JtOGUB JUVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, DECEMBER 13. 1907, Rogue Rive r Fruit Notes t TH v Profitable Pointers Regarding the Industry Gathered From i Various Sources In This Ftxvored Section of Oregon. 4 'Itellyoo we frolt growers must , bihtle of this region than he had stand tOKether, " laid one member of th Grants Taas Frolt Orowors' As sociation aud then lie contiaod: "We mar not hare things come all our way, this year, owing to onto ward circumstances and couditiom "which we caonot help. But In the fotare the wisdom of thui pulling to gether will bnoome very evident. Indeed, thii has been the history of all sucli oooperative matter and in auch unions thre in boond to be strength. Si I would say to the member who is inclined to become weak kneed over the way things have gone this season, don't Rive tip the tight. It's always darkest just before dawn." J. A. Perry, president of the Rogue Hirer Fruitgrowers' Union, stated today that financial conditions have had little bearing opon the fruit ship ping industry of the Union. He says : "We have shipped to date all varieties of apples which we have handled at date' corresponding to this in pre vious years. We have received good prices for all fruit shipped, and we now have in transit to London and other markets, for which we shall also receive good prices, as I think the English market will not be sub jected to financial conditions a in the United States." J. F. Burke, who owns a fonr acre piece of land on West Fifth street has been finding that it pars to raise frnit. He this seasoa bad some very fine pears and from foor trees he realized tittO in spot cash, whiob he thinks is prstiy good for beginner. He Is putting his ground In good con dition and now he will put out a lot more trees and In the course of a few years ne confidently expects to be ble to ship bit own frnit in car load lota to the large city markets. Mr. Burke came to this olty from Wash ington state and he is very muob pleased with the Rogae River-climate, which he thinks la bard to sur pass. Following is the latest bulletin of W. Dennis Se Boos of London on the condition of the London apple mar ket: "Our market this week on ap ples has given away a little, bat we re glad to note that the average daily quality of tha frnit thai has cams In the past week baa been considerably higher than heretofore. The market Is very active and readily absorbs nuwo ituMJiiues or apples are offering at what must be considered fairly satisfactory prloes. althoagb somewhat bslow Ibe level of last wetifc. Th following prices are oar rent: "Albemarle Pippins, 24 atlMs; Virginia Newtuwns. best qoality, 21 at 95s; do, second class, 15 at 20s; New .York Imperials, 80 at 83a; State Baldwins, 15 at 18s; State Un-onings, 10 at lus; Hex Kneels. H t ls; California Kewtowns, font-tier, bent quality. 13 at U per box; second qoality, 10 at lis; 4 tier, best quality, Ms; eeond quality 8 at Ms. ; Keiffer peais are in very strong demand today, and we have lllHdtf 111 lit 3()s hit brrl on ll sale. This nmrk,.t u ... i especially for ood. lur I hud for HtroiiK, fruit. "' A. A. Full.r is a new arrival in this city from Richmond, Illinois. He ha unenf Iml0, time and money in looking over th various fruit growing sections of the const and ooiuen to the Conclusion tW riol.i Roiriie Kivir ,. all. He is thinking quite seriously of eturtlng u uurserv 1'snm. for he Ami (!, there Is opening here for eoch au industry and I rinding ,,.,, U) ou. co.ir.iK-e him in the nndertaking. He means to know r 11 about this region for he has put 'on high K.ot. and has gone nut into all i-arts of fh .,.11... reports that thj iuvnl wi, a jsimt are umkinv for ho Iiuh re,'i r...l "'rr information ami much Letter fueling here in the the host nf them quite seriously here at Grants and he do not take such Kit mistake. now has a "bout the possi- I 1 1 II YsHT r lor men w hn Levi Strauss Co's Lppcr KivcteJ Ovli., tnc kind il,4t "WEARS" cul lull nmie rlcvisj denim before. "Grapes of New York" is a volome shortly to be issued from the Ueneva experimennt station. It is a fact probably not generally known there are approximately 2,600 acres of grapes in the Empire state. Ot this acreage 80,000 lies in the Chautauqua district 15,000 in the Canadaisua and Keuka district, 8000 along the Hudson river, 2000 in the Seneca lake district and 1600 in the Niagara district, with 1000 more acre scattered over the state. It is not alone snnny skies and balmy climates that bring the grape to fruition. Another LaOrande frnit grower has decided that the Rogue River is the coming part of the coast for the soo- cessfal growing of frnit and this per son is Win. Hall, a well to-do-citizen of that place. He is greatly tilrasrd ith the excellent prospects for thia entire seotlcn and be predicts great things for this valley. He spent much time in visiting the Famous Yakima valley and also looked carefully into the situation at Hood River, as well as in the Willamette Valley, but be has passed them one and all for the Rogue River Valley, where he proposes to obtain a choice piece of good orohard land and then settle down to spend his remaining days in this fine climate. Apple have beeo in heavy receipt this week, th bulk of the stock, dur ing the previous week, coming from Hudson River points, very little ar riving from western New York. Prices hav ruled lower this week than dnrlng anv previous week during the season, owing to the large offer ings and the rather slow demand ex cept for choioe stock. The majority of the sale hav ranged at from $2.26 to S3 per barrel. There has been a continued good demand for choice Baldwin and Greening, however, these varieties being wanted both for local consumption and for export. Baldwins have been bringing 13.26 to 93.60, and Greenings 93.60 to 94.60. Reports from state apple section are to th effeot that the farmer who have held their stock are new willing to dispose of it for lower figure than they could have secured a few week ago, bat Ibe balk of thl is rather poor stock, and th farmer may feel well satis fied with th prices which they have received for their good stock this season. Opinions differ regarding the future coarse of the market, it is t being argosd by some that th prloes will liksly be lower than was ex- j pertrd earlier in the season, owing to the scarcity of , mousy, and by others I that the bulk of the apple are al ready in the hand of men who are able to hotd them p to snch a price that will enable them 'to come out on the right side. A considerable quan tity of northwest box apples are be ing received, and they are selling at a very wide range of prices. The poor slock is sulliug down to 55 to 70o per box at auction, and the better grades fetoh .'.H3 to 11.10. Hood River Newtown Pipptr.a put in their apearanne here (luring the latter part of the week and were sold from store at 91 to M.60. Fruit Trade Journal. Adolph Kohlniao, who recently came here from Wisconsin and who purchased HO acres of fine 'land one mile east of Grants Pats, is now erect- j ing a neat residence and is gettinu everything in readiness to plane aj large uumlx-r of pesr, apple nd peach 1 tree. He will also try his hand at j raising grapes. He. like all other newcomers, is euthuniustio over the tine outlook for the frnit industry and sees a rosy lined future for the soo- i eesful fruit growers of this valley. Of course the climate is big item with him, as it is with all other easterners who wend their way hither to become residents in this favorel spot. The slump in the price of boxed ap ples from the Pacific coa-st is uot probably as great as sotue of the newspapers have retorted. The Kroit lnan's Guide said, November 16 "One of the features in apples during the week has been the lower teudencv on western box applt A good deal of this stock has found au outlet through the auction ro.m, and prices have been nusntisfactorv in the main, cost of laving rtock down here considered. the aln en Wediictdav a lot of ,V4 text's i f liaiiv s sold at from f 1.50 to 91. TO per box. Spilzenburgs sold at 9'J. t'O to .'.t!."i and Kouiau Beaoty at 91.75 per box. " Oregon Agriculturist. Watch for the opvuing. IVu't fail to attend the opening of the New Racket store tn t week. 1.' 0 '( GOING ON TILL And many people of Grants Pass and Josephine County are finding that it is to their interests to trade with the New Firm of W. J. GARDNER & CO., at E. C. DIXON'S OLD STAND. Her's the place for Holiday Trading, New Line of Ladies' Plain and Embroidery Handkerchiefs, Fancy Collars, Ladies' Hose and something very nicejn Ladies' Combs. Elegant Line of Men's Handkerchiefs and Wool Sox. We still continue selling out the Dixon old stock at cost Here Are Some Of Our Samples Boy's Fine Wool Suits that sold for $12.00 now go at $7.00 The $10.00 Suits now sell for $6.00 The $7.50 suits at $4.00 Ladies' and Misses' Rain Coats are selling below cost. $7.50 Suits now go at $3.00 The $5.00 Coats go at $2.00 These are Good, Desirable Goods AND WE PROPOSE TO Sell Regardless of Cost So if price is any condsitleration and the Quality of the Goods means anything to you, then we are the people you are looking for. Come and ses our Goods, get the prices and then compare with those at other places land we will risk the results. You will do just as many others are doing and will come and1 get Big Bargains at our store : WE MEAN JUST WHAT WE SAY w Yours for business, . GARDNER ft C.O Grants Pass' Bi$ Bargain Store