,rr'iiTf mvcn "VMTUtlTU l-.U TS PS. OR BOON, DECEMBER 20. 1907 MUUfi JIVCIV PROFESSIONAL Ca If OS inaincq it thf rmiP?T HfULSF ; d J, C- FINDLEY, M. D. ' Practice limited to EYE EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Clashes fitted and furnished. Ofllce hours V to 12; 2 to 6; and on ap pointment, 'telephones 281 and 77. OsjANTS PASS, ObEOO J)R. C A. CAMPBELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYblCI AN Orailuate American School of Osteopathy, K'rksville, Mo. Chronic Diseases and Diseases of Women and Children a specially CONtiL'LTATlON FREE Renins 1. 2, 3, Klrst National Bank Itldg. Phones: Olllce 771, Ues. 798 Obamts I'ass - Obwjosj g LOUGIIRIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8UIWEON Ues. phone 714 Git' or oountry wit attended night ordaf tijftn and 11, Tuff's building Ulfico l'huM)2(U. Gran-bh Pass . Obeoon. II, D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Practioe In all State and Federal Courts, Oflloe la Opera House building. Ghauts Pass, Oregon A C. HOUGH, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Fractloes in all State and Federal Courts Oflloe over iialr-Uiddle Hardware Co. Gbamth Pass, Orkuon QLIVER & BROWN, LAWYER. Office over Dixons Store Grants Pass, - Okkgon. Q. S. BLANCHARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all State and Federal courts. Banking and Trust Company's Building. Gbamth Pahs, Obioom. H. B. HENDRICKS COTJNBELLOR8-AT-LAW Civil and criminal matters attended to in all tbs courts. Real estate and Insurance. Oflloe, 6th street, opposite Poatoffloe. "WILLIAM P WRIGHT, U. H. DEPUTY SURVEYOR MINING ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN 6tb Bt., north of Josepbius Hotel. Sbants Pahs, Okkoon. Charles Costain Wood Working hop. (Vest of flour mill, near R. R. track Turning. Hcroll Work, KtairWork, Hand HawlnR.Cahlnet Work, Wood Pulleys, haw Fflwgand gumming, KeiairinK all kinds. Frioe right. The Popular Barber Shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMl'KIN" On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath Room in oonnootlon , N. E. McGULW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY furniture and Piano Msvlng- GRANTS PASS, OREGON. E. A. WADE Dry (ioods, Underwear, Notions, Kte. Front Street west of Palace hotel GRANTS PASS. OREGON, Commercial Club ( Will furnish information of Josephine county free of charge. Correspondence so licited. L. B. Hall . . President 111. I, . X Andrkws. . . Secretary Here's Good Advice O. S. Woolever, one of the hewt loown msrciiauts of LeKaysvillo, N. I., says: "If you are ever troubled with idles, apply Bucklen'a Arnica rtalr. It cured me of tucm for good Wjoarsago. " Guaranteed for sure, wounds, burnt or abrasion, 25c at all rug sum CKANTS PASS y fa I Item of Interest to the Taxpayers of Josephine County from the Various County Off.cle.ls X " " Some Probekte Proceeding T' court b appointed Alberta O Lincoln us gusrdiau of ber sou, Ar thur P. Lii.ooln. whise father is dead and the estate of fWJO being left for settlement. An rder bas been entered, directing Eliz Nicker-on, as artminiairairix of th e tite tif Thomas Nickeron, de ceits d. to sell, a private tale, in the city of Grant Pss, property biloug ing to said esUte, not less tlian $200 in a b. the baiauca to be secure I by tnoitgnge. Chares Sexton has been appointed guardian of bs insane father, Charles Sexion. ti e bond being fix-id at $"00. In the matter of the estate of Robert Neill, de eased, an order was made, empowering C. O. Billow, as ad min siraior of the said estate to sell to the biuhe-t bid er a part of Sectiou 2, towijship 38, south, range 5. Young Boys on fx "Tare." Two young men of Lt-la'id " auaged to net bold of too much "bonze," the other day and they proceeded to load op in flue style and then they undertook to "do" the town. They felt equal to almost anything and nudurtook to pick a quarrel, for they were reaiv to fight almost anybody. Finally John Alderson came to the county stat and swore out a complaint against the yoothi in question. They were arrested and brought to the county seat and now they are out on bonds and will bave to stand trial at the next term of the oircuit court. Jail No Longer Empty. The county jail is no longer vacaut. for it bas au inmate in the person of Joho Hendricks, who was brought here from Ruseburg, last week, by Sheriff RqxhmII. The fellow was held in the circuit court of Douglas county, charged with being implicated in the bank robbery at Glendale. But tbey failed to connect him closely with that event and then be was bronght here and Joe Hammond, who was shot at on S 'pteinber 15, identifies him as being the very same fellow who fired ths shot. So Hendricks has waived an examination and will have a bear ing at the next term of the oircuit court. He has engaged attorney V. W. Cardwell, of Rosebnrg, to defeud him. His brother oatne up from Rosebarii, Saturday to see aboat mak ing preparations for the defense. Property Moving Slowly Now that the unpopular holidays are over, property will likely begin to ex change hands with a bit more brlak uesa than it has beeu doing for the paat week or so. Couuty Clerk Cheili ire pronounces last week decidedly ths dulleet week be hat ever known tinoe lis lias biten holding forth at the court honae. Indued be and bis aHistan:, Deputy E. S. Ventch have been think ing quite seriously of subscribing for more newspapers, in order that they might be the better able to kill some of their spare time. Tbey are uow in hopes that realty will begin moving iigam, as the holidays nave neen ue olnred off. The following di'edH have been pla ed on record : O ( Lund et ux to August J Klo. ker, 6.20 acres In sec 17, tp 8 s, r fi. 3:00. L L Jowell et nx to W H Pollock, part of aeo 5. tp 35 s, r ft, flOO. W HCarvill to Mrt L F Lane, aorii in block 4, towu of Placer, $141. Josepbius County to Grants Pans Hardware Co., Sheriff's Deed for lots 1, 3, 8. 4, 6. aud , block 23, GTS of Grauta Paha, fOiK). Joaephine County to Geo F Ainler son, Sheriff's Deel for .'-interest in Lower Ditch. Mike's Gulch. tJ.5.19. Josephine County to S W Blasdel, "The Buckeye Placer Mining Claim," $:!8rt.73. " Daniel S Holton to Mary J Tyler, part sec 1ft, tp 1)5 a, r 6, t-5. Sarah E Smith to Charles Foster, .AS of au acre in tsc 19, tp SB a. r ft, MX). G W Guylou et ux to Nellie Sleeper, imrt see 8, tp 8(5 s, r 6, f 00. . Grant Onus et ux to Charles Burt I haller'lolaS and4 "block 7ft of Grants I Pastl. aca I R'.n Cola'st ux to"LM Williamson 4 .-ra in'"seo' 1H tpjitll s r 3 $100. ! , G EMat et ox " to" Emma A Fair- child 13 a cres in see 1ft tp 3ft s rJ '4J0. ' An Insanity Cass. 2 An iusaue case eugaged the atten tion of Judge Stepheu Jewell and Dr J. O. Smith ths eiaminiugU'ard 'Monday v'ho found that Marv Jaoe Grimes of this city bas beeu eiifferiug T with attacks of chorea siuiv she cams to years jot puberty. She is uow 3i years of age and hat epileptic con- vnlsions aud hat at timet threatened As 'her case has LMiuiuitting aulcid. I beu growing worse the examiners thooght best to bave brr placed in the Sa em asylnm where slie cold bave got d cars and prohibit recover eveotualiv from the ailment. An order vai made to thu fleet aud Toeiday an attendant arrived fiom Salem to accompany her to that place. Miacrll&neous Mailers Milt. iT Boeue of Kerby lian fil-d' his stock brand with the coonty clerk. It consists of an anchor ou the It ft hip. Govi rnor Chamberlain has officially named Postmaster C. E Harmon as a notHry public for tW next 13 inon'hs. Sheriff RuHcell is again able to be out and aroand after a short sick Hpell. He saya that he bad to get in shape for the rush which wouH he on as soon as the holidays were over. H'i reports that he feels all O. K., that his horse is M and that his buggy is all ready for looking after lots of business. Monday January 13 the next session of the ciicuit court will be in session in this county, Jodge H. K Hanna presiding. The indications point to a full calendar. O. O. Lund who is over in the Coot Bay conutry, looking after some property investments has given a general power of attorney to H. D Norton, for transactions in Josephine coauty. W. M Turner has given a chattel mortgage for 1115 to II. C. Mitchell and secured on the fixtures of the "ToIodo" reitaurant. A marriage license has been issned to the following cooplea by County Clerk Oheahire: Emerson G. Patton, aged 44 years, a native of Washington coonty. Ore., and Mattie M. Thouia son, aged 28, both residents of Placer ville; and to George W. Laws, aged 30, a native of Minnesota, a resident of Woodville and Lillie F. Brown, aged 16, native of Nebraska aud resi dent of Grants Past. Tbs fathers of both the contracting parties appeared and gave their verbal consent to have the young people enter the state of matrimony. A bill of sale has been given by J. Thomas Gilmore to Geo. W. Lewis, and J. E. Verdin, in the earn ol $1500 for the Buick automobile, No. 661. Deputy County Clerk E. S. Veatch finds some novel doo amenta as he looks after the recordiug of the var ious instruments which come into that office. For instance, here's the way oue party had some word: "Elick." for Alex; "Nowen" for known and "porat, " for post. NOTABLE MEDICAL DISCOVERY Of Special Value to Meny in Grants Pass. Here One of the most notable discoveries aud one that undoubtedly appeals more than anything else to manv leotle here in Grants Pass is the com- j biuatiou of .stomach reuiediea the Mi-o-na treatment, l'his prescription i has worked wonders, and there is uow ' no exuuse for anyone Buffering with ; indigestion or weak stomach. j It acts specifically upon the muscles if the stoiiiauh and bowels, strong - tuening and stimulating them so that they readily take care of the food that it eaten. It also increases the nuw u. Kttnmu jiiiui'b, vuub getting I row me ioou me uuurisnuieuc tnat is necessary for ho.ilth aud energy The symptoms of indigestion are numerous, soch as distress after eat iug, flatulence, heartbnru, auk head aches, diziuess and irritability. These are all dispelled by a few doses of Mi-o-na wheu the trouble is re oent, but just as surely iu long staud- iug and chronic caset if the treatment it followed for a reasonable length of lln,. So positive are the good effects fol- loicinv tha nu nf Mi.n. - n w . v istm .un. k II C fAlllMdv la Mold h nltmruv nnri.it u absolute guarantee to refund the money if it should fail to oure. I" COFFEE Five degrees of excel lence: food; better; tine; finer; finest: all Schilling's Best Whit ro. er return, vour monrr if roa dott'l like 11: i' p ' ii Landlady-Yuu'll flud the chicken out of sight. Boarder I wish there was a little more of It In sight In the third crusade a single stons from au English onglno killed twelve Turks, aud after the truce was shown to Saladln as a curiosity. "He'll never make a grett artist" "Why not?' Every coucluslon he draws It bad." -Milwaukee Sentinel. Qntrti blank at the CearieToSicc. ! 5 Inrnnrr TrMTOHTinr FDH A PIT 1 IE KlUU 1 IriMJL After looking all around town, Santa Claus has discovered the right place and knows where he can procure his supplies of Christmas Presents t i fi fi fi fi t For those who are expecting something extra this year. You will agree with him when you have looked over our stock of Cut G!as, Brass Candle Sticks and Vases, Toilet Articles, Toilet Sets, Brushes, Leather Goods, Books and Dolls and lots of little novelties like Calendars, Ink-stands, Paper Knives and Weights, etc, Too many goods and too many prices to mentior them here. You will have to visit us, You are invited. t t CLEMENS-Sells Drugs u SOCIAL CENTERS. How Rural Schools Csn Bs Ussd Fer Benefiting Communities. The school must offer vocational training. This does not mean that ev ery school shall be a trade school. It does not even mean that the school shall aim specifically to teach trades. It does mean, however, that we will come to realize that the schools in pre paring the pupils for complete' living must bear In mind the fact that voca tion is a large part of life, says Les lie's Weekly. Consequently vocational training In its broadest possible as pects must be one of Uie largest phases of school activity. This may not mean the Introduction of elementary agricul ture into all the rural schools, but it will mean the utilization of agricul tural material in the training of tha pupil, so that If he enters the agricul tural vocation he will be adequately prepared for It. The school also must develop the spirit of social or community service. I know of nothing better In this line than the plan used In Maine of or ganizing school Improvement leagues. It Is deferable also for the school to become n social center, or at least one of the social centers, of the neighbor hood. The school ought to play a large part In the life of the mature people of the community, nnd It may well net as a sort of rallying center for the ed ucational Interest of adults as well as of children. The school must definite. ly co-operate with other Institutions of , '"e community, such na the church, the grange, improvement societies, library, etc. In this connection there should be frequent Joint meeting of tenehers arm school patrons for the discussion both of school topics and of subjects of I general community Interest. Cut This Out and Save It. There is so much Rheumatism here iuour neighborhood now that the followiug advice by an eminent anthority, who writes for readers of a lariie Eastern daily raner. will be "'RJ"y appreciated Suffer: by those who . m -Tt?l trOtH anv Good Tlharnmcv nnu. half ounce F.uid Extract Dandelion, one oonce Compound Ktrgon. three ounces of Compound Syropof Sarsapa rilla. Shake these well in a bottle aud take in teapoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime; alto dnok plenty of good water. It is claimed that there are few victimt of ihit dread and tortorout dise.ise who will fail to find ready re lief in this simple homemade mixture, and iu most cases a permanent cure it the result. This simple recipe is said to ttreng then aud cleanse the eliminative tis sues of the kidneys so that thev can i niter and strain from the blood and TI"eui the poisons, acids and waste matter, which cause not only Rheo- luausni, dui numerous other diseases. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys aienot healthy and active, or who suffers from anv urinary trouble whatever, should not I hesitate to make nn this Til i -rt nrd n ! it It certain tn do mnz-v, lj I certain to do much good, and save you from much softer inn may alter while. Our home druggista sy they will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription readv o take if oor readers ask them. QuJk delivtrr-Tne Weekly OracoaMa. SU SH E CAPITOL OIL in the world than this RADIUM CAPITOL Gasoline 68 test, best for Automobiles and Lighting Purposes, Manufactured by CAPITOL REFINING COMPANY Ham -Riddle Wholesale Distributors TOKAY GRAPES I can still furnish first-class one year old rooted Tokay Vines at reasonable prices. Plenty of all other varities- GEO. H. PARKER This is the only school in the Northwest which prepares young men and young women for Private Secretary Positions We have ceased trying to fill all positions which are brought to our attention. Only the best are selected and for the best we must have the best young people. Write us today and ask us about this Private Secretary Course Holmes Business College PORTI.ANrv OB V 1 BUY, SELL or EXCHANGE Household Goods and my stock is quite complete... If you have anything to sell or exchange come and see me, or if you need anything in my line see my goods and get prices. ISACKS, COPPER, RUBBER and METAL WANTED M. E. MOORE, s tsWWtiftJtMlfUl t Is a Claen Safe COAL OIL and makes a bright, even light. : : Sold in bulk A FINE GRADE. SOLD IN FIVE GALLON TINS Our highest grade in 5 gallon cans. There is no finer COAL regardless of price Harm C for Joseph ne County Office With W. U IRELAM NEW and SECOND HAND GOODS