R0GUE RIVER C0URIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON, DECEMBER 13, 17. Meat Satisfaction City Meat Market Phone 144 J. H. AHLF, Propr. Woodburn Trees Are money makers every time, absolut ely true to marue, unirrigated, they al ways grow, not the cheapest tut the best. Fully guaranteed. Woodburn Nurseries F. w. settlemier. Proprietor THE FASHION LIVERY . . . FEED and SALE STABLES GILMORE & BOREN, Proprietors. H 8treet'btween Fifth nd Sixth Pkomi 841 Grant Pass, Oregon Are You Interested In Fencing? If so let us figure with you. We sell Page Woven Wire Fence -If YOU ARE IN NEED OF ANY Cattle. Sheep, Goat, Poultry, or Hog Fence, Buy the PAGE and Start in Right We buy direct from factory and our prices are right. 80 miles of Page Fence sold in Jackson County since January 1907. GADDIS DIXON G6 Pago Fence Men Of Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Countie4. Main Office - Medford, Ore. TREES! TREES! TTtEEJS BUY YOUR Old Reliable Albany Nurseries" and you are sure of gettidg just what you order. We grow our trees for quality not cheap prices. GEO. H. PARKER, Agent Marble and granite works I J. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor, t .m nreoared to furnish anything in the lin. of Cemetery work in an kind t MNX"hlrt; of experience .. the Marble business warrant, my ...I.. Marble. I r'mnt umt, next to Green's tlnnshnn. A Real Wonderland South Dakota, with its rich silver ine. Iv.ti.i, furiii. wine lantf Estrange mtuial t rminuo". i a "ritble wuudmland. At Mound ., in the home of Mm. E. D 'Pp, a wonderful ease of hewing ' lately occurred. Her son seemed r death with long and thioat trouble. "Exhausting coughing spells "wenrred every five niioatei, " writei Clapp, "when I began 'smog King's New Discovery, the great lieine, that eared his life aud com Jwely cured bim. " Guaranteed for 5gb and colds, throat and Inng "oablea, by all droggists. , 60o and $1. i ; needs no long search when you are informed of this meat mart. There is pleasure in eating, wholesomeness and health in every pound of beef, mutton, lamb or veal that comes from out this store. Tenderness and juciness with out even saying it much less putting it in print. Have you seen the calendar m J. H. Ahlf's Window which they have secured for their customers? It is a beauty. A. L. KITCHIN, Salesman Lawn, Garden, Cemetery, or Wrou ght Iron Fence or Gates TREES FROM Badly Mixed Up Abraham Brown, of Winterton, K. v" had a verv remarkable exper i nee; be says: "Docto-s got bsdlv mixed up over me; one said heart disease; two called it kidney trooble; the fourth blood poiaon, and the fifth stouiachand liver trooble; but none of them helped me. so my wife ad vised trying Electric Bitters, which are restoring me to perfect health One bottle did me more good than all the fire doctori prescribed Goaran teed for blocd poison, weakneee and all stomal, liver and kidney complaint.. by all droggiw t Ltgal blink at to coorier oe Uanj llining Hatters i J. E. Kirk and son Tom made so other of their clean ops at the Lucky Bar, oo Sardine creek, securing a gold brick weighing over 80 ounces, or valuing over $600, says the Gold Hill News. This was an exception ally good ran, being the returns from only 18 tons of ore. They have been mooing in an exceedingly rich streak of ore for the past two weeks and will soon be ready for another mill ran that will probably go even better than this one. These genttlemeo make a clean-up of this kind a boot every six weeks and are demonstrating that onr mines can be made to pay good returns if handled by men woo are practioal and economical miners. Will L. Ireland was at Jacksonville, the first of the week making arrange ments for having some assessment work done 6a a promising mining claim which he owns on Forest Creek in that rag ion. He also visited at Medford, on bis retnrn trip. While in Grants Pass, Monday, in company with his step-brother, Grant Patton, the Placer mining man had a rather onpleasant experience. He was doing some trading at the Hair-Riddle Hardware Co's store and fell over in a fainting spell. Dr. J. C. Smith happened to be near at hand and was called to to treat the in sensible man. Mr. Patton bad no less than three of these spells and tbe last one was very hard. The trouble was pronounced by Dr. Smith to be due to stomach troubles. He was so improved as to be able to return to Plaoer, Tuesday. Notice of locations of quarts min ing claims have been filed of record In the County Clerk's office as follows: "Cobalt No. 4" by Henry L. Qolvin ; "Daisy," at head of Brass Nail Gulch, and adjoining "Little Daisy." by R. G. Smith; "Colorado," at head of Brass Nail Galoh and adjoin ing "Little Daisy," by R. G. Smith; "Mohawk," in AHhouse district, by W. T. Coborn; "Hank." in Alt house distriot, by Henry Colvin. F. W. Capp et al, hare "located the "White Cedar" placer claim, io the Rowell Creek unorganized mining district. Lsie Grimes and others have filed location for "The Miller Bar Ditch," tapping the waters of Rock Creek. Chester and Tyler Irwin 'arrived from Idaho this week to visit with relatives and old time friends in this city. They nsed to re'ide here but fot the past seven years have been extensively engaged in mining in Idaho, the famous "Salmon River" camp. Cheater is superintendent and Trier treasurer of tbe ''Goodeuongh" mines, which are located in the Mar shall diatrict. Tbe ote is quite good, having af oar foot vein which aver ages $40 assay, to tbe ton in tine gold. They had a few choice sam ples of the ore, which they showed the Courier man and they were good to look upon, as they were supposed to make all of $o0,000 to the tou. These mining men may decide to remain here permanently, for they firmly believe that the mining indus try in this region is going to come right to the front and besides they want to get away from the bad.win ter up in the Idaho country, where the snow last year was 22 feet deep on the summit of the mountains aud all of four feet at the mines. R. S. Moore, who baa leaned the "Baby Mine," on Jumpoff-Jo, was in Grants Pas and he stated that he now has a small crew of men at work on this promising property, which is owned by Boise end Sacra mento paries aud as the suBson ad vaucea will put on more. This mine now has a five stamp mill and give promise cf making a good showing this season. J. H. Mills and his step-brstbr, Giant Patton, two of Placer's pro gressive mining men were transacting bosioeas at the county seat this week These gentlemen, in addition to owning a very promising mine out in the Plaoer country, have also secured two fine ranches and are to be coo gratolat"! upon having ao many things coming their way. A. S. Dowoiog, Harvey Book and others have sold their interests in the Oregon Bells mine, located in Forest Creek diatrict. to G. W. Trootmine and his associates. The sheriff re cently faoiliated the freeze-out game that is being played there, and it is expected that this mine, which was a consistent prodooer, will be operated again as soon as the undesirable stock holders have been thoroughly dis possessed. The Jacksonville Post says that John Tremberth, tbs mine manager, llt but Sunday morning for Sooth America on a Gold booting expedi tloo. A number ef prominent Jack sonville capitalists are furnishing tbe foods wberewitb to explore that country and "Jack" feels confident he will return within IS months with million. ' There are tome immensely rich gold propoaitioas in that country that bave yet been undeveloped and 'tis said that the sanda of the Amazon river are filled with yellow metal to snob an extent that the natives strop it up Willi a paddle for shovel and pan out from $100 to $1000 day and then traOe it te tha white mea for any old thing. c . tons of poor stu;f; but our name isn't on it Go by the name. Your grocer returnt roar money it yon doa't Uke Schillmt't B'tt: n par bin. MUCH CONCERN FELT Ordinary Method " for Treating Catarrh Prove Unsuccessful. Recent statistics showing an in crease in catarrh have shaken the oonnuence or medical men in the usual prescriptions to safeguard human Health from tbe ravages of this di season. When stomach dosing provided In effective, it was natural to look for some otnei treatment, and it ia be lieved that in Hyomei, an absolute cure lor all "catarrhal troubles haa at last been found. Breathed through a neat pocket inhaler, its healing medication reaches every spot where there are catarrhal germs, destroys them, prevents their futnre growth, and soothes the irritated mucous membrane ao that relief is felt almost instantly, while lasting cure Is practically sore to follow. The complete Hoymel outfit costs out ai, and is sold by Demaray under an absolute agreement to refund the money if it does not give satisfac tion. It is the only core tor catarrh that has ever been sold under a guar antee to cost nothing nnless it cares, bat Demaray has so muoh faith in its power to care all catarrhal troubles that be is willing to take tbe risk, so if Hyomei does not help yon, there will not be a penny's expense. Get an on t fit at once on this liberal plan. VALUE OF STREET TREES. Nething Adds $ Muoh t a Tewn'a Beauty. There Is a pleasing unanimity of opin ion among writers and lecturers on street trees regarding their value to abutting property as well as to the community In general. Professor Q. L. Stone, botanist at the Massachusetts Agricultural college, in a lecture before the Worcester County Horticultural so ciety opened with the following appre ciative words: "There is nothing which adds so much to the beauty of a town or city as shade trees, and persons of good taste appreciate this fact One will no tice In traveling that the vlllugea adorn ed with a large number of beautiful shade trees are those In which bave ex isted for soma time considerable public spirit, refinement and culture. On the other haud, mill towns whose Inhab itants hare no permanent homes are usually notable for their lack of trees and embellishments In general. Shade trees, however, possess another value, that of utility, and we wish to call at tention to this feature because It Is not generally appreciated and furthermore because It will appeal to the practical man, who Is little In sympathy with the beautiful In nny form. The decisions of courts In tbe I'nited States have In more than one Instnnce proved that trees possess a property value and In many cases from $."0 to 20 or more bus been awarded to the abutter for Uie destruction of a single tree. It makes little dl.Terence whether a tree Is locat ed on the street or on private land or whether It Is set out by the town or city or by the nliutter, since a tree In front of n piece of property adds value to It, nnd the nbutter can claim dam ages for the destruction of such a tree. An elm tre eighteen to twenty Inches In diameter, for example, may be worth $10O to $300, and one would experience little difficulty In obtulnlng recompense for its destruction." That's It Congh yourself into 'a Iflt of spasms and then wondr why yoa don't get well. If yon will only try a bottle of BalUrd'a Horehound Strap yonr cough will be a thing of the pst. It ia a positive cure for Oourbs, In flueu.. Bronchitis and all Pulmonary diseases. One bottle will oonvince vou at your druggist, 2.V, K)c, $1. at National Drag Co. and at Dema ray 'a The Harvest Victim. By the middle of each September England will be dotted over with stacks of corn, and almost all of them when thatched will be crowned with a wisp of straw tied on to a stick or a pitchfork and looking at a distance about ss much like s bird as a scare crow looks like a roan. This almost universal and apparently meaningless custom is a relic of the pagan times before the Roman ciuaueet. when the tillers of the soil killed a buman victim to propitiate the spirit of the corn and . burled him or part of him In the staca. Our wisps of straw represent the effi gy which in later days was substituted for the victim. Traces of this super stltlon are found all over the world and In aJmost every century, survivor of the dim ages wben man looked uoon the gifts of nature as a boon to be bought with a price of blood. Westminster Gazette. X x Master Ralph Swlnden was viaiUng Arthur Faria laat Souday. Xmas. will soon be her with all its good things, are you all ready? Did yon notioe how many ancestors "Shorty" has? A Ion so Hyde was at the county seat last week with a load of produce, Mr. Hyde bat aboot a too of the finest onions ever raised on Applegate soil. - Mr. Haberman, Isq., took a load of dressed, fat hogs to the local markets one day last week. O-rar Williams and sister Ella and M. M. Bothard were at the county seat one day last week. Earl Topping took a sick horse to town last week, belonging to Charles Roberts of that oity. Tbe Laarel Grove Ditch Co. bave their ditoh all closed up aud a'e ready for the heavy winter rains that we niav expect. H. E. Gething and son, Harry, the genial mining men, have been doing mining work on their property of late aud are well pleased with the out look. Mr. Gething is a good mining man and a rustler and hopes to make it win in the near future. They have fine body of ore at present on the domps.and more in sight too. One more week will close a snocees tul term of school: at Laurel Grove and then tbe holidays.. We are In formed there will be two months of school after the holidays George vinlng was at the county seat laat Saturday for a load of sup plies for Mr. Bailey tbe genial mer chant of Provolt. Messrs. Jeff and David Lindsay were called to the funeral of their f ither who was bnried at that place last Thnrsday. Our reporter bas known Mr. Lindsay fer M years and lived by bim on the Applegate, where be resided for ao many years. He was a pioneer of the early days. We are told that the Michigan niiue is to start operations soon, but there seems to be nothing definite concern ing the statement. I will say to yon "Sherty" that I am not looking after yon at all as my time Is too valuable to fool away like that. What kind of laws will we have yet? The law says we shall not shoot qnail or duok now. If not, whsn shall we kill them when they are mothering? The quail are in large bevies now aud the dncks in bands and the only proper lime to aboot 'em is In the winter from now on. The Lewinen of Provolt is always oroaking about Provolt. One would think, who did not know that valley that it waa tbe garden of Eden with no one bat Tom in it, but I know that valley and it is no belter than the Applegate valley around Laurel Grove as far as land and water or fruit is concerned. Sounds like Med ford to hear him croak. RED CLOUD. A Square Deal I aMiired you when you buy Dr. Tierce's family medicines for all tbe Ingredi ent. entering Into them are printed on tho bottle-wrappers and their formulas are atteti-d under oath as being; complete and correct. You know Just what you are iaylng fur and that the Ingredients are gathered from Nature's laboratory, being selected from the most valuable native medicinal roots found growing In our American foreQTidjhlle potent to cura are perrfcti harrrlsjvtato the most delicate wotneViitJTTilluTWr Not a d my in jtronnt enier- ,mo lnr.r r ,mi ,.,mli. Ami,.!. hrUrr ,ui i,l Kus.il l,lli Jiir L'X- Aniljili hrUrr ,u, i,l Kus.il l,lli Jiir I.' ii j. I . uy ami ify rvh.A tl.e, iiii:illilii nriiiL-Tile UMtl IH tl;;;m.ylt.-tiiirc, Lrufl n:ui'i glycerine. This agent posses n:lim'iT nlycernn. Thla agent possesses Intrinsic mi aicinai propertim of IU own. being a tnuBt VHliiabinaiiiincptic anu antt fernient, nutritive and soothing demul cent. Glycerine plays an Important part In Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical liisoovery In tbe cure of Indigentlon, dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, heart-burn, foul breath, coated Wirigiio, poor atitiettte, gnawlug feeling in stom ach, billouaneiM and kindred derange aunts of lbs stomach, liver aud bowels. Keildea curing all the above distressing alluienta. then(iililen Medical Discovery " Is a specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes, as catarrh, whether of the natal paMasys or of the stomach, bowels or pelvic organs. Even In 1U ulcerative Uih It will yield to this sovereign rem edy If Its use b persevered In. InChronlt r trrh nf the Nasal nauires. It la well. while taking tbe "Golden Medical lds- eovery " lur the necessary constitutional treatment, to cleanse tha passgs freely two or three times a day with Or. Sage's Catarrh Ki-medy. This thorough course of treatment generally cures the worst eisi. a to Roailia and hoeraeneu rauwd by bron chial, thrust and I una efferlUmi. cireptcoa umplion In IU td'ancvd slam, the "Uuldea Mndlral Dlvrirery" It a trmt rnini rem A9 Mnrlftllv to thoM bballnal. bans-on eoufhtcautMl by Irritation and ronjrxnltixi of the bronrhial mumui m-mrirane. j ne - imi eoterr " am vi a 'h1 fur trulm mvt hs aria in from euiiriin mlda. nor null U be ei pectd to cure mnnutnpilnn In lu edvanrrd siacne no u.i-UI'-lrie will do that but for all the o'ttnetr. rhronte rotia-ha, which, ir nrt lrt& ur badly trwatd. lead up u cofiiumir tloo. It U th hMt mtxllrlne that ran bw tan A Danjtroui Deadlock that sometimes terminates fatally, is the stoppage of liver and bowel func tions. To quickly end this couditlo'i without disagreeable sensations. Dr. King's New Life Pills should always . our renjei Goaraoteed ebeo lately astisfsotory in every case or j money back at all drug stores, i'tc. LAUREL GROVE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. .' Land Office at Roaebnrg, Oregon., November tod, 1D07, Notice is herebv given that HENRY 8. W VN ANT, of Grants Paaa. Oreann. h fllt notice of his intention to make final prwi in aupport of his claim, via: Pre-emption Declaratory Statement No. 7St made November 18th. 189 for the N Wt NWif Section 18, . township 87 South. Range 8 W. W. M., aud (bat said proof will be made before Joseph Moss. U. 8. Com missioner at Grants Pais. Oregon, on Holiday. December SSrt, 1907. He namea the following witnesses to prove bis settlement, iueabitaney. non-alienation, etc. of said land, ls: W. H. Flanagan, of Grants Pass, Oregon; H. C. Bobsien. of Grants Pane. Ore., Olark Hathaway, of Ap plegate Valley, Ore, George W. Lewis, of Grants Pass. Ore. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land. Act Jane 8, 1878. Roaebnrg. Ore. Nov. , 11)07. Notioe ia hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lauds in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as exteuded to all tbe Public Land States bv act of August 4, 18U3 PATRICK O DONNELL. of Camas Valley, county of Dooglas State of Oreton, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 867a, for the purchase of the EW of the NV4 and the NEt4' of the SWW of sectiou No. 80, Township 84 South, of Range 4 W. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber and stone than lor agricultural purposes and to establish bis claim to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this of floe at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tneaday. tbe 88th day of January, 1IWS. . J He names as witnesses: B. Kraken berger, of Roseburg, Oregon ; Warren Beatty, Roseburg, Ore.. Grant Taylor, of Winchester, Ore., John Q. Gilbert of Rossbnrg, Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming ad versely tbe above described lands are requested to file their claims in this of doe on or before said 18th day of January, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE rOR PUBLICATION. , Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.' Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 18, 1907. Notioe Is hereby riven that In com- plianoe w th the provisions of tha Act of Congress of Jane 8, 1878, entitled " An Act for the sale of timber Lands In the Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory. " as extended to all Pnhllo Land States by aot of August 4, 18U3, LILLIAN M. KNAGGS, of Harrison, County of Kootoal, Slate of Idaho, filed in this office her sworn statement No. 8A87 for the purchase of the SWk of the NWk. WW of tbe HW4- and lot, 1 of Section No. 18, in Towuship No. 87 South of Range No. 7 west, w. on., and win offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Us timber or stone than for agrionltural purposes, and to ea Ubltah her claim to said land before the Joaeph Moss, United Statos Oomniiss oner, at his office in Grants Pass, Oregon, on Monday, the 17tn day of February, 1908. lie name! as witnesses: Martin A. Conger, of Grants Pass. Ore.. Kmmett R. Conger, of Wilderville, Oregon William Bn II of Grants Pass, Ore., Clarence A Packer, of Harri son, Idaho. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tbe above described lauds are reotiMited to file thnir claims in tliia olflueou or before said 17th day of February, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. F. G. ROPER Fjtaslitoautsla T A.L 1L.O It. IVC Courier Blk op stairs SUITS MA DP. TO O R D ' it P'rmnilv ee-' rwai material and u latest style. CLEANING AND REPAIRING J.E. PETERSON (pioKisa) FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE REAL E8TATEJ AGENT. Btlll doing buainees at tbe old stand. Cor. Hlzth and V street. Qbts Pass, Oasao. UlWres's favorite toulo is White's Cream Verniifogi, the core for worms and all children's diseases. It not only kills the worms, bat remove the muooas and slime in which thsy build tbeir nests. Its action on the child is mild and leaves elm In a healthy con dition. Jo Daniel, Hormao, Tenu., eavs that h gave one of bis children White's Cream Vermifoge when th doctor thooght it had oolic, and from the Aral dose the child passed 71 worms. For sale by National Drag Co. and by Demaray. f-ely te Bad and early to riae, make one healthy, happy and wise, especially if yoa lake Herblne before retiring. A posi tive cure for Constipation, Dyspepsia ana an liver complaints. Mrs. o , Colombia. Tenn., writes: "I always keep a supply of your Herbine on hand. Am so pleased with the relief it gives in constipation and all liver complaints, that words can't express my appreciation. For sale by National Drug Co. and by Demaray, . wins iree.