returns which will certainly come from his effor's along this line, The latest of the fruit pests to make its appearance on the Pacific Coast is known as the "bud moth" and is said to have originated in Japan. A report from San Francisco says that the fruit authorities of that city Wfre recently compelled to condemn l!00 sized nuggets have been found, tang ing from f 1.D0 to f."' each. Had it not been for the recent finan cial stringency, general mauager, W. J. Mori by was lully ixputirg to start up the "Grsnito Hill Mine " As it is, be now contemplates ! ginning operations early in tbe new year. This mine h:is a very line equipment consisting of electric turbine, a big stationary pump and a sinking pump, with which to pump our the hirge amount of water which flowed into the property. At first it came at the rute of almnt ;HKI0 gallons per minute, but later droppid tn about !." pr minute. Tlos plant l as perhspsone of the finest hoists in tlie state, worth fully $.'0,000 Hud capable of going! 2000 feet deep. C. h. Mangnm, the well known milling man has jnst made a trip to! tbe Galice district, wliiih he rttiruj a buiN vsry rounsiug. He pre dict great things for that camp asd I that too, for the very near future. He found lots of good, solid work; beiug done on the fine properties. j Mr. and Mis. Tbo. I.eith and daughter. Miss IbsMc. Vis. UiUnore and ue ice, Mis Mitchell, ofMcrphy' were the nuests of Mrs. Daniels of! this place Sunday. " Ch no. "I'ucle Eben" 1 won't use "Red Cloud's" anatomy for a fiotball1 because its too soft. Mrs. Kva Burrows visited with her ; mother. Mr. Stringer, Sunday. J Miss Lindsay of Grants Pass visited ithMrs.Me.Ningi'rf cHreitTSuu"-, dnys a'.so Mr. Vyn.u7t " itinfdTugh" ! ter ami Mr.-. Walter and son. 1 We are having som,- !d weather this writing. "" J" at -. . . Fruit Notes x the Industry Gathered From Favored Section of Oregon ITo .,nr..l Sartlnn of OretfOIV boxes of apples shipped there from the State of Washington, it being dis covered on their arrival that they were badly infected by the pest. The apples in question were grown on Orcas Island, which is just off the coast a little distance from SeattK Some moulhs ago the bud moth made its ap pearance in British Colombia, having been brought there supposedly from Japan. When the moth was detected on this continent measures were taken to prevent tlie spread of the pest, and it whs not known that it had reached the states until evidence of its ravages were discovered in San Francisco in the fruit sent there from Orcas Island. Front street fruit men say that so far as they know the pest has not yet been feeu anywhere in this state, but they incline to the be lief that it is but a matter of time. deBpite all precautions, when tbe nuisance will appear in Oregon. But when it does come it will be vigor ously fought. -Tomorrow aftrnoon, at 1 :S0 o'clock the members of the Grants Pass Fruit Grower?' Association will hold an important meeting, when new officers for the ensuing year will be selected. This organization is but in its infancy and yet already the good effects of the fruitgrowers pulling together in unison are being felt and much good will come to those who thus stand together. "I propose to stay by the Association, even though I am the only man to ship with it," said one of tbe largest frnit growers in the Val ley, in speaking of the organization. If this feeling ia prevalent to any very large extent among tbe members, the ultimate suooess of the undertak ing is assured, for there can be no question that the growers here, as in other older and more noted fruit cen ters, can succeed in bringing op the standard and raise the prices by this united effort. Everything has to have a beginning and this is the try ing period for tbe Fruit Growers' As sociation. If the members can man age to weather the obstacles whioh have been confronting them this year and go at it in earnest again, they may feel confident of at last gaining their point. An entirely new kind of grape is be ing developed at the Government ex periemental station near Lodi, Cel., and Professor H. C. Husmann is of the opinion that it will result in a grape that will excel the famous Flame Tokay, which has given Lodi se much fame. The new vaiiety is soxewhat similar to the Tokay in tex ture and color, but is impervious to rain, is much firmer and can be ship ped longer distances without damage. It appears to bo a cross between a Tokay and Fererrt and is of an im proved flavor. If properly developed it is expected to become a most profit able variety. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local apt lications, as thev can not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and iu order to cure it vou must t.ke internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cum is taken internally and acts dirrctlv on the blood and muoo'is surfaces. Hall's Catarrh '.'lire is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed i by oue of the best physician iu this' couuiry tor years and is a regular pre- ! S'ription. It is composed of (holiest I tonics known, couinliiirt with the best blood purifiers, at ting direoily on the mucous suri.tces. i ne pi rtect combi nation of two ingredients is what produces snch woiubrlul results iu curing CatHrrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by all Drusgists, Price 75c. Take Hall's tamily Pills for con stipation. Tl-A We couldn't moneyback tea. if our tea weren't bet ter than tea as you know it. Vui crot f r rer-irns tour money if you doo't like xhi.;ir. i In.-: . we-i ay him. Just alwit this time of year a little , extra spending m m y for the holi-! . yo'uc inhatid v. " What easier, I i.icer way to yet'it "than" by'takTng J scnptioiis for the Pacific Monthly! II muld te ou "he reading table in every house in the West, for isn't it hi me magame ofj:oar own county? Yon canconvinoe anyone of thatL and ea-ujy, aiiilso dfveit some ' Uvse change to yourown"use. j Write us; labour;' the commissions , yottj-anaru. , K,7, MlllW ifjw f , three business! iuena reference s " '! -iTicm7nt nL"hvCcoi ; u s f t Portland, Ore. ?otp. r'- v 'v irniRTs. i'' .-! "'. - j. rni,.rd t .- Cok: ' : i TTTTTT. - - There Is Nothing Nicer For a suitable Christmas Present than something iu the line of Good Jewelry That is where we "can help you out, for we have a Fine assortment of Choice Goods, such as all kinds of Gold and Silver ware, Clocks, Watches and the like. You Will If we fill your orders. and our prices are Kight. We do all kinds of repairing and guarantee entire satisfaction Next door to City Hall CURTIS ARE YOU IN A MUDDLE About something for Christmas ? ? Let me help you. There is nothing that a housewife prizes more than her CHINA AND SILVER. Every pattern I have in Silver is a Standard and my prices are CORRECT. Pieces in China, Ilandpainted in Hav land Blanks from $1.50 up. Every piece ia painted to order and I do not carry duplicates. BARNES, THE BEST CNADIES MADE ARE Lownev s Candies Gunther s Candies Full assortment in all sized prckages to be fbund at HARMON'S SHOUT OUDER HOUSE Formerly Herman Horninga. o s-H u Holiday Rates. Reduced Boond-Trip Rates Account Christinas and New Tears, 1907-1908. Rates One firHt class fare and oue third for the round trip between all poiuts on the Oregon lines including DruncheB. Children Tickets for children five (5) years and over but under 12 years of age will be sold at half the ex cursion ratesVharged adults. lixceptions Minimum rate for whole fare tickets, its cents for hall fare tickets, 23 cent?. Sale Dates Christmas Tickets December 21, 22, 2:t. 24 and 25, 1907. New Years Tickets December 30, 31, 1U07 and January 1, IU08. Re turn Limit: Januaiy 2, 1S08. W. J. MA HONEY, Agent. J. 12-13 8t' BETTER THAN MEDICINE Breathe Hyomel's Tonic Healing and Be Cured of Caterrh. Nature has a remedy for catarrh, a I treatmeut that ia far better than doi-1 ing the stomach with medicine. I ii is me ncanng oils and balsams of Hyouei which medicates tlie air yon breathe, reaching ihe most remote air cells in the nose, throat and lungs, killing all catarrhal germs and restor ing health to the mucous membrane. Iu using Hyomei you are treating your catarrhal troublo with the only natural remedy, for it gives a cura tive air bath to thu air passages that has as powerful healing and Bntiseptic effect as that found in the mountansi where the pine forests give otl their fragrant and healing balsams. Breathe thu invigorating and heal ing Hyomei. aud see how quickly yon will get relief from your catarrhal troubles. Demaray has seen so many cures, even of the worst cases of catarrh, with offensive breath, rais ing of mucous, frequeut sneezing, droprings in the throat and epasimxlic conghins. that they feel warranted iu selling Hyomei under an absolute guarautee to refund the money it it dees not do all that is claimed for it Demaray takes all the risk If yoawantJoseeaBne display of Holiday' Silverware look at-Cramer Pros, corner window? Be Pleased Our Goods are Up-To-Date Come and see for yourself & CO. The Grant Pjia Jewelers ? ? THE Jewei-e 0 C3 ft ft 0 Handshakes. Says Sydney Smith: On meeting t young ludy who had Just entered tl garden and chuking hands with her "I must," I said, "give you a lesson li shaking bands, I see. There Is noth Ing more characteristic than shakes of the band. I have classified then Lister, when he was here. Illustrate! some of them. Ask Mrs. Sydney to show you his sketches of then when you go in. "There Is the lilgh ofBclal tbe bodj erect and a rapid, short shake near fie chin. There is the mortniain-the C hand introduced Into your palm anl hardly conscious of Its contiguity; tie digital ono finger held out, . awn used by the high clergy. There la the shaken rustlcus, where your bond b seized in an Iron grasp. hetokeDinf rude health, warm heart and distance from the metropolis, but producing strong sense of relief on your part when you find your hnnd released airf your fingers unbroken. "The next to this Is the retentive shake one which, beginning M vigor, pauses, as It were, to tit breath, but without rellnqulshini if prey, and before you are aware betf1" again, till you feel anxious as t tt result and have no shake left la There are other varieties, but thl enough for one lesson." HalrJinn ft-la Awn. Scattered through the pine tl'1 mountains of California live some I ly old miners whose dry wit Is amusing. After many years' abse certain gentleman returned to tbe IKW mountain town that had been W birthplace. ' The first person he ' was an old miner who bad known bH as a hov. Howdy. Tom?" he said as be at hands. "How've you been gRi!l fl Inn If fl 11 thuua rnn -o "' The old fellow shifted his quid tobacco, spat Into tbe dust then In the habitual drawl, "Wnal. I dli have a darn cent when I corne a1 forty year ago, an' I'm hoidln' W own." Judge Library. Mamma (at dinner) -Too 00,01 tare at My. Smith so, Ethel. Little Ethel-I'm waiting to take a drink, mamma. r- m i 4 ..... . .an Lirae titnei cause pap . - onnts like a Dsn, ana l nT" Osh drink.