Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 20, 1907, Image 10

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    Ithb table
fej a credit to the W m U 7
6 teas and a compliment felt WKl ' M
Made only in a pkte 4 IfttHft
ft heavier than triple, $M $BfcVf
& Community Silver Is 0M MmMM
the most durable plated- XMfitfA
ware in the world. UW Wm
Jj Call and aeettia
$ famous line. : g&ffil 4gg3
I BR05. S
fef W ft
The Southron Oregon Supply Go.,
few another efficient clerk, In the per
n of Herman Young, to Mailt in
lookiog after the contautly increasing
trade of thia progressive eatabialnueut.
Her. J. E. Day, the well known
Wood villa paator and hortioolturlHt
tells the Courier that he hai bad treat
ment for oatarrh from Portland and
Salem 1'hyslciani, but never haa he
been ao pleaaed and benefited as he has
ly Dr. Findley's treatment. He
peaka in high praise of hie skill and
.also of him aa a tuan, laying that he
baa noticed that he ia kind and gen
.tie and thorough gentleman. All
thla he aaya without Dr. Findley's
knowing that it wan going to be in
W. B. Bailey, the busy secretary of
the Applugate telephone onmpany,
informed the Courier, when at the
county seat, Wednesday that thiugH
are going along nicely out that way.
There are more would be patron to
the 'phone acrvice, who will have to
-wait until the required apparatus
oau be had from the factory. He ban
Imued a oall for the annual meeting
of the atookholders and directors for
Mouday, January 18, when the (jura
tion of increasing the stock will be
taken op and other uatters of im
1ortaaoe oomtidered. Mr. Bailey ii
.aleo "Mayor" of Davidson, aa well aa
jxwtiuaater and general uurohaut.
Jiarnea, the Jeweler wan too busy
thu week to write np a change of ad
whoh may be taken aa another ludi
ration that Courier advertising rayi
avnd ha aaya it moat certainly doea.
We're anxious to get you started buying here, and
if Dependalile'Goods at ttock-Uottom Trices count
for auythiiifj, success is assured, Why not try us
for your next order for the table ?::::::
J. Pardee, Sfte Grocer
front Street
Sugar Pin Store Voting Conteat,
December 20, 1907.
City Teachera.
Mra. J. W. Deniaon 11.877
Mrs. Mollie Helding 8UK4
Miss Lucy Ueorgn nam
Miss Blanohe Craue VifiO
Ml Hartman 1140
Mini Hortwn lOSfi
Mma M. Tuffs 1025
MiHt Nona Bridge 1MI
Miaa Kobley 693
Miaa O. OUon Bil
Miaa M. Dement 4I
Mill K Lowry 408
MihiJ. Paramore 1ND
Miu Violet McUrath Ml
Special TucsdHT, December '24, all
Colliiiie and High School Penuanti 65
oeutg. J tint 11 for Chrmlmaa presout.
Coontr Teachers.
Mini Aniriiata Parker 1213
Miss Hmsie McColm . . 0102
Mitw Mrr'le Moore 244
Mini Krtna Diabrow at.VI
Miai Alice Hmith 10fi9
Mixa Iva MoArthur 8.'I2
Mihh Oro Wibon 810
Miaa Dnit.y Cole 508
Mini Wilua Oilkey 495
MiraAditie Koliinnou 8K4
Mini Joaie Hatliway 8fi8
Mina M Scoville 215
MiM Deardoff 195
Abbie Htitea .. ., 128
Mind Anna Halle Leith 123
Miaa Stella Pttddock 70
M ink O. Stei henioo firt
Mia Floreiut) Barrett . . 45
Mini Hockiug 20
V. A. reteraon writes from hii uew
home, at Sau Diego, Cal., that he ia
well pleaied with the people and the
climate. He now haa a nice position
with the Benson Lumber Co., of that
moat southern city of any importance
on the Paoitlo coast.
Grants Pmaa
Complet Roater of the He&da of
lha Varloua Departrntnta in
Stavta and Nation Given
Recently a request came from one
of the teachera in the Grants Pan
publio schools and his popili that the
Courier print a list of he men of
affairs in the nation, state, county
and olty. Thia reqneit is very gladly
oomplied with and the said informa
tion will be found to follow:
National Tbecdore Roosevelt, pres
idHot; Charles W. Fairbnks, Vice
Preideut; Ehhu Root, Secretary of
St'ite. George B Cnrtelyou, Si'cre'ar
of TreaBorey ; William H Taft, Secre
tary of War; James R GarfinIdT
Secrutay of Interior; Victor HMnt
calf, Secretary of Navy ; Jumps Wil
son, Secretary of Agriculture; Charles
Bonaparte, Attoruey-Genral ; Oscar
Strauss. Seoretary of Commerce and
Lalor; George Voo L Meyer, Post
master General; Melville W. Fuller,
Chief Justice; Vaspatian Warner.tJ.
S. Pension Commiisioner; W S
Richards. U. S. Land Commis
sioner. State of Oregon Chas. W Fulton
and Jonathan Bourne, U. S Senators ;
Willis C Hawley, Congressman, 1st
district and Wm R Ellis, Congress
man, 2d district; Geo Chamberlain.
Governor ; Frank W Benson, Secretary
jolTatate ; George A Steele, Treas
urer; J H Aokerman, Superintendent
oT"TpeblioIuBtroction: Willis Duni
way, State Printer; A M Crawford,
Attorney -General; O E Wolvertou, U
S District Judge; W O Bristol, US
District Attorney; O J Reed U S
Marshal; D M Dnnne, Callector In
ternal Revenue; R S Bean, F A Moore
and Robert Eakin, Supreme Judges;
Chaa Galloway, Agent State Land
7DiTtrlot R A Booth, EugeneT Joint
Seualor for Josephine and Lane
Counties .Judge Firat Judicial Dis
trict, Hon. H KHanna, Jacksonville;
Prosecuting Attorney, same district,
A E Reames, Jacksonville; Reginter
U S Land Office, Beujamin L Eddy,
Roseburg; Receiver same, J M Law
rence, same place ; Joseph Moss, U S
Land Commissioner for Josephine
County; Dr. D P Love, Health
Josephine County Stephen Jewell,
JuHge, J T Logan and M A Warts
Commissioners; W J Russell, S.ieriff;
S F Cheshire, Clerk; J T Taylor,
H Fallin, AHessor;
Lincoln Savage, Superintendent oT
Schools; W H Perkins, Surveyor; F D
Strieker; coroner; James Holmau,
Justice of the Peace.
Grants Pass Dr J C Smith, Mayor;
C H Clements, Recorder ; Col W John
son, Treasurer; (J t, .Mcuine. street
Superintendent; Lincoln MoGrew,
Mamhal; W P Wright, Engineer;
Jas Swearinger, Night Marshal; Geo
W Coivig, Attorney; Councilman
First Ward: H C Kinuey. T P
Cram-r; Second D II Stovall, JT
Tuffs; Third Geo Lewis. Chas Burk
halter; Fourth-Frank Fetich, W T
Cuburn. Board of Education R W
Clarke. Dr J C Smith. II L Gilkey ;
T P Cramer, C G Ament. with E S
Van Dyke ai Clerk , Richard R Tur
ner, Superintendent of City Schools.
The Holy City. j
For this, the third season of
Clarence Bennett's wonderful drama
The Holy City," every degree of
theatrical representation has been
made to exoel. The allegory, musi-
c.l. spectacle and thrilling situations
so greatly enjoyed last year, the
large company of superior talent,
costumed in garments of almost be-
wi'deriog beauty, is strouger and
more brilllatitly arrayed, and addi-
tional accessories have been provideJ. 1
Nolhiug more dramatically complete '
will be seen thia season and it is of '
pleasant record that last year's success '
is beiug surpassed. ManugeTTiiuuer I
confidently expects this engagement !
will be to the capacity of the theatre, i
"The Holy City" will also serve to
bring to onr notice a new Star on
the dramatio firmament iu the per-
sou of Miss Luella Morev a brilliant1
young, emotional actress that will
be seen aa "Salome" the daughter of
Kiug Herod. Opera House. Decern-!
ber 3d. While we tire of a aamenes ot '
the objects of everyday lifs, we never ;
nud nrat-clasa amusement a bore
iududVr "andvr,eTuh0aMRihJ
Morey's rendition of the Otieen of
Gallilsa, who was the beautiful !
daughter of the puppet Kin !
Herod, who railed with desnoti6
h.nd the Empire iu the days of John !
she finda the greatest field for her.
energies aud the one thought io her 1
nean ia io renuer ima sublime tragedy ;
the support of MUs Morey, has e ch
one been onoaeo for their special fit-1
" "n ivi mcir apeciai ni-1 "i m ayiigua inere are
for the role portrayed and the lome other and far-reaching recom
no embehshweuts are all that one . .. u- u . 8
Id Opera House "mber :re not readv to he
ut'M or inn roie
imli Id
so. -
He will appreciate a preaont from ,
Harth. lads aud Fauciei in FnTnTX '
lug s-Harthi.
PASS, OREUUW, uttMnan,
J. F. Hale, the Medford music
man was sojourning in the city for
a short time, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dunlap of Port
land are expected as Christmas guests
at the home of F. L. Coron.
Claude Cheshire will come np from
Portand to see the home follks, "and
other," during the holidays.
John Harrington of Medford, has
been tn this o'ty for a tew days look
ing after some business interests.
George Thompson has been looking
after some important affairs in Med
ford for a few 8ays past.
The Povolt, Davidson and Kubli
postoffices will be discontinued on and
after January, on account of the
new route service wbich will then
be set in operation.
MUs Susie Baunard, who is spend
ing lome time at Campbell, near San
Jose, Cal., writes the home folks tliat
she is enjoying that climate and that
her health is much benefited thereby
H. A. Corliss, superintendent of the
Ideal Hydraulic Gold Mining Co. was
in from Grave Creek, .Wednesday,
looking after some important business
matters of Aslrland,
A. S. Barnes, spent Tuesday night
in this city, as the guest of bis son,
Bert. Barnes, the jeweler and family,
while en route to Portland on a busi
ness trip.
This week the Grants Pass Fruit
Growers Association received returns
from another car of Spitzenberg ap
ples, which were sold in the New
York City market at 2. 25 and 2.60
per box.
There is a war on between the rival
Grants Pais liverymen, with the
natural consequence that rates have
been very materially reduced and now
we can almost afford to ride, rather
than take "Walker's Hack."
M. M. Lewis of thia ctly, who en
tered the forestry servioe last April, as
a forestry guard, has already been
promoted and is now Assistant Ranger
and will hereafter be located In the
district tributary to Grants Pass.
Mrs. C. M. Stone of San Francisco,
who is so well known io this oity,
where she conducted a drug store for
a number of years, is the guest of the
family of J. E. Peterson. -Her son,
Dr. Bertram Stone ia now a full
fledged phyiioian, at Sau Francisco,
where he is building up a very nice
The city authorities have has a
large force of meu engaged in the
laudable undertaking of digging
ditches this week to carry off the
surplus water from the neighbor
hood of Sixth and F streets. Pedes
trians will greatly appreciate this
good work, when the heavy rains
begin to fall, later on in the season.
W. B. Sherman, who is to engage
exclusively in timber lands, says he
proposes fitting op one of the finest
offices to be found anywhere in South
ern Oregon. If it surpasses his last
effort along this line it will certainly
be a work of art, for the quarters of
the Best-Foller Realty Co., formerly
occupied by the W. B. Sherman Rtalty
Co., were noted for beiug decidedly
eu.Ktit in every sense of the word.
I Newcomers cannot help but be
' favorably impressed with this city aa
plce w,lere ,lle PP'o are lawabid-
I iug ouu me laci mac mere nas not
I been an arrest made iu this city since
November 23 and the additioual fact
, that the saloons are keeping their re
spective places of business closed on
i SunilAV nilirhfc tn arl.l matarjall. A
;thegood ilnpreg8iom, they recel?e of
, the place. Few oities of this size in
I Southern Oregon can boaat of such a
i record as tliia.
i L. C. Gillette, the
- '", me realty oaler de
Prtd 'or his old home, at Fort
"ort"' lexa" n Monday morning's
OTerlaod, where Cnpid has summoned
nin- Rompr has It that he will lead
0De ' tn8 '"'rest of that city's so-
cletT y0Dng ladies to the hymenel
'1,ar "bout Christmas day and after
a pleasaut honeyui'-on trip by way of
Los Angeles, Sau Francisco and other
p.-h 7 rl,"L, ua 0,uer
rt0lfl0 ooast Pinta the ''PPy couple
wui arrive in this city to reside
about the middle of Jannnrv
r, . .
D,1"alD8 inspector, A. S. hall, of
tne tT. S. Postoffice Department, iu
makins a tour ot liKiuntin. k.
tato Ending ta.t the
riM"8 r"9 offloe w" growing in
importance and that the volume of
buiinesi ii asHnmin Ur..
.;.. - i... ,.,., f "
" uw,nea 10 commend to;
dePr"ent some much-needed j
improvements. Among other things j
he will aik that the buildinit be ex-
-"-I U 88 feet in
an od that botr light be afforded
b7 means of skylights. There
mn.iT. iiunc, yei ror awuile. but1
iurHmtji "all ..!.:..) . i. 1
fact that the dertntentegarda this
as cue of the moet Important offices
1'iiai ii i . v 1 1 r"
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of thi Stockholder! of
the Orauta Pais Banking and Trust
Company is called to meet at the par
lors of said bank on Tuesday the 14
day of January, lub at 10 o'oock a.
m., for the purpose of electing a
board of directors to serve one year,
and to transact snob other business
as may properly come before the
meeMng. L. L. JEWELL,
Da'ed at Grants Pass, Oregon, De
cember 20, 1907. 12-20 2l
Hand Bags at Clemens.
Pictures framed at O'Neill's.
Post Card Albums at Clemens.
Safety Razors at Cramer Bros.
Dolls and Teddy Bears at Clemens.
See display of Kiaer's photoa at
Halls Art store.
A large assorment of Bamboo Goods
are to be found at O'Neill's.
Saturday, December 14th, will be
Caleudar Day at Cramer Bros.
When you take a trip to market, stop
at O'Neil's and see the nice things on
display in furnitare and China.
Your Particular Fanoy Suited
Great Bargains in Millinery and
Dry Goods ac Mrs. Rehkopfs 12-20 2t
Al. Teal has purchased Russell's
Pop Coru Works and he is now ready
to furnish everybody with the most
delioious corn to be desired. 12-20 tf
Mrs. Rehkopf announces a great an
nual Clearance Sale for 30 days cn
Millinery, Dry Goods, Waists, Table
linens, Towels, Flannelettes, Onting
flannels, Muslins, Underwear, Hoeiery
and Notions. 12-20 2t
There came to my place near Wilder
ville, Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1907, one
3-year old rid steer with one horn,
right ear cropped, notch on left ear.
Owner can have same by proving
property and paying ohargei. 12-13 6t
O'Neill's for Xmai presents.
Warm, Winter-wear at Harths.
RADIUM coal oil. the highest
grade Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co., Dis
tributors. There's nothing nicer for an Xmas
present than a comfortable rocking
chair. O'Neill has them.
If undecided, what to get for an
Xmas present, drop in and see O'Neill,
the furniture man. He'll tell yon.
Its not too late to have O'Neill
order that somethi 'g special you've
been thinking about he'll get for yon.
If You Don't Attend Our
You will miss an exceptional offering of exceptional
merchandise. Grasp this opportunity to b ly youm
or your boy, a Suit or Overcoat, we have them in all
the latest creations at a saving of 10 to 20
Buy all the Furnishings you can U3e for a year to
come at these deep cut prices. Every wearable is of
the highest class and in the prevailing style
Boy's 75c Sweaters 50c
Boy's $1.25 Sweaters 75c
Boy's 50c Dress Shirts 35c
Boy's 25c and 35c Gloves and Mittens 20c
Boy's Windsor Ties 20c
Men's Pure Linen 35c. Initial Handkerchiefs 25c
Men's 20c Mercerized Handkerchiefs, 2 for...., 25c
Men's $1.25 Dress Shirts ......$1.00
Men's Neckwear 20c to $1.50
Men's Leather Suit Case Specials.
Men's and Boy's Jerseys. Huse Coats, Fancy Sus
penders, Umbrellas, Dress Gloves, Cuff Links, Stick
Pins, Purses, Fancy Arm Bands, Silk Mufflers, etc.,
at decisive price concessions.
I have received a. n i c
assortment of Watches and
Clocks, any one of which
would make a very ac
ceptable Xmas gift.
A large assortment
of children's sets
in Silver
Reliable watch repairing
gold and silver manufac
turing Robert
At Model Drug Store
High grade Japanese brass and China
ware at Hall's Art Store.
You'll have to hurry, if yon want to
get some of those nice pieces of furni
ture that O'Neill has, suitable for pres
ents. Cramer Bros, want to announce to
their friends and patrons that they
have secured the services of Mr. Jod
Taylor. He will take charge of the
Bicycle Repairing department and
will also do General Repairing of all
kinds. So if yon have Knives or Scis
sors that need grinding, Saws that
need fixing, Umbrellas that need new
ribs, Locks that are out of order, in
fact anything that needs fixing, take
it to Cramer Bros Repair shop, whirs
it will receiva prompt and careful attention.