Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 13, 1907, Image 7

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-. VW Iv K A r 1.1 a" ." IIM KiaiB I IHI M kM KHH I 4 IV17
gf Bee Hive
Stationery, Post Cards,
Bicycle Supplies, Mission
Furnitnre, Novelties,
Before buyitlg see our line of
Christmas Goods. We ean
save you money. Repair shop
In connection. We repair
Bicycles and Locks, Guns,
Furniture, etc.
309 6th tS. Grants Pass, Ore.
The Youth's
It Comes Every Week
Among the contents of the New Volume
for im will be
250 Good Stories
Serial Stories, Stories of Charac
ter, Adventure and Heroism.
350 Contributions
Article; Sketches, Reminiscen
ces by Famous Men and Women.
1000 Graphic Notes
on Current Events, Discoveries and
Inventions in Nature and Science.
2000 One-Minute Stories,
. Bits of Humor and Miscellany,
the WeefclyHealth ArticleTimely
EditoriaIs,TlKartdrcn's Page,ctc.
. StU Oapke of Mm Ttpar nivtrnM 1mm.
tun Sat 1HS Mat Irto W 4af Uilnoi.
Every New Subscriber
who cnta ent and Modi this stlp
at once with name and address
, and fi.73 will rccclv
All th luMI .of Th Companion
for th tunatnlns; week of 1907.
th Tkankagtvine;, Chriatntaa and
MW Year1 Doable Nntnbere.
The Companion's Ponr-IVeaf Bank
ing Calendar for 1908, then
The Companion for the S weeks
of 1008 library of the beet read
ing for every member of the family.
ttew BUbMjriptlou received at tliU onloe.
A Fresh Complezioa
is preserved tad produced by
JLobertine, mild, delightful
preparation, delicately fragrant,
r Makes the skin exquiiitely softi
banUhesetackled appearance caused
bv over-drvnessi reduces the tin of
n1am1 num. cleanses then, re
duces anamination and spreads an even,
' nian crinw tin va wholesome nourish
ment of skin f lands and stimulation of
the capillaries which also teed ine
skin and supply its healthful color.
Atkymr Druggidfrrajhtiamtu y
Hundreds of Grante Readers
Know What It Means
The kidne's are overtaxed; Have
too much to do. They tell about 11 in
mauv aches and pains-Backache,
sideache, headache, early symptoms
of kidney ill Urinary troubles,
diabetes. Brinh'i diseas follow.
L. Matthews, of 1213 Short St
Rosebtirg, Ore., says "I was troubled
with backai he and kidney complaint
and thoutih I ufed a gieat many
remedies and spent lots of money for
treatment, I could get do positive re
lief I Imrt iny back at one time and
that seemed to make me ptTUiBneut
trouble. Being attracted bv.a.e
raeiite, recommeoding Doau s Kiduey
Pills. I decided to try them, and Rot
a box. Since using Doan s Kidney
PiUa my kidneys have been acting n
a normal way and have gathered tone
and etreoKth. The achmK and ether
symptoms have gone. 1
tloasly state that Doan". Kidnej r Pills
are the test kidnev remedy I know
of.'" For sale by all Dea. P n
SO cents. Foster-Milbnrn (xv, Buffalo,
New York. Sole agents for the
United Staes. KememUr the uame
Doao's and take no other.
"You Jlned de church, en you got ter
leave off yo' liquor now."
"I know It, but I livlu' In hopes dat
a rattlesnake'Il bite me."
Itttti . . .
tt lie t sees a)jds 441
I HrHfmvvWHfvrHvtW
The various churches of Grants Pass
will observe the customary week of
I ... .. ,Bier meeting, beginnlnB
wiw the first Monday in J.nDary
then each church will proceed to bold
services in iu own edifio6) of ev,n.
gelistio nature. Each organisation in
the oity is making speoial preparation
lor that ooming event and moeb good
is eipected to result therefrom. Al
ready the interest is growing and
thrra ffilnT t.ngs
tbat it will undoubtedly be time of
great rejoicing , among the many
church workers of this city.
An interesting iucident of local
church happeninca haa Antria rn rka
- - c- vvoaav u tUD
tonrier's notice, which is well worth
repeating. It seems that about three
years ago Miss Frickle, an earnest
and devoted Deaconess of the Metho
dist nomination visited thl Mt.
addressed a large meeting of the mem"-
wrs or Newman church.' She was
decidedly interesting
and her remarks aroused much fervor
among the hearers for the cause she
so eloquently represented. She TMeth.
odist fashion, took up collection at
the close of her excellent speech, for
the cause of missions and told her
hearers that if they wanted to help in
the good cause they could not onlv
put in any cash they might have at
their disposal, but that in case they
had not the ready cash and wanted to
have a part in . the work, they might
donate jewelry or artioles of that
nature. As a result of this unique
announcement, handsome diamond
ring was found in the collection hoi
bat the donor was unknown. la faot
it bag just recently come to lieht that
R. R. H. Harrison, 'who was then
residing here, but who is now living
at Oregon City, gave the unusual gift.
The ring was valued at $35 by a Port
land jeweler, but when it was taken to
the great meeting Home of Missionary
Workers, of the Methodist church.
reoently held at Boston, it was dis
played and aroused moeb enthu
siasm. The sum of S50 was verv
readily raised for the ring aad it
was then decidsd to ' return it to the
sacrificing donor, and that the name
of the person offering it became
The pastor a 0. Bookman, will
speak both morning and evening.
Morning sermon at 11 will be the fifth
in the series on "Some Evidences that
Jesus is the Christ", entitled "The
Testimony of Miracles." Evening
subject "God's Goodness, What?"
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Junior
League at 8 p. m. Epworth League
at 0:30. Yon will find a cordial wel
come. Already the rev:val spirit seems to
pervade Newman church, for the Sun
day services were very impressive.
Foor new converts have come oot on
the right side and many others are
beginning to make inquiry as to their
soul's welfare.
Tuesday afternoon the Ladies' Aid
Society held an interesting meeting
and made plans for having a "Watch
Night Social," New Year's Eve.
This is to be followed by the regular
"Watch Nitfht Service," from 11 to
13 o'clock, with a sermon by the pas
tor Fuller particulars will be an
nounced later.
Preparations for the observance of
the f hri'tmae season are progressing
nicely. The Christmas Sacnd Con
cert will occur Sunday evening, De
cember 22 and then on Tuesday even
ing, December 24 will come the big
Christmas tree and appropriate exer
oises. The Junior League has a member
ship of 81 and during the pact quarter
the average attendance has been PI,
which is certainly a very nice show
ing Bnd very encouraging to the pas
tor and members of the church.
Miss Clflra Watson, an able anl
sweet sitigpr of Tacoma, Wa-h., will
be here to have charge of the eiuging
and eolo work during the special
revival meetings which begin January
13. She is regarded as one of the
finest singers cn the coast and she
has created quite a sensstion at Taco-
itna. Other features of the coiuinii
evsngelisic services will b snnounced
from time to time as they are pre
There are many things to indicate
that the people of Bethany are expect
ing great things from the special
evangelistic meetings which will be
held the second week in January. The
pastor and p-ople are UDited in this
matter, which means a grest deal for
this church. That rich blwsings are
in store for tl: -m, they have not the
(lightest d'Hibt.
At the hfiie cf Mrs. Geo. H. Par
kTf, the Ladies' Missionary Society
held a most enjoyable and helrful
meeting Friday afternoon. The incle
ment weather di3"not hinder the mem
bers from coming out to participate in
the interesting program.
Friday evening the newly organized
Bethany Fraternal Club." which is
composed of the members of one of the
noys cusses held an important busi
ness meeting. Several naw members
were duly initiated and a good time
it reporetd.
The plans for the proper observance
of Christmas are well under way, the
various committees doing their res
pective work in a thorough manner.
There will be fine Christmas Con
cert Sunday evening, December 23, in
whicb the Sunday school scholars wrll
participate and on Wednesday evening
will come the customary Christmas
tree. .
It is very gratifying to both pas
tor and members to see Bethany
Sunday morning services so largely
attended. This it a very significant
indication, in and of itself and means
much for the welfare of both the
ohurchand its membership. This is al
so true of the mid-week prayer service
and may be taken as an indication
that the church is on the eve of a
great spiritual awakening.
The following services will be con
ducted at Bethany church next Sun
day, December 15, 1907: 11 a. m
Morning worship. Theme of sermon:
"Remember Jesus Christ." 7:80p;
m. Evening worship. Theme of
sermon: "In the Tempest: How
Reach Port" 10 a. m. Bible School
under the superititendeucy of H. C.
Kinney. S p. m. Jr. C. E. in church
parlors. 6:30 p. m. Devotional
Hour of the Y. P. & O. E. To any
or all of these mestings a cordial in
vitation it extended to all.
At the Fiist Baptist Church, Sun
day, December 15 the theme of the
morning sermon will be "What she
could." The Bible School kas its
session ai 11 -.46. A. L. Edgerton will
have charge of the Young Peoples'
meeting at 6:30. Subject "Confi
dent Testimony for God." The class
sttfdying "The Uplift of China"wiH
have an ' ' Open Session' ' at 7 :S0. You
are cordially invited. - ' ' .
This week the Mission Study class
complete their course. The one-third
of the human race in the Paoifia
basin have proven a timely and fasci
nating study. A class about twice
the sire of last year bas been broad
ened and stimulated and by this
Christian culture study. On the
near horizon ttill looms the eventful
day. The birth of Christ, the Can
tata by which that event it celebrated
it of the beat. Music and words and
characters bring that event near to
the eye and ear. Supt. Roy Hackett
it giving oarefnl supervision to its
The greater event in a sense, be
cause we pray it may mean an in
dividual Bethlehem ior many, is the
Evangelistic meetings beginning Jan
uary 13. To some, H. Wise Jones is
oot a stranger. His presentation of the
Gospel leads to intelligentoonsidera
tion. It is the utterances of an ear
nest, tender and convincing speaker.
Of his singer, Bro. Spf ar, those who
know lum say: "Bro. Spear is the
greatest success with young people I
have ever seen. " Btf ore their coming
a week of prayer will be held at the
The members of the ladies Christian
missionary society are planuiug ou
having Dr. Loceil Hugh of the
Chinese misfion of Portland here for
two addreifes on their work in Port
laud. Frank Ell's, president of the En
deavor has been to Dallas recently aud
will bring back auy good suggestions
which he may get from the Dallas en
deavor society.
The Christian Chorrh it looking
forward to th revival ineoting to be
conducted by Brother J. N. McConi ell
of Eugene with great anticipation
He is a man of pleading appearance
aud convincing argooieuta.
Mrs. W. J. Stovall Sunday School
class ga've very interesting eniertain
meet last Friday evening. They gave
several readings and sotigt all of
which were very well received. Ihe
Christian church at Ashland is doing
a splendid work. The Sunday -chool
is the most prosrerons in the city.
Nearly all the Christian Churches in
Southern Oregon are heaving a steady
The Sunday School last Wfek began
a "nickle" contest to help raise
money for the old church debt. The
school was divided into a reJ and yel
low coatest with Mr. Stovall aud Mr.
Cowdrev as leaders. Paul Walker
help Mr Stovall and Robert Beachy,
Mr. Cowdrey. Two long red and yel
low ribbons were t tubbed on the wall
and the one filling the ribbon with
nickles first wins the contest.
Sunday's services at this church
will be as follows: Sunday
School at 10 a.' m., preachiBg 11
"The Raoe Before Ua." as subject ;
JnniorS p. m., C. E. 6:30 and T:8u
sixth sermon on series: "The Man
Christ Jesus." We expeot you there.
First National Bank Statement.
Statement of the condition of the
First National Bank of Southern Ore
gon on call of the Comptroller of the
currency, December, it, 1U07.
Loans and Discounts 363,187 99
Overdrafts 488 64
U. S. Bonds 13.600 00
Other Bonds and Seoorities 40,017 76
Reil Estate 2,-HX) 00
Building & Fixtures 13,333 W
Cash on Hand and in Banks 145, 137 83
$481,904 80
Capital f 60.000 00
Surplus and Und. Profits... 88,778 63
Circulation 13,600 00
Rediscounts, for Clearing
House Cert 9,000 00
Due Other Banks 418 90
Individual... $?73,058 33
Demand Cert 29,785 15
Time Certifl. . 69,375 00371,813 88
t !81.904 80
Missouri Judge's Suggestion to
Build One by Taxation.
From Every Ounce ofFueL
i$J V
Cole County Jurist Would Have Spe
cial Road Districts Under an Act
of 1905 Citizens May Organise Tor
Taxes to Make Pikes.
The citizens of the central Missouri
counties along the line of the southern
route of the proposed state highway
from Kansas City to St. Louis are
zealous In their efforts to organize spe
cial road districts ns provided for un
der the act of 1905, says a Jefferson
City (Mo.) correspondent of the Kansas
City .Times. This lnw authorizes the
formation of special road districts con
taining not less than 2,000 acres of
land which can be assessed for the
building of roads.
Judge Henry B. Bode, presiding
judge of the county court of Cole coun
ty, has devised a simple plan for the
construction of rock roads. Ills plan
it meeting with the Approval of the
citizens and the county courts In the
neighboring rountle along the route.
Ills plan Is to bare each district Con
sist of sixty-four forty-acre tracts ar
ranged In a rectnngle four miles long
and a mile wide. Through the center
of this a mile of rock road la to run.
The levy of a direct tax of SI on each
acre would create a fund of 12500,
which, It Is estimated, would construct
A mile of rock road under ordinary
conditions. The district could lie lar
ger, however, and more money raised.
The tax could be paid In fifteen or
twenty years. The tax, of course,
would have to be levied In proportion
to the lienefits derived. Land nenr the
road would pay more than that farther
away In the same district.
These special road districts, under
the law of 1903, are organized In the
following manner:
The taxpayers of ony proposed dis
trict may petition the county court for
organization under this road law Into
a road district, giving the boundiirle
and the total nnmlier of acres In the
proposed district. The county court Is
then empowered to Issue an order for
a temporary organization and shall ap
point three commissioner to assess
the benefits to accrue to the laud. This
shall lie done with reference to the lo
cution of thu land to the rouil. The
land adjoining should of course pay
more than the land ut a dlstauce. Aft
er the commissioners make their re
port to the court, after the temporary
organization Is effected, the court will
then submit to the Mtr the proposi
tion of fixing the f:::. 11 ' mid sulmilt
all three plans for i.;l. I. ; :!ie money.
It shall siieclfy whctl.i;- ilie money
shall lie raised at once, by direct taxa
tion which will be within 0110 year or
whether bonds shall be Issued payable
In five or twenty years und to provide
a sinking fund to pay the bonds aud
the Interest.
The court shall advertise the srieclal
election and the proposition submitted,
and the real estate owners have the
right to vote according to tlie amount
of laud they own. They may cast one
vote for each acre of land they own
within the district. For Instance, the
mau who owns forty acres has forty
votes, and the owner of 120 acres geti
that many votes. If a majority vote
for either propoHitloii, then the aaine
shall le declared carried, und the as
scssineiit will he levied according to
the lieucUts lU;d by the commission
ers. However. If the majority of the
votes are against all of the proposl
tlons the court shall pay the cost out
of the road fund of the county and the
district shall I dissolved and the pro
ceedings xtnpiied, aud they cannot
again he voted on for two years.
The county courts of Cole aud Moni
teau counties have recently awarded a
Joint contract for the construi tloii of
a wagon bridge across the Moreau rlv
er midway between Jefferson City and
California which when finished can b
Utilized for the new state highway over
the southern route.
When the mercury drops out of sight, and
you just can't keep the house warm, you'll
lind it wonderfully convenient to use 1
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
It's very light carry it toout heal ny cold ,
room. Turn the with high or low no ,
dangrr no smoke no smell. Easily cared
ior and gives nine hours ol
coxy coralort tt one filling ol
brass lont Finished in
nickel and japan. Every
healer warranted.
rith in 0oJ ! rfraJr.
bnlWt light Idol hr
lh Ions wutsr tveninot
ned in ky il ww't lit ywr tya. Lata! improves' mitral
full turner. Mult el krut, nickel pUkd. Every kms Miranttd.
II your dealer caniwt lupply the Rays Limp er Pcrhcuea Oil
Huler,' vmte our numt agency lor a descripCvt drtultr.
Lownev s Candies
Gunther's Candies
Full assortment in all sized prckages to be found at
Formerly Herman Homing.
JA.fOl(iER" .. -
. in every tin of .
Golden Gate Coffee
EttablUhed 1830
Early Refrigeration.
The most ancient method of making
Ice Is practiced In parts of India.
Holes are made In the ground, dry
straw Is put at (he bottom of these,
and on It at the close of the day are
placed pans of water which aro left
until the nest morning, when the Ice
that Is found within the pans Is col
lected. This Industry Is curried on
only In districts where the ground Is
dry and will readily absorb the vapor
gtveu off from the water In the pa us.
The freezing, of course. Is duo to the
great amount of heat absorlMd by the
vnpor lu passing from Its liquid to Its
gaseous form.
Another ,ir's eys was practiced In the
day of ancient Koine, when thu wealthy
are said to have had their wiucs cool
ed by havlnn the bottles placed 111 wa
ter Into which saltpeter was thrown,
the bottles beliiK the while rotated.
I)r. Cui'eu In IT.Vi discovered that
the evaporation of water could be fa
cllltated by the removal of the pres
sure of the atmosphere and that by
doing this water could be frozen.
Nairn In 1777 discovered that sulphur
ic achl would absorb the vapor of wa
ter If placed lu a second vessel sep
arate from that containing the water
but connected with IL This discovery
he put to use In 1S10 by constructing
an apparatus for absorbing the vapor
of the water that It was desired to cool
or freeze. This apparatus greatly fa
cilitated the freezing i-ratlous of a
vacuum freezing machine.
In China the detection of false coins
Is a skilled, prosperous profession,
known as "shroffing," and Is taught In
special schools.
The Black Sea.
The llluck sea ilifTer lu a most re
markable manner from other lakes and
sens A uurfiu current flows contin
ually from It Into the Mediterranean
aud an undercurrent from the Medi
terranean Into the HiB'-k sea The lat
ter current U salt and, being heavier
than the fresh water above It, becomes
stagnant at the bottom, llelng satu
rated with sulphureted hydrogen, thla
water will not maintain life, aud so
the Blrck sea contains no living thing
below thu depth of about a hundred
fathoms. Its area is ltlM.noO square
miles. It la 740 miles long, aad Its
greatest width Is .'1!M miles.
Burglar's Notebook.
"Here Is an Interesting flod," said
Lecoo,, the detective. "It Is a burglar's
nolelKwk Instructions for the burglari
ous young. Usten, and I'll read yon
some extracts."
He opeued the little yellow book and
"To keep from sneezing, close eye
and okmi mouth aud pruss upper Up
till desire vanishes.
"Use turpentine to drill Iron If It la
'Tut hard euap Into cut when sawing
off psdhs'ks.
"Black the fare when doing Job and
carry aoap and pier of ailrror to wash
eff with; also carry towel
'Tut ruhlier washer on bottom of
v1m to make soundless.
"Carry vial of tincture of arnica for
cuts aud bruises.
"Try all chisels before using.
"I He electric lamp; never th uld
fashioned oil lantern.
"To break window, cut with dia
mond and then spread thick whit
lead on llaimel und pn-HS from.
"Hold lump always nt arm's leugtn
when lit. Then, !' It Is shot ar, yod
will not be hit "-St Iiuls !.ubllr.
U iw
i uudh rtymp. 'J C-aL U'
In (itiim