ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON DECEMBER 13. 1907. NEW CHRISTMAS GOODS Box Papers Smoking Sets Hall Sets Toilet Cases Brushes Mirrors Hand Bags Shaving Sets Prices Right. Quality First Class The Model Dru$ Store Front Street. Opposite Depot WOLF CREE Our Holiday Line COMPRISES A FINE SELECTION OF Hand Painted China Copyright Books Cut Glass Gift and Children's Cloessoime Vases Books Leather Goods Brushes and Mirrors Fine Perfumes Pictures and Christmas Calendars Stationery Games of all kinds WC INVITE YOUR INSPECTION C. H. DEMARAY, Druggist This big "Wolf Creek Ranch." with it 3000 acre of choice land is being pat ia excellent condition and will, we believe, eventually become thickly ettled. Messrs. E. W. Knykendall and Judge J. O. Booth, its owner are put ting forth mach effort to bring this a boat. Everything ont thii way ia looking good. Tti's g one of the best season for the oattle men ever known here about There is an abundance of oat aide feed and consequently the cattle are fat and in prima condition for the market. The owners will not have tn feed very much this year. Much interest ia being taken ia the mining industry In these parts. Many prospectors are at work and a large number of them are already delving into the riches of mother earth on Coyote Creek and others on Wolf Creek. We predict that this season will be a record breaker in the matter of bringing the mines to a developiug point in this entire region. Many newcomers are wending their way hither, in qnest of mines, land and to look the country over. Among others are some experienced Alaska mining men who think that there is a great fa tore in etc re for this sec tion. Health is uncommonly good in this neck of the woods. But for that matter it ia that way all the year round. The doctors can't count very mnch npon getting patients from oar section. Our school is progressing nicely, with Miss Bessie MoColm, who, by the way, is making a fine ran for that priie whioh is offered by The Sugar Pine Store. Here's hoping that she will win it. She is ex tremely popular with onr people, aa her splendid vote shows. Thanksgiving was observed by one and all. Many were the big dinners and family reunions. There is every indication tbat we will bare much building and improve ment, in the spring. In fact alieady there ia talk along this Una. Ruble Bros, are fatting everything in readiness for operating' their fine placer mines. J. C. Dysert and part ner are also making like preparations. The latter parties have the very promising Lehman property. Well. So Loog, MORE ANON. t U1TEU WILLIAM f The Thanksgiving season pasted off very pleasautly in this neighborh ol. One of the pleasantest affairs of the day was when about 70 friends cf the Rev. Hoxie invited him to enjoy a ; big Turkey dinner which they took to his home and whioh was greatly en. joyed by oue and alL J. D. Graham expects to soon have his new creamery in full operation and he will improve the plant right along, as the needs demand. Chat. Hoxie is bosily engaged in patting his shingle mill in operation and he fully expects to have it run ning in the coarse of the next 30 day. , Friday, November 29. Professor Jasper N. Miller clossd a very success ful term of school in this district Excellent reuitatlons, singing aud the like, together with some One niosia by Mr. Graham's phonograph, made it a very delightful occasion. There have been 84 pupils enrolled, from the pri mary to the eighth grade and efficient work has been done by the scholars, who range in ages from 6 to 18 yours. So well pleased were the parents that the di rotors have engaged Prof. Miller to teach another term. This is one of the neatest and best school buildings iu the valley. It is new and has many modern conveniences. The building has nice eqoipment.and good work ia being done by Prof. Miller. "Old Glory" floats from the building, thus early inculcating in the minds of the rising generation patriotic instincts and a love for all that is good. The people of this district feel that they have been very fortanate in securing the servioss of so able an instructor as Prof. Miller and tbey are lending him all the assistance in their power, by co-operating with him. Plana are on foot, looking to the having of match game of football between the Q. P. A. A. 0. team and that of the Ohioo, Cal, Kormal, at this place, New Year's day. The Ohioo people play the Ashland Nor mal Christmas. SAVE Y0WIR MONEY And Buy & F&irim Heres your best chance to make some good money and you will miss it if you do not jump at this opportunity. 1 10 off On all goods at Letcher's Jewelry Store up to and including FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20. Remember that the place is E. C. Dixon's old store. This great cut in prices is for the pur pose of inducing people to buy their holiday goods early. After that date the regular price will prevail. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE HUSH!!! L 1 -J rtf T57 Ted To) PASS JEWELER : 1) E E 1U X G Wednesday night the flood sates of 1 neaven were bnrstod wide open, the uiunder bayed aad lightning glittered and old Jnpe Plnvine got in his work in regolar Or iiou winter style and so far, w have heard no one murmu'ing ror me god old summer time "We hate had a v ry pleasant fall, bat not profitable to the many placer diggiuns and it is no wonder they have been shooting f r central to "ring on more rain." Let the water come as it will All op the n lorl reservoirs and watersheds and prove a blessing to the people in the coming dry season. L. R. and D. L, Webb made a trip to Waldo Saturday and returned w'th a load of provisions. The hv r .t - - ... v work on their California copper claims near the ornamental mine Our genial neighbor, Sam Egger presented ye soribe with a box of line apples that were grown by him last se son. Sam is building up a fine home surrounded by orchard and meadow, preparatory to enjoying his hard earned "Eveaiug of Life." Somehow or other we have a hun gering affection for Sam. " Touiaie ' Gilligao, Will Payne and Chas. Mockon Thanksgiving day re paired to the Utters home where they feasted as only bachelors know how. Their goese was cooked." A lone foot passenger came all the way by band from Crescent Oily en route to Grants Paass. He deserve a hero medal," aa ' he came via Smith river trail We see that "Red Cloud" la still able to tear out great chunks of at mosphere and throw around promts oously. "Shorty" will take a piece of his anatomy and nlay football with it one of these days. There is a subscriber to the Courier in South Dakota' who wrote to L. R. Webb that ' the Courier Is read by his family and then passed around to the neighbors, who are aoxiously waiting for it. Now what do you think of that? Soppoae there ' was a : eopy mailed to every town ' In the United States mat Canada to some Individual would it not he the means of advertis ing the many home' qualities of Jose phine county? 1 Resident of onr fair county can yod not boost this matter along? "Uncle Ebe" will do all he can as soon aa the Wolf stops howling at his ioor. W are a good deal like W.' A. Hood of Grants Pats, raise all w have to live on by mean of th garden, ex cept floor, sugar and elothing. Bnt somehow or other baking powder and salerato did sot do very well this year. , , While writing these item, the clonds ware momentarilly lifted and behold! the higher elevation of th Siskiyous to the east of us are covered with snow while at onr valley alti tude, moo feet above see Jevel not a flake baa fallen. E DEN. COFFEE There is a time for ood tea, and a time for pood coffee; there is no time for poor either. Your srftc.r rMursi y.ur nosey If r.s JhI Uk. Sihilling'i Itckt. we pet hnn STOP THE STRENUOUS LIFE Weaken the Tissues and Lessens Organic Vitality. THE GRANTS The strsss and strain of the streon nos lift) In both city and ooontry tands towards stomach troubles. Five D'oule safTer todsy where one did years ago with sick headivhe. d ness. flatulence, distress alter eating, specks before Mm eyes, bloating, nervousness, slesrdesoess anl tlie many oter symptoms of indigestion. All who are soffrriug witli stomaoh trouble, aud that means at least two out of three in Grants 1'sss and other towns, shoald use Mi-o-na stomach tubers. Nothing else is as safe, yet reeetive; nothing else can be so thoroogbly relied ujxm to relieve all troubles from indigestion as Mi-o-ra. It is not a mere digestive taken after the food is eaten, but a true tonic, stimulant and strengthener for the muscular walls of the stomach, in creasing th flow of digestive fluids and potting tb stomach into such a condition thst it dots tin- work Na ture expects of it. Ho reliable Is Mi n na in its cura tive action that I)emarav, with every 50 cent box give he sells a guarantee to refrind the money miles the rn medy does all that is claimed for it. It Is Not Too Late yet to get some of these nice things we have been promising you FOR CHRISTMAS We do not claim to have a complete assortment but we feel coufident that we have some article of value for you, and will be pleaded to have you visit TheQualityShop before you decide upon all these gifts you intend to give Japanese Assortment CHINA and GLASSWARE Just Arrived Mrs. J. C. Gamble 412 Front Street. S. V. MOODY WOOD YARD Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434 1 Load Blocks ...$3.00 Htove Wood 1 TierManzanita. .$3.00 ITier Oak $3.00 ITier Fir..' ...".$2.50 1 Tier Pine .". .,.$2.25 . Chunk Wood ITier Oak $275 1 Tier Fir...... $2.25 ITier Pine.!. $2.00 1 Load Sawdust 50 1 Load Kindling;....... .7 First Of Southern GRANTS PASS, OREGON Bank Oregon Some of the Services that a Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The simplest and safest way of keeping your money is by deposit iriR it in a Reliable Bank. This Bank receives Deposits Subject to Check, or on Demand Certificates of Deposit or on Time Certificates of Deposits. On Time Deposits we pay 4 per cent interest. DRAFTS The Best and Cheapest way to Transfer Money is by Bnnk Draft. We sell Drafts payable in all parts of the country. LOANS One of the most important (auc tions of the Bunk, Wt endeavor to sufj isonrWe needy of vW .... Whit worth doing is worth doinr well. If you wib to be cu'ed of Klienrns tiHui. uki Kallard's Know Liniment and you will be "well cured. " A positive cure for rijiraiu. Neuralgia, lirni'-s, Oititraeled Mules and all the ills that flesh is h-ir to. A. ti. M. Williams, Navaifta. Tex, writes: "I have ned Snow Liniment for strained ankle arid it ge the. best of satisfaction. I always keep it in the house." For sale by National iirug Co., and by Deiuaray. . . ., Capirat vm , $73,000 Stockholders' Additions! Ke.pon.ibil'ly $30,000 Of MCEKS j. v.. iiAix.'r.w.cnt . C. Camphk.LL, Vlre-JVesiileut II. L. OlLKrr, Cum he i li. K. IUL'wj-.t i, Aixt. Cashier V ksii y i 11 tx- i !. PIONLER ASSAYING AND KENNING COMPANY Capital tOO.OOO, established 27 years, (iol.l. lla Bullion. Cyanides. Illoh Ore, eli. Sunlit, Spot null ou assay value. All work by mntitt. HI Fifth Street Near V S. Mini SAN TRANCISCO. CAL. W .. aa .1 m i rilSSl