Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 13, 1907, Image 5

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    vciyk and measure everything you
buy American Grocer.
Mi, My! but
hat dinner
N&s Good!
Of course it was 'cause the
cook got hersupplte at the
White House Grocery
pie fine Apples and Winter
Nellis Pears this week.
pack, and White Figs
Pop Corn that Pops
f Raisins Buckwheat
Maple Sugar ad
Maple Syr tip
Iw Se:ded Raisins. New
rrants. New Citron, Lem.
Id Orange Peel. New Soft
ell Eng. Walnuts. Al
bads. Tine Nuts, Texas Pe
ts, Filberts, African Cream
Its Cranberries for that
LRKEY, Sweet Potatoes,
ilery and Lettu?e, Queen
Ives and Ripe Olives, Salad
in Gallons $1.15 Pure
ve Oil : : : :
Items of Personal
J Interest.
TO" . .
rruit inspector Eismaou pld Mer
linaboaine visit Monday.
J. Robert Stites, formerly of Will
ams is now assisting in one of Port
land g Urge clothing establishments.
Chan. Meserve .pen' Snnd ,ud
Monday in Medford and Jackson ille.
8 ",,er an important
white House
fier, put the kettle on, the boys are on
the way.
pin' home from all about to spend
Ihanksgivin' day.
judge, and one a doc., and one a
sungry tor tne Old noma aisa, ana
Hain old homelv fare. '
( the turkey once again, and crisp hi
olden brown,
they can't get grub like that a-lirin'
down to town.
tab'ry ease andlveg'tablee ain't they
ue 10 see r
boys are bringing appetites home to
you and me.
boys are brlngln other thingi, but
Nearest in our airht
are for us who keep the home, and faith
1 nd annum I
lier, put the kettle on, and hare the
i waier not,
SE & SANBORN'S coffee i the stuff
I that hits th mot.
pious, ain't it splendid when yon open
5 'If uiai un,
W the acsnt nt InWl Lemme sniff
p will smell it from the hill, and ho
i ttey'U hurry up,
hi from riiri Triaa frflm Ma. ao4
then a brimming cup.
ft ouse
Rev. Father Van, the Jackson
ville priest ass calling upon Father
Maeder. of St. Ann's Catholic
church in this city Monday.
Mrs. O. D. Caldwell, who has been
with her daughter. Mrs. Lloyd
Oehrett. for the past two months, left
for her Ashland home, Saturday.
E. C. Thompson was down from
Gold' Hill, a few days ago. for the
purpose of consulting with Dr. Find
ley, with regard to treatment for his
J. T. Hartley, one of the tubstan
tial and influential farmers of Will
iams Creek spent Monday and Tuesday
at the county seat, transacting busi
ness matters.
Marshall Stiles, one of the intelli
gent yoong dairymen of Williams
Creek section, ;went to Portland,
Toesday, In order to attend the meet
ing of the state dairy convention.
C. T. Booth baa moved out on
Jump-offJoe creek where be will pass
the next few months cutting wood for
the local market. He anticipates
realiziug a good figure for his work.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Tnngate re
turned to their Jacksonville home,
this week, after having been here for
some time, owing to illness in the
home of their sou-in-law, A. B. Elli
son. W. M. Hodson, the Medford auto
mobile dealer was in Grants Pass,
Saturday, looking after business in
terests. He reports that the automo
bile business is decidedly "off" jast
Will A. Leonard, who recently sold
his Holland place and who has been
located at Kerby for a lime, left this
week for the Coos Bay country, with
a view to making some property in
Arthur Ellison, the experienced
electrician is again able to be about
his duties, with the Condor Water &
Power Co., after a prolonged illness,
which has left him much the worse
for its attack.
R. K. Montgomery, who was for
merly S. P. agent at this station, but
who bas, during recent years been in
charge of tbe office at Qlendale,
Douglas county, will soon be transfer
red to this place, to teoome agent
A. E. Voorhles received word frcm
his wife and son, who are now at
Greenville, Mich., to spend tbe win
ter with relatives, that they en
countered some very cold weather.
Both of them aocceeded in contracting
bad colds, but they are otherwise en
joying the pleasant visit.
E. T. McKinstry, who is with the
forest reserve service, having in
charge the rock work on the trail now
being built from Galice to the coast
was called home, this week on ac
count of the severe illness of his little
child. However, he was enabled to
return to work Wedueiday.
p. C. Peterson and wife, of Fargo.
North Dakota have been looking this
country over, with a view to making
this their future abiding place. They
were unfortunate in having thir 1
money deposited in the defunct
Title. Trim & Guarantee Co. They
like this loealiiy and as soon as rneir
'ironey Is available they will likely
invest in property here.
Harry Cahill. the son of S. O. Cahill
of this city, ealled from San Fran
cisco, the other day, for Bolivia,
!?ooih America, where he will have a
lucrative position with a big Ameri
can railroad syndicate. He has a good
1 Imsices college education and first
took a position with a syndicate up
iu Washington state, where he dis
slaved splendid executive ability and
i -
his promotion came
s.-imence. Now he
1 per month and the job will likely last
two years.
Chas. G. Phillip, a prominent
! New York City resident and on the
editorial staff of the Dry Goods
' Fconomist. was the gnest of R. L.
Oe. the Grants Past merchant, for a
'few' da vs. 1" week. He was tocring
the cast and came here to look into
..hi rt cf the country. He was
HOiply amazed at the fine showing
made bv this valley. When he beheld
the excellent fruit display made in
the windows of the W. B. Sherman
I Realty Co.. he ;sked : "I. it "ax?
! much to the amazement cf Mr. Ue
-and others. He was mo-t favorably
Impressed with this country "and he
iwill undoubtedly -peak many good
words for thi vallevJohjshjf
' wtrtTfrieuds andjwqoaiutancw.
Jud Taylor is now assisting Cramer
! This week Geo. R. Riddle, the haid
ware man, received the painful news
that his graodmother, Mrs M.A. Rice,
of Dillard. Douglas county, bis
.c. luuiNM, was ueau. me oia
lady was 85 years of age and was very
highly esteemed fby all who knew her.
Sunday Mrs T. W. Pack left for her
old home in Boston, in response to a
telearam, announcing the serious ill
nes of her father. Mr. Tack, owing to
pressing business engagements was on
able to accompany her. He received
a telegram, Wednesday, announcing
the death of Mrs. Pack's father.
H. V. Meade, who for six years was
with the Conner, at the head of
thToomposiog room, but who has been
with tbe Dallas Observer for the past
several months, is in the city and may
locate here or somewhere in this vi
cinity, as he muoh prefers this cli
mate to that of Polk county. He re
ports that the flnaucial flurry bas been
severely felt op that way.
Tinner the h-adiog: "Redding
Looks Good to O'd Timer," the Red
ding, Cal., Courier-Free Press tells
of the presenoe in that city of H.
L. Kerzinger, the hustling Grante
Pass realty man, who is visiting in
that city for a few days, until hi
household goods arrive in this oity.
He was formerly engaged in the news
paper business at Redding, where he
and his estimable family have a host
of warm friends.
Ei-county Commissioner, C. F.
Lovelace was in from Wilderville,
Saturday, attending to some business
matter and incidentally shaking
bauds with some of his manv oounty
seat friends. Mr. Lovelace is known
as being one of tbe men who put forth
his best efforts in getting better
county roads. It was daring his term
of office that the good work was
commenced and it bas been going on
ever sinoe. His anility and exper
ience along this line were very val
uable to the people of Josephine
Peter Perzer, of Hugo 'Heights
Fruit Farm waa at the county seat,
oonsulting with members of the
Grants Pass Poultry Keepers Asso
ciation witb view to joining said
organization. He has sneut about t-V)
the past two years, in the chicken
raising business, but all he could
show for last year a trouble was a
One Rhode Island Red hen and thla
year he has a rooster of the same
variety I Ashe is a "oonflrmed old
bachelor," his neighbors think that
perhaps he would fare better io audi
matters if he had some children and a
"better half" to scare off the hawks,
as most of them have.
There came to my place near Wilder
ville, Wednesday, D.-c. 4, 1907, one
S-year old red steer 'with one horn,
right ear cropped, notch on left ear.
Owner can have lame by proving
property aod paying charges. 12 13 6t
Local Events.
News Notes From tha Business
Men to Readers.
"Tbe Geology of SiskWou Region and
the Marble Halls of Oregon," will be
the subject of the very interesting and
entertaining lectors which Hon. C B.
Watson will deliver in tbe Opera
Honse, Friday evening, DeeemW, 20.
Interior views of the wonderful Jose
phine caves will be given by meaus of
the stereopticon. The people of
Grants Pass should turn out en masse
to hear this able discourse. Dm't
miss this rare literary treat
In last week's Courier appeared a
patent medicine advertisement, pur
porting to be a testimonial from
Mrs. H. R. Veafcb, who denounces
the whole thing as outrageous, paying
that she not only had never oned the
medicine in question and most as
suredly that he did not reruiit her
name to be uxed by this company. Tbe
Courier, in justion to Mrs. Veatch
verf readily makes this explanation.
as a natural con
is to receive fiOO
- Razor Sets, Pearl
Handled Pen "Knives,
Carving Sets and many
other articles of HIGH
i..,k inrf Aj 1 risf ifcJlA. I .J
Boat t'uh Hynjp. Twe ia. Dm ff
In tne a..'i h? rtnifieii fft
I The city of Hood River has reduced
jits payroll toll. 60 per day, on all
j oity employment.
I The Tolono restaurant has again
changed hands, Albert Archer having
leaned the property from M. W.
Turner, the retiring operator.
Work on the rew warehouse being
erected by Cramer Bro. is progress
ing nicely. H Eastman & Son have
the brick work almost completed.
Freight business at the S. P. de
pot is again assuming large propor
tions and tbe Grante Pass merchants
are daily receiving large shipments of
holiday gcods.
Easterners can hardly realize that
the winter season is at he nd, as they
hear the robins, linnets and thrushes
singing among the madrono trees,
juat as though springtime was here.
Saturday and Monday tbe streets of
Grants Pass presented a very lively
aspect, many people being in from
all parts of the coonty to trade and
the merchants report a very floe
iuv r uuu iie cuuuuciea Dy ins
members of the Woman's Home Mis-1
slonary Society, at T. B. Cornell's
store, Saturday, waa very successful,
all the articles offered being quickly
taken by purohasera.
Work at the Grants Pass Cannery is
moving along nicely, the spray de
partment being run to its full capa
city. "Sampson's Spray" is in great
demand all over Southern Oregon.
As a matter of fact it keeps the local
manufacturers hustling to meet all the
demands for this product.
The Oregon Wool Growers' Associa
tion, whioh was recently in session,
profiting by tbe cooperation idea
which the fruit growers have so suo
oesafully carried out, will greatly re
duce the coat of salt they use, as they
have decided to buy and operate a
salt well of their own, in Utah.
It looks good to see the big boxes of
fish which are daily sent out of this
city by the Rogue River Fisherman's
Union to San Francisco. Los An
geles, Portland, Seattle aod other mar
kets and it means that there is a nice
payroll resulting therefrom. It is
roughly estimated that fully 1000
pounds are thus sent out every 24
"Savage's Hall," located ou Savage
Creek, is being greatly enlarged
and Improved. Tbe original
building waa 80xft0 feet in size.
A new dining room, 16x78 feet, a
kitchen, 15x10 feet and an 8xlA
dressing room has been added, mak
ing very comfortable quarters Xhere
will be a big social dance given there
Christmas night and another New
Tear's evening, both of which prom
ise to be very enjoyable affairs.
R. L. Coe, the merchant is doing
i some most valnabe missionary work
for this locality, by sending back
' east some fine samples of fruit to
parties thinking of coming west.
He also sends them some good adver
tising matter and information
' regarding the fruit growing industry. :
He finds that they are very much in
: terested in the Rogue River section
and believes that many of them will
come here to reside. Such efforts are
moat commendable and it everyone
woo Id do likewise, it would bring
about great reaults in this valley.
Sometimes one bas to go away
from home to learo home news. For
Instance, read this from the Jack
sonville Post : "At the city election
in Grants Pass J. C. Smith won over
L. B Hall for Mayor by 74 votes.
Councilmen are: T. P. Cramer,
James Tuffs, Charles Burkhalter,
Frank Fetich. Extreme bitterneaa
marked the close of the moniclpal
campaign. One of the sensational In
cidents was the forcible ejection of
A. B. Cornell, well known in Jack
sonville, a Hull worker, from the
office of Police Judge by C. H.
Clements. The Hall managers also
had challengers at the various polling I
places, which tended to increase the
Elsewhere in today's Courier is to
be found the statement of one of
Grants Pats' solid financial Institutions
The Grants Pass Banking & Trust
Co. This report furnishes good read-
ing for every citizen who tins the best '
inten-sts of this city and county at
heart. A perusal of its contents shows
conclusively that this bunk is in a most
excellent condition. For instaooe, no
tice that its line of deposit run np
nicely and that the bank actually has
cash on band and in banks In the
neighltorhood of 40 per cent of tbe
amount 93 'deposit. Such items are of
uicT; tX.V'l rnxelng importance and go to
shoff very certainly that this insti
tutiaa ' t :7afe hands and that the
people's money is leing well cared for.
Framed Pictures and Picture Kratn
ing at Hall's Art Stcre.
Worth yoor consideration one of
thoee'niee parlor. tables at 'Neill's. . . i
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
O'Neill Frames Pictures.
GotoComn tor Plumbing.
Picture Framing at Hall's.
M. Clemens Prescription DruitKiet.
A splendid line ol Koyal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron't
Pictures framed at O'Neill's.
Order your Tokay
Geo. H. Parker.
Grapes from
10-1S 6
R. L. Paraell, piano tuning, Phoue
698 or Musio Store, Grante Pass,
Ore. 8-80 if
Order Calling Cards for Christmas
now at the Courier offlje.
You ran get any thing yon want at
the NewRacket store. 13 6 at
For Tokay grape roots by the hund
red or thousand see J. T. Taylor.
Come to the home-made candy sale
at R. L. Ooe's store, Saturday p. m ,
Dec 14th.
Apples wanted. Have good offer
for a car. Charles Meierve, Manager
Grants Pais Fruit Growers Associa
tion, la-is n
Have yon seen the Calendar In
J.H. Alilf's Window, whioh they have
secured for their customers. It is
a beanty. '
t5 Shoes now selling at 13.60. All
shoes going at cost at W. J. Gardener
& Co., Dixon's old stand. 1115-flt
Cal'ing Cards make good Christmas
gifts, order them now at the Ooorier
The Woman's Home Missionary,
Society of Newmao M. E. Church will
give a Cooked Food Sale, Saturday
afternoon, at the grocery store of T.
B. Cornell, 13-8 It
I have a very large stock of Dia
monds, ranging in price from tS to
$300. Rings, Brooches, Pins, etc , at
Letcbers, Dixon's old stand. U-15-6L
Now is the time to set Indgs
plants. Cypress aod English Privet,
83.50 to $4 per 100. See J. T.Taylor
at of floe, near court house. 11-33 4t
For borne baking of all kinds, order
from Mrs. Gilfillan. Fruit Cake and
Mince Meat constantly on hand. Or
ders promptly filled, 'Phone 744.
13-13 4t
iy I want a Rogue River farm, I
level as possible, good soil and good ,
water well, Improved. I have Port
land Reeidenoe Property to Exchange'
for same. Oive price and full detail..
G. W. Barnes, Pasco, Wash., Frank
lin Co. '
WARE Makes the most accept
able presents for
Wo have in stock iihe
best assortment to " be
found in the City in the
1847 "Vintage"
Oneida Community
Forbes Silver Co.
Sterling Silver
Nut Sets
Shaving Sets
If you desire to make
useful as well as orna
mental gifts do not fail
to bome to us.
Odd Fellows Block
Carving Sets Sciwors Sets
See our Corner
Window. 4
Trees Trees
Fruit, Shade and Ornamental
Hedje Plants, Cyprus and Privet
Rom Buthes. Berry Plant, etc
I can save you money at least
on some of these things. Try
me and see ,
Office in bricjc building,
Near Court House.
, Kl 14 t1 i
mere is wrung nicer
For a suitable Christmas Proseut than something in
the line of Oood Jewelry. That is where we can
help you out, for we havo a Fine assortment of
Choioe Goods, such as all kinds of Gold and Silver
ware, Clocks, Watches and tho like.
You Will Be Pleased
If wo fill your orders. Our Goods are Up-To-Date
and our prices aro Uight. Como and hcm; for yourelf
We do all kinds of repairing and
guarantee entire satisfaction
Next door to
City Hall
The Grant Paus
is well supplied with
Holiday Goods
All useful Articles at IJOTTOM 1'IUCKS
Come and make your selections
and have them laid aside for
Christmas delivery.
A. U. BANNARD. n st.
SJ lltl lift v'vvvv'ti "